Дорогие первокурсники!
I am glad to announce that the first series of Orders of Admission have been signed (https://ma.hse.ru/prikaz2017) meaning that since August 14, 2017 fifteen applicants gained the status of students of the PEP Master’s program at the Higher School of Economics!
Other such Orders are forthcoming to replenish this cohort.
Now you are the members of our PEP team, and you have about two years ahead to acquire better understanding of the world around, to get new skills and new friends, to develop new ideas and prepare new tracks for your future.
Success of our common enterprise depends on the students’ efforts and attitudes no less, than on professors’ skills and wisdom. I very much hope that our 4th cohort of PPE students, coming from different corners of the world, speaking different languages, having various intellectual backgrounds and life experiences, will be smart enough to convert this huge human capital into common good.
Our first meeting is scheduled for the 1st of September at 16:40 in the main building of the Higher School of Economics at Myasnitskaya 20. It will take place in room 101located right behind the entrance, near elevators.
Two years is a short period, there is no time to waist – your first classes will start just after this meeting.
With best wishes,
O. Ananyin,
academic supervisor of the Master’s program “Politics. Economics. Philosophy”