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Почему пользователи смартфонов и планшетов использую мобильный банкинг?

Исследование Вероники Белоусовой и Николая Чичканова 'Why do Smartphone and Tablet Users Adopt Mobile Banking?' опубликовано в монографии 'Handbook of Financial Econometrics, Mathematics, Statistics, and Machine Learning'

Предлагаем ознакомиться с аннотацией исследования:

'Purpose: Increased penetration of mobile phones has built great opportunities for increasing the level of financial inclusion around the world. Digital channels help banks in not only attracting new customers but also in ensuring that the existing ones remain loyal. This chapter studies the incentives to encourage the use of mobile banking by smartphone and tablet users.

Design/methodology/approach: An online survey is conducted to explore possible relations between the potential determinants of the intention to use mobile banking. The model is assessed with Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) technique.

Findings: The results show that perceived usefulness and perceived efforts tend to be the most significant factors in the adoption of mobile banking. However, such factors as perceived risks, compatibility with lifestyle and social influence are found to be insignificant due to some cultural and institutional features attributed to CIS countries.

Originality/value: This chapter contributes to the field of m-banking studies by focusing on both smartphone and tablet users. At least, the majority of respondents represent Y and Z generations who seem to move from traditional banking to digital channels.'

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