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Registration and abstract submission

Practicalities          Abstract submission         School schedule            Our lectures            Contacts

In ordee to take part in our Summer school, fill in the registration form
Registration deadline - June 1st, 2016

To complete your registration, please pay the registration fee via the payment page.When paying the fee please use the same name in English you used in the registration form. 

If you have any questions please contact the organizers.

Cost of participation in the Summer School
Free – for students and employees of the National Research University Higher School of Economics
500 rub (7 ) – for students from other universities
1 000 rub (14 ) – for others 

Poster session
In addition to the invited talks, one poster session will be held during the school.  The purpose of the poster session is to provide an informal platform for scientists, clinicians and students to network and exchange ideas, share information and expertise on current clinical and research developments in the field of neurolinguistics, and take away new insights to implement in their own work.  We invite all participants to submit abstracts to participate in the poster session.  

Submissions are invited on all topics related to the neural aspects of language functioning and impairment, assessment and treatment. Example topics include, but are not limited to:

 - Aphasia 
 - Neurogenic communication disorders
 - Speech pathology and therapy
 - Language development and neuroplasticity
 - Electrophysiology of language
 - Neuroimaging of language
 - Neurosurgery and language

Abstracts must be written in English and limited to 500 words (excluding the references and the title). Abstracts will be selected on the basis of the clarity of research, the soundness of methodology and the contribution to the field. Each abstract will be reviewed anonymously by the scientific committee, so please do not include any identifying information in the body of the abstract. There will be no printed proceedings.

Abstract submission deadline - May 23rd, 2016

Submissions sent by e-mail will not be reviewed.

Poster session themes and authors

1. Reorganization of language networks in people with aphasia: resting state fMRI data. V. Zavyalova, O.Dragoy, S. Kuptsova, N. Canessa, A. Petrushevsky, O. Fedina,  S. Cappa 

2. Differences in verb and noun comprehension in aphasia. Soloukhina Olga, Isaev Dmitry, Akinina Yulia, Ivanova Maria 

3. Free Open-Source Computer-Based Aphasia Trainer. Vladislav Tushkanov, Olga Drozd & Albert Davoyan, HSE 

4. Are effects of transcranial direct current stimulation of Broca’s area specific to language? Svetlana Malyutina, Matteo Feurra, HSE 

5. The Russian Object and Action naming test: On the way to The Russian Linguistic Intraoperative Protocol. Valeriya Tolkacheva, Anna Chrabaszcz, Svetlana Buklina, Anna Poddubskaya, Olga Dragoy 

6. Mechanisms of attentional control in automatic lexical access. Ekaterina Stupina, HSE 

7. Effects of argument structure on verb processing in different types of aphasia. Anna Maloletnyaya & Svetlana Malyutina, HSE 

8. The role of gestures in overcoming of lexical deficiency in patients with aphasia. Viktoriia Kshniaskina, Olga Dragoy, HSE 

9. Impact of degree of handedness on language representation in the brain. Tatyana Bolgina, Svetlana Malyutina, Viktoria Zavyalova, Ignatyev Grigoriy, Ushakov Vadim, Akinina Yulia, Ivanova Maria, Dragoy Olga

10. Cerebral functional connectivity in the sentence comprehension in aphasic patients.  Nayeli Ramirez Morales, Gregorio Garcia-Aguilar & Luis Quintanar Rojas 

11. Speech-Language Pathologists' Perceptions of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) for People with Aphasia. Mali Gil, Tal Lebel, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of Haifa, Israel 

12. Communication with Patients with Communication Disorders in a Rehabilitation Hospital: Healthcare providers’ Perceptions and Practices. Mali Gil Galit Ben-Or, Aren Awad & Bat-El Katz, Loewenstein Hospital & Tal Lebel, University of Haifa 

13. Compensatory Strategies by Linguistic Register in Spanish-speaking Aphasia Patients: A Case Study. Maria Turrero-Garcia & Eva Garcia-Vazquez, University of Oviedo 

14. Sensitivity to contextual cues to identify generics in semantic aphasia. Daniel Karchewski, Olga Dragoy, Olga Buivolova, Zoya Cherkasova, HSE 

15. Developmental dyslexia. Complex problem – complex method. An example of a successful treatment of one child with developmental dyslexia. Svetlana Dorofeeva 

16. Syntactic processing deficits in the speech of aphasic patients. Aleksandra Krstic & prof. Dr Sabina Halupka Rešetar 

17. Automated analysis of Russian CliPS corpus. Kira Shulgina, HSE


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