Summer Neurolinguistics School 2019
The Center for Language and Brain at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) invites you to join us in Moscow, Russia, for our sixth annual Summer Neurolinguistics School on July 1-3, 2019.
This year, the topic is Experimental Linguistics in Less-studied Languages.The school will be devoted to psycho- and neurolinguistic studies in languages that have been under-represented in experimental research so far.
Our confirmed speakers are:
- Diogo Almeida, New York University Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
- Roelien Bastiaanse, University of Groningen / National Research University Higher School of Economics
- Kasper Boye, University of Copenhagen
- Mariya Khudyakova, National Research University Higher School of Economics
- Maria Polinsky, University of Maryland / Harvard University
- Irina Sekerina, College of Staten Island – The City University of New York / National Research University Higher School of Economics
The school will also feature solicited poster presentations.
What to expect?
The purpose of the school is to serve both as an educational event for students entering the field and as an academic environment where researchers can exchange ideas and discuss the latest achievements in the field.
The school program will include three days of invited talks discussing psycho- and neurolinguistics findings from less-studied languages including but not limited to: Russian, Bulgarian, Danish, Greenlandic, Norwegian, West Greenlandic, Tagalog, Georgian, Arabic, Turkish, Indonesian, Thai. These data can provide unique insights on universal and language-specific mechanisms of language processing.
Besides the invited talks, the school will feature a poster session. Submissions focusing on this year’s topic are particularly encouraged but we also welcome submissions on a broader range of neuro- and psycholinguistic topics.
Who should be interested?
The program will be of interest to professionals and students in the fields of Linguistics (both experimental and theoretical), Psychology, Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, Speech-Language Pathology and related fields. The lectures will provide relevant content both for students who are just entering the field and for advanced researchers.
Participation cost
Students of the National Research University Higher School of Economics: free
Students of other universities: 500 RUB (appr. 7 euros)
Non-student participants: 1 000 RUB (appr. 15 euros)
10 May 2019 - abstract submission deadline
20 May 2019 - notification of acceptance of abstracts
5 June 2019 – registration deadline
1-3 July 2019 - meeting dates
Important information
- The event venue is: Moscow, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Staraya Basmannaya, 21/4 Building 1, Room 501 (lectures) and 503 (coffee breaks and poster session). The closest metro stations are Kurskaya / Krasnye Vorota / Baumanskaya.
- The working language of the Summer School is English. No translation to Russian will be provided.
- To attend the school, participants need to register and pay the registration fee if applicable.
- Abstract submissions are encouraged but not required to participate in the school.
- If you need a visa to enter Russia, please see our practicalities page for further information.
Should you have any questions, please contact us at
We look forward to meeting you in Moscow!
Previous summer schools
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