Special Criteria for Student Research Papers Submitted for the NIRS Competition in Economics and Finance
All research papers submitted to a NIRS competition in Economics or Finance must have a title page, which should onlyshow the following:
- Title of research paper;
- Competition: (Bachelor’s/Master’s category) Attention: Please only specify the Bachelor’s option if you are currently pursuing a Bachelor’s programme. In all other instances, indicate the Master’s competition:
Abstract (up to 200 words);
Keywords (up to 7 words);
Subject: (select one subject from the list)
For economics: microeconomics, macroeconomics, mathematical economics, applied economics, other (indicate the subject field);
For finance: banks, financial markets, financial firms, other (indicate the subject field).
JEL classifier (can be selected here: https://www.aeaweb.org/econlit/jelCodes.php)
Recommended size for a student research paper without appendices and a bibliography: 40,000 symbols.
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