Публикации в ведущих международных реферируемых журналах в 2009
Основные публикации за 2009 г.
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"Markov-switching in target stocks during takeover bids"
Journal of Empirical Finance, December 2009, v. 16, № 5, pp. 745-758
Sergey Gelman and Bernd Wilfling (University of Muenster)
"Trade Blocs" and "Trade Pacts"
Geoffrey Golson & Charles Wankel (eds.), Business in Today's World, Beverly Hills: Sage Publishing, 2009,
Betschinger Marie-Ann
"How the Distribution of Income Affects the Distribution of Vehicle Vintages"
MPRA working paper available at ssrn.com.
Yurko Anna
"Article about Paul Krugman"
HSE Economic Journal, vol.13 (2009), № 1
Zakharenko Roman
"Causes and Lessons of the Past Economic Crises in the US: Great Depression of the 1930s and Recession of the 1970s"
Journal: Economicheskaya Politika, 2009. № 6. pp. 42-58
Sokolov Vladimir
"On the conference Rationality, Behaviour and Experiments"
Voprosy economiky №9 2009
Belianin Alexey, E.Shilkina
"Reference article on the book by V.Smith"
Voprosy economiky №9, 2009
Belianin Alexey
"Economic Crises in the US: Great Depression of the 1930s and Recession of the 1970s"
World Financial Crisis: Historic Parallels and Ways Out, eds. E. Gaidar, V. Mau, Moscow: Alpina Publishers, 2009, December
Sokolov Vladimir