Yuri Norstein, the renowned Russian animation director, is probably best known for his iconic animation film Hedgehog in the Fog. A new exhibition at Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center offers an extensive overview of the works created by him together with his wife and partner, artist Francesca Yarbusova. The project celebrates Yuri Norstein’s 80th birthday.
Tag "exhibition"
An outdoor photo exhibition has opened on the fence of the Trinity Church on Khokhlovsky Lane, a few minutes-walk from the HSE Faculty of Media and Communications and the Pokrovka complex.
For everyone in snowy Moscow who misses real-life exhibitions, classical art, and sunny landscapes.
The NOW exhibition, featuring works by alumni of the Design and Contemporary Art profile, will continue its run at the HSE ART GALLERY for one more weekend before it ends on October 11. HSE News Service spoke with the featured artists about how they answered the question ‘Who are we right now?’ and what they would like to convey to viewers with their work.
The ‘Collection’ Museum opened a year ago in the centre of Moscow, on Solyanka Ulitsa. It is a private museum of antiques belonging to David Iakovashvili. Today, the museum offers online excursions around its exhibitions with English subtitles.
A huge Salvador Dalí exhibition is open at the Manege, right next to Red Square, until March 25.
The 7th Pristine Russia Festival will last until February 16 in Moscow. The festival celebrates nature preservation and nature photography.
The New Tretyakov gallery is showing a retrospective of Vasily Polenov, renowned classical 19th-century Russian painter. The exhibition is open until February 16th, 2020.
The HSE ART Gallery is opening its second season with an animation and illustration exhibition by first-year students. The exhibition was prepared as part of a course designed and taught by Russian artist Pavel Pepperstein in HSE’s Art & Design School this spring.
On June 18, the HSE Art Gallery opened a new exhibition, Comrades of Light, a full-scale installation simulating the space of a Soviet apartment with barely noticeable mutations and distortions. Within this space an alternative history of the Soviet Union unfolds on a sequence of matchbox labels, some of which are copies of real labels from the 1950-80s, and some of which are the creations of project authors Alexandra Kuzetsova and Darya Dolgopolova.