Starting April 22, a number of new regulations concerning self-isolation and quarantine will go into effect in Moscow.
Starting Wednesday, April 15, residents will be required to obtain digital permits in order to travel within Moscow and the Moscow Region by any form of public or private transport.
Currently, most museums and exhibitions in Moscow are closing. But still, you don’t need to stop enjoying culture and educating yourself. Many Moscow museums offer online tours and virtual exhibitions.
A huge Salvador Dalí exhibition is open at the Manege, right next to Red Square, until March 25.
The 7th Pristine Russia Festival will last until February 16 in Moscow. The festival celebrates nature preservation and nature photography.
January 14 completes the winter holiday cycle in Russia. This oxymoronic holiday is not as festive as the New Year celebration, but has some traditions, too.
New Year is probably the most important and widely celebrated holiday on the Russian calendar and a sumptuous feast with close ones is an essential part of the celebration. You can try each of the New Year specialties throughout the year, but on the New Year night, you’ll see most of them at any Russian home.
On December 24, the exhibition ‘What Time Are You? A Walk in the Game Time’ will open at HSE Art Gallery.
There are a lot of skating rinks in Moscow, but some of them are especially popular, thanks to their signature locations and beautiful surroundings.