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Публикации 1996 года:

  • Bradshaw, J. and Chen, J-R. 1996. Poverty in the UK: A Comparison with Nineteen Other Countries. LIS Working Paper No.147, Luxembourg Income Study: Luxembourg.
  • Kolev, A. 1996. Poverty Analysis in Russia: What Can We Learn from the RLMS Round VI? The World Bank: Washington, DC. Mimeo.
  • Lindberg, L.D. Women`s Decisions About Breastfeeding and Maternal Employment. Journal of Marriage & Family. 1996. Vol. 58. Issue 1, p. 239-251.
  • Newell A., Reilly B. 1996. The Gender Wage Gap in Russia: Some Empirical Evidence. Labour Economics 3(3).
  • Nizamova, A. 1996. The Regional Differentiation on Poverty in East-European Countries. Luxembourg Income Study, Working Paper No. 161.
  • Popkin, B.M., Zohoori, N., Baturin, A. 1996. The Nutritional Status of the Elderly in Russia, 1992 through 1994. American Journal of Public Health86(3): 355-360.
  • Popkin, Barry M., Alexander Koustantinovich Baturin, Lenore Kohlmeier, and Namvar Zohoori. 1997. Russia: Monitoring Nutritional Change during the Reform Period. In Implementing Dietary Guidelines for Healthy Eating, edited by V. Wheelock. London: Blackie Academic & Professional.
  • Popova, M. 1996. Income Inequality and Poverty of Economies in Transition. Luxembourg Income Study, Working Paper No. 144.
  • Robinson, D., Kline, L. 1996. Aesthetics, Exposure, and Impact: Distributing Public-use Data on the World Wide Web. Presented at the AnnualMeeting of the Population Association ofAmerica, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 9-11, 1996.



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