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Лекция Доминика Ливена "The Emperor in World History"

Мероприятие завершено

Международная лаборатория региональной истории России приглашает на лекцию Доминика Ливена (Лондонская школа экономики) "The Emperor in World History", которая состоится 2 марта в 18:30 (онлайн, на платформе Zoom) в рамках совместного лектория Лаборатории и Фонда Михаила Прохорова.

Аннотация доклада: 

The lecture is based on Prof. Dominic Lieven's forthcoming book "Close to Heaven. The Emperor in World History". The three pillars of the book are the human being and biography, hereditary monarchy, and empire. Emperors were some combination of sacred monarchs, warrior-kings, chief political officers, chief executive officers, and impresarios of court life and their regime's propaganda apparatus. To what extent and how these roles were combined depended partly on individual choice but also on religious, cultural, and dynastic tradition and culture. To some extent, the book can be summed up as a study of leadership and of the role of agency and structure. It is a work of history, though it has some relevance for the contemporary world. Among its key themes, for example, are the politics of succession and the political roles of women as well as geopolitics and great-power relations. Of course, it is impossible during a one-hour lecture to do more than hint at the aims, methods and conclusions of such a large project.

Для участия в мероприятии необходимо пройти регистрацию по ссылке (for the registration form in English, please, click here). Данные для входа в конференцию Zoom будут высланы после регистрации, не позднее чем за два часа до начала мероприятия.

Рабочий язык:  английский .

По всем вопросам можно обращаться к менеджеру лаборатории Наталии Бересневой (nberesneva@hse.ru)