В ноябре Гийем Гамар и Александр Шень провели мини курсы "Комбинаторика слов" и "Случайность и псевдо-случайнойсть".
Докладчик: Денис Волк, КПМГ (https://sites.google.com/site/denissergeevichvolk/)
27 Ноября 18.00 - 19:30
Ауд. 403, ул. Родионова 136
Тема: Математические модели в нейронауке
27 Ноября 18.00 - 19:30
Ауд. 403, ул. Родионова 136
Тема: Математические модели в нейронауке
5 декабря 2017 года Юлия Афанасьева (ФИНАМ) поделится опытом разработки инвестиционных стратегий.
Начало в 18.30, ауд. 4406, ул. Шаболовка, 26.
Начало в 18.30, ауд. 4406, ул. Шаболовка, 26.
23 ноября 2017 года Дмитрий Долгих (КПМГ) рассказывает об опыте оценки и проведения сделок M&A.
Начало в 18.30, ауд. 2206, ул. Шаболовка, 26.
Начало в 18.30, ауд. 2206, ул. Шаболовка, 26.
We have the pleasure to announce that the 5th edition of the Digiprize challenge has been launched. This year, ESSCA offers again the opportunity for your institution and students to participate in its Digiprize challenge, a challenge of ideas and innovations reserved for young people aged 17-25. Prestigious international companies like L’Oréal, Alibaba, Sony Music, Warner bros.. and startups like Lydia, Babbler, Megacities Institute are supporting partners of the Digiprize challenge.
The 5th edition of Digiprize is online and calls for participants to present their new ideas for apps, products or services for our digital world. Students can fill in their projects online until the 11 th of January 2018.Applying to Digiprize competition is simple: students can develop their idea on their own or as part of a team, then submit their project by answering a few questions online. The awards ceremony will be held on February 13th, 2018 in Paris and students from one of ESSCA’s partner universities will be awarded with the International Prize.
The International Prizeconsists in 5 free tuitionsfor the ESSCA’s Paris Summer session. The four-week Paris Summer Program offers three course pairings like: International Business Management; Digital Culture, Innovation and New Market, and French Language & French Culture and Civilization.
We would like to ask you for your help in communicating our Digiprize Challenge within your institution to ensure that a maximum number of students can participate and represent your university’s innovation skills! Perhaps one of your professor of entrepreneurship/innovation can communicate on Digiprize during their classes?
In order to better communicate on the Digiprize competition here is some support in English
- The Digiprize Competition web site in English (https://digiprize.essca.fr/fr/challenges/digiprize?lang=en)
- A PDF of the competition posters and flyers in English that you can print locally
You can follow Digiprize on Twitter @digiprizeESSCA or like our Digiprize Facebook page
The 5th edition of Digiprize is online and calls for participants to present their new ideas for apps, products or services for our digital world. Students can fill in their projects online until the 11 th of January 2018.Applying to Digiprize competition is simple: students can develop their idea on their own or as part of a team, then submit their project by answering a few questions online. The awards ceremony will be held on February 13th, 2018 in Paris and students from one of ESSCA’s partner universities will be awarded with the International Prize.
The International Prizeconsists in 5 free tuitionsfor the ESSCA’s Paris Summer session. The four-week Paris Summer Program offers three course pairings like: International Business Management; Digital Culture, Innovation and New Market, and French Language & French Culture and Civilization.
We would like to ask you for your help in communicating our Digiprize Challenge within your institution to ensure that a maximum number of students can participate and represent your university’s innovation skills! Perhaps one of your professor of entrepreneurship/innovation can communicate on Digiprize during their classes?
In order to better communicate on the Digiprize competition here is some support in English
- The Digiprize Competition web site in English (https://digiprize.essca.fr/fr/challenges/digiprize?lang=en)
- A PDF of the competition posters and flyers in English that you can print locally
You can follow Digiprize on Twitter @digiprizeESSCA or like our Digiprize Facebook page
2 ноября состоится обучающий семинар по базе Thomson Reuters.
Шаболовка, 26, ауд. 3231, с 15.00 до 16.30.
Вход свободный, желающие учиться могут прийти.
Шаболовка, 26, ауд. 3231, с 15.00 до 16.30.
Вход свободный, желающие учиться могут прийти.
С 20 по 22 октября в НИУ ВШЭ-Пермь состоялся краткосрочный курс повышения квалификации «Программирование на языке Python для сбора и анализа данных», который провел Илья Щуров, доцент кафедры высшей математики НИУ ВШЭ.