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Список работников НИУ ВШЭ, которым назначена надбавка за публикацию в международном рецензируемом научном издании (3 уровня) на 2022-2023 гг.

 СотрудникКампус/КампусыБиблиографическое описание публикаций, за которые назначена надбавка
  Аббакумов Дмитрий Федорович Москва Abbakumov D., Desmet P., Van den Noortgate W. Rasch model extensions for enhanced formative assessments in MOOCs // Applied Measurement in Education. 2020. Vol. 33. No. 2. P. 113-123.

Abbakumov D., Desmet P., Van den Noortgate W. Psychometrics of MOOCs: Measuring Learners’ Proficiency // Psychologica Belgica. 2020. Vol. 60. No. 1. P. 115-131.

  Абрамешин Андрей Евгеньевич Москва Tyutnev A., Vladimir Saenko, Evgenii Pozhidaev, Andrey Abrameshin. Radiation-induced conductivity in polyethyleneterephthalate and polyimide: Trap distribution effects // Results in Physics. 2021. Vol. 28. P. 104672-1-104672-6.
  Авдашева Светлана Борисовна Москва Avdasheva Svetlana, Orlova Yulia. Effects of long-term tariff regulation on investments under low credibility of rules: Rate-of-return and price cap in Russian electricity grids // Energy Policy. 2020. No. 138. Article 111276.
  Авдохин Аркадий Сергеевич Москва Avdokhin A., Shakhov Y. Christianizing Statues Unawares? Imperial Imagery and New Testament Phrasing in a Late Antique Honorifi c Inscription (IEph 4.1301) // Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik. 2020. Vol. 216. P. 55-68.
      Avdokhin A. Offering Wreaths, Hybridizing Genres: An Unusual Third-Century Mummy Label (P. Ross. Georg. 1, 14) // Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik. 2021. Vol. 220. P. 233-239.
      Avdokhin A. Singers Silently Speaking: Psalmists in Inscriptions from Late Antique Middle Egypt (Bawit) // Journal of Early Christian Studies. 2021. Vol. 29. No. 4. P. 607-636. 
  Аверкиева Ксения Васильевна Москва Gunko M., Kinossian N., Pivovar G., Averkieva K., Batunova E. Exploring agency of change in small industrial towns through urban renewal initiatives // Geografiska Annaler, Series B: Human Geography. 2021. Vol. 103. No. 3. P. 218-234.
  Ажмяков Вадим Викторович Москва Bonilla M., Blas L., Azhmyakov V., Malable M., Salazar S. Robust structural feedback linearization based on the nonlinearities rejection // Journal of the Franklin Institute. 2020. Vol. 357. No. 4. P. 2232-2262.
  Азарнерт Леонид Викторович Санкт-Петербург Azarnert L. V. Health Capital Provision and Human Capital Accumulation // Oxford Economic Papers. 2020. Vol. 72. No. 3. P. 633-650.
  Аистов Андрей Валентинович Нижний Новгород; Санкт-Петербург Aistov A., Aleksandrova E., Gerry C. Voluntary private health insurance, health-related behaviours and health outcomes: evidence from Russia // European Journal of Health Economics. 2021. Vol. 22. No. 2. P. 281-309.
  Акельев Евгений Владимирович Москва Akelev E. Is It Possible to Make Money from Beards? The Beard Tax and Russian State Economics at the Beginning of the Eighteenth-Century // Cahiers du Monde Russe. 2020. Vol. 61. No. 1-2. P. 81-104.
      Акельев Е. В. Режимы публичности и верховная власть в Московском царстве и Российской империи // Cahiers du Monde Russe. 2021. Т. 62. № 4. С. 785-814.
  Акопов Сергей Владимирович Санкт-Петербург Ferguson I., Akopov S. The Politics of Russian Revisionism: Diplomacy of a Worldview, 2011–14 // Russian Politics. 2021. Vol. 6. No. 4. P. 453-477.
  Аладышкина Анна Сергеевна Нижний Новгород Aladyshkin A. Yu., Aladyshkina A. S., Bozhko S. I. Observation of Hidden Parts of Dislocation Loops in Thin Pb Films by Means of Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy // Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2021. Vol. 125. No. 48. P. 26814-26822.
  Алдошин Сергей Михайлович Москва Palii A., Алдошин С. М., Tsukerblat B. Mixed-valence clusters: Prospects for single-molecule magnetoelectrics // Coordination Chemistry Reviews. 2021. Vol. 426. P. 1-23.
  Александрова Екатерина Александровна Санкт-Петербург Aleksandrova E., Behrens K., Kuznetsova M. Manufacturing (co) agglomeration in a transition country: Evidence from Russia // Journal of Regional Science. 2020. Vol. 60. No. 1. P. 88-128.
      Aistov A., Aleksandrova E., Gerry C. Voluntary private health insurance, health-related behaviours and health outcomes: evidence from Russia // European Journal of Health Economics. 2021. Vol. 22. No. 2. P. 281-309.
      Aleksandrova E., Bagranova V., Gerry C. J. The effect of health shocks on labour market outcomes in Russia // Cambridge Journal of Economics. 2021. Vol. 45. No. 6. P. 1319-1336.
      Walters M. K., Jahagirdar D., Novotney A., Aleksandrova E., Meylakhs P., Hmwe H. K. Global, regional, and national sex-specific burden and control of the HIV epidemic, 1990–2019, for 204 countries and territories: the Global Burden of Diseases Study 2019 // The Lancet HIV. 2021. Vol. 8. No. 10. P. 633-651.
  Александров Юрий Иосифович Москва Bakhchina A. V., Apanovich V., Arutyunova K. R., Alexandrov Y. Analytic and Holistic Thinkers: Differences in the Dynamics of Heart Rate Complexity When Solving a Cognitive Task in Field-Dependent and Field-Independent Conditions // Frontiers in Psychology. 2021. Vol. 12. Article 762225.
  Алексеева Татьяна Анатольевна. Санкт-Петербург Tatyana A. Alexeeva, Barnett W. A., Kuznetsov N. V., Mokaev T. N. Dynamics of the Shapovalov mid-size firm model // Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 2020. Vol. 140. Article 110239.
      Tatyana A. Alexeeva, Nikolay A. Shirokov. Constructive Description of H{\"o}lder-like Classes on an Arc in $\mathbb{R}^3$ by Means of Harmonic Functions // Journal of Approximation Theory. 2020. Vol. 249. Article 105308.
      Alexeeva T., Kuznetsov N. V., Mokaev T. N. Study of irregular dynamics in an economic model: attractor localization and Lyapunov exponents // Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 2021. No. 152. Article 111365.
  Алескеров Фуад Таги оглы Москва Aleskerov F. T., Gavrilenkova I., Shvydun S., Yakuba V. I. Power Distribution in the Networks of Terrorist Groups: 2001–2018 // Group Decision and Negotiation. 2020. Vol. 29. No. 3. P. 399-424.
      Aleskerov F. T., Demin S., Richman M., Shvydun S., Trafalis T. B., Yakuba V. I. Constructing an Efficient Machine Learning Model for Tornado Prediction // International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making. 2020. Vol. 19. No. 5. P. 1177-1187.
  Алиев Алексей Арифович Москва Aliyev A. What Is a Novel? // Estetika : The Central European Journal of Aesthetics. 2021. Vol. 58. No. 1. P. 19-34.
      Aliyev A. The Novel as a Performing Art // Philosophia. 2021. Vol. 49. No. 3. P. 941-955.
  Алиева Ольга Валерьевна Москва Alieva O. Theology as Christian Epopteia in Basil of Caesarea // Journal of Early Christian Studies. 2020. Vol. 28. No. 3. P. 373-394.
  Алсуфьев Артем Иванович Санкт-Петербург Shakina E., Parshakov P., Alsufiev A. Rethinking the corporate digital divide: The complementarity of technologies and the demand for digital skills // Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 2021. Vol. 162. Article 120405.
  Алфимов Михаил Николаевич Москва Alfimov M., Feigin B. L., Hoare B., Litvinov A. Dual description of eta-deformed OSP sigma models // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 2020. No. 12. P. 1-45.
  Ананьев Иван Вячеславович Москва Larin A. A., Shaferov A. V., Kulikov A. S., Pivkina A. N., Monogarov K. A., Dmitrienko A. O., Ananyev I., Khakimov D. V., Fershtat L. L., Makhova N. N. Design and Synthesis of Nitrogen-Rich Azo-Bridged Furoxanylazoles as High-Performance Energetic Materialsv // Chemistry - A European Journal. 2021. Vol. 27. P. 14628-14637.
      Chaplygin D. A., Ananyev I., Fershtat L. L., Makhova N. N. Divergent Synthesis of Five-Membered Nitrogen Heterocycles via Cascade Reactions of 4-Arylfuroxans // Synthesis. 2020. Vol. 52. No. 18. P. 2667-2678.
      Larin A. A., Shaferov A. V., Epishina M. A., Melnikov I. N., Muravyev N. V., Ananyev I., Fershtat L. L., Makhova N. N. Pushing the Energy-Sensitivity Balance with High-Performance Bifuroxans // ACS Applied Energy Materials. 2020. Vol. 3. No. 8. P. 7764-7771.
      Anisimov A., Ananyev I. Interatomic exchange-correlation interaction energy from a measure of quantum theory of atoms in molecules topological bonding: A diatomic case // Journal of Computational Chemistry. 2020. Vol. 41. No. 25. P. 2213-2222.
      Ananyev I., Друзина А. А., Косенко И. Д., Жидкова О. Б., Тимофеев С. В., Брегадзе В. И. Novel Cobalt Bis(dicarbollide) Based on Terminal Alkynes and Their Click‐Reactions // European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2020. Vol. 2020. No. 27. P. 2658-2665.
      Ananyev I., Тесленко Ф. Е., Чураков А. И., Ларин А. А., Ферштат Л. Л., Махова Н. Н. Route to 1,2,4-and 1,2,5-oxadiazole ring assemblies via a one-pot condensation/oxidation protocol // Tetrahedron Letters. 2020. Vol. 61. No. 13. P. 151678-1-151678-5.
      Chernyshov I. Y., Ananyev I., Pidko E. A. Revisiting van der Waals Radii: From Comprehensive Structural Analysis to Knowledge‐Based Classification of Interatomic Contacts // ChemPhysChem. 2020. Vol. 21. No. 5. P. 370-376.
  Андрюшечкин Борис Владимирович Москва S.L. Kovalenko, B.V. Andryushechkin, K.N. Eltsov. STM study of oxygen intercalation at the graphene/Ni(111) interface // Carbon. 2020. Vol. 164. P. 198-206.
      T.V. Pavlova, Шевлюга В. М., B.V. Andryushechkin, G.M. Zhidomirov, K.N. Eltsov. Local removal of silicon layers on Si(1 0 0)-2 × 1 with chlorine-resist STM lithography // Applied Surface Science. 2020. Vol. 509. P. 145235.
  Аникеева Василиса Евгеньевна Москва Kirill N. Boldyrev, Vasilisa E. Anikeeva, Marina N. Popova, Semenova O. I. Infrared Spectra of the CH3NH3PbI3 Hybrid Perovskite: Signatures of Phase Transitions and of Organic Cation Dynamics // Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2020. Vol. 124. No. 42. P. 23307-23316.
  Аникин Василий Александрович Москва Anikin V. A. Training poverty in India: Reassessing the effect of social ascription // International Journal of Training and Development. 2021. Vol. 25. No. 3. P. 277-300.
  Антипкина Инна Вениаминовна Москва Antipkina I., Ludlow L. Parental Involvement as a Holistic Concept Using Rasch/Guttman Scenario Scales // Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 2020. Vol. 38(7). P. 846-865.
  Антонов Михаил Валерьевич Санкт-Петербург Antonov M. Formalism, Decisionism and Conservatism in Russian Law. Leiden : Brill, 2021.
  Апресян Валентина Юрьевна Москва Апресян В. Ю., Шмелев А. Д. Асимметрия ‘близкого’ и ‘далекого’: темпоральные значения // Russian Linguistics. 2020. Т. 44. № 3. С. 203-230.
      Apresyan V., Lopukhina A., Zarifyan M. Representation of Different Types of Adjectival Polysemy in the Mental Lexicon // Frontiers in Psychology. 2021. Vol. 12. Article 742064.
  Арефьев Николай Викторович Москва Arefyev N., Kharchev D., Shelmanov A. NB-MLM: Efficient Domain Adaptation of Masked Language Models for Sentiment Analysis, in: Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP). Association for Computational Linguistics, 2021. P. 9114-9124.
  Аржанцева Ирина Аркадьевна Москва Kuitems M., Panin A., Scifo A., Arzhantseva I., Kononov Y., Doeve P., Neocleous A., Dee M. Radiocarbon-based approach capable of subannual precision resolves the origins of the site of Por-Bajin // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2020. Vol. 117. No. 25. P. 14038-14041.
      Haruda A. F., Ventresca Miller A. R., Tazhekeev A. A., Bilalov S., Haerke H. G., Arzhantseva I. The earliest domestic cat on the Silk Road // Scientific Reports. 2020. Vol. 10. No. 11241. P. 1-12.
  Аржанцев Иван Владимирович Москва Arzhantsev I., Bragin S., Zaitseva Y. Commutative algebraic monoid structures on affine spaces // Communications in Contemporary Mathematics. 2020. Vol. 22. No. 8. P. 1950064: 1.
  Аронин Александр Семенович Москва Abrosimova G., Volkov N., Tran V. T., Pershina E., Aronin A. Amorphous structure rejuvenation under cryogenic treatment of Al-based amorphous-nanocrystalline alloys // Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2020. Vol. 528. P. 119751.
      Andrei M. Ionov, Chekmazov S. V., Usov V., Aronin Alexander S.,, Nesterova M. E., Semenov V. N., Shvetsc I. V., Bozhko S. I. Deformation and fracture of crystalline tungsten and fabrication of composite STM probes // Ultramicroscopy. 2020. Vol. 218. No. 11. P. 113083.
      Aksenov O., Fuks A.A., Aronin A.S. The effect of stress distribution in the bulk of a microwire on the magnetization processes // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2020. Vol. 836. P. 155472.
  Арсеев Петр Иварович Москва Rozhansky I. V., Mantsevich V., Maslova N., Arseyev P., Averkiev N., Lähderantad E. Ultrafast electrical control of optical polarization in hybrid semiconductor structure // Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures. 2021. Vol. 132. Article 114755.
  Артамонов Сергей Юрьевич Москва Artamonov S., Runovski K., Schmeisser H. Approximation by families of generalized sampling series, realizations of generalized K-functionals and generalized moduli of smoothness // Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2020. Vol. 489. No. 1. P. 1-19.
  Арутюнян Вардан Геворгович Москва Arutiunian V., Lopukhina A. The effects of phonological neighborhood density in childhood word production and recognition in Russian are opposite to English // Journal of Child Language. 2020. Vol. 47. No. 6. P. 1244-1262.
      Arutiunian V., Lopukhina A., Minnigulova A., Shlyakhova A., Davydova E., Pereverzeva D., Sorokin A., Tyushkevich S., Mamokhina U., Danilina K., Dragoy O. Expressive and Receptive Language in Russian Primary-School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder // Research in Developmental Disabilities. 2021. Vol. 117. Article 104042.
  Афанасьева Анна Эдгардовна Москва Afanasyeva A. E., Renner A., Vishlenkova E. A. Medical Geography in Imperial Russia: A Transnational Concept at the Service of the Empire, 1770–1870 // Jahrbucher fur Geschichte Osteuropas. 2021. Vol. 69. No. 1. P. 3-29.
  Ахметьев Петр Михайлович Нижний Новгород; Москва Akhmet’ev P., Medvedev T. V., Pochinka O. On the Number of the Classes of Topological Conjugacy of Pixton Diffeomorphisms // Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems. 2021. Vol. 20. Article 76.
      Cépas O., Akhmet’ev P. Topological interpretation of color exchange invariants: hexagonal lattice on a torus // SCIPOST PHYSICS. 2021. No. 10. P. 1-20.
      Akhmet’ev P. On a higher integral invariant for closed magnetic lines, revisited // Journal of Geometry and Physics. 2021. No. 170. Article 104379.
  Бабенко Артем Валерьевич Москва Gorishniy Y., Rubachev I., Khrulkov V., Babenko A. Revisiting Deep Learning Models for Tabular Data, in: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (NeurIPS 2021). Curran Associates, Inc., 2021. P. 18932-18943.
      Khrulkov V., Mirvakhabova L., Oseledets I., Babenko A. Latent Transformations via NeuralODEs for GAN-based Image Editing, in: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021., 2021. P. 14428-14437.
      Cherepkov A., Voynov A., Babenko A. Navigating the GAN Parameter Space for Semantic Image Editing, in: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021. IEEE, 2021. P. 3671-3680.
      Morozov S., Voynov A., Babenko A. On Self-Supervised Image Representations for GAN Evaluation, in: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2021). ICLR, 2021.. ICLR, 2021. P. 1-17.
      Khrulkov V., Babenko A. Neural Side-by-Side: Predicting Human Preferences for No-Reference Super-Resolution Evaluation, in: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021. IEEE, 2021. P. 4988-4997.
  Багратиони Константин Амиранович Москва Bagrationi K., Thurner T. Using the future time perspective to analyse resistance to, and readiness for, change // Employee Relations. 2020. Vol. 42. No. 1. P. 262-279.
  Баженов Сергей Владимирович Москва Bazhenov S V, Melkina O. E., Fomin V. V., Scheglova E. S., Krasnik P. V., Khrulnova S. A., Zavilgelsky G. B., Manukhov I V. LitR directly upregulates autoinducer synthesis and luminescence in Aliivibrio logei // PeerJ. 2021. Vol. 9. Article e12030.
  Бакланова Кристина Дмитриевна Москва Dolganov V., Baklanova K.D., Dolganov P.V. Optical properties and photonic density of states in one-dimensional and three-dimensional liquid-crystalline photonic crystals // Liquid Crystals. 2020. Vol. 47. No. 2. P. 231-237.
      P.V. Dolganov, Zverev A. S., K.D. Baklanova, Dolganov V. K. Dynamics of capillary coalescence and breakup: Quasi-two-dimensional nematic and isotropic droplets // Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2021. Vol. 104. No. 1. Article 014702.
  Бакланов Артем Павлович Санкт-Петербург Bednar J., Obersteiner M., Baklanov A., Thomson M., Wagner F., Geden O., Allen M., Hall J. W. Operationalizing the net-negative carbon economy // Nature. 2021. No. 596. P. 377-383.
      Baklanov A., Garimidi P., Gkatzelis V., Schoepflin D. PROPm Allocations of Indivisible Goods to Multiple Agents, in: Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-21). International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence, 2021. P. 24-30.
      Baklanov A., Garimidi P., Gkatzelis V., Schoepflin D. Achieving Proportionality up to the Maximin Item with Indivisible Goods, in: The Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Technical Tracks 6 Vol. 35. Issue 6. AAAI Press, 2021. P. 5143-5150.
  Балаева Ольга Николаевна Москва Gurkov I. B., Kokorina A. O., Saidov Z., Balaeva O. Rituals of Opening Ceremonies of Overseas Manufacturing Facilities of Multinational Corporations in Russia // Thunderbird International Business Review. 2021. Vol. 63. No. 2. P. 145-157.
  Балашев Сергей Александрович Санкт-Петербург Balashev S., Gupta N., Kosenko D. N. OH in the diffuse interstellar medium: physical modelling and prospects with upcoming SKA precursor/pathfinder surveys // Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2021. Vol. 504. No. 3. P. 3797-3811.
  Балыкин Виктор Иванович Москва Gritchenko A. S., Eremchev I. Y., Naumov A. V., Melentiev P. N., Balykin V. I. Single quantum emitters detection with amateur CCD: Comparison to a scientific-grade camera // Optics and Laser Technology. 2021. Vol. 143. Article 107301.
  Балюкин Игорь Игоревич Москва Baliukin I., Izmodenov V., Алексашов Д. Б. Heliospheric energetic neutral atoms: Non-stationary modelling and comparison with IBEX-Hi data // Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2020. Vol. 499. No. 1. P. 441-454.
      Kornbleuth M., Opher M., Baliukin I., Izmodenov V., Dialynas K. The Development of a Split-tail Heliosphere and the Role of Non-ideal Processes: A Comparison of the BU and Moscow Models // Astrophysical Journal. 2021. Vol. 923. Article 179.
      Kornbleuth M., Opher M., Baliukin I., Dayeh M. A., Izmodenov V., Fuselier S. Signature of a Heliotail Organized by the Solar Magnetic Field and the Role of Nonideal Processes in Modeled IBEX ENA Maps: A Comparison of the BU and Moscow MHD Models // Astrophysical Journal. 2021. Vol. 921. Article 164.
      Катушкина О. А., Baliukin I., Izmodenov V., Алексашов Д. Б. Imprints of the secondary interstellar hydrogen atoms at 1 AU // Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2021. Vol. 504. P. 2501-2508.
  Банков Дмитрий Викторович Москва Stepanova E., Bankov D., Khorov E., Lyakhov A. On the Joint Usage of Target Wake Time and 802.11ba Wake-Up Radio // IEEE Access. 2020. Vol. 8. P. 221061-221076.
  Банников Михаил Игоревич Москва Bannikov M. I., Akzyanov R. S., Zhurbina N. K., Khaldeev S., Selivanov Y., Zavyalov V., Rakhmanov A. L., Kuntsevich A. Breaking of Ginzburg-Landau description in the temperature dependence of the anisotropy in the nematic superconductor // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2021. Vol. 104. No. 22. Article L220502.
  Барабашев Алексей Георгиевич Москва Nezhina T. G., Barabashev A. G., Prokofiev V. N., Utkina V. Public Personnel Job Satisfaction and Retention: The Effects of Perceived Image and Prestige of Government Jobs // International Journal of Public Administration. 2021. Vol. 44. No. 16. P. 1435-1445.
  Барталев Сергей Александрович Москва Zharko V., Bartalev S., Sidorenkov V. Forest growing stock volume estimation using optical remote sensing over snow-covered ground: a case study for Sentinel-2 data and the Russian Southern Taiga region // Remote Sensing Letters. 2020. Vol. 11. No. 7. P. 677-686.
  Батхина Анастасия Александровна Москва Grigoryev D., Batkhina A., van de Vijver F., Berry J. W. Towards an integration of models of discrimination of immigrants: From ultimate (functional) to proximate (sociofunctional) explanations // Journal of International Migration and Integration. 2020. Vol. 21. No. 3. P. 667-691.
      Stupar-Rutenfrans S., Verdouw P. C., van Boven J., Ryzhkina O. A., Batkhina A., Aksoz-Efe I., Hamzallari O., Papageorgopoulou P., Uka F., Petrović N., Statovci A., Rutenfrans-Stupar M., Garbin Praničević D., Zahaj S., Mijts E. Ethnic outgroup aggression: A pilot study on the importance of emotion regulation, nationalism and susceptibility to persuasion // International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 2021. No. 84. P. 79-85.
  Бацына Екатерина Константиновна Нижний Новгород Mikhail V. Batsyn, Ekaterina K. Batsyna, Ilya S. Bychkov. NP-completeness of cell formation problem with grouping efficacy objective // International Journal of Production Research. 2020. Vol. 58. No. 20. P. 6159-6169.
      Mikhail V. Batsyn, Ekaterina K. Batsyna, Ilya S. Bychkov, Panos M. Pardalos. Vehicle assignment in site-dependent vehicle routing problems with split deliveries // Operational Research. 2021. Vol. 21. P. 399-423.
  Бацын Михаил Владимирович Нижний Новгород Mikhail V. Batsyn, Ekaterina K. Batsyna, Ilya S. Bychkov. NP-completeness of cell formation problem with grouping efficacy objective // International Journal of Production Research. 2020. Vol. 58. No. 20. P. 6159-6169.
      Mikhail V. Batsyn, Ekaterina K. Batsyna, Ilya S. Bychkov, Panos M. Pardalos. Vehicle assignment in site-dependent vehicle routing problems with split deliveries // Operational Research. 2021. Vol. 21. P. 399-423.
  Бекназаров Назар Сохибжонович Москва Beknazarov N., Jin S., Poptsova M. Deep learning approach for predicting functional Z-DNA regions using omics data // Scientific Reports. 2020. Vol. 10. P. 19134.
  Белан Сергей Александрович Москва Vladimirova N., Shavit M., Belan S., Falkovich G. Second-harmonic generation as a minimal model of turbulence // Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2021. Vol. 104. No. 1. Article 014129.
      Starkov D., Parfenyev V., Belan S. Conformational statistics of non-equilibrium polymer loops in Rouse model with active loop extrusion // Journal of Chemical Physics. 2021. Vol. 154. P. 1-12.
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  Белова Екатерина Васильевна Москва Gavrikov A. V., Ilyukhin A. B., Belova Ekaterina V., Yapryntsev A. D., Dobrokhotova Z. V., Khrushcheva A. V., Efimov N. N. Rapid preparation of SmCoO3 perovskite via uncommon though efficient precursors: Composition matters! // Ceramics International. 2021. Vol. 46. No. 9. P. 13014-13024.
  Белова Мария Владимировна Москва Demina M.V., Sinelshchikov D. On the integrability of some forced nonlinear oscillators // International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. 2020. Vol. 121. Article 103439.
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  Белянин Алексей Владимирович Москва Azanova M., Herrojo-Ruiz M. D., Belianin A. V., Klucharev V., Nikulin V. Resting-State Theta Oscillations and Reward Sensitivity in Risk Taking // Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2021. Vol. 15. Article 608699.
  Беневоленский Владимир Борисович Москва Stefan Toepler, Pape U., Vladimir Benevolenski. Subnational Variations in Government-Nonprofit Relations: A Comparative Analysis of Regional Differences within Russia // Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice. 2020. Vol. 22. No. 1. P. 47-65.
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  Бессмертный Александр Игоревич Москва Rozenberg J. M., Zvereva S., Dalina A., Blatov I., Zubarev I., Luppov D., Bessmertnyi A. I., Romanishin A., Alsoulaiman L., Kumeiko V., Kagansky A., Melino G., Ganini C., Barlev N. A. The p53 family member p73 in the regulation of cell stress response // Biology Direct. 2021. Vol. 16. No. 1. Article 23.
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  Близнец Иван Анатольевич Санкт-Петербург Alferov V., Bliznets I. New Length Dependent Algorithm for Maximum Satisfiability Problem, in: Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Technical Tracks 5 Vol. 35. Issue 5. AAAI Press, 2021. P. 3634-3641.
  Бобер Станислав Алексеевич Москва Aksenov S. A., Bober S. A., Guskova M. Mapping of initial conditions for libration point orbits // Advances in Space Research. 2021. Vol. 68. No. 6. P. 2501-2514.
  Бобкова Ирина Вячеславовна Москва Rabinovich D., I.V. Bobkova, Bobkov A. Electrical response of superconductor/ferromagnet/topological-insulator/superconductor junctions to magnetic texture dynamics // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2020. Vol. 101. No. 5. P. 1-10.
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  Бобровский Максим Викторович Москва Khanina L., Bobrovsky M. Value of large Quercus robur fallen logs in enhancing the species diversity of vascular plants in an old-growth mesic broad-leaved forest in the Central Russian Upland // Forest Ecology and Management. 2021. No. 491. Article 119172.
  Богачев Владимир Игоревич Москва Bogachev V. Non-uniform Kozlov-Treschev averagings in the ergodic theorem // Russian Mathematical Surveys. 2020. Vol. 75. No. 3. P. 393-425.
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      Bogachev V., Shaposhnikov S. Representations of solutions to Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov equations with coefficients of low regularity // Journal of Evolution Equations. 2020. Vol. 20. No. 2. P. 355-374.
      Bogachev V., Röckner M., Shaposhnikov S. On the Ambrosio–Figalli–Trevisan Superposition Principle for Probability Solutions to Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov Equations // Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations. 2021. Vol. 33. No. 2. P. 715-739.
      Богачев В. И., Косов Е. Д., Попова С. Н. О распределениях однородных и выпуклых функций от гауссовских случайных величин // Известия РАН. Серия математическая. 2021. Т. 85. № 5. С. 25-57.
      Bogachev V., Krasovitskii T. I., Shaposhnikov S. On uniqueness of probability solutions of the Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equation / Пер. с рус. // Sbornik Mathematics. 2021. Vol. 212. No. 6. P. 745-781.
  Бодрова Алина Сергеевна Москва Бодрова А. С., Зубков К. Ю. Дух и детали: Практики цензурного чтения и общественный статус цензора в предреформенную эпоху (случай И.А. Гончарова) // Die Welt der Slaven. Internationale Halbjahresschrift für Slavistik. 2020. Т. 65. № 1. С. 123-141.
  Болдырев Алексей Сергеевич Москва The LHCb c., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Philippov A., Popov S. Searches for low-mass dimuon resonances // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 10. Article 156.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Hushchyn M., Derkach D., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., Chekalina V., Baranov A. Constraints on the K0S→μ+μ− Branching Fraction // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 125. No. 23. Article 231801.
      Aaij R., Boldyrev A., Beteta C. A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., Arzymatov K., Баранов А. С., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Chekalina V., LHCb C. Observation of Several Sources of 𝐶𝑃 Violation in 𝐵+→𝜋+𝜋+𝜋− Decays // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 124. No. 3. P. 031801.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Ustyuzhanin A., Chekalina V., Boldyrev A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Baranov A., LHCb c. Updated measurement of decay-time-dependent CP asymmetries in D0→K+K− and D0→π+π− decays // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. Vol. 101. No. 1. P. 1-12.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Maevskiy A., Kazeev N., Ustyuzhanin A., Hushchyn M., Boldyrev A., Ratnikov F., Arzymatov K., Baranov A., Belavin V., Chekalina V., LHCb c. Search for A′→μ+μ− decays // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 124. No. 4. P. 1-12.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Гайнцева Т. А., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Филиппов А. А., LHCb C. Amplitude analysis of the B+→D+D−K+ decay // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. Vol. 102. No. 11. Article 112003.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Филиппов А. С., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Measurement of the shape of the B0s→D∗−sμ+νμ differential decay rate // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 2020. No. 12. P. 1-31.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Belavin V., Arzymatov K., Hushchyn M., Ratnikov F., Kazeev N., Курбатов Е. О., Ustyuzhanin A., Boldyrev A., Ryzhikov A., Maevskiy A., Popov S., LHCb c. Study of the lineshape of the χc1(3872) state // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. Vol. 102. No. 9. Article 092005.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., LHCb C. Search for CP violation and observation of P violation in Λ0b→pπ−π+π− decays // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. Vol. 102. No. 5. P. 051101.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., A. Boldyrev, D. Derkach, M. Hushchyn, N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ryzhikov, A. Ustyuzhanin, K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, M. Borisyak, S. Popov. Search for the doubly heavy Ξ0𝑏𝑐 baryon via decays to D0pK− // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 11. No. 095. P. 1-20.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Ustyuzhanin A., Borisyak M., Hushchyn M., Derkach D., Kazeev N., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Maevskiy A., Boldyrev A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Popov S. First branching fraction measurement of the suppressed decay Ξ0c→π−Λ+c // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. No. 102. P. 071101.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., S. Popov, Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Observation of Enhanced Double Parton Scattering in Proton-Lead Collisions at at √sNN = 8.16 TeV // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 125. No. 21. P. 1-13.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, A. Boldyrev, M. Borisyak, D. Derkach, M. Hushchyn, N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ustyuzhanin. Isospin amplitudes in Λ0b→J/ψΛ(Σ0) and Ξ0b→J/ψΞ0(Λ) decays // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 124. No. 11. P. 1-11.
      The LHCb C., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Measurement of the Λ0b→J/ψΛ angular distribution and the Λ0b polarisation in pp collisions // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 2020. No. 6. Article 110.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Study of the ψ2(3823) and χc1(3872) states in B+→(J/ψπ+π−)K+ decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 2020. No. 8. Article 123.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Observation of structure in the J/ψ-pair mass spectrum // Science Bulletin. 2020. Vol. 65. No. 23. P. 1983-1993.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Hushchyn M. Measurement of CP observables in B±→DK± and B±→Dπ± with D→K0SK±π∓ decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 6. P. 58.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, A. Boldyrev, M. Borisyak, D. Derkach, M. Hushchyn, N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ustyuzhanin. First observation of excited Ω−b states // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 124. No. 8. P. 1-12.
      The LHCb c., A. Boldyrev, D. Derkach, M. Hushchyn, N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ustyuzhanin, K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, M. Borisyak. Measurement of CP violation in B0→ D∗±D∓ decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 03. Article 147.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, A. Boldyrev, M. Borisyak, D. Derkach, Hushchyn M., N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ryzhikov, A. Ustyuzhanin. Search for the lepton flavour violating decay B+→K+μ−τ+ using B∗0s2 decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 06. No. 129. P. 1-18.
      LHCb C., A. Boldyrev, D. Derkach, M. Hushchyn, N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ryzhikov, A. Ustyuzhanin, K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, M. Borisyak. Measurement of Ξ++cc production in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV // Chinese Physics C. 2020. Vol. 44. No. 2. Article 022001.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., LHCb C. Search for CP violation and observation of P violation in Λ0b→pπ−π+π− decays // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. Vol. 102. No. 5. P. 051101.
      The LHCb C., A. Boldyrev, D. Derkach, M. Hushchyn, N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ustyuzhanin, K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, M. Borisyak. Observation of the semileptonic decay B+→pp¯μ+νμ // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 03. Article 146.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., LHCb C. Measurement of the branching fraction of the decay B0s→K0SK0S // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. Vol. 102. No. 1. P. 012011.
      The LHCb C., K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, A. Boldyrev, M. Borisyak, D. Derkach, M. Hushchyn, N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ustyuzhanin. Test of lepton universality with Λ0b→pK−ℓ+ℓ− decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 05. Article 140.
      The LHCb c., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., Belavin V., Arzymatov K., Maevskiy A., Ryzhikov A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Borisyak M., Boldyrev A., Kazeev N. Precision measurement of the B+c meson mass // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 07. Article 123.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., Maevskiy A., Belavin V., Arzymatov K., Hushchyn M., Ryzhikov A., Derkach D., Kazeev N., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M. Measurement of CP-averaged observables in the B0→K∗0μ+μ− decay // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 125. P. 011802.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., Arzymatov K., Maevskiy A., Belavin V., Hushchyn M., Ryzhikov A., Kazeev N., Borisyak M., Boldyrev A., Derkach D. Search for the rare decays B0s→e+e− and B0→e+e− // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 124. P. 211802.
      The LHCb c., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., Maevskiy A., Derkach D., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Kazeev N., Hushchyn M., Ryzhikov A. Observation of a new baryon state in the Λ0bπ+π− mass spectrum // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 06. Article 136.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., A. Boldyrev, D. Derkach, M. Hushchyn, N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ustyuzhanin, K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, M. Borisyak. Precision measurement of the 𝛯++𝑐𝑐 mass // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 02. No. 049. P. 1-17.
      LHCb C., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A. Search for the doubly charmed baryon Ξ cc // Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy. 2020. Vol. 63. No. 2. Article 221062.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Gaintseva T., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Measurement of the relative branching fractions of B+→h+h'+h'− decays // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. Vol. 102. No. 11. Article 112010.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Gaintseva T., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G., LHCb C. Model-Independent Study of Structure in B+→D+D−K+ Decays // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 125. No. 24. Article 242001.
      LHCb C., Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Gaintseva T., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Strong constraints on the b → sγ photon polarisation from B0 → K∗0e+e− decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 12. Article 81.
      Aaij R., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Observation of the Λ0b→Λ+cK+K−π− decay // Physics Letters B. 2021. No. 815. Article 136172.
      Aaij R., Abellán Beteta C., Ackernley T., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Measurement of the prompt-production cross-section ratio σ(χc2)/σ(χc1) in pPb collisions at sNN=8.16 TeV // Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2021. Vol. 103. No. 6. Article 064905.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., T. Gaintseva, M. Hushchyn, Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., A. Philippov, S. Popov, Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Measurement of CP observables in B±→D(∗)K± and B±→D(∗)π± decays using two-body D final states // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Article 81.
      The LHCb c., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Mokhnenko S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Philippov A., Popov S. Simultaneous determination of CKM angle γ and charm mixing parameters // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Article 141.
      The LHCb c., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Philippov A., Popov S. Updated search for 𝐵+𝑐 decays to two charm mesons // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Article 117.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Ackernley T., Adeva B., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Maevskiy A., Попов С. А., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Angular analysis of 𝐵0→𝐷∗−𝐷∗+𝑠 with 𝐷∗+𝑠→𝐷+𝑠𝛾 decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Article 177.
      The LHCb c., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Philippov A., Popov S. Measurement of J/ψ production cross-sections in pp collisions at s√ = 5 TeV // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Article 181.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Филиппов А. С. Observation of the 𝐵0𝑠 → D*±D∓ decay // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 2021. No. 3. P. 1-18.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., T. Gaintseva, M. Hushchyn, Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., A. Philippov, S. Popov, Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Observation of CP violation in two-body B0(s)-meson decays to charged pions and kaons // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 2021. No. 3. Article 75.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., T. Gaintseva, M. Hushchyn, Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., A. Philippov, S. Popov, Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. First observation of the decay B0s→K−μ+νμ and measurement of |Vub|/|Vcb| // Physical Review Letters. 2021. Vol. 126. No. 8. Article 081804.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Филиппов А. С. Observation of New Resonances Decaying to J=ψK+ and J=ψφ // Physical Review Letters. 2021. Vol. 127. No. 8. Article 082001.
      The LHCb collaboration -., Aaij R., Abdelmotteleb A. S., Abellán Beteta C., Ackernley T., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Search for the doubly charmed baryon 𝛯+𝑐𝑐 in the 𝛯+𝑐𝜋−𝜋+ final state // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Article 107.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Search for CP violation in 𝐷+(𝑠)→ℎ+𝜋0 and 𝐷+(𝑠)→ℎ+𝜂 decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 6. Article 19.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Measurement of CP Violation in the Decay B+→K+π0 // Physical Review Letters. 2021. Vol. 126. No. 9. Article 091802.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Angular Analysis of the B+→K*+μ+μ− Decay // Physical Review Letters. 2021. Vol. 126. No. 16. Article 161802.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Search for long-lived particles decaying to e±μ∓ν // The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. 2021. Vol. 81. No. 261. P. 1-16.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Measurement of the CKM angle γ and B0s−B0s¯¯¯¯¯¯ mixing frequency with B0s→D∓sh±π±π∓ decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 2021. No. 3. P. 1-45.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Observation of a new Ξ0b state // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2021. Vol. 103. No. 1. Article 012004.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Observation of a new excited D+s meson in B0 to D−D+K+π− decays // Physical Review Letters. 2021. Vol. 126. No. 12. P. 1-11.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Measurement of the branching fraction of the B0→D+sπ− decay // The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. 2021. Vol. 81. Article 314.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Observation of the decay Λ0b → χc1pπ− // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 5. Article 95.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Гайнцева Т. А., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Филиппов А. А., Попов С. А., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., LHCb C. Observation of Multiplicity Dependent Prompt χc1(3872) and ψ(2S) Production in pp Collisions // Physical Review Letters. 2021. Vol. 126. No. 9. Article 092001.
      Aaij R., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Philippov A., Popov S. Search for CP violation in Ξ−b→pK−K−decays // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2021. Vol. 104. No. 5. Article 052010.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Гайнцева Т. А., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Филиппов А. А., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., LHCb C. Measurement of the CKM angle γ in B± → DK± and B± → Dπ± decays with D → 𝐾0Sh+h− // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 2021. No. 2. Article 169.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Ackernley T., Adeva B., Adinolfi M., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Search for the rare decay B0→J/ψϕ // Chinese Physics C. 2021. Vol. 45. No. 4. Article 043001.
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      LHCb C., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. First measurement of the CP-violating phase in Bs0 → J / ψ ( → e + e - ) ϕ decays // The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. 2021. Vol. 81. No. 11. Article 1026.
      Aaji R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Searches for 25 rare and forbidden decays of D+ and 𝐷+𝑠, Ds+ mesons // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Article 44.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Search for heavy neutral leptons in W+ → μ+μ± jet decays // The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. 2021. Vol. 81. No. 248. Article 248.
      Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Observation of new excited 𝐵0𝑠 states // The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. 2021. Article 601.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Evidence of a J/ψΛ structure and observation of excited Ξ− states in the Ξ−b→J/ψΛK− decay // Science Bulletin. 2021. Vol. 66. No. 13. P. 1278-1287.
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  Владимирова Юлия Викторовна Москва Kuznetsov N. Y., Grigoriev K. S., Vladimirova Yu V., Makarov V. A. Three-dimensional structure of polarization singularities of a light field near a dielectric spherical nanoparticle // Optics Express. 2020. Vol. 28. No. 19. P. 27293-27299.
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  Горина Ольга Григорьевна Санкт-Петербург Olga G. Gorina, Natalya S.Tsarakova. Study of Optimal Text Size Phenomenon in Zipf–Mandelbrot’s Distribution on the Bases of Full and Distorted Texts. Author’s Frequency Characteristics and derivation of Hapax Legomena // Journal of Quantitative Linguistics. 2020. Vol. 27. No. 2. P. 134-158.
  Готовко Софья Климентовна Москва Gotovko S.K., Marchenko V. I., Prokofiev A., Svistov L. E. Dynamics of multiferroic LiCuVO4 influenced by electric field // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2021. Vol. 104. No. 21. Article 214415.
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  Григорьев Дмитрий Сергеевич Москва Tierney W., Hardy J., Ebersole C. R., Leavitt K., Viganola D., Clemente E., Gordon M., Dreber A., Johannesson M., Pfeiffer T., Dubrov D., Grigoryev D., Uhlmann E. L. Creative destruction in science // Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 2020. Vol. 161. No. 6. P. 291-309.
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      Гошин М. Е., Dubrov D., Kosaretsky S., Grigoryev D. The strategies of parental involvement in adolescents’ education and extracurricular activities // Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 2021. Vol. 50. No. 5. P. 906-920.
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  Грищенко Михаил Юрьевич Москва Varentsov M., Shartova N., Grishchenko M. Y., Konstantinov P. Spatial Patterns of Human Thermal Comfort Conditions in Russia: Present Climate and Trends // Weather, Climate, and Society. 2020. Vol. 12. No. 3. P. 629-642.
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  Грищенко Наталья Борисовна Москва Grishchenko N. The gap not only closes: resistance and reverse shifts in the digital divide in Russia // Telecommunications Policy. 2020. Vol. 44. No. 8. P. 102004.
  Гронская Наталья Эдуардовна Нижний Новгород Dragoy O., Zyryanov A., Bronov O., Gordeyeva E., Gronskaya Natalya, Kryuchkova O., Klyuev E., Kopachev D., Medyanik I., Mishnyakova L., Pedyash N., Pronin I., Reutov A., Sitnikov A., Stupina E., Yashin K., Zhirnova V., Zuev A. Functional linguistic specificity of the left frontal aslant tract for spontaneous speech fluency: Evidence from intraoperative language mapping // Brain and Language. 2020. No. 208. P. 104836.
  Груздев Иван Андреевич Москва Gruzdev I., Terentev E., Dzhafarova Z. Superhero or hands-off supervisor? An empirical categorization of PhD supervision styles and student satisfaction in Russian universities // Higher Education. 2020. No. 79. P. 773-789.
  Грунтов Илья Александрович Москва Robbeets M., Bouckaert R., Gruntov I., Mazo O., Conte M., Savelyev A., Li T., An D., Shinoda K., Cui Y., Kawashima T., Kim G., Uchiyama J., Dolińska J., Oskolskaya S., Yamano K., Seguchi N., Tomita H., Takamiya H., Kanzawa-Kiriyama H., Oota H., Ishida H., Kimura R., Sato T., Kim J., Deng B., Bjørn R., Rhee S., Ahn K., Bentley J. R., Fernandes R., Roberts P., Bausch I. R., Gilaizeau L., Yoneda M., Kugai M., Bianco R. A., Zhang F., Himmel M., Hudson M. J., Ning C. Triangulation supports agricultural spread of the Transeurasian languages // Nature. 2021. Vol. 599. No. 7886. P. 616-621.
  Гулевич Ольга Александровна Москва Prusova I., Gulevich O. The effect of mortality salience on the attitudes toward state control: The case of Russia // International Journal of Psychology. 2020. Vol. 55. No. 2. P. 305-314.
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  Гурков Игорь Борисович Москва Gurkov I. B., Morley M. Looking in the rear-view mirror—A 35 year retrospective on the Russian automotive industry // Thunderbird International Business Review. 2021. Vol. 63. No. 6. P. 699-712.
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  Гусейн-Заде Сабир Меджидович Москва Гусейн-Заде С. М. Индекс особой точки векторного поля или 1-формы на орбифолде // Алгебра и анализ. 2021. Т. 33. № 3. С. 73-84.
  Гущин Михаил Иванович Москва The LHCb c., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Philippov A., Popov S. Searches for low-mass dimuon resonances // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 10. Article 156.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Hushchyn M., Derkach D., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., Chekalina V., Baranov A. Constraints on the K0S→μ+μ− Branching Fraction // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 125. No. 23. Article 231801.
      LHCb C., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., Arzymatov K., Baranov A., Borisyak M., Chekalina V. Measurement of 𝜓(2𝑆) production cross-sections in proton-proton collisions at 𝑠√ = 7 and 13 TeV // The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. 2020. Vol. 80. No. 3. Article 185.
      Aaij R., Boldyrev A., Beteta C. A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., Arzymatov K., Баранов А. С., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Chekalina V., LHCb C. Observation of Several Sources of 𝐶𝑃 Violation in 𝐵+→𝜋+𝜋+𝜋− Decays // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 124. No. 3. P. 031801.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Ustyuzhanin A., Chekalina V., Boldyrev A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Baranov A., LHCb c. Updated measurement of decay-time-dependent CP asymmetries in D0→K+K− and D0→π+π− decays // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. Vol. 101. No. 1. P. 1-12.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Maevskiy A., Kazeev N., Ustyuzhanin A., Hushchyn M., Boldyrev A., Ratnikov F., Arzymatov K., Baranov A., Belavin V., Chekalina V., LHCb c. Search for A′→μ+μ− decays // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 124. No. 4. P. 1-12.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Гайнцева Т. А., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Филиппов А. А., LHCb C. Amplitude analysis of the B+→D+D−K+ decay // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. Vol. 102. No. 11. Article 112003.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Гайнцева Т. А., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Филиппов А. А., Попов С. А., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., LHCb C. First observation of the decay Λ0b→ηc(1S)pK− // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. Vol. 102. No. 11. Article 112012.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Филиппов А. С., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Measurement of the shape of the B0s→D∗−sμ+νμ differential decay rate // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 2020. No. 12. P. 1-31.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Belavin V., Arzymatov K., Hushchyn M., Ratnikov F., Kazeev N., Курбатов Е. О., Ustyuzhanin A., Boldyrev A., Ryzhikov A., Maevskiy A., Popov S., LHCb c. Study of the lineshape of the χc1(3872) state // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. Vol. 102. No. 9. Article 092005.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Baranov A., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Ryzhikov A., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A. Search for CP violation in Ξ+c→pK−π+ decays using model-independent techniques // The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. 2020. Vol. 80. Article 986.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., A. Boldyrev, D. Derkach, M. Hushchyn, N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ryzhikov, A. Ustyuzhanin, K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, M. Borisyak, S. Popov. Search for the doubly heavy Ξ0𝑏𝑐 baryon via decays to D0pK− // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 11. No. 095. P. 1-20.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Ustyuzhanin A., Borisyak M., Hushchyn M., Derkach D., Kazeev N., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Maevskiy A., Boldyrev A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Popov S. First branching fraction measurement of the suppressed decay Ξ0c→π−Λ+c // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. No. 102. P. 071101.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., S. Popov, Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Observation of Enhanced Double Parton Scattering in Proton-Lead Collisions at at √sNN = 8.16 TeV // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 125. No. 21. P. 1-13.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, A. Boldyrev, M. Borisyak, D. Derkach, M. Hushchyn, N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ustyuzhanin. Isospin amplitudes in Λ0b→J/ψΛ(Σ0) and Ξ0b→J/ψΞ0(Λ) decays // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 124. No. 11. P. 1-11.
      The LHCb C., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Measurement of the Λ0b→J/ψΛ angular distribution and the Λ0b polarisation in pp collisions // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 2020. No. 6. Article 110.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Study of the ψ2(3823) and χc1(3872) states in B+→(J/ψπ+π−)K+ decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 2020. No. 8. Article 123.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Observation of structure in the J/ψ-pair mass spectrum // Science Bulletin. 2020. Vol. 65. No. 23. P. 1983-1993.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Hushchyn M. Measurement of CP observables in B±→DK± and B±→Dπ± with D→K0SK±π∓ decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 6. P. 58.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, A. Boldyrev, M. Borisyak, D. Derkach, M. Hushchyn, N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ustyuzhanin. First observation of excited Ω−b states // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 124. No. 8. P. 1-12.
      The LHCb c., A. Boldyrev, D. Derkach, M. Hushchyn, N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ustyuzhanin, K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, M. Borisyak. Measurement of CP violation in B0→ D∗±D∓ decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 03. Article 147.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, A. Boldyrev, M. Borisyak, D. Derkach, Hushchyn M., N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ryzhikov, A. Ustyuzhanin. Search for the lepton flavour violating decay B+→K+μ−τ+ using B∗0s2 decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 06. No. 129. P. 1-18.
      LHCb C., A. Boldyrev, D. Derkach, M. Hushchyn, N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ryzhikov, A. Ustyuzhanin, K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, M. Borisyak. Measurement of Ξ++cc production in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV // Chinese Physics C. 2020. Vol. 44. No. 2. Article 022001.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., LHCb C. Search for CP violation and observation of P violation in Λ0b→pπ−π+π− decays // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. Vol. 102. No. 5. P. 051101.
      The LHCb C., A. Boldyrev, D. Derkach, M. Hushchyn, N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ustyuzhanin, K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, M. Borisyak. Observation of the semileptonic decay B+→pp¯μ+νμ // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 03. Article 146.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., LHCb C. Measurement of the branching fraction of the decay B0s→K0SK0S // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. Vol. 102. No. 1. P. 012011.
      The LHCb C., K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, A. Boldyrev, M. Borisyak, D. Derkach, M. Hushchyn, N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ustyuzhanin. Test of lepton universality with Λ0b→pK−ℓ+ℓ− decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 05. Article 140.
      The LHCb c., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., Belavin V., Arzymatov K., Maevskiy A., Ryzhikov A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Borisyak M., Boldyrev A., Kazeev N. Precision measurement of the B+c meson mass // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 07. Article 123.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., Maevskiy A., Belavin V., Arzymatov K., Hushchyn M., Ryzhikov A., Derkach D., Kazeev N., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M. Measurement of CP-averaged observables in the B0→K∗0μ+μ− decay // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 125. P. 011802.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., Arzymatov K., Maevskiy A., Belavin V., Hushchyn M., Ryzhikov A., Kazeev N., Borisyak M., Boldyrev A., Derkach D. Search for the rare decays B0s→e+e− and B0→e+e− // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 124. P. 211802.
      The LHCb c., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., Maevskiy A., Derkach D., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Kazeev N., Hushchyn M., Ryzhikov A. Observation of a new baryon state in the Λ0bπ+π− mass spectrum // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 06. Article 136.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., A. Boldyrev, D. Derkach, M. Hushchyn, N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ustyuzhanin, K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, M. Borisyak. Precision measurement of the 𝛯++𝑐𝑐 mass // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 02. No. 049. P. 1-17.
      LHCb C., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A. Search for the doubly charmed baryon Ξ cc // Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy. 2020. Vol. 63. No. 2. Article 221062.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Gaintseva T., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Measurement of the relative branching fractions of B+→h+h'+h'− decays // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. Vol. 102. No. 11. Article 112010.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Gaintseva T., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G., LHCb C. Model-Independent Study of Structure in B+→D+D−K+ Decays // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 125. No. 24. Article 242001.
      LHCb C., Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Gaintseva T., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Strong constraints on the b → sγ photon polarisation from B0 → K∗0e+e− decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 12. Article 81.
      Aaij R., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Observation of the Λ0b→Λ+cK+K−π− decay // Physics Letters B. 2021. No. 815. Article 136172.
      Aaij R., Abellán Beteta C., Ackernley T., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Measurement of the prompt-production cross-section ratio σ(χc2)/σ(χc1) in pPb collisions at sNN=8.16 TeV // Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2021. Vol. 103. No. 6. Article 064905.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., T. Gaintseva, M. Hushchyn, Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., A. Philippov, S. Popov, Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Measurement of CP observables in B±→D(∗)K± and B±→D(∗)π± decays using two-body D final states // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Article 81.
      The LHCb c., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Mokhnenko S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Philippov A., Popov S. Simultaneous determination of CKM angle γ and charm mixing parameters // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Article 141.
      The LHCb c., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Philippov A., Popov S. Updated search for 𝐵+𝑐 decays to two charm mesons // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Article 117.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Ackernley T., Adeva B., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Maevskiy A., Попов С. А., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Angular analysis of 𝐵0→𝐷∗−𝐷∗+𝑠 with 𝐷∗+𝑠→𝐷+𝑠𝛾 decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Article 177.
      The LHCb c., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Philippov A., Popov S. Measurement of J/ψ production cross-sections in pp collisions at s√ = 5 TeV // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Article 181.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Филиппов А. С. Observation of the 𝐵0𝑠 → D*±D∓ decay // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 2021. No. 3. P. 1-18.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., T. Gaintseva, M. Hushchyn, Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., A. Philippov, S. Popov, Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Observation of CP violation in two-body B0(s)-meson decays to charged pions and kaons // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 2021. No. 3. Article 75.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., T. Gaintseva, M. Hushchyn, Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., A. Philippov, S. Popov, Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. First observation of the decay B0s→K−μ+νμ and measurement of |Vub|/|Vcb| // Physical Review Letters. 2021. Vol. 126. No. 8. Article 081804.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Филиппов А. С. Observation of New Resonances Decaying to J=ψK+ and J=ψφ // Physical Review Letters. 2021. Vol. 127. No. 8. Article 082001.
      The LHCb collaboration -., Aaij R., Abdelmotteleb A. S., Abellán Beteta C., Ackernley T., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Search for the doubly charmed baryon 𝛯+𝑐𝑐 in the 𝛯+𝑐𝜋−𝜋+ final state // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Article 107.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Search for CP violation in 𝐷+(𝑠)→ℎ+𝜋0 and 𝐷+(𝑠)→ℎ+𝜂 decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 6. Article 19.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Measurement of CP Violation in the Decay B+→K+π0 // Physical Review Letters. 2021. Vol. 126. No. 9. Article 091802.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Angular Analysis of the B+→K*+μ+μ− Decay // Physical Review Letters. 2021. Vol. 126. No. 16. Article 161802.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Search for long-lived particles decaying to e±μ∓ν // The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. 2021. Vol. 81. No. 261. P. 1-16.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Measurement of the CKM angle γ and B0s−B0s¯¯¯¯¯¯ mixing frequency with B0s→D∓sh±π±π∓ decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 2021. No. 3. P. 1-45.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Observation of a new Ξ0b state // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2021. Vol. 103. No. 1. Article 012004.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Observation of a new excited D+s meson in B0 to D−D+K+π− decays // Physical Review Letters. 2021. Vol. 126. No. 12. P. 1-11.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Measurement of the branching fraction of the B0→D+sπ− decay // The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. 2021. Vol. 81. Article 314.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Observation of the decay Λ0b → χc1pπ− // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 5. Article 95.
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      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Гайнцева Т. А., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Филиппов А. А., Попов С. А., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., LHCb C. Observation of Multiplicity Dependent Prompt χc1(3872) and ψ(2S) Production in pp Collisions // Physical Review Letters. 2021. Vol. 126. No. 9. Article 092001.
      Aaij R., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Philippov A., Popov S. Search for CP violation in Ξ−b→pK−K−decays // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2021. Vol. 104. No. 5. Article 052010.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Гайнцева Т. А., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Филиппов А. А., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., LHCb C. Measurement of the CKM angle γ in B± → DK± and B± → Dπ± decays with D → 𝐾0Sh+h− // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 2021. No. 2. Article 169.
      Aaij R., Abellán Beteta C., Ackernley T., Adeva B., Adinolfi M., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Phillippov A. S., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., LHCb Collaboration -. Search for the doubly heavy baryons Ω0bc and Ξ0bc decaying to Λ+cπ− and Ξ+cπ− // Chinese Physics C. 2021. Vol. 45. No. 9. Article 093002.
      LHCb C., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. First measurement of the CP-violating phase in Bs0 → J / ψ ( → e + e - ) ϕ decays // The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. 2021. Vol. 81. No. 11. Article 1026.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Search for heavy neutral leptons in W+ → μ+μ± jet decays // The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. 2021. Vol. 81. No. 248. Article 248.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Evidence of a J/ψΛ structure and observation of excited Ξ− states in the Ξ−b→J/ψΛK− decay // Science Bulletin. 2021. Vol. 66. No. 13. P. 1278-1287.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Gaintseva T., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Study of B0s → J/ψπ+π−K+K− decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 02. Article 24.
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  Догонашева Олеся Анатольевна Москва Dogonasheva O., Касаткин Д. В., Гуткин Б. С., Zakharov D. Robust universal approach to identify travelling chimeras and synchronized clusters in spiking networks // Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 2021. Vol. 153. Article 111541.
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  Жаркая Варвара Юрьевна Москва Zharkaya V., Lukhovitskiy L. Socrates the judge: a not-so-platonizing dialogue on the deposition of Patriarch Nicholas IV Mouzalon // Byzantinische Zeitschrift. 2020. Vol. 113. No. 1. P. 219-248.
  Жарко Василий Олегович Москва Zharko V., Bartalev S., Sidorenkov V. Forest growing stock volume estimation using optical remote sensing over snow-covered ground: a case study for Sentinel-2 data and the Russian Southern Taiga region // Remote Sensing Letters. 2020. Vol. 11. No. 7. P. 677-686.
  Жданов Андрей Петрович Москва Klyukin I. N., Novikov A. S., Zhdanov A., Zhizhin K. Y., Kuznetsov N. T. Theoretical study of closo-borate derivatives of general type [BnHn-1COR]2– (n = 6, 10, 12; R = H, CH3, NH2, OH, OCH3) – Borylated analogue of organic carbonyl compounds // Polyhedron. 2020. Vol. 187. Article 114682.
  Жданов Владислав Леонидович Москва Tikhomirova K. A., Tantardini C., Sukhanova E. V., Popov Z. I., Evlashin S. A., Tarkhov M. A., Vladislav L Zhdanov, Dudin A. A., Oganov A. R., Kvashnin D. G., Kvashnin A. G. Exotic Two-Dimensional Structure: The First Case of Hexagonal NaCl // The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 2020. No. 11. P. 3821-3827.
      Evlashin S. A., Fedorov F., Dyakonov P., Maksimov Y., Pilevsky A., Maslakov K., Kuzminova Y., Mankelevich Y., Voronina E., Dagesyan S., Pletneva V., Pavlov A., Tarkhov M. A., Trofimov I., Zhdanov V., Suetin N., Akhatov I. Role of Nitrogen and Oxygen in Capacitance Formation of Carbon Nanowalls // The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 2020. Vol. 11. No. 12. P. 4859-4865.
  Жиянов Антон Павлович Москва Zhiyanov A., Nersisyan S., Tonevitsky A. Hairpin sequence and structure is associated with features of isomiR biogenesis // RNA Biology. 2021. Vol. 18. No. sup1. P. 430-438.
  Жуков Алексей Евгеньевич Санкт-Петербург Mintairov S. A., Maximov M., Nadtochiy A., Zhukov A. Electronic states in GaAs photoconverters with InGaAs quantum well-dots // Applied Physics Express. 2020. Vol. 13. No. 1. Article 015009.
      Zhukov A., Kryzhanovskaya N., Moiseev E., Nadtochiy A., Dragunova A., Maximov M., Berdnikov Y., Zubov F. I., Mintairov S. A., Kadinskaya S. A., Kulagina M. M., Kalyuzhnyy N. A. Impact of Self-heating and Elevated Temperature on Performance of Quantum Dot Microdisk Lasers // IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 2020. Vol. 56. No. 5. P. 1-8.
      Фетисова М. В., Kryzhanovskaya N., Редуто И. В., Журихина В. В., Морозова О., Расходчиков А., Roussey M., Pelisset S., Кулагина М. М., Гусева Ю. А., Липовский А. А., Максимов М. В., Zhukov A. Strip-loaded horizontal slot waveguide for routing microdisk laser emission // Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 2020. Vol. 37. No. 6. P. 1878-1885.
      Zhukov A., Kryzhanovskaya N., Moiseev E., Максимов М. В. Quantum-dot microlasers based on whispering gallery mode resonators // Light: Science and Applications. 2021. Vol. 10. P. 1-11.
      Gordeev N. Y., Максимов М. В., Payusov A. S., Serin A. A., Shernyakov Y. M., Mintairov S. A., Kalyuzhnyy N. A., Nadtochiy A., Zhukov A. Material gain of InGaAs/GaAs quantum well-dots // Semiconductor Science and Technology. 2021. Vol. 36. No. 1. Article 015008.
      Nadtochiy A., Gordeev N. Y., Kharchenko A. A., Berdnikov Y., Maximov M., Zhukov A. Saturated Layer Gain in Waveguides With InGaAs Quantum Well-Dot Heterostructures // Journal of Lightwave Technology. 2021. Vol. 39. No. 23. P. 7479-7485.
      Zhukov A., Blokhin S., Maleev N. A., Kryzhanovskaya N., Moiseev E., Nadtochiy A., Mintairov S. A., Kalyuzhnyy N. A., Zubov F., Maximov M. Frequency response and carrier escape time of InGaAs quantum well-dots photodiode // Optics Express. 2021. Vol. 29. No. 25. P. 40677-40686.
  Жукова Нина Ивановна Нижний Новгород Bazaikin Y. V., Galaev A. S., Zhukova N. Chaos in Cartan foliations // Chaos. 2020. Vol. 30. P. 1-9.
  Жуков Леонид Евгеньевич Москва Lomov I., Lyubimov M., Makarov I., Zhukov L. E. Fault detection in Tennessee Eastman process with temporal deep learning models // Journal of Industrial Information Integration. 2021. Vol. 23. Article 100216.
  Журавлева Татьяна Леонидовна Москва Guerra A., Zhuravleva T. Do bystanders react to bribery? //  Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 2021. Vol. 185. P. 442-462.
      Balafoutas L., Sandakov F., Zhuravleva T. No moral wiggle room in an experimental corruption game //  Frontiers in Psychology. 2021. No. 12. Article 701294.
  Заболотных Андрей Александрович Москва Zabolotnykh A., Enaldiev V. V., Volkov V. A. Quasistationary near-gate plasmons in van der Waals heterostructures // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2021. Vol. 104. Article 195435.
  Забродин Антон Владимирович Москва Rudneva D., Zabrodin A. Dynamics of poles of elliptic solutions to the BKP equation // Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 2020. Vol. 53. Article 075202.
      Prokofev V., Zabrodin A. Elliptic solutions to the KP hierarchy and elliptic Calogero–Moser model // Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 2021. Vol. 54. No. 30. Article 305202.
      Krichever I. M., Zabrodin A. Kadomtsev–Petviashvili Turning Points and CKP Hierarchy // Communications in Mathematical Physics. 2021. Vol. 386. No. 3. P. 1643-1683.
  Завьялов Виталий Вадимович Москва Bannikov M. I., Akzyanov R. S., Zhurbina N. K., Khaldeev S., Selivanov Y., Zavyalov V., Rakhmanov A. L., Kuntsevich A. Breaking of Ginzburg-Landau description in the temperature dependence of the anisotropy in the nematic superconductor // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2021. Vol. 104. No. 22. Article L220502.
  Задков Виктор Николаевич Москва Владимирова Ю. В., Mannanov A. L., Luponosov Y. N., Ponomarenko S. A., Paraschuk D. Y., Zadkov V. Effect of SiO2 nanoparticles embedded in the electrode layer on the efficiency of organic solar cells // Optical Materials Express. 2021. Vol. 11. No. 5. P. 1537-1545.
  Зайцев-Зотов Сергей Владимирович Москва Zybtsev S., Pokrovskii V., Nasretdinova V., Zaitsev-Zotov S., Zupanic E., van Midden M., Pai W. W. The ultra-high-TP charge-density wave in the monoclinic phase of NbS3 // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2021. Vol. 854. Article 157098.
  Зайцева Юлия Ивановна Москва Arzhantsev I., Bragin S., Zaitseva Y. Commutative algebraic monoid structures on affine spaces // Communications in Contemporary Mathematics. 2020. Vol. 22. No. 8. P. 1950064: 1.
  Замолодчиков Дмитрий Геннадьевич Москва Kaverin D., Malkova G., Zamolodchikov D., Shiklomanov N., Pastukhov A., Novakovskiy A., Sadurtdinov M., Skvortsov A., Tsarev A., Pochikalov A., Malitsky S., Kraev G. Long-term active layer monitoring at CALM sites in the Russian European North // Polar Geography. 2021. Vol. 44. No. 3. P. 203-216.
  Захаров Андрей Борисович Москва Lazareva O., Zakharov A. Teacher Wages and Educational Outcomes: Evidence from the Russian School System // Education Economics. 2020. Vol. 28. No. 4. P. 418-436.
      Karmaeva N., Zakharov A. The effects of job-related training on the sense of control of male and female workers in Russia // International Journal of Lifelong Education. 2020. Vol. 39. No. 2. P. 139-153.
      Zakharov A., Carnoy M. Does teaching to the test improve student learning? // International Journal of Educational Development. 2021. Vol. 84. P. 1-13.
  Захаров Денис Геннадьевич Москва Novikov N., Zakharov D., Moiseeva V., Гуткин Б. С. Activity Stabilization in a Population Model of Working Memory by Sinusoidal and Noisy Inputs // Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 2021. Vol. 15. Article 647944.
      Dogonasheva O., Касаткин Д. В., Гуткин Б. С., Zakharov D. Robust universal approach to identify travelling chimeras and synchronized clusters in spiking networks // Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 2021. Vol. 153. Article 111541.
  Звездин Анатолий Константинович Москва Kimel A., Kalashnikova A., Pogrebna A., Zvezdin A. Fundamentals and perspectives of ultrafast photoferroic recording // Physics Reports. 2020. Vol. 852. P. 1-46.
      Kostyuchenko N. V., Tereshina I. S., Gorbunov D. I., Tereshina-Chitrova E. A., Rogacki K., Andreev A. V., Doerr M., Politova G. A., Zvezdin A. High-field magnetization study of (Nd,Dy)(2)Fe14B: Intrinsic properties and promising compositions // Intermetallics. 2020. Vol. 124. No. 106840. P. 1-4.
  Звездин Константин Анатольевич Москва Buzdakov A., Skirdkov P., Zvezdin K. Magnetostatically Induced Easy-Cone Magnetic State Tuning by Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy in an Unbiased Spin-Torque Diode // Physical Review Applied. 2021. Vol. 15. No. 5. Article 054047.
  Зевахина Наталья Александровна Москва Жукова С. Ю., Zevakhina N., Slioussar N., Glazunov E. Non-canonical control in Russian converbial clauses // Russian linguistics. 2020. Vol. 44. No. 2. P. 129-143.
      Zevakhina N., Pasalskaya E., Chinkova A. Over-specification of small cardinalities in referential communication // Frontiers in Psychology. 2021. Vol. 12. Article 745230.
      Zevakhina N., Prigorkina V. Processing Conditional Perfection in promises and threats: The role of negation, clause order and incentive // Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. 2021. Vol. 50. P. 1557-1573.
  Зеленков Юрий Александрович Москва Zelenkov Y., Volodarskiy N. Bankruptcy prediction on the base of the unbalanced data using multi-objective selection of classifiers // Expert Systems with Applications. 2021. Vol. 185. Article 115559.
  Зеленская Елена Михайловна Санкт-Петербург Zelenskaya E., Elkanova E. Designing place brand architecture: the potential of a sub-brands strategy // Journal of Product and Brand Management. 2020. Vol. 30. No. 1. P. 167-179.
  Зинченко Дарья  Москва Agasisti T., Egorov A., Zinchenko D., Leshukov O. Efficiency of regional higher education systems and regional economic short-run growth: empirical evidence from Russia // Industry and Innovation. 2021. Vol. 28. No. 4. P. 507-534.
  Золотухин Всеволод Валерьевич Москва Zolotukhin V. V. Erfahrung, Introspektion und Wert. Zur Vorgeschichte der Religionspsychologie in Deutschland // Neue Zeitschrift fur Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie. 2020. Vol. 62. No. 3. P. 351-371.
      Zolotukhin V. V. Wiktor Nesmelows Religionsphilosophie: Der Aufschwung von der Persönlichkeit zu Gott // Tijdschrift voor Filosofie. 2021. Vol. 3. No. 83. P. 457-481.
  Зонтов Юрий Владимирович Москва Zontov Y. V., Rodionova O. Y., Kucheryavskiy S. V., Pomerantsev A. L. PLS-DA – A MATLAB GUI tool for hard and soft approaches to partial least squares discriminant analysis // Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 2020. Vol. 203. P. 1-9.
  Зубков Кирилл Юрьевич Москва Kirill Zubkov. ALEKSANDER OSTROVSKII AND THE CENSOR: BETWEEN OPPRESSION AND SYMBIOSIS // Russian Literature. 2020. No. 113. P. 33-59.
      Zavlunov D., Kirill Zubkov. The Roles of the Censor: New Perspectives on Censorship in Nineteenth-Century Russia // Russian Literature. 2020. No. 113. P. 1-5.
      Бодрова А. С., Зубков К. Ю. Дух и детали: Практики цензурного чтения и общественный статус цензора в предреформенную эпоху (случай И.А. Гончарова) // Die Welt der Slaven. Internationale Halbjahresschrift für Slavistik. 2020. Т. 65. № 1. С. 123-141.
      Vdovin A., Зубков К. Ю. New Approaches to Representations of Peasants in Russian Literature // Russian Literature. 2021. Vol. 119. P. 7-14.
      Зубков К. Ю., Перникова А. С. Литературные премии, социальные границы и национальный театр: крестьянин в русской драматургии эпохи “Великих реформ” // Russian Literature. 2021. Т. 119. № 1. С. 71-101.
  Зыбин Кирилл Петрович Москва Ilyin A., Kopyev A., Sirota V., Zybin K. Stationary solution for quasi-homogeneous small-scale magnetic field advected by non-Gaussian turbulent flow // Physics of Fluids. 2020. Vol. 32. No. 12. P. 125114.
      Zybin K., Ilyin A., Сирота В. А., Копьев А. No feedback is possible in a small-scale turbulent magnetic field // EPL. 2020. Vol. 132. P. 24001.
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      Копьев А., Zybin K., Сирота В. А., Ilyin A. Comment on “Mathematical constraints on the scaling exponents in the inertial range of fluid turbulence” // Physics of Fluids. 2021. Vol. 33. No. 3. P. 031703-031704.
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      Zykov S. V. IT Crisisology: Smart Crisis Management in Software Engineering Models, Methods, Patterns, Practices, Case Studies Issue 210. Singapore : Springer, 2021.
  Иванова Алина Евгеньевна Москва Kuzmina Y., Ivanova A., Georgijs K. Inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, and mathematics: Exploring gender differences in a nonclinical sample // Research in Developmental Disabilities. 2021. Vol. 119. Article 104107.
  Иванов Владимир Константинович Москва Sozarukova M. M., Proskurina E. V., Popov A. L., Kalinkin A. L., Ivanov V. New facets of nanozyme activity of ceria: lipo- and phospholipoperoxidase-like behaviour of CeO2 nanoparticles // RSC advances. 2021. Vol. 11. No. 56. P. 35351-35360.
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  Иванов Денис Сергеевич Москва Yakovlev A. A., Ivanov D. Friendly bureaucrats, formal rules and firms' investment decisions: evidence from a survey experiment in Russia // International Journal of Emerging Markets. 2021. Vol. 16. No. 2. P. 347-369.
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  Ивченко Николай Александрович Москва Nikolay A. Ivchenko, Vergeles S. S. Waves in a coherent two-dimensional flow // Physics of Fluids. 2021. Vol. 33. No. 10. Article 105102.
  Иевлев Евгений Альбертович Санкт-Петербург Ievlev E. A., Yung A. Critical non-Abelian vortices and holography for little string theory // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2021. Vol. 104. No. 11. Article 114033.
  Измоденов Владислав Валерьевич Москва Korolkov, Sergey, Izmodenov V. New unexpected flow patterns in the problem of the stellar wind interaction with the interstellar medium: stationary ideal-MHD solutions // Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2021. Vol. 504. No. 3. P. 4589-4598.
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  Ильвовский Дмитрий Алексеевич Москва Chernyavskiy A., Ilvovsky D., Nakov P. Transformers: “The End of History” for Natural Language Processing?, in: Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Research Track: European Conference, ECML PKDD 2021, Bilbao, Spain, September 13–17, 2021, Proceedings, Part 3. Springer, 2021. P. 677-693.
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  Ильин Антон Сергеевич Москва Ilyin A., Kopyev A., Sirota V., Zybin K. Stationary solution for quasi-homogeneous small-scale magnetic field advected by non-Gaussian turbulent flow // Physics of Fluids. 2020. Vol. 32. No. 12. P. 125114.
      Zybin K., Ilyin A., Сирота В. А., Копьев А. No feedback is possible in a small-scale turbulent magnetic field // EPL. 2020. Vol. 132. P. 24001.
      Kopyev A. V., Ilyin A., Sirota V. A., Zybin K. Stationary scaling in small-scale turbulent dynamo problem // Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2020. Vol. 101. No. 6. Article 063102.
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  Ильяшенко Юлий Сергеевич Москва Dukov A., Ilyashenko Y. Numeric invariants in semilocal bifurcations // Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications. 2021. Vol. 23. Article 3.
      Ilyashenko Y. Germs of bifurcation diagrams and SN–SN families // Chaos. 2021. Vol. 31. Article 013103.
  Ионов Андрей Михайлович Москва Andrei M. Ionov, Chekmazov S. V., Usov V., Aronin Alexander S.,, Nesterova M. E., Semenov V. N., Shvetsc I. V., Bozhko S. I. Deformation and fracture of crystalline tungsten and fabrication of composite STM probes // Ultramicroscopy. 2020. Vol. 218. No. 11. P. 113083.
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  Исаев Леонид Маркович Санкт-Петербург; Москва Issaev L., Zakharov A. Decentralization in Libya after the Arab Spring // Middle East Policy. 2020. Vol. 27. No. 1. P. 56-70.
      Issaev L., Zakharov A. Federalism in the Middle East: State Reconstruction Projects and the Arab Spring. Springer, 2021.
      Issaev L., Kozhanov N. Diversifying relationships: Russian policy toward GCC // International Politics. 2021. Vol. 58. No. 6. P. 884-902.
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  Истомин Сергей Яковлевич Москва Shekunova T., Mironov A., Istomin S., Birichevskaya K., Gippius A., Zhurenko S., Shatalova T., Baranchikov A., Ivanov V. Meet the Cerium(IV) Phosphate Sisters: CeIV(OH)PO4 and CeIV2O(PO4)2 // Chemistry - A European Journal. 2020. Vol. 26. P. 12188-12193.
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  Ичкитидзе Юрий Роландович Санкт-Петербург Akaev A. A., Devezas T., Ichkitidze Y., Sarygulov A. I. Forecasting the labor intensity and labor income share for G7 countries in the digital age // Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 2021. Vol. 167. Article 120675.
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  Каменева Светлана Владимировна Москва Lukianova M. A., Volosatova A. D., Drabkin V. D., Sosulin I. S., Kameneva S., Feldman V. I. Radiation-induced transformations of HCN…C2H2, HCN…C2H4 and HCN…C2H6 complexes in noble gas matrices: synthesis of C3HxN molecules in cryogenic media // Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 2021. Vol. 180. Article 109232.
      Фельдман В. И., Рязанцев С. В., Каменева С. В. MATRIX ISOLATION IN LABORATORY ASTROCHEMISTRY: STATE-OF-THE-ART, IMPLICATIONS AND PERSPECTIVE // Russian Chemical Reviews. 2021. Vol. 90. P. 1145-1165.
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  Капуза Анастасия Васильевна Москва Kapuza A., Koponen I. T., Tyumeneva Y. A. The network approach to assess the structure of knowledge: Storage, distribution and retrieval as three measures in analysing concept maps // British Journal of Educational Technology. 2020. Vol. 51. No. 6. P. 2573-2590.
  Карабасов Тайржан  Москва T. Karabassov, A.V. Guravova, A.Yu. Kuzin, Kazakova E. A., Kawabata S., B.G. Lvov, A.S. Vasenko. Anomalous current–voltage characteristics of SFIFS Josephson junctions with weak ferromagnetic interlayers // Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. 2020. Vol. 11. P. 252-262.
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  Карамалак Ольга Алексеевна Москва Karamalak O., Kalbaska N., Cantoni L. What do hashtags afford in digital fashion communication? An exploratory study on Gucci-related hashtags on Twitter and Instagram // Semiotica. 2021. Vol. 2021. No. 243. P. 325-351.
  Карачурина Лилия Борисовна Москва Karachurina L. B., Mkrtchyan N. V. Age-specific Migration in Regional Centres and Peripheral Areas of Russia // Comparative Population Studies. 2020. No. 44. P. 413-446.
  Карминский Александр Маркович Москва Stolbov M. I., Shchepeleva M., Karminsky A. M. A global perspective on macroprudential policy interaction with systemic risk, real economic activity, and monetary intervention // Financial Innovation. 2021. Vol. 7. No. 1. Article 41.
      Belousova V., Karminsky A. M., Myachin N., Kozyr I. Bank Ownership and Efficiency of Russian Banks // Emerging Markets Finance and Trade. 2021. Vol. 57. No. 10. P. 2870-2887.
  Карпенкина Янина Валерьевна Москва Karpenkina Y. Trade, Jews, and the Soviet Economy in Western Belorussia, 1939–1941 // Holocaust and Genocide Studies. 2021. Vol. 35. No. 3. P. 404-423.
  Карпов Максим Евгеньевич Москва Arzymatov K., Сапронов А. А., Belavin V., Gremyachikh L., Karpov M., Ustyuzhanin A., Tchoub I., Ikoev A. SANgo: a storage infrastructure simulator with reinforcement learning support // PeerJ Computer Science. 2020. P. 1-16.
      Aaij R., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Observation of the Λ0b→Λ+cK+K−π− decay // Physics Letters B. 2021. No. 815. Article 136172.
      Aaij R., Abellán Beteta C., Ackernley T., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Measurement of the prompt-production cross-section ratio σ(χc2)/σ(χc1) in pPb collisions at sNN=8.16 TeV // Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2021. Vol. 103. No. 6. Article 064905.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., T. Gaintseva, M. Hushchyn, Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., A. Philippov, S. Popov, Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Measurement of CP observables in B±→D(∗)K± and B±→D(∗)π± decays using two-body D final states // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Article 81.
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      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Филиппов А. С. Observation of New Resonances Decaying to J=ψK+ and J=ψφ // Physical Review Letters. 2021. Vol. 127. No. 8. Article 082001.
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      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Ackernley T., Adeva B., Adinolfi M., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Search for the rare decay B0→J/ψϕ // Chinese Physics C. 2021. Vol. 45. No. 4. Article 043001.
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      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Search for CP violation in 𝐷+(𝑠)→ℎ+𝜋0 and 𝐷+(𝑠)→ℎ+𝜂 decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 6. Article 19.
      LHCb C., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. First measurement of the CP-violating phase in Bs0 → J / ψ ( → e + e - ) ϕ decays // The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. 2021. Vol. 81. No. 11. Article 1026.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Measurement of CP Violation in the Decay B+→K+π0 // Physical Review Letters. 2021. Vol. 126. No. 9. Article 091802.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Search for long-lived particles decaying to e±μ∓ν // The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. 2021. Vol. 81. No. 261. P. 1-16.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Measurement of the CKM angle γ and B0s−B0s¯¯¯¯¯¯ mixing frequency with B0s→D∓sh±π±π∓ decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 2021. No. 3. P. 1-45.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Observation of a new excited D+s meson in B0 to D−D+K+π− decays // Physical Review Letters. 2021. Vol. 126. No. 12. P. 1-11.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Evidence of a J/ψΛ structure and observation of excited Ξ− states in the Ξ−b→J/ψΛK− decay // Science Bulletin. 2021. Vol. 66. No. 13. P. 1278-1287.
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  Кашин Василий Борисович Москва Vasilii Kashin. Defense innovation in Russia in the 2010s // Journal of Strategic Studies. 2021. Vol. 44. No. 6. P. 901-921.
  Кельберт Марк Яковлевич Москва Grabchak M., Kelbert M., Paris Q. On the occupancy problem for a regime switching model // Journal of Applied Probability. 2020. Vol. 57. No. 1. P. 53-77.
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  Кетков Сергей Сергеевич Нижний Новгород Sergey S. Ketkov, Oleg A. Prokopyev. On Greedy and Strategic Evaders in Sequential Interdiction Settings with Incomplete Information // Omega. 2020. Vol. 92. P. 102161.
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  Кирсберг Игорь Викторович Москва Igor W. Kirsberg. Benjamin Constant’s Ideas as an Opportunity for the Substantiation of Religious Feeling only as Emotion // Neue Zeitschrift fur Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie. 2021. Vol. 63. No. 2. P. 226-236.
  Киселев Дмитрий Андреевич Москва Makarov I., Korovina K., Kiselev D. JONNEE: Joint Network Nodes and Edges Embedding // IEEE Access. 2021. Vol. 9. P. 144646-144659.
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  Клепиков Владимир Павлович Москва Klepikov V. P., Klepikov V. V. Quantitative approach to estimating crude oil supply in Southern Europe // Resources Policy. 2020. Vol. 69. No. 12. P. 101787.
      Klepikov V. P., Klepikova L. V. Distribution of Oil Refining Resources in Russia in the Context of the Capacity Development of Refiners and Regions // Energy Reports. 2021. No. 7. P. 767-779.
  Клименко Андрей Витальевич Москва Gans-Morse J., Kalgin A., Klimenko A., Vorobyev D., Yakovlev A. A. Self-Selection into Public Service When Corruption is Widespread: The Anomalous Russian Case // Comparative Political Studies. 2021. Vol. 54. No. 6. P. 1086-1128.
  Климкин Илья Олегович Москва Islam N., Shkolnikov V., Rolando J A., Klimkin I., Kawachi I., Irizarry R. A., Alicandro G., Khunti K., Yates T., Jdanov D., White M., Lewington S., Lacey B. Excess deaths associated with covid-19 pandemic in 2020: age and sex disaggregated time series analysis in 29 high income countries // The BMJ. 2021. Vol. 373. Article n1137.
  Климова Светлана Мушаиловна Москва Klimova S. Russian Intelligentsia in Search of an Identity (Between Dostoevsky’s Oppositions and Tolstoy’s Holism) Vol. 355: Contemporary Russian Philosophy. Leiden, The Netherlands : Brill, 2020.
  Кнатько Дмитрий Михайлович Москва Aray Y., Veselova A., Knatko Dmitri, Levchenko A. Drivers for adoption of sustainability initiatives in supply chains of large Russian firms under environmental uncertainty // Corporate Governance (Bingley). 2021. Vol. 21. No. 2. P. 322-338.
  Князев Евгений Николаевич Москва Maltseva D., Raygorodskaya М., Knyazev E., Zgoda V., Tikhonova O., Zaidi S., Nikulin S., Baranova A., Turchinovich A., Rodin S., Tonevitsky A. Knockdown of the α5 Laminin Chain Affects Differentiation of Colorectal Cancer Cells and Their Sensitivity to Chemotherapy // Biochimie. 2020. Vol. 174. P. 107-116.
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  Ковалева Маргарита Алексеевна Москва Kovaleva M., Manevitch L. I. Coupled Schrödinger equations as a model of interchain torsional excitation transport in the DNA model // Physica Scripta. 2021. Vol. 96. No. 12. Article 125035.
  Коваленко Никита Андреевич Москва Arkhipin A. S., Nesterov A. V., Kovalenko N., Uspenskaya I. A. Liquid – Liquid Equilibria in the Water – Nitric Acid – Europium Nitrate – Gadolinium Nitrate – Tributyl Phosphate System at 298.15 K // Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. 2021. Vol. 66. No. 44. P. 1694-1702.
  Коган Леонид Ефимович Москва Bulakh M., Kogan L., Issa A., Gumaan I., Mohammad M. The causative stem in Soqotri: The analysis // Brill's Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics. 2020. Vol. 12. No. 2. P. 260-285.
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  Козлова Мария Андреевна Москва Kozlova M. A. Integration Patterns in Host Societies Analysed on the Basis of Alphabet Book Content for Russian Schools in Limitrophe States in the First Third of the Twentieth Century // History of Education. 2020. Vol. 49. No. 5. P. 707-724.
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  Колданов Александр Петрович Нижний Новгород Kalyagin V. A., Koldanov A. P., Koldanov P., Pardalos P. M. Statistical Analysis of Graph Structures in Random Variable Networks. Springer, 2020.
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  Колоколов Игорь Валентинович Москва I.V.Kolokolov, L.L.Ogorodnikov, S.S.Vergeles. Structure of coherent columnar vortices in three-dimensional rotating turbulent flow // Physical Review Fluids. 2020. Vol. 5. No. 3. Article 034604.
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  Колосницына Марина Григорьевна Москва Liudmila Zasimova, Kolosnitsyna M. Exploring the relationship between drinking preferences and recorded and unrecorded alcohol consumption in Russian regions in 2010-2016 // International Journal of Drug Policy . 2020. Vol. 82. No. 102810. P. 1-8.
  Колотова Лада Николаевна Москва Starikov S., Gordeev I., Lysogorskiy Y., Kolotova L., Makarov S. Optimized interatomic potential for study of structure and phase transitions in Si-Au and Si-Al systems // Computational Materials Science. 2020. Vol. 184. Article 109891.
  Кольцова Елена Юрьевна Санкт-Петербург Koltsova O., Pashakhin S. Agenda Divergence in A Developing Conflict: A Quantitative Evidence from A Ukrainian and A Russian TV Newsfeeds // Media, War and Conflict. 2020. Vol. 13. No. 3. P. 237-257.
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  Комаров Михаил Михайлович Москва Ometov A., Bardinova Y., AFANASYEVA A., MASEK P., ZHIDANOV K., VANURIN S., SAYFULLIN M., SHUBINA V., Komarov M. M., BEZZATEEV S. An Overview on Blockchain for Smartphones:State-of-the-Art, Consensus, Implementation,Challenges and Future Trends // IEEE Access. 2020. Vol. 8. P. 103994-104015.
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      Igor Khromov, Mikhail Komarov, Voskov L. A survey on energy efficiency intrabody communication techniques for wearable devices // Nano Communication Networks. 2021. Vol. 29. Article 100353.
  Комаров Никита Сергеевич Москва Комаров Н. С. New atomic-scale insights into the I/Ni(100) system: phase transitions and growth of an atomically thin NiI2 film // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2021. Vol. 23. P. 1896-1913.
  Конаков Валентин Дмитриевич Москва Konakov V., Panov V., Piterbarg V. Extremes of a class of non-stationary Gaussian processes and maximal deviation of projection density estimates // Extremes. 2021. Vol. 24. No. 3. P. 617-651.
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  Кондратюк Николай Дмитриевич Москва Kondratyuk N., Pisarev V., Ewen J. P. Probing the high-pressure viscosity of hydrocarbon mixtures using molecular dynamics simulations // Journal of Chemical Physics. 2020. Vol. 153. No. 15. P. 154502.
      Kondratyuk N., Nikolskiy V., Pavlov D., Stegailov V. GPU-accelerated molecular dynamics: State-of-art software performance and porting from Nvidia CUDA to AMD HIP // International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications. 2021. Vol. 35. No. 4. P. 312-324.
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      Kondratyuk N., Pisarev V. Predicting shear viscosity of 1,1-diphenylethane at high pressures by molecular dynamics methods // Fluid Phase Equilibria. 2021. Vol. 544-545. Article 113100.
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  Кононенко Ростислав Вадимович Москва Iarskaia-Smirnova E. R., Kononenko R. V., Kosova O., Yarskaya V. “They should cook borsch, chop wood…”: Contemporary Images of Social Work in the Context of Welfare Policy Reforms in Russia’s Print Media // European Journal of Social Work. 2021. Vol. 24. No. 2. P. 358-370.
  Кормина Жанна Владимировна Санкт-Петербург Heo A., Kormina J., Rogers D., Keane W., Naumescu V., Wanner C., Ghodsee C., Shevzov V. Unfinished conversations: A tribute to Sonja Luehrmann (1975–2019) // History and Anthropology. 2020. Vol. 31. No. 2. P. 165-196.
      Kormina J. ‘The church should know its place': The passions and the interests of urban struggle in post-atheist Russia // History and Anthropology. 2021. Vol. 32. No. 5. P. 574-595.
  Корнеев Александр Александрович Москва Korneeva Y., Manova N., Florya I., Mikhailov M., Dobrovolskiy O., Korneev A., Vodolazov D. Y. Different Single-Photon Response of Wide and Narrow Superconducting Mo$_x$ Si$_{1−x}$ Strips // Physical Review Applied. 2020. Vol. 13. P. 024011-1-024011-7.
      Vodolazov D. Y., Manova N., Korneeva Y., Korneev A. Timing Jitter in NbN Superconducting Microstrip Single-Photon Detector // Physical Review Applied. 2020. Vol. 14. No. 4. P. 044041.
      Shcherbatenko M., Elezov M., Manova N., Sedykh K., Korneev A., Korneeva Y., Dryazgov M., Simonov N., Feimov A., Goltsman G., Sych D. Single-pixel camera with a large-area microstrip superconducting single photon detector on a multimode fiber // Applied Physics Letters. 2021. Vol. 118. Article 181103.
      Korneeva Y., Manova N., Dryazgov M., Simonov N., Золотов Ф. И., Korneev A. Influence of sheet resistance and strip width on the detection efficiency saturation in micron-wide superconducting strips and large-area meanders // Superconductor Science and Technology. 2021. Vol. 34. No. 8. Article 084001.
  Корнеев Олег Владимирович Санкт-Петербург Kluczewska K., Korneev O. Policy translation in global health governance: Localising harm reduction in Tajikistan // Global Social Policy. 2021. Vol. 21. No. 1. P. 75-95.
  Корнилов Матвей Викторович Москва Kornilov M. Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Disk Image Parameters // IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 2020. Vol. 27. P. 1480-1484.
      Ishida E. E., Kornilov M.V., Malanchev K. L., Pruzhinskaya M. V., Volnova A., Korolev V., Mondon F., Sreejith S., Malancheva A. A., Das S. Active anomaly detection for time-domain discoveries // Astronomy and Astrophysics. 2021. Vol. 650. Article A195.
      Kornilov V., Safonov B., Kornilov Matwey. Useful relations for the analysis of stellar scintillation at the entrance pupil of a telescope // Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision. 2021. Vol. 38. No. 9. P. 1284-1292.
      Malanchev K., Pruzhinskaya M. V., Korolev V. S., Aleo P. D., M V Kornilov, Ishida E. E., Krushinsky V. V., Mondon F., Sreejith S., Volnova A., Belinski A. A., Dodin A. V., Tatarnikov A. M., Zheltoukhov S. G. Anomaly detection in the Zwicky Transient Facility DR3 // Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2021. Vol. 502. No. 4. P. 5147-5175.
  Королева Диана Олеговна Москва Safronov P., Bochaver A. A., Koroleva D., Nisskaya A. Together apart: field notes as artefacts of collaborative ethnography // Ethnography and Education. 2020. Vol. 15. No. 1. P. 109-121.
  Королева Юлия Олеговна Москва Koroleva Y., Khanukaeva D. Estimates of characteristics of a micropolar flow passing through an axially symmetric cell // Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. 2021. Vol. 2021. No. 74. P. 1-16.
  Корольков Сергей Дмитриевич Москва Korolkov, Sergey, Izmodenov V. New unexpected flow patterns in the problem of the stellar wind interaction with the interstellar medium: stationary ideal-MHD solutions // Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2021. Vol. 504. No. 3. P. 4589-4598.
  Коротяев Евгений Леонидович Санкт-Петербург Korotyaev Evgeny, Mokeev D. Periodic Dirac operator with dislocation // Journal of Differential Equations. 2021. Vol. 296. P. 369-411.
      Korotyaev, E. Eigenvalues of periodic difference operators on lattice octants // Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2021. Vol. 500. No. 2. Article 125138.
      Korotyaev, E., Moller J. Schrodinger operators periodic in octants // Letters in Mathematical Physics. 2021. Vol. 111. No. 2. Article 55.
      Korotyaev E. Eigenvalues of Schrödinger operators on finite and infinite intervals // Mathematische Nachrichten. 2021. Vol. 294. No. 11. P. 2188-2199.
  Космарский Артем Анатольевич Москва Kosmarski Artyom, Gordiychuk N. Token-curated registry in a scholarly journal: Can blockchain support journal communities? // Learned Publishing. 2020. Vol. 33. No. 3. P. 333-339.
  Косов Егор Дмитриевич Москва Kosov E. Total Variation Distance Estimates via L^2-Norm for Polynomials in Log-concave Random Vectors // International Mathematics Research Notices. 2021. Vol. 2021. No. 21. P. 16492-16508.
      Kosov E. Marcinkiewicz-type discretization of L^p-norms under the Nikolskii-type inequality assumption // Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2021. Vol. 504. No. 1. Article 125358.
      Богачев В. И., Косов Е. Д., Попова С. Н. О распределениях однородных и выпуклых функций от гауссовских случайных величин // Известия РАН. Серия математическая. 2021. Т. 85. № 5. С. 25-57.
  Косоногов Владимир Владимирович Москва Mohammed A., Kosonogov V., Lyusin D. Expressive suppression versus cognitive reappraisal: Effects on self-report and peripheral psychophysiology // International Journal of Psychophysiology. 2021. No. 167. P. 30-37.
  Костинский Александр Юльевич Москва Bogatov N. A., Kostinskiy A., Syssoev V. S., Rakov V. Experimental investigation of the streamer zone of long‐spark positive leader using high‐speed photography and microwave probing // JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES. 2020. Vol. 125. No. 11. Article e2019JD031826.
      Kostinskiy A. The Mechanism of the Origin and Development of Lightning from Initiating Event to Initial Breakdown Pulses (v.2) // JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES. 2020. Vol. 125. No. 22. P. e2020JD033191.
  Котов Виталий Юрьевич Москва Kotov V., Buikin P., Ilyukhin A. B., Korlyukov A. A., Dorovatovskii P. V. Synthesis and first-principles study of structural, electronic and optical properties of tetragonal hybrid halobismuthathes [Py2(XK)]2[Bi2Br10-xIx] // New Journal of Chemistry. 2021. Vol. 45. No. 39. P. 18349-18357.
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  Котусев Святослав Юрьевич Москва Kotusev S. The Hard Side of Business and IT Alignment // IT Professional. 2020. Vol. 22. No. 1. P. 47-55.
      Kurnia S., Kotusev S., Shanks G., Dilnutt R., Milton S. Stakeholder Engagement in Enterprise Architecture Practice: What Inhibitors Are There? // Information and Software Technology. 2021. Vol. 134. No. 1. Article 106536.
      Kotusev S., Kurnia S. The Theoretical Basis of Enterprise Architecture: A Critical Review and Taxonomy of Relevant Theories // Journal of Information Technology. 2021. Vol. 36. No. 3. P. 275-315.
  Кравцов Константин Сергеевич Москва Kravtsov K., Molotkov S. Reply to “Comment on ‘Practical quantum key distribution with geometrically uniform states' ” // Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical physics. 2021. Vol. 104. No. 2. Article 026402.
  Кравченко Наталья Павловна Москва Tamminen A., Baggio M., Nefedova I., Sun Q., Presnyakov S., Ala-laurinaho J., Brown E., Wallace V., Macpherson E., Maloney T., Kravchenko N., Salkola M., Deng S., Taylor Z. Extraction of Thickness and Water-Content Gradients in Hydrogel-Based Water-Backed Corneal Phantoms Via Submillimeter-Wave Reflectometry // IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. 2021. Vol. 11. No. 6. P. 647-659.
  Краев Глеб Николаевич Москва Abramov A., Davydov S., Ivashchenko A., Karelin D., Kholodov A., Gleb Kraev, Lupachev A., Maslakov A., Ostroumov V., Rivkina E., Shmelev D., Sorokovnikov V., Tregubov O., Veremeeva A., Zamolodchikov D., Zimov S. Two decades of active layer thickness monitoring in northeastern Asia // Polar Geography. 2021. Vol. 44. No. 3. P. 186-202.
  Краснопольская Ирина Игоревна Москва Salamon L. M., Skokova Y., Krasnopolskaya I. Subnational Variations in Civil Society Development: The Surprising Case of Russia // Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 2020. Vol. 49. No. 5. P. 1058-1081.
      Krasnopolskaya I., Korneeva I. Social innovation measurement: a room for quantitative metrics // International Review of Applied Economics. 2020. Vol. 34. No. 5. P. 567-587.
      Wiepking P., Handy F., Sohyun P., Neumayr M., Bekkers R., Breeze B., de Wit A., Einolf C. J., Gricevic Z., Krasnopolskaya I., Mersianova I., Yang Y. Global Philanthropy: Does Institutional Context Matter for Charitable Giving? // Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 2021. Vol. 50. No. 4. P. 697-728.
  Кривохиж Светлана Валентиновна Санкт-Петербург Soboleva E., Krivokhizh S. Chinese initiatives in Central Asia: claim for regional leadership? // Eurasian Geography and Economics. 2021. Vol. 62. No. 5-6. P. 634-658.
  Круглов Владислав Евгеньевич Нижний Новгород Kruglov V., Malyshev D., Pochinka O., Shubin D. On Topological Classification of Gradient-like Flows on an n-sphere in the Sense of Topological Conjugacy // Regular and Chaotic Dynamics. 2020. Vol. 25. No. 6. P. 716-728.
  Крупец Яна Николаевна Санкт-Петербург Nartova N., Krupets Y., Shilova A. HIV Activism in Modern Russia: From NGOs to Community Development // Community development journal. 2020. Vol. 55. No. 3. P. 419-436.
  Крыжановская Наталья Владимировна Санкт-Петербург Zhukov A., Kryzhanovskaya N., Moiseev E., Nadtochiy A., Dragunova A., Maximov M., Berdnikov Y., Zubov F. I., Mintairov S. A., Kadinskaya S. A., Kulagina M. M., Kalyuzhnyy N. A. Impact of Self-heating and Elevated Temperature on Performance of Quantum Dot Microdisk Lasers // IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 2020. Vol. 56. No. 5. P. 1-8.
      Фетисова М. В., Kryzhanovskaya N., Редуто И. В., Журихина В. В., Морозова О., Расходчиков А., Roussey M., Pelisset S., Кулагина М. М., Гусева Ю. А., Липовский А. А., Максимов М. В., Zhukov A. Strip-loaded horizontal slot waveguide for routing microdisk laser emission // Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 2020. Vol. 37. No. 6. P. 1878-1885.
      Zhukov A., Kryzhanovskaya N., Moiseev E., Максимов М. В. Quantum-dot microlasers based on whispering gallery mode resonators // Light: Science and Applications. 2021. Vol. 10. P. 1-11.
  Кугель Климент Ильич Москва Ya.I. Rodionov, Kugel K., Aronzon B., Nori F. Effect of disorder on the transverse magnetoresistance of Weyl semimetals // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2020. Vol. 102. No. 20. P. 205105.
      Kovaleva N., Kusmartsev F., Mekhiya A., Trunkin I., Chvostova D., Davydov A., Oveshnikov L., Pacherova O., Sherstnev I., Kusmartseva A., Kugel K., Dejneka A., Pudonin F., Luo Y., Aronzon B. Control of Mooij correlations at the nanoscale in the disordered metallic Ta–nanoisland FeNi multilayers // Scientific Reports. 2020. Vol. 10. P. 21172.
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      Kagan M.Yu., Kugel K.I., Rakhmanov A. Electronic phase separation: recent progress in the old problem // Physics Reports. 2021. Vol. 916. No. 1. P. 1-105.
      Kovaleva N., Chvostova D., Pacherova O., Muratov A., Fekete L., Sherstnev I., Kugel K., Pudonin F., Dejneka A. Bismuth layer properties in the ultrathin Bi–FeNi multilayer films probed by spectroscopic ellipsometry // Applied Physics Letters. 2021. Vol. 119. No. 18. Article 183101.
  Кузнецова Мария Юрьевна Санкт-Петербург Aleksandrova E., Behrens K., Kuznetsova M. Manufacturing (co) agglomeration in a transition country: Evidence from Russia // Journal of Regional Science. 2020. Vol. 60. No. 1. P. 88-128.
  Кузнецов Степан Львович Москва Kanovich M., Kuznetsov S., Scedrov A. Reconciling Lambek's restriction, cut-elimination, and substitution in the presence of exponential modalities // Journal of Logic and Computation. 2020. Vol. 30. No. 1. P. 239-256.
      Kanovich M., Kuznetsov S., Nigam V., Scedrov A. Soft subexponentials and multiplexing, in: Automated Reasoning, 10th International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2020, Part I Vol. 12166. Cham : Springer, 2020. P. 500-517.
      Kanovich M., Kuznetsov S., Scedrov A. The multiplicative-additive Lambek calculus with subexponential and bracket modalities // Journal of Logic, Language and Information. 2021. Vol. 30. No. 1. P. 31-88.
  Кузьмина Людмила Ивановна Москва Nazaikinskii V. E., BEDRIKOVETSKY P. G., LIUDMILA I. KUZMINA, OSIPOV Y. V. EXACT SOLUTION FOR DEEP BED FILTRATION WITH FINITE BLOCKING TIME // SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. 2020. Vol. 80. No. 5. P. 2120-2143.
      Kuzmina, L.I., Osipov, Y. V., Gorbunova, T. Asymptotics for filtration of polydisperse suspension with small impurities // Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition). 2021. Vol. 42. No. 1. P. 109-126.
      Kuzmina L., Osipov Y. V. Exact solution for 1D deep bed filtration with particle capture by advection and dispersion // International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. 2021. Vol. 137. Article 103830.
  Кузьмина Юлия Владимировна Москва Kuzmina Y., Ivanova A., Georgijs K. Inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, and mathematics: Exploring gender differences in a nonclinical sample // Research in Developmental Disabilities. 2021. Vol. 119. Article 104107.
  Кузьминов Илья Филиппович Москва Saritas O., Bakhtin P. D., Kuzminov I., Khabirova E. Big data augmentated business trend identification: the case of mobile commerce // Scientometrics. 2021. Vol. 126. P. 1553-1579.
      Gokhberg L., Kuzminov I., Khabirova E., Thurner T. Advanced text-mining for trend analysis of Russia’s Extractive Industries // Futures. 2020. Vol. 115. No. article 102476. P. 1-12.
      Bakhtin P. D., Khabirova E., Kuzminov I., Thurner T. The future of food production - a text-mining approach // Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. 2020. Vol. 32. No. 5. P. 516-528.
  Куликова Софья Петровна Пермь Mahdavi A., Qin Y., Aubry A., Cornec D., Kulikova S., Pinault D. A single psychotomimetic dose of ketamine decreases thalamocortical spindles and delta oscillations in the sedated rat. // Schizophrenia Research. 2020. Vol. 222. P. 362-374.
      Domracheva M., Kulikova S. EEG Correlates of Perceived Food Product Similarity In a Cross-modal Taste-visual Task // Food Quality and Preference. 2020. Vol. 85. P. 1-7.
      Nazarova M., Kulikova S., Piradov M. A., Limonova A., Dobrynina L., Konovalov R. N., Novikov P., Sehm B., Villringer A., Saltykova A., Nikulin V. Multimodal Assessment of the Motor System in Patients With Chronic Ischemic Stroke // Stroke. 2021. Vol. 52. No. 1. P. 241-249.
  Кунцевич Александр Юрьевич Москва A. Yu. Kuntsevich, Shupletsov A. V., Rakhmanov A. L. Simple mechanism that breaks the Hall-effect linearity at low temperatures // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2020. Vol. 102. No. 15. P. 155426.
      Bannikov M. I., Akzyanov R. S., Zhurbina N. K., Khaldeev S., Selivanov Y., Zavyalov V., Rakhmanov A. L., Kuntsevich A. Breaking of Ginzburg-Landau description in the temperature dependence of the anisotropy in the nematic superconductor // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2021. Vol. 104. No. 22. Article L220502.
  Куприянов Дмитрий Александрович Москва Novenko E., Mazei N. G., Kupriyanov D., Kusilman M. V., Olchev A. V. Peatland initiation in central european russia during the holocene: Effect of climate conditions and fires // The Holocene. 2020. Vol. 31. No. 4. P. 545-555.
  Курдин Александр Александрович Москва Menard C., Kurdin A., Shastitko A. Out by the door, in through the window: Politics and natural gas regulation in Russia // Utilities Policy. 2020. Vol. 64. P. 101051.
  Куренной Виталий Анатольевич Москва Kurennoy V. Contemporary state cultural policy in Russia: organization, political discourse and ceremonial behavior // International Journal of Cultural Policy. 2021. Vol. 27. No. 2. P. 163-176.
  Кутузов Станислав Сергеевич Москва Kutuzov S. Supra-glacial debris cover changes in the Greater Caucasus from 1986 to 2014 // Cryosphere. 2020. Vol. 14. No. 2. P. 585-598.
  Кучерявый Евгений Андреевич Москва Pirmagomedov R., Ometov A., Moltchanov D., Lu X., Kovalchukov R., Olshannikova E., Andreev S., Dohler M., Kucheriavyy E. Applying blockchain technology for user incentivization in mmWave-Based mesh networks // IEEE Access. 2020. Vol. 8. P. 50983-50994.
      Kavuri S., Moltchanov D., Ometov A., Andreev S., Koucheryavy Yevgeni. Performance analysis of onshore NB-IoT for container tracking during near-the-shore vessel navigation // IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2020. Vol. 7. No. 4. P. 2928-2943.
      Miao Y., Zhu H., Qian H., Koucheryavy Yevgeni, Samuylov K., Wang H. Peer Offloading with Delayed Feedback in Fog Networks // IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2021. Vol. 8. No. 17. P. 13690-13702.
      Begishev V., Sopin E., Moltchanov D., Pirmagomedov R., Samuylov A., Andreev S., Koucheryavy Yevgeni, Samuylov K. Performance analysis of multi-band microwave and millimeter-wave operation in 5G NR systems // IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 2021. Vol. 20. No. 6. P. 3475-3490.
      Kucheriavyy E., Lisovskaya E., Moltchanov D., Kovalchukov R., Samuylov A. Quantifying the millimeter wave new radio base stations density for network slicing with prescribed SLAs // Computer Communications. 2021. Vol. 174. P. 13-27.
      Begishev V., Sopin E., Moltchanov D., Kovalchukov R., Andreev S., Kucheriavyy E., Samuylov K. Joint Use of Guard Capacity and Multiconnectivity for Improved Session Continuity in Millimeter-Wave 5G NR Systems // IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2021. Vol. 70. No. 3. P. 2657-2672.
  Куюмжиян Каринэ Георгиевна Москва Kuyumzhiyan K. Infinite transitivity for Calogero-Moser spaces // Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2020. No. 148. P. 3723-3731.
  Кычкин Алексей Владимирович Пермь Kychkin A., Chasparis G. Feature and model selection for day-ahead electricity-load forecasting in residential buildings // Energy and Buildings. 2021. Vol. 249. Article 111200.
  Лазарева Ольга Владимировна Москва Lazareva O., Zakharov A. Teacher Wages and Educational Outcomes: Evidence from the Russian School System // Education Economics. 2020. Vol. 28. No. 4. P. 418-436.
      Lazareva O. The Effect of Labor Market Shocks on Health: The Case of the Russian Transition // Economics and Human Biology. 2020. Vol. Vol. 36. P. 100823.
  Лазарев Иван Евгеньевич Москва Lazarev I. E. Event-related potentials accompanying performance of computer mouse pointing task in the long-term dry immersion model of microgravity // Acta Astronautica. 2021. Vol. 181. P. 461-467.
  Лакшина Валерия Владимировна Нижний Новгород Deari F., Lakshina V. V., Lapshina K. Trade credits substitution during crisis period: spatial aspects within developing countries // Journal of Economic Studies. 2020. Vol. 47. No. 2. P. 351-365.
  Ландо Сергей Константинович Москва Chmutov S., Kazaryan M., Lando S. Polynomial graph invariants and the KP hierarchy // Selecta Mathematica, New Series. 2020. Vol. 26. No. 3. P. 1-22.
      Krichever I. M., Lando S., Skripchenko A. Real-normalized differentials with a single order2 pole // Letters in Mathematical Physics. 2021. Vol. 111. No. 2. Article 36.
  Лапшин Виктор Александрович Москва Lapshin V. A., Sofia Sohatskaya. Choosing the Weighting Coefficients for Estimating the Term Structure from Sovereign Bonds // International Review of Economics and Finance. 2020. Vol. 70. P. 635-648.
  Латышев Александр Михайлович Москва Alex Latyshev, Semenov A. G., Andrei D. Zaikin. Superconductor–insulator transition in capacitively coupled superconducting nanowires // Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. 2020. Vol. 11. P. 1402-1408.
  Лебедев Владимир Валентинович Москва Kolokolov I., Lebedev V., Lushnikov P. M. Statistical properties of a laser beam propagating in a turbulent medium // Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2020. Vol. 101. Article 042137.
      Zamparo M., Valdembri D., Serini G., Kolokolov I., Lebedev V., Dall'Asta L., Gamba A. Optimality in self-organized molecular sorting // Physical Review Letters. 2021. Vol. 126. No. 8. P. 1-7.
      Doludenko A., Fortova S., Kolokolov I., Lebedev V. Coherent vortex in a spatially restricted two-dimensional turbulent flow in absence of bottom friction. // Physics of Fluids. 2021. Vol. 33. No. 011704. P. 1-6.
  Лебедев Владимир Владимирович Москва Lebedev V., Olevskii A. Homeomorphic Changes of Variable and Fourier Multipliers // Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2020. Vol. 481. No. 2. Article 123502.
      Vladimir Lebedev. Tame semicascades and cascades generated by affine self-mappings of the d -torus // Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2021. Vol. 149. No. 11. P. 4739-4742.
  Левина Ирина Александровна Москва Levina I. A. Decentralization of Firms in a Country with Weak Institutions: Evidence from Russia // Journal of Comparative Economics. 2020. Vol. 48. No. 4. P. 933-950.
      Marques II I., Levina I. A., Kazun A., Yakovlev A. A. Calling the Cavalry: Firm-level Investment in the Face of Decentralized Expropriation // Journal of Institutional Economics. 2020. Vol. 16. No. 4. P. 503-518.
  Ледяев Валерий Георгиевич Москва Ledyaev Valeri, Chirikova A. Business in the Power Structure of Small Russian Towns // Europe-Asia Studies. 2020. Vol. 72. No. 4. P. 686-711.
  Леевик Юлия Сергеевна Москва Shaginyan V., Msezane A., Artamonov S., Japaridze G., Leevik Y. Ultra spin liquid in Lu(3)Cu(2)Sb(3)O(14) // EPL. 2021. Vol. 136 (2021) . No. 17003. Article 17003.
  Лежнев Евгений Владимирович Москва Monakhova E., Romanov A.Yu., Lezhnev E.V. Shortest Path Search Algorithm in Optimal Two-Dimensional Circulant Networks: Implementation for Networks-on-Chip // IEEE Access. 2020. Vol. 8. P. 215010-215019.
      Monakhov O., Monakhova E., Romanov A.Yu., Sukhov A.M., Lezhnev E.V. Adaptive Dynamic Shortest Path Search Algorithm in Networks-on-Chip Based on Circulant Topologies // IEEE Access. 2021. Vol. 9. P. 160836-160846.
  Лезов Сергей Владимирович Москва Häberl C., Kuzin N., Loesov S., Lyavdansky A. A Neo-Aramaic Version of a Kurdish Folktale // Journal of Semitic Studies. 2020. Vol. 65. No. 2. P. 473-493.
      Häberl C., Loesov S. Nisane: The Life of a Mesopotamian Peasant // Journal of Semitic Studies. 2021. Vol. 66. No. 2. P. 557-618.
  Лепшокова Зарина Хизировна Москва Boehnke K., Galyapina V. N., Lebedeva N., Lepshokova Z. Values of Ethnic Russians and the Indigenous Population in North Caucasus Republics of the Russian Federation: An Exploratory Three-Generation Comparison // Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 2021. Vol. 52. No. 5. P. 489-506.
  Лерман Лев Михайлович Нижний Новгород Lerman L., Trifonov K. Saddle-center and periodic orbit: Dynamics near symmetric heteroclinic connection // Chaos. 2021. Vol. 31. No. 2. Article 023113.
  Лешуков Олег Валерьевич Москва Egorov A., Leshukov O., Froumin I. “Regional flagship” university model in Russia: searching for the third mission incentives // Tertiary Education and Management. 2020. Vol. 26. No. 1. P. 77-90.
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  Лимонов Леонид Эдуардович Санкт-Петербург Kholodilin K., Limonov L. E., Waltl S. Housing Rent Dynamics and Rent Regulation in St. Petersburg (1880–1917) // Explorations in Economic History. 2021. Vol. 81. Article 101398.
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  Маевский Артём Сергеевич Москва  The LHCb c., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Philippov A., Popov S. Searches for low-mass dimuon resonances // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 10. Article 156. 
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Hushchyn M., Derkach D., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., Chekalina V., Baranov A. Constraints on the K0S→μ+μ− Branching Fraction // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 125. No. 23. Article 231801.
      Aaij R., Boldyrev A., Beteta C. A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., Arzymatov K., Баранов А. С., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Chekalina V., LHCb C. Observation of Several Sources of 𝐶𝑃 Violation in 𝐵+→𝜋+𝜋+𝜋− Decays // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 124. No. 
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Ustyuzhanin A., Chekalina V., Boldyrev A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Baranov A., LHCb c. Updated measurement of decay-time-dependent CP asymmetries in D0→K+K− and D0→π+π− decays // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. Vol. 101. No. 1. P. 1-12.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Maevskiy A., Kazeev N., Ustyuzhanin A., Hushchyn M., Boldyrev A., Ratnikov F., Arzymatov K., Baranov A., Belavin V., Chekalina V., LHCb c. Search for A′→μ+μ− decays // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 124. No. 4. P. 1-12.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Гайнцева Т. А., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Филиппов А. А., LHCb C. Amplitude analysis of the B+→D+D−K+ decay // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. Vol. 102. No. 11. Article 112003.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Гайнцева Т. А., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Филиппов А. А., Попов С. А., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., LHCb C. First observation of the decay Λ0b→ηc(1S)pK− // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. Vol. 102. No. 11. Article 112012.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Филиппов А. С., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Measurement of the shape of the B0s→D∗−sμ+νμ differential decay rate // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 2020. No. 12. P. 1-31.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Belavin V., Arzymatov K., Hushchyn M., Ratnikov F., Kazeev N., Курбатов Е. О., Ustyuzhanin A., Boldyrev A., Ryzhikov A., Maevskiy A., Popov S., LHCb c. Study of the lineshape of the χc1(3872) state // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. Vol. 102. No. 9. Article 092005.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Baranov A., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Ryzhikov A., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A. Search for CP violation in Ξ+c→pK−π+ decays using model-independent techniques // The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. 2020. Vol. 80. Article 986.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., A. Boldyrev, D. Derkach, M. Hushchyn, N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ryzhikov, A. Ustyuzhanin, K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, M. Borisyak, S. Popov. Search for the doubly heavy Ξ0𝑏𝑐 baryon via decays to D0pK− // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 11. No. 095. P. 1-20.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Ustyuzhanin A., Borisyak M., Hushchyn M., Derkach D., Kazeev N., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Maevskiy A., Boldyrev A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Popov S. First branching fraction measurement of the suppressed decay Ξ0c→π−Λ+c // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. No. 102. P. 071101.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., S. Popov, Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Observation of Enhanced Double Parton Scattering in Proton-Lead Collisions at at √sNN = 8.16 TeV // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 125. No. 21. P. 1-13.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, A. Boldyrev, M. Borisyak, D. Derkach, M. Hushchyn, N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ustyuzhanin. Isospin amplitudes in Λ0b→J/ψΛ(Σ0) and Ξ0b→J/ψΞ0(Λ) decays // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 124. No. 11. P. 1-11.
      The LHCb C., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Measurement of the Λ0b→J/ψΛ angular distribution and the Λ0b polarisation in pp collisions // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 2020. No. 6. Article 110.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Study of the ψ2(3823) and χc1(3872) states in B+→(J/ψπ+π−)K+ decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 2020. No. 8. Article 123.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Observation of structure in the J/ψ-pair mass spectrum // Science Bulletin. 2020. Vol. 65. No. 23. P. 1983-1993.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Hushchyn M. Measurement of CP observables in B±→DK± and B±→Dπ± with D→K0SK±π∓ decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 6. P. 58.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, A. Boldyrev, M. Borisyak, D. Derkach, M. Hushchyn, N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ustyuzhanin. First observation of excited Ω−b states // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 124. No. 8. P. 1-12.
      The LHCb c., A. Boldyrev, D. Derkach, M. Hushchyn, N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ustyuzhanin, K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, M. Borisyak. Measurement of CP violation in B0→ D∗±D∓ decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 03. Article 147.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, A. Boldyrev, M. Borisyak, D. Derkach, Hushchyn M., N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ryzhikov, A. Ustyuzhanin. Search for the lepton flavour violating decay B+→K+μ−τ+ using B∗0s2 decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 06. No. 129. P. 1-18.
      LHCb C., A. Boldyrev, D. Derkach, M. Hushchyn, N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ryzhikov, A. Ustyuzhanin, K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, M. Borisyak. Measurement of Ξ++cc production in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV // Chinese Physics C. 2020. Vol. 44. No. 2. Article 022001.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., LHCb C. Search for CP violation and observation of P violation in Λ0b→pπ−π+π− decays // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. Vol. 102. No. 5. P. 051101.
      The LHCb C., A. Boldyrev, D. Derkach, M. Hushchyn, N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ustyuzhanin, K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, M. Borisyak. Observation of the semileptonic decay B+→pp¯μ+νμ // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 03. Article 146.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., LHCb C. Measurement of the branching fraction of the decay B0s→K0SK0S // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. Vol. 102. No. 1. P. 012011.
      The LHCb C., K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, A. Boldyrev, M. Borisyak, D. Derkach, M. Hushchyn, N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ustyuzhanin. Test of lepton universality with Λ0b→pK−ℓ+ℓ− decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 05. Article 140.
      The LHCb c., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., Belavin V., Arzymatov K., Maevskiy A., Ryzhikov A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Borisyak M., Boldyrev A., Kazeev N. Precision measurement of the B+c meson mass // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 07. Article 123.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., Maevskiy A., Belavin V., Arzymatov K., Hushchyn M., Ryzhikov A., Derkach D., Kazeev N., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M. Measurement of CP-averaged observables in the B0→K∗0μ+μ− decay // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 125. P. 011802.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., Arzymatov K., Maevskiy A., Belavin V., Hushchyn M., Ryzhikov A., Kazeev N., Borisyak M., Boldyrev A., Derkach D. Search for the rare decays B0s→e+e− and B0→e+e− // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 124. P. 211802.
      The LHCb c., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., Maevskiy A., Derkach D., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Kazeev N., Hushchyn M., Ryzhikov A. Observation of a new baryon state in the Λ0bπ+π− mass spectrum // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 06. Article 136.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., A. Boldyrev, D. Derkach, M. Hushchyn, N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ustyuzhanin, K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, M. Borisyak. Precision measurement of the 𝛯++𝑐𝑐 mass // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 02. No. 049. P. 1-17.
      LHCb C., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A. Search for the doubly charmed baryon Ξ cc // Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy. 2020. Vol. 63. No. 2. Article 221062.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Gaintseva T., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Measurement of the relative branching fractions of B+→h+h'+h'− decays // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. Vol. 102. No. 11. Article 112010.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Gaintseva T., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G., LHCb C. Model-Independent Study of Structure in B+→D+D−K+ Decays // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 125. No. 24. Article 242001.
      LHCb C., Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Gaintseva T., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Strong constraints on the b → sγ photon polarisation from B0 → K∗0e+e− decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 12. Article 81.
      Aaij R., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Observation of the Λ0b→Λ+cK+K−π− decay // Physics Letters B. 2021. No. 815. Article 136172.
      Aaij R., Abellán Beteta C., Ackernley T., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Measurement of the prompt-production cross-section ratio σ(χc2)/σ(χc1) in pPb collisions at sNN=8.16 TeV // Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2021. Vol. 103. No. 6. Article 064905.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., T. Gaintseva, M. Hushchyn, Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., A. Philippov, S. Popov, Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Measurement of CP observables in B±→D(∗)K± and B±→D(∗)π± decays using two-body D final states // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Article 81.
      The LHCb c., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Mokhnenko S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Philippov A., Popov S. Simultaneous determination of CKM angle γ and charm mixing parameters // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Article 141.
      The LHCb c., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Philippov A., Popov S. Updated search for 𝐵+𝑐 decays to two charm mesons // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Article 117.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Ackernley T., Adeva B., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Maevskiy A., Попов С. А., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Angular analysis of 𝐵0→𝐷∗−𝐷∗+𝑠 with 𝐷∗+𝑠→𝐷+𝑠𝛾 decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Article 177.
      The LHCb c., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Philippov A., Popov S. Measurement of J/ψ production cross-sections in pp collisions at s√ = 5 TeV // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Article 181.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Филиппов А. С. Observation of the 𝐵0𝑠 → D*±D∓ decay // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 2021. No. 3. P. 1-18.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., T. Gaintseva, M. Hushchyn, Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., A. Philippov, S. Popov, Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Observation of CP violation in two-body B0(s)-meson decays to charged pions and kaons // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 2021. No. 3. Article 75.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., T. Gaintseva, M. Hushchyn, Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., A. Philippov, S. Popov, Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. First observation of the decay B0s→K−μ+νμ and measurement of |Vub|/|Vcb| // Physical Review Letters. 2021. Vol. 126. No. 8. Article 081804.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Филиппов А. С. Observation of New Resonances Decaying to J=ψK+ and J=ψφ // Physical Review Letters. 2021. Vol. 127. No. 8. Article 082001.
      The LHCb collaboration -., Aaij R., Abdelmotteleb A. S., Abellán Beteta C., Ackernley T., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Search for the doubly charmed baryon 𝛯+𝑐𝑐 in the 𝛯+𝑐𝜋−𝜋+ final state // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Article 107.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Search for CP violation in 𝐷+(𝑠)→ℎ+𝜋0 and 𝐷+(𝑠)→ℎ+𝜂 decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 6. Article 19.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Measurement of CP Violation in the Decay B+→K+π0 // Physical Review Letters. 2021. Vol. 126. No. 9. Article 091802.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Angular Analysis of the B+→K*+μ+μ− Decay // Physical Review Letters. 2021. Vol. 126. No. 16. Article 161802.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Search for long-lived particles decaying to e±μ∓ν // The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. 2021. Vol. 81. No. 261. P. 1-16.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Measurement of the CKM angle γ and B0s−B0s¯¯¯¯¯¯ mixing frequency with B0s→D∓sh±π±π∓ decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 2021. No. 3. P. 1-45.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Observation of a new Ξ0b state // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2021. Vol. 103. No. 1. Article 012004.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Observation of a new excited D+s meson in B0 to D−D+K+π− decays // Physical Review Letters. 2021. Vol. 126. No. 12. P. 1-11.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Measurement of the branching fraction of the B0→D+sπ− decay // The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. 2021. Vol. 81. Article 314.
      A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, Zinchenko A., Riabov V. Simulating the time projection chamber responses at the MPD detector using generative adversarial networks // The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. 2021. Vol. 81. Article 599.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Observation of the decay Λ0b → χc1pπ− // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 5. Article 95.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Гайнцева Т. А., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Филиппов А. А., Попов С. А., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., LHCb C. Observation of Multiplicity Dependent Prompt χc1(3872) and ψ(2S) Production in pp Collisions // Physical Review Letters. 2021. Vol. 126. No. 9. Article 092001.
      Aaij R., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Philippov A., Popov S. Search for CP violation in Ξ−b→pK−K−decays // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2021. Vol. 104. No. 5. Article 052010.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Гайнцева Т. А., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Филиппов А. А., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., LHCb C. Measurement of the CKM angle γ in B± → DK± and B± → Dπ± decays with D → 𝐾0Sh+h− // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 2021. No. 2. Article 169.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Ackernley T., Adeva B., Adinolfi M., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Search for the rare decay B0→J/ψϕ // Chinese Physics C. 2021. Vol. 45. No. 4. Article 043001.
      Aaij R., Abellán Beteta C., Ackernley T., Adeva B., Adinolfi M., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Phillippov A. S., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., LHCb Collaboration -. Search for the doubly heavy baryons Ω0bc and Ξ0bc decaying to Λ+cπ− and Ξ+cπ− // Chinese Physics C. 2021. Vol. 45. No. 9. Article 093002.
      LHCb C., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. First measurement of the CP-violating phase in Bs0 → J / ψ ( → e + e - ) ϕ decays // The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. 2021. Vol. 81. No. 11. Article 1026.
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      Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Observation of new excited 𝐵0𝑠 states // The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. 2021. Article 601.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Evidence of a J/ψΛ structure and observation of excited Ξ− states in the Ξ−b→J/ψΛK− decay // Science Bulletin. 2021. Vol. 66. No. 13. P. 1278-1287.
      Aaji R., Adeva B., Abellán Beteta C., Ackernley T., Adinolfi M., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Precise measurement of the fs/fd ratio of fragmentation fractions and of Bs0 decay branching fractions // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2021. Article 032005.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Gaintseva T., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Study of B0s → J/ψπ+π−K+K− decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 02. Article 24.
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  Макаров Игорь Алексеевич Москва Makarov I. A., Chen H., Paltsev S. Impacts of climate change policies worldwide on the Russian economy // Climate Policy. 2020. Vol. 20. No. 10. P. 1242-1256.
  Макаров Илья Андреевич Москва Makarov I., Borisenko G. Depth Inpainting via Vision Transformer, in: Adjunct Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct). NY : IEEE, 2021. P. 286-291.
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  Маслинский Кирилл Александрович Санкт-Петербург; Москва Maslinsky K. A. The new powers of the pedsovet: social control during the Thaw and the transformation of disciplinary practice in a town school, 1953—68 // Russian Review. 2020. Vol. 79. No. 2. P. 227-245.
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  Мерсиянова Ирина Владимировна Москва Wiepking P., Handy F., Sohyun P., Neumayr M., Bekkers R., Breeze B., de Wit A., Einolf C. J., Gricevic Z., Krasnopolskaya I., Mersianova I., Yang Y. Global Philanthropy: Does Institutional Context Matter for Charitable Giving? // Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 2021. Vol. 50. No. 4. P. 697-728.
  Михайлов Андрей Андреевич Москва Shirokova V. V., Ikonnikova V. A., Solyev P. N., Lushpa V. A., Korlyukov A. A., Volodin A. D., Baleeva N. S., Baranov M. S., Mikhaylov A. A. 1,5-Hydride-Shift-Triggered Cyclization for the Synthesis of Unsymmetric Julolidines // Synthesis. 2021. Vol. 53. No. 24. P. 4689-4699.
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  Михайлова Оксана Рудольфовна Москва Mikhaylova O., Gradoselskaya G. Radical self-representation in a hostile setting: Discursive strategies of the Russian lesbian feminist movement // Social Media and Society. 2021. Vol. 7. No. 1. P. 1-11.
  Мкртчян Никита Владимирович Москва Vakulenko E., Mkrtchyan N. V. Factors of Interregional Migration in Russia Disaggregated by Age // Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy. 2020. Vol. 13. P. 609-630.
      Karachurina L. B., Mkrtchyan N. V. Age-specific Migration in Regional Centres and Peripheral Areas of Russia // Comparative Population Studies. 2020. No. 44. P. 413-446.
  Моисеенко Сергей Григорьевич Москва Kondratyev I., Моисеенко С. Г., Бисноватый-Коган Г. С., Глушихина М. В. Three-dimensional heat transfer effects in external layers of a magnetized neutron star // Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2020. Vol. 497. No. 3. P. 2883-2892.
  Мокеев Дмитрий Сергеевич Санкт-Петербург Korotyaev Evgeny, Mokeev D. Periodic Dirac operator with dislocation // Journal of Differential Equations. 2021. Vol. 296. P. 369-411.
  Мороз Георгий Алексеевич Москва Dobrushina N., Moroz G. The speakers of minority languages are more multilingual // International Journal of Bilingualism. 2021. Vol. 25. No. 4. P. 921-938.
  Морозов Андрей Игоревич Нижний Новгород Malyshev D., Morozov A., Pochinka O. Combinatorial invariant for Morse–Smale diffeomorphisms on surfaces with orientable heteroclinic // Chaos. 2021. Vol. 31. No. 2. Article 023119.
  Морозов Владимир Игоревич Москва Мещеряков Я. Е., Мельман А. С., Evsyutin O., Morozov V., Kucheriavyy E. On performance of PBFT blockchain consensus algorithm for IoT-applications with constrained devices // IEEE Access. 2021. Vol. 9. P. 80559-80570.
  Моспан Анастасия Никитична Москва Vitali D., Santini A., Sayers L., Mospan A. Implicative Dilemmas and Symptomatology Measures: A Practice-Based Evidence Study of Existential Therapy // Journal of Constructivist Psychology. 2020. Vol. 33. No. 4. P. 351-366.
  Нагаев Кирилл Эдуардович Москва Nagaev K. Finite-frequency response of Rasba electron gas with two-particle scattering // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2021. Vol. 104. Article 075423.
  Назарова Варвара Вадимовна Санкт-Петербург Nazarova V., Кошелев К. EVALUATION OF SYNERGISTIC EFFECTS IN M&A DEALS IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY // Finance Research Letters. 2020. Vol. 36. P. 101454.
  Найдёнова Юлия Николаевна Пермь Naidenova I. N., Nesseler C., Parshakov P., Chusovliankin A. After the Crimea crisis: Employee discrimination in Russia and Ukraine // Plos One. 2020. Vol. 15. No. 10. P. 1-17.
      Coates D. C., Naidenova I. N., Parshakov P. Transfer Policy and Football Club Performance: Evidence from Network Analysis // International Journal of Sport Finance. 2020. Vol. 15. No. 3. P. 95-109.
      Parshakov P., Naidenova I. N., Barajas A. Spillover effect in promotion: Evidence from video game publishers and eSports tournaments // Journal of Business Research. 2020. Vol. 118. P. 262-270.
      Naidenova I. N., Parshakov P., Sofiia Paklina. Determinants of Football Fans’ Happiness: Evidence from Facial Emotion Recognition // Journal of Happiness Studies. 2020. Vol. 21. P. 1103-1116.
  Наккарато Мария Кьяра Кьяра Москва Luraghi S., Naccarato C., Pinelli E. The u+gen construction in Modern Standard Russian // Cognitive Linguistics. 2020. Vol. 31. No. 1. P. 149-183.
      Naccarato C., Panova A., Stoynova N. Word-order variation in a contact setting: A corpus-based investigation of Russian spoken in Daghestan // Language Variation and Change. 2021. Vol. 33. No. 3. P. 387-411.
  Нартова Надежда Андреевна Санкт-Петербург Nartova N., Krupets Y., Shilova A. HIV Activism in Modern Russia: From NGOs to Community Development // Community development journal. 2020. Vol. 55. No. 3. P. 419-436.
  Натхов Тимур Владимирович Москва Natkhov T., Vasilenok N. Skilled Immigrants and Technology Adoption: Evidence from the German Settlements in the Russian Empire // Explorations in Economic History. 2021. Vol. 81. No. July. P. 1-18.
  Нежина Тамара Генриховна Москва Nezhina T. G., Barabashev A. G., Prokofiev V. N., Utkina V. Public Personnel Job Satisfaction and Retention: The Effects of Perceived Image and Prestige of Government Jobs // International Journal of Public Administration. 2021. Vol. 44. No. 16. P. 1435-1445.
  Нефедова Алёна Игоревна Москва Nefedova A. Why international students choose to study at Russia’s leading universities // Journal of Studies in International Education. 2021. Vol. 25. No. 5. P. 582-597.
  Никольский Всеволод Павлович Москва Kondratyuk N., Nikolskiy V., Pavlov D., Stegailov V. GPU-accelerated molecular dynamics: State-of-art software performance and porting from Nvidia CUDA to AMD HIP // International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications. 2021. Vol. 35. No. 4. P. 312-324.
  Никонов Василий Иванович Москва Burov A. A., Guerman A., Nikonov V. Force field properties and regions of particle accumulation on asteroid surface // Acta Astronautica. 2020. Vol. 174. P. 236-240.
      Burov A. A., Guerman A., Nikonov V. Asymptotic Invariant Surfaces for Non-Autonomous Pendulum-Type Systems // Regular and Chaotic Dynamics. 2020. Vol. 25. No. 1. P. 121-130.
      Burov A. A., Nikonov V. On the Motion of the Pendulum in an Alternating, Sawtooth Force Field // International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering. 2020. Vol. 30. No. 9 (2050135). P. 1-10.
      Burov A. A., Nikonov V. Motion of a heavy bead along a circular hoop rotating around an inclined axis // International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. 2021. Vol. 137. Article 103791.
  Никулин Сергей Вячеславович Москва Poloznikov A., Nersisyan S., Hushpulian D., Kazakov E., Tonevitsky A., Kazakov S., Vechorko V., Nikulin S., Makarova J., Gazaryan I. G. HIF Prolyl Hydroxylase Inhibitors for COVID-19 Treatment: Pros and Cons // Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2021. Vol. 11. Article 621054.
      Ahuja M., Ammal Kaidery N., Attucks O. C., McDade E., Hushpulian D. M., Gaisin A., Gaisina I., Ahn Y. H., Nikulin S., Poloznikov A., Gazaryan I. G., Yamamoto M., Matsumoto M., Igarashi K., Sharma S. M., Thomas B. Bach1 derepression is neuroprotective in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2021. Vol. 118. No. 45. Article e2111643118.
      Nikulin S., Zakharova G., Poloznikov A., Raigorodskaya M., Wicklein D., Schumacher U., Nersisyan S., Bergquist J., Bakalkin G., Astakhova L., Tonevitsky A. Effect of the Expression of ELOVL5 and IGFBP6 Genes on the Metastatic Potential of Breast Cancer Cells // Frontiers in Genetics. 2021. Vol. 12. Article 662843.
  Нифантьев Илья Эдуардович Москва Nifant'ev I., Tavtorkin A., Legkov S., Korchagina S., Shandryuk G., Kretov E., Dmitrienko A., Ivchenko P. Hydrothermal synthesis of perfectly shaped micro- and nanosized carbonated apatite // Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers. 2021. Vol. 8. P. 4976-4989.
  Новенко Елена Юрьевна Москва Grachev A. M., Novenko Elena, Grabenko E. A., Aleksandrin M. Y., Zazovskaya E. P., Konstantinov E. A., Shishkov V. A., Lazukova L. I., Chepurnaya A. A., Kuderina T. M., Ivanov M. M., Kuzmenkova N. V., Darin A. V., Solomina O. N. The Holocene paleoenvironmental history of Western Caucasus (Russia) reconstructed by multi-proxy analysis of the continuous sediment sequence from Lake Khuko // The Holocene. 2021. Vol. 31. No. 3. P. 368-379.
  Новиков Валентин Владимирович Москва Новиков В. В., Нелюбина Ю. В. Современные физические методы для молекулярного дизайна мономолекулярных магнитов // Успехи химии. 2021. Т. 90. № 10. С. 1330-1358.
  Новиков Дмитрий Павлович Москва Lukin A., Novikov D. Sino-Russian rapprochement and Greater Eurasia: From geopolitical pole to international society? // Journal of Eurasian Studies. 2021. Vol. 12. No. 1. P. 28-45.
  Новиков Сергей Витальевич Москва Novikov S. V. Two-dimensional bimolecular recombination in amorphous organic semiconductors // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2020. Vol. 22. No. 3. P. 1174-1180.
      Novikov S. V. Density of states in locally ordered amorphous organic semiconductors: Emergence of the exponential tails // Journal of Chemical Physics. 2021. Vol. 154. No. 12. P. 124711-1-124711-7.
  Новикова Людмила Геннадьевна Москва Novikova L. Criminalized Liaisons: Soviet Women and Allied Sailors in Wartime Arkhangel'sk // Journal of Contemporary History. 2020. Vol. 55. No. 4. P. 745-763.
  Ноздринова Елена Вячеславовна Нижний Новгород Ноздринова Е. В., Починка О. В. О решении 33-ей проблемы Палиса-Пью для градиентно-подобных диффеоморфизмов двумерной сферы // Успехи математических наук. 2020. Т. 75. № 2. С. 195-196.
      Nozdrinova E., Pochinka O. Solution of the 33rd Palis-Pugh problem for gradient-like diffeomorphisms of a two-dimensional sphere // Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. 2021. Vol. 41. No. 3. P. 1101-1131.
  Объедков Сергей Александрович Москва Yarullin R., Obiedkov S. From equivalence queries to PAC learning: The case of implication theories // International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 2020. Vol. 127. P. 1-16.
  Огородников Леон Леонтьевич Москва I.V.Kolokolov, L.L.Ogorodnikov, S.S.Vergeles. Structure of coherent columnar vortices in three-dimensional rotating turbulent flow // Physical Review Fluids. 2020. Vol. 5. No. 3. Article 034604.
  Ожегов Роман Викторович Москва Baksheeva K., Ozhegov R., Goltsman G., Kinev N., Koshelets V., Kochnev A., Betzalel N., Puzenko A., Ben Ishai P., Feldman Y. The Sub-THz Emission of the Human Body Under Physiological Stress // IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. 2021. Vol. 11. No. 4. P. 381-388.
  Ойнер Ольга Константиновна Москва Kazakov S. P., Oyner O. K. Wellness tourism: a perspective article // Tourism Review. 2020. Vol. 76. No. 1. P. 58-63.
  Ольшанский Григорий Иосифович Москва Olshanski G. Determinantal Point Processes and Fermion Quasifree States // Communications in Mathematical Physics. 2020. Vol. 378. No. 1. P. 507-555.
      Olshanski G. Macdonald polynomials and extended Gelfand–Tsetlin graph // Selecta Mathematica, New Series. 2021. Vol. 27. Article 41.
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      Olshanski G. Macdonald-level extension of beta ensembles and large-N limit transition // Communications in Mathematical Physics. 2021. Vol. 385. P. 595-631.
  Омельченко Александр Владимирович Санкт-Петербург Krasko E., Omelchenko A. Enumeration of unsensed orientable and non-orientable maps // European Journal of Combinatorics. 2020. Vol. 86. Article 103093.
  Опарин Дмитрий Анатольевич Москва Oparin D. Possession and exorcism in the Muslim migrant context // Ethnicities. 2020. Vol. 20. No. 4. P. 731-751.
      Oparin D. Spiritual Authority and Religious Introspection among Muslim Migrants in Western Siberia // Problems of Post-Communism. 2020. Vol. 67. No. 4-5. P. 362-374.
  Орехов Борис Валерьевич Москва Orekhov B., Fischer F. Neural reading. Insights from the analysis of poetry generated by artificial neural networks // Orbis Litterarum. 2020. Vol. 75. No. 5. P. 230-246.
  Орлова Юлия Александровна Москва Avdasheva Svetlana, Orlova Yulia. Effects of long-term tariff regulation on investments under low credibility of rules: Rate-of-return and price cap in Russian electricity grids // Energy Policy. 2020. No. 138. Article 111276.
  Павленко Екатерина Сергеевна Москва Minina E., Yanbarisova D., Pavlenko E. Educational choice of Russian high school students in grade nine // International Studies in Sociology of Education. 2020. Vol. 29. No. 4. P. 326-343.
  Павлов Александр Борисович Москва Pavlov A. Betti tables of MCM modules over the cone of a plane cubic // Mathematische Zeitschrift. 2021. No. 297. P. 223-254.
  Павлова Татьяна Витальевна Москва T.V. Pavlova, S.L. Kovalenko, K.N. Eltsov. Room Temperature Propylene Dehydrogenation and Linear Atomic Chains Formation on Ni(111) // Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2020. Vol. 124. No. 15. P. 8218-8224.
      Pavlova T. Hydrogen inserted into the Si(100)-2×1-H surface: a first-principles study // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2020. Vol. 22. P. 21851-21857.
      T.V. Pavlova, Шевлюга В. М., B.V. Andryushechkin, G.M. Zhidomirov, K.N. Eltsov. Local removal of silicon layers on Si(1 0 0)-2 × 1 with chlorine-resist STM lithography // Applied Surface Science. 2020. Vol. 509. P. 145235.
      Pavlova T., Shevlyuga V.M., Andryushechkin B., Eltsov K. Chlorine insertion and manipulation on the Si(100)-2x1-Cl surface in the regime of local supersaturation // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2020. Vol. 101. No. 23. P. 235410-235410.
      T.V. Pavlova, Eltsov K. Reactivity of the Si(100)-2×1-Cl surface with respect to PH3, PCl3, and BCl3: Comparison with PH3 on Si(100)-2×1-H // Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2021. Vol. 33. No. 38. Article 384001.
  Паклина София Николаевна Пермь; Санкт-Петербург Coates D. C., Parshakov P., Paklina S. Do Managers Matter: Evidence from E-sports // Contemporary Economic Policy. 2020. Vol. 38. No. 2. P. 304-312.
      Naidenova I. N., Parshakov P., Sofiia Paklina. Determinants of Football Fans’ Happiness: Evidence from Facial Emotion Recognition // Journal of Happiness Studies. 2020. Vol. 21. P. 1103-1116.
      Parshakov P., Paklina S., Coates D. C., Chadov A. L. Does video games’ popularity affect unemployment rate? Evidence from macro-level analysis // Journal of Economic Studies. 2021. Vol. 48. No. 4. P. 817-835.
      Molodchik M., Paklina S., Parshakov P. Peer Effects on Individual Performance in a Team Sport // Journal of Sports Economics. 2021. Vol. 22. No. 5. P. 571-586.
  Паниди Ксения Андреевна Москва Jaaskelainen I., Klucharev V., Panidi K., Shestakova A. Neural Processing of Narratives: From Individual Processing to Viral Propagation // Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2020. Vol. 14. P. 253.
  Панова Анастасия Борисовна Москва Naccarato C., Panova A., Stoynova N. Word-order variation in a contact setting: A corpus-based investigation of Russian spoken in Daghestan // Language Variation and Change. 2021. Vol. 33. No. 3. P. 387-411.
      Panova A., Philippova T. When a cross-linguistic tendency marries incomplete acquisition: preposition drop in Russian spoken in Daghestan // International Journal of Bilingualism. 2021. Vol. 25. No. 3. P. 640-667.
  Панова Анна Алексеевна Москва Panova A. A. On the costly voting model: the mean rule // Annals of Operations Research. 2021. Vol. 301. No. 1. P. 183-198.
      Lovakov A., Panova A. A., Sterligov I., Yudkevich M. M. Does government support of a few leading universities have a broader impact on the higher education system? Evaluation of the Russian University Excellence Initiative // Research Evaluation. 2021. Vol. 30. No. 3. P. 240-255.
      Schneijderberg C., Götze N., Jones G. A., Bilyalov D., Panova A. A., Stephenson G. K., Yudkevich M. M. Does vertical University Stratification foster or hinder Academics’ Societal Engagement? Findings from Canada, Germany, Kazakhstan, and Russia // Higher Education Policy. 2021. Vol. 34. P. 66-87.
  Парамонов Олег Геннадьевич Москва Denisov I., Paramonov O., Arapova E., Safranchuk I. Russia, China, and the concept of Indo-Pacific // Journal of Eurasian Studies. 2021. Vol. 12. No. 1. P. 72-85.
  Парфеньев Владимир Михайлович Москва Belan S., Parfenyev V. Optimality and universality in quantum Zeno dynamics // New Journal of Physics. 2020. Vol. 22. No. 7. Article 073065.
      Parfenyev V., Vergeles S. S. Large-scale vertical vorticity generated by two crossing surface waves // Physical Review Fluids. 2020. Vol. 5. No. 9. P. 094702.
      Parfenyev V., Vergeles S. S. Influence of Ekman friction on the velocity profile of a coherent vortex in a three-dimensional rotating turbulent flow // Physics of Fluids. 2021. Vol. 33. No. 11. Article 115128.
      Starkov D., Parfenyev V., Belan S. Conformational statistics of non-equilibrium polymer loops in Rouse model with active loop extrusion // Journal of Chemical Physics. 2021. Vol. 154. P. 1-12.
      Parfenyev V., Vointsev I., Skoba A., Vergeles S. S. Velocity profiles of cyclones and anticyclones in a rotating turbulent flow // Physics of Fluids. 2021. Vol. 33. No. 6. P. 1-11.
  Паршаков Петр Андреевич Пермь Coates D. C., Parshakov P., Paklina S. Do Managers Matter: Evidence from E-sports // Contemporary Economic Policy. 2020. Vol. 38. No. 2. P. 304-312.
      Naidenova I. N., Nesseler C., Parshakov P., Chusovliankin A. After the Crimea crisis: Employee discrimination in Russia and Ukraine // Plos One. 2020. Vol. 15. No. 10. P. 1-17.
      Coates D. C., Naidenova I. N., Parshakov P. Transfer Policy and Football Club Performance: Evidence from Network Analysis // International Journal of Sport Finance. 2020. Vol. 15. No. 3. P. 95-109.
      Parshakov P., Naidenova I. N., Barajas A. Spillover effect in promotion: Evidence from video game publishers and eSports tournaments // Journal of Business Research. 2020. Vol. 118. P. 262-270.
      Parshakov P., Shakina E. Do Companies Disclose Intellectual Capital in Their Annual Reports? New Evidence from Explorative Content Analysis // Journal of Intellectual Capital. 2020. Vol. 21 . No. 6. P. 853-871.
      Naidenova I. N., Parshakov P., Sofiia Paklina. Determinants of Football Fans’ Happiness: Evidence from Facial Emotion Recognition // Journal of Happiness Studies. 2020. Vol. 21. P. 1103-1116.
      Байдина К. О., Parshakov P., Zavertiaeva M. A. Uncertainty of Outcome and Attendance: Evidence from Russian Football // International Journal of Sport Finance. 2021. Vol. 16. No. 1. P. 33-43.
      Parshakov P., Paklina S., Coates D. C., Chadov A. L. Does video games’ popularity affect unemployment rate? Evidence from macro-level analysis // Journal of Economic Studies. 2021. Vol. 48. No. 4. P. 817-835.
      Molodchik M., Paklina S., Parshakov P. Peer Effects on Individual Performance in a Team Sport // Journal of Sports Economics. 2021. Vol. 22. No. 5. P. 571-586.
      Shakina E., Parshakov P., Alsufiev A. Rethinking the corporate digital divide: The complementarity of technologies and the demand for digital skills // Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 2021. Vol. 162. Article 120405.
  Пасько Юлия Валерьевна Москва Pasko Yulia Гетеротопии в художественном мире Марины Цветаевой (на материале стихотворных циклов «Ахматовой» и «Стихи к Блоку») // Scando-Slavica. 2021. Т. 67. № 2. С. 247-268.
  Пашахин Сергей Витальевич Санкт-Петербург Koltsova O., Pashakhin S. Agenda Divergence in A Developing Conflict: A Quantitative Evidence from A Ukrainian and A Russian TV Newsfeeds // Media, War and Conflict. 2020. Vol. 13. No. 3. P. 237-257.
  Пелиновский Ефим Наумович Нижний Новгород Pelinovsky E., Kurkin A., Kurkina O., Kokoulina M., Epifanova A. Logistic equation and COVID-19 // Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 2020. Vol. 140. P. 110241.
      Tobisch E., Pelinovsky E. Dispersive focusing in fractional Korteweg-de Vries-type equations // Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 2020. Vol. 53. No. 34. P. 345703.
      Talipova T., Kurkina O. E., Kurkin A. A., Didenkulova E., Pelinovsky E. Internal Wave Breathers in the Slightly Stratified Fluid // Microgravity Science and Technology. 2020. Vol. 32. P. 69-77.
      Glubokovskikh S., Pevzner R., Sidenko E., Slunyaev A., Pelinovsky E. Downhole distributed acoustic sensing provides insights into the structure of short-period ocean-generated seismic wavefield // Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 2021. Vol. 126. No. 12. Article e2020JB021463.
      Ruderman M., Petrukhin N., Pelinovsky E. Decayless Kink Oscillations Excited by Random Driving: Motion in Transitional Layer // Solar Physics. 2021. Vol. 296. Article 124.
      Pelinovsky D. E., Slunyaev A., Kokorina A. V., Pelinovsky E. Stability and interaction of compactons in the sublinear KdV equation // Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 2021. Vol. 101. Article 105855.
      Dogan G. G., Pelinovsky E., Zaytsev A., Metin A., Tarakcioglu G., Yalciner A., Yalciner B., Didenkulova I. Long wave generation and coastal amplification due to propagating atmospheric pressure disturbances // Natural Hazards. 2021. Vol. 106. No. 2. P. 1195-1221.
      Pelinovsky E., Talipova T., Soomere T. The structure of algebraic solitons and compactons in the generalized Korteweg–de Vries equation // Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 2021. Vol. 419. No. 5. Article 132785.
      Didenkulova E., Pelinovsky E., Touboul ‪. Long-wave approximations in the description of bottom pressure // Wave Motion. 2021. Vol. 100. Article 102668.
      Abrashkin A. A., Pelinovsky E. Nonlinear Guyon waves // Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 2021. Vol. 54. No. 39. Article 395701.
  Пенской Алексей Викторович Москва Nadirashvili N. S., Penskoi A. Free boundary minimal surfaces and overdetermined boundary value problems // Journal d'Analyse Mathematique. 2020. Vol. 141. P. 323-329.
      Karpukhin M., Nadirashvili N., Penskoi Alexei V., Polterovich I. An isoperimetric inequality for Laplace eigenvalues on the sphere // Journal of Differential Geometry. 2021. Vol. 118. No. 2. P. 313-333.
  Пермякова Татьяна Михайловна Пермь Lee I., Permyakova T. M., Sheveleva M. S. Reducing Negative Attitudes Toward Immigrants in Russia and Taiwan: Possible Beneficial Effects of Naïve Dialecticism and an Incremental Worldview // Frontiers in Psychology. 2020. No. 11. P. 1-10.
  Петровский Вадим Артурович Москва Shmelev I., Petrovskiy V. Formalizing the use of training methods in developing a career path // Journal of Community Psychology. 2021. Vol. 49. No. 6. P. 1819-1837.
  Печенкова Екатерина Васильевна Москва Jillings S., Van Ombergen A., Tomilovskaya E., Rumshiskaya A., Litvinova L., Nosikova I., Pechenkova E., Rukavishnikov I., Kozlovskaya I. B., Manko O., Danilichev S., Sunaert S., Parizel P. M., Sinitsyn V., Petrovichev V., Laureys S., zu Eulenburg P., Sijbers J., Wuyts F. L., Jeurissen B. Macro- and microstructural changes in cosmonauts’ brains after long-duration spaceflight // Science advances. 2020. Vol. 6. No. 36. P. 1-12.
      Dobrushina O. R., Vlasova R. M., Rumshiskaya A. D., Litvinova L. D., Mershina E. A., Sinitsyn V. E., Pechenkova E. Modulation of intrinsic brain connectivity by implicit electroencephalographic neurofeedback // Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2020. Vol. 14. No. 192. P. 1-13.
      Panikratova Y. R., Dobrushina O. R., Tomyshev A., Akhutina T. V., Pechenkova E., Sinitsyn V. E., Vlasova R. M. Context-dependency in the Cognitive Bias Task and Resting-state Functional Connectivity of the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex // Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 2020. Vol. 26. No. 8. P. 749-762.
      Shpurov I. Y., Vlasova R. M., Rumshiskaya A. D., Rozovskaya R. I., Mershina E. A., Sinitsyn V. E., Pechenkova E. Neural Correlates of Group Versus Individual Problem Solving Revealed by fMRI // Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2020. Vol. 14. Article 290.
      Panikratova Y. R., Vlasova R. M., Akhutina T. V., Korneev A. A., Sinitsyn V. E., Pechenkova Ekaterina V. Functional connectivity of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex contributes to different components of executive functions // International Journal of Psychophysiology. 2020. Vol. 151. P. 70-79.
      Dobrushina O. R., Arina G. A., Dobrynina L. A., Novikova E. S., Gubanova M. A., Belopasova A. V., Vorobeva V. P., Suslina A. D., Pechenkova E., Perepelkina O. S., Kremneva E. I., Krotenkova M. V. Sensory integration in interoception: Interplay between top-down and bottom-up processing // Cortex. 2021. Vol. 144. P. 185-197.
  Пионтковский Дмитрий Игоревич Москва Kushnareva L., Cherniavskii D., Mikhailov V., Artemova E., Barannikov S., Bernstein A., Piontkovskaya I., Piontkovski D., Burnaev E. Artificial Text Detection via Examining the Topology of Attention Maps, in: Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP). Association for Computational Linguistics, 2021. P. 635-649.
      Cherkasov A. T., Piontkovski D. Wilf Classes of Non-symmetric Operads, in: ISSAC '21: Proceedings of the 2021 on International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2021. P. 91-98.
  Пиперски Александр Чедович Москва Piperski A., Kukhto A. Inferring stress placement variability from a poetic corpus // Journal of Slavic Linguistics. 2021. Vol. 29. No. FASL Extra Issue. P. 1-15.
  Пирковский Алексей Юльевич Москва Aristov O., A.Yu. Pirkovskii. Open embeddings and pseudoflat epimorphisms // Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2020. Vol. 485. No. 2. Article 123817.
  Писарев Василий Вячеславович Москва Kondratyuk N., Pisarev V., Ewen J. P. Probing the high-pressure viscosity of hydrocarbon mixtures using molecular dynamics simulations // Journal of Chemical Physics. 2020. Vol. 153. No. 15. P. 154502.
      Kondratyuk N., Lenev D. Y., Pisarev V. Transport coefficients of model lubricants up to 400 MPa from molecular dynamics // Journal of Chemical Physics. 2020. Vol. 152. No. 19. P. 191104.
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      Kirova E. M., Pisarev V. Morphological aspect of crystal nucleation in wall-confined supercooled metallic film // Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2021. Vol. 33. No. 3. P. 034003-1-034003-12.
      Kondratyuk N., Pisarev V. Predicting shear viscosity of 1,1-diphenylethane at high pressures by molecular dynamics methods // Fluid Phase Equilibria. 2021. Vol. 544-545. Article 113100.
  Писляков Владимир Владимирович Москва Mironov M., Pislyakov V. One-dimensional sonic black holes: Exact analytical solution and experiments // Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2020. Vol. 473. Article 115223.
      Chankseliani M., Lovakov A., Pislyakov V. A Big Picture: Bibliometric Study of Academic Publications from Post-Soviet Countries // Scientometrics. 2021. Vol. 126. No. 10. P. 8701-8730.
  Питербарг Владимир Ильич Москва Piterbarg V. High excursions of Bessel and related random processes // Stochastic Processes and their Applications. 2020. Vol. 130. No. 8. P. 4859-4872.
      Konakov V., Panov V., Piterbarg V. Extremes of a class of non-stationary Gaussian processes and maximal deviation of projection density estimates // Extremes. 2021. Vol. 24. No. 3. P. 617-651.
  Платонова Дарья Павловна Москва Agasisti T., Shibanova E., Platonova D., Lisyutkin M. The Russian Excellence Initiative for higher education: a nonparametric evaluation of short-term results // International Transactions in Operational Research. 2020. Vol. 27. No. 4. P. 1911-1929.
  Плахотник Мария Сергеевна Санкт-Петербург Plakhotnik M. S., Krylova A. V., Maslikova A. Does participation in case competitions improve career decision-making self-efficacy of university students? // Education and Training. 2020. Vol. 62. No. 6. P. 659-675.
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      Plakhotnik M. S. Communication clarity in calls for papers issued by journal special issues: First impressions matter // Learned Publishing. 2021. Vol. 34. No. 2. P. 156-163.
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  Плюснин Юрий Михайлович Москва Putilov A., Sveshnikov D. S., Puchkova A. N., Dorokhov V. B., Bakaeva Z. B., Donskaya O. G., Plusnin Juri, Delwiche B., Colomb C., Neu D., Mairesse O. Single-Item Chronotyping (SIC), a method to self-assess diurnal types by using 6 simple charts // Personality and Individual Differences. 2021. No. 168. Article 110353.
  Поволоцкий Александр Маркович Москва Trofimova A., Povolotsky A. M. Current statistics in the q-boson zero range process // Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 2020. Vol. 53. No. 36. P. 365203.
  Погосов Вальтер Валентинович Москва  
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  Подиновский Владислав Владимирович Москва Podinovski V.V. Maximum likelihood solutions for multicriterial choice problems // European Journal of Operational Research. 2020. Vol. 286. P. 299-308.
  Подольский Владимир Владимирович Москва Gerasimova O., Kikot S., Kurucz A., Podolskii V. V., Zakharyaschev M. A Data Complexity and Rewritability Tetrachotomy of Ontology-Mediated Queries with a Covering Axiom, in: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. IJCAI Organization: The International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2020. P. 403-413.
      Grigoriev D., Podolskii V. V. Tropical Combinatorial Nullstellensatz and Sparse Polynomials // Foundations of Computational Mathematics. 2020. Vol. 20. No. 4. P. 753-781.
      Kikot S., Kurucz A., Podolskii V. V., Zakharyaschev M. Deciding Boundedness of Monadic Sirups, in: PODS'21: Proceedings of the 40th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI Symposium on Principles of Database Systems. NY : Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2021. P. 370-387.
  Подчуфаров Андрей Юрьевич Москва Rumyantsev B., Guk I., Kozachuk A., Mikhaylin A., Pavlov S., Silnikov M., Podchufarov A. Phase transitions effect on interaction of aluminum alloys at velocities exceeding 9 km/s // Acta Astronautica. 2020. Vol. 176. P. 609-612.
  Позаненко Алексей Степанович Москва Minaev P. Y., Alexei Pozanenko. The Ep,I-Eiso correlation: type I gamma-ray bursts and the new classification method // Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2020. Vol. 492. No. 2. P. 1919-1936.
      Li L., Wang X., Alexei Pozanenko. GRB 140423A: A Case of Stellar Wind to Interstellar Medium Transition in the Afterglow // Astrophysical Journal. 2020. Vol. 900. No. 2. P. 176.
      Park I., Choi K., Hwang J., Pozanenko A. S., Won E. Stellar interferometry for gravitational waves // Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2021. Vol. 2021. No. 11. Article 008.
  Поздняков Иван Сергеевич Москва Pozdniakov I., Vorobyova A., Galli G., Rossi S., Feurra M. Online and offline effects of transcranial alternating current stimulation of the primary motor cortex // Scientific Reports. 2021. Vol. 11. No. 1. P. 1-10.
  Полозников Андрей Александрович Москва Poloznikov A., Nersisyan S., Hushpulian D., Kazakov E., Tonevitsky A., Kazakov S., Vechorko V., Nikulin S., Makarova J., Gazaryan I. G. HIF Prolyl Hydroxylase Inhibitors for COVID-19 Treatment: Pros and Cons // Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2021. Vol. 11. Article 621054.
      Ahuja M., Ammal Kaidery N., Attucks O. C., McDade E., Hushpulian D. M., Gaisin A., Gaisina I., Ahn Y. H., Nikulin S., Poloznikov A., Gazaryan I. G., Yamamoto M., Matsumoto M., Igarashi K., Sharma S. M., Thomas B. Bach1 derepression is neuroprotective in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2021. Vol. 118. No. 45. Article e2111643118.
      Poloznikov A., Nikulin S., Bolotina L., Kachmazov A., Raigorodskaya M., Kudryavtseva A., Bakhtogarimov I., Rodin S., Gaisina I., Topchiy M., Asachenko A., Novosad V., Tonevitsky A., Alekseev B. 9-ING-41, a Small Molecule Inhibitor of GSK-3β, Potentiates the Effects of Chemotherapy on Colorectal Cancer Cells // Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2021. Vol. 12. Article 777114.
      Leonardo C., Zumpano R., Poloznikov A., Hushpulian D. M., Tishkov V. I., Andreu R., Gorton L., Mazzei F., Favero G., Bollella P. Sensitive Hydrogen Peroxide Biosensor based on Tobacco Peroxidase Immobilized on p-Phenylenediamine Diazonium Grafted CNTs Preventing Fenton-like Inactivation at Negative Potential // ChemElectroChem. 2021. Vol. 8. No. 13. P. 2495-2504.
      Hushpulian D. M., Kaidery N. A., Ahuja M., Poloznikov A., Sharma S. M., Thomas B., Gazaryan I. G. Challenges and Limitations of Targeting the Keap1-Nrf2 Pathway for Neurotherapeutics: Bach1 De-Repression to the Rescue // Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 2021. Vol. 13. P. 1-8.
  Полякова Валентина Валерьевна Москва Polyakova V., Fursov K., Thurner T. Public Discourse on Stem Cell Research in Russia: Evolution of the Agenda // Science and Technology Studies. 2020. Vol. 33. No. 4. P. 24-49.
  Поляков Святослав Игоревич Санкт-Петербург Sviatoslav Poliakov, Omelchenko E. L., Garifzyanova A. Holding onto your roots: Tatar-language rap in post-soviet Kazan // Popular Music and Society. 2020. Vol. 43. No. 4. P. 401-413.
      Sviatoslav Poliakov. Careers and lifestyles of young cultural entrepreneurs in St. Petersburg // Creative Industries Journal. 2021. Vol. 14. No. 3. P. 269-282.
  Пономарев Александр Александрович Москва Ponomarev A., Aleksandrov N. L. Monte Carlo simulation of negative ion kinetics in air plasmas in a time-varying electric field // Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2020. Vol. 53. No. 5. Article 055203.
  Пономаренко Александр Александрович Нижний Новгород Ponomarenko A., Pitsoulis L., Shamshetdinov M. Overlapping community detection in networks based on link partitioning and partitioning around medoids // Plos One. 2021. Vol. 16. No. 8. Article e0255717.
  Попель Сергей Игоревич Москва Popel Sergey I., Kassem A. I., Izvekova Y. N., Zelenyi Lev M. Lower-hybrid turbulence in the near-surface lunar dusty plasmas // Physics Letters A. 2020. Vol. 384. No. 26. P. 126627.
      Morozova T. I., Kopnin S. I., Popel S. I., Borisov N. D. Some aspects of modulational interaction in Earth's dusty ionosphere // Physics of Plasmas. 2021. Vol. 28. No. 3. Article 033703.
  Попова Елена Арнольдовна Москва Popova E., Chukalina E., Boldyrev K., Jablunovskis A., Gudim I. Magnetic structure of ErFe3(BO3)4: Spectroscopic and thermodynamic studies // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2020. Vol. 500. Article 166374.
      Malkin B. Z., Elena A. Popova, Chukalina E. P., Jablunovskis A., Popova M. N. Self-Consistent Four-Particle Cluster Model of Fe3+ Heisenberg Chains: Spectral and Magnetic Properties of YFe3(BO3)4 Crystals // Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters. 2020. Vol. 14. No. 3. P. 190063-1-190063-5.
      Boldyrev K. N., Kuz'min N. N., Mukhin A. A., Ivanov V. Y., Dobretsova E. A., Popova E., Gavrilkin S. Y., Leonyuk N. I., Maltsev V. V., Malkin B. Z., Popova M. N. Thermal and magnetic properties and optical spectroscopy of SmCr3(BO3)4 // PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS. 2021. Vol. 5. No. 10. Article 104413.
  Попова Светлана Николаевна Москва Богачев В. И., Косов Е. Д., Попова С. Н. О распределениях однородных и выпуклых функций от гауссовских случайных величин // Известия РАН. Серия математическая. 2021. Т. 85. № 5. С. 25-57.
  Попов Владимир Леонидович Москва Vladimir L. Popov, Zarhin Y. G. Root systems in number fields // Indiana University Mathematics Journal. 2021. Vol. 70. No. 1. P. 285-300.
  Попов Роман Аркадиевич Москва Kosareva N., Polidi T. D., Popov R., Puzanov A. Economic performance of Russian regions’ capital cities // Area Development and Policy. 2021. Vol. 6. No. 2. P. 166-180.
  Попцова Мария Сергеевна Москва Beknazarov N., Jin S., Poptsova M. Deep learning approach for predicting functional Z-DNA regions using omics data // Scientific Reports. 2020. Vol. 10. P. 19134.
      Cheloshkina K., Poptsova M. Comprehensive analysis of cancer breakpoints reveals signatures of genetic and epigenetic contribution to cancer genome rearrangements // PLoS Computational Biology. 2021. Vol. 17. No. 3. Article e1008749.
  Посыпкин Михаил Анатольевич Москва Posypkin M., Kolpakov R. The scalability analysis of a parallel tree search algorithm // Optimization Letters. 2020. Vol. 14. No. 8. P. 2211-2226.
  Потанин Богдан Станиславович Москва Kossova E. V., Potanin B., Sheluntcova M. Estimating effect of marriage on male wages in Russia // Journal of Economic Studies. 2020. Vol. 47. No. 7. P. 1649-1667.
  Пресняков Семен Андреевич Москва Tamminen A., Baggio M., Nefedova I., Sun Q., Presnyakov S., Ala-laurinaho J., Brown E., Wallace V., Macpherson E., Maloney T., Kravchenko N., Salkola M., Deng S., Taylor Z. Extraction of Thickness and Water-Content Gradients in Hydrogel-Based Water-Backed Corneal Phantoms Via Submillimeter-Wave Reflectometry // IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. 2021. Vol. 11. No. 6. P. 647-659.
  Притула Антон Дмитриевич Москва Pritula A. Pulling a Yoke through the White Field: East Syriac Poetic Paraphrases of Scribal Rhetoric // Aramaic Studies. 2021. Vol. 19. No. 2. P. 215-224.
  Прокофьев Вадим Николаевич Москва Nezhina T. G., Barabashev A. G., Prokofiev V. N., Utkina V. Public Personnel Job Satisfaction and Retention: The Effects of Perceived Image and Prestige of Government Jobs // International Journal of Public Administration. 2021. Vol. 44. No. 16. P. 1435-1445.
  Прохоров Артем Вячеславович Москва Prokhorov A. The Hero’s Journey and Three Types of Metaphor in Pixar Animation // Metaphor and Symbol. 2021. Vol. 36. No. 4. P. 229-240.
  Прусова Ирина Сергеевна Москва Prusova I., Gulevich O. The effect of mortality salience on the attitudes toward state control: The case of Russia // International Journal of Psychology. 2020. Vol. 55. No. 2. P. 305-314.
      Wang K., Goldenberg A., Dorison C. A., Miller J. K., Uusberg A., Lerner J. S., Gross J. J., Agadullina E., Ankushev V., Dubrov D., Grigoryev D., Hristova E., Prusova I., Romanova M., Sarieva I., Terskova M., Bogatyreva N., Ivanov A., Moshontz H. A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic // Nature Human Behaviour. 2021. Vol. 5. P. 1089-1110.
  Пудалов Владимир Моисеевич Москва Stolyarov V., Pervakov K. S., Astrakhantseva A. S., Golovchanskiy I. A., Vyalikh D. V., Kim T. K., Eremeev S. V., Vlasenko V. A., Pudalov V., Golubov A. A., Chulkov E., Roditchev D. Electronic Structures and Surface Reconstructions in Magnetic Superconductor RbEuFe4As4 // The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 2020. Vol. 11. P. 9393-9399.
      Marques C. A., Neat M. J., Yim C. M., Watson M. D., Rhodes L. C., Heil C., Pudalov V., Pervakov K. S., Vlasenko V. A., Muratov A. V., Kim T. K., Wahl P. Electronic structure and superconductivity of the non-centrosymmetric Sn4As3 // New Journal of Physics. 2020. Vol. 22. No. June. Article 063049.
      Пудалов В. М. Измерение магнитных свойств электронов проводимости // Успехи физических наук. 2021. Т. 191. № 1. С. 3-29.
      Troyan I. A., Semenok D. V., Kvashnin А. G., Sadakov A., Sobolevskiy O., Pudalov V., Ivanova A. G., Prakapenka V., Greenberg E., Gavriliuk A., Struzhkin V., Bergara A., Monacelli L., Akashi R., Oganov A. R. Anomalous high-temperature superconductivity in YH6 // Advanced Materials. 2021. Vol. 33. No. 15. Article 2006832.
      Pudalov V., Gershenson M. Magnetic field driven redistribution between extended and localized electronic states in high-mobility Si MOSFETs at low temperatures // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2021. Vol. 104. No. 3. Article 035407.
      Semenok D. V., Troyan I. A., Ivanova A. G., Kvashnin А. G., Hanfland M., Sadakov A., Sobolevskiy O., Pervakov K., Karimov D., Vasiliev A., Gavriliuk A., Lyubutin I., Akashi R., Vladimir M. Pudalov, Oganov A. R. Superconductivity at 253 K in lanthanum-yttrium ternary hydrides // Materials Today. 2021. Vol. 48. No. 15. P. 18-28.
      Shipunov G., Piening B., Wuttke C., Romanova T., Sadakov A., Sobolevskiy O., Guzovsky E., Usoltsev A., Pudalov V., Efremov D., Subakti S., Wolf D., Lubk A., Buchner B., Aswartham S. Layered van der Waals Topological Metals of TaTMTe4 (TM = Ir, Rh, Ru) Family // The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 2021. Vol. 12. No. 28. P. 6730-6735.
  Пузанов Александр Сергеевич Москва Kosareva N., Polidi T. D., Popov R., Puzanov A. Economic performance of Russian regions’ capital cities // Area Development and Policy. 2021. Vol. 6. No. 2. P. 166-180.
  Пустохина Ирина Валерьевна Москва Pustokhina, I.V., Pustokhin D., Vaiyapuri T., Gupta D., Kumar S., Shankar K. An automated deep learning based anomaly detection in pedestrian walkways for vulnerable road users safety // Safety Science. 2021. Vol. 142. Article 105356.
  Рабинович Александр Соломонович Москва Alexander S. Rabinowitch. On nonlinear dynamical equations for relativistic nucleons moving near atomic nuclei // European Physical Journal Plus. 2020. Vol. 135:695. No. 9. P. 1-7.
      Alexander S. Rabinowitch. On transverse progressive waves in Yang-Mills fields // European Physical Journal Plus. 2021. Vol. 136:574. No. 5. P. 1-10.
  Радаев Вадим Валерьевич Москва Radaev V., Roshchina Y. Decline in alcohol consumption in Russia: Collectivity or polarisation? // Drug and Alcohol Review. 2021. Vol. 40. No. 3. P. 481-488.
  Рахманова Лидия Яковлевна Санкт-Петербург Rakhmanova L., Kolesnichenko L., Kuzhevskaya I., Shaduyko O. Perspectives of climate change: A comparison of scientific understanding and local interpretations by different Western Siberian communities // AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment. 2021. Vol. 50. No. 11. P. 2072-2089.
  Рахуба Максим Владимирович Москва Rakhuba M. Robust alternating direction implicit solver in quantized tensor formats for a three-dimensional elliptic PDE // SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing. 2021. Vol. 43. No. 2. P. A800-A827.
      Usvyatsov M., Makarova A., Ballester-Ripoll R., Rakhuba M., Krause A., Schindler K. Cherry-Picking Gradients: Learning Low-Rank Embeddings of Visual Data via Differentiable Cross-Approximation, in: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021., 2021. P. 11426-11435.
      Obukhov A., Rakhuba M., Liniger A., Huang Z., Georgoulis S., Dai D., Van Gool L. Spectral Tensor Train Parameterization of Deep Learning Layers, in: Proceedings of Machine Learning Research Vol. 130: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. PMLR, 2021. P. 3547-3555.
  Резник Александр Валерьевич Санкт-Петербург Reznik A. Leon Trotsky, the Cultural Debates, and the Political Struggle in 1923 // Historical Materialism. 2020. Vol. 28. No. 2. P. 140-169.
  Ремизов Иван Дмитриевич Нижний Новгород Remizov I. Formulas that represent Cauchy problem solution for momentum and position Schrödinger equation // Potential analysis. 2020. Vol. 52. P. 339-370.
  Ремизова Маргарита Васильевна Москва Sokoloff D. D., Remizowa M. Diversity, development and evolution of archegonia in land plants // Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 2021. Vol. 195. No. 3. P. 380-419.
      Nuraliev M. S., Yudina S. V., Shepeleva E. A., Truong B. V., Do T. X., Beer A. S., Remizowa M. Floral structure in Thismia (Thismiaceae: Dioscoreales): new insights from anatomy, vasculature and development // Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 2021. Vol. 195. No. 3. P. 501-531.
  Ринкон Эрнандес Карлос Хоакин Санкт-Петербург Vukovic D., Rincon C. J., Moinak M. Price Distortions and Municipal Bonds Premiums: Evidence from Switzerland // Financial Innovation. 2021. Vol. 7. No. 1. Article 60.
  Ровнов Юрий Евгеньевич Москва Rovnov Y. EU-Ukraine Arbitration: Will WTO Law Become More Deferential Outside the WTO? // Journal of World Trade. 2021. Vol. 55. No. 6. P. 969-990.
  Родионова Юлия Дмитриевна Москва Yakovlev A. A., Tkachenko A., Rodionova Y. Who Is Inclined to Hide the Truth: Evidence from Public Procurement // International Journal of Public Administration. 2020. Vol. 43. No. 13. P. 1109-1120.
      Rodionova Y. Conflict resolution practice in public procurement: evidence from Russia // International Journal of Conflict Management. 2021. Vol. 32. No. 5. P. 747-768.
  Родригес Залепинос Рамон Антонио  Москва Rodriges Zalipynis R. A. BitFun: Fast Answers to Queries with Tunable Functions in Geospatial Array DBMS // PROCEEDINGS OF THE VLDB ENDOWMENT. 2020. Vol. 13. No. 12. P. 2909-2912.
      Rodriges Zalipynis R. A. Array DBMS: Past, Present, and (Near) Future // PROCEEDINGS OF THE VLDB ENDOWMENT. 2021. Vol. 14. No. 12. P. 3186-3189.
      Rodriges Zalipynis R. A. Convergence of Array DBMS and Cellular Automata: A Road Traffic Simulation Case, in: SIGMOD/PODS '21: Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Management of Data. NY : ACM, 2021. P. 2399-2403.
  Рожанский Игорь Владимирович Москва Rakitskii M. A., Denisov K. S., Rozhansky I. V., Averkiev N. S. Fingerprints of the electron skew-scattering on paramagnetic impurities in semiconductor systems // Applied Physics Letters. 2021. Vol. 118. Article 032105.
  Рожков Кирилл Львович Москва Rozhkov K. L., Khomutskii K., Muniz-Martinez N., Romanowski R. Place overbranding and how to prevent it: combining two conceptual and methodological approaches // Qualitative Market Research. 2020. Vol. 23. No. 4. P. 979-999.
  Рожков Михаил Иванович Москва Rozhkov M., Sorokin A. Some conditions for absence of affine functions in NFSR output stream // Designs, Codes and Cryptography. 2021. Vol. 89. No. 11. P. 2433-2443.
  Ройтерштейн Дмитрий Михайлович Москва

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  Романенко Ксения Романовна Москва Ksenia R. Romanenko. Bolkonskii Won't Die: Fan Fiction Based on Russian Classical Literature // Russian Literature. 2020. Vol. 118. P. 25-44.
      Romanenko K., Froumin I. University mergers in Russia from the students’ perspective: uncertainty and loss of identity // Tertiary Education and Management. 2020. Vol. 26. No. 2. P. 233-245.
  Романов Александр Владимирович Москва Aleksandr V. Romanov. Final dynamics of systems of nonlinear parabolic equations on the circle // AIMS MATHEMATICS. 2021. Vol. 6. No. 12. P. 13407-13422.
  Романов Александр Юрьевич Москва Monakhova E., Romanov A.Yu., Lezhnev E.V. Shortest Path Search Algorithm in Optimal Two-Dimensional Circulant Networks: Implementation for Networks-on-Chip // IEEE Access. 2020. Vol. 8. P. 215010-215019.
      Romanov A. Yu., Stempkovsky A. L., Lariushkin I. V., Novoselov G. E., Solovyev R. A., Starykh V. A., Romanova I. I., Telpukhov D. V., Mkrtchan I. A. Analysis of Posit and Bfloat Arithmetic of Real Numbers for Machine Learning // IEEE Access. 2021. Vol. 9. P. 82318-82324.
      Monakhov O., Monakhova E., Romanov A.Yu., Sukhov A.M., Lezhnev E.V. Adaptive Dynamic Shortest Path Search Algorithm in Networks-on-Chip Based on Circulant Topologies // IEEE Access. 2021. Vol. 9. P. 160836-160846.
  Романов Даниил Михайлович Москва Korotayev A., Vaskin I., Daniil Romanov. Terrorism and Democracy // Comparative Sociology. 2021. Vol. 20. No. 3. P. 344-379.
      Korotayev A., Sawyer P., Romanov D. Socio-Economic Development and Protests // Comparative Sociology. 2021. Vol. 20. No. 2. P. 195-222.
  Романова Татьяна Алексеевна Москва Romanova T. A. Russia’s political discourse on the EU’s energy transition (2014–2019) and its effect on EU-Russia energy relations // Energy Policy. 2021. Vol. 154. P. 1-11.
  Романов Игорь Викторович Москва Romanov I., Shamaev A. Exact Bounded Boundary Controllability to Rest for the Two-Dimensional Wave Equation // Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 2021. Vol. 188. No. 3. P. 925-938.
  Романюк Кирилл Андреевич Санкт-Петербург Romanyuk K. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the US Credit Default Swap Market // Complexity. 2021. Vol. 2021. Article 1656448.
  Рощина Яна Михайловна Москва Radaev V., Roshchina Y. Decline in alcohol consumption in Russia: Collectivity or polarisation? // Drug and Alcohol Review. 2021. Vol. 40. No. 3. P. 481-488.
  Рубин Александр Юрьевич Санкт-Петербург Polishchuk L., Rubin A., Shagalov I. L. Managing Collective Action: Government-Sponsored Community Initiatives in Russia // Europe-Asia Studies. 2021. Vol. 73. No. 6. P. 1176-1209.
  Рудаков Виктор Николаевич Москва

Prakhov I., Rudakov V. The determinants of faculty pay in Russian universities: incentive contracts // European Journal of Higher Education. 2021. Vol. 11. No. 4. P. 408-431.


Rudakov V., Prakhov I. Gender differences in pay among university faculty in Russia // Higher Education Quarterly. 2021. Vol. 75. No. 2. P. 278-301.

  Руднев Максим Геннадьевич Москва Rudnev M., Vauclair C., Bastian B. Measurement invariance of the moral vitalism scale across 28 cultural groups // Plos One. 2020. Vol. 15. No. 6. P. 1-11.
      Rudnev M. Caveats of non-ipsatization of basic values: A review of issues and a simulation study // Journal of Research in Personality. 2021. No. 93. P. 1-11.
Rudnev M. Political participation and basic values in Europe: Replication and extension of Vecchione et al. (2015) // British Journal of Psychology. 2021. Vol. 112. No. 4. P. 879-901.
  Руднев Павел Владимирович Москва Rudnev P., Volkova A. A. Case marking in Russian eventive nominalisations revisited // Russian linguistics. 2020. Vol. 44. No. 2. P. 157-175.
      Fyodor Baykov, Rudnev P. Not all obligatory control is movement // Journal of Linguistics. 2020. Vol. 56. No. 4. P. 893-906.
      Rudnev P. Agreeing adpositions in Avar and the directionality of valuation debate // Linguistic Inquiry. 2020. Vol. 51. No. 4. P. 829-844.
      Rudnev P. Against Upwards Agree // The Linguistic Review. 2021. Vol. 38. No. 1. P. 65-99.
      Rudnev P., Anna Kuznetsova. Linearization constraints on sentential negation in Russian Sign Language are prosodic // Sign Language & Linguistics. 2021. Vol. 24. No. 2. P. 259-273.
  Рунов Борис Антонович Санкт-Петербург Runov B. A. On quantum determinants in integrable quantum gravity // Classical and Quantum Gravity. 2021. Vol. 38. No. 6. Article 065021.
  Рыбаков Михаил Николаевич Москва Rybakov M., Shkatov D. Algorithmic properties of first-order modal logics of finite Kripke frames in restricted languages // Journal of Logic and Computation. 2020. Vol. 30. No. 7. P. 1305-1329.
      Rybakov M., Shkatov D. Recursive enumerability and elementary frame definability in predicate modal logic // Journal of Logic and Computation. 2020. Vol. 30. No. 2. P. 549-560.
      Rybakov M., Shkatov D. Algorithmic properties of first-order superintuitionistic logics of finite Kripke frames in restricted languages // Journal of Logic and Computation. 2021. Vol. 31. No. 2. P. 494-522.
      Rybakov M., Shkatov D. Complexity of finite-variable fragments of products with K // Journal of Logic and Computation. 2021. Vol. 31. No. 2. P. 426-443.
  Рыбина Елена Петровна Москва Malevich T., Rybina E., Ivtushok E. I., Ardasheva L., MacInnes W. No evidence for an independent retinotopic reference frame for inhibition of return // Acta Psychologica. 2020. Vol. 208. P. 103107.
  Рыжиков Артём Сергеевич Москва The LHCb c., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Philippov A., Popov S. Searches for low-mass dimuon resonances // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 10. Article 156.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Гайнцева Т. А., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Филиппов А. А., LHCb C. Amplitude analysis of the B+→D+D−K+ decay // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. Vol. 102. No. 11. Article 112003.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Гайнцева Т. А., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Филиппов А. А., Попов С. А., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., LHCb C. First observation of the decay Λ0b→ηc(1S)pK− // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. Vol. 102. No. 11. Article 112012.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Филиппов А. С., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Measurement of the shape of the B0s→D∗−sμ+νμ differential decay rate // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 2020. No. 12. P. 1-31.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Belavin V., Arzymatov K., Hushchyn M., Ratnikov F., Kazeev N., Курбатов Е. О., Ustyuzhanin A., Boldyrev A., Ryzhikov A., Maevskiy A., Popov S., LHCb c. Study of the lineshape of the χc1(3872) state // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. Vol. 102. No. 9. Article 092005.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Baranov A., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Ryzhikov A., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A. Search for CP violation in Ξ+c→pK−π+ decays using model-independent techniques // The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. 2020. Vol. 80. Article 986.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., A. Boldyrev, D. Derkach, M. Hushchyn, N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ryzhikov, A. Ustyuzhanin, K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, M. Borisyak, S. Popov. Search for the doubly heavy Ξ0𝑏𝑐 baryon via decays to D0pK− // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 11. No. 095. P. 1-20.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Ustyuzhanin A., Borisyak M., Hushchyn M., Derkach D., Kazeev N., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Maevskiy A., Boldyrev A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Popov S. First branching fraction measurement of the suppressed decay Ξ0c→π−Λ+c // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. No. 102. P. 071101.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., S. Popov, Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Observation of Enhanced Double Parton Scattering in Proton-Lead Collisions at at √sNN = 8.16 TeV // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 125. No. 21. P. 1-13.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Hushchyn M. Measurement of CP observables in B±→DK± and B±→Dπ± with D→K0SK±π∓ decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 6. P. 58.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, A. Boldyrev, M. Borisyak, D. Derkach, Hushchyn M., N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ryzhikov, A. Ustyuzhanin. Search for the lepton flavour violating decay B+→K+μ−τ+ using B∗0s2 decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 06. No. 129. P. 1-18.
      LHCb C., A. Boldyrev, D. Derkach, M. Hushchyn, N. Kazeev, A. Maevskiy, F. Ratnikov, A. Ryzhikov, A. Ustyuzhanin, K. Arzymatov, V. Belavin, M. Borisyak. Measurement of Ξ++cc production in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV // Chinese Physics C. 2020. Vol. 44. No. 2. Article 022001.
      The LHCb c., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., Belavin V., Arzymatov K., Maevskiy A., Ryzhikov A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Borisyak M., Boldyrev A., Kazeev N. Precision measurement of the B+c meson mass // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 07. Article 123.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., Maevskiy A., Belavin V., Arzymatov K., Hushchyn M., Ryzhikov A., Derkach D., Kazeev N., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M. Measurement of CP-averaged observables in the B0→K∗0μ+μ− decay // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 125. P. 011802.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., Arzymatov K., Maevskiy A., Belavin V., Hushchyn M., Ryzhikov A., Kazeev N., Borisyak M., Boldyrev A., Derkach D. Search for the rare decays B0s→e+e− and B0→e+e− // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 124. P. 211802.
      The LHCb c., Ratnikov F., Ustyuzhanin A., Maevskiy A., Derkach D., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Kazeev N., Hushchyn M., Ryzhikov A. Observation of a new baryon state in the Λ0bπ+π− mass spectrum // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 06. Article 136.
      Maxim Borisyak, Artem Ryzhikov, Ustyuzhanin A., Derkach D., Ratnikov F., Mineeva O. (1 + ε)-class Classification: an Anomaly Detection Method for Highly Imbalanced or Incomplete Data Sets // Journal of Machine Learning Research. 2020. Vol. 21. P. 1-22.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Gaintseva T., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Measurement of the relative branching fractions of B+→h+h'+h'− decays // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. Vol. 102. No. 11. Article 112010.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Gaintseva T., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G., LHCb C. Model-Independent Study of Structure in B+→D+D−K+ Decays // Physical Review Letters. 2020. Vol. 125. No. 24. Article 242001.
      LHCb C., Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Gaintseva T., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Strong constraints on the b → sγ photon polarisation from B0 → K∗0e+e− decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020. Vol. 12. Article 81.
      Aaij R., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Observation of the Λ0b→Λ+cK+K−π− decay // Physics Letters B. 2021. No. 815. Article 136172.
      Aaij R., Abellán Beteta C., Ackernley T., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Measurement of the prompt-production cross-section ratio σ(χc2)/σ(χc1) in pPb collisions at sNN=8.16 TeV // Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2021. Vol. 103. No. 6. Article 
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., T. Gaintseva, M. Hushchyn, Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., A. Philippov, S. Popov, Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Measurement of CP observables in B±→D(∗)K± and B±→D(∗)π± decays using two-body D final states // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Article 81.
      The LHCb c., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Mokhnenko S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Philippov A., Popov S. Simultaneous determination of CKM angle γ and charm mixing parameters // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Article 141.
      The LHCb c., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Philippov A., Popov S. Updated search for 𝐵+𝑐 decays to two charm mesons // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Article 117.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Ackernley T., Adeva B., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Maevskiy A., Попов С. А., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Angular analysis of 𝐵0→𝐷∗−𝐷∗+𝑠 with 𝐷∗+𝑠→𝐷+𝑠𝛾 decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Article 177.
      The LHCb c., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Philippov A., Popov S. Measurement of J/ψ production cross-sections in pp collisions at s√ = 5 TeV // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Article 181.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Филиппов А. С. Observation of the 𝐵0𝑠 → D*±D∓ decay // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 2021. No. 3. P. 1-18.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., T. Gaintseva, M. Hushchyn, Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., A. Philippov, S. Popov, Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Observation of CP violation in two-body B0(s)-meson decays to charged pions and kaons // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 2021. No. 3. Article 75.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., T. Gaintseva, M. Hushchyn, Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., A. Philippov, S. Popov, Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. First observation of the decay B0s→K−μ+νμ and measurement of |Vub|/|Vcb| // Physical Review Letters. 2021. Vol. 126. No. 8. Article 081804.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Филиппов А. С. Observation of New Resonances Decaying to J=ψK+ and J=ψφ // Physical Review Letters. 2021. Vol. 127. No. 8. Article 082001.
      The LHCb collaboration -., Aaij R., Abdelmotteleb A. S., Abellán Beteta C., Ackernley T., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Search for the doubly charmed baryon 𝛯+𝑐𝑐 in the 𝛯+𝑐𝜋−𝜋+ final state // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Article 107.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Search for CP violation in 𝐷+(𝑠)→ℎ+𝜋0 and 𝐷+(𝑠)→ℎ+𝜂 decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 6. Article 19.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Measurement of CP Violation in the Decay B+→K+π0 // Physical Review Letters. 2021. Vol. 126. No. 9. Article 091802.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Angular Analysis of the B+→K*+μ+μ− Decay // Physical Review Letters. 2021. Vol. 126. No. 16. Article 161802.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Search for long-lived particles decaying to e±μ∓ν // The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. 2021. Vol. 81. No. 261. P. 1-16.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Measurement of the CKM angle γ and B0s−B0s¯¯¯¯¯¯ mixing frequency with B0s→D∓sh±π±π∓ decays // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 2021. No. 3. P. 1-45.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Observation of a new Ξ0b state // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2021. Vol. 103. No. 1. Article 012004.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Observation of a new excited D+s meson in B0 to D−D+K+π− decays // Physical Review Letters. 2021. Vol. 126. No. 12. P. 1-11.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Measurement of the branching fraction of the B0→D+sπ− decay // The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. 2021. Vol. 81. Article 314.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Observation of the decay Λ0b → χc1pπ− // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 5. Article 95.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Гайнцева Т. А., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Филиппов А. А., Попов С. А., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., LHCb C. Observation of Multiplicity Dependent Prompt χc1(3872) and ψ(2S) Production in pp Collisions // Physical Review Letters. 2021. Vol. 126. No. 9. Article 092001.
      Aaij R., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Philippov A., Popov S. Search for CP violation in Ξ−b→pK−K−decays // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2021. Vol. 104. No. 5. Article 052010.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Гайнцева Т. А., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Филиппов А. А., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., LHCb C. Measurement of the CKM angle γ in B± → DK± and B± → Dπ± decays with D → 𝐾0Sh+h− // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 2021. No. 2. Article 169.
      Aaij R., Beteta C. A., Ackernley T., Adeva B., Adinolfi M., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Search for the rare decay B0→J/ψϕ // Chinese Physics C. 2021. Vol. 45. No. 4. 
      Aaij R., Abellán Beteta C., Ackernley T., Adeva B., Adinolfi M., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Maevskiy A., Phillippov A. S., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., LHCb Collaboration -. Search for the doubly heavy baryons Ω0bc and Ξ0bc decaying to Λ+cπ− and Ξ+cπ− // Chinese Physics C. 2021. Vol. 45. No. 9. Article 093002.
      LHCb C., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. First measurement of the CP-violating phase in Bs0 → J / ψ ( → e + e - ) ϕ decays // The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. 2021. Vol. 81. No. 11. Article 1026.
      Aaji R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Borisyak M., Boldyrev A., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Searches for 25 rare and forbidden decays of D+ and 𝐷+𝑠, Ds+ mesons // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Article 44.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Search for heavy neutral leptons in W+ → μ+μ± jet decays // The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. 2021. Vol. 81. No. 248. Article 248.
      Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Popov S., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A. Observation of new excited 𝐵0𝑠 states // The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. 2021. Article 601.
      Aaij R., Arzymatov K., Belavin V., Boldyrev A., Borisyak M., Derkach D., Hushchyn M., Karpov M., Kazeev N., Maevskiy A., Philippov A., Popov A., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Ustyuzhanin A., Zunica G. Evidence of a J/ψΛ structure and observation of excited Ξ− states in the Ξ−b→J/ψΛK− decay // Science Bulletin. 2021. Vol. 66. No. 13. P. 1278-1287.
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  Рябинин Максим Константинович Москва Ryabinin M., Sergei Popov, Liudmila Prokhorenkova, Voita E. Embedding Words in Non-Vector Space with Unsupervised Graph Learning, in: Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP). Association for Computational Linguistics, 2020. P. 7317-7331.
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      Diskin M., Bukhtiyarov A., Ryabinin M., Saulnier L., Lhoest Q., Anton Sinitsin, Popov D., Pyrkin Dmitriy, Kashirin Maxim, Borzunov A., Villanova del Moral A., Mazur D., Kobelev I., Jernite Y., Wolf T., Pekhimenko G. Distributed Deep Learning In Open Collaborations, in: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (NeurIPS 2021). Curran Associates, Inc., 2021. P. 7879-7897.
      Ryabinin M., Malinin A., Gales M. Scaling Ensemble Distribution Distillation to Many Classes with Proxy Targets, in: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (NeurIPS 2021). Curran Associates, Inc., 2021. P. 6023-6035.
      Ryabinin M., Gorbunov E., Plokhotnyuk V., Pekhimenko G. Moshpit SGD: Communication-Efficient Decentralized Training on Heterogeneous Unreliable Devices, in: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (NeurIPS 2021). Curran Associates, Inc., 2021. P. 18195-18211.
  Ряпина Наталья Евгеньевна Пермь Riapina Natalia. Clarity and Immediacy in Technology Mediated Communication between Teachers and Students in Tertiary Education in Russia // Communication Studies. 2021. Vol. 72. No. 6. P. 1017-1033.
  Саакян Сергей Арамович Москва Saakyan S.A., Vilshanskaya E., Galstyan K., Sautenkov V. A., Zelener B. Measurement of the photoionization cross section of the lithium 2P3/2 state in a magneto-optical trap with a UV-light-emitting diode // Measurement Science and Technology. 2021. Vol. 32. No. 11. Article 115501.
  Савин Никита Юрьевич Москва Chmel K., Klimova A. M., Savin N. The effect of risk framing on support for restrictive government policy regarding the COVID-19 outbreak // Plos One. 2021. Vol. 16. No. 10. Article e0258132.
  Савицкий Станислав Анатольевич Санкт-Петербург Савицкий С. А. Союз и соперничество искусства, науки и философии в России XVIII–XX вв. // Die Welt der Slaven. Internationale Halbjahresschrift für Slavistik. 2020. Т. 65. № 1. С. 1-6.
      Савицкий С. А. О происхождении русской философии из духа номадизма: Книга В. Эрна о Г. Сковороде и скифская мифология русского модернизма // Die Welt der Slaven. Internationale Halbjahresschrift für Slavistik. 2020. Т. 1. С. 56-72.
  Сажина Александра Ильдаровна Пермь
Prakhov I., Kotomina O., Sazhina A. Parental involvement and the educational trajectories of youth in Russia // International Journal of Educational Development. 2020. No. 78. P. 102252.
  Сазонов Сергей Юрьевич Москва Sazonov S. The Galactic LMXB Population and the Galactic Centre Region // New Astronomy Reviews. 2020. Vol. 88. P. 101536.
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  Саидов Зокиржон Баходурович Москва Gurkov I. B., Saidov Z. The past, the present, and the foreseeable future of Russian manufacturing subsidiaries of Western multinational corporations // Journal of Eurasian Studies. 2021. Vol. 12. No. 2. P. 155-168.
      Gurkov I. B., Kokorina A. O., Saidov Z., Balaeva O. Rituals of Opening Ceremonies of Overseas Manufacturing Facilities of Multinational Corporations in Russia // Thunderbird International Business Review. 2021. Vol. 63. No. 2. P. 145-157.
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  Самарина Ирина Владимировна Москва
Babaev K., Samarina I. A Grammar of May: An Austroasiatic Language of Vietnam / Пер. с рус. Brill, 2021.
  Самылина Евгения Александровна Нижний Новгород Gonchenko A. S., Gonchenko M. S., Kozlov A. D., Samylina E. On scenarios of the onset of homoclinic attractors in three-dimensional non-orientable maps // Chaos. 2021. Vol. 31. No. 4. Article 043122.
      Gonchenko S., Gonchenko A., Kazakov A., Samylina E. On discrete Lorenz-like attractors // Chaos. 2021. Vol. 31. No. 2. Article 023117.
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      Kutergina E., Sanina A., Balashov A., Willis J. E. Improving Competency-Based Education through Empirical Evaluation: A Mixed Methods Study of A Masters of Public Administration Program // International Journal of Public Administration. 2020. Vol. 43. No. 1. P. 1-16.
  Сариева Ирена Ремаевна Москва
Agadullina E., Ivanov A., Sarieva I. How Do Russians Perceive and Justify the Status Quo: Insights From Adapting the System Justification Scales // Frontiers in Psychology. 2021. Vol. 12. Article 713838.
      Wang K., Goldenberg A., Dorison C. A., Miller J. K., Uusberg A., Lerner J. S., Gross J. J., Agadullina E., Ankushev V., Dubrov D., Grigoryev D., Hristova E., Prusova I., Romanova M., Sarieva I., Terskova M., Bogatyreva N., Ivanov A., Moshontz H. A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic // Nature Human Behaviour. 2021. Vol. 5. P. 1089-1110.
  Сауткина Елена Владимировна Москва
Agissova F., Sautkina E. The Role of Personal and Political Values in Predicting Environmental Attitudes and Pro-environmental Behavior in Kazakhstan // Frontiers in Psychology. 2020. Vol. 11. P. 3660.
  Сафин Ансар Ризаевич Москва Consolo G., Valenti G., Safin A., Nikitov S. A., Tyberkevich V., Slavin A. Theory of the electric field controlled antiferromagnetic spin Hall oscillator and detector // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2021. Vol. 103. Article 134431.
  Сафонов Клим Андреевич Нижний Новгород
Gonchenko M., Gonchenko S., Safonov K. Reversible perturbations of conservative Hénon-like maps // Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. 2021. Vol. 41. No. 4. P. 1875-1895.
  Сафранчук Иван Алексеевич Москва Denisov I., Paramonov O., Arapova E., Safranchuk I. Russia, China, and the concept of Indo-Pacific // Journal of Eurasian Studies. 2021. Vol. 12. No. 1. P. 72-85.
  Сафроненко Евгений Владимирович Санкт-Петербург Safronenko E. Extremal convex bodies for affine measures of symmetry // Studia Mathematica. 2021. Vol. 259. P. 153-173.
  Свердлов Михаил Игоревич Москва Lekmanov O.*, Rylova M., Sverdlov M. The life and death of Kuz’ka Probkin, or the story of how the Pionerskaia pravda newspaper took over Pioneer magazine // Russian Literature. 2021. No. 120-121. P. 203-237.
  Светликова Илона Юрьевна Санкт-Петербург Кукушкина В. А., Светликова И. Ю., Юшин П. К. Научные контексты «звездного ужаса»: Комментарий к Андрею Белому // Die Welt der Slaven. Internationale Halbjahresschrift für Slavistik. 2020. Т. LXV . № 1. С. 73-88.
  Свитанько Игорь Валентинович Москва Stroylov Viktor S., Svitanko I., Maksimenko A. S., Kislyi V. P., Semenova M. N., Semenov V. V. Computational modeling and target synthesis of monomethoxy-substituted o-diphenylisoxazoles with unexpectedly high antimitotic microtubule destabilizing activity // Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 2020. Vol. 30. Article 127608.
      Stroganov O. V., Novikov, FN, Medvedev, MG, Dmitrienko A. O., Svitanko, IV. The role of human in the loop: lessons from D3R challenge 4 // Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design. 2020. Vol. 34. No. 2. P. 121-130.
      Novikov, FN, Stroylov V. S., Svitanko, I.V, Nebolsin V. E. Molecular basis of COVID-19 pathogenesis // Russian Chemical Reviews. 2020. Vol. 89. No. 8. P. 858-878.
      Titov I., Стройлов В. С., Русина П. В., Svitanko I. Preliminary modeling as the first stage of targeted organic synthesis / Пер. с рус. // Russian Chemical Reviews. 2021. Vol. 90. No. 7. P. 831-867.
  Севастьянов Сергей Витальевич Санкт-Петербург
Kireev A., Sevastianov Sergei. Development Institutions of the Russian Far East and Asia-Pacific countries: Goals, instruments, and results in comparative perspective // Asian Politics and Policy. 2021. Vol. 13. No. 4. P. 511-533.
  Северова Елена Эрастовна Москва Smyshlyaeva O., Severova E., Krylovich O., Kuzmicheva E., Savinetsky A., Dixie W., Hatfield V. Ornithogenic vegetation: How significant has the seabird influence been on the Aleutian Island vegetation during the Holocene? // Ecology and Evolution. 2021. Vol. 11. No. 20. P. 14088-14100.
  Селезнёв Михаил Георгиевич Москва
Seleznev M. Στερέωμα in the LXX and Related Literature and the Origin of the Quotation from Genesis in Pseudo-Longinus’s On the Sublime // Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies (JSCS). 2021. No. 54. P. 95-109.
  Семенов Александр Михайлович Санкт-Петербург Semyonov A. The Return of longue durée in Political History of the Russian Empire // Russian History. 2021. Vol. 48. No. 1. P. 11-18.
      Sablin I., Semyonov A. Autonomy and Decentralization in the Global Imperial Crisis: The Russian Empire and the Soviet Union in 1905–1924 // Modern Intellectual History. 2020. Vol. 17. No. 2. P. 543-560.
      Semyonov A. Imperial parliament for a hybrid empire: Representative experiments in early 20th century Russian Empire // Journal of Eurasian Studies. 2020. Vol. 11. No. 1. P. 30-39.
  Семенов Андрей Георгиевич Москва Antonov A., Leonidov A., Semenov A. G. Self-excited Ising game // Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2021. Vol. 561. Article 125305.
Arutyunov K., Lehtinen J. S., Radkevich A., Semenov A. G., Zaikin A. D. Superconducting insulators and localization of Cooper pairs // Communications Physics. 2021. Vol. 4. No. 1. Article 146.
  Семенов-Тян-Шанский Кирилл Михайлович Санкт-Петербург Ayerbe Gayoso C., Bibrzycki Ł., Diehl S., Heppelmann S., Huber G., Kay S. J., Klein S. R., Laget J. M., Li W. B., Mathieu V., Park K., Perry R. J., Pire B., Semenov-Tian-Shansky K., Stanek A., Stevens J. R., Szymanowski L., Weiss C., Yu B. Progress and opportunities in backward angle (u-channel) physics // European Physical Journal A. 2021. Vol. 57. No. 12. Article 342.
      Pire B., Semenov-Tian-Shansky K., Szymanowski L. Transition distribution amplitudes and hard exclusive reactions with baryon number transfer // Physics Reports. 2021. Vol. 940. P. 1-121.
      Linzen J., Polyakov M., Semenov-Tian-Shansky K., Sokolova N. Exact summation of leading logs around $T\bar T$ deformation of $O(N+1)$-symmetric 2D QFTs // Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021. Vol. 05. Article 266.
  Сиваев Игорь Борисович Москва Sivaev I., Stogniy M. Y., Bregadze V. I. Transition metal complexes with carboranylphosphine ligands // Coordination Chemistry Reviews. 2021. Vol. 436. Article 213795.
  Синельщиков Дмитрий Игоревич Москва Alfimov G., Fedotov A., Sinelshchikov D. Determination of the blow up point for complex nonautonomous ODE with cubic nonlinearity // Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 2020. Vol. 402. Article 132245.
      Demina M.V., Sinelshchikov D. On the integrability of some forced nonlinear oscillators // International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. 2020. Vol. 121. Article 103439.
Garashchuk I., Kazakov A., Sinelshchikov D. Synchronous oscillations and symmetry breaking in a model of two interacting ultrasound contrast agents // Nonlinear Dynamics. 2020. Vol. 101. P. 1199-1213.
      Sinelshchikov D. On linearizability via nonlocal transformations and first integrals for second-order ordinary differential equations // Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 2020. Vol. 141. Article 110318.
      Sinelshchikov D. Linearizability conditions for the Rayleigh-like oscillators // Physics Letters A. 2020. Vol. 384. No. 26. Article 126655.
Sinelshchikov D. Nonlocal deformations of autonomous invariant curves for Liénard equations with quadratic damping // Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 2021. Vol. 152. P. 111412-1-111412-5.
      Garashchuk I., Sinelshchikov D. Bubbling transition as a mechanism of destruction of synchronous oscillations of identical microbubble contrast agents // Chaos. 2021. Vol. 31. No. 2. Article 023130.
      Demina M.V., Sinelshchikov D. Darboux first integrals and linearizability of quadratic–quintic Duffing–van der Pol oscillators // Journal of Geometry and Physics. 2021. Vol. 165. P. 104215-1-104215-12.
      Sinelshchikov D. On an integrability criterion for a family of cubic oscillators // AIMS MATHEMATICS. 2021. Vol. 6. No. 11. P. 12902-12910.
  Синявская Ядвига Эдуардовна Санкт-Петербург Rykov Y., Koltsova O., Sinyavskaya Y. Effects of user behaviors on accumulation of social capital in an online social network // Plos One. 2020. Vol. 15. No. 4. Article e0231837..
      Koltsova Olessia Y., Mararitsa Larisa V., Terpilovskii Maxim A., Sinyavskaya Yadviga E. Social signature in an online environment: stability and cognitive limits // Computers in Human Behavior. 2021. No. 122. Article 106856.
  Скворцов Дмитрий Александрович Москва Vyhivskyi O., Laikov D., Finko A., Skvortsov D., Zhirkina I., Tafeenko V., Zyk N., Majouga A., Beloglazkina E. Ullmann-type C−Se Cross-Coupling in the Hydantoin Family:Synthesis, Mechanistic Studies, and Tests of Biological Activity // Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2020. Vol. 85. No. 5. P. 3160-3173.
      Skvortsov D., Kalinina M., Zhirkina I., Vasilyeva L., Ivanenkov Y., Sergiev P., Dontsova O. From Toxicity to Selectivity: Coculture of the Fluorescent Tumor and Non-Tumor Lung Cells and High-Throughput Screening of Anticancer Compounds // Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2021. Vol. 12. Article 713103.
  Скокова Юлия Аркадиевна Москва Salamon L. M., Skokova Y., Krasnopolskaya I. Subnational Variations in Civil Society Development: The Surprising Case of Russia // Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 2020. Vol. 49. No. 5. P. 1058-1081.
      Fröhlich C., Skokova Y. Two for One: Public Welfare and Regime Legitimacy Through State Funding for CSOs in Russia // Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations. 2020. Vol. 31. No. 4. P. 698-709.
  Скопенков Михаил Борисович Москва Skopenkov M., Bo P., Bartoň M., Pottmann H. Characterizing envelopes of moving rotational cones and applications in CNC machining // Computer Aided Geometric Design. 2020. Vol. 83. P. 101944.
  Скоробогатов Александр Сергеевич Санкт-Петербург Skorobogatov A. The effect of alcohol sales restrictions on alcohol poisoning mortality: Evidence from Russia // Health Economics. 2021. Vol. 30. No. 6. P. 1417-1442.
  Скулкин Сергей Павлович Нижний Новгород Skulkin S. P., Lysenko N. A., Uskov G. K., Bobreshov A. M. Formulas for Antenna Patterns in Time Domain and for the Primitive Impulse Response Function of Linearly Polarized Field of Plane Aperture // IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 2020. Vol. 19. P. 1516-1520.
      Lysenko N. A., Skulkin S. P., Kopytin V. E., Uskov G. K. Primitive Impulse Response Function for Near Field Calculation And Its Accuracy // IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 2021. Vol. 20. P. 2265-2269.
  Слободенюк Екатерина Дмитриевна Москва Slobodenyuk E., Mareeva S. Relative Poverty in Russia: Evidence from Different Thresholds // Social Indicators Research. 2020. Vol. 151. No. 1. P. 135-153.
  Слободова Наталья Валерьевна Москва Nedoluzhko A., Gladysheva-Azgari M., Shalgimbayeva G., Volkov A., Slobodova N., Tsygankova S., Boulygina E., Nguyen V., Pham D., Nguyen D., Sharko F., Rastorguev S. Genetic contribution of domestic European common carp (Cyprinus carpio carpio) and Amur carp (Cyprinus carpio haematopterus) to the wild Vietnamese carp population as revealed by ddRAD sequencing // Aquaculture. 2021. Vol. 544. Article 737049.
  Слюняев Алексей Викторович Нижний Новгород Slunyaev A. Effects of coherent dynamics of stochastic deep-water waves // Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2020. Vol. 101. Article 062214.
Ducrozet G., Slunyaev A., Stepanyants Y. Transformation of envelope solitons on a bottom step // Physics of Fluids. 2021. Vol. 33. P. 1-14.
      Slunyaev A. Persistence of hydrodynamic envelope solitons: Detection and rogue wave occurrence // Physics of Fluids. 2021. Vol. 33. Article 036606.
      Glubokovskikh S., Pevzner R., Sidenko E., Slunyaev A., Pelinovsky E. Downhole distributed acoustic sensing provides insights into the structure of short-period ocean-generated seismic wavefield // Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 2021. Vol. 126. No. 12. Article e2020JB021463.
Chabchoub A., Slunyaev A., Hoffmann N., Dias F., Kibler B., Goëry G., Dudley J., Akhmediev N. The Peregrine breather on the zero-background limit as the two-soliton degenerate solution: An experimental study // Frontiers in Physics. 2021. Vol. 9. Article 633549.
Pelinovsky D. E., Slunyaev A., Kokorina A. V., Pelinovsky E. Stability and interaction of compactons in the sublinear KdV equation // Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 2021. Vol. 101. Article 105855.
  Смирнова Лада Олеговна Москва Smirnova L. Exploring perezhivanie: a new tool for teacher development in the digital transformation in education. Oxford : Peter Lang, 2021.
  Смирнов Александр Иванович Москва Soldatov T., Smirnov A., Povarov K., Paduan-Filho A., Zheludev A. Microwave dynamics of the stoichiometric and bond-disordered anisotropic S=1 chain antiferromagnet NiCl2−4SC(NH2)2 // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2020. Vol. 101. P. 104410-1-104410-12.
  Смирнова Наталья Викторовна Санкт-Петербург Smirnova N. V., Lillis T. M., Hultgren A. K. English and/or Russian medium publications? A case study exploring academic research writing in contemporary Russian academia // Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 2021. Vol. 53. Article 101015.
  Смирнов Григорий Сергеевич Москва
Smirnov G. Non-Arrhenius diffusion in bcc titanium: vacancy-interstitialcy model // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2020. Vol. 102. P. 184110-1-184110-8.
      Belonoshko A., Fu J., Smirnov G. Free energies of iron phases at high pressure and temperature: Molecular dynamics study // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2021. Vol. 104. No. 10. Article 104103.
  Смирнов Евгений Юрьевич Москва Смирнов Е. Ю., Тутубалина А. А. Слайд-комплексы и комплексы подслов // Успехи математических наук. 2020. Т. 75. № 6(456). С. 177-178.
      Смирнов Е. Ю., Тутубалина А. А. Слайд-многочлены и комплексы подслов // Математический сборник. 2021. Т. 212. № 10. С. 131-151.
  Смирнов Константин Владимирович Москва Zhang X., Adriana L., Smirnov K., HuanLong L., Dong Z., Varun V., Sae Woo N., Andreas S. Strong suppression of the resistivity near the superconducting transition in narrow microbridges in external magnetic fields // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2020. Vol. 101. No. 6. Article 060508.
      Pentin I., Seleznev V., Vakhtomin Y., Smirnov K. Hot electron energy relaxation time in vanadium nitride superconducting film structures under THz and IR radiation // Scientific Reports. 2020. Vol. 10. No. 1. P. 1-8.
  Соболева Елена Дмитриевна Санкт-Петербург Soboleva E., Krivokhizh S. Chinese initiatives in Central Asia: claim for regional leadership? // Eurasian Geography and Economics. 2021. Vol. 62. No. 5-6. P. 634-658.
  Соболева Наталья Эдуардовна Москва Karabchuk T., Soboleva N. Temporary Employment, Informal Work and Subjective Well-Being Across Europe: Does Labor Legislation Matter? // Journal of Happiness Studies. 2020. Vol. 21. P. 1879-1901.
  Соколик Алексей Алексеевич Москва Alexey A. Sokolik, Zavolotskiy A. D., Yurii E. Lozovik. Virial theorem, boundary conditions, and pressure for massless Dirac electrons // Annals of Physics. 2020. Vol. 412. P. 168001-1-168001-19.
      Alexey A. Sokolik, Kotov O. V., Yurii E. Lozovik. Plasmonic modes at inclined edges of anisotropic two-dimensional materials // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2021. Vol. 103. No. 15. P. 155402-1-155402-14.
  Соколов Александр Васильевич Москва Коцемир Максим Николаевич, Соколов Александр Васильевич, Шашнов Сергей Анатольевич From BRICS to BRICS plus: selecting promising areas of S&T Cooperation with developing countries // Scientometrics.2021.
  Соколова Надежда Александровна Санкт-Петербург
Sokolova N., Sokolov M. Does popular culture bridge cultural holes? A study of a literary taste system using unimodal network projections // Poetics. 2020. Vol. 83. P. 101472.
  Соколова Татьяна Владимировна Москва
Teplova T., Sokolova T., Munir Q. Emerging Bond Markets: Shedding Light on Trends and Patterns. NY : Routledge, 2020.
      Umar Z., Gubareva M., Sokolova T. The impact of the Covid-19 related media coverage upon the five major developing markets // Plos One. 2021. Vol. 16. No. 7. Article e0253791.
  Соломина Ольга Николаевна Москва Cook E., Solomina O., Matskovsky V., Cook B., Agafonov L., Berdnikova A., Dolgova E., Karpukhin A., Knysh N., Kulakova M., Kuznetsova V., Kyncl T., Kyncl J., Maxsimova O., Panyushkina I., Seim A., Tishin D., Wazny T., Yermokhin M. The European Russia Drought Atlas (1400-2016 CE) // Climate Dynamics. 2020. Vol. 54. No. 3-4. P. 2317-2335.
      Van Tricht L., Paice C. M., Rybak O., Satylkanov R., Popovnin V., Solomina O., Huybrechts P. Reconstruction of the Historical (1750–2020) Mass Balance of Bordu, Kara-Batkak and Sary-Tor Glaciers in the Inner Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan // Frontiers in Earth Science. 2021. Vol. 9. Article 734802.
  Сорокин Александр Владимирович Москва Rozhkov M., Sorokin A. Some conditions for absence of affine functions in NFSR output stream // Designs, Codes and Cryptography. 2021. Vol. 89. No. 11. P. 2433-2443.
  Сосин Сергей Сергеевич Москва Sergeicheva E., S.S.Sosin, Gosbunov D., Zherlitsyn S., Gu G., Zaliznyak I. Unexpected magnetic phase in the weakly ordered spin-12 chain cuprate Sr2CuO3 // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2020. Vol. 101. P. 201107(R)-1-201107(R)-5.
  Спирин Сергей Александрович Москва
Poverennaya I. V., Potapova N. A., Spirin Sergey. Is there any intron sliding in mammals? // BMC Evolutionary Biology. 2020. Vol. 20. Article 164.
  Станкевич Наталия Владимировна Нижний Новгород
Stankevich N., Kazakov A., Gonchenko S. Scenarios of hyperchaos occurrence in 4D Rössler system // Chaos. 2020. Vol. 30. Article 123129.

Stankevich N., Volkov E. Chaos–hyperchaos transition in three identical quorum-sensing mean-field coupled ring oscillators // Chaos. 2021. Vol. 31. No. 10. Article 103112.

      Kruglov V., Krylosova D., Sataev I. R., Seleznev E., Stankevich N. Features of a chaotic attractor in a quasiperiodically driven nonlinear oscillator // Chaos. 2021. Vol. 31. No. 7. Article 073118.
  Старобинский Алексей Александрович Москва Calderon R., Felbacq D., Gannouji R., Polarski D., Starobinsky A. Global properties of the growth index: Mathematical aspects and physical relevance // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 2020. Vol. 101. No. 10. Article 103501.
  Старостин Георгий Сергеевич Москва Kassian A. S., Zhivlov M., Starostin G., Trofimov A. A., Kocharov P. A., Kuritsyna A., Mikhail N. Saenko. Rapid radiation of the inner Indo-European languages: an advanced approach to Indo-European lexicostatistics // Linguistics. 2021. Vol. 59. No. 4. P. 949-979.
  Старшинова Ольга Сергеевна Москва Старшинова О. С. Is the MPIA a Solution to the WTO Appellate Body Crisis? // Journal of World Trade. 2021. Vol. 55. No. 5. P. 787-803.
  Старых Владимир Александрович Москва Romanov A. Yu., Stempkovsky A. L., Lariushkin I. V., Novoselov G. E., Solovyev R. A., Starykh V. A., Romanova I. I., Telpukhov D. V., Mkrtchan I. A. Analysis of Posit and Bfloat Arithmetic of Real Numbers for Machine Learning // IEEE Access. 2021. Vol. 9. P. 82318-82324.
  Стегайлов Владимир Владимирович Москва Fedorov I. D., Orekhov N. D., Stegailov V. Nonadiabatic effects and excitonlike states during the insulator-to-metal transition in warm dense hydrogen // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2020. Vol. 101. No. 10. P. 100101.
      Kondratyuk N., Nikolskiy V., Pavlov D., Stegailov V. GPU-accelerated molecular dynamics: State-of-art software performance and porting from Nvidia CUDA to AMD HIP // International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications. 2021. Vol. 35. No. 4. P. 312-324.
  Стенина Ирина Александровна Москва
Stenina Irina A., Yurova P., Titova T. S., Polovkova M. A., Korchagin O. V., Bogdanovskaya V. A., Yaroslavtsev A. B. The influence of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) modification on the transport properties and fuel cell performance of Nafion-117 membranes // Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2021. Vol. 138. No. 27. Article 50644.
  Степанов Борис Евгеньевич Москва
Stepanov B. ‘If I forget anything at all, it’s unlikely the stars will accept us … ’: sci-fi fan communities, post-Soviet nostalgia and contemporary cinematic experience // Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema. 2021. Vol. 15. No. 1. P. 70-90.
  Стефанович Петр Сергеевич Москва Стефанович П. С. Русская / российская идентичность раннего старообрядчества: от «светлой России» к «преславнейшей и всесчастливой Российской империи» (середина XVII – первая треть XVIII в.) // Cahiers du Monde Russe. 2021. Т. 62. № 1. С. 105-136.
  Стребков Денис Олегович Москва Shevchuk A., Strebkov D., Tyulyupo Alexey. Always on across time zones: Invisible schedules in the online gig economy // New Technology, Work and Employment. 2021. Vol. 36. No. 1. P. 94-113.
  Стрельцова Екатерина Александровна Москва Fischer B. B., Kotsemir M. N., Meissner D., Streltsova E. Patents for evidence-based decision-making and smart specialisation // The Journal of Technology Transfer. 2020. Vol. 45. P. 1748-1774.
  Стройлов Виктор Сергеевич Москва Stroylov Viktor S., Svitanko I., Maksimenko A. S., Kislyi V. P., Semenova M. N., Semenov V. V. Computational modeling and target synthesis of monomethoxy-substituted o-diphenylisoxazoles with unexpectedly high antimitotic microtubule destabilizing activity // Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 2020. Vol. 30. Article 127608.
      Titov I., Стройлов В. С., Русина П. В., Svitanko I. Preliminary modeling as the first stage of targeted organic synthesis / Пер. с рус. // Russian Chemical Reviews. 2021. Vol. 90. No. 7. P. 831-867.
  Сухова Марина Сергеевна Москва
Turovsky R. F., Sukhova M. Federal and Subnational Elections in Russia: Coherence and Divergence in Electoral Outcomes // Russian Politics. 2020. No. 5. P. 329-353.
  Сухов Андрей Михайлович Москва Monakhov O., Monakhova E., Romanov A.Yu., Sukhov A.M., Lezhnev E.V. Adaptive Dynamic Shortest Path Search Algorithm in Networks-on-Chip Based on Circulant Topologies // IEEE Access. 2021. Vol. 9. P. 160836-160846.
  Сухорослов Олег Викторович Москва Afanasiev A., Krivonozhko V., Lychev A., Sukhoroslov O. V. Multidimensional frontier visualization based on optimization methods using parallel computations // Journal of Global Optimization. 2020. Vol. 76. P. 563-574.
  Сыч Денис Васильевич Москва Duplinskiy A., Sych D. Bounding passive light-source side channels in quantum key distribution via Hong-Ou-Mandel interference // Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical physics. 2021. Vol. 104. No. 1. Article 012601.
  Тамеев Алексей Раисович Москва Iakobson O. D., Gribkova O. L., Tameev A., Nunzi J. A common optical approach to thickness optimization in polymer and perovskite solar cells // Scientific Reports. 2021. Vol. 11. No. 1. Article 5005.
  Танис Кристина Александровна Москва Tanis K. «This Film Was Captured as a Trophy…»: the International Context of Trophy Films // Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema. 2020. No. 1. P. 2-16.
      Tanis K. La réception des films trophées en URSS dans les années 1940 et 1950 // Revue des etudes slaves. 2021. Vol. XCII. No. 1. P. 107-117.
  Тарасова Нина Николаевна Москва Viswanadha V. P., Dhivya V., Beeraka N. M., Huang C., Gavryushova L. V., Minyaeva N. N., Chubarev V. N., Mikhaleva L. M., Tarasov V. V., Aliev G. The protective effect of piperine against isoproterenol-induced inflammation in experimental models of myocardial toxicity // European Journal of Pharmacology. 2020. No. 885 ?. Article 173524.
      Herrera A. S., Arias P. E., Del Carmen Arias Esparza M., Torres Bernal L. F., Bondarev A. D., Fisenko V. P., Chubarev V. N., Minyaeva N. N., Mikhaleva L. M., Tarasov V. V., Somasundaram S. G., Kirkland C. E., Aliev G. The Long-Term Effect of Medically Enhancing Melanin Intrinsic Bioenergetics Capacity in Prematurity // Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry. 2020. Vol. 21. No. 7. P. 525-530.
  Текич Аня Москва Tekic A., Tekic Z. Culture as antecedent of national innovation performance: Evidence from neo-configurational perspective // Journal of Business Research. 2021. Vol. 125. No. March. P. 385-396.
  Текич Желько Москва Garzaniti N., Tekic Z., Kukolj D., Golkar A. Review of technology trends in new space missions using a patent analytics approach // Progress in Aerospace Sciences. 2021. Vol. 125. Article 100727.
  Темерева Елена Николаевна Москва Temereva E. Novel data on the innervation of the lophophore in adult phoronids (Lophophorata, Phoronida) // Zoology. 2020. Vol. 143. P. 1-14.
      Temereva E. First data on the organization of the nervous system in juveniles of Novocrania anomala (brachiopoda, craniiformea) // Scientific Reports. 2020. Vol. 10. No. 1. P. 9295.
      Temereva E. Parapodial glandular organs in Owenia borealis (Annelida: Oweniidae) and their possible relationship with nephridia // Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution. 2020. Vol. 334. No. 2. P. 88-99.
      Savelieva A. V., Temereva E. Ultrastructure of the body cavities in juveniles and adults of the appendicularian Oikopleura gracilis (Tunicata, Chordata) suggests how the heart may have evolved in tunicates // Invertebrate Biology. 2020. Vol. 139. No. 2. Article e12286.
      Temereva E. First data on the structure of tubes formed by phoronids // Zoology. 2020. Vol. 143. P. 1-11.
      Madison A. A., Kuzmina T. V., Temereva E. Analysis of the juvenile shell of Lingula anatina (Brachiopoda: Linguliformea) provides insight into the evolution of life cycles of fossil brachiopods // Paleobiology. 2021. Vol. 47. No. 1. P. 134-148.
      Temereva E. The nervous system of the most complex lophophore provides new insights into the evolution of Brachiopoda // Scientific Reports. 2021. Vol. 11. P. 1-19.
      Plandin F. A., Temereva E. Anatomy of the coelomic system in Novocrania anomala (Brachiopoda, Craniiformea) and relationships within brachiopods // Zoology. 2021. Vol. 144. Article 125884.
      Kuznetsov P., Maiorova A., Temereva E. New data on echiuran anatomy and histology: the case of Lissomyema mellita (Annelida: Thalassematidae) // Zoology. 2021. Vol. 144. Article 125865.
      Kuzmina T., Temereva E. Ultrastructure of ganglia in the brachiopod Coptothyris grayi and its phylogenetic significance // Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research. 2021. Vol. 59. No. 2. P. 376-386.
  Теплова Тамара Викторовна Москва Teplova T., Sokolova T., Munir Q. Emerging Bond Markets: Shedding Light on Trends and Patterns. NY : Routledge, 2020.
      Mikova E., Teplova T., Munir Q. Puzzling Premiums on FX Markets: Carry Trade, Momentum, and Value Alone and Strategy Diversification // Emerging Markets Finance and Trade. 2020. Vol. 56. No. 1. P. 126-148.
      Umar Z., Gubareva M., Teplova T. The impact of Covid-19 on commodity markets volatility: Analyzing time-frequency relations between commodity prices and coronavirus panic levels // Resources Policy. 2021. No. 73. P. 1-11.
  Терентьев Евгений Андреевич Москва
Gruzdev I., Terentev E., Dzhafarova Z. Superhero or hands-off supervisor? An empirical categorization of PhD supervision styles and student satisfaction in Russian universities // Higher Education. 2020. No. 79. P. 773-789.
  Терскова Мария Александровна Москва Tierney W., Hardy J. H., Ebersole C. R., Viganola D., Clemente E. G., Gordon M., Hoogeveen S., Haaf J., Dreber A., Johannesson M., Pfeiffer T., Huang J. L., Vaughn L. A., DeMarree K., Igou E., Chapman H., Gantman A., Vanaman M., Wylie J., Storbeck J., Andreychik M. R., McPhetres J., Agadullina E., Dubrov D., Grigoryev D., Lovakov A., Terskova M., Uhlmann E. L. A creative destruction approach to replication: Implicit work and sex morality across cultures // Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 2021. Vol. 93. Article 104060.
  Тимофеев Алексей Владимирович Москва Nikolaev V. S., Timofeev A. Nonhomogeneity of phase state in a dusty plasma monolayer with nonreciprocal particle interactions // Physics of Plasmas. 2021. Vol. 28. Article 033704.
  Тимофеев Юрий Валерьевич Москва Jakovljević M., Sugahara T., Timofeyev Y., Rancic N. Predictors of (in)efficiencies of healthcare expenditure among the leading East Asian economies – comparison of OECD and non-OECD nations // Risk Management and Healthcare Policy. 2020. Vol. 13. P. 2261-2280.
      Jakovljević M., Timofeyev Y., Ranabhat C., Fernandes P. O., Teixeira J., Rancic N., Reshetnikov V. Real GDP growth rates and healthcare spending – comparison between the G7 and the EM7 countries // Globalization and Health. 2020. Vol. 16. Article 64.
      Timofeyev Y., Jakovljević M. Fraudster’s and victims’ profiles and loss predictors’ hierarchy in the mental healthcare industry in the US // Journal of Medical Economics. 2020. Vol. 23. No. 10. P. 1111-1122.
  Титкова Вера Викторовна Санкт-Петербург Ivaniushina V. A., Titkova V. Peer influence in adolescent drinking behavior: A meta-analysis of stochastic actor-based modeling studies // Plos One. 2021. Vol. 16. No. 4. P. 1-16.
  Титов Илья Юрьевич Москва Titov I., Стройлов В. С., Русина П. В., Svitanko I. Preliminary modeling as the first stage of targeted organic synthesis / Пер. с рус. // Russian Chemical Reviews. 2021. Vol. 90. No. 7. P. 831-867.
      Novikov F. N., Panova M. V., Titov I., Stroylov V. S., Stroganov O. V., Chilov G. G. Inhibition of SYK and cSrc kinases can protect bone and cartilage in preclinical models of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis // Scientific Reports. 2021. Vol. 11. Article 23120.
  Тихомиров Александр Сергеевич Москва Alexander Tikhomirov, Vassiliev D. Construction of symplectic vector bundles on projective space P3 // Journal of Geometry and Physics. 2020. Vol. 158. P. 103949.
      Almeida C., Jardim M., Tikhomirov A. S., Tikhomirov S. A. New moduli components of rank 2 bundles on projective space / Пер. с рус. // Sbornik Mathematics. 2021. Vol. 212. No. 11. P. 1503-1552.
  Тихонов Евгений Сергеевич Москва Denisov A., Tikhonov E., Piatrusha S., Khrapach I., Rossella F., Rocci M., Sorba L., Roddaro S., Khrapai V. Strategy for accurate thermal biasing at the nanoscale // Nanotechnology. 2020. Vol. 31. P. 1-11.
      Bubis A., Mikhailov N., Dvoretsky S., Nasibulin A., Tikhonov E.S. Localization of helical edge states in the absence of external magnetic field // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2021. Vol. 104. Article 195405.
  Тихонов Константин Сергеевич Москва Tikhonov K., Mirlin A. Eigenstate correlations around the many-body localization transition // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2021. Vol. 103. No. 6. Article 064204.
  Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич Москва Poloznikov A., Nersisyan S., Hushpulian D., Kazakov E., Tonevitsky A., Kazakov S., Vechorko V., Nikulin S., Makarova J., Gazaryan I. G. HIF Prolyl Hydroxylase Inhibitors for COVID-19 Treatment: Pros and Cons // Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2021. Vol. 11. Article 621054.
      J. Makarova, Turchinovich A., M. Shkurnikov, A. Tonevitsky. Extracellular miRNAs and cell-cell communication: problems and prospects // Trends in Biochemical Sciences. 2021. Vol. 46. No. 8. P. 640-651.
      Sabatier P., Beusch C. M., Maltseva D., Tonevitsky A., Zubarev R. A. An integrative proteomics method identifies a regulator of translation during stem cell maintenance and differentiation // Nature Communications. 2021. No. 12. Article 6558.
      Knyazev E., Nersisyan S., Tonevitsky A. Endocytosis and Transcytosis of SARS-CoV-2 Across the Intestinal Epithelium and Other Tissue Barriers // Frontiers in Immunology. 2021. Vol. 12. Article 636966.
      Zhiyanov A., Nersisyan S., Tonevitsky A. Hairpin sequence and structure is associated with features of isomiR biogenesis // RNA Biology. 2021. Vol. 18. No. sup1. P. 430-438.
      Nikulin S., Zakharova G., Poloznikov A., Raigorodskaya M., Wicklein D., Schumacher U., Nersisyan S., Bergquist J., Bakalkin G., Astakhova L., Tonevitsky A. Effect of the Expression of ELOVL5 and IGFBP6 Genes on the Metastatic Potential of Breast Cancer Cells // Frontiers in Genetics. 2021. Vol. 12. Article 662843.
      Nersisyan S., Galatenko A. V., Chekova M., Tonevitsky A. Hypoxia-Induced miR-148a Downregulation Contributes to Poor Survival in Colorectal Cancer // Frontiers in Genetics. 2021. Vol. 12. Article 662468.
      Nersisyan S., Galatenko A. V., Galatenko V. V., Shkurnikov M., Tonevitsky A. miRGTF-net: Integrative miRNA-gene-TF network analysis reveals key drivers of breast cancer recurrence // Plos One. 2021. Vol. 16. No. 4. Article e0249424.
      Shkurnikov M., Nersisyan S., Jankevic T., Galatenko A. V., Gordeev I., Vechorko V., Tonevitsky A. Association of HLA Class I Genotypes With Severity of Coronavirus Disease-19 // Frontiers in Immunology. 2021. Vol. 12. Article 641900.
  Топоркова Анна Станиславовна Москва Toporkov V., Yemelyanov D., Anna Toporkova. Coordinated global and private job-flow scheduling in grid virtual organizations // Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory. 2021. Vol. 107. No. February 2021. P. 102228.
  Тоукач Филипп Владимирович Москва Shakhmatov E., Toukach Ph., Makarova E. Structural studies of the pectic polysaccharide from fruits of Punica granatum // Carbohydrate Polymers. 2020. Vol. 235. Article 115978.
      Toukach Ph., Egorova K. New Features of Carbohydrate Structure Database Notation (CSDB Linear), As Compared to Other Carbohydrate Notations // Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 2020. Vol. 60. No. 3. P. 1276-1289.
      Bochkov A., Toukach Ph. CSDB/SNFG Structure Editor: an online glycan builder with 2D and 3D structure visualization // Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 2021. Vol. 61. No. 10. P. 4940-4948.
  Травкин Павел Викторович Москва Dudyrev F., Romanova O., Travkin P. Student employment and school-to-work transition: the Russian case // Education and Training. 2020. Vol. 62. No. 4. P. 441-457.
  Трофимова Анастасия Алексеевна Москва Trofimova A., Povolotsky A. M. Current statistics in the q-boson zero range process // Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 2020. Vol. 53. No. 36. P. 365203.
  Трубников Дмитрий Алексеевич Санкт-Петербург Trubnikov D. What entrepreneurship is really “productive”? An alternative view on Baumol's typology // Journal of Business Venturing Insights. 2021. Vol. 16. P. 1-7.
  Тулякова Наталья Александровна Санкт-Петербург Tuliakova N. A. Literary legend in the early 19th century Russian literature: genre labeling and genre formation // Russian Literature. 2020. Vol. 111-112. P. 35-59.
  Турбин Александр Дмитриевич Санкт-Петербург Turbin A. “Deception begins with trade . . .”: Vladimir Arsen’ev’s Economic Expertise and Challenges of Rationalizing Imperial Diversity in the Taiga // Sibirica. 2020. Vol. 19. No. 3. P. 37-59.
  Туровский Ростислав Феликсович Москва Turovsky R. F., Sukhova M. Federal and Subnational Elections in Russia: Coherence and Divergence in Electoral Outcomes // Russian Politics. 2020. No. 5. P. 329-353.
  Тюрина Наталья Александровна Москва Markov Y., Tiurina N. Size-distance rescaling in the ensemble representation of range: Study with binocular and monocular cues // Acta Psychologica. 2021. Vol. 213. Article 103238.
      Im H. Y., Tiurina N., Utochkin I. S. An explicit investigation of the roles that feature distributions play in rapid visual categorization // Attention, Perception and Psychophysics. 2021. No. 83. P. 1050-1069 .
  Угланова Ирина Львовна Москва Uglanova I. Model Criticism of Bayesian Networks in Educational Assessment: A Systematic Review // Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation. 2021. Vol. 26. Article 22.
  Удалова Наталья Михайловна Нижний Новгород Vlasova A. S., Udalova N. Intellectual Property in Russia. NY, Abingdon : Routledge, 2021.
  Ульянов Владимир Васильевич Москва Ulyanov V. V., Fujikoshi Y. Non-Asymptotic Analysis of Approximations for Multivariate Statistics. Springer, 2020.
  Успенский Павел Федорович Москва Pavel Uspenskij СИМВОЛИЗМ КАК ТОЧКА СБОРКИ: НОВЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ РУССКОГО МОДЕРНИЗМА // Russian Literature. 2020. Т. 114-115. С. 203-217.
      Vdovin A., Uspenskij P. “First Love Is Exactly Like Revolution”: Intimacy as Political Allegory in Ivan Turgenev’s Novella Spring Torrents // Slavic Review. 2021. Vol. 80. No. 3. P. 504-522.
      Krasilnikova T., Uspenskij P. Каламбуры Бориса Пастернака в сборнике «второе рождение» // Revue des Etudes Slaves. 2021. Т. XCII. № 2. С. 307-324.
      Pavel Uspenskij Статус поговорки в первой трети XIX в. и характер мысли Е. А. Боратынского: Вокруг стихотворения "Старательно мы наблюдаем свет..." // Russian Linguistics. 2021. Т. 45. № 1. С. 105-121.
      Andrey Fedotov, Pavel Uspenskij. Nature, Hares, and Nikolay Nekrasov: The Poetics and Economics of Russian Ecocriticism // Russian Review. 2021. Vol. 80. No. 3. P. 473-496.
  Успенский Федор Борисович Москва Успенский Ф. Б., Литвина А. Ф. День рождения Бориса Годунова // Studi Slavistici. 2021. Т. 18. № 1. С. 9-18.
  Утесов Олег Игоревич Санкт-Петербург Oleg I. Utesov. Thermodynamically stable skyrmion lattice in a tetragonal frustrated antiferromagnet with dipolar interaction // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2021. Vol. 103. No. 6. Article 064414.
      Utesov O., Koniakhin S. V., Yashenkin A. G. Effects of Bond Disorder and Surface Amorphization on Optical Phonon Lifetimes and Raman Peak Shape in Crystalline Nanoparticles // Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2021. Vol. 125. No. 33. P. 18444-18455.
      Yashenkin A. G., Utesov O., Koniakhin S. V. Bench tests for microscopic theory of Raman scattering in powders of disordered nonpolar crystals: Nanodiamonds and beyond // Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 2021. Vol. 52. No. 11. P. 1847-1859.
  Уткина Валерия Владимировна Москва Nezhina T. G., Barabashev A. G., Prokofiev V. N., Utkina V. Public Personnel Job Satisfaction and Retention: The Effects of Perceived Image and Prestige of Government Jobs // International Journal of Public Administration. 2021. Vol. 44. No. 16. P. 1435-1445.
  Фаликман Мария Вячеславовна Москва Falikman M. There and Back Again: A (Reversed) Vygotskian Perspective on Digital Socialization // Frontiers in Psychology. 2021. Vol. 12. P. 1-4.
  Федерякин Денис Александрович Москва
Federiakin D. Calibrating the Test of Relational Reasoning: New Information from Oblique Bifactor Models // Frontiers in Psychology. 2020. Vol. 11. P. 1-10.
      Loyalka P., Liu O. L., Li G., Kardanova E., Chirikov I., Hu S., Yu N., Ma L., Guo F., Beteille T., Tognatta N., Gu L., Ling G., Federiakin D., Wang H., Khanna S., Bhuradia A., Shi Z., Li Y. Skill levels and gains in university STEM education in China, India, Russia and the United States // Nature Human Behaviour. 2021. Vol. 5. P. 892-904.
  Федоренко Сергей Валентинович Санкт-Петербург Fedorenko Sergei Valentinovich. Duhamel/Hollmann-like discrete Fourier transform algorithm with the smallest multiplicative complexity over a finite field // IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 2020. Vol. 68. P. 4813-4823.
      Sergei Valentinovich Fedorenko. Efficient Algorithm for Finding Roots of Error-Locator Polynomials // IEEE Access. 2021. Vol. 9. P. 38673-38686.
  Федорова Елена Анатольевна Москва Afanasyev D. O., Fedorova E., Ledyaeva S. STRENGTH OF WORDS: DONALD TRUMP'S TWEETS, SANCTIONS AND RUSSIA'S RUBLE // Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 2021. Vol. 184. P. 353-377.
  Ферштат Леонид Леонидович Москва Чаплыгин D. A., Gorbunov Y. K., Leonid L. Fershtat. Ring Distortion Diversity-Oriented Approach to Fully Substituted Furoxans and Isoxazoles // Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2021. Vol. 10. No. 10. P. 2644-2653.
  Филиппова Татьяна Анатольевна Москва Panova A., Philippova T. When a cross-linguistic tendency marries incomplete acquisition: preposition drop in Russian spoken in Daghestan // International Journal of Bilingualism. 2021. Vol. 25. No. 3. P. 640-667.
  Филонов Николай Дмитриевич Санкт-Петербург Filonov N. D. Maxwell Operator in a Cylinder with Coefficients that do not Depend on the Cross-Sectional Variables // St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal. 2021. Vol. 32. No. 1. P. 139-154.
  Философова Татьяна Георгиевна Москва Kapitonov I., Voloshin V., Filosofova T. G., Syrtsov D. Development of experience in the application of technologies in the field of alternative energy: World experience, Russian practice // Renewable Energy. 2021. Vol. 165. No. 3. P. 773-782.
  Финкельберг Михаил Владленович Москва Braverman A., Etingof P., Michael Finkelberg. Cyclotomic double affine Hecke algebras // Annales Scientifiques de l'Ecole Normale Superieure. 2020. Vol. 53. No. 5. P. 1249-1312.
      Michael Finkelberg, Krylov V., Mirkovic I. Drinfeld-Gaitsgory-Vinberg interpolation Grassmannian and geometric Satake equivalence // Journal of Topology. 2020. Vol. 13. No. 2. P. 683-729.
      Braverman A., Michael Finkelberg, Nakajima H. Line bundles over Coulomb branches // Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. 2021. Vol. 25. No. 4. P. 957-993.
      Ilya Dumanski, Evgeny Feigin, Michael Finkelberg. Beilinson–Drinfeld Schubert varieties and global Demazure modules // Forum of Mathematics, Sigma. 2021. Vol. 9. P. 1-25.
      Braverman A., Michael Finkelberg, Ginzburg V., Travkin R. Mirabolic Satake equivalence and supergroups // Compositio Mathematica. 2021. Vol. 157. No. 8. P. 1724-1765.
  Фоминов Яков Викторович Москва Osin A., Fominov Ya.V. Superconducting phases and the second Josephson harmonic in tunnel junctions between diffusive superconductors // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2021. Vol. 104. No. 6. Article 064514.
  Фомкина Ольга Викторовна Санкт-Петербург Zaika Y. V., Sidorov N. I., Fomkina Olga V. Identification of hydrogen permeability and thermal desorption parameters of vanadium-based membrane // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2021. Vol. 46. No. 18. P. 10789-10800.
  Фроленков Дмитрий Андреевич Москва Balkanova O., Bhowmik G., Frolenkov D., Raulf N. Mixed moment of GL(2) and GL(3) L-functions // Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. 2020. Vol. 121. No. 2. P. 177-219.
      Balkanova O., Frolenkov D. Moments of L-functions and the Liouville–Green method // Journal of the European Mathematical Society. 2021. Vol. 23. No. 4. P. 1333-1380.
  Фурсов Константин Сергеевич Москва Polyakova V., Fursov K., Thurner T. Public Discourse on Stem Cell Research in Russia: Evolution of the Agenda // Science and Technology Studies. 2020. Vol. 33. No. 4. P. 24-49.
  Хабирова Елена Евгеньевна Москва Bakhtin P. D., Khabirova E., Kuzminov I., Thurner T. The future of food production - a text-mining approach // Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. 2020. Vol. 32. No. 5. P. 516-528.
      Gokhberg L., Kuzminov I., Khabirova E., Thurner T. Advanced text-mining for trend analysis of Russia’s Extractive Industries // Futures. 2020. Vol. 115. No. article 102476. P. 1-12.
      Saritas O., Bakhtin P. D., Kuzminov I., Khabirova E. Big data augmentated business trend identification: the case of mobile commerce // Scientometrics. 2021. Vol. 126. P. 1553-1579.
  Харитонов Дмитрий Владимирович Москва Kharitonov D.V. Brother Journalist: Tom Wolfe and the Serapions // Comparative Literature Studies. 2021. Vol. 58. No. 1. P. 47-77.
  Хасанов Булат Фаридович Москва Khasanov B., Karpukhin A. A., Krenke N. A., Pevzner M. M., Tarabardina O. A., Vasyukov D. D., Yermokhin M. V., Savinetsky A. B. Long oak tree-ring chronologies from Central Russia and their potential for dating // Tree-Ring Research. 2021. Vol. 77. No. 2. P. 53-62.
  Хвостов Владислав Александрович Москва Utochkin I. S., Khvostov V., Wolfe J. M. Categorical grouping is not required for guided conjunction search // Journal of Vision. 2020. Vol. 20. No. 8. P. 1-22.
      Khvostov V., Lukashevich A., Utochkin I. S. Spatially intermixed objects of different categories are parsed automatically // Scientific Reports. 2021. No. 11. P. 1-8.
  Ходунов Павел Андреевич Санкт-Петербург Filonov N. D., Khodunov P. Nonuniqueness Of Leray–Hopf Solutions For A Dyadic Model // St Petersburg Mathematical Journal. 2021. Vol. 32. No. 2. P. 371-387.
  Хомутский Константин Игоревич Москва Rozhkov K. L., Khomutskii K., Muniz-Martinez N., Romanowski R. Place overbranding and how to prevent it: combining two conceptual and methodological approaches // Qualitative Market Research. 2020. Vol. 23. No. 4. P. 979-999.
  Хоров Евгений Михайлович Москва Stepanova E., Bankov D., Khorov E., Lyakhov A. On the Joint Usage of Target Wake Time and 802.11ba Wake-Up Radio // IEEE Access. 2020. Vol. 8. P. 221061-221076.
      Loginov V., Троегубов А. Ю., Lyakhov A., Khorov E. Enhanced Collision Resolution Methods With Mini-slot Support for 5G NR-U // IEEE Access. 2021. P. 146137-146152.
      Molodtsov V., Kureev A., Khorov E. Experimental Study of Smoothing Modifications of the MUSIC Algorithm for Direction of Arrival Estimation in Indoor Environments // IEEE Access. 2021. Vol. 9. P. 153767-153774.
  Хохлов Дмитрий Андреевич Москва Khokhlov D. A., Rakhmanov A. L., Rozhkov A. V., Sboychakov A. O. Dynamical spin susceptibility of a spin-valley half-metal // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2020. Vol. 101. No. 23. P. 235141.
      Akzyanov R. S., Khokhlov D. A., Rakhmanov A. L. Nematic superconductivity in topological insulators induced by hexagonal warping // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2020. Vol. 102. No. 9. P. 094511.
      Khokhlov D. A., Akzyanov R. S. Pauli paramagnetism of triplet Cooper pairs in a nematic superconductor // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2021. Vol. 104. No. 21. Article 214514.
      Хохлов Д. А., Akzyanov R. S. Quasiparticle interference in doped topological insulators with nematic superconductivity // Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures. 2021. No. 133. Article 114800.
  Храбров Александр Игоревич Санкт-Петербург Khrabrov A. I. Volume ratios for Cartesian products of convex bodies / Пер. с рус. // St Petersburg Mathematical Journal. 2021. Vol. 32. No. 5. P. 905-916.
  Храпай Вадим Сергеевич Москва Tikhonov E., Denisov A., Piatrusha S., Khrapach I., Pekola J., Karimi B., Jabdaraghi R., Khrapai V. Spatial and energy resolution of electronic states by shot noise // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2020. Vol. 102. P. 1-7.
      Denisov A., Tikhonov E., Piatrusha S., Khrapach I., Rossella F., Rocci M., Sorba L., Roddaro S., Khrapai V. Strategy for accurate thermal biasing at the nanoscale // Nanotechnology. 2020. Vol. 31. P. 1-11.
      Baeva E., Titova N., Veyrat L., Sacépé B., Semenov A. V., Goltsman G., Kardakova A., Khrapai V. Thermal Relaxation in Metal Films Limited by Diffuson Lattice Excitations of Amorphous Substrates // Physical Review Applied. 2021. Vol. 15. No. 5. Article 054014.
  Чадов Алексей Леонидович Пермь Parshakov P., Paklina S., Coates D. C., Chadov A. L. Does video games’ popularity affect unemployment rate? Evidence from macro-level analysis // Journal of Economic Studies. 2021. Vol. 48. No. 4. P. 817-835.
  Чепыжов Владимир Викторович Москва Bekmaganbetov K. A., Chechkin G. A., Chepyzhov V. V. “Strange term”in homogenization of attractors of reaction–diffusion equation in perforated domain // Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 2020. Vol. 140. P. 110208.
      Bekmaganbetov K. A., Chechkin G. A., Chepyzhov V. V. Strong convergence of trajectory attractors for reaction–diffusion systems with random rapidly oscillating terms // Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis. 2020. Vol. 19. No. 5. P. 2419-2443.
  Чернина Евгения Марковна Москва Chernina E. "The Role of Migration Experience in Migrants’ Destination Choice" // IZA Journal of Migration. 2020. Vol. 11. No. 1. P. 1-29.
  Чернышов Александр Александрович Москва Chernyshov A., Chugunin D. V., Mogilevsky M. M., Petrukovich A. A. Studies of the ionosphere using radiophysical methods on ultra-small spacecrafts // Acta Astronautica. 2020. Vol. 167. P. 455-459.
  Чичканов Николай Юрьевич Москва Chichkanov N. The role of client knowledge absorptive capacity for innovation in KIBS // Journal of Knowledge Management. 2021. Vol. 25. No. 5. P. 1194-1218.
      Chichkanov N., Miles I. D., Belousova V. Drivers for innovation in KIBS: evidence from Russia // Service Industries Journal. 2021. Vol. 41. No. 7-8. P. 489-511.
  Чунихин Кирилл Александрович Санкт-Петербург Чунихин Кирилл Александрович Visual Art Experience during the Coronavirus Pandemic // Social Anthropology.2020.
  Чурилова Елена Владимировна Москва Shkolnikov V., Churilova E., Jdanov D., Shalnova S., Nilssen O., Kudryavtsev A., Cook S., Malyutina S., McKee M., Leon D. A. Time trends in smoking in Russia in the light of recent tobacco control measures: synthesis of evidence from multiple sources // BMC Public Health. 2020. Vol. 20. No. 378. P. 1-11.
      Churilova E., Shkolnikov V., Shalnova S. A., Kudryavtsev A. V., Malyutina S., Nilssen O., Laatikainen T., Leon D. A. Long-term trends in blood pressure and hypertension in Russia: an analysis of data from 14 health surveys conducted in 1975–2017 // BMC Public Health. 2021. Vol. 22. Article 2226.
  Чусов Денис Александрович Москва Клюев Фёдор Станиславович, Чусов Денис Александрович Phosphine ligands in the ruthenium-catalyzed reductive amination without an external hydrogen source // Journal of Organometallic Chemistry.2021.
      Чусов Денис Александрович Symmetrical Tertiary Amines: Applications and Synthetic Approaches // European Journal of Organic Chemistry.2021.
  Шабанов Дмитрий Александрович Москва Shabanov D. A., Kozik J., Duraj L. Random hypergraphs and property B // European Journal of Combinatorics. 2021. Vol. 91. P. 1-11.
  Шагалов Игорь Львович Москва Polishchuk L., Rubin A., Shagalov I. L. Managing Collective Action: Government-Sponsored Community Initiatives in Russia // Europe-Asia Studies. 2021. Vol. 73. No. 6. P. 1176-1209.
  Шамканов Данияр Салкарбекович Москва Shamkanov D. S. Non-well-founded derivations in the Gödel-Löb provability logic // Review of Symbolic Logic. 2020. Vol. 13. No. 4. P. 776-796.
  Шаповалов Сергей Сергеевич Москва Shapovalov S., Skabitsky I. V., Mayorova N. A., Shiryaev A. A., Nickolsky M. S., Grinberg V. A. Synthesis of Cobalt‐Iron Chalcogenide Clusters as Precursors for Catalysts of Oxygen Electroreduction in Alkali Media // European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2020. Vol. 2020. No. 21. P. 2055-2062.
      Natalia A. M., Alexandr D. M., Vitali A. G., Andrey A. S., Shapovalov S., Maximillian S. N., Igor P. S. Nanoscale catalyst based on a heterometallic carboxylate complex of platinum and iron for hydrogen-air fuel cells // Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2021. Vol. 259. Article 123968.
  Шапошников Владимир Евгеньевич Нижний Новгород Shaposhnikov V., Litvinenko G. V., Zaitsev V. V., Zakharenko V., Konovalenko A. A. Origin of the zebra structure in the Jovian decameter radio emission // Astronomy and Astrophysics. 2021. Vol. 645. Article A31.
  Шапошников Станислав Валерьевич Москва Bogachev V., Shaposhnikov S. Representations of solutions to Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov equations with coefficients of low regularity // Journal of Evolution Equations. 2020. Vol. 20. No. 2. P. 355-374.
      Bogachev V., Röckner M., Shaposhnikov S. On the Ambrosio–Figalli–Trevisan Superposition Principle for Probability Solutions to Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov Equations // Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations. 2021. Vol. 33. No. 2. P. 715-739.
      Bogachev V., Krasovitskii T. I., Shaposhnikov S. On uniqueness of probability solutions of the Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equation / Пер. с рус. // Sbornik Mathematics. 2021. Vol. 212. No. 6. P. 745-781.
  Шартова Наталья Витальевна Москва Shartova N., Tikunov V., Chereshnya O. Health disparities in Russia at the regional and global scales // International Journal for Equity in Health. 2021. Vol. 20. No. 1. Article 163.
  Шафаревич Антон Андреевич Москва Shafarevich A. Additive Actions on Toric Projective Hypersurfaces // Results in Mathematics. 2021. Vol. 76. No. 3. Article 145.
  Шварц Евгений Аркадьевич Москва Knizhnikov A., Shvarts E., Ametistova L., Pakhalov A., Rozhkova N., Yudaeva D. Environmental transparency of Russian mining and metal companies: Evidence from independent ranking system // Extractive Industries and Society. 2021. Vol. 8. No. 3. Article 100937.
  Швыдун Сергей Владимирович Москва Aleskerov F. T., Gavrilenkova I., Shvydun S., Yakuba V. I. Power Distribution in the Networks of Terrorist Groups: 2001–2018 // Group Decision and Negotiation. 2020. Vol. 29. No. 3. P. 399-424.
      Aleskerov F. T., Demin S., Richman M., Shvydun S., Trafalis T. B., Yakuba V. I. Constructing an Efficient Machine Learning Model for Tornado Prediction // International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making. 2020. Vol. 19. No. 5. P. 1177-1187.
  Шевелёва Марина Сергеевна Пермь Lee I., Permyakova T. M., Sheveleva M. S. Reducing Negative Attitudes Toward Immigrants in Russia and Taiwan: Possible Beneficial Effects of Naïve Dialecticism and an Incremental Worldview // Frontiers in Psychology. 2020. No. 11. P. 1-10.
  Шевчук Андрей Вячеславович Москва Shevchuk A., Strebkov D., Tyulyupo Alexey. Always on across time zones: Invisible schedules in the online gig economy // New Technology, Work and Employment. 2021. Vol. 36. No. 1. P. 94-113.
  Шейман Игорь Михайлович Москва Sheiman I., Richardson E. Using Targets to Reduce Waiting Times for Elective Care: What Can We Learn from the Russian Experience? // Health systems and reform. 2021. Vol. 7. No. 1. Article e1975529.
  Шелудков Александр Владимирович Москва Sheludkov A., Kamp J., Müller D. Decreasing labor intensity in agriculture and the accessibility of major cities shape the rural population decline in postsocialist Russia // Eurasian Geography and Economics. 2021. Vol. 62. No. 4. P. 481-506.
  Шибанова Екатерина Юрьевна Москва Agasisti T., Shibanova E., Platonova D., Lisyutkin M. The Russian Excellence Initiative for higher education: a nonparametric evaluation of short-term results // International Transactions in Operational Research. 2020. Vol. 27. No. 4. P. 1911-1929.
      Stevens M. L., Shibanova E. Varieties of state commitment to higher education since 1945: toward a comparative-historical social science of postsecondary expansion // European Journal of Higher Education. 2021. Vol. 11. No. 3. P. 219-238.
      Shibanova E., Sergey Malinovskiy. Higher education in Soviet and Russian welfare states: hybridization, continuity and change // European Journal of Higher Education. 2021. Vol. 11. No. 3. P. 273-291.
  Шилин Иван Сергеевич Москва Bonatti C., Minkov S., Alexey Okunev, Ivan Shilin. Anosov diffeomorphism with a horseshoe that attracts almost any point // Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. 2020. Vol. 40. No. 1. P. 441-465.
      Stanislav Minkov, Shilin I. Attractors of direct products // Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems. 2021. Vol. 20. No. 3. Article 77.
  Шилина Полина Васильевна Москва Polina Shilina, Ignatyeva D., Kapralov P., Sekatskii S., Nur E Alam M., Vasiliev M., Alameh K., Achanta V. G., Song Y., Hamidi S. M., Zvezdin A., Belotelov V. Nanophotonic Structures with Optical Surface modes for Tunable Spin Current Generation // Nanoscale. 2021. No. 13. P. 5791-5799.
  Широкова Галина Викторовна Санкт-Петербург Shirokova G., Morris M., Laskovaia A., Micelotta E. Effectuation and causation, firm performance, and the impact of institutions: A multi-country moderation analysis // Journal of Business Research. 2021. Vol. 129. P. 169-182.
      Wales W., Shirokova G., Beliaeva T., Micelotta E., Marino L. The impact of institutions on the entrepreneurial orientation-performance relationship // Global Strategy Journal. 2021. Vol. 11. P. 656-685.
  Широков Дмитрий Сергеевич Москва Shirokov D. A note on the hyperbolic singular value decomposition without hyperexchange matrices // Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2021. Vol. 391. Article 113450.
      Shirokov D. On computing the determinant, other characteristic polynomial coefficients, and inverse in Clifford algebras of arbitrary dimension // Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2021. Vol. 40. P. 1-29.
  Широков Николай Алексеевич Санкт-Петербург Н.А. Широков Внутренние множители аналитических функций переменной гладкости в замкнутом круге // Алгебра и анализ. 2020. Т. 32. № 5. С. 145-181.
      Tatyana A. Alexeeva, Nikolay A. Shirokov. Constructive Description of H{\"o}lder-like Classes on an Arc in $\mathbb{R}^3$ by Means of Harmonic Functions // Journal of Approximation Theory. 2020. Vol. 249. Article 105308.
  Шкель Станислав Николаевич Санкт-Петербург Shkel S. Why Political Machines Fail: Evidence from Bashkortostan // Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization. 2021. Vol. 29. No. 1. P. 31-62.
  Шматко Наталья Анатольевна Москва Natalia Shmatko, Yurij Katchanov, Volkova G. The Value of PhD in the Changing World of Work: traditional and alternative research careers // Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 2020. Vol. 152. Article 119907.
  Шмелева Евгения Дмитриевна Москва Chirikov I., Shmeleva E., Loyalka P. The role of faculty in reducing academic dishonesty among engineering students // Studies in Higher Education. 2020. Vol. 45. No. 12. P. 2464-2480.
  Шмелев Илья Михайлович Москва Shmelev I. The Dynamics of Clothing Changes, an Aspect of the Subculture after the USSR’s Collapse // Visual Anthropology. 2020. Vol. 33. No. 2. P. 138-150.
      Shmelev I., Petrovskiy V. Formalizing the use of training methods in developing a career path // Journal of Community Psychology. 2021. Vol. 49. No. 6. P. 1819-1837.
  Щебетенко Сергей Александрович Москва Shchebetenko S., Kalugin A., Mishkevich A., Soto C. J., John O. P. Measurement invariance and sex and age differences of the Big Five Inventory–2: Evidence from the Russian version // Assessment. 2020. Vol. 27. No. 3. P. 472-486.
      Sirotina U., Shchebetenko S. Loving-kindness meditation and compassion meditation: Do they affect emotions in a different way? // Mindfulness. 2020. No. 11. P. 2519-2530.
  Щеглова Ирина Александровна Москва Shcheglova I., Gorbunova E., Chirikov I. The role of the first-year experience in student attrition // Quality in Higher Education. 2020. Vol. 26. No. 3. P. 307-322.
      Li G., Shcheglova I., Bhuradia A., Li Y., Loyalka P., Zhou O., Hu S., Yu N., Ma L., Guo F., Chirikov I. Large-scale international assessments of learning outcomes: balancing the interests of multiple stakeholders // Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management. 2021. Vol. 43. No. 2. P. 198-213.
  Щепелева Мария Александровна Москва Stolbov M., Shchepeleva M. What predicts the legal status of cryptocurrencies? // Economic Analysis and Policy. 2020. Vol. 67. P. 273-291.
      Stolbov M. I., Shchepeleva M., Karminsky A. M. A global perspective on macroprudential policy interaction with systemic risk, real economic activity, and monetary intervention // Financial Innovation. 2021. Vol. 7. No. 1. Article 41.
      Stolbov M., Shchepeleva M. Macrofinancial linkages in Europe: Evidence from quantile local projections // International Journal of Finance and Economics. 2021. Vol. 26. No. 4. P. 5557-5569.
  Щепетильников Антон Вячеславович Москва Shchepetilnikov A., Khisameeva A., Nefyodov Y. A., Kukushkin I. Anomalous spin resonance around even fillings in the quantum Hall regime // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2021. Vol. 104. No. 7. Article 075437.
      Shchepetilnikov A., Khisameeva A., Nefyodov Y. A., Kukushkin I. Spin relaxation in a strongly correlated quantum Hall ferromagnet // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2021. Vol. 103. No. 19. Article 195313.
  Щур Алексей Евгеньевич Москва Грищенко Михаил Юрьевич, Тимонин Сергей Андреевич, Щур Алексей Евгеньевич Intraurban social risk and mortality patterns during extreme heat events: A case study of Moscow, 2010-2017 // Health and Place.2020.
      Андреев Евгений Михайлович, Леон Дэвид, Тимонин Сергей Андреевич, Школьников Владимир Михайлович, Щур Алексей Евгеньевич Where Do People Live Longer in Russia in the 21st century? Life Expectancy across Urban and Rural areas // Population and Development Review.2021.
  Щур Владимир Львович Москва Vicuña L., Klimenkova O., Norambuena T., Martinez F. I., Fernandez M. I., Shchur V., Eyheramendy S. Post-Admixture Selection on Chileans Targets Haplotype Involved in Pigmentation, Thermogenesis and Immune Defense Against Pathogens // Genome Biology and Evolution. 2020. Vol. 12. No. 8. P. 1459-1470.
      Komissarov A. B., Safina K. R., Garushyants S. K., Fadeev A. V., Sergeeva M. V., Ivanova A. A., Danilenko D. M., Lioznov D., Shneider O. V., Shvyrev N., Spirin V., Glyzin D., Shchur V., Bazykin G. A. Genomic epidemiology of the early stages of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in Russia // Nature Communications. 2021. Vol. 12. P. 1-13.
      Svedberg J., Shchur V., Reinman S., Nielsen R., Corbett-Detig R. Inferring Adaptive Introgression Using Hidden Markov Models // Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2021. Vol. 38. No. 5. P. 2152-2165.
      Jin Y., Brandt D. Y., Li J., Wo Y., Tong H., Shchur V. Elevation as a selective force on mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes of the Phrynocephalus lizards in the Tibetan plateau // Current Zoology. 2021. Vol. 67. No. 2. P. 191-199.
  Щур Лев Николаевич Москва Russkov A., Chulkevich R., Shchur L. Algorithm for replica redistribution in an implementation of the population annealing method on a hybrid supercomputer architecture // Computer Physics Communications. 2021. Vol. 261. P. 107786.
      Weigel M., Barash L. Y., Shchur L., Janke W. Understanding population annealing Monte Carlo simulations // Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2021. Vol. 103. P. 053301-1-053301-24.
  Юдкевич Мария Марковна Москва Dokuka S., Valeeva D., Yudkevich M. M. How academic achievement spreads: The role of distinct social networks in academic performance diffusion // Plos One. 2020. Vol. 15. No. 7. P. e0236737.
      Lovakov A., Yudkevich M. M. The post-Soviet publication landscape for higher education research // Higher Education. 2021. Vol. 81. No. 2. P. 273-299.
      Matveeva N., Sterligov I., Yudkevich M. M. The effect of Russian University Excellence Initiative on publications and collaboration patterns // Journal of Informetrics. 2021. Vol. 15. No. 1. Article 101110.
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      Schneijderberg C., Götze N., Jones G. A., Bilyalov D., Panova A. A., Stephenson G. K., Yudkevich M. M. Does vertical University Stratification foster or hinder Academics’ Societal Engagement? Findings from Canada, Germany, Kazakhstan, and Russia // Higher Education Policy. 2021. Vol. 34. P. 66-87.
  Юдсон Владимир Исаакович Москва Matveenko S. I., Yudson V.I., Altshuler B. L., Shlyapnikov G. V. Superfluid transition in disordered dipolar Fermi gases // Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical physics. 2020. Vol. 102. No. 5. P. 053319 (1)-053319 (8).
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      Yevtushenko O., Yudson V. Suppression of ballistic helical transport by isotropic dynamical magnetic impurities // Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2021. Vol. 104. Article 195414.
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  Юрова Полина Анатольевна Москва Lysova A. A., Yurova P., Stenina I. A., Ponomarev I. I., Pourcelly G., Yaroslavtsev A. B. Hybrid membranes based on polybenzimidazoles and silica with imidazoline-functionalized surface, candidates for fuel cells applications // Ionics. 2020. Vol. 26. P. 1853-1860.
      Stenina Irina A., Yurova P., Titova T. S., Polovkova M. A., Korchagin O. V., Bogdanovskaya V. A., Yaroslavtsev A. B. The influence of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) modification on the transport properties and fuel cell performance of Nafion-117 membranes // Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2021. Vol. 138. No. 27. Article 50644.
      Safronova E. Y., Yurova P., Ashrafi A. M., Chernyak A. V., Khoroshilov A. V., Yaroslavtsev A. B. The effect of ultrasonication of polymer solutions on the performance of hybrid perfluorinated sulfonic acid membranes with SiO2 nanoparticles // Reactive and Functional Polymers. 2021. Vol. 165. Article 104959.
  Яголковский Сергей Ростиславович Москва Yagolkovskiy S. R., Медведев Б. П. Enhancement of Creativity: Semantic Priming Through Naming Objects Loosens Functional Fixedness within Idea Generation // Journal of Creative Behavior. 2020. Vol. 54. No. 4. P. 1013-1020.
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  Яковлев Константин Сергеевич Москва Andreychuk A., Yakovlev K., Boyarski E., Stern R. Improving Continuous-time Conflict Based Search, in: The Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Technical Tracks 13 Vol. 35. AAAI Press, 2021. P. 11220-11227.
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  Ярославцев Андрей Борисович Москва Golubenko D. V., Yaroslavtsev A. B. Development of surface-sulfonated graft anion-exchange membranes with monovalent ion selectivity and antifouling properties for electromembrane processes // Journal of Membrane Science. 2020. Vol. 612. P. 118408.
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      Golubenko D. V., Van der Bruggen B., Yaroslavtsev A. B. Ion exchange membranes based on radiation-induced grafted functionalized polystyrene for high-performance reverse electrodialysis // Journal of Power Sources. 2021. Vol. 511. Article 230460.
      Safronova E. Y., Yurova P., Ashrafi A. M., Chernyak A. V., Khoroshilov A. V., Yaroslavtsev A. B. The effect of ultrasonication of polymer solutions on the performance of hybrid perfluorinated sulfonic acid membranes with SiO2 nanoparticles // Reactive and Functional Polymers. 2021. Vol. 165. Article 104959.
      Golubenko D. V., Gerasimova E., Yaroslavtsev A. B. Proton conductivity and performance in fuel cells of grafted membranes based on polymethylpentene with radiation-grafted crosslinked sulfonated polystyrene // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2021. Vol. 46. No. 32. P. 16999-17006.
  Ярская-Смирнова Елена Ростиславовна Москва Cook L. J., Iarskaia-Smirnova E. R., Tarasenko A. Outsourcing Social Services to NGOs in Russia: Federal Policy and Regional Responses // Post-Soviet Affairs. 2021. Vol. 37. No. 2. P. 119-136.
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* Олег Лекманов (O. Lekmanov) и Ирина Бусыгина включены Минюстом в реестр иностранных агентов. 


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