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Список работников НИУ ВШЭ, которым предложена надбавка за публикацию в журнале из Списка А (и приравненном к нему научном издании) (надбавка уровня А) на 2023-2024 гг.

АвторкампусГод публикацииПубликацияИсточник
Абалмасова Екатерина Сергеевна Москва 2022 The causal impact of performance-based funding on university performance: quasi-experimental evidence from a policy in Russian higher education Oxford Economic Papers
Абрамешин Андрей Евгеньевич Москва 2021 Radiation-induced conductivity in polyethyleneterephthalate and polyimide: Trap distribution effects Results in Physics
    2022 Radiation-induced conductivity in polystyrene at extremely low (79 K) temperature Journal of Applied Physics
Абрашкин Анатолий Александрович Нижний Новгород 2021 Nonlinear Gouyon waves Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
    2022 Волны Герстнера и их обобщения в гидродинамике и геофизике Успехи физических наук
    2022 Gouyon waves in water of finite depth Monatshefte für Mathematik
    2022 Unsteady edge waves generated by time-harmonic pressure: exact solutions Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
Авдашева Светлана Борисовна Москва 2022 Does judicial effort matter for quality? Evidence from antitrust proceedings in Russian commercial courts European Journal of Law and Economics
Авдеев Роман Сергеевич Москва 2022 Root subgroups on affine spherical varieties Selecta Mathematica, New Series
Авдохин Аркадий Сергеевич Москва 2021 Offering Wreaths, Hybridizing Genres: An Unusual Third-Century Mummy Label (P. Ross. Georg. 1, 14) Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik
    2021 Singers Silently Speaking: Psalmists in Inscriptions from Late Antique Middle Egypt (Bawit) Journal of Early Christian Studies
Аистов Андрей Валентинович Нижний Новгород 2021 Voluntary private health insurance, health-related behaviours and health outcomes: evidence from Russia European Journal of Health Economics
Акбаров Сергей Саидмузафарович Москва 2022 О тензорных дробях и тензорных произведениях в категории стереотипных пространств Математический сборник
    2022 Stereotype spaces and algebras Stereotype Spaces and Algebras
Акельев Евгений Владимирович Москва 2021 Режимы публичности и верховная власть в Московском царстве и Российской империи Cahiers du Monde Russe
Акимов Юрий Германович Москва 2021 Political Claims, an Extensible Name, and a Divine Mission: Ideology of Russian Expansion in Siberia  Journal of Early Modern History
Аксенов Сергей Алексеевич Москва 2021 Mapping of initial conditions for libration point orbits Advances in Space Research
Аладышкин Алексей Юрьевич Москва 2022 Field-Emission Resonances in Thin Metallic Films: Nonexponential Decrease of the Tunneling Current as a Function of the Sample-to-Tip Distance Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Аладышкина Анна Сергеевна Нижний Новгород 2021 Observation of Hidden Parts of Dislocation Loops in Thin Pb Films by Means of Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Аланов Айбек Москва 2022 HyperDomainNet: Universal Domain Adaptation for Generative Adversarial Networks Thirty-Sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems : NeurIPS 2022
Александров Борис Евгеньевич Москва 2022 On the Hittite-Assyrian Military Conflict(s) in the Late 13th Century BCE Once Again Journal Asiatique
Александров Даниил Александрович Санкт-Петербург 2022 School structure, bullying by teachers, moral disengagement, and students’ aggression: A mediation model Frontiers in Psychology
Александров Николай Леонидович Москва 2021 Streamer self-focusing in an external longitudinal magnetic field Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
    2022 The influence of humidity on positive streamer propagation in long air gap Plasma Sources Science and Technology
Александров Юрий Иосифович Москва 2021 Analytic and Holistic Thinkers: Differences in the Dynamics of Heart Rate Complexity When Solving a Cognitive Task in Field-Dependent and Field-Indepe Frontiers in Psychology
    2022 Neuronal metabolism in learning and memory: The anticipatory activity perspective Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
Александрова Екатерина Александровна Москва 2021 The effect of health shocks on labour market outcomes in Russia Cambridge Journal of Economics
    2021 Voluntary private health insurance, health-related behaviours and health outcomes: evidence from Russia European Journal of Health Economics
    2021 Global, regional, and national sex-specific burden and control of the HIV epidemic, 1990–2019, for 204 countries and territories: the Global Burden of The Lancet HIV
    2022 First population norms for the EQ-5D-3L in the Russian Federation PLoS ONE
Алексеева Татьяна Анатольевна Санкт-Петербург 2021 Study of irregular dynamics in an economic model: attractor localization and Lyapunov exponents Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
    2022 Классы Гёльдера в L^p-норме на chord-arc кривой в R^3 Алгебра и анализ
Алентьев Александр Юрьевич Москва 2022 Polynorbornenes bearing ether fragments in substituents: Promising membrane materials with enhanced CO2 permeability Journal of Membrane Science
Алескеров Фуад Таги оглы Москва 2022 New Centrality Measures in Networks: How to Take into Account the Parameters of the Nodes and Group Influence of Nodes to Nodes New Centrality Measures in Networks: How to Take into Account the Parameters of the Nodes and Group Influence of Nodes to Nodes
Алиев Алексей Арифович Москва 2021 The Novel as a Performing Art Philosophia
    2021 What is a novel? Estetika : The Central European Journal of Aesthetics
    2022 Paraphrasability and the Causal Status of Types Theoria
    2022 Proportionality, Abstract Causation, and the Exclusion Problem International Journal of Philosophical Studies
Алиев Рамиз Автандилович Москва 2022 Carbon storage and burial in thermokarst lakes of permafrost peatlands Biogeochemistry
Алфимов Михаил Николаевич Москва 2022 On loop corrections to integrable 2D sigma model backgrounds Journal of High Energy Physics
Америк Екатерина Юрьевна Москва 2021 Contraction centers in families of hyperkähler manifolds Selecta Mathematica, New Series
    2022 MBM classes and contraction loci on low-dimensional hyperkähler manifolds of K3<sup>[n]</sup> type Algebraic Geometry
Ананьев Иван Вячеславович Москва 2021 Design and Synthesis of Nitrogen-Rich Azo-Bridged Furoxanylazoles as High-Performance Energetic Materials Chemistry - A European Journal
    2022 Renaissance of dinitroazetidine: novel hybrid energetic boosters and oxidizers Dalton Transactions
Андрюшечкин Борис Владимирович Москва 2022 Adsorption of molecular iodine on the Ag(111) surface: Phase transitions, silver reconstruction, and iodide growth Journal of Chemical Physics
Аникеева Василиса Евгеньевна Москва 2022 Terahertz Kerr effect in a methylammonium lead bromide perovskite crystal Physical Review B
Аникин Василий Александрович Москва 2021 Training poverty in India: Reassessing the effect of social ascription International Journal of Training and Development
Антипкина Инна Вениаминовна Москва 2022 The Association between Approximate Number Sense (ANS) and Math Achievement Depends on the Format of the ANS Test Journal of Cognition and Development
Антипов Михаил Александрович Санкт-Петербург 2022 Brauer graph algebras are closed under derived equivalence Mathematische Zeitschrift
    2022 Lovász theta approach to eventown problem Linear Algebra and Its Applications
Антонов Владимир Евгеньевич Москва 2022 Lattice dynamics of high-pressure hydrides studied by inelastic neutron scattering Journal of Alloys and Compounds
    2022 Solid metal-hydrogen solutions with a symmetric miscibility gap International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
    2022 Isotopic dependence of the frequency of optical vibrations in molybdenum monohydride Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Антонов Сергей Вячеславович Москва 2022 Impact of conjugated polymer addition on the properties of paraffin–asphaltene blends for heat storage applications: Insight from computer modeling and experiment Journal of Chemical Physics
Антонов Михаил Валерьевич Санкт-Петербург 2021 Formalism, Decisionism and Conservatism in Russian Law Formalism, Decisionism and Conservatism in Russian Law
Апостолов Станислав Сергеевич Москва 2022  Nonlinear focusing of terahertz laser beam using a layered superconductor Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Апресян Валентина Юрьевна Москва 2021 Representation of Different Types of Adjectival Polysemy in the Mental Lexicon Frontiers in Psychology
    2022 Pragmatic mechanisms of manipulation in Russian online media: How clickbait works (or does not) Journal of Pragmatics
Аргылов Никита Антонович Санкт-Петербург 2022 The interplay between digital and social inclusion in multiethnic Russian society: An empirical investigation European Journal of Communication
Аржанцев Иван Владимирович Москва 2022 Tits-type Alternative for Groups Acting on Toric Affine Varieties International Mathematics Research Notices
    2022 Эквивариантные пополнения аффинных пространств Успехи математических наук
    2022 Root subgroups on affine spherical varieties Selecta Mathematica, New Series
    2022 Some Finiteness Results on Triangular Automorphisms Results in Mathematics
Аронин Александр Семенович Москва 2022 Structure of AlNiGd nanocomposites with enhanced ductility produced by high pressure torsion processing Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing
    2022 Correlation between phase transformation and surface morphology under severe plastic deformation of theAl<sub>87</sub>Ni<sub>8</sub>La<sub>5</sub> amo Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
Арутюнов Константин Юрьевич Москва 2021 Superconducting insulators and localization of Cooper pairs Communications Physics
    2021 Phonon lasing with an atomic thin membrane resonator at room temperature Optics Express
    2022 Induced electric conductivity in organic polymers Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology
    2022 Arutyunov and Lehtinen Reply Physical Review Letters
Архипов Илья Сергеевич Москва 2022 The Ebla Chancery Texts in the Light of Recent Linguistic Research Altorientalische Forschungen
Афанасьев Антон Евгеньевич Москва 2022 Single-layer atom chip for continuous operation: Design, fabrication and performance Optics and Laser Technology
Афанасьева Анна Эдгардовна Москва 2021 Medical Geography in Imperial Russia A Transnational Concept at the Service of the Empire, 1770–1870 Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas
Ахметсафина Римма Закиевна Москва 2022 About Semblance Filtering in (Tau-P)-Domain IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
Ахметьев Петр Михайлович Москва 2021 On a higher integral invariant for closed magnetic lines, revisited Journal of Geometry and Physics
    2021 On the Number of the Classes of Topological Conjugacy of Pixton Diffeomorphisms Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems
    2021 Topological interpretation of color exchange invariants: Hexagonal lattice on a torus SCIPOST PHYSICS
    2022 Topological meaning of the slope of the Kolmogorov spectrum of magnetic turbulence: M<sub>5</sub>-invariant of magnetic lines and its combinatorial fo Journal of Geometry and Physics
Ахунова Ольга Леонидовна Москва 2022 Cheeks, Jaws, Effort and Auletics Mnemosyne
Бабкова Галина Олеговна Москва 2022 Уложенные комиссии в России в 1720-е - начале 1750-х гг. К постановке проблемы Cahiers du Monde Russe
Баева Эльмира Миталиповна Москва 2021 Thermal Relaxation in Metal Films Limited by Diffuson Lattice Excitations of Amorphous Substrates Physical Review Applied
Баженов Сергей Владимирович Москва 2021 Litr directly upregulates autoinducer synthesis and luminescence in aliivibrio logei PeerJ
Бакланов Артем Павлович Санкт-Петербург 2021 PROPm Allocations of Indivisible Goods to Multiple Agents Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-21)
    2021 Achieving Proportionality up to the Maximin Item with Indivisible Goods The Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Technical Tracks 6
    2021 Operationalizing the net-negative carbon economy Nature
Балабанова Евгения Сергеевна Москва 2022 Employee socio-economic dependency as an antecedent of abusive supervision in Russian business organisations Employee Relations
    2022 Employee exit and constructive voice as behavioral responses to psychological contract breach in Finland and Russia: a within- and between-culture exa International Journal of Human Resource Management
Балаева Ольга Николаевна Москва 2021 Rituals of opening ceremonies of overseas manufacturing facilities of multinational corporations in Russia Thunderbird International Business Review
    2022 Public procurement transaction costs: a country-level assessment Public Money and Management
    2022 Public Procurement Efficiency as Perceived by Market Participants: The Case of Russia International Journal of Public Administration
Балюкин Игорь Игоревич Москва 2021 The Development of a Split-tail Heliosphere and the Role of Non-ideal Processes: A Comparison of the BU and Moscow Models Astrophysical Journal
    2021 Signature of a Heliotail Organized by the Solar Magnetic Field and the Role of Nonideal Processes in Modeled IBEX ENA Maps: A Comparison of the BU and Astrophysical Journal
    2021 Imprints of the secondary interstellar hydrogen atoms at 1 au Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
    2022 On the Energization of Pickup Ions Downstream of the Heliospheric Termination Shock by Comparing 0.52-55 keV Observed Energetic Neutral Atom Spectra t Astrophysical Journal Letters
    2022 Interstellar Neutrals, Pickup Ions, and Energetic Neutral Atoms Throughout the Heliosphere: Present Theory and Modeling Overview Space Science Reviews
    2022 Energetic pickup proton population downstream of the termination shock as revealed by IBEX-Hi data Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Банников Михаил Игоревич Москва 2021 Breaking of Ginzburg-Landau description in the temperature dependence of the anisotropy in a nematic superconductor Physical Review B
Барабашев Алексей Георгиевич Москва 2021 Public Personnel Job Satisfaction and Retention: The Effects of Perceived Image and Prestige of Government Jobs International Journal of Public Administration
Баранчиков Александр Евгеньевич Москва 2022 High-Entropy Layered Rare Earth Hydroxides Inorganic Chemistry
Баринова Марина Константиновна Нижний Новгород 2021 Existence of an energy function for three-dimensional chaotic "sink-source" cascades Chaos
Барсукова Светлана Юрьевна Москва 2022 Double Standards as Modus Operandi: Mixing Business and Politics in Russia Europe-Asia Studies
Батов Алексей Владимирович Москва 2022 Geometry and Segmentation of Cerberus Fossae, Mars: Implications for Marsquake Properties JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-PLANETS
Бацын Михаил Владимирович Нижний Новгород 2021 Vehicle assignment in site-dependent vehicle routing problems with split deliveries Operational Research
Бацына Екатерина Константиновна Нижний Новгород 2021 Vehicle assignment in site-dependent vehicle routing problems with split deliveries Operational Research
Белан Сергей Александрович Москва 2021 Conformational statistics of non-equilibrium polymer loops in Rouse model with active loop extrusion Journal of Chemical Physics
    2021 Second-harmonic generation as a minimal model of turbulence Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
    2021 Active motion of passive asymmetric dumbbells in a non-equilibrium bath Journal of Chemical Physics
Беленький Александр Соломонович Москва 2021 An Approach to Estimating the Economic Expediency of Developing a New Cargo Transport Hub by a Regional Public Administration International Journal of Public Administration
Белова Мария Владимировна Москва 2021 Darboux first integrals and linearizability of quadratic–quintic Duffing–van der Pol oscillators Journal of Geometry and Physics
    2021 Liouvillian integrability of the generalized Duffing oscillators Analysis and Mathematical Physics
    2021 Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of invariant algebraic curves Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations
    2022 Meromorphic solutions of autonomous ordinary differential equations without the finiteness property Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
    2022 Puiseux Integrability of Differential Equations Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems
    2022 The method of Puiseux series and invariant algebraic curves Communications in Contemporary Mathematics
Белова Наталья Сергеевна Москва 2022 Sequential analysis in Fourier probabilistic neural networks Expert Systems with Applications
Белоусов Юрий Александрович Москва 2021 Lanthanide azolecarboxylate compounds: Structure, luminescent properties and applications Coordination Chemistry Reviews
    2022 Novel pyrazole-based carboxylate ligand as a building block for assembling lanthanides in luminescent 2D and 3D MOFs Inorganica Chimica Acta
Белоусова Вероника Юрьевна Москва 2021 Bank Ownership and Efficiency of Russian Banks Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
    2021 Drivers for innovation in KIBS: evidence from Russia Service Industries Journal
Белянин Алексей Владимирович Москва 2021 Resting-State Theta Oscillations and Reward Sensitivity in Risk Taking Frontiers in Neuroscience
Березной Алексей Васильевич Москва 2021 The intertwining of knowledge sharing and creation in the digital platform based ecosystem. A conceptual study on the lens of the open innovation appr Journal of Knowledge Management
Беспалов Петр Алексеевич Нижний Новгород 2021 Amplification of a slipping quasi-monochromatic wave pulse by an electron flow with a wide velocity spread Physics of Plasmas
    2021 Electromagnetic pulse amplification in a magnetized nearly stable plasma layer Results in Physics
    2022 Hausdorf dimension of electromagnetic chorus emissions in their excitation region according to Van Allen probe data Results in Physics
Бессмертная Ольга Юрьевна Москва 2021 Magomet-Bek Hadjetlaché and the Muslim Question: Deceit, Trust, and Orientalism in Imperial Russia after 1905 Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History
Бессонова Евгения Владимировна Москва 2022 Do Productivity Laggards Ever Catch Up With Leaders?† Review of Income and Wealth
Бирюкова Ольга Владимировна  Москва 2022 Joint Initiative on Services Domestic Regulation in the WTO: The Case of Russia Global Policy
Бланк Михаил Львович  Москва 2021 Recurrence for measurable semigroup actions Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems
    2022 Invariant measures of torus piecewise isometries Advances in Mathematics
Бобер Станислав Алексеевич  Москва 2021 Mapping of initial conditions for libration point orbits Advances in Space Research
Бобкова Ирина Вячеславовна  Москва 2021 Dynamic Spin-Triplet Order Induced by Alternating Electric Fields in Superconductor-Ferromagnet-Superconductor Josephson Junctions Physical Review Letters
    2021 Controllable supercurrent in mesoscopic superconductor-normal metal-ferromagnet crosslike Josephson structures Superconductor Science and Technology
    2021 Thermally induced spin-transfer torques in superconductor/ferromagnet bilayers Physical Review B
    2022 Hybrid helical state and superconducting diode effect in superconductor/ferromagnet/topological insulator heterostructures Physical Review B
    2022 Magnetoelectric effects in Josephson junctions Journal of Physics Condensed Matter
    2022 Supercurrent-induced long-range triplet correlations and controllable Josephson effect in superconductor/ferromagnet hybrids with extrinsic spin-orbit Physical Review B
    2022 Long-range interaction of magnetic moments in a coupled system of superconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor Josephson junctions with anomalous ground- Physical Review B
    2022 Néel proximity effect at antiferromagnet/superconductor interfaces Physical Review B
    2022 Magnonic spin Joule heating and rectification effects Physical Review B
Боброва Ангелина Сергеевна  Москва 2022 Modular vs. diagrammatic reasoning: The pragmatist side of human understanding Pragmatics and Cognition
Боброва Ирина Александровна  Москва 2021 The sigma form of the second Painlevé hierarchy Journal of Geometry and Physics
    2022 A fully noncommutative analog of the Painlevé IV equation and a structure of its solutions Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
    2022 On matrix Painlevé-4 equations Nonlinearity
Бобылева Ксения Владимировна  Москва 2022 The Contribution of Intangible Assets to the Growth of the Russian Economy Review of Income and Wealth
Богачев Владимир Игоревич  Москва 2021 О распределениях однородных и выпуклых функций от гауссовских случайных величин Известия РАН. Серия математическая
    2021 On uniqueness of probability solutions of the Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equation Математический сборник
    2021 On the Ambrosio–Figalli–Trevisan Superposition Principle for Probability Solutions to Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov Equations Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations
    2022 Задача Канторовича оптимальной транспортировки мер: новые направления исследований Успехи математических наук
    2022 Sobolev-Kantorovich inequalities under CD (0, ∞) condition Communications in Contemporary Mathematics
Боклан Дарья Сергеевна  Москва 2022 Not Just Sea Turtles, Let's Protect Women Too: Invoking Public Morality Exception or Negotiating a New Gender Exception in Trade Agreements? European Journal of International Law
Бокучава Дарья Дмитриевна Москва 2021 Mechanisms of the early 20th century warming in the Arctic  Earth-Science Reviews
Болдырев Алексей Сергеевич  Москва 2021 Evidence of a J/ψΛ structure and observation of excited Ξ- states in the Ξb -→J/ψΛK- decay Science Bulletin
    2021 Observation of the suppressed Λb0 →dpK- decay with D →k+π- and measurement of its CP asymmetry Physical Review D
    2021 Simultaneous determination of CKM angle γ and charm mixing parameters Journal of High Energy Physics
    2021 Search for the doubly charmed baryon Ξcc+ in the Ξc+π−π+ final state Journal of High Energy Physics
    2021 Updated search for Bc+ decays to two charm mesons Journal of High Energy Physics
    2021 Measurement of J/ψ production cross-sections in pp collisions at √s = 5 TeV Journal of High Energy Physics
    2021 First measurement of the CP -violating phase in Bs0→J/ψ(→ e+e-) ϕ decays European Physical Journal C
    2021 Search for CP violation in Ξb- →pK-K- decays Physical Review D
    2021 Search for the doubly heavy baryons Ωbc0and Ξbc0decaying to Λc+π- And Ξc+π- And c Chinese Physics C
    2021 Observation of New Resonances Decaying to J /ψK+ and J /ψφ Physical Review Letters
    2021 Precise measurement of the fs /fd ratio of fragmentation fractions and of Bs0 decay branching fractions Physical Review D
    2021 Observation of new excited Bs0 states European Physical Journal C
    2021 Angular analysis of B0→D∗−Ds∗+ with Ds∗+→Ds+γ decays Journal of High Energy Physics
    2021 Measurement of the prompt-production cross-section ratio σ(χc2)/σ(χc1) in pPb collisions at sNN =8.16 TeV Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
    2021 Searches for 25 rare and forbidden decays of D + and Ds+ mesons Journal of High Energy Physics
    2021 Search for CP violation in D(s)+→h+π0 and D(s)+→h+η decays Journal of High Energy Physics
    2021 Observation of the decay Λb0 → χc1pπ− Journal of High Energy Physics
    2021 Angular Analysis of the B+ →k∗+μ+μ- Decay Physical Review Letters
    2021 Observation of the Λb0→Λc+K+K−π− decay Physics Letters B
    2021 Measurement of the branching fraction of the B0→Ds+π- decay European Physical Journal C
    2021 Measurement of CP observables in B± → D(*)K± and B± → D(*) π ± decays using two-body D final states Journal of High Energy Physics
    2021 Search for the rare decay B 0→ J/ψv Chinese Physics C
    2021 Observation of a New Excited Ds+ Meson in B0 →d-D+K+π-Decays Physical Review Letters
    2021 Observation of Multiplicity Dependent Prompt χc1 (3872) and ψ (2S) Production in pp Collisions Physical Review Letters
    2021 Measurement of CP Violation in the Decay B+ →k+π0 Physical Review Letters
    2021 Measurement of the CKM angle γ and Bs0‐B¯s0 mixing frequency with Bs0→Ds∓h±π±π∓ decays Journal of High Energy Physics
    2021 Search for long-lived particles decaying to e± μ∓ ν European Physical Journal C
    2021 Search for heavy neutral leptons in W+→μ+μ±jet decays European Physical Journal C
    2021 Observation of CP violation in two-body B(s)0 -meson decays to charged pions and kaons Journal of High Energy Physics
    2021 Observation of the Bs0 → D *± D ∓ decay Journal of High Energy Physics
    2021 First Observation of the Decay Bs0 →K-μ+νμ and a Measurement of |Vub | / |Vcb | Physical Review Letters
    2021 Measurement of differential bb¯ - and cc¯ -dijet cross-sections in the forward region of pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV Journal of High Energy Physics
    2021 Measurement of the CKM angle γ in B ± → DK ± and B ± → Dπ ± decays with D → KS0 h + h − Journal of High Energy Physics
    2021 Study of Bs0 → J/ψπ+π−K+K− decays Journal of High Energy Physics
    2021 Observation of a new Ξb0 state Physical Review D
    2022 Measurement of the lifetimes of promptly produced Ωc0 and Ξc0 baryons Science Bulletin
    2022 Analysis of Neutral B-Meson Decays into Two Muons Physical Review Letters
    2022 Study of the doubly charmed tetraquark Tcc+ Nature Communications
    2022 First Measurement of the Z →μ+μ- Angular Coefficients in the Forward Region of pp Collisions at s =13 TeV Physical Review Letters
    2022 Angular Analysis of D0 ?p+p-µ+µ- and D0 ?k+K-µ+µ- Decays and Search for CP Violation Physical Review Letters
    2022 Study of coherent J/ψ production in lead-lead collisions at √sNN = 5 TeV Journal of High Energy Physics
    2022 Constraints on the CKM angle γ from B <sup> ±</sup> → Dh <sup> ±</sup> decays using D → h <sup> ±</sup> h′<sup>∓</sup> π <sup>0</sup> final states Journal of High Energy Physics
    2022 Observation of the Decay Λb0 → Λc+ τ- ν ¯ τ Physical Review Letters
    2022 Search for massive long-lived particles decaying semileptonically at √s=13TeV European Physical Journal C
    2022 Observation of the doubly charmed baryon decay Ξcc++→Ξc′+<sup>π+</sup> Journal of High Energy Physics
    2022 Tests of Lepton Universality Using B0 ? KS0 â„“+â„“- and B+ ?k*+â„“+â„“- Decays Physical Review Letters
    2022 Measurement of the charm mixing parameter yCP- yCPKπ using two-body D0 meson decays Physical Review D
    2022 Observation of Two New Excited Ξb0 States Decaying to Λb0 K-π+ Physical Review Letters
    2022 Measurement of the Nuclear Modification Factor and Prompt Charged Particle Production in p-Pb and pp Collisions at sNN =5 TeV Physical Review Letters
    2022 Measurement of the photon polarization in Λb0 → Λγ decays Physical Review D
    2022 Test of lepton universality in beauty-quark decays Nature Physics
    2022 Observation of the B0 → D ¯ ∗0K+π- and Bs0 → D ¯ ∗0K-π+ decays Physical Review D
    2022 J/ψ photoproduction in Pb-Pb peripheral collisions at sNN =5 TeV Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
    2022 Searches for rare Bs0 and B <sup>0</sup> decays into four muons Journal of High Energy Physics
    2022 Study of Z Bosons Produced in Association with Charm in the Forward Region Physical Review Letters
    2022 Evidence for a New Structure in the J /ψp and J /ψ p ¯ Systems in Bs0 →J /ψp p ¯ Decays Physical Review Letters
    2022 Measurement of χ<sub>c1</sub>(3872) production in proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 and 13 TeV Journal of High Energy Physics
    2022 Measurement of prompt charged-particle production in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV Journal of High Energy Physics
    2022 Study of Bc+ decays to charmonia and three light hadrons Journal of High Energy Physics
    2022 Measurement of the Bs0 →μ+μ- decay properties and search for the B0 →μ+μ- and Bs0 →μ+μ-γ decays Physical Review D
    2022 Search for the radiative Ξb− → Ξ<sup> −</sup> γ decay Journal of High Energy Physics
    2022 Measurement of the W boson mass Journal of High Energy Physics
    2022 Precise determination of the Bs0 – B¯s0 oscillation frequency Nature Physics
Болдырева Мария Александровна  Москва 2022 Grain-Based Dietary Background Impairs Restoration of Blood Flow and Skeletal Muscle During Hindlimb Ischemia in Comparison With Low-Fat and High-Fat FRONTIERS IN NUTRITION
Болтунова Екатерина Михайловна  Москва 2021 The last king of Poland: Nicholas i's warsaw coronation and russian-polish historical memory Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History
Больгина Татьяна Александровна  Москва 2022 Greater volumes of a callosal sub-region terminating in posterior language-related areas predict a stronger degree of language lateralization: A tract PLoS ONE
    2022 Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation modulates action naming over the left but not right inferior frontal gyrus Brain Structure and Function
Боос Виктория Олеговна  Москва 2022 How different patterns of urbanization affect regional innovation? Evidence from Russia International Journal of Urban Sciences
Бордачев Тимофей Вячеславович  Москва 2022 Europe, Russia and the liberal world order: International relations after the cold war Europe, Russia and the Liberal World Order: International Relations after the Cold War
Борисова Людмила Андреевна  Москва 2021 Analysis of the Bio-oil Produced by the Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Biomass Using High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry and Isotope Exchange Energy & Fuels
Борисова Татьяна Юрьевна  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Imperial legality through ‘Exception’: Gun control in the Russian Empire1 Journal of Modern European History
Бочавер Александра Алексеевна  Москва 2022 School Climate Questionnaire: A New Tool for Assessing the School Environment Frontiers in Psychology
    2022 School bullying as destructive communal coping of the school community Frontiers in Psychology
Боярченков Владислав Викторович  Москва 2021 Nezhelatel´nye blagotvoriteli : kupecheskie premii, moskovskoe issledovateli stariny i osobennosti oborota simvolicheskogo kapitala v Rossii serediny XIX v.  Cahiers du Monde Russe.
Браславский Павел Исаакович  Москва 2021 Misbeliefs and Biases in Health-Related Searches CIKM ’21: Proceedings of the 30th ACM International conference on information and knowledge management
    2021 A Systematic Evaluation of Transfer Learning and Pseudo-labeling with BERT-based Ranking Models SIGIR '21: Proceedings of the 44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
    2022 Identifying Argumentative Questions in Web Search Logs SIGIR '22: Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
    2022 Towards understanding and answering comparative questions WSDM 2022 - Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining
Будков Юрий Алексеевич  Москва 2021 Simple analytical theory for micelles with widespread radial distribution of charged heads Journal of Molecular Liquids
    2021 Theory of Ionic Liquids with Polarizable Ions on a Charged Electrode Journal of Physical Chemistry C
    2021 Computation of drug solvation free energy in supercritical CO2: Alternatives to all-atom computer simulations Fluid Phase Equilibria
    2021 A molecular insight into poly(methyl methacrylate) impregnation with mefenamic acid in supercritical carbon dioxide: A computational simulation Journal of Molecular Liquids
    2021 A crossover of the solid substances solubility in supercritical fluids: What is it in fact? Journal of Molecular Liquids
    2021 On gyration radius distributions of star-like macromolecules Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
    2021 Molecular theory of the electrostatic collapse of dipolar polymer gels Chemical Communications
    2021 Thermodynamics of hydrogen sorption in MgPd2 Journal of Alloys and Compounds
    2022 Polymerized ionic liquids on charged electrodes: New prospects for electrochemistry Current Opinion in Electrochemistry
    2022 Disjoining pressure of room temperature ionic liquid in charged slit carbon nanopore: Molecular dynamics study Journal of Molecular Liquids
    2022 Polylactide nanoparticle impregnation with carbamazepine in supercritical media and its subsequent release in liquid solvents: insights from molecular Journal of Molecular Liquids
    2022 Electric double layer theory for room temperature ionic liquids on charged electrodes: Milestones and prospects Current Opinion in Electrochemistry
    2022 Modified Poisson–Boltzmann equations and macroscopic forces in inhomogeneous ionic fluids Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
    2022 Electrochemistry meets polymer physics: Polymerized ionic liquids on an electrified electrode Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
    2022 Models of adsorption-induced deformation: Ordered materials and beyond Journal of Physics Condensed Matter
    2022 Electrosorption-induced deformation of a porous electrode with non-convex pore geometry in electrolyte solutions: A theoretical study Europhysics Letters
Будницкий Олег Витальевич  Москва 2021 « Pisatel´skaia rota » : K istorii stalinizma voennogo vremeni Cahiers du Monde Russe
    2021 Jews in the Battle for Crimea, 1941–1944 East European Jewish Affairs
    2022 Jews in the Soviet Union: A History. War, Conquest, and Catastrophe, 1939–1945, Volume 3 Jews in the Soviet Union: A History. War, Conquest, and Catastrophe, 1939–1945, Volume 3
    2022 IN PARENTHESES Extrajudicial executions during the Great Patriotic War Cahiers du Monde Russe
Буйволова Ольга Витальевна  Москва 2021 The Russian Aphasia Test: The first comprehensive, quantitative, standardized, and computerized aphasia language battery in Russian PLoS ONE
    2021 Prevalence of Verb and Sentence Impairment in Aphasia as Demonstrated by Cluster Analysis Aphasiology
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    2022 ‘Moderate global aphasia’: A generalized decline of language processing caused by glioma surgery but not stroke Brain and Language
Булах Мария Степановна  Москва 2021 The Causative stem in Soqotri: The data Brill's Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics
    2021 The Semantics and Syntax of Stem IV in Soqotri Journal of Semitic Studies
Бульцева Мария Александровна  Москва 2021 The role of intercultural competence, in the relationship between intercultural experiences and creativity among students International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Буренин Родион Анатольевич  Москва 2021 Towards testing sterile neutrino dark matter with the Spectrum-Roentgen-Gamma mission Physical Review D
Буркова Валентина Николаевна  Москва 2021 Sex, population origin, age and average digit length as predictors of digit ratio in three large world populations Scientific Reports
    2022 Variations in limited resources allocation towards friends and strangers in children and adolescents from seven economically and culturally diverse so Scientific Reports
    2022 Factors Associated With Highest Symptoms of Anxiety During COVID-19: Cross-Cultural Study of 23 Countries Frontiers in Psychology
Бурман Юрий Михайлович  Москва 2021 Algebraic Relations between Harmonic and Anti-harmonic Moments of Plane Polygons International Mathematics Research Notices
Бурмистров Игорь Сергеевич  Москва 2021 Multifractally-enhanced superconductivity in thin films Annals of Physics
    2021 Interaction of a Néel-Type skyrmion with a superconducting vortex Physical Review B
    2022 Emergent Continuous Symmetry in Anisotropic Flexible Two-Dimensional Materials Physical Review Letters
Буров Александр Анатольевич  Москва 2021 Motion of a heavy bead along a circular hoop rotating around an inclined axis International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics
Буровский Евгений Андреевич  Москва 2021 Critical and geometric properties of magnetic polymers across the globule-coil transition Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
    2022 VGsim: Scalable viral genealogy simulator for global pandemic PLoS Computational Biology
Бутов Олег Владиславович  Москва 2022 Point-by-point inscription of chirped apodized fiber Bragg gratings for application as ultrashort pulse stretchers Results in Physics
Бутовская Марина Львовна  Москва 2021 Sex, population origin, age and average digit length as predictors of digit ratio in three large world populations Scientific Reports
    2021 Are There Differences in Experts’ and Lay Assessors’ Attractiveness Judgments of Non-Professional Men’s Dance/Gait Movements? Perceptual and Motor Skills
    2021 Personality, aggression, sensation seeking, and hormonal responses to challenge in Russian alpinists and special operation forces Personality and Individual Differences
    2022 Facial cues to physical strength increase attractiveness but decrease aggressiveness assessments in male Maasai of Northern Tanzania Evolution and Human Behavior
    2022 Variations in limited resources allocation towards friends and strangers in children and adolescents from seven economically and culturally diverse so Scientific Reports
    2022 Sex differences in emotional perception: Evidence from population of Tuvans (Southern Siberia) Frontiers in Psychology
    2022 Factors Associated With Highest Symptoms of Anxiety During COVID-19: Cross-Cultural Study of 23 Countries Frontiers in Psychology
Бушуева Ирина Сергеевна  Москва 2022 Late-Holocene advances of the Greater Azau Glacier (Elbrus area, Northern Caucasus) revealed by <sup>14</sup>C dating of paleosols Holocene
Быков Андрей Вячеславович  Москва 2021 Opening Constructive Dialogues Between Business Ethics Research and the Sociology of Morality: Introduction to the Thematic Symposium Journal of Business Ethics
    2022 Weighing the moral worth of altruistic actions: A discrepancy between moral evaluations and prescriptive judgments Philosophical Psychology
Вагов Алексей Вячеславович  Москва 2022 Correlated disorder as a way towards robust superconductivity Communications Physics
    2022 Simulation of open quantum systems by automated compression of arbitrary environments Nature Physics
    2022 Suppression of fluctuations in a two-band superconductor with a quasi-one-dimensional band Physical Review B
    2022 Nonlinear spectroscopy of excitonic states in transition metal dichalcogenides Physical Review B
    2022 Current-induced self-organisation of mixed superconducting states Superconductor Science and Technology
Вальба Ольга Владимировна  Москва 2021 Interacting thermofield doubles and critical behavior in random regular graphs Physical Review D
    2021 Analysis of English free association network reveals mechanisms of efficient solution of Remote Association Tests PLoS ONE
    2022 K-clique percolation in free association networks and the possible mechanism behind the 7 ± 2 law Scientific Reports
Ваньков Александр Борисович  Москва 2021 Laughlin anyon complexes with Bose properties Nature Communications
    2021 Anomalous spin exciton with a magnetoroton minimum in a quantum Hall ferromagnet at a filling factor ν=2 Physical Review B
    2022 Quantum Hall spin textures far beyond the skyrmion limit Physical Review B
Варенцов Михаил Иванович Москва 2022 North Eurasian thermal comfort indices dataset (NETCID): new gridded database for the biometeorological studies Environmental Research Letters
Варшавская Елена Яковлевна  Москва 2022 Impact of the compulsory military service reform of 2007–2008 on the demand for higher education Economics of Transition and Institutional Change
Васенко Андрей Сергеевич  Москва 2021 Joule heating effects in high-Transparency Josephson junctions Physical Review B
    2021 Ab initio nonadiabatic molecular dynamics of charge carriers in metal halide perovskites Nanoscale
    2021 Reentrant superconductivity in proximity to a topological insulator Physical Review B
    2021 Vortex interactions and clustering in thin superconductors Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
    2021 Disorder-Promoted Splitting in Quasiparticle Interference at Nesting Vectors Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
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    2022 Density of states in the presence of spin-dependent scattering in SF bilayers: a numerical and analytical approach Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology
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    2022 Suppression of fluctuations in a two-band superconductor with a quasi-one-dimensional band Physical Review B
    2022 Ag-Bi Charge Redistribution Creates Deep Traps in Defective Cs<sub>2</sub>AgBiBr<sub>6</sub>: Machine Learning Analysis of Density Functional Theory Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
    2022 Charge carrier nonadiabatic dynamics in non-metal doped graphitic carbon nitride Journal of Chemical Physics
    2022 Structural Disorder in Higher-Temperature Phases Increases Charge Carrier Lifetimes in Metal Halide Perovskites Journal of the American Chemical Society
    2022 Synthesis of Perovskite-Type BiScO<sub>3</sub> Ceramics and their Dielectric and Infrared Characterization Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
    2022 Dramatic Plasmon Response to the Charge-Density-Wave Gap Development in 1T-TiSe2 Physical Review Letters
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Васильев Глеб Альбертович  Москва 2022 Prove them wrong: Do professional athletes perform better when facing their former clubs? Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics
Васильев Павел Андреевич  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Soviet pharmaceutical regulation (1918-1990) CMAJ
    2022 Children's morbidity and mortality in 19th century Western Siberia: review of historical medical records Archives of Disease in Childhood
Васькин Илья Андреевич  Москва 2021 Terrorism and democracy a reconsideration Comparative Sociology
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Вдовин Алексей Владимирович  Москва 2021 First Love Is Exactly Like Revolution: Intimacy as Political Allegory in Ivan Turgenev's Novella Spring Torrents Slavic Review
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    2021 New Approaches to Representations of Peasants in Russian Literature. Introduction Russian Literature
    2022 Opaque Mind, Muteness, and Melodrama: Dmitry Grigorovich’s Invention of Peasant Subjectivity in The Village (1846) Slavic and East European Journal
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Вергелес Сергей Сергеевич  Москва 2021 Influence of Ekman friction on the velocity profile of a coherent vortex in a three-dimensional rotating turbulent flow Physics of Fluids
    2021 Waves in a coherent two-dimensional flow Physics of Fluids
    2021 Resonance behavior of diffraction on encapsulated guided-mode grating of subwavelength thickness Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications
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    2022 Structure function of velocity in a geostrophic vortex under strong rotation Physics of Fluids
Веселова Анна Сергеевна  Москва 2021 The hunt for international legitimacy: Examining the relationship between internationalization, state ownership, location and CSR reporting of Russian International Business Review
    2021 Drivers for adoption of sustainability initiatives in supply chains of large Russian firms under environmental uncertainty Corporate Governance (Bingley)
    2021 Performance Effects of Internationalization: Contingency Theory Analysis of Russian Internationalized Firms Management and Organization Review
Веселова Варвара Олеговна  Москва 2021 Effect of different organic additives on the shape, size and scintillation properties of Bi4Ge3O12 powders synthesized by the microwave-hydrothermal m Advanced Powder Technology
Ветров Дмитрий Петрович  Москва 2021 Leveraging Recursive Gumbel-Max Trick for Approximate Inference in Combinatorial Spaces Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (NeurIPS 2021)
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    2022 HyperDomainNet: Universal Domain Adaptation for Generative Adversarial Networks Thirty-Sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems : NeurIPS 2022
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Вилкова Ксения Александровна  Москва 2022 If I ignore it, maybe it will go away: how Russian engineering students perceive the gender inequality issue European Journal of Engineering Education
    2022 The Promises and Pitfalls of Self-regulated Learning Interventions in MOOCs Technology, Knowledge and Learning
Вишленкова Елена Анатольевна  Москва 2021 Medical Geography in Imperial Russia A Transnational Concept at the Service of the Empire, 1770–1870 Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas
Вишневский Константин Олегович  Москва 2022 Applying digital technologies in technology roadmapping to overcome individual biased assessments Technovation
Владимирова Юлия Викторовна  Москва 2021 Effect of SiO2nanoparticles embedded in the electrode layer on the efficiency of organic solar cells Optical Materials Express
    2022 Квантовая оптика единичных квантовых излучателей в ближнем поле наночастицы Успехи физических наук
Власов Василий Викторович  Москва 2021 Global, regional, and national progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 3.2 for neonatal and child health: all-cause and cause-specific mortality The Lancet
    2021 Data discrepancies and substandard reporting of interim data of Sputnik V phase 3 trial The Lancet
    2021 The Burden of Dementia due to Down Syndrome, Parkinson’s Disease, Stroke, and Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Analysis for the Global Burden of D Neuroepidemiology
    2021 Tracking development assistance for health and for COVID-19: a review of development assistance, government, out-of-pocket, and other private spending The Lancet
    2021 Global, regional, and national mortality among young people aged 10–24 years, 1950–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study The Lancet
    2021 The Burden of Dementia due to Down Syndrome, Parkinson’s Disease, Stroke, and Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Analysis for the Global Burden of D Neuroepidemiology
    2022 Global, Regional, and National Burden of Diseases and Injuries for Adults 70 Years and Older: Systematic Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease 201 The BMJ
    2022 The global burden of adolescent and young adult cancer in 2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 The Lancet Oncology
    2022 Estimation of the global prevalence of dementia in 2019 and forecasted prevalence in 2050: an analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 The Lancet Public Health
    2022 Adolescent Transport and Unintentional Injuries: A Systematic Analysis Using the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 The Lancet Public Health
    2022 The global burden of cancer attributable to risk factors, 2010–19: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 The Lancet
    2022 Assessing performance of the Healthcare Access and Quality Index, overall and by select age groups, for 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a sy The Lancet Global Health
    2022 Cancer Incidence, Mortality, Years of Life Lost, Years Lived With Disability, and Disability-Adjusted Life Years for 29 Cancer Groups From 2010 to 2019 JAMA oncology
    2022 Measuring the availability of human resources for health and its relationship to universal health coverage for 204 countries and territories from 1990 The Lancet
    2022 Structural changes in the Russian health care system: do they match European trends? Health Economics Review
    2022 The burden of injury in Central, Eastern, and Western European sub-region: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease 2019 Study Archives of Public Health
    2022 First population norms for the EQ-5D-3L in the Russian Federation PLoS ONE
Власова Анна Сергеевна  Нижний Новгород 2021 Intellectual Property in Russia Intellectual Property in Russia
Власова Валерия Вадимовна   Москва 2021 Industry-science cooperation and public policy instruments utilization in the private sector Journal of Business Research
Влахов Андриан Викторович   Москва 2022 Changing Svalbard: Tracing interrelated socio-economic and environmental change in remote Arctic settlements Polar Record
    2022 Barentsburg and Longyearbyen in times of socioeconomic transition: Residents' perceptions of community viability Polar Record
Волков Денис Владимирович   Москва 2021 Flying Away From the Bolshevik Winter: Soviet Refugees across the Southern Borders (1917-30) Journal of Refugee Studies
    2022 Bringing democracy into Iran: a Russian project for the separation of Azerbaijan Middle Eastern Studies
Волкова Ирина Олеговна   Москва 2022 Application of electromagnetic continuous variable transmission in hydraulic turbines to increase stability of an off-grid power system Renewable Energy
Волкова Наталья Владимировна  Санкт-Петербург 2021 The Perceived Impact of COVID-19 on Student Well-Being and the Mediating Role of the University Support: Evidence From France, Germany, Russia, and th Frontiers in Psychology
Володина Мария Александровна    Москва 2021 Cortical and autonomic responses during staged Taoist meditation: Two distinct meditation strategies PLoS ONE
Воскобойников Илья Борисович    Москва 2021 Accounting for growth in the USSR and Russia, 1950–2012 Journal of Economic Surveys
    2021 ACCOUNTING FOR GROWTH IN HISTORY Journal of Economic Surveys
Восков Леонид Сергеевич    Москва 2021 A survey on energy efficiency intrabody communication techniques for wearable devices Nano Communication Networks
Востриков Александр Владимирович    Москва 2022 Development of accelerated methods for calculating the pattern of current spreading over the surface of spacecraft Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate
Вукович Дарко  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Price distortions and municipal bonds premiums: evidence from Switzerland Financial Innovation
    2021 Wavelet coherence analysis of returns, volatility and interdependence of the US and the EU money markets: Pre & post crisis North American Journal of Economics and Finance
    2021 Company performance and optimal capital structure: evidence of transition economy (Russia) Journal of Economic Studies
    2022 Are CDS spreads predictable during the Covid-19 pandemic? Forecasting based on SVM, GMDH, LSTM and Markov switching autoregression Expert Systems with Applications
Вульфсон Александр Наумович  Москва 2022 Local Similarity Theory of Convective Turbulent Layer Using “Spectral” Prandtl Mixing Length and Second Moment of Vertical Velocity Journals of the Atmospheric Sciences
Вялый Михаил Николаевич  Москва 2022 Shifting paths to avoidable ones Journal of Graph Theory
Гаврилов Кирилл Андреевич  Москва 2022 Who is to blame for the terrorist attack? Comparison of content analysis and survey data as sources of responsibility ascriptions Journal of Risk Research
Гаврилов Сергей Сергеевич  Москва 2021 Loop parametric scattering of cavity polaritons Physical Review B
    2022 Spin oscillations of a single-mode polariton system driven by a plane wave Physical Review B
    2022 Ultrafast All-Optical Polarization Switch Controlled by Optically Excited Picosecond Acoustic Perturbation of Exciton Resonance in Planar Microcavitie Physical Review Applied
Гайдуков Роман Константинович  Москва 2021 Double-deck structure in the fluid flow problem over plate with small irregularities of time-dependent shape European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids
    2022 Double–deck structure in the fluid flow induced by a uniformly rotating disk with small symmetric irregularities on its surface European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids
Гайдученко Игорь Андреевич  Москва 2021 Tunnel field-effect transistors for sensitive terahertz detection Nature Communications
Галеев Антон Владиславович  Москва 2022 Yuli Zhukovsky’s contribution to Russian debates on economic development of the 1860s–70s European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
Галло Федерико  Москва 2021 First Language Attrition: What It Is, What It Isn’t, and What It Can Be Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
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    2021 Attriters and Bilinguals: What’s in a Name? Frontiers in Psychology
    2021 Individual differences in bilingual experience modulate executive control network and performance: Behavioral and structural neuroimaging evidence Bilingualism: Language and Cognition
    2022 Ultra-rapid and automatic interplay between L1 and L2 semantics in late bilinguals: EEG evidence Cortex
    2022 Bilingualism and Aging: Implications for (Delaying) Neurocognitive Decline Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
    2022 Add Bilingualism to the Mix: L2 Proficiency Modulates the Effect of Cognitive Reserve Proxies on Executive Performance in Healthy Aging Frontiers in Psychology
Галяпина Виктория Николаевна  Москва 2021 Values of Ethnic Russians and the Indigenous Population in North Caucasus Republics of the Russian Federation: An Exploratory Three-Generation Compari Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
    2022 How shall we all live together?: Meta-analytical review of the mutual intercultural relations in plural societies project Applied Psychology
Гаспарян Диана Эдиковна  Москва 2021 The Philosophic Path of Merab Mamardashvili The Philosophic Path of Merab Mamardashvili
Герасимова Ксения Леонидовна  Москва 2021 COVID-19 and Other Challenges: A Case Study of Certified Organic Green Tea Producers in China Critical Sociology
Герман Олег Николаевич Москва 2022 Multiparametric geometry of numbers and its application to splitting transference theorems Monatshefte für Mathematik
Глазов Михаил Михайлович Санкт-Петербург 2021 Highly superlinear giant terahertz photoconductance in GaAs quantum point contacts in the deep tunneling regime Physical Review B
    2021 Control of the exciton valley dynamics in atomically thin semiconductors by tailoring the environment Physical Review B
Гласер Марина Алексеевна Москва 2021 Moscow's Evolution as a Political Space: From Yuri Dolgorukiy to Sergei Sobyanin Moscow's Evolution as a Political Space: From Yuri Dolgorukiy to Sergei Sobyanin
    2022 The concept of “Greater Eurasia”: The Russian “turn to the East” and its consequences for the European Union from the geopolitical angle of analysis Journal of Eurasian Studies
Глуцюк Алексей Антонович Москва 2021 On polynomially integrable Birkhoff billiards on surfaces of constant curvature Journal of the European Mathematical Society
    2021 Four equivalent properties of integrable billiards Israel Journal of Mathematics
    2022 On families of constrictions in model of overdamped Josephson junction and Painlevé 3 equation* * Supported by RSF Grant 18-41-05003. Nonlinearity
    2022 On curves with the Poritsky property Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications
Голованова Светлана Викторовна Нижний Новгород 2022 Multisided platform analysis and competition law enforcement practice in BRICS countries Journal of Competition Law and Economics
    2022 Does judicial effort matter for quality? Evidence from antitrust proceedings in Russian commercial courts European Journal of Law and Economics
Голосов Евгений Витальевич Москва 2022 Study of craters formed on surface of AISI 321 stainless steel after high power ion-beam exposure Vacuum
Голубин Алексей Юрьевич Москва 2022 Optimal investment policy in a multi-stage problem with bankruptcy and stage-by-stage probability constraints Optimization: A Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research
Гонченко Сергей Владимирович Нижний Новгород 2021 Reversible perturbations of conservative Hénon-like maps Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems
    2021 Wild pseudohyperbolic attractor in a four-dimensional Lorenz system Nonlinearity
    2022 Conjoined Lorenz twins – a new pseudohyperbolic attractor in three-dimensional maps and flows Chaos
    2022 Antisymmetric Diffeomorphisms and Bifurcations of a Double Conservative Hénon Map Regular and Chaotic Dynamics
Горбунова Елена Сергеевна Москва 2021 The effect of categorical superiority in subsequent search misses Acta Psychologica
    2022 The Role of Emotional Information in Banner Blindness Frontiers in Psychology
Гордин Владимир Александрович Москва  2022 Inhomogeneous Anisotropic Analysis of the Available Water Content of the Upper Soil Layer According to Ground-Based and Remote Sensing on the Territor IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Готовко Софья Климентовна Москва  2021 Dynamics of multiferroic LiCuVO4 influenced by electric field Physical Review B
Гохберг Леонид Маркович Москва 2021 Addressing societal challenges through the simultaneous generation of social and business values: A conceptual framework for science-based co-creation Technovation
Гошин Михаил Евгеньевич Москва  2021 The Strategies of Parental Involvement in Adolescents’ Education and Extracurricular Activities Journal of Youth and Adolescence
Грибанов Дмитрий Владимирович Нижний Новгород  2021 Interpretable Feature Generation in ECG Using a Variational Autoencoder Frontiers in Genetics
    2022 On lattice point counting in Δ -modular polyhedra Optimization Letters
Григорьев Дмитрий Сергеевич  Москва  2021 A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic Nature Human Behaviour
    2021 Mental health literacy in Ghana: Implications for religiosity, education and stigmatization Transcultural Psychiatry
    2021 The Strategies of Parental Involvement in Adolescents’ Education and Extracurricular Activities Journal of Youth and Adolescence
    2021 A creative destruction approach to replication: Implicit work and sex morality across cultures Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
    2022 A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
    2022 Examining the generalizability of research findings from archival data Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
    2022 Warmth and competence perceptions of key protagonists are associated with containment measures during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from 35 countrie Scientific Reports
    2022 Ethnic Stereotype Content Beyond Intergroup Relations Within Societies: Exploring the North-South Hypothesis for Competence and Warmth Cross-Cultural Research
    2022 Universal principles of intercultural relations are a basis for culturally-appropriate research, policies, and practices: Response to commentaries on Applied Psychology
    2022 How shall we all live together?: Meta-analytical review of the mutual intercultural relations in plural societies project Applied Psychology
    2022 Predictors of enhancing human physical attractiveness: Data from 93 countries Evolution and Human Behavior
    2022 Authoritarian attitudes in Russia: Right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation in the modern Russian context Asian Journal of Social Psychology
    2022 “Causality crisis” in acculturation research a false alarm?: A commentary on Kunst (2021) International Journal of Intercultural Relations
    2022 More Similarity if Different, More Difference if Similar: Assimilation, Colorblindness, Multiculturalism, Polyculturalism, and Generalized and Specifi Europe's Journal of Psychology
    2022 Contextual factors predicting compliance behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic: A machine learning analysis on survey data from 16 countries PLoS ONE
Грищенко Александр Игоревич  Москва 2022 Лингвотекстологические маркеры в позднесредневековых славянских библейских переводах с еврейских оригиналов Studi Slavistici
Грищенко Михаил Юрьевич  Москва 2022 Spatial patterns of West Nile virus distribution in the Volgograd region of Russia, a territory with long-existing foci PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
Гронская Наталья Эдуардовна  Нижний Новгород 2022 ‘Moderate global aphasia’: A generalized decline of language processing caused by glioma surgery but not stroke Brain and Language
Грунтов Илья Александрович   Москва 2021 Triangulation supports agricultural spread of the Transeurasian languages Nature
Гулевич Ольга Александровна   Москва 2021 Russian Version of the Male Role Norms Inventory-Short Form:Structure, Validity, and Measurement Invariance Psychology of Men and Masculinity
    2022 The Conformity to Masculine Norms Inventory-30: Validity and measurement invariance of a Russian-language version Psychology of Men and Masculinity
    2022 Ambivalent sexism and violence toward women: A meta-analysis European Journal of Social Psychology
Гуревич Елена Яковлевна  Нижний Новгород 2022 Топологическая классификация потоков без гетероклинических траекторий на связной сумме многообразий Sn−1 × S1 Успехи математических наук
    2022 О классификации потоков Морса–Смейла на проективно-подобных многообразиях Известия РАН. Серия математическая
Гурков Игорь Борисович    Москва 2021 Looking in the rear-view mirror—A 35 year retrospective on the Russian automotive industry Thunderbird International Business Review
    2021 The past, the present, and the foreseeable future of Russian manufacturing subsidiaries of Western multinational corporations Journal of Eurasian Studies
    2021 Rituals of opening ceremonies of overseas manufacturing facilities of multinational corporations in Russia Thunderbird International Business Review
    2022 Total expenses for managerial remuneration in foreign manufacturing subsidiaries during the COVID-19 pandemic: a pilot exploration of applied policies Employee Relations
Гуров Сергей Вячеславович    Москва 2022 New evidence on the impact of implicit trading costs on asset prices in the Russian stock market Applied Economics
Гусев Василий Васильевич  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Nash-stable coalition partition and potential functions in games with coalition structure European Journal of Operational Research
    2022 Cooperative congestion games: existence of a Nash-stable coalition structure Optimization Letters
Гусейн-Заде Сабир Меджидович Москва  2021 Индекс особой точки векторного поля или 1-формы на орбифолде Алгебра и анализ
    2022 Mirror symmetry on levels of non-abelian Landau–Ginzburg orbifolds Journal of Geometry and Physics
Гущин Михаил Иванович  Москва 2021 Evidence of a J/ψΛ structure and observation of excited Ξ- states in the Ξb -→J/ψΛK- decay Science Bulletin
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Observation of the suppressed Λb0 →dpK- decay with D →k+π- and measurement of its CP asymmetry Physical Review D
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Simultaneous determination of CKM angle γ and charm mixing parameters Journal of High Energy Physics
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Search for the doubly charmed baryon Ξcc+ in the Ξc+π−π+ final state Journal of High Energy Physics
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Updated search for Bc+ decays to two charm mesons Journal of High Energy Physics
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Measurement of J/ψ production cross-sections in pp collisions at √s = 5 TeV Journal of High Energy Physics
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 First measurement of the CP -violating phase in Bs0→J/ψ(→ e+e-) ϕ decays European Physical Journal C
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Search for CP violation in Ξb- →pK-K- decays Physical Review D
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Search for the doubly heavy baryons Ωbc0and Ξbc0decaying to Λc+π- And Ξc+π- And c Chinese Physics C
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Observation of New Resonances Decaying to J /ψK+ and J /ψφ Physical Review Letters
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Precise measurement of the fs /fd ratio of fragmentation fractions and of Bs0 decay branching fractions Physical Review D
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Observation of new excited Bs0 states European Physical Journal C
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Generalization of change-point detection in time series data based on direct density ratio estimation Journal of Computational Science
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Angular analysis of B0→D∗−Ds∗+ with Ds∗+→Ds+γ decays Journal of High Energy Physics
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Measurement of the prompt-production cross-section ratio σ(χc2)/σ(χc1) in pPb collisions at sNN =8.16 TeV Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Searches for 25 rare and forbidden decays of D + and Ds+ mesons Journal of High Energy Physics
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Search for CP violation in D(s)+→h+π0 and D(s)+→h+η decays Journal of High Energy Physics
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Observation of the decay Λb0 → χc1pπ− Journal of High Energy Physics
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Angular Analysis of the B+ →k∗+μ+μ- Decay Physical Review Letters
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Observation of the Λb0→Λc+K+K−π− decay Physics Letters B
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Measurement of the branching fraction of the B0→Ds+π- decay European Physical Journal C
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Measurement of CP observables in B± → D(*)K± and B± → D(*) π ± decays using two-body D final states Journal of High Energy Physics
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Search for the rare decay B 0→ J/ψv Chinese Physics C
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Observation of a New Excited Ds+ Meson in B0 →d-D+K+π-Decays Physical Review Letters
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Observation of Multiplicity Dependent Prompt χc1 (3872) and ψ (2S) Production in pp Collisions Physical Review Letters
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Measurement of CP Violation in the Decay B+ →k+π0 Physical Review Letters
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Measurement of the CKM angle γ and Bs0‐B¯s0 mixing frequency with Bs0→Ds∓h±π±π∓ decays Journal of High Energy Physics
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Search for long-lived particles decaying to e± μ∓ ν European Physical Journal C
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Search for heavy neutral leptons in W+→μ+μ±jet decays European Physical Journal C
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Observation of CP violation in two-body B(s)0 -meson decays to charged pions and kaons Journal of High Energy Physics
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Observation of the Bs0 → D *± D ∓ decay Journal of High Energy Physics
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 First Observation of the Decay Bs0 →K-μ+νμ and a Measurement of |Vub | / |Vcb | Physical Review Letters
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Measurement of differential bb¯ - and cc¯ -dijet cross-sections in the forward region of pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV Journal of High Energy Physics
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Measurement of the CKM angle γ in B ± → DK ± and B ± → Dπ ± decays with D → KS0 h + h − Journal of High Energy Physics
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Study of Bs0 → J/ψπ+π−K+K− decays Journal of High Energy Physics
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2021 Observation of a new Ξb0 state Physical Review D
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2022 Measurement of the lifetimes of promptly produced Ωc0 and Ξc0 baryons Science Bulletin
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2022 Analysis of Neutral B-Meson Decays into Two Muons Physical Review Letters
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2022 Study of the doubly charmed tetraquark Tcc+ Nature Communications
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2022 First Measurement of the Z →μ+μ- Angular Coefficients in the Forward Region of pp Collisions at s =13 TeV Physical Review Letters
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2022 Angular Analysis of D0 ?p+p-µ+µ- and D0 ?k+K-µ+µ- Decays and Search for CP Violation Physical Review Letters
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2022 Study of coherent J/ψ production in lead-lead collisions at √sNN = 5 TeV Journal of High Energy Physics
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2022 Constraints on the CKM angle γ from B <sup> ±</sup> → Dh <sup> ±</sup> decays using D → h <sup> ±</sup> h′<sup>∓</sup> π <sup>0</sup> final states Journal of High Energy Physics
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2022 Observation of the Decay Λb0 → Λc+ τ- ν ¯ τ Physical Review Letters
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2022 Search for massive long-lived particles decaying semileptonically at √s=13TeV European Physical Journal C
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2022 Observation of the doubly charmed baryon decay Ξcc++→Ξc′+<sup>π+</sup> Journal of High Energy Physics
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2022 Tests of Lepton Universality Using B0 ? KS0 â„“+â„“- and B+ ?k*+â„“+â„“- Decays Physical Review Letters
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2022 Measurement of the charm mixing parameter yCP- yCPKπ using two-body D0 meson decays Physical Review D
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2022 Observation of Two New Excited Ξb0 States Decaying to Λb0 K-π+ Physical Review Letters
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2022 Measurement of the Nuclear Modification Factor and Prompt Charged Particle Production in p-Pb and pp Collisions at sNN =5 TeV Physical Review Letters
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2022 Measurement of the photon polarization in Λb0 → Λγ decays Physical Review D
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2022 Test of lepton universality in beauty-quark decays Nature Physics
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2022 Observation of the B0 → D ¯ ∗0K+π- and Bs0 → D ¯ ∗0K-π+ decays Physical Review D
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2022 J/ψ photoproduction in Pb-Pb peripheral collisions at sNN =5 TeV Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2022 Searches for rare Bs0 and B <sup>0</sup> decays into four muons Journal of High Energy Physics
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2022 Study of Z Bosons Produced in Association with Charm in the Forward Region Physical Review Letters
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2022 Evidence for a New Structure in the J /ψp and J /ψ p ¯ Systems in Bs0 →J /ψp p ¯ Decays Physical Review Letters
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2022 Measurement of χ<sub>c1</sub>(3872) production in proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 and 13 TeV Journal of High Energy Physics
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2022 Measurement of prompt charged-particle production in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV Journal of High Energy Physics
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2022 Study of Bc+ decays to charmonia and three light hadrons Journal of High Energy Physics
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2022 Measurement of the Bs0 →μ+μ- decay properties and search for the B0 →μ+μ- and Bs0 →μ+μ-γ decays Physical Review D
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2022 Search for the radiative Ξb− → Ξ<sup> −</sup> γ decay Journal of High Energy Physics
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2022 Measurement of the W boson mass Journal of High Energy Physics
Гущин Михаил Иванович   2022 Precise determination of the Bs0 – B¯s0 oscillation frequency Nature Physics
Давий Анна Олеговна  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Excess momentum or excess inertia: Do companies adopt technologies at the right time?✰,✰✰,★,★★ European Research on Management and Business Economics
Давыдов Сергей Геннадьевич  Москва 2022 Journalistic Role Performance in the Russian Press: A Post-Soviet Model for the Third Decade, 2012-2022 Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization
Дагаев Дмитрий Александрович  Москва 2022 Round-robin tournaments with limited resources Social Choice and Welfare
Двинских Дарина Михайловна Москва 2022 Oracle Complexity Separation in Convex Optimization Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
Девятко Инна Феликсовна  Москва 2022 Weighing the moral worth of altruistic actions: A discrepancy between moral evaluations and prescriptive judgments Philosophical Psychology
Делазари Иван Андреевич  Санкт-Петербург  2021 Musical Stimulacra: Literary Narrative and the Urge to Listen Musical Stimulacra: Literary Narrative and the Urge to Listen
    2021 Literary "Sonatas": A joint sample of William H. Gass and leo tolstoy Comparative Literature Studies
Делицын Андрей Леонидович  Москва  2022 Resonance scattering in a waveguide with identical thick perforated barriers Applied Mathematics and Computation
Деминцева Екатерина Борисовна   Москва 2021 Understanding Russia’s Brain Drain in the 2010s Problems of Post-Communism
    2022 Ethnicity in Schools: Perceptions of Migrant Children from Central Asia in the Multicultural Environment of Russian Cities Nationalities Papers
Демишев Сергей Васильевич   Москва 2021 Magnetoresistance anisotropy in ErB<sub>12</sub> antiferromagnetic metal: The evidence for dynamic charge stripes Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
    2022 Suppression of Kondo spin-fluctuations as the origin of metamagnetic transition in the new ternary intermetallic Ce<sub>3</sub>Pd<sub>2</sub>Ge<sub>7< Journal of Alloys and Compounds
    2022 Novel ternary germanide with high palladium content CePd<sub>12</sub>Ge<sub>2</sub> Intermetallics
Денисенко Михаил Борисович   Москва 2022 Six Ways Population Change Will Affect the Global Economy Population and Development Review
Деркачев Сергей Эдуардович  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Mirror channel eigenvectors of the d-dimensional fishnets Journal of High Energy Physics
Джанашиа Кристина Малхазовна   Москва 2022 Low complexity template-based watermarking with neural networks and various embedding templates Computers and Electrical Engineering
    2022 Watermarking schemes for digital images: Robustness overview Signal Processing: Image Communication
Диденкулова Екатерина Геннадьевна  Нижний Новгород 2021 Long-wave approximations in the description of bottom pressure Wave Motion
    2022 Mixed turbulence of breathers and narrowband irregular waves: mKdV framework Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
Дмитриев Андрей Викторович   Москва 2021 Identification of Self-Organized Critical State on Twitter Based on the Retweets' Time Series Analysis Complexity
    2022 Early Warning Signals for Critical Transitions in Sandpile Cellular Automata Frontiers in Physics
    2022 Multifractal Early Warning Signals about Sudden Changes in the Stock Exchange States Complexity
Довбыш Ольга Сергеевна   Москва 2021 ‘Do digital technologies matter? How hyperlocal media is re-configuring the media landscape of a Russian province’ Journalism
    2021 New Gatekeepers in Town: How Groups in Social Networking Sites Influence Information Flows in Russia’s Provinces Social Media and Society
Долганов Павел Владимирович   Москва 2022 Quasi-two-dimensional coalescence of nematic and isotropic droplets and Rayleigh-Plateau instability in flat optical cells Soft Matter
Долгих Андрей Владимирович Москва 2022 Soil microbial community of urban green infrastructures in a polar city Urban Ecosystems
Дорофеева Светлана Валентиновна   Москва 2022 Cognitive Requirements of the Phonological Tests Affect Their Ability to Discriminate Children With and Without Developmental Dyslexia Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
Дохов Руслан Ахмедович   Москва 2021 Everyday mobility as a vulnerability marker: The uneven reaction to coronavirus lockdown in Russia Environment and Planning A
Драгой Ольга Викторовна   Москва 2021 The Russian Aphasia Test: The first comprehensive, quantitative, standardized, and computerized aphasia language battery in Russian PLoS ONE
    2021 Expressive and Receptive Language in Russian Primary-School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Research in Developmental Disabilities
    2021 Advancing Neurolinguistics in Russia: Experience and Implications of Building Experimental Research and Evidence-Based Practices Frontiers in Psychology
    2021 The Aphasia Rapid Test: adaptation and standardisation for Russian Aphasiology
    2022 Greater volumes of a callosal sub-region terminating in posterior language-related areas predict a stronger degree of language lateralization: A tract PLoS ONE
    2022 Language Abilities of Russian Primary-School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Evidence from Comprehensive Assessment Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
    2022 Sentence comprehension in heritage language: Isomorphism, word order, and language transfer Second Language Research
    2022 Global reading processes in children with high risk of dyslexia: a scanpath analysis Annals of Dyslexia
    2022 A New Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Localizer for Preoperative Language Mapping Using a Sentence Completion Task: Validity, Choice of Baseline Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
    2022 Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation modulates action naming over the left but not right inferior frontal gyrus Brain Structure and Function
    2022 The age-related changes in 40 Hz Auditory Steady-State Response and sustained Event-Related Fields to the same amplitude-modulated tones in typically Human Brain Mapping
    2022 ‘Moderate global aphasia’: A generalized decline of language processing caused by glioma surgery but not stroke Brain and Language
    2022 Cognitive Requirements of the Phonological Tests Affect Their Ability to Discriminate Children With and Without Developmental Dyslexia Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
    2022 Epileptogenic high-frequency oscillations present larger amplitude both in mesial temporal and neocortical regions Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
Дубнов Юрий Андреевич   Москва 2021 Brief Report: Classification of Autistic Traits According to Brain Activity Recoded by fNIRS Using ε-Complexity Coefficients Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Дубров Дмитрий Игоревич   Москва 2021 COVIDiSTRESS Global Survey dataset on psychological and behavioural consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak Scientific data
    2021 A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic Nature Human Behaviour
    2021 The Strategies of Parental Involvement in Adolescents’ Education and Extracurricular Activities Journal of Youth and Adolescence
    2021 A creative destruction approach to replication: Implicit work and sex morality across cultures Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
    2021 Stress and worry in the 2020 coronavirus pandemic: Relationships to trust and compliance with preventive measures across 48 countries in the COVIDiSTR Royal Society Open Science
    2022 A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
    2022 Examining the generalizability of research findings from archival data Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
    2022 COVIDiSTRESS diverse dataset on psychological and behavioural outcomes one year into the COVID-19 pandemic Scientific data
    2022 Predictors of enhancing human physical attractiveness: Data from 93 countries Evolution and Human Behavior
    2022 More Similarity if Different, More Difference if Similar: Assimilation, Colorblindness, Multiculturalism, Polyculturalism, and Generalized and Specifi Europe's Journal of Psychology
    2022 Contextual factors predicting compliance behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic: A machine learning analysis on survey data from 16 countries PLoS ONE
Дугарцыренова Вера Аркадьевна  Москва  2021 Facilitating pre-service language teachers’ intercultural learning via voice-based telecollaboration: the role of discussion questions Computer Assisted Language Learning
    2022 Enhancing genre instruction on research proposal introductions with an online academic writing tutor Journal of Second Language Writing
Дыбо Анна Владимировна  Москва  2022 Proto-Samoyedic and Proto-Manchu-Tungusic Dwelling Names: An Attempt at Semantic Reconstruction Anthropos
Дымов Андрей Викторович   Москва 2021 Formal Expansions in Stochastic Model for Wave Turbulence 1: Kinetic Limit Communications in Mathematical Physics
Дьяченко Александр Иванович   Москва 2022 Free Surface in two-dimensional Potential Flow: Singularities, Invariants and Virtual Fluid Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Евсютин Олег Олегович   Москва 2021 An algorithm for embedding information in digital images based on discrete wavelet transform and learning automata Multimedia Tools and Applications
    2021 Algorithm of error-free information embedding into the DCT domain of digital images based on the QIM method using adaptive masking of distortions Signal Processing
    2021 On Performance of PBFT Blockchain Consensus Algorithm for IoT-Applications with Constrained Devices IEEE Access
    2022 Low complexity template-based watermarking with neural networks and various embedding templates Computers and Electrical Engineering
    2022 Watermarking schemes for digital images: Robustness overview Signal Processing: Image Communication
Евтушенко Нина Владимировна  Москва  2022 Homing Sequence Derivation with Quantified Boolean Satisfiability IEEE Transactions on Computers
Егоров Евгений Витальевич  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Danish visions of the Scandinavian union (1809–1810): a genealogy of the rhetoric and pragmatics of justification Scandinavian Journal of History
Ерицян Ксения Юрьевна  Санкт-Петербург 2022 It is not a big deal: a qualitative study of clinical biobank donation experience and motives BMC Medical Ethics
    2022 Costs and impact on HIV transmission of a switch from a criminalisation to a public health approach to injecting drug use in eastern Europe and centra The Lancet HIV
Ермолова Мария Вадимовна   Москва  2021 On the grammatical status of past passive participles in the language of West Russian Chronicles (in comparison with the material of Russian dialects Russian Linguistics
Ефанов Александр Александрович   Москва  2022 The Significance of Protest Mood in Forming a Developed Civil Society in Russia Russian Politics
Ефимова Анна Александровна  Москва   2021 Interaction of multicomponent anionic liposomes with cationic pyridylphenylene dendrimer: Does the complex behavior depend on the liposome composition Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes
Ефремов Роман Гербертович   Москва  2021 All - D -Enantiomeric Peptide D3 Designed for Alzheimer's Disease Treatment Dynamically Interacts with Membrane-Bound Amyloid-β Precursors Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
    2021 Human Three-Finger Protein Lypd6 Is a Negative Modulator of the Cholinergic System in the Brain Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology
    2021 Structural mechanism of heat-induced opening of a temperature-sensitive TRP channel Nature Structural and Molecular Biology
    2021 Potassium channel blocker crafted by α-hairpinin scaffold engineering Biophysical Journal
    2021 Stepwise Insertion of Cobra Cardiotoxin CT2 into a Lipid Bilayer Occurs as an Interplay of Protein and Membrane "dynamic Molecular Portraits" Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
    2022 Small Amphiphilic Peptides: Activity Against a Broad Range of Drug-Resistant Bacteria and Structural Insight into Membranolytic Properties Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
    2022 Structure-based rational design of an enhanced fluorogen-activating protein for fluorogens based on GFP chromophore Communications Biology
Ефремова Мария Викторовна  Москва   2021 Is an Emphasis on Dignity, Honor and Face more an Attribute of Individuals or of Cultural Groups? Cross-Cultural Research
    2022 Psychological patterns of poverty in Russia: Relationships among socioeconomic conditions, motivation, self-regulation and well-being International Journal of Psychology
Жиянов Антон Павлович  Москва   2021 Hairpin sequence and structure is associated with features of isomiR biogenesis RNA Biology
    2022 A novel approach for a joint analysis of isomiR and mRNA expression data reveals features of isomiR targeting in breast cancer Frontiers in Genetics
    2022 T-CoV: A comprehensive portal of HLA-peptide interactions affected by SARS-CoV-2 mutations Nucleic Acids Research
    2022 isomiRTar: a comprehensive portal of pan-cancer 5<sup>0</sup>-isomiR targeting PeerJ
Жужома Евгений Викторович  Нижний Новгород 2021 О DA-эндоморфизмах двумерного тора Математический сборник
    2021 Необходимые и достаточные условия сопряженности регулярных гомеоморфизмов Смейла Математический сборник
    2022 On the Topological Structure of Manifolds Supporting Axiom A Systems Regular and Chaotic Dynamics
    2022 Topological quantification of the “anemone” (branching) solar flares Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
    2022 Two-dimensional attractors of A-flows and fibred links on three-manifolds Nonlinearity
Жуков Алексей Евгеньевич  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Material gain of InGaAs/GaAs quantum well-dots Semiconductor Science and Technology
    2021 Frequency response and carrier escape time of InGaAs quantum well-dots photodiode Optics Express
    2021 Saturated Layer Gain in Waveguides with InGaAs Quantum Well-Dot Heterostructures Journal of Lightwave Technology
    2021 Quantum-dot microlasers based on whispering gallery mode resonators Light: Science and Applications
    2021 III-V microdisk/microring resonators and injection microlasers Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
    2021 Improved performance of InGaAs/GaAs microdisk lasers epi-side down bonded onto a silicon board Optics Letters
    2022 Improvement of thermal resistance in InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs microdisk lasers bonded onto silicon Semiconductor Science and Technology
    2022 Directional Single-Mode Emission from InGaAs/GaAs Quantum-Dot Half-Disk Microlasers IEEE Photonics Technology Letters
Жуков Леонид Евгеньевич  Москва 2021 Fault detection in Tennessee Eastman process with temporal deep learning models Journal of Industrial Information Integration
    2022 Uncertainty Estimation of Transformer Predictions for Misclassification Detection Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Журавлева Татьяна Леонидовна Москва  2021 No Moral Wiggle Room in an Experimental Corruption Game Frontiers in Psychology
    2021 Do bystanders react to bribery? Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
    2022 Do women always behave as corruption cleaners? Public Choice
    2022 Corruption: A cross-country comparison of contagion and conformism Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
Журихина Валентина Владимировна Санкт-Петербург  2021 SEM-visualization of a spatial charge and a giant potassium peak in a corona-poled glass Journal of Physics Condensed Matter
Жучкова Светлана Васильевна  Москва 2022 How to choose an approach to handling missing categorical data: (un)expected findings from a simulated statistical experiment Quality and Quantity
Забродин Антон Владимирович  Москва 2021 Kadomtsev–Petviashvili Turning Points and CKP Hierarchy Communications in Mathematical Physics
    2021 Elliptic solutions to the KP hierarchy and elliptic Calogero-Moser model Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
    2022 Field analogue of the Ruijsenaars-Schneider model Journal of High Energy Physics
    2022 Dyson gas on a curved contour Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
    2022 Constrained Toda hierarchy and turning points of the Ruijsenaars–Schneider model Letters in Mathematical Physics
Завертяева Марина Александровна  Москва 2021 Uncertainty of outcome and attendance: Evidence from Russian Football International Journal of Sport Finance
Заворотная Ульяна Максимовна Москва 2022  Quantum Protons in One-Dimensional Water Journal of Physical Chemistry
Завьялов Виталий Вадимович   Москва 2021 Breaking of Ginzburg-Landau description in the temperature dependence of the anisotropy in a nematic superconductor Physical Review B
Задков Виктор Николаевич   Москва 2021 Icons of Russian Physics: From the Lebedev Scientific School in Physics to the Lebedev Physical Institute Contemporary Physics
    2021 Effect of SiO2nanoparticles embedded in the electrode layer on the efficiency of organic solar cells Optical Materials Express
    2022 Квантовая оптика единичных квантовых излучателей в ближнем поле наночастицы Успехи физических наук
    2022 Observation of nonlinearity-controlled switching of topological edge states Nanophotonics
    2022 Observation of Edge Solitons in Topological Trimer Arrays Physical Review Letters
Зайцева Юлия Ивановна   Москва 2022 Эквивариантные пополнения аффинных пространств Успехи математических наук
Зайцев-Зотов Сергей Владимирович   Москва 2022 Scanning tunneling microscopy of Bi<sub>2</sub>Te<sub>3</sub> films prepared by pulsed laser deposition: from nanocrystalline structures to van der Wa Surfaces and Interfaces
Замолодчиков Дмитрий Геннадьевич   Москва 2021 Long-term active layer monitoring at CALM sites in the Russian European North Polar Geography
Засимова Людмила Сергеевна   Москва 2022 The association between fast-food consumption and job-related factors among Russian adults Economics and Human Biology
Захаров Андрей Борисович   Москва 2021 Does teaching to the test improve student learning? International Journal of Educational Development
Захаров Денис Геннадьевич   Москва 2021 Robust universal approach to identify travelling chimeras and synchronized clusters in spiking networks Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
    2021 Activity Stabilization in a Population Model of Working Memory by Sinusoidal and Noisy Inputs Frontiers in Neural Circuits
    2022 Multistability and evolution of chimera states in a network of type II Morris-Lecar neurons with asymmetrical nonlocal inhibitory connections Chaos
Здорова Нина Станиславовна   Москва 2022 Global reading processes in children with high risk of dyslexia: a scanpath analysis Annals of Dyslexia
Зевахина Наталья Александровна   Москва 2021 Processing Conditional Perfection in Promises and Threats: The Role of Negation, Clause Order and Incentive Journal of Psycholinguistic Research
    2021 Over-Specification of Small Cardinalities in Referential Communication Frontiers in Psychology
    2022 Experimenting with single-pair vs. pair-list interpretations in Russian multiple wh-clauses Journal of Slavic Linguistics
    2022 Tautologies, inferential processes and constraints on evoked knowledge Journal of Pragmatics
Зеленков Юрий Александрович   Москва 2021 Bankruptcy prediction on the base of the unbalanced data using multi-objective selection of classifiers Expert Systems with Applications
Зеленская Елена Михайловна  Санкт-Петербург 2022 Brand artification beyond luxury: Evidence from Russian brand-and-artist collaborations Creativity and Innovation Management
Зенкин Сергей Николаевич   Санкт-Петербург 2021 Dostoïevski, Baxtin et le fantastique Revue des Etudes Slaves
Зиновкин Роман Алексеевич  Москва 2022 Extrusion of mitochondria: Garbage clearance or cell–cell communication signals? Journal of Cellular Physiology
Зинченко Дарья  Москва 2021 Efficiency of regional higher education systems and regional economic short-run growth: empirical evidence from Russia Industry and Innovation
Зинченко Оксана Олеговна Москва  2021 Role of the prefrontal cortex in prosocial and self-maximization motivations: an rTMS study Scientific Reports
    2021 Wired to Punish? Electroencephalographic Study of the Resting-state Neuronal Oscillations Underlying Third-party Punishment Neuroscience
    2021 Retrospective confidence judgments: Meta-analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging studies Human Brain Mapping
Злотник Александр Анатольевич  Москва 2021 On compact 4th order finite-difference schemes for the wave equation Mathematical Modeling and Analysis
    2021 A compact higher-order finite-difference scheme for the wave equation can be strongly non-dissipative on non-uniform meshes Applied Mathematics Letters
    2021 On a New Spatial Discretization for a Regularized 3D Compressible Isothermal Navier–Stokes–Cahn–Hilliard System of Equations with Boundary Conditions Journal of Scientific Computing
    2022 On properties of aggregated regularized systems of equations for a homogeneous multicomponent gas mixture Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
    2022 On higher-order compact ADI schemes for the variable coefficient wave equation Applied Mathematics and Computation
Золотарева Алена Анатольевна  Москва 2022 Cyberchondria, but not preventive behavior, mediates the relationship between fear of COVID-19 and somatic burden: Evidence from Russia Frontiers in Psychiatry
Золотухин Всеволод Валерьевич  Москва 2021 Wiktor Nesmelows Religionsphilosophie: Der Aufschwung von der Persönlichkeit zu Gott Tijdschrift voor Filosofie
    2022 Theology of religious feeling and experience as the methodological basis of science of religion[Gefühls- und Erfahrungstheologie als methodologische B Neue Zeitschrift fur Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie
Зорина-Тихонова Екатерина Николаевна Москва 2022 Synthesis, structure, magnetic properties and thermal behaviour of Ba–MII (MII = Mn, Co, Cu, and Zn) allylmalonates New Journal of Chemistry
Зотов Леонид Валентинович  Москва 2022 Admittance of the Earth Rotational Response to Zonal Tide Potential Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
    2022 Analysis of Earth's polar motion and length of day trends in comparison with estimates using second degree stokes coefficients from satellite gravimet Advances in Space Research
Зубков Кирилл Юрьевич Москва  2021 Literary Prizes, Social Borders and National Theater: A Peasant in the Russian Dramatic Art of the Great Reform Era Литературные премии, социальные гр Russian Literature
    2021 New Approaches to Representations of Peasants in Russian Literature. Introduction Russian Literature
    2022 Self-critical realism: Three new books on russian mid-nineteenth-century fiction[Самокритичный реализм: Три новые книги о русской прозе середины xix в Russian Literature
Зудина Анна Алексеевна  Москва 2022 What makes youth become NEET? Evidence from Russia Journal of Youth Studies
Зыбин Кирилл Петрович  Москва 2021 Evolution of localized magnetic field perturbations and the nature of turbulent dynamo Physics of Fluids
    2021 Comment on "mathematical constraints on the scaling exponents in the inertial range of fluid turbulence" [Phys. Fluids 33 (3), 031703 (2021)] Physics of Fluids
    2022 Long-term properties of finite-correlation-time isotropic stochastic systems Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
    2022 Non-Gaussian Generalization of the Kazantsev-Kraichnan Model for a Turbulent Dynamo Astrophysical Journal
    2022 Magnetic energy spectrum produced by turbulent dynamo: Effect of time irreversibility Physics of Fluids
Зыков Сергей Викторович  Москва 2021 IT Crisisology: Smart Crisis Management in Software Engineering Models, Methods, Patterns, Practices, Case Studies IT Crisisology: Smart Crisis Management in Software Engineering Models, Methods, Patterns, Practices, Case Studies
    2022 Forest Industry of Russia: Smart Innovations and Success Stories Forest Industry of Russia: Smart Innovations and Success Stories
    2022 IT Crisisology Casebook: Smart Digitalization for Sustainable Development IT Crisisology Casebook: Smart Digitalization for Sustainable Development
Иванов Владимир Константинович  Москва 2021 New facets of nanozyme activity of ceria: Lipo- And phospholipoperoxidase-like behaviour of CeO2nanoparticles RSC Advances
    2021 The first amorphous and crystalline yttrium lactate: Synthesis and structural features RSC Advances
    2022 High-Entropy Layered Rare Earth Hydroxides Inorganic Chemistry
Иванов Денис Сергеевич  Москва 2021 Friendly bureaucrats, formal rules and firms' investment decisions: evidence from a survey experiment in Russia International Journal of Emerging Markets
Иванов Евгений Александрович Москва  2021 Transition to a New Model of Russian Governors' Appointments as a Reflection of Regime Transformation Russian Politics
Иванова Алина Евгеньевна  Москва 2021 Inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, and mathematics: Exploring gender differences in a nonclinical sample Research in Developmental Disabilities
Иванова Инга Анатольевна  Москва 2021 The measurement of “interdisciplinarity” and “synergy” in scientific and extra-scientific collaborations Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology
    2022 The relation between complexity and synergy in the case of China: different ways of predicting GDP growth in a complex and adaptive system Quality and Quantity
    2022 Information exchange, meaning and redundancy generation in anticipatory systems: self-organization of expectations–the case of Covid-19 International Journal of General Systems
Иванюшина Валерия Александровна  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Peer influence in adolescent drinking behavior: A meta-analysis of stochastic actor-based modeling studies PLoS ONE
    2022 School structure, bullying by teachers, moral disengagement, and students’ aggression: A mediation model Frontiers in Psychology
Ивашковская Ирина Васильевна  Москва 2022 Are blockchain-based digital transformation and ecosystem-based business models mutually reinforcing? The principal-agent conflict perspective Eurasian Business Review
Ивченко Николай Александрович Москва 2021 Waves in a coherent two-dimensional flow Physics of Fluids
Игнатов Дмитрий Игоревич  Москва 2021 An ontology-based approach to the analysis of the acid-base state of patients at operative measures PeerJ Computer Science
Игнатьев Артур Андреевич   Санкт-Петербург 2022 Inconsistent Planning: When in Doubt, Toss a Coin! Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Измоденов Владислав Валерьевич   Москва 2021 New unexpected flow patterns in the problem of the stellar wind interaction with the interstellar medium: Stationary ideal-MHD solutions Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
    2021 Imprints of the secondary interstellar hydrogen atoms at 1 au Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
    2021 Analysis of the IBEX-Lo interstellar hydrogen fluxes collected in 2009-2018 as a tool for sensing of the solar radiation pressure and the hydrogen ion Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
    2022 Shock-wave heating mechanism of the distant solar wind: Explanation of Voyager-2 data Astronomy and Astrophysics
Ильвовский Дмитрий Алексеевич   Москва 2021 WhatTheWikiFact: Fact-Checking Claims against Wikipedia CIKM ’21: Proceedings of the 30th ACM International conference on information and knowledge management
    2021 Transformers: “The End of History” for Natural Language Processing? Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Research Track: European Conference, ECML PKDD 2021, Bilbao, Spain, September 13–17, 2021, Proc
    2022 Batch-Softmax Contrastive Loss for Pairwise Sentence Scoring Tasks Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL
Ильин Алексей Сергеевич   Москва 2022 Hybrid cube-in-cup nanoantenna: Towards ordered photonics Nanotechnology
    2022 Thermally Isolated Ruthenium Nanobolometer for Room-Temperature Operation IEEE Sensors Journal
Ильин Антон Сергеевич   Москва 2021 Evolution of localized magnetic field perturbations and the nature of turbulent dynamo Physics of Fluids
    2021 Comment on "mathematical constraints on the scaling exponents in the inertial range of fluid turbulence" [Phys. Fluids 33 (3), 031703 (2021)] Physics of Fluids
    2022 Long-term properties of finite-correlation-time isotropic stochastic systems Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
    2022 Non-Gaussian Generalization of the Kazantsev-Kraichnan Model for a Turbulent Dynamo Astrophysical Journal
    2022 Magnetic energy spectrum produced by turbulent dynamo: Effect of time irreversibility Physics of Fluids
Ильяшенко Юлий Сергеевич   Москва 2021 Numeric invariants in semilocal bifurcations Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications
    2021 Germs of bifurcation diagrams and SN-SN families Chaos
Иоселевич Алексей Соломонович   Москва 2021 Tail states and unusual localization transition in low-dimensional Anderson model with power-law hopping Annals of Physics
Исаев Леонид Маркович   Москва 2021 Framing of the Syrian Conflict in the Russian Media Russian Politics
    2021 Federalism in the Middle East: State Reconstruction Projects and the Arab Spring Federalism in the Middle East: State Reconstruction Projects and the Arab Spring
    2021 Diversifying relationships: Russian policy toward GCC International Politics
    2021 Non-beverage alcohol consumption in Izhevsk: 15 years later Alcohol and Alcoholism
    2022 Perceptions of Russia’s ‘return’ to Africa: Views from West Africa South African Journal of International Affairs
    2022 Dynastic Sacredness: Islam and the Arab Spring in Morocco Middle East Policy
Истомин Сергей Яковлевич   Москва 2021 Electrode materials based on complex d-metal oxides for symmetrical solid oxide fuel cells Успехи химии
    2022 AMn<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub> spinels (A - Li, Mg, Mn, Cd) as ORR catalysts: The role of Mn coordination and oxidation state in the catalytic activity Electrochimica Acta
Ихсанов Ренат Шамильевич   Москва 2022 Numerical analysis of the radiation-induced conductivity in polymers in a large-signal regime Journal of Applied Physics
Ичкитидзе Юрий Роландович  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Forecasting the labor intensity and labor income share for G7 countries in the digital age Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Каган Максим Юрьевич Москва  2021 Electronic phase separation: Recent progress in the old problem Physics Reports
    2022 Топологическая сверхпроводимость и майорановские состояния в низкоразмерных системах Успехи физических наук
Казаков Алексей Олегович  Нижний Новгород 2021 Mutual singularities of overlapping attractor and repeller Chaos
    2021 Wild pseudohyperbolic attractor in a four-dimensional Lorenz system Nonlinearity
    2021 On discrete Lorenz-like attractors Chaos
    2021 Shilnikov attractors in three-dimensional orientation-reversing maps Chaos
    2022 Conjoined Lorenz twins – a new pseudohyperbolic attractor in three-dimensional maps and flows Chaos
    2022 On the origin of chaotic attractors with two zero Lyapunov exponents in a system of five biharmonically coupled phase oscillators Chaos
    2022 On 1:3 Resonance Under Reversible Perturbations of Conservative Cubic Hénon Maps Regular and Chaotic Dynamics
Казарцев Евгений Вячеславович  Москва 2022 О происхождении и природе украинских ямбов в сравнении с русским стихом Russian Literature
    2022 Становление и эволюция белорусского 4-стопного ямба Russian Literature
Казарян Максим Эдуардович  Москва 2022 Весовые системы и инварианты графов и вложенных графов Успехи математических наук
    2022 Topological Recursion for the extended Ooguri–Vafa partition function of colored HOMFLY-PT polynomials of torus knots Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
Казун Антон Павлович  Москва 2021 Should I stay, or should I go? self-legitimacy of attorneys in an authoritarian state Crime, Law and Social Change
Калинин Максим Глебович  Москва 2022 A History of the Passive in Pre-modern Aramaic: An Outline Journal of Semitic Studies
Калугин Дмитрий Яковлевич  Санкт-Петербург 2021 The Dignity of the Poet: The shaping of the Status of the Author in the Second Half of the 18th Century Достоинство стихотворца: формирование статуса Russian Literature
    2022 Word - Thought - delo: A study of the historical semantics of the notion delo Die Welt der Slaven. Internationale Halbjahresschrift für Slavistik
Калябин Дмитрий Владимирович  Москва 2022 Parity-Time Symmetry in Planar Coupled Magnonic Heterostructures Physical Review Applied
    2022 Hypersonic magnetoelastic waves in inhomogeneous structures Ultrasonics
Калягин Валерий Александрович  Нижний Новгород 2022 Спектральная задача для векторной струны Стилтьеса Успехи математических наук
    2022 Reliability of maximum spanning tree identification in correlation-based market networks Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Капуза Анастасия Васильевна  Москва 2022 Women in gig economy work less in the evenings Scientific Reports
    2022 A time to gather stones – barriers to use technologies before the COVID-19 school closures International Journal of Educational Management
Карабасов Тайржан  Москва 2021 Reentrant superconductivity in proximity to a topological insulator Physical Review B
    2022 Density of states in the presence of spin-dependent scattering in SF bilayers: a numerical and analytical approach Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology
    2022 Hybrid helical state and superconducting diode effect in superconductor/ferromagnet/topological insulator heterostructures Physical Review B
Карамалак Ольга Алексеевна  Москва 2021 What do hashtags afford in digital fashion communication? An exploratory study on Gucci-related hashtags on Twitter and Instagram Semiotica
Каратецкая Ефросиния Юрьевна Нижний Новгород  2021 Shilnikov attractors in three-dimensional orientation-reversing maps Chaos
    2022 Conjoined Lorenz twins – a new pseudohyperbolic attractor in three-dimensional maps and flows Chaos
Карачурина Лилия Борисовна   Москва 2022 Internal migration and population concentration in Russia: age-specific patterns Geo Journal
Карданова Елена Юрьевна   Москва 2021 Skill levels and gains in university STEM education in China, India, Russia and the United States Nature Human Behaviour
    2021 Examining mode effects for an adapted Chinese critical thinking assessment Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education
Карминский Александр Маркович  Москва  2021 A global perspective on macroprudential policy interaction with systemic risk, real economic activity, and monetary intervention Financial Innovation
    2021 Bank Ownership and Efficiency of Russian Banks Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
    2022 When central bank research meets Google search: A sentiment index of global financial stress Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
Карпенкина Янина Валерьевна   Москва 2021 Trade, Jews, and the Soviet Economy in Western Belorussia, 1939-1941 Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Карпов Александр Викторович   Москва 2021 Restricted Domains of Dichotomous Preferences with Possibly Incomplete Information The Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Technical Tracks 6
Карпов Максим Евгеньевич   Москва 2021 Evidence of a J/ψΛ structure and observation of excited Ξ- states in the Ξb -→J/ψΛK- decay Science Bulletin
    2021 Observation of the suppressed Λb0 →dpK- decay with D →k+π- and measurement of its CP asymmetry Physical Review D
    2021 Simultaneous determination of CKM angle γ and charm mixing parameters Journal of High Energy Physics
    2021 Search for the doubly charmed baryon Ξcc+ in the Ξc+π−π+ final state Journal of High Energy Physics
    2021 Updated search for Bc+ decays to two charm mesons Journal of High Energy Physics
    2021 Measurement of J/ψ production cross-sections in pp collisions at √s = 5 TeV Journal of High Energy Physics
    2021 First measurement of the CP -violating phase in Bs0→J/ψ(→ e+e-) ϕ decays European Physical Journal C
    2021 Search for CP violation in Ξb- →pK-K- decays Physical Review D
    2021 Search for the doubly heavy baryons Ωbc0and Ξbc0decaying to Λc+π- And Ξc+π- And c Chinese Physics C
    2021 Observation of New Resonances Decaying to J /ψK+ and J /ψφ Physical Review Letters
    2021 Precise measurement of the fs /fd ratio of fragmentation fractions and of Bs0 decay branching fractions Physical Review D
    2021 Measurement of the prompt-production cross-section ratio σ(χc2)/σ(χc1) in pPb collisions at sNN =8.16 TeV Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
    2021 Search for CP violation in D(s)+→h+π0 and D(s)+→h+η decays Journal of High Energy Physics
    2021 Observation of the decay Λb0 → χc1pπ− Journal of High Energy Physics
    2021 Observation of the Λb0→Λc+K+K−π− decay Physics Letters B
    2021 Measurement of CP observables in B± → D(*)K± and B± → D(*) π ± decays using two-body D final states Journal of High Energy Physics
    2021 Search for the rare decay B 0→ J/ψv Chinese Physics C
    2021 Observation of a New Excited Ds+ Meson in B0 →d-D+K+π-Decays Physical Review Letters
    2021 Measurement of CP Violation in the Decay B+ →k+π0 Physical Review Letters
    2021 Measurement of the CKM angle γ and Bs0‐B¯s0 mixing frequency with Bs0→Ds∓h±π±π∓ decays Journal of High Energy Physics
    2021 Search for long-lived particles decaying to e± μ∓ ν European Physical Journal C
    2021 Observation of CP violation in two-body B(s)0 -meson decays to charged pions and kaons Journal of High Energy Physics
    2021 Observation of the Bs0 → D *± D ∓ decay Journal of High Energy Physics
    2022 Measurement of the lifetimes of promptly produced Ωc0 and Ξc0 baryons Science Bulletin
    2022 Analysis of Neutral B-Meson Decays into Two Muons Physical Review Letters
    2022 Study of the doubly charmed tetraquark Tcc+ Nature Communications
    2022 First Measurement of the Z →μ+μ- Angular Coefficients in the Forward Region of pp Collisions at s =13 TeV Physical Review Letters
    2022 Angular Analysis of D0 ?p+p-µ+µ- and D0 ?k+K-µ+µ- Decays and Search for CP Violation Physical Review Letters
    2022 Study of coherent J/ψ production in lead-lead collisions at √sNN = 5 TeV Journal of High Energy Physics
    2022 Constraints on the CKM angle γ from B <sup> ±</sup> → Dh <sup> ±</sup> decays using D → h <sup> ±</sup> h′<sup>∓</sup> π <sup>0</sup> final states Journal of High Energy Physics
    2022 Observation of the Decay Λb0 → Λc+ τ- ν ¯ τ Physical Review Letters
    2022 Search for massive long-lived particles decaying semileptonically at √s=13TeV European Physical Journal C
    2022 Observation of the doubly charmed baryon decay Ξcc++→Ξc′+<sup>π+</sup> Journal of High Energy Physics
    2022 Tests of Lepton Universality Using B0 ? KS0 â„“+â„“- and B+ ?k*+â„“+â„“- Decays Physical Review Letters
    2022 Measurement of the charm mixing parameter yCP- yCPKπ using two-body D0 meson decays Physical Review D
    2022 Observation of Two New Excited Ξb0 States Decaying to Λb0 K-π+ Physical Review Letters
    2022 Measurement of the Nuclear Modification Factor and Prompt Charged Particle Production in p-Pb and pp Collisions at sNN =5 TeV Physical Review Letters
    2022 Measurement of the photon polarization in Λb0 → Λγ decays Physical Review D
    2022 Test of lepton universality in beauty-quark decays Nature Physics
    2022 Observation of the B0 → D ¯ ∗0K+π- and Bs0 → D ¯ ∗0K-π+ decays Physical Review D
    2022 J/ψ photoproduction in Pb-Pb peripheral collisions at sNN =5 TeV Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
    2022 Searches for rare Bs0 and B <sup>0</sup> decays into four muons Journal of High Energy Physics
    2022 Study of Z Bosons Produced in Association with Charm in the Forward Region Physical Review Letters
    2022 Evidence for a New Structure in the J /ψp and J /ψ p ¯ Systems in Bs0 →J /ψp p ¯ Decays Physical Review Letters
    2022 Measurement of χ<sub>c1</sub>(3872) production in proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 and 13 TeV Journal of High Energy Physics
    2022 Measurement of prompt charged-particle production in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV Journal of High Energy Physics
    2022 Study of Bc+ decays to charmonia and three light hadrons Journal of High Energy Physics
    2022 Measurement of the Bs0 →μ+μ- decay properties and search for the B0 →μ+μ- and Bs0 →μ+μ-γ decays Physical Review D
    2022 Search for the radiative Ξb− → Ξ<sup> −</sup> γ decay Journal of High Energy Physics
    2022 Measurement of the W boson mass Journal of High Energy Physics
    2022 Precise determination of the Bs0 – B¯s0 oscillation frequency Nature Physics
Качанов Юрий Львович  Москва  2022 Dynamics of senses of new physics discourse: Co-keywords analysis Journal of Informetrics
Кашин Василий Борисович   Москва 2021 Defense innovation in Russia in the 2010s Journal of Strategic Studies
Кашин Дмитрий Викторович  Пермь 2022 Implicit incentives in green public procurement: Good intentions versus rigid regulations Ecological Economics
Кельберт Марк Яковлевич  Москва  2021 Response adaptive designs for Phase II trials with binary endpoint based on context-dependent information measures Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
    2021 Fair insurance premium rate in connected SEIR model under epidemic outbreak Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena
    2022 Weighted Gaussian entropy and determinant inequalities Aequationes Mathematicae
Кетков Сергей Сергеевич Нижний Новгород  2021 An approach to the distributionally robust shortest path problem Computers and Operations Research
Кирсберг Игорь Викторович Москва   2021 Benjamin constant's ideas as an opportunity for the substantiation of religious feeling only as emotion Neue Zeitschrift fur Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie
Киселев Артем Витальевич Москва 2022    
Киселев Дмитрий Андреевич  Москва  2021 Fusion of Text and Graph Information For Machine Learning Problems on Networks PeerJ Computer Science
    2021 Survey on graph embeddings and their applications to machine learning problems on graphs PeerJ Computer Science
    2021 JONNEE: Joint Network Nodes and Edges Embedding IEEE Access
    2022 Exploration in Sequential Recommender Systems via Graph Representations IEEE Access
    2022 Temporal network embedding framework with causal anonymous walks representations PeerJ Computer Science
Клепиков Владимир Павлович  Москва  2021 Distribution of oil refining resources in Russia in the context of the capacity development of refiners and regions Energy Reports
    2022 Trends in capacity changes in oil refining in the European energy sector Energy Reports
    2022 Oil tank farm emission trends of Russian refineries Energy Reports
Клименко Андрей Витальевич  Москва  2021 Self-Selection into Public Service When Corruption is Widespread: The Anomalous Russian Case Comparative Political Studies
Клиньшов Владимир Викторович Нижний Новгород   2022 Shot noise in next-generation neural mass models for finite-size networks Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
    2022 Noise-induced switching in an oscillator with pulse delayed feedback: A discrete stochastic modeling approach Chaos
    2022 Noise-induced switching in an oscillator with pulse delayed feedback: A discrete stochastic modeling approach Chaos
Ключарёв Василий Андреевич   Москва  2021 Role of the prefrontal cortex in prosocial and self-maximization motivations: an rTMS study Scientific Reports
    2021 MEG signatures of long-term effects of agreement and disagreement with the majority Scientific Reports
    2021 Additively Combining Utilities and Beliefs: Research Gaps and Algorithmic Developments Frontiers in Neuroscience
    2021 Wired to Punish? Electroencephalographic Study of the Resting-state Neuronal Oscillations Underlying Third-party Punishment Neuroscience
    2021 Resting-State Theta Oscillations and Reward Sensitivity in Risk Taking Frontiers in Neuroscience
    2022 Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex plays causal role in probability weighting during risky choice Scientific Reports
    2022 Do sparse brain activity patterns underlie human cognition? NeuroImage
    2022 Mine or ours? Neural basis of the exploitation of common-pool resources Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
    2022 “Expert persuasion” can decrease willingness to pay for sugar-containing food FRONTIERS IN NUTRITION
    2022 N400 correlate of brand associations Journal of Economic Psychology
    2022 Visual processing of green zones in shared courtyards during renting decisions: An eye-tracking study Urban Forestry and Urban Greening
    2022 Impact of Induced Moods, Sensation Seeking, and Emotional Contagion on Economic Decisions Under Risk Frontiers in Psychology
Кнатько Дмитрий Михайлович   Москва  2021 Drivers for adoption of sustainability initiatives in supply chains of large Russian firms under environmental uncertainty Corporate Governance (Bingley)
Князев Евгений Николаевич   Москва  2021 Endocytosis and Transcytosis of SARS-CoV-2 Across the Intestinal Epithelium and Other Tissue Barriers Frontiers in Immunology
Князев Михаил Юрьевич  Санкт-Петербург 2022 SAY-complementizers and indexical shift in Poshkart Chuvash With emphasis on communicative reception reports Studies in Language
    2022 Spanning complement-taking verbs and spanning complementizers: On the realization of presuppositional clauses Journal of Linguistics
Ковалева Маргарита Алексеевна  Москва  2021 Coupled Schrödinger equations as a model of interchain torsional excitation transport in the DNA model Physica Scripta
    2022 Self-sustained vibrations in the system of a bi-harmonically driven pendulum Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics
    2022 Stationary and nonstationary nonlinear dynamics of the finite sine-lattice Nonlinear Dynamics
Ковалюк Вадим Викторович  Москва  2021 Size effect of the Ge2Sb2Te5cell atop the silicon nitride O-ring resonator on the attenuation coefficient APL Materials
    2022 In Situ Monitoring of Layer-by-Layer Assembly Surface Modification of Nanophotonic-Microfluidic Sensor Analytical Chemistry
    2022 In Situ Monitoring of Layer-by-Layer Assembly Surface Modification of Nanophotonic-Microfluidic Sensor Analytical Chemistry
Коган Леонид Ефимович  Москва  2021 The Causative stem in Soqotri: The data Brill's Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics
    2021 Lulling Babies to Sleep in Soqotra: What Can We Learn from the Soqotri Lullaby? Folklore
    2022 The Ebla Chancery Texts in the Light of Recent Linguistic Research Altorientalische Forschungen
Кодрян Максим Станиславович  Москва  2021 On the Periodic Behavior of Neural Network Training with Batch Normalization and Weight Decay Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (NeurIPS 2021)
    2022 Training Scale-Invariant Neural Networks on the Sphere Can Happen in Three Regimes Thirty-Sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems : NeurIPS 2022
Козина Ирина Марксовна  Москва  2021 Pensioner employment, well-being, and gender: Lessons from russia American Journal of Sociology
Коковин Сергей Гелиевич Санкт-Петербург  2021 Continuous spatial monopolistic competition: matching goods with consumers Economic Theory
    2022 Increasing returns, monopolistic competition, and international trade: Revisiting gains from trade Journal of International Economics
Колданов Александр Петрович  Нижний Новгород 2022 Reliability of maximum spanning tree identification in correlation-based market networks Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
    2022 A robustness comparison of two market network models IMA Journal Management Mathematics
Колданов Петр Александрович Нижний Новгород  2022 Reliability of maximum spanning tree identification in correlation-based market networks Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
    2022 A robustness comparison of two market network models IMA Journal Management Mathematics
Колесников Александр Викторович  Москва  2021 On the Gardner-Zvavitch conjecture: Symmetry in inequalities of Brunn-Minkowski type Advances in Mathematics
    2021 On the Lp -Brunn–Minkowski and Dimensional Brunn–Minkowski Conjectures for Log-Concave Measures Journal of Geometric Analysis
    2022 On the Local Version of the Log-Brunn–Minkowski Conjecture and Some New Related Geometric Inequalities International Mathematics Research Notices
    2022 Blaschke–Santaló inequality for many functions and geodesic barycenters of measures Advances in Mathematics
    2022 The multistochastic Monge–Kantorovich problem Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
Колмогорова Анастасия Владимировна Санкт-Петербург  2021 Semiotic function of empathy in text emotion assessment Biosemiotics
Колоколов Игорь Валентинович  Москва  2021 Optimality in Self-Organized Molecular Sorting Physical Review Letters
    2021 Coherent vortex in a spatially restricted two-dimensional turbulent flow in absence of bottom friction Physics of Fluids
    2022 Coherent vortex versus chaotic state in two-dimensional turbulence Annals of Physics
Колотова Лада Николаевна  Москва  2022 Formation of metastable aluminum silicide as intermediate stage of Al-Si alloy crystallization Scripta Materialia
Кольцов Сергей Николаевич  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Analysis and tuning of hierarchical topic models based on Renyi entropy approach PeerJ Computer Science
    2022 STTM: an efficient approach to estimating news impact on stock movement direction PeerJ Computer Science
Кольцова Елена Юрьевна  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Detecting ethnicity-targeted hate speech in Russian social media texts Information Processing and Management
    2021 Social signature in an online environment: Stability and cognitive limits Computers in Human Behavior
    2021 Online News and Protest Participation in a Political Context: Evidence from Self-Reported Cross-Sectional Data Social Media and Society
    2022 Predicting subjective well-being in a high-risk sample of Russian mental health app users EPJ Data Science
Комаров Михаил Михайлович   Москва  2021 A survey on energy efficiency intrabody communication techniques for wearable devices Nano Communication Networks
    2021 Deep transfer learning baselines for sentiment analysis in Russian Information Processing and Management
    2021 Demystifying Blockchain Technology for Resource-Constrained IoT Devices: Parameters, Challenges and Future Perspective IEEE Access
    2021 A Comprehensive and Reproducible Comparison of Cryptographic Primitives Execution on Android Devices IEEE Access
    2022 The voice of Twitter: observable subjective well-being inferred from tweets in Russian PeerJ Computer Science
    2022 Misclassification Bias in Computational Social Science: A Simulation Approach for Assessing the Impact of Classification Errors on Social Indicators R IEEE Access
Комаров Никита Сергеевич   Москва  2021 New atomic-scale insights into the I/Ni(100) system: phase transitions and growth of an atomically thin NiI2film Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Конаков Валентин Дмитриевич   Москва  2021 WELL-POSEDNESS of SOME NON-LINEAR STABLE DRIVEN SDES Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems
    2021 Extremes of a class of non-stationary Gaussian processes and maximal deviation of projection density estimates Extremes
Кондратьев Алексей Юрьевич  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Computing the Proportional Veto Core The Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Technical Tracks 6
    2022 Minimal envy and popular matchings European Journal of Operational Research
Кондратюк Николай Дмитриевич  Москва  2021 Properties of aqueous 1,4-dioxane solution via molecular dynamics Journal of Chemical Physics
    2021 Predicting shear viscosity of 1,1-diphenylethane at high pressures by molecular dynamics methods Fluid Phase Equilibria
    2021 GPU-accelerated molecular dynamics: State-of-art software performance and porting from Nvidia CUDA to AMD HIP International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications
    2021 Insights into the Early Stages of Melamine Cyanurate Nucleation from Aqueous Solution Crystal Growth & Design
    2022 Molecular dynamics study of sucrose aqueous solutions: From solution structure to transport coefficients Journal of Molecular Liquids
    2022 Pair entropy and universal viscosity scaling for molecular systems via molecular dynamics simulations Journal of Molecular Liquids
Кононенко Ростислав Вадимович  Москва  2021 ‘They should cook borsch, chop wood … ’: contemporary images of social work in the context of welfare policy reforms in Russia’s print media ‘Они долж European Journal of Social Work
Кормина Жанна Владимировна  Санкт-Петербург 2021 ‘The church should know its place': The passions and the interests of urban struggle in post-atheist Russia History and Anthropology
Корнеев Александр Александрович  Москва  2021 Influence of sheet resistance and strip width on the detection efficiency saturation in micron-wide superconducting strips and large-area meanders Superconductor Science and Technology
    2021 Single-pixel camera with a large-area microstrip superconducting single photon detector on a multimode fiber Applied Physics Letters
Корнеев Олег Владимирович Москва 2021 Policy translation in global health governance: Localising harm reduction in Tajikistan Global Social Policy
    2022 ‘Home-grown’ vs. ‘imported’ regionalism? Overlapping dynamics of regional migration governance in post-Soviet Eurasia Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
    2022 EU–Central Asian interactions: perceptions, interests and practices Central Asian Survey
    2022 Securitising HIV/AIDS in Tajikistan: Framings, Policies and Practices Europe-Asia Studies
    2022 Learning in, about and from the field? Symbolic functions of EU knowledge production on Central Asia Central Asian Survey
    2022 Engaging with Labour Migrants: Emigration Policy in Tajikistan Asian Studies Review
Корнилов Василий Вячеславович Москва   2022 Early Warning Signals for Critical Transitions in Sandpile Cellular Automata Frontiers in Physics
    2022 Self-Organization in Network Sociotechnical Systems Complexity
    2022 Multifractal Early Warning Signals about Sudden Changes in the Stock Exchange States Complexity
Корнилов Матвей Викторович Москва   2021 Useful relations for the analysis of stellar scintillation at the entrance pupil of a telescope Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision
    2021 Active anomaly detection for time-domain discoveries Astronomy and Astrophysics
    2021 Anomaly detection in the Zwicky Transient Facility DR3 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Королева Ирина Павловна  Москва  2022 Discrete breathers and discrete oscillating kink solution in the mass-in-mass chain in the state of acoustic vacuum Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
Королева Юлия Олеговна  Москва  2021 Estimates of characteristics of a micropolar flow passing through an axially symmetric cell Electronic Journal of Differential Equations
Корольков Сергей Дмитриевич  Москва  2021 New unexpected flow patterns in the problem of the stellar wind interaction with the interstellar medium: Stationary ideal-MHD solutions Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
    2022 Shock-wave heating mechanism of the distant solar wind: Explanation of Voyager-2 data Astronomy and Astrophysics
Коротаев Андрей Витальевич  Москва  2021 Deprivation, instability, and propensity to attack: how urbanization influences terrorism International Interactions
    2021 Rise of the war machines: Charting the evolution of military technologies from the Neolithic to the Industrial Revolution PLoS ONE
    2021 Non-beverage alcohol consumption in Izhevsk: 15 years later Alcohol and Alcoholism
    2021 Terrorism and democracy a reconsideration Comparative Sociology
    2021 Socio-Economic Development and Protests A Quantitative Reanalysis Comparative Sociology
    2021 Economic Growth, Education, and Terrorism: A Re-Analysis Terrorism and Political Violence
    2022 Urbanization, the Youth, and Protest: A Cross-National Analysis Cross-Cultural Research
    2022 Formal Education and Contentious Politics: The Case of Violent and Non-Violent Protest Political Studies Review
    2022 Internet, Political Regime and Terrorism: A Quantitative Analysis Cross-Cultural Research
    2022 Global Systems for Sociopolitical Instability Forecasting and Their Efficiency A Comparative Analysis Comparative Sociology
    2022 Machine Learning for Ranking Factors of Global and Regional Protest Destabilization with a Special Focus on Afrasian Instability Macrozone Comparative Sociology
Коротяев Евгений Леонидович Санкт-Петербург 2021 Eigenvalues of Schrödinger operators on finite and infinite intervals Mathematische Nachrichten
    2021 Periodic Dirac operator with dislocation Journal of Differential Equations
    2021 Eigenvalues of periodic difference operators on lattice octants Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
    2021 Schrödinger operators periodic in octants Letters in Mathematical Physics
    2022 Trace formulas for Schrödinger operators on periodic graphs Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
Косарецкий Сергей Геннадьевич  Москва 2021 The Strategies of Parental Involvement in Adolescents’ Education and Extracurricular Activities Journal of Youth and Adolescence
Косевич Екатерина Юрьевна  Москва 2022 Russia’s Relations with the Countries of Latin America at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Four Levels of Interstate Interaction Russian Politics
Косов Егор Дмитриевич  Москва 2021 О распределениях однородных и выпуклых функций от гауссовских случайных величин Известия РАН. Серия математическая
    2021 Marcinkiewicz-type discretization of Lp-norms under the Nikolskii-type inequality assumption Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
    2021 Total Variation Distance Estimates via L2-Norm for Polynomials in Log-concave Random Vectors International Mathematics Research Notices
    2022 Sampling discretization and related problems Journal of Complexity
    2022 Regularity of linear and polynomial images of Skorohod differentiable measures Advances in Mathematics
Косоногов Владимир Владимирович Москва  2021 Expressive suppression versus cognitive reappraisal: Effects on self-report and peripheral psychophysiology International Journal of Psychophysiology
    2022 A Russian Adaptation of the Emotional Contagion Scale Frontiers in Psychology
    2022 “Expert persuasion” can decrease willingness to pay for sugar-containing food FRONTIERS IN NUTRITION
    2022 Is emotion regulation impacted by executive functions? An experimental study Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
    2022 N400 correlate of brand associations Journal of Economic Psychology
    2022 Impact of Induced Moods, Sensation Seeking, and Emotional Contagion on Economic Decisions Under Risk Frontiers in Psychology
Коссова Елена Владимировна  Москва 2021 Evaluation of changes in alcohol consumption: evidence from Russia Journal of Economic Studies
Коссова Татьяна Владимировна  Москва 2021 Evaluation of changes in alcohol consumption: evidence from Russia Journal of Economic Studies
Котельникова Зоя Владиславовна  Москва 2022 Prevalence of self-reported alcohol consumption among pregnant women in Russia between 1994 and 2018 Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research
Котов Виталий Юрьевич  Москва 2021 Synthesis and first-principles study of structural, electronic and optical properties of tetragonal hybrid halobismuthathes [Py2(XK)]2[Bi2Br10−xIx] New Journal of Chemistry
Котусев Святослав Юрьевич  Москва 2021 The theoretical basis of enterprise architecture: A critical review and taxonomy of relevant theories Journal of Information Technology
    2021 Stakeholder engagement in enterprise architecture practice: What inhibitors are there? Information and Software Technology
    2022 The concept of information architecture in the context of enterprise architecture Aslib Journal of Information Management
    2022 The practical roles of enterprise architecture artifacts: A classification and relationship Information and Software Technology
Котырло Елена Станиславовна  Москва 2022 Impact of the compulsory military service reform of 2007–2008 on the demand for higher education Economics of Transition and Institutional Change
Коцемир Максим Николаевич  Москва 2021 Environmental innovations and productivity: Empirical evidence from Russian regions Resources Policy
    2021 From BRICS to BRICS plus: selecting promising areas of S&T Cooperation with developing countries Scientometrics
    2022 Mobile young researchers and their non-mobile ‘twins’: who is winning the academic race? Scientometrics
Кочеткова Елена Алексеевна Санкт-Петербург  2022 Socialist Construction for Siberia: Comecon Cooperation and the Making of Ust'-Ilimsk Forest Industrial Complex in the USSR, 1970s and 1980s Journal of Contemporary History
Кравцов Константин Сергеевич  Москва 2021 Reply to “Comment on ‘Practical quantum key distribution with geometrically uniform states' ” () Physical Review A
Кравченко Наталья Павловна  Москва 2021 Extraction of Thickness and Water-Content Gradients in Hydrogel-Based Water-Backed Corneal Phantoms Via Submillimeter-Wave Reflectometry IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology
Краснопольская Ирина Игоревна  Москва 2021 Global Philanthropy: Does Institutional Context Matter for Charitable Giving? Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
    2022 Episodic Volunteering in Sport Events: A Seven-Country Analysis Voluntas
    2022 Repeat and Non-returning Volunteers: The Promise of Episodic Events for Volunteer Recruitment and Retention Voluntas
Кривохиж Светлана Валентиновна  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Chinese initiatives in Central Asia: claim for regional leadership? Eurasian Geography and Economics
    2022 The EU and China: how do they fit in Central Asia? Central Asian Survey
Кривушин Иван Владимирович   Москва 2021 Moscow's Evolution as a Political Space: From Yuri Dolgorukiy to Sergei Sobyanin Moscow's Evolution as a Political Space: From Yuri Dolgorukiy to Sergei Sobyanin
Кроитору Михаил   Москва 2022 Correlated disorder as a way towards robust superconductivity Communications Physics
    2022 Influence of a nonuniform thermal quench and circular polarized radiation on spontaneous current generation in superconducting rings Physical Review B
Кропотов Дмитрий Александрович   Москва 2022 Massive MIMO Adaptive Modulation and Coding Using Online Deep Learning Algorithm IEEE Communications Letters
Крыжановская Наталья Владимировна Санкт-Петербург  2021 Quantum-dot microlasers based on whispering gallery mode resonators Light: Science and Applications
    2021 III-V microdisk/microring resonators and injection microlasers Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
    2021 Improved performance of InGaAs/GaAs microdisk lasers epi-side down bonded onto a silicon board Optics Letters
    2021 Multi-colour light emission from InGaN nanowires monolithically grown on Si substrate by MBE Nanotechnology
    2022 Molecular-Beam Epitaxy Growth and Properties of AlGaAs Nanowires with InGaAs Nanostructures Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters
    2022 Improvement of thermal resistance in InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs microdisk lasers bonded onto silicon Semiconductor Science and Technology
    2022 Directional Single-Mode Emission from InGaAs/GaAs Quantum-Dot Half-Disk Microlasers IEEE Photonics Technology Letters
    2022 Radiation outcoupling from microdisk lasers via dielectric resonant nanoantennas Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications
Кряжков Владимир Алексеевич   Москва 2021 ILO 169 convention as a vector for the aboriginal legislation development in Russia International Journal of Human Rights
Кугель Климент Ильич   Москва 2021 Bismuth layer properties in the ultrathin Bi-FeNi multilayer films probed by spectroscopic ellipsometry Applied Physics Letters
    2021 Electronic phase separation: Recent progress in the old problem Physics Reports
    2022 Interplay of the Jahn-Teller effect and spin-orbit coupling: The case of trigonal vibrations Physical Review B
Кузнецов Сергей Олегович   Москва 2022 Introducing the closure structure and the GDPM algorithm for mining and understanding a tabular dataset International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
    2022 Mint: MDL-based approach for Mining INTeresting Numerical Pattern Sets Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
    2022 Human knowledge models: Learning applied knowledge from the data PLoS ONE
Кузнецов Степан Львович   Москва 2021 The Multiplicative-Additive Lambek Calculus with Subexponential and Bracket Modalities Journal of Logic, Language and Information
Кузнецов Степан Львович   2022 Non-associative, Non-commutative Multi-modal Linear Logic Automated Reasoning: 11th International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2022, Haifa, Israel, August 8–10, 2022, Proceedings
Кузьмин Алексей Васильевич   Москва 2022 Pressure and Temperature Transformations of the Molecular Conformation and Crystal Structure of Ferrocene Fe2+(η5-C5H5)2– Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Кузьмина Людмила Ивановна   Москва 2021 Exact solution for 1D deep bed filtration with particle capture by advection and dispersion International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics
    2021 Asymptotics for filtration of polydisperse suspension with small impurities Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition)
    2022 Analytical solution for large-deposit non-linear reactive flows in porous media Chemical Engineering Journal
    2022 Bidisperse filtration problem with non-monotonic retention profiles Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata
Кузьмина Юлия Владимировна   Москва 2021 Inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, and mathematics: Exploring gender differences in a nonclinical sample Research in Developmental Disabilities
    2022 The effect of visual parameters on nonsymbolic numerosity estimation varies depending on the format of stimulus presentation Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
    2022 The Association between Approximate Number Sense (ANS) and Math Achievement Depends on the Format of the ANS Test Journal of Cognition and Development
Кукулин Илья Владимирович   Москва 2021 The culture of ban: pop culture, social media and securitization of youth politics in today’s Russia International Journal of Cultural Policy
Кулаковский Владимир Дмитриевич   Москва 2022 Plasmonic grating for circularly polarized outcoupling of waveguide-enhanced spontaneous emission Applied Physics Letters
Куликова Софья Петровна  Москва  2021 Multimodal Assessment of the Motor System in Patients with Chronic Ischemic Stroke Stroke
Кунцевич Александр Юрьевич   Москва 2021 Breaking of Ginzburg-Landau description in the temperature dependence of the anisotropy in a nematic superconductor Physical Review B
    2022 3D Hypersound Microscopy of van der Waals Heterostructures Nano Letters
Куприянов Дмитрий Александрович   Москва 2022 Late-Holocene vegetation and fire history in Western Putorana Plateau (subarctic Siberia, Russia) Holocene
    2022 Evidence that modern fires may be unprecedented during the last 3400 years in permafrost zone of Central Siberia, Russia Environmental Research Letters
Курбатова Юлия Александровна Москва 2021 Seasonality of energy and water fluxes in a tropical moist forest in Vietnam Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Куренной Виталий Анатольевич  Москва  2021 Contemporary state cultural policy in Russia: organization, political discourse and ceremonial behavior International Journal of Cultural Policy
Куценко Евгений Сергеевич   Москва 2022 How different patterns of urbanization affect regional innovation? Evidence from Russia International Journal of Urban Sciences
Кучерявый Евгений Андреевич    Москва 2021 Quantifying the millimeter wave new radio base stations density for network slicing with prescribed SLAs Computer Communications.
    2021 Peer Offloading with Delayed Feedback in Fog Networks  IEEE Internet of Things Journal
    2021 Joint Use of Guard Capacity and Multiconnectivity for Improved Session Continuity in Millimeter-Wave 5G NR Systems IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
    2021  Performance analysis of multi-band microwave and millimeter-wave operation in 5G NR systems   IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
    2022 Statistical Analysis and Modeling of User Micromobility for THz Cellular Communications  IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
    2022 A Tutorial on Mathematical Modeling of 5G/6G Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Cellular Systems IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials
Кычкин Алексей Владимирович   Москва 2021 Feature and model selection for day-ahead electricity-load forecasting in residential buildings Energy and Buildings
Лазарев Иван Евгеньевич   Москва 2021 Event-related potentials accompanying performance of computer mouse pointing task in the long-term dry immersion model of microgravity Acta Astronautica
Ландер Юрий Александрович   Москва 2022 Description and determination in Tanti Dargwa NPs Linguistics
Ландо Сергей Константинович   Москва 2021 Real-normalized differentials with a single order 2 pole Letters in Mathematical Physics
    2022 Весовые системы и инварианты графов и вложенных графов Успехи математических наук
Ларин Александр Александрович  Москва  2022 Novel family of nitrogen-rich energetic (1,2,4-triazolyl) furoxan salts with balanced performance Frontiers in Chemistry
Лебедев Владимир Валентинович   Москва 2021 Optimality in Self-Organized Molecular Sorting Physical Review Letters
    2021 Coherent vortex in a spatially restricted two-dimensional turbulent flow in absence of bottom friction Physics of Fluids
    2022 Coherent vortex versus chaotic state in two-dimensional turbulence Annals of Physics
 Лебедев Владимир Владимирович  Москва 2021 Tame semicascades and cascades generated by affine self-mappings of the d-torus Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Лебедева Надежда Михайловна   Москва 2021 Values of Ethnic Russians and the Indigenous Population in North Caucasus Republics of the Russian Federation: An Exploratory Three-Generation Compari Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
    2021 The role of intercultural competence, in the relationship between intercultural experiences and creativity among students International Journal of Intercultural Relations
    2022 How shall we all live together?: Meta-analytical review of the mutual intercultural relations in plural societies project Applied Psychology
Левин Андрей Михайлович   Москва 2021 Generalizations of parabolic Higgs bundles, real structures, and integrability Journal of Mathematical Physics
Левицкий Илья Александрович   Москва 2022 Study of Multi-Link Channel Access Without Simultaneous Transmit and Receive in IEEE 802.11be Networks IEEE Access
Ледяев Валерий Георгиевич   Москва 2022 Heads of Small Russian Towns: Power and Leadership Russian Politics
Леевик Юлия Сергеевна   Москва 2021 Ultra spin liquid in Lu3Cu2Sb3O14 Europhysics Letters
Лежнев Евгений Владимирович   Москва 2021 Adaptive Dynamic Shortest Path Search Algorithm in Networks-on-Chip Based on Circulant Topologies IEEE Access
Лезов Сергей Владимирович   Москва 2021 NISANE: The LIFE of A MESOPOTAMIAN PEASANT Journal of Semitic Studies
    2022 A History of the Passive in Pre-modern Aramaic: An Outline Journal of Semitic Studies
    2022 Reflections on the Suffix Conjugations in Semitic Journal of Semitic Studies
    2022 The Fable of the Beetle in Contemporary Aramaic and Kurmanji Aramaic Studies
Леменовский Дмитрий Анатольевич   Москва 2022 Novel approach for the synthesis of chiral organometallic complexes-first series of lithium 2-amino-indenide ligands bearing pendant donor groups and New Journal of Chemistry
Леонтьев Дмитрий Алексеевич  Москва  2022 How you choose is as important as what you choose: Subjective quality of choice predicts well-being and academic performance Current Psychology
    2022 An international study on psychological coping during COVID-19: Towards a meaning-centered coping style[Estudio internacional sobre afrontamiento psic International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology
    2022 Meaning of life as a resource for coping with psychological crisis: Comparisons of suicidal and non-suicidal patients Frontiers in Psychology
Лепский Александр Евгеньевич   Москва 2022 Measures of conflict, basic axioms and their application to the clusterization of a body of evidence Fuzzy Sets and Systems
Лепшокова Зарина Хизировна   Москва 2021 Values of Ethnic Russians and the Indigenous Population in North Caucasus Republics of the Russian Federation: An Exploratory Three-Generation Compari Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
    2022 How shall we all live together?: Meta-analytical review of the mutual intercultural relations in plural societies project Applied Psychology
Лерман Лев Михайлович  Нижний Новгород 2021 Saddle-center and periodic orbit: Dynamics near symmetric heteroclinic connection Chaos
    2021 Solitons of Whitham equation with resonance dispersion Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
    2021 Solitons and cavitons in a nonlocal Whitham equation Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
Лешуков Олег Валерьевич   Москва  2021 Efficiency of regional higher education systems and regional economic short-run growth: empirical evidence from Russia Industry and Innovation
Лимонов Леонид Эдуардович  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Housing rent dynamics and rent regulation in St. Petersburg (1880–1917) Explorations in Economic History
Лисюткин Михаил Андреевич    Москва  2022 Declining Public Universities: Patterns and Lessons for Public Policy and Administration: A Russian Case Study International Journal of Public Administration
Литвина Анна Феликсовна   Москва   2021 День рождения Бориса Годунова Studi Slavistici
    2022 Выбор имени и коммеморативная практика в XVI в. (Новое о думном дьяке Андрее Щелкалове) Scando-Slavica
    2022 The marriages of Tsars Ivan V and Peter the Great in the context of Russian multinominality at the dawn of the Modern era[Браки царей Ивана и Петра Ал Die Welt der Slaven. Internationale Halbjahresschrift für Slavistik
Лифшиц Александр Львович    Москва  2022 Чужие слова Хлестакова Scando-Slavica
Лихачева Анастасия Борисовна    Москва  2021 Russia and Sanctions: The Transformational Domestic and International Effects of Unilateral Restrictive Measures Russian Politics
Логунов Михаил Александрович    Москва  2022 Atomistic structure and anomalous heat capacity of low-density liquid carbon: Molecular dynamics study with machine learning potential Carbon
Логунова Ольга Сергеевна    Москва  2022 Journalistic Role Performance in the Russian Press: A Post-Soviet Model for the Third Decade, 2012-2022 Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization
Лозовик Юрий Ефремович    Москва  2021 Crystal phases of charged interlayer excitons in van der Waals heterostructures Communications Physics
    2021 Electron pairing with gapless excitations in mixed double layers Physical Review B
    2021 A new type of non-Hermitian phase transition in open systems far from thermal equilibrium Scientific Reports
    2021 Superconducting Long-Range Proximity Effect through the Atomically Flat Interface of a Bi2Te3Topological Insulator Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
    2021 Finite-temperature Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory for exciton-polaritons Physical Review B
    2021 Chiral filtration of light by Weyl-semimetal medium Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics
    2021 Plasmonic modes at inclined edges of anisotropic two-dimensional materials Physical Review B
    2021 Transformation of a graphene nanoribbon into a hybrid 1D nanoobject with alternating double chains and polycyclic regions Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
    2022 Quantum entanglement between excitons in two-dimensional materials Physical Review B
    2022 Strain-induced quantum Hall phenomena of excitons in graphene Scientific Reports
    2022 Anomalous Josephson Effect of s -Wave Pairing States in Chiral Double Layers Physical Review Letters
    2022 Exact Analytical Solution for the Density Matrix of a Nonequilibrium Polariton Bose-Einstein Condensate Physical Review Letters
    2022 Superfluid drag between excitonic polaritons and superconducting electron gas QUANTUM
    2022 Analytical framework for non-equilibrium phase transition to Bose–Einstein condensate QUANTUM
    2022 Formation of exciton-polaritonic BEC in the non-Markovian regime Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics
    2022 Magnetic-field-induced Wigner crystallization of charged interlayer excitons in van der Waals heterostructures Communications Physics
Ломазова Ирина Александровна    Москва  2021 A Petri net extension for systems of concurrent communicating agents with durable actions Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
    2022 Resource Bisimilarity in Petri Nets is Decidable Fundamenta Informaticae
Лубенец Елена Рубеновна    Москва  2021 Two-sequential conclusive discrimination between binary coherent states via indirect measurements Physica Scripta
    2021 The Bloch vectors formalism for a finite-dimensional quantum system Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
    2022 Specifying nonlocality of a pure bipartite state and analytical relations between measures for bipartite nonlocality and entanglement Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
    2022 General lower and upper bounds under minimum-error quantum state discrimination Physical Review A
Луговская Дарья Алексеевна    Москва  2021 Как преодолеть кризис символизма с помощью "народнических идеалов"? Критика В.Ф. Ходасевича начала 1910-х годов и доклад Надсон Studi Slavistici
Лукин Александр Владимирович    Москва  2021 Have We Passed the Peak of Sino-Russian Rapprochement? Washington Quarterly
    2021 Russia's China Policy: Growing Asymmetries and Hedging Options Russian Politics
    2021 Sino-Russian rapprochement and Greater Eurasia: From geopolitical pole to international society? Journal of Eurasian Studies
    2022 Russia’s approach to South China Sea territorial dispute: it’s only business, nothing personal Pacific Review
Лукин Владимир Петрович    Москва  2021 A Multilevel World and a Flat Worldview: A Realist and Progressive Synthesis for Russia Russian Politics
Лунёв Алексей Михайлович    Москва  2022 Novel pyrazole-based carboxylate ligand as a building block for assembling lanthanides in luminescent 2D and 3D MOFs Inorganica Chimica Acta
Лысенко Константин Александрович    Москва  2021 Tuning the luminescence efficiency by perfluorination of side chains in Eu3+complexes with β-diketones of the thiophene series Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
    2022 Merging the AuCu3- and BaAl4-based structure motifs: flux-assisted synthesis, crystal, and electronic structure of Ca2Pt7XP4−δ phosphide platinides (X Dalton Transactions
    2022 Stages of Kitaigorodsky Aufbau Principle Detached in the Cocrystals of Cp<sub>2</sub>MX<sub>2</sub>(M = Ti, Zr; X = Cl, Br, I) with σ- And π-Hole Dono Crystal Growth & Design
Лысков Николай Викторович    Москва  2022 Study of Nd<sub>2±</sub><sub>x</sub>Hf<sub>2±</sub><sub>x</sub>O<sub>7±δ</sub> system: The ionic and thermal transport properties Materials Research Bulletin
    2022 High-temperature annealing of porous anodic aluminium oxide prepared in selenic acid electrolyte Surface and Coatings Technology
    2022 Study of oxygen-ion conductivity and luminescence in the ZrO<sub>2</sub> – Nd<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> system: Impact of local heterogeneity Electrochimica Acta
Львов Борис Глебович    Москва  2022 Density of states in the presence of spin-dependent scattering in SF bilayers: a numerical and analytical approach Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology
Люсин Дмитрий Владимирович    Москва  2021 Expressive suppression versus cognitive reappraisal: Effects on self-report and peripheral psychophysiology International Journal of Psychophysiology
    2022 Is emotion regulation impacted by executive functions? An experimental study Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Ляшевская Ольга Николаевна    Москва  2021 Automated assessment of learner text complexity Assessing Writing
Магид Евгений Аркадьевич    Москва  2022 An admittance-controlled amplified force tracking scheme for collaborative lumbar puncture surgical robot system International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery
Мазо Ольга Михайловна    Москва  2021 Triangulation supports agricultural spread of the Transeurasian languages Nature
Майсак Тимур Анатольевич    Москва  2021 Endoclitics in Andi Folia Linguistica
    2021 Numeral classifiers in UDI: A unique contact-induced development among Nakh-Daghestanian? Journal of Language Contact
Майснер Дирк    Москва  2021 The intertwining of knowledge sharing and creation in the digital platform based ecosystem. A conceptual study on the lens of the open innovation appr Journal of Knowledge Management
    2021 Addressing societal challenges through the simultaneous generation of social and business values: A conceptual framework for science-based co-creation Technovation
    2021 Local capacity, innovative entrepreneurial places and global connections: an overview Journal of Technology Transfer
    2021 Harvesting reflective knowledge exchange for inbound open innovation in complex collaborative networks: an empirical verification in Europe Journal of Knowledge Management
    2021 Entrepreneurial university: The relationship between smart specialization innovation strategies and university-region collaboration Technology in Society
    2021 The rise of do-it-yourself (DiY) laboratories: Implications for science, technology, and innovation (STI) policy Technological Forecasting and Social Change
    2021 The global entrepreneurship index as a benchmarking tool? Criticisms from an efficiency perspective Journal of Intellectual Capital
    2021 Innovation policy mix: mapping and measurement Journal of Technology Transfer
    2022 Recalibrating, reconfiguring, and appropriating innovation: a semantic network analysis of China’s mass innovation and mass entrepreneurship (MIME) in Journal of Technology Transfer
    2022 Applying digital technologies in technology roadmapping to overcome individual biased assessments Technovation
    2022 Spatial features of entrepreneurial ecosystems Journal of Business Research
    2022 A multilayered perspective on entrepreneurial universities: looking into the dynamics of joint university-industry labs Technological Forecasting and Social Change
    2022 To act or to react? The role of responsiveness in corporate social performance disclosure in preventing plastic pollution in the travel and tourism se Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management
Макаров Игорь Алексеевич    Москва  2022 Does resource abundance require special approaches to climate policies? The case of Russia Climatic Change
Макаров Илья Андреевич   Москва /Нижний
2021 Fault detection in Tennessee Eastman process with temporal deep learning models Journal of Industrial Information Integration
    2021 Fusion of Text and Graph Information For Machine Learning Problems on Networks PeerJ Computer Science
    2021 Survey on graph embeddings and their applications to machine learning problems on graphs PeerJ Computer Science
    2021 JONNEE: Joint Network Nodes and Edges Embedding IEEE Access
    2022 Temporal network embedding framework with causal anonymous walks representations PeerJ Computer Science
    2022 Self-supervised recurrent depth estimation with attention mechanisms PeerJ Computer Science
Макарова Юлия Алексеевна   Москва   2021 Extracellular miRNAs and Cell–Cell Communication: Problems and Prospects Trends in Biochemical Sciences
    2021 The Epigenetic Modulation of Cancer and Immune Pathways in Hepatitis B Virus-Associated Hepatocellular Carcinoma: The Influence of HBx and miRNA Dysre Frontiers in Immunology
    2021 HIF Prolyl Hydroxylase Inhibitors for COVID-19 Treatment: Pros and Cons Frontiers in Pharmacology
    2022 Low expression of CD24 is associated with poor survival in colorectal cancer Biochimie
Макласова Екатерина Владимировна    Москва  2022 Climato-Economic Context of Regional Crime and Corruption Across the Russian Federation Environment and Behavior
Максаев Артем Максимович    Москва  2021 Linear functions preserving Green's relations over fields Linear Algebra and Its Applications
    2022 Pairs of maps preserving singularity on subsets of matrix algebras Linear Algebra and Its Applications
Максимов Андрей Геннадьевич  Нижний Новгород 2022 Dynamics in a phase model of half-center oscillator: Two neurons with excitatory coupling Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
Малинова Ольга Юрьевна  Москва  2021 Politics of Memory and Nationalism Nationalities Papers
    2021 Framing the Collective Memory of the 1990s as a Legitimation Tool for Putin’s Regime Problems of Post-Communism
    2022 Constructing the Collective Trauma of The Hard 1990s as a Disregarded Tool of Legitimation for Putin's Authority Nationalities Papers
    2022 Legitimizing Putin’s Regime The Transformations of the Narrative of Russia’s Post-Soviet Transition Communist and Post-Communist Studies
Малиновский Сергей Сергеевич  Москва  2021 Higher education in Soviet and Russian welfare states: hybridization, continuity and change European Journal of Higher Education
Малкин Михаил Иосифович  Нижний Новгород 2021 Entropy charts and bifurcations for Lorenz maps with infinite derivatives Chaos
Малошонок Наталья Геннадьевна  Москва  2022 If I ignore it, maybe it will go away: how Russian engineering students perceive the gender inequality issue European Journal of Engineering Education
    2022 Harm not only females: math-gender stereotypes and engagement of engineering students at Russian universities European Journal of Engineering Education
Малышев Дмитрий Сергеевич  Нижний Новгород 2021 The vertex colourability problem for { claw, butterfly} -free graphs is polynomial-time solvable Optimization Letters
    2021 Combinatorial invariant for Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms on surfaces with orientable heteroclinic Chaos
    2021 The computational complexity of weighted vertex coloring for {P5,K2,3,K2,3+} -free graphs Optimization Letters
    2022 On partial descriptions of König graphs for odd paths and all their spanning supergraphs Optimization Letters
    2022 An intractability result for the vertex 3-colourability problem Optimization Letters
Мальцева Дарья Васильевна  Москва  2021 Journals publishing social network analysis Scientometrics
    2022 Collaboration between authors in the field of social network analysis Scientometrics
Мальцева Диана Васильевна  Москва  2021 An integrative proteomics method identifies a regulator of translation during stem cell maintenance and differentiation Nature Communications
    2021 HIF-Dependent NFATC1 Activation Upregulates ITGA5 and PLAUR in Intestinal Epithelium in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Frontiers in Genetics
    2021 Fra-2 overexpression upregulates pro-metastatic cell-adhesion molecules, promotes pulmonary metastasis, and reduces survival in a spontaneous xenograf Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology
    2022 A novel approach for a joint analysis of isomiR and mRNA expression data reveals features of isomiR targeting in breast cancer Frontiers in Genetics
    2022 Specificity of viscumin revised. As probed with a printed glycan array Biochimie
    2022 Low expression of CD24 is associated with poor survival in colorectal cancer Biochimie
Мальцева Светлана Валентиновна  Москва  2022 Self-Organization in Network Sociotechnical Systems Complexity
Малютина Светлана Александровна  Москва  2021 Advancing Neurolinguistics in Russia: Experience and Implications of Building Experimental Research and Evidence-Based Practices Frontiers in Psychology
    2021 HD-tDCS over motor cortex facilitates figurative and literal action sentence processing Neuropsychologia
    2021 Evidence for dual-route morphological processing across the lifespan: data from Russian noun plurals Language, Cognition and Neuroscience
    2022 Greater volumes of a callosal sub-region terminating in posterior language-related areas predict a stronger degree of language lateralization: A tract PLoS ONE
    2022 A New Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Localizer for Preoperative Language Mapping Using a Sentence Completion Task: Validity, Choice of Baseline Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
    2022 Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation modulates action naming over the left but not right inferior frontal gyrus Brain Structure and Function
Манита Лариса Анатольевна  Москва  2022 OPTIMAL SPIRAL-LIKE SOLUTIONS NEAR A SINGULAR EXTREMAL IN A TWO-INPUT CONTROL PROBLEM Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B
Манухов Илья Владимирович  Москва  2021 Litr directly upregulates autoinducer synthesis and luminescence in aliivibrio logei PeerJ
Марасинова Елена Нигметовна  Москва  2022 Dynastic Law or the Will of the Emperor: On the Problem of the Succession to the Throne in Eighteenth-Century Russia Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies
Мартинез Саито Марио  Москва  2022 Mine or ours? Neural basis of the exploitation of common-pool resources Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
    2022 Discrete scaling and criticality in a chain of adaptive excitable integrators Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
    2022 Learning under social versus nonsocial uncertainty: A meta-analytic approach Human Brain Mapping
    2022 Probing doors to visual awareness: Choice set, visibility, and confidence Visual Cognition
Мартынова Ольга Владимировна Москва   2022 Frequency Effects on Spelling Error Recognition: An ERP Study Frontiers in Psychology
    2022 Implicit auditory perception of local and global irregularities in passive listening condition Neuropsychologia
Маршалл Йен Донен  Москва  2021 The semi-direct product of Poisson G-spaces Journal of Geometry and Physics
    2021 Trigonometric Real Form of the Spin RS Model of Krichever and Zabrodin Annales Henri Poincare
Матвеева Наталия Николаевна  Москва  2021 The effect of Russian University Excellence Initiative on publications and collaboration patterns Journal of Informetrics
    2022 International scientific collaboration of post-Soviet countries: a bibliometric analysis Scientometrics
Махлин Юрий Генрихович  Москва  2022 Partial randomized benchmarking Scientific Reports
Махов Иван Сергеевич  Санкт-Петербург 2022 Improvement of thermal resistance in InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs microdisk lasers bonded onto silicon Semiconductor Science and Technology
Медведев Андрей Александрович   Москва  2021 Studying spatial-temporal changes and relationship of land cover and surface Urban Heat Island derived through remote sensing in Yerevan, Armenia Building and Environment
    2022 From policy mobility to top-down policy transfer: ‘Comfortization’ of Russian cities beyond neoliberal rationality Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space
Медведев Владимир Олегович  Москва   2021 On the Friedlander–Nadirashvili invariants of surfaces Mathematische Annalen
    2022 Degenerating sequences of conformal classes and the conformal Steklov spectrum Canadian Journal of Mathematics
Медведев Михаил Геннадьевич   Москва  2021 Stereochemistries and Biological Properties of Oligomycin A Diels-Alder Adducts Journal of Organic Chemistry
    2022 Comment on “Pushing the frontiers of density functionals by solving the fractional electron problem” Science
Медведев Тимур Владиславович Нижний Новгород  2021 On the Number of the Classes of Topological Conjugacy of Pixton Diffeomorphisms Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems
    2021 On existence of Morse energy function for topological flows Advances in Mathematics
    2022 Components of Stable Isotopy Connectedness of Morse – Smale Diffeomorphisms Regular and Chaotic Dynamics
Мелентьев Павел Николаевич   Москва  2021 Single quantum emitters detection with amateur CCD: Comparison to a scientific-grade camera Optics and Laser Technology
Мельман Анна Сергеевна   Москва  2021 On Performance of PBFT Blockchain Consensus Algorithm for IoT-Applications with Constrained Devices IEEE Access
Мерсиянова Ирина Владимировна   Москва  2021 Global Philanthropy: Does Institutional Context Matter for Charitable Giving? Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
Мешалкин Валерий Павлович    Москва  2021 Integrated Chemo-Phyto-Ecological Process for the Treatment of Polymetal Contamination in Landfill Sites and the Consequent Soil Recovery Process Safety and Environmental Protection: Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, Part B
Мещеряков Ярослав Евгеньевич   Москва  2021 On Performance of PBFT Blockchain Consensus Algorithm for IoT-Applications with Constrained Devices IEEE Access
Мещерякова Наталья Геннадьевна  Москва  2022 New Centrality Measures in Networks: How to Take into Account the Parameters of the Nodes and Group Influence of Nodes to Nodes New Centrality Measures in Networks: How to Take into Account the Parameters of the Nodes and Group Influence of Nodes to Nodes
Мингалев Виталий Викторович  Пермь 2021 Long-term ecology and conservation of the Kungur forest-steppe (pre-Urals, Russia): case study Spasskaya Gora Biodiversity and Conservation
Миннигулова Алина Шамилевна Москва   2021 Expressive and Receptive Language in Russian Primary-School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Research in Developmental Disabilities
    2022 Language Abilities of Russian Primary-School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Evidence from Comprehensive Assessment Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Миркин Борис Григорьевич  Москва  2021 Least-squares community extraction in feature-rich networks using similarity data PLoS ONE
Миронова Варвара Андреевна Москва 2022 Spatial patterns of West Nile virus distribution in the Volgograd region of Russia, a territory with long-existing foci PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
Михайлов Андрей Андреевич  Москва  2021 1,5-Hydride-Shift-Triggered Cyclization for the Synthesis of Unsymmetric Julolidines Synthesis
    2021 Disclosing biosynthetic connections and functions of atypical angucyclinones with a fragmented C-ring Natural Product Reports
    2022 Developments in the Synthesis of Hasubanan Alkaloids European Journal of Organic Chemistry
 Михайлова Оксана Рудольфовна  Москва 2022 Folk Devils or Moral Entrepreneurs? Gap Bridging in the Social Studies of Pro-ana Communities Deviant Behavior
    2022 Measuring judiciarization of people with mental illnesses Crime, Law and Social Change
    2022 Anorexia and Young Womens’ Personal Networks: Size, Structure, and Kinship Frontiers in Psychology
Мкртчян Никита Владимирович  Москва  2022 Internal migration and population concentration in Russia: age-specific patterns Geo Journal
Моисеев Эдуард Ильмирович Санкт-Петербург  2021 Frequency response and carrier escape time of InGaAs quantum well-dots photodiode Optics Express
    2021 Quantum-dot microlasers based on whispering gallery mode resonators Light: Science and Applications
    2021 III-V microdisk/microring resonators and injection microlasers Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
    2021 Improved performance of InGaAs/GaAs microdisk lasers epi-side down bonded onto a silicon board Optics Letters
    2022 Improvement of thermal resistance in InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs microdisk lasers bonded onto silicon Semiconductor Science and Technology
    2022 Directional Single-Mode Emission from InGaAs/GaAs Quantum-Dot Half-Disk Microlasers IEEE Photonics Technology Letters
Моисеева Виктория Владимировна   Москва  2021 MEG signatures of long-term effects of agreement and disagreement with the majority Scientific Reports
    2021 Activity Stabilization in a Population Model of Working Memory by Sinusoidal and Noisy Inputs Frontiers in Neural Circuits
    2022 N400 correlate of brand associations Journal of Economic Psychology
Мокеев Дмитрий Сергеевич  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Periodic Dirac operator with dislocation Journal of Differential Equations
    2022 Стабильность резонансов оператора Дирака Алгебра и анализ
Молодчик Мария Анатольевна Пермь  2021 Peer Effects on Individual Performance in a Team Sport Journal of Sports Economics
    2021 Multilevel analysis of knowledge sources for product innovation in Russian SMEs Eurasian Business Review
Мордвинцева Валентина Ивановна  Москва  2022 Roman Figured Aequipondia from Eklizi-Burun Sanctuary (Mountain Crimea) Revue Archeologique
Мороз Георгий Алексеевич  Москва  2021 The speakers of minority languages are more multilingual International Journal of Bilingualism
    2022 Geography and language divergence: The case of Andic languages PLoS ONE
    2022 Glottalized lateral in Rikvani Andi: An acoustic study Phonetica
Морозов Андрей Игоревич  Нижний Новгород 2021 Combinatorial invariant for Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms on surfaces with orientable heteroclinic Chaos
Москвина Анна Денисовна  Санкт-Петербург 2022 Social innovation: Integrating product and user innovation Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Мухин Михаил Сергеевич  Санкт-Петербург 2022 Elastic single-walled carbon nanotubes pixel matrix electrodes for flexible optoelectronics Applied Physics Letters
Нагаев Кирилл Эдуардович Москва  2022 Electron-electron scattering and conductivity of disordered systems with a Galilean-invariant spectrum Physical Review B
Надточий Алексей Михайлович  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Material gain of InGaAs/GaAs quantum well-dots Semiconductor Science and Technology
Надточий Алексей Михайлович   2021 Frequency response and carrier escape time of InGaAs quantum well-dots photodiode Optics Express
Надточий Алексей Михайлович   2021 Saturated Layer Gain in Waveguides with InGaAs Quantum Well-Dot Heterostructures Journal of Lightwave Technology
Надточий Алексей Михайлович   2021 Influence of the doping type on the temperature dependencies of the photoluminescence efficiency of InGaAlAs/InGaAs/InP heterostructures Journal of Luminescence
Надточий Алексей Михайлович   2022 Improvement of thermal resistance in InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs microdisk lasers bonded onto silicon Semiconductor Science and Technology
Назарова Варвара Вадимовна  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Drivers' estimation of the luxury companies Decision
Найденова Юлия Николаевна  Пермь 2022 Economic policy uncertainty and company's human capital Journal of Economic Studies
Найденова Юлия Николаевна   2022 Shadow prices for intangible resources Journal of Intellectual Capital
Найденова Юлия Николаевна   2022 Air pollution and individual productivity: Evidence from the Ironman Triathlon results Economics and Human Biology
Найденова Юлия Николаевна   2022 Obesity and individual performance: the case of eSports International Journal of Obesity
Наккарато Мария Кьяра  Москва 2021 Word-order variation in a contact setting: A corpus-based investigation of Russian spoken in Daghestan Language Variation and Change
Нартова-Бочавер Софья Кимовна  Москва 2021 The link between individualism–collectivism and life satisfaction among emerging adults from four countries Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being
Нартова-Бочавер Софья Кимовна   2021 Validation of the 10-Item Connor–Davidson Resilience Scale: The Case of Russian Youth Frontiers in Psychiatry
Нартова-Бочавер Софья Кимовна   2021 The Authenticity Scale: Validation in Russian Culture Frontiers in Psychology
Нартова-Бочавер Софья Кимовна   2022 Measurement Invariance of the Short Home Attachment Scale: A Cross-Cultural Study Frontiers in Psychology
Нартова-Бочавер Софья Кимовна   2022 Belief in a just world, perceived control, perceived risk, and hopelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from a globally diverse sample Current Psychology
Нартова-Бочавер Софья Кимовна   2022 The Fear of COVID-19 Scale: Its Structure and Measurement Invariance Across 48 Countries Psychological Assessment
Нартова-Бочавер Софья Кимовна   2022 The role of environmental identity and individualism/collectivism in predicting climate change denial: Evidence from nine countries Journal of Environmental Psychology
Натхов Тимур Владимирович  Москва 2021 Skilled immigrants and technology adoption: Evidence from the German settlements in the Russian empire Explorations in Economic History
Нежина Тамара Генриховна  Москва 2021 Public Personnel Job Satisfaction and Retention: The Effects of Perceived Image and Prestige of Government Jobs International Journal of Public Administration
Нефедов Константин Сергеевич  Санкт-Петербург 2022 The belt and road initiative: a systematic literature review and future research agenda Eurasian Geography and Economics
Нефедова Алёна Игоревна   Москва 2021 Why International Students Choose to Study at Russia’s Leading Universities Journal of Studies in International Education
Нефедова Алёна Игоревна   2022 Mobile young researchers and their non-mobile ‘twins’: who is winning the academic race? Scientometrics
Нефедова Алёна Игоревна   2022 Early adopters of new transportation technologies: Attitudes of Russia's population towards car sharing, the electric car and autonomous driving Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Никогосян Каринэ Сергеевна  Москва  2022 Visual processing of green zones in shared courtyards during renting decisions: An eye-tracking study Urban Forestry and Urban Greening
Никонов Василий Иванович   Москва 2021 Motion of a heavy bead along a circular hoop rotating around an inclined axis International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics
Никулин Сергей Вячеславович   Москва 2021 9-ING-41, a Small Molecule Inhibitor of GSK-3β, Potentiates the Effects of Chemotherapy on Colorectal Cancer Cells Frontiers in Pharmacology
Никулин Сергей Вячеславович   2021 ECM–Receptor Regulatory Network and Its Prognostic Role in Colorectal Cancer Frontiers in Genetics
Никулин Сергей Вячеславович   2021 Bach1 derepression is neuroprotective in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Никулин Сергей Вячеславович   2021 Effect of the Expression of ELOVL5 and IGFBP6 Genes on the Metastatic Potential of Breast Cancer Cells Frontiers in Genetics
Никулин Сергей Вячеславович   2021 HIF Prolyl Hydroxylase Inhibitors for COVID-19 Treatment: Pros and Cons Frontiers in Pharmacology
Нифантьев Илья Эдуардович   Москва 2021 Hydrothermal synthesis of perfectly shaped micro- And nanosized carbonated apatite Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers
Нифантьев Илья Эдуардович   2021 Accessing mononuclear triphenylcyclopentadienyl lanthanide complexes by using tridentate nitrogen ligands: Synthesis, structure, luminescence, and cat Organometallics
Нифантьев Илья Эдуардович   2022 A competetive way to low-viscosity PAO base stocks via heterocene-catalyzed oligomerization of dec-1-ene Molecular Catalysis
Нифантьев Илья Эдуардович   2022 Synthesis, molecular structure and catalytic performance of heterocycle-fused cyclopentadienyl-amido CGC of Ti (IV) in ethylene (co)polymerization: Th European Polymer Journal
Нифантьев Илья Эдуардович   2022 Cyclopentadienyl lanthanide borohydrides derived from the unsubstituted cyclopentadienyl ligand. Unprecedented structural diversity and ε-caprolactone Inorganica Chimica Acta
Новенко Елена Юрьевна   Москва 2022 Late-Holocene vegetation and fire history in Western Putorana Plateau (subarctic Siberia, Russia) Holocene
Новенко Елена Юрьевна   2022 Evidence that modern fires may be unprecedented during the last 3400 years in permafrost zone of Central Siberia, Russia Environmental Research Letters
Новиков Борис Асенович  Санкт-Петербург 2022 Concept Drift Analysis by Dynamic Residual Projection for Effectively Detecting Botnet Cyber-Attacks in IoT Scenarios IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Новиков Борис Асенович   2022 Advances on Data Management and Information Systems Information Systems Frontiers
Новиков Дмитрий Павлович  Москва 2021 Sino-Russian rapprochement and Greater Eurasia: From geopolitical pole to international society? Journal of Eurasian Studies
Новиков Сергей Витальевич  Москва 2021 Density of states in locally ordered amorphous organic semiconductors: Emergence of the exponential tails Journal of Chemical Physics
Новиков Федор Николаевич  Москва 2021 Inhibition of SYK and cSrc kinases can protect bone and cartilage in preclinical models of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis Scientific Reports
Новикова Елена Михайловна Москва  2022 Coherent Schwartz distributions of the Heisenberg algebra and inverted oscillator Journal of Mathematical Physics
Ноздринова Елена Вячеславовна  Нижний Новгород 2021 Solution of the 33rd Palis-Pugh problem for gradient-like diffeomorphisms of a two-dimensional sphere Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems
Ноздринова Елена Вячеславовна    2022 О бифуркациях, меняющих гомотопический тип замыкания инвариантного седлового многообразия диффеоморфизма поверхности Математический сборник
Ноздринова Елена Вячеславовна   2022 Components of Stable Isotopy Connectedness of Morse – Smale Diffeomorphisms Regular and Chaotic Dynamics
Огородников Леон Леонтьевич  Москва  2022 Structure function of velocity in a geostrophic vortex under strong rotation Physics of Fluids
Ожегов Роман Викторович  Москва  2021 The Sub-THz Emission of the Human Body under Physiological Stress IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology
Ольшанский Григорий Иосифович  Москва  2021 The Elliptic Tail Kernel International Mathematics Research Notices
Ольшанский Григорий Иосифович   2021 Macdonald polynomials and extended Gelfand–Tsetlin graph Selecta Mathematica, New Series
Ольшанский Григорий Иосифович   2021 Macdonald-Level Extension of Beta Ensembles and Large-N Limit Transition Communications in Mathematical Physics
Ольшанский Григорий Иосифович   2022 A hierarchy of Palm measures for determinantal point processes with gamma kernels Studia Mathematica
Ольшанский Григорий Иосифович   2022 Infinite-dimensional groups over finite fields and Hall-Littlewood symmetric functions Advances in Mathematics
Орлов Александр Викторович  Москва  2022 Pragmatic mechanisms of manipulation in Russian online media: How clickbait works (or does not) Journal of Pragmatics
Орлова Галина Анатольевна  Москва  2022 DE-MOBILIZED ATOMS AS BOUNDARY OBJECTS The short lives of isotopes in the USSR Cahiers du Monde Russe
Осадчий Алексей Евгеньевич  Москва  2021 Cortical and autonomic responses during staged Taoist meditation: Two distinct meditation strategies PLoS ONE
Осадчий Алексей Евгеньевич   2021 MEG signatures of long-term effects of agreement and disagreement with the majority Scientific Reports
Осадчий Алексей Евгеньевич   2021 Evolution of MEG: A first MEG-feasible fluxgate magnetometer Human Brain Mapping
Осадчий Алексей Евгеньевич   2021 Decoding and interpreting cortical signals with a compact convolutional neural network Journal of Neural Engineering
Осадчий Алексей Евгеньевич   2021 Modified covariance beamformer for solving MEG inverse problem in the environment with correlated sources NeuroImage
Осадчий Алексей Евгеньевич   2022 Fast parametric curve matching (FPCM) for automatic spike detection Journal of Neural Engineering
Осадчий Алексей Евгеньевич   2022 Data-driven approach for the delineation of the irritative zone in epilepsy in MEG PLoS ONE
Осадчий Алексей Евгеньевич   2022 Speech decoding from a small set of spatially segregated minimally invasive intracranial EEG electrodes with a compact and interpretable neural networ Journal of Neural Engineering
Осипов Павел Сергеевич  Москва  2022 Self-similar Hessian and conformally Kähler manifolds Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry
Осипов Павел Сергеевич   2022 Selfsimilar Hessian manifolds Journal of Geometry and Physics
Островская Елена Сергеевна Москва   2022 W. H. Auden and Translation in the USSR of the 1930s: From the Soviet Press to The Anthology of New English Poetry Slavic and East European Journal
Ощепков Алексей Юрьевич  Москва  2022 Bridging the gap between multilevel modeling and economic methods Social Science Research
Павлов Александр Александрович  Москва  2022 Analysis of reduced paramagnetic shifts as an effective tool in NMR spectroscopy Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Павлов Александр Борисович Москва   2021 Betti tables of MCM modules over the cone of a plane cubic Mathematische Zeitschrift
Павлова Татьяна Витальевна  Москва  2021 Reactivity of the Si(100)-2 × 1-Cl surface with respect to PH3, PCl3, and BCl3: Comparison with PH3on Si(100)-2 × 1-H Journal of Physics Condensed Matter
Павлова Татьяна Витальевна   2022 Dangling bonds on the Cl- and Br-terminated Si(100) surfaces Applied Surface Science
Паниди Ксения Андреевна  Москва  2022 Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex plays causal role in probability weighting during risky choice Scientific Reports
Паниди Ксения Андреевна   2022 “Expert persuasion” can decrease willingness to pay for sugar-containing food FRONTIERS IN NUTRITION
Паниди Ксения Андреевна   2022 Impact of Induced Moods, Sensation Seeking, and Emotional Contagion on Economic Decisions Under Risk Frontiers in Psychology
Панов Тарас Евгеньевич  Москва  2022 Минимально неголодовы кольца граней и произведения Масси Успехи математических наук
Панова Анна Алексеевна  Москва  2021 Does government support of a few leading universities have a broader impact on the higher education system? Evaluation of the Russian University Excel Research Evaluation
Панова Анна Алексеевна   2021 On the costly voting model: the mean rule Annals of Operations Research
Панова Анна Алексеевна   2021 Does Vertical University Stratification Foster or Hinder Academics’ Societal Engagement? Findings from Canada, Germany, Kazakhstan, and Russia Higher Education Policy
Панова Анна Алексеевна   2022 The adaptation of academics to the Covid-19 crisis in terms of work time allocation PLoS ONE
Панова Анна Алексеевна   2022 Global visibility of nationally published research output: the case of the post-Soviet region Scientometrics
Панова Анна Алексеевна   2022 Universities vs. research institutes? Overcoming the Soviet legacy of higher education and research Scientometrics
Парамонов Олег Геннадьевич  Москва  2021 Russia, China, and the concept of Indo-Pacific Journal of Eurasian Studies
Парфеньев Владимир Михайлович  Москва  2021 Conformational statistics of non-equilibrium polymer loops in Rouse model with active loop extrusion Journal of Chemical Physics
Парфеньев Владимир Михайлович   2021 Influence of Ekman friction on the velocity profile of a coherent vortex in a three-dimensional rotating turbulent flow Physics of Fluids
Парфеньев Владимир Михайлович   2021 Velocity profiles of cyclones and anticyclones in a rotating turbulent flow Physics of Fluids
Парфеньев Владимир Михайлович   2022 Profile of a two-dimensional vortex condensate beyond the universal limit Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
Парфеньев Владимир Михайлович   2022 Generation of stripe-like vortex flow by noncollinear waves on the water surface Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
Паршаков Петр Андреевич Пермь  2021 Does video games’ popularity affect unemployment rate? Evidence from macro-level analysis Journal of Economic Studies
Паршаков Петр Андреевич   2021 Peer Effects on Individual Performance in a Team Sport Journal of Sports Economics
Паршаков Петр Андреевич   2021 Uncertainty of outcome and attendance: Evidence from Russian Football International Journal of Sport Finance
Паршаков Петр Андреевич   2021 Rethinking the corporate digital divide: The complementarity of technologies and the demand for digital skills Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Паршаков Петр Андреевич   2022 The wisdom of crowds and transfer market values European Journal of Operational Research
Паршаков Петр Андреевич   2022 Air pollution and individual productivity: Evidence from the Ironman Triathlon results Economics and Human Biology
Паршаков Петр Андреевич   2022 Obesity and individual performance: the case of eSports International Journal of Obesity
Паршаков Петр Андреевич   2022 Team vs. individual tournament: An organizer's dilemma Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
Пасько Юлия Валерьевна  Москва  2021 Гетеротопии в художественном мире Марины Цветаевой (на материале стихотворных циклов «Ахматовой» и «Стихи к Блоку») Scando-Slavica
Пахлов Павел Николаевич  Москва  2021 Time-dependent study of KS → π + π − decays for flavour physics measurements Journal of High Energy Physics
Пахлов Павел Николаевич   2022 A new method for the measurement of the Michel parameters that describe the daughter muon polarization in the τ <sup>−</sup> → μ <sup>−</sup> ν¯<sub>μ Journal of High Energy Physics
Пелиновский Ефим Наумович  Нижний Новгород 2021 Downhole Distributed Acoustic Sensing Provides Insights Into the Structure of Short-Period Ocean-Generated Seismic Wavefield Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
Пелиновский Ефим Наумович   2021 Nonlinear Gouyon waves Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
Пелиновский Ефим Наумович   2021 Stability and interaction of compactons in the sublinear KdV equation Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
Пелиновский Ефим Наумович   2021 Decayless Kink Oscillations Excited by Random Driving: Motion in Transitional Layer Solar Physics
Пелиновский Ефим Наумович   2021 The structure of algebraic solitons and compactons in the generalized Korteweg–de Vries equation Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
Пелиновский Ефим Наумович   2021 Long wave generation and coastal amplification due to propagating atmospheric pressure disturbances Natural Hazards
Пелиновский Ефим Наумович   2021 Long-wave approximations in the description of bottom pressure Wave Motion
Пелиновский Ефим Наумович   2022 Волны Герстнера и их обобщения в гидродинамике и геофизике Успехи физических наук
Пелиновский Ефим Наумович   2022 Stability of KdV solitons with respect to transverse perturbations: Absolute and convective instabilities Physica Scripta
Пелиновский Ефим Наумович   2022 Gompertz model in COVID-19 spreading simulation Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
Пелиновский Ефим Наумович   2022 Soliton interactions with an external forcing: The modified Korteweg–de Vries framework Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
Пенская Елена Наумовна  Москва 2022 “Chief of Autographs”. Semantics of the Album Corpus by A.E. Kruchenykh[“Начальник автографов”. Семантика альбомного корпуса А.Е. Крученых] Russian Literature
Пенской Алексей Викторович  Москва 2021 An isoperimetric inequality for laplace eigenvalues on the sphere Journal of Differential Geometry
Пеплин Федор Сергеевич  Нижний Новгород 2022 Analytical and numerical investigation of the lift system stability of the air cushion vehicle fitted with closed inflated side seals Applied Ocean Research
Перекалин Дмитрий Сергеевич Москва 2022 Synthesis of Ruthenium Catalysts with a Chiral Arene Ligand Derived from Natural Camphor Synthesis
Перепечко Александр Юрьевич  Москва 2021 Injective Rota–Baxter Operators of Weight Zero on F[x] Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics
Пересецкий Анатолий Абрамович  Москва 2022 A Statistical Explanation of the Dunning–Kruger Effect Frontiers in Psychology
Петропавловский Сергей Владимирович  Москва 2022 3D time-dependent scattering about complex shapes using high order difference potentials Journal of Computational Physics
Петрухин Николай Семенович Нижний Новгород  2021 Decayless Kink Oscillations Excited by Random Driving: Motion in Transitional Layer Solar Physics
Петрухин Николай Семенович   2021 Resonant Instability of Kink Oscillations in Magnetic Flux Tubes with Siphon Flow Solar Physics
Петрухин Николай Семенович   2021 Excitation of decayless kink oscillations by random motion Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Петрухин Николай Семенович   2022 Nonlinear Generation of Fluting Perturbations by Kink Mode in a Twisted Magnetic Tube Solar Physics
Петрухин Николай Семенович   2022 Stability of KdV solitons with respect to transverse perturbations: Absolute and convective instabilities Physica Scripta
Петрухин Николай Семенович   2022 Effect of Transitional Layer on Frequency of Kink Oscillations Solar Physics
Печенкова Екатерина Васильевна  Москва 2021 Sensory integration in interoception: Interplay between top-down and bottom-up processing Cortex
Печенкова Екатерина Васильевна   2022 Enhancing Brain Connectivity With Infra-Low Frequency Neurofeedback During Aging: A Pilot Study Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
Печенкова Екатерина Васильевна   2022 The effect of prolonged spaceflight on cerebrospinal fluid and perivascular spaces of astronauts and cosmonauts Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Печенкова Екатерина Васильевна   2022 Vision for Perception and Vision for Action in Space Travelers Frontiers in Physiology
Печенкова Екатерина Васильевна   2022 Brain Connectometry Changes in Space Travelers After Long-Duration Spaceflight Frontiers in Neural Circuits
Пимонова Светлана Александровна  Нижний Новгород 2022 What Makes Agile Software Development Agile? IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
Пионтковский Дмитрий Игоревич   Москва 2021 Artificial Text Detection via Examining the Topology of Attention Maps Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)
Пионтковский Дмитрий Игоревич   2021 Wilf Classes of Non-symmetric Operads ISSAC '21: Proceedings of the 2021 on International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
Пирковский Алексей Юльевич   Москва 2022 Topological amenability and Köthe co-echelon algebras Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis
Писарев Василий Вячеславович   Москва 2021 Morphological aspect of crystal nucleation in wall-confined supercooled metallic film Journal of Physics Condensed Matter
Писарев Василий Вячеславович   2021 Predicting shear viscosity of 1,1-diphenylethane at high pressures by molecular dynamics methods Fluid Phase Equilibria
Писарев Василий Вячеславович   2022 Couette flow of pentane in clay nanopores: Molecular dynamics simulation Journal of Molecular Liquids
Писарев Василий Вячеславович   2022 Atomistic simulations of ettringite and its aqueous interfaces: Structure and properties revisited with the modified ClayFF force field Cement and Concrete Research
Писарев Василий Вячеславович   2022 Two-temperature molecular dynamics simulations of crystal growth in a tungsten supercooled melt Journal of Physics Condensed Matter
Писарев Василий Вячеславович   2022 Pair entropy and universal viscosity scaling for molecular systems via molecular dynamics simulations Journal of Molecular Liquids
Писляков Владимир Владимирович   Москва 2021 A big picture: bibliometric study of academic publications from post-Soviet countries Scientometrics
Писляков Владимир Владимирович   2022 On some properties of medians, percentiles, baselines, and thresholds in empirical bibliometric analysis Journal of Informetrics
Питербарг Владимир Ильич  Москва  2021 Extremes of a class of non-stationary Gaussian processes and maximal deviation of projection density estimates Extremes
Плахотник Мария Сергеевна  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Has IMRD become IMRDi in management journals? Implications as an independent structural component of research articles Learned Publishing
Плахотник Мария Сергеевна   2021 The Perceived Impact of COVID-19 on Student Well-Being and the Mediating Role of the University Support: Evidence From France, Germany, Russia, and th Frontiers in Psychology
Плахотник Мария Сергеевна   2021 Communication clarity in calls for papers issued by journal special issues: First impressions matter Learned Publishing
Плахотник Мария Сергеевна   2022 Co-authoring with undergraduate students: An emerging process from the semi-periphery of the world of science Learned Publishing
Плахотник Мария Сергеевна   2022 Differentiating Between Conceptual and Theory Articles: Focus, Goals, and Approaches Human Resource Development Review
Плюснин Юрий Михайлович  Москва 2021 Single-Item Chronotyping (SIC), a method to self-assess diurnal types by using 6 simple charts Personality and Individual Differences
Плюснин Юрий Михайлович   2022 Russian Provincial Society. An Empirical Analysis Russian Provincial Society. An Empirical Analysis
Поволоцкий Александр Маркович  Москва 2021 Exact densities of loops in O(1) dense loop model and of clusters in critical percolation on a cylinder Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
Подкопаев Олег Борисович Санкт-Петербург  2022 On the functional equation f(αx+β)=f(x) Aequationes Mathematicae
Подольский Андрей Ильич  Москва 2022 Understanding self-regulated learning through the lens of motivation: Motivational regulation strategies vary with students’ motives International Journal of Educational Research
Подъячева Евгения Сергеевна Москва 2022 Syngas Instead of Hydrogen Gas as a Reducing Agent─A Strategy To Improve the Selectivity and Efficiency of Organometallic Catalysts ACS Catalysis
Подъячева Евгения Сергеевна   2022  Borrowing Hydrogen Amination Reactions: A Complex Analysis of Trends and Correlations of the Various Reaction Parameters  ACS Catalysis
Пожидаев Евгений Димитриевич Москва  2021 Radiation-induced conductivity in polyethyleneterephthalate and polyimide: Trap distribution effects Results in Physics
Позаненко Алексей Степанович  Москва 2021 Stellar interferometry for gravitational waves Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Позаненко Алексей Степанович   2022 The Peculiar Short-duration GRB 200826A and Its Supernova Astrophysical Journal
Позаненко Алексей Степанович   2022 Probing into emission mechanisms of GRB 190530A using time-resolved spectra and polarization studies: Synchrotron origin? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Позаненко Алексей Степанович   2022 GRB 110213A: A Study of Afterglow Electromagnetic Cascade Radiation Astrophysical Journal
Пойдашев Денис Георгиевич   Москва 2022 Ultrafast Dissociation Dynamics Induced in [Fe(CO)5]nXem Mixed Clusters by Resonant Femtosecond Infrared Laser Radiation ACS Omega
Понарин Эдуард Дмитриевич  Москва  2021 Social conformity and prejudice toward immigrants: the role of political messaging Social Influence
Пономарев Александр Александрович   Москва 2022 Kinetics of charged species in non-equilibrium plasma in water vapor- and hydrocarbon-containing gaseous mixtures Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
Пономаренко Александр Александрович  Нижний Новгород 2021 Overlapping community detection in networks based on link partitioning and partitioning around medoids PLoS ONE
Попеленский Федор Юрьевич  Москва 2022 О кольцах когомологий частично проективных кватернионных многообразий Штифеля Математический сборник
Попель Сергей Игоревич  Москва 2021 Some aspects of modulational interaction in Earth's dusty ionosphere Physics of Plasmas
Попель Сергей Игоревич   2022 Dust and dusty plasma effects in Schumann resonances on Mars: Comparison with Earth Icarus
Попель Сергей Игоревич   2022 Dust dynamics in the lunar dusty plasmas: Effects of magnetic fields and dust charge variations Physics of Plasmas
Попов Алексей Алексеевич  Москва 2022 Socialist Construction for Siberia: Comecon Cooperation and the Making of Ust'-Ilimsk Forest Industrial Complex in the USSR, 1970s and 1980s Journal of Contemporary History
Попов Виктор Юрьевич  Москва 2021 MMS Observations of Super Thin Electron-Scale Current Sheets in the Earth's Magnetotail JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS
Попов Виктор Юрьевич   2021 Earth's Magnetotail as the Reservoir of Accelerated Single- and Multicharged Oxygen Ions Replenishing Radiation Belts JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS
Попов Виктор Юрьевич   2022 Equilibrium Configurations of Super-Thin Current Sheets in Space Plasma: Characteristic Scaling of Multilayer Structures JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS
Попов Виктор Юрьевич   2022 Migrating Dynamo Waves and Consequences for Stellar Current Sheets Solar Physics
Попов Владимир Леонидович  Москва 2021 Root systems in number fields Indiana University Mathematics Journal
Попов Владимир Леонидович   2022 Групповые многообразия и групповые структуры Известия РАН. Серия математическая
Попов Роман Аркадиевич  Москва 2021 Economic performance of Russian regions’ capital cities Area Development and Policy
Попова Елена Арнольдовна  Москва 2021 Thermal and magnetic properties and optical spectroscopy of Cr3 BO34 Physical Review Materials
Попова Светлана Николаевна  Москва 2021 О распределениях однородных и выпуклых функций от гауссовских случайных величин Известия РАН. Серия математическая
Попцова Мария Сергеевна  Москва 2021 Comprehensive analysis of cancer breakpoints reveals signatures of genetic and epigenetic contribution to cancer genome rearrangements PLoS Computational Biology
Попцова Мария Сергеевна   2022 Z-RNA and the Flipside of the SARS Nsp13 Helicase: Is There a Role for Flipons in Coronavirus-Induced Pathology? Frontiers in Immunology
Попцова Мария Сергеевна   2022 ADAR1 masks the cancer immunotherapeutic promise of ZBP1-driven necroptosis Nature
Починка Ольга Витальевна Нижний Новгород  2021 Solution of the 33rd Palis-Pugh problem for gradient-like diffeomorphisms of a two-dimensional sphere Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems
Починка Ольга Витальевна   2021 On the Number of the Classes of Topological Conjugacy of Pixton Diffeomorphisms Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems
Починка Ольга Витальевна   2021 Construction of the Morse – Bott Energy Function for Regular Topological Flows Regular and Chaotic Dynamics
Починка Ольга Витальевна   2021 Existence of an energy function for three-dimensional chaotic "sink-source" cascades Chaos
Починка Ольга Витальевна   2021 On existence of Morse energy function for topological flows Advances in Mathematics
Починка Ольга Витальевна   2021 Combinatorial invariant for Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms on surfaces with orientable heteroclinic Chaos
Починка Ольга Витальевна   2022 О бифуркациях, меняющих гомотопический тип замыкания инвариантного седлового многообразия диффеоморфизма поверхности Математический сборник
Починка Ольга Витальевна   2022 Non-singular Morse-Smale flows on n-manifolds with attractor-repeller dynamics Nonlinearity
Починка Ольга Витальевна   2022 Components of Stable Isotopy Connectedness of Morse – Smale Diffeomorphisms Regular and Chaotic Dynamics
Прахов Илья Аркадьевич   Москва 2021 The determinants of expected returns on higher education in Russia: A human capital theory approach Higher Education Quarterly
Прахов Илья Аркадьевич   2021 Gender differences in pay among university faculty in Russia Higher Education Quarterly
Прахов Илья Аркадьевич   2021 The determinants of faculty pay in Russian universities: incentive contracts European Journal of Higher Education
Преображенская Анастасия Александровна   Москва 2022 "Се пядию моею измѣрих небо и землю": некоторые комментарии к Хоженью игумена Даниила XII в. Studi Slavistici
Пресняков Семен Андреевич  Москва  2021 Extraction of Thickness and Water-Content Gradients in Hydrogel-Based Water-Backed Corneal Phantoms Via Submillimeter-Wave Reflectometry IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology
Притула Антон Дмитриевич  Москва  2021 Pulling a yoke through the white field: East syriac poetic paraphrases of scribal rhetoric Aramaic Studies
Прокофьев Вадим Николаевич   Москва 2021 Public Personnel Job Satisfaction and Retention: The Effects of Perceived Image and Prestige of Government Jobs International Journal of Public Administration
Прокофьева Екатерина Николаевна   Москва 2022 Development of accelerated methods for calculating the pattern of current spreading over the surface of spacecraft Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate
Промыслов Валентин Валерьевич   Москва 2022 Pairs of maps preserving singularity on subsets of matrix algebras Linear Algebra and Its Applications
Проскурякова Лилиана Николаевна   Москва 2021 Energy inequality in the Eurasian Economic Union Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Проскурякова Лилиана Николаевна   2022 The interaction of environmental systems and human development in a time of wild cards. A big data enhanced foresight study Journal of Environmental Management
Прохоров Артем Вячеславович   Москва 2021 The Hero’s Journey and Three Types of Metaphor in Pixar Animation Metaphor and Symbol
Прусова Ирина Сергеевна   Москва 2021 A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic Nature Human Behaviour
Прусова Ирина Сергеевна   2022 A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Пугач Наталия Григорьевна   Москва 2021 Magnonic control of the superconducting spin valve by magnetization reorientation in a helimagnet Applied Physics Letters
Пугач Наталия Григорьевна   2021 The inverse proximity effect in strong ferromagnet–superconductor structures Superconductor Science and Technology
Пугач Наталия Григорьевна   2022 Switchable spiral Josephson junction: A superconducting spin-valve proposal Superconductor Science and Technology
Пугач Наталия Григорьевна   2022 Superconducting Spin Valves Based on a Single Spiral Magnetic Layer Physical Review Applied
Пудалов Владимир Моисеевич   Москва 2021 Измерение магнитных свойств электронов проводимости Успехи физических наук
Пудалов Владимир Моисеевич   2021 Layered van der Waals Topological Metals of TaTMTe4 (TM = Ir, Rh, Ru) Family Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
Пудалов Владимир Моисеевич   2021 Superconductivity at 253 K in lanthanum–yttrium ternary hydrides Materials Today
Пудалов Владимир Моисеевич   2021 Magnetic field driven redistribution between extended and localized electronic states in high-mobility Si MOSFETs at low temperatures Physical Review B
Пудалов Владимир Моисеевич   2021 Anomalous High-Temperature Superconductivity in YH6 Advanced Materials
Пудалов Владимир Моисеевич   2022 Новый магнитный сверхпроводник стехиометрического состава EuRbFe4As4 Успехи физических наук
Пудалов Владимир Моисеевич   2022 Высокотемпературная сверхпроводимость в гидридах Успехи физических наук
Пудалов Владимир Моисеевич   2022 Magnetic resonances in EuSn<sub>2</sub>As<sub>2</sub> single crystal Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Пудалов Владимир Моисеевич   2022 Antiferromagnetic resonances in twinned EuFe2 As2 single crystals Physical Review B
Пучкин Никита Андреевич  Москва  2021 Exponential savings in agnostic active learning through abstention Proceedings of Machine Learning Research
Пучкин Никита Андреевич   2022 Structure-adaptive Manifold Estimation Journal of Machine Learning Research
Пучкин Никита Андреевич   2022 Exponential Savings in Agnostic Active Learning Through Abstention IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Пушкарев Евгений Александрович  Санкт-Петербург 2022 States of idiosyncratic idealized cognitive models in acts of pragmatic meaning Language Sciences
Пятов Павел Николаевич   Москва  2021 Cayley–Hamilton theorem for symplectic quantum matrix algebras Journal of Geometry and Physics
Пятов Павел Николаевич   2021 Quantum matrix algebras of BMW type: Structure of the characteristic subalgebra Journal of Geometry and Physics
Рабинович Александр Соломонович   Москва  2021 On transverse progressive waves in Yang–Mills fields European Physical Journal Plus
Радаев Вадим Валерьевич   Москва  2021 Decline in alcohol consumption in Russia: Collectivity or polarisation? Drug and Alcohol Review
Ракитин Денис Романович  Москва   2021 Leveraging Recursive Gumbel-Max Trick for Approximate Inference in Combinatorial Spaces Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (NeurIPS 2021)
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   Москва  2021 Evidence of a J/ψΛ structure and observation of excited Ξ- states in the Ξb -→J/ψΛK- decay Science Bulletin
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Observation of the suppressed Λb0 →dpK- decay with D →k+π- and measurement of its CP asymmetry Physical Review D
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Simultaneous determination of CKM angle γ and charm mixing parameters Journal of High Energy Physics
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Search for the doubly charmed baryon Ξcc+ in the Ξc+π−π+ final state Journal of High Energy Physics
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Updated search for Bc+ decays to two charm mesons Journal of High Energy Physics
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Measurement of J/ψ production cross-sections in pp collisions at √s = 5 TeV Journal of High Energy Physics
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 First measurement of the CP -violating phase in Bs0→J/ψ(→ e+e-) ϕ decays European Physical Journal C
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Search for CP violation in Ξb- →pK-K- decays Physical Review D
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Search for the doubly heavy baryons Ωbc0and Ξbc0decaying to Λc+π- And Ξc+π- And c Chinese Physics C
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Observation of New Resonances Decaying to J /ψK+ and J /ψφ Physical Review Letters
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Precise measurement of the fs /fd ratio of fragmentation fractions and of Bs0 decay branching fractions Physical Review D
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Observation of new excited Bs0 states European Physical Journal C
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Simulating the time projection chamber responses at the MPD detector using generative adversarial networks European Physical Journal C
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Angular analysis of B0→D∗−Ds∗+ with Ds∗+→Ds+γ decays Journal of High Energy Physics
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Measurement of the prompt-production cross-section ratio σ(χc2)/σ(χc1) in pPb collisions at sNN =8.16 TeV Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Searches for 25 rare and forbidden decays of D + and Ds+ mesons Journal of High Energy Physics
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Search for CP violation in D(s)+→h+π0 and D(s)+→h+η decays Journal of High Energy Physics
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Observation of the decay Λb0 → χc1pπ− Journal of High Energy Physics
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Angular Analysis of the B+ →k∗+μ+μ- Decay Physical Review Letters
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Observation of the Λb0→Λc+K+K−π− decay Physics Letters B
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Measurement of the branching fraction of the B0→Ds+π- decay European Physical Journal C
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Measurement of CP observables in B± → D(*)K± and B± → D(*) π ± decays using two-body D final states Journal of High Energy Physics
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Search for the rare decay B 0→ J/ψv Chinese Physics C
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Observation of a New Excited Ds+ Meson in B0 →d-D+K+π-Decays Physical Review Letters
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Observation of Multiplicity Dependent Prompt χc1 (3872) and ψ (2S) Production in pp Collisions Physical Review Letters
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Measurement of CP Violation in the Decay B+ →k+π0 Physical Review Letters
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Measurement of the CKM angle γ and Bs0‐B¯s0 mixing frequency with Bs0→Ds∓h±π±π∓ decays Journal of High Energy Physics
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Search for long-lived particles decaying to e± μ∓ ν European Physical Journal C
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Search for heavy neutral leptons in W+→μ+μ±jet decays European Physical Journal C
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Observation of CP violation in two-body B(s)0 -meson decays to charged pions and kaons Journal of High Energy Physics
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Observation of the Bs0 → D *± D ∓ decay Journal of High Energy Physics
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 First Observation of the Decay Bs0 →K-μ+νμ and a Measurement of |Vub | / |Vcb | Physical Review Letters
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Measurement of differential bb¯ - and cc¯ -dijet cross-sections in the forward region of pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV Journal of High Energy Physics
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Measurement of the CKM angle γ in B ± → DK ± and B ± → Dπ ± decays with D → KS0 h + h − Journal of High Energy Physics
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Study of Bs0 → J/ψπ+π−K+K− decays Journal of High Energy Physics
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2021 Observation of a new Ξb0 state Physical Review D
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2022 Measurement of the lifetimes of promptly produced Ωc0 and Ξc0 baryons Science Bulletin
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2022 Analysis of Neutral B-Meson Decays into Two Muons Physical Review Letters
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2022 Study of the doubly charmed tetraquark Tcc+ Nature Communications
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2022 First Measurement of the Z →μ+μ- Angular Coefficients in the Forward Region of pp Collisions at s =13 TeV Physical Review Letters
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2022 Angular Analysis of D0 ?p+p-µ+µ- and D0 ?k+K-µ+µ- Decays and Search for CP Violation Physical Review Letters
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2022 Study of coherent J/ψ production in lead-lead collisions at √sNN = 5 TeV Journal of High Energy Physics
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2022 Constraints on the CKM angle γ from B <sup> ±</sup> → Dh <sup> ±</sup> decays using D → h <sup> ±</sup> h′<sup>∓</sup> π <sup>0</sup> final states Journal of High Energy Physics
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2022 Observation of the Decay Λb0 → Λc+ τ- ν ¯ τ Physical Review Letters
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2022 Search for massive long-lived particles decaying semileptonically at √s=13TeV European Physical Journal C
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2022 Observation of the doubly charmed baryon decay Ξcc++→Ξc′+<sup>π+</sup> Journal of High Energy Physics
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2022 Tests of Lepton Universality Using B0 ? KS0 â„“+â„“- and B+ ?k*+â„“+â„“- Decays Physical Review Letters
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2022 Measurement of the charm mixing parameter yCP- yCPKπ using two-body D0 meson decays Physical Review D
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2022 Observation of Two New Excited Ξb0 States Decaying to Λb0 K-π+ Physical Review Letters
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2022 Measurement of the Nuclear Modification Factor and Prompt Charged Particle Production in p-Pb and pp Collisions at sNN =5 TeV Physical Review Letters
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2022 Measurement of the photon polarization in Λb0 → Λγ decays Physical Review D
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2022 Test of lepton universality in beauty-quark decays Nature Physics
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2022 Observation of the B0 → D ¯ ∗0K+π- and Bs0 → D ¯ ∗0K-π+ decays Physical Review D
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2022 J/ψ photoproduction in Pb-Pb peripheral collisions at sNN =5 TeV Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2022 Searches for rare Bs0 and B <sup>0</sup> decays into four muons Journal of High Energy Physics
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2022 Study of Z Bosons Produced in Association with Charm in the Forward Region Physical Review Letters
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2022 Evidence for a New Structure in the J /ψp and J /ψ p ¯ Systems in Bs0 →J /ψp p ¯ Decays Physical Review Letters
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2022 Measurement of χ<sub>c1</sub>(3872) production in proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 and 13 TeV Journal of High Energy Physics
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2022 Measurement of prompt charged-particle production in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV Journal of High Energy Physics
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2022 Study of Bc+ decays to charmonia and three light hadrons Journal of High Energy Physics
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2022 Measurement of the Bs0 →μ+μ- decay properties and search for the B0 →μ+μ- and Bs0 →μ+μ-γ decays Physical Review D
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2022 Search for the radiative Ξb− → Ξ<sup> −</sup> γ decay Journal of High Energy Physics
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2022 Measurement of the W boson mass Journal of High Energy Physics
Ратников Федор Дмитриевич   2022 Precise determination of the Bs0 – B¯s0 oscillation frequency Nature Physics
Рахилина Екатерина Владимировна  Москва   2022 Russian literature of the nineteenth century. Towards a linguistic commentary: The case of a hero of our time By Mikhail Lermontov[Русская классика XI Russian Literature
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Рахуба Максим Владимирович  Москва   2021 Spectral Tensor Train Parameterization of Deep Learning Layers Proceedings of Machine Learning Research
Рахуба Максим Владимирович   2021 Cherry-Picking Gradients: Learning Low-Rank Embeddings of Visual Data via Differentiable Cross-Approximation Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021
Рахуба Максим Владимирович   2021 Robust alternating direction implicit solver in quantized tensor formats for a three-dimensional elliptic PDE SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing
Рахуба Максим Владимирович   2022 Towards Practical Control of Singular Values of Convolutional Layers Thirty-Sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems : NeurIPS 2022
Рахуба Максим Владимирович   2022 Tensor rank bounds for point singularities in ℝ<sup>3</sup> Advances in Computational Mathematics
Рахуба Максим Владимирович   2022 Low-rank tensor approximation of singularly perturbed boundary value problems in one dimension Calcolo
Рахуба Максим Владимирович   2022 Local convergence of alternating low-rank optimization methods with overrelaxation Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
Ребязина Вера Александровна  Москва   2022 Consumer Responses to COVID Policy Across the World: The Role of Community Resilience Journal of International Marketing
Ревякин Сергей Анатольевич  Москва   2022 Personal privacy VS. public safety: A hybrid model of the use of smart city solutions in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic in Moscow Public Administration and Development
Резник Александр Валерьевич Санкт-Петербург  2022 The Genesis of the Cult of Trotsky in the Russian Civil War History
Ремизова Маргарита Васильевна  Москва 2021 Diversity, development and evolution of archegonia in land plants Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society
Ремизова Маргарита Васильевна   2021 Floral structure in Thismia (Thismiaceae: Dioscoreales): new insights from anatomy, vasculature and development Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society
Репеев Юрий Александрович  Москва 2021 Ultrafast and slow Mn2+ luminescence in lithium tetraborate Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Ринкон Эрнандес Карлос Хоакин  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Price distortions and municipal bonds premiums: evidence from Switzerland Financial Innovation
Ровнов Юрий Евгеньевич  Москва 2021 EU-Ukraine Arbitration: Will WTO Law Become More Deferential Outside the WTO? Journal of World Trade
Ровнов Юрий Евгеньевич   2022 DSU Article 11 Violations: A Statistical Exercise Journal of International Economic Law
Родионова Юлия Дмитриевна  Москва 2021 Conflict resolution practice in public procurement: evidence from Russia International Journal of Conflict Management
Родионова Юлия Дмитриевна   2022 Public procurement transaction costs: a country-level assessment Public Money and Management
Родионова Юлия Дмитриевна   2022 Public Procurement Efficiency as Perceived by Market Participants: The Case of Russia International Journal of Public Administration
Родригес Залепинос Рамон Антонио Москва  2021 Array dbms: Past, present, and (near) future PROCEEDINGS OF THE VLDB ENDOWMENT
Родригес Залепинос Рамон Антонио   2021 Convergence of Array DBMS and Cellular Automata: A Road Traffic Simulation Case SIGMOD/PODS '21: Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Management of Data
Родригес Залепинос Рамон Антонио   2022 WebArrayDB: A Geospatial Array DBMS in Your Web Browser PROCEEDINGS OF THE VLDB ENDOWMENT
Родригес Залепинос Рамон Антонио   2022 SimDB in Action: Road Traffic Simulations Completely Inside Array DBMS PROCEEDINGS OF THE VLDB ENDOWMENT
Рожков Максим Игоревич Москва  2022 Adapting supply chain operations in anticipation of and during the COVID-19 pandemic Omega
Рожков Михаил Иванович  Москва 2021 Some conditions for absence of affine functions in NFSR output stream Designs, Codes, and Cryptography
Рожкова Ксения Викторовна Москва 2022 Determinants of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and resistance in Russia Vaccine
Розмаинский Иван Вадимович  Санкт-Петербург 2022 The non-financial private firms’ sector of Spain in 2011–2017: the financial fragility hypothesis-based analysis International Review of Applied Economics
Ройтерштейн Дмитрий Михайлович  Москва  2021 Accessing mononuclear triphenylcyclopentadienyl lanthanide complexes by using tridentate nitrogen ligands: Synthesis, structure, luminescence, and cat Organometallics
Ройтерштейн Дмитрий Михайлович   2022 Luminescence sensitization of the Nd<sup>3+</sup> ion in diphenyl(9-antnracenyl)cyclopentadienyl complexes containing antenna-ligand with extended π-s Inorganica Chimica Acta
Ройтерштейн Дмитрий Михайлович   2022 Cyclopentadienyl lanthanide borohydrides derived from the unsubstituted cyclopentadienyl ligand. Unprecedented structural diversity and ε-caprolactone Inorganica Chimica Acta
Романов Александр Владимирович  Москва  2021 Final dynamics of systems of nonlinear parabolic equations AIMS MATHEMATICS
Романов Александр Юрьевич  Москва  2021 Adaptive Dynamic Shortest Path Search Algorithm in Networks-on-Chip Based on Circulant Topologies IEEE Access
Романов Александр Юрьевич   2021 Analysis of Posit and Bfloat Arithmetic of Real Numbers for Machine Learning IEEE Access
Романов Александр Юрьевич   2022 Driving an innovation contest into crisis Communications of the ACM
Романов Игорь Викторович  Москва  2021 Exact Bounded Boundary Controllability to Rest for the Two-Dimensional Wave Equation Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
Романова Ирина Ивановна  Москва  2021 Analysis of Posit and Bfloat Arithmetic of Real Numbers for Machine Learning IEEE Access
Романова Марина Олеговна  Москва  2021 A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic Nature Human Behaviour
Романова Марина Олеговна   2022 A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Романова Татьяна Алексеевна  Москва  2021 Russia's political discourse on the EU's energy transition (2014–2019) and its effect on EU-Russia energy relations Energy Policy
Романюк Кирилл Андреевич  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the US Credit Default Swap Market Complexity
Романюк Кирилл Андреевич   2022 Are CDS spreads predictable during the Covid-19 pandemic? Forecasting based on SVM, GMDH, LSTM and Markov switching autoregression Expert Systems with Applications
Ротмистров Алексей Николаевич  Москва  2022 How to choose an approach to handling missing categorical data: (un)expected findings from a simulated statistical experiment Quality and Quantity
Рощин Сергей Юрьевич  Москва  2022 Determinants of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and resistance in Russia Vaccine
Рощин Сергей Юрьевич   2022 Horizontal job-education mismatches and earnings of university graduates in Russia Journal of Education and Work
Рощина Яна Михайловна  Москва  2021 Decline in alcohol consumption in Russia: Collectivity or polarisation? Drug and Alcohol Review
Рощина Яна Михайловна   2022 Determinants of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and resistance in Russia Vaccine
Рубачёв Иван Викторович   2021 Revisiting Deep Learning Models for Tabular Data Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (NeurIPS 2021)
Рубачёв Иван Викторович  Москва  2022 On Embeddings for Numerical Features in Tabular Deep Learning Thirty-Sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems : NeurIPS 2022
Рубин Александр Юрьевич Санкт-Петербург  2021 Managing Collective Action: Government-Sponsored Community Initiatives in Russia Europe-Asia Studies
Руденко Дмитрий Юрьевич  Санкт-Петербург 2022 The determinants of energy intensity in Indonesia International Journal of Emerging Markets
Руднев Павел Владимирович  Москва  2021 Linearization constraints on sentential negation in Russian Sign Language are prosodic Sign Language & Linguistics
Руднев Павел Владимирович   2021 Against Upwards Agree Linguistic Review
Руднев Павел Владимирович   2022 Multifunctionality and syncretism in non-finite forms: An introduction Folia Linguistica
Русинова Вера Николаевна   2022 Privacy and the legalisation of mass surveillance: in search of a second wind for international human rights law International Journal of Human Rights
Рыбаков Михаил Николаевич  Москва  2021 Complexity of finite-variable fragments of products with K. Journal of Logic and Computation
Рыбаков Михаил Николаевич   2021 Algorithmic properties of first-order superintuitionistic logics of finite Kripke frames in restricted languages Journal of Logic and Computation
Рыбаков Михаил Николаевич   2022 Undecidability of the Logic of Partial Quasiary Predicates Logic Journal of the IGPL
Рыбников Леонид Григорьевич  Москва  2022 Spectra of Bethe subalgebras of Y(gl<sub>n</sub>) in tame representations Letters in Mathematical Physics
Рябинин Максим Константинович  Москва  2021 Scaling Ensemble Distribution Distillation to Many Classes with Proxy Targets Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (NeurIPS 2021)
Рябинин Максим Константинович   2021 Distributed Deep Learning In Open Collaborations Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (NeurIPS 2021)
Рябинин Максим Константинович   2021 Moshpit SGD: Communication-Efficient Decentralized Training on Heterogeneous Unreliable Devices Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (NeurIPS 2021)
Рябинин Максим Константинович   2022 Secure Distributed Training at Scale Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning
Рябиченко Татьяна Анатольевна Москва   2022 How shall we all live together?: Meta-analytical review of the mutual intercultural relations in plural societies project Applied Psychology
Ряпина Наталья Евгеньевна  Пермь 2021 Clarity and Immediacy in Technology Mediated Communication between Teachers and Students in Tertiary Education in Russia Communication Studies
Саакян Сергей Арамович  Москва  2021 Measurement of the photoionization cross section of the lithium 2P 3/2state in a magneto-optical trap with a UV-light-emitting diode Measurement Science and Technology
Саакян Сергей Арамович   2022 Photoionization cross section of first excited state of lithium Spectrochimica Acta - Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy
Саакян Сергей Арамович   2022 Spectral profiles of strongly saturated resonance transitions in high-density rb vapor Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer
Савин Никита Юрьевич  Москва  2021 The effect of risk framing on support for restrictive government policy regarding the COVID-19 outbreak PLoS ONE
Савина Ольга Николаевна Нижний Новгород  2021 Electromagnetic pulse amplification in a magnetized nearly stable plasma layer Results in Physics
Савина Ольга Николаевна   2022 Hausdorf dimension of electromagnetic chorus emissions in their excitation region according to Van Allen probe data Results in Physics
Савченко Андрей Владимирович  Нижний Новгород 2021 Fast inference in convolutional neural networks based on sequential three-way decisions Information Sciences
Савченко Андрей Владимирович   2021 Efficient video face recognition based on frame selection and quality assessment PeerJ Computer Science
Савченко Андрей Владимирович   2022 Gain-optimized spectral distortions for pronunciation training Optimization Letters
Савченко Андрей Владимирович   2022 Sequential analysis in Fourier probabilistic neural networks Expert Systems with Applications
Савченко Андрей Владимирович   2022 Classifying emotions and engagement in online learning based on a single facial expression recognition neural network IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing
Савченко Андрей Владимирович   2022 Temporal network embedding framework with causal anonymous walks representations PeerJ Computer Science
Савченко Андрей Владимирович   2022 Preference prediction based on a photo gallery analysis with scene recognition and object detection Pattern Recognition
Савченко Людмила Васильевна Нижний Новгород  2022 Gain-optimized spectral distortions for pronunciation training Optimization Letters
Савченко Людмила Васильевна   2022 Classifying emotions and engagement in online learning based on a single facial expression recognition neural network IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing
Саенко Владимир Степанович  Москва 2021 Radiation-induced conductivity in polyethyleneterephthalate and polyimide: Trap distribution effects Results in Physics
Саенко Владимир Степанович   2021 Radiation-induced conductivity in polystyrene, a common insulating polymer with a hopping conduction Journal of Applied Physics
Саенко Владимир Степанович   2022 Numerical analysis of the radiation-induced conductivity in polymers in a large-signal regime Journal of Applied Physics
Саенко Владимир Степанович   2022 Radiation-induced conductivity in polystyrene at extremely low (79 K) temperature Journal of Applied Physics
Сазонов Сергей Юрьевич   Москва 2021 First tidal disruption events discovered by SRG/eROSITA: X-ray/optical properties and X-ray luminosity function at z < 0.6 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Саидов Зокиржон Баходурович   Москва 2021 The past, the present, and the foreseeable future of Russian manufacturing subsidiaries of Western multinational corporations Journal of Eurasian Studies
Саидов Зокиржон Баходурович   2021 Rituals of opening ceremonies of overseas manufacturing facilities of multinational corporations in Russia Thunderbird International Business Review
Саликов Ринат Фаритович   Москва 2021 Electron deficient cyclopentadienolate in the synthesis of chromophores with mono- and poly-cyclic hydrazonocyclopentadiene acceptor moieties Dyes and Pigments
Саликов Ринат Фаритович   2022 Superphotoacidic properties and pH-switched Stokes shifts in electron-deficient 5-hydroxyisoquinolone derivatives Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry
Салтан Андрей Анатольевич  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Bridging the state-of-the-art and the state-of-the-practice of SaaS pricing: A multivocal literature review Information and Software Technology
Салтыкова Анастасия Дмитриевна  Пермь 2021 Multimodal Assessment of the Motor System in Patients with Chronic Ischemic Stroke Stroke
Самарина Ирина Владимировна  Москва 2021 A Grammar of May: An Austroasiatic Language of Vietnam A Grammar of May: An Austroasiatic Language of Vietnam
Самойленко Иван Александрович  Санкт-Петербург 2022 Vector centrality in hypergraphs Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
Самсонов Сергей Владимирович  Москва 2021 Variance reduction for dependent sequences with applications to Stochastic Gradient MCMC SIAM-ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification
Самсонов Сергей Владимирович   2021 On the Stability of Random Matrix Product with Markovian Noise: Application to Linear Stochastic Approximation and TD Learning Proceedings of Machine Learning Research
Самсонов Сергей Владимирович   2022 BR-SNIS: Bias Reduced Self-Normalized Importance Sampling Thirty-Sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems : NeurIPS 2022
Самсонов Сергей Владимирович   2022 From Dirichlet to Rubin: Optimistic Exploration in RL without Bonuses Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning
Самсонов Сергей Владимирович   2022 Local-Global MCMC kernels: the best of both worlds Thirty-Sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems : NeurIPS 2022
Самсонов Сергей Владимирович   2022 Variance reduction for additive functionals of Markov chains via martingale representations Statistics and Computing
Самылина Евгения Александровна  Нижний Новгород 2021 On scenarios of the onset of homoclinic attractors in three-dimensional non-orientable maps Chaos
Самылина Евгения Александровна   2022 On 1:3 Resonance Under Reversible Perturbations of Conservative Cubic Hénon Maps Regular and Chaotic Dynamics
Санина Анна Георгиевна  Санкт-Петербург 2022 Attitudes to Putin-Era Patriotism Amongst Russia’s ‘In Between’ Generation Europe-Asia Studies
Сариева Ирена Ремаевна  Москва 2021 How Do Russians Perceive and Justify the Status Quo: Insights From Adapting the System Justification Scales Frontiers in Psychology
Сариева Ирена Ремаевна   2021 A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic Nature Human Behaviour
Сариева Ирена Ремаевна   2022 A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Саритас Оздчан  Москва 2021 Big data augmentated business trend identification: the case of mobile commerce Scientometrics
Саритас Оздчан   2022 The evolution of Foresight: What evidence is there in scientific publications? Futures
Сатанин Аркадий Михайлович   Москва 2022 Управление состояниями в сверхпроводниковых квантовых процессорах Успехи физических наук
Сатанин Аркадий Михайлович   2022 Fano-type Effect in Hydrogen-Terminated Pure Nanodiamond Nano Letters
Сатанин Аркадий Михайлович   2022 Sub-nanosecond operations on superconducting quantum register based on Ramsey patterns Superconductor Science and Technology
Сатанин Аркадий Михайлович   2022 A superconducting adiabatic neuron in a quantum regime Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology
Сафонов Клим Андреевич  Нижний Новгород 2021 Entropy charts and bifurcations for Lorenz maps with infinite derivatives Chaos
Сафонов Клим Андреевич   2021 Reversible perturbations of conservative Hénon-like maps Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems
Сафонов Клим Андреевич   2022 Antisymmetric Diffeomorphisms and Bifurcations of a Double Conservative Hénon Map Regular and Chaotic Dynamics
Сафранчук Иван Алексеевич  Москва 2021 Russia, China, and the concept of Indo-Pacific Journal of Eurasian Studies
Сафроненко Евгений Владимирович Санкт-Петербург  2021 Extremal convex bodies for affine measures of symmetry Studia Mathematica
Свердлов Михаил Игоревич  Москва 2021 The life and death of Kuz’ka Probkin, or the story of how the Pionerskaia pravda newspaper took over Pioneer magazine Russian Literature
Свитанько Игорь Валентинович  Москва 2021 Preliminary modelling as the first stage of targeted organic synthesis Успехи химии
Севастьянов Сергей Витальевич  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Development institutions of the Russian Far East and Asia-Pacific countries: Goals, instruments, and results in comparative perspective Asian Politics and Policy
Северова Елена Эрастовна  Москва 2021 Ornithogenic vegetation: How significant has the seabird influence been on the Aleutian Island vegetation during the Holocene? Ecology and Evolution
Седов Игорь Владимирович Москва  2021 Utilization of renewable sources of biogas for small-scale production of liquid fuels Catalysis Today
Селезнёв Михаил Георгиевич  Москва 2021 Στερέωμα in the LXX and Related Literature and the Origin of the Quotation from Genesis in Pseudo-Longinus’s On the Sublime Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies (JSCS)
Селезнёв Михаил Георгиевич   2022 Πόλις ασεδεκ in Isaiah 19:18: A Translator's Wordplay or the Actual Jewish Name for 'Leontopolis'? Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies (JSCS)
Селивановских Луиза Владимировна  Санкт-Петербург 2022 Talent management, organizational ambidexterity, and firm performance: Evidence from Russian firms Thunderbird International Business Review
Селивановских Луиза Владимировна   2022 From brain drain to brain gain in emerging markets: exploring the new agenda for global talent management in talent migration European Journal of International Management
Семенов Андрей Владимирович Москва/
2021 The rationale of organizational control: managing the political opposition in Putin’s Russia European Political Science
Семенов Андрей Георгиевич Москва  2021 Superconducting insulators and localization of Cooper pairs Communications Physics
Семенов Андрей Георгиевич   2021 Self-excited Ising game Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Семенов Андрей Георгиевич   2022 Superconducting quantum fluctuations in one dimension Успехи физических наук
Семенов Андрей Георгиевич   2022 Nonlinear microwave response of clean superconducting films Physical Review B
Семенов Дмитрий Павлович  Нижний Новгород 2022 A robustness comparison of two market network models IMA Journal Management Mathematics
Семенова Мария Владимировна  Москва  2022 The more the better? Information sharing and credit risk Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
Семенова Татьяна Вадимовна   2022 Not Only the Intention to Complete: The Role of Action-Oriented Intentions in MOOC Completion Technology, Knowledge and Learning
Семенов-Тян-Шанский Кирилл Михайлович  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Exact summation of leading logs around $T\bar T$ deformation of $O(N+1)$-symmetric 2D QFTs  Journal of High Energy Physics
Семенов-Тян-Шанский Кирилл Михайлович   2021  Transition distribution amplitudes and hard exclusive reactions with baryon number transfer  Physics Reports
Семенов-Тян-Шанский Кирилл Михайлович   2021  Progress and opportunities in backward angle (u-channel) physics European Physical Journal A
Семенов-Тян-Шанский Кирилл Михайлович   2022  Backward timelike Compton scattering to decipher the photon content of the nucleon The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields
Сиваев Игорь Борисович  Москва 2021 Transition metal complexes with carboranylphosphine ligands Coordination Chemistry Reviews
Синицын Виталий Витальевич Москва  2022 Quantum Protons in One-Dimensional Water Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Синявская Ядвига Эдуардовна  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Social signature in an online environment: Stability and cognitive limits Computers in Human Behavior
Сироткин Александр Владимирович  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Formalization and taxonomy of compute-aggregate problems for cloud computing applications Computer Networks
Скокова Юлия Аркадиевна  Москва  2022 Nonprofit advocacy in Russia’s regions Journal of Civil Society
Скопенков Михаил Борисович  Москва  2022 Шашки Фейнмана: к алгоритмической квантовой теории Успехи математических наук
Скоробогатов Александр Сергеевич  Санкт-Петербург 2021 The effect of alcohol sales restrictions on alcohol poisoning mortality: Evidence from Russia Health Economics
Скулкин Сергей Павлович  Нижний Новгород 2021 Primitive Impulse Response Function for Near-Field Calculation and Its Accuracy IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters
Славнов Сергей Андреевич   2022 On embedding Lambek calculus into commutative categorial grammars Journal of Logic and Computation
Слюняев Алексей Викторович  Нижний Новгород 2021 Persistence of hydrodynamic envelope solitons: Detection and rogue wave occurrence Physics of Fluids
Слюняев Алексей Викторович   2021 Downhole Distributed Acoustic Sensing Provides Insights Into the Structure of Short-Period Ocean-Generated Seismic Wavefield Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
Слюняев Алексей Викторович   2021 Stability and interaction of compactons in the sublinear KdV equation Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
Слюняев Алексей Викторович   2021 The Peregrine Breather on the Zero-Background Limit as the Two-Soliton Degenerate Solution: An Experimental Study Frontiers in Physics
Слюняев Алексей Викторович   2021 Transformation of envelope solitons on a bottom step Physics of Fluids
Слюняев Алексей Викторович   2022 Modulation property of flexural-gravity waves on a water surface covered by a compressed ice sheet Physics of Fluids
Слюняев Алексей Викторович   2022 Nonlinear dynamic pressure beneath waves in water of intermediate depth: Theory and experiment European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids
Слюняев Алексей Викторович   2022 Experimental Evidence of Nonlinear Focusing in Standing Water Waves Physical Review Letters
Слюняев Алексей Викторович   2022 Statistical properties of extreme soliton collisions Chaos
Слюсарь Наталия Анатольевна   2021 Becoming Native-Like for Good or Ill: Online and Offline Processing of Case Forms in L2 Russian Frontiers in Psychology
Слюсарь Наталия Анатольевна  Москва 2022 Acquisition of the nominal case system in Russian as a second language Second Language Research
Слюсарь Наталия Анатольевна   2022 Suppression of non-selected solutions as a possible brain mechanism for ambiguity resolution in the word fragment task completion task Scientific Reports
Слюсарь Наталия Анатольевна   2022 The Multilingual Picture Database Scientific data
Слюсарь Наталия Анатольевна   2022 The Role of Case Syncretism in Agreement Attraction: A Comprehension Study Frontiers in Psychology
Смирнов Григорий Сергеевич  Москва 2021 Free energies of iron phases at high pressure and temperature: Molecular dynamics study Physical Review B
Смирнов Евгений Юрьевич  Москва 2021 Слайд-многочлены и комплексы подслов Математический сборник
Смирнова Елизавета Александровна  Пермь 2022 Clean room, uncomfortable bed A corpus analysis of evaluation devices in hotel reviews Pragmatics and Society
Смирнова Наталья Викторовна  Санкт-Петербург 2021 English and/or Russian medium publications? A case study exploring academic research writing in contemporary Russian academia Journal of English for Academic Purposes
Соболева Елена Дмитриевна Санкт-Петербург  2021 Chinese initiatives in Central Asia: claim for regional leadership? Eurasian Geography and Economics
Соболева Елена Дмитриевна   2022 The EU and China: how do they fit in Central Asia? Central Asian Survey
Соболева Наталья Эдуардовна  Москва 2022 The determinants of the link between life satisfaction and job satisfaction across Europe International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy
Соболева Наталья Эдуардовна   2022 Perceptions of Emotional Functionality: Similarities and Differences Among Dignity, Face, and Honor Cultures Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
Соколик Алексей Алексеевич  Москва 2021 Plasmonic modes at inclined edges of anisotropic two-dimensional materials Physical Review B
Соколик Алексей Алексеевич   2022 Superfluid drag between excitonic polaritons and superconducting electron gas QUANTUM
Соколов Борис Олегович  Москва 2022 The Big Five and Big Two personality factors in Mongolia Frontiers in Psychology
Соколова Татьяна Владимировна  Москва 2021 The impact of the Covid-19 related media coverage upon the five major developing markets PLoS ONE
Соколова Татьяна Владимировна   2022 A retail investor in a cobweb of social networks PLoS ONE
Соколова Татьяна Владимировна   2022 Astonishing insights: emerging market debt spreads throughout the pandemic Applied Economics
Соколова Татьяна Владимировна   2022 The Multifaceted Sustainable Development and Export Intensity of Emerging Market Firms under Financial Constraints: The Role of ESG and Innovative Act Complexity
Соколова Татьяна Владимировна   2022 ASEAN-5 forex rates and crude oil: Markov regime-switching analysis Applied Economics
Соколова Татьяна Владимировна   2022 Complex Interplay of Eastern Bloc SMEs Trade Credit Determinants: Changes due to the Global Financial Crisis Complexity
Соломина Ольга Николаевна  Москва 2021 Reconstruction of the Historical (1750–2020) Mass Balance of Bordu, Kara-Batkak and Sary-Tor Glaciers in the Inner Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan Frontiers in Earth Science
Соломина Ольга Николаевна   2022  Contrasting climate signals across a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) tree-ring network in the Middle Volga (European Russia) Dendrochronologia
Соломина Ольга Николаевна   2022 Late-Holocene advances of the Greater Azau Glacier (Elbrus area, Northern Caucasus) revealed by 14C dating of paleosols The Holocene
Соломина Ольга Николаевна   2022 Tree-ring data set for dendroclimatic reconstructions and dendrochronological dating in European Russia Scientific data
Соломина Ольга Николаевна   2022 Climate signal strength in tree-ring width of spruce growing in the Solovetsky Islands (Russia)  Dendrochronologia
Сорокин Александр Владимирович  Москва 2021 Some conditions for absence of affine functions in NFSR output stream Designs, Codes, and Cryptography
Сорокин Игорь Михайлович  Москва 2021 New life for cordless communication, old regrets for software projects Communications of the ACM
Сорокин Павел Сергеевич  Москва 2022 Activity Theory for the De-Structuralized Modernity Integrative psychological & behavioral science
Сорокин Павел Сергеевич   2022 Skills as declared learning outcomes of entrepreneurship training in higher education institutions across the globe: Classification and analysis with Thinking Skills and Creativity
Спиридонов Вячеслав Павлович Москва 2022 Complex hypergeometric functions and integrable many-body problems Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
Станкевич Наталия Владимировна  Нижний Новгород 2021 Features of a chaotic attractor in a quasiperiodically driven nonlinear oscillator Chaos
Станкевич Наталия Владимировна   2021 Chaos and hyperchaos arising from the destruction of multifrequency tori Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
Станкевич Наталия Владимировна   2021 Chaos–hyperchaos transition in three identical quorum-sensing mean-field coupled ring oscillators Chaos
Станкевич Наталия Владимировна   2021 Cascade of torus birth bifurcations and inverse cascade of Shilnikov attractors merging at the threshold of hyperchaos Chaos
Станкевич Наталия Владимировна   2022 Dynamical Taxonomy: Some Taxonomic Ranks to Systematically Classify Every Chaotic Attractor International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering
Староверова Владислава Николаевна  Москва 2022 Global reading processes in children with high risk of dyslexia: a scanpath analysis Annals of Dyslexia
Старостин Георгий Сергеевич  Москва 2021 Rapid radiation of the inner Indo-European languages: an advanced approach to Indo-European lexicostatistics Linguistics
Старун Мария Игоревна  Санкт-Петербург 2021 «Национализация» обобществленной дисциплины: товарищеские суды в Советской России в 1917-1922 гг. Cahiers du Monde Russe
Старшинова Ольга Сергеевна  Москва 2021 Is the MPIA a Solution to the WTO Appellate Body Crisis? Journal of World Trade
Старых Владимир Александрович  Москва 2021 Analysis of Posit and Bfloat Arithmetic of Real Numbers for Machine Learning IEEE Access
Стегайлов Владимир Владимирович  Москва 2021 GPU-accelerated molecular dynamics: State-of-art software performance and porting from Nvidia CUDA to AMD HIP International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications
Стегайлов Владимир Владимирович   2022 Molecular dynamics analysis of elastic properties and new phase formation during amorphous ices transformations Scientific Reports
Стегайлов Владимир Владимирович   2022 Frenkel pair formation energy for cubic Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub>in DFT + U calculations Journal of Physics Condensed Matter
Стенина Ирина Александровна  Москва 2021 The influence of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) modification on the transport properties and fuel cell performance of Nafion-117 membranes Journal of Applied Polymer Science
Степанов Борис Евгеньевич  Москва 2021 ‘If I forget anything at all, it’s unlikely the stars will accept us … ’: sci-fi fan communities, post-Soviet nostalgia and contemporary cinematic exp Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema
Стефанович Петр Сергеевич  Москва 2021 Русская / российская идентичность раннего старообрядчества: от «светлой России» к «преславнейшей и всесчастливой Российской империи» (середина XVII – Cahiers du Monde Russe
Стоянов Роман Владимирович  Москва 2022 Comparing individuals buried in flexed and extended positions at the Greek colony of Chersonesos (Crimea) using cranial metric, dental metric, and den International Journal of Osteoarchaeology
Стребков Денис Олегович  Москва 2021 Always on across time zones: Invisible schedules in the online gig economy New Technology, Work and Employment
Стремоухов Денис Александрович  Санкт-Петербург 2022 When governors go abroad: Incentives for paradiplomacy in recentralised Russia Regional and Federal Studies
Стройлов Виктор Сергеевич   Москва 2021 Inhibition of SYK and cSrc kinases can protect bone and cartilage in preclinical models of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis Scientific Reports
Стройлов Виктор Сергеевич   2021 Preliminary modelling as the first stage of targeted organic synthesis Успехи химии
Стырин Евгений Михайлович  Москва  2022 Government as a platform: Intergovernmental participation for public services in the Russian Federation Government Information Quarterly
Сухова Марина Сергеевна   Москва 2022 Subnational State Capacity in Russia: The Implementation of the 2012 Presidential “May Decrees” Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization
Такэбэ Такаси   Москва 2021 Löwner equations and reductions of dispersionless hierarchies Journal of Geometry and Physics
Таламбуца Алексей Леонидович   Москва 2022 Growth Rates of Coxeter Groups and Perron Numbers International Mathematics Research Notices
Таламбуца Алексей Леонидович   2022 ON FREE SEMIGROUPS OF AFFINE MAPS ON THE REAL LINE Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Тамеев Алексей Раисович   Москва 2021 A common optical approach to thickness optimization in polymer and perovskite solar cells Scientific Reports
Танис Кристина Александровна   Москва 2021 La réception des films trophées en URSS dans les années 1940 et 1950 Revue des Etudes Slaves
Тарасов Борис Петрович   Москва 2022 Metal hydride – Graphene composites for hydrogen based energy storage Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Татарко Александр Николаевич   Москва 2021 Migrant Integration Policies, Perceived Group Threat and Generalized trust: a Case of European Countries Journal of International Migration and Integration
Татарко Александр Николаевич   2021 How Migration Policy Shapes the Subjective Well-Being of the Non-immigrant Population in European Countries Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
Татарко Александр Николаевич   2022 Climato-Economic Context of Regional Crime and Corruption Across the Russian Federation Environment and Behavior
Татарко Александр Николаевич   2022 Perceptions of institutions and social capital accumulation: A social categorization and shared agency-based approach. Evidence from the Russian Feder Asian Journal of Social Psychology
Татарко Александр Николаевич   2022 How shall we all live together?: Meta-analytical review of the mutual intercultural relations in plural societies project Applied Psychology
Текич Аня   Москва 2021 Culture as antecedent of national innovation performance: Evidence from neo-configurational perspective Journal of Business Research
Текич Аня   2022 Evolution of project studies through the lens of engaged scholarship: A longitudinal bibliometric analysis International Journal of Project Management
Текич Желько   Москва 2021 Review of technology trends in new space missions using a patent analytics approach Progress in Aerospace Sciences
Текич Желько   2021 The value of big data for analyzing growth dynamics of technology-based new ventures Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Текич Желько   2021 Culture as antecedent of national innovation performance: Evidence from neo-configurational perspective Journal of Business Research
Текич Желько   2022 Evolution of project studies through the lens of engaged scholarship: A longitudinal bibliometric analysis International Journal of Project Management
Текич Желько   2022 How AI revolutionizes innovation management – Perceptions and implementation preferences of AI-based innovators Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Телицына Александра Юрьевна   Москва 2022 Managing talent in mission-driven organizations: a qualitative exploration International Journal of Human Resource Management
Темерева Елена Николаевна  Москва  2021 Analysis of the juvenile shell of Lingula anatina (Brachiopoda: Linguliformea) provides insight into the evolution of life cycles of fossil brachiopod Paleobiology
Темерева Елена Николаевна   2021 The nervous system of the most complex lophophore provides new insights into the evolution of Brachiopoda Scientific Reports
Темерева Елена Николаевна   2021 Anatomy of the coelomic system in Novocrania anomala (Brachiopoda, Craniiformea) and relationships within brachiopods Zoology
Темерева Елена Николаевна   2021 New data on echiuran anatomy and histology: the case of Lissomyema mellita (Annelida: Thalassematidae) Zoology
Темерева Елена Николаевна   2021 Ultrastructure of ganglia in the brachiopod Coptothyris grayi and its phylogenetic significance Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research
Теплова Тамара Викторовна   Москва 2021 The impact of Covid-19 on commodity markets volatility: Analyzing time-frequency relations between commodity prices and coronavirus panic levels Resources Policy
Теплова Тамара Викторовна   2022 A retail investor in a cobweb of social networks PLoS ONE
Теплова Тамара Викторовна   2022 Network connectedness of environmental attention—Green and dirty assets Finance Research Letters
Теплова Тамара Викторовна   2022 The Return and Volatility Connectedness of NFT Segments and Media Coverage: Fresh Evidence Based on News About the COVID-19 Pandemic Finance Research Letters
Теплова Тамара Викторовна   2022 The impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on the connectedness of financial markets Finance Research Letters
Теплова Тамара Викторовна   2022 Does geopolitical risk matter for global asset returns? Evidence from quantile-on-quantile regression Finance Research Letters
Теплова Тамара Викторовна   2022 Covid-19 impact on NFTs and major asset classes interrelations: Insights from the wavelet coherence analysis Finance Research Letters
Теплова Тамара Викторовна   2022 A robust credibility DEA model with fuzzy perturbation degree: An application to hospitals performance Expert Systems with Applications
Теплова Тамара Викторовна   2022 The Multifaceted Sustainable Development and Export Intensity of Emerging Market Firms under Financial Constraints: The Role of ESG and Innovative Act Complexity
Теплова Тамара Викторовна   2022 New evidence on the impact of implicit trading costs on asset prices in the Russian stock market Applied Economics
Теплова Тамара Викторовна   2022 Complex Interplay of Eastern Bloc SMEs Trade Credit Determinants: Changes due to the Global Financial Crisis Complexity
Теплова Тамара Викторовна   2022 The impact of COVID-19 on gold seasonality Applied Economics
Теплова Тамара Викторовна   2022 Dynamic connectedness between non-fungible tokens, decentralized finance, and conventional financial assets in a time-frequency framework Pacific Basin Finance Journal
Теплова Тамара Викторовна   2022 Do Local and World COVID-19 Media Coverage Drive Stock Markets? Time-Frequency Analysis of BRICS Complexity
Терлыч Никита Андреевич   Москва 2022 WebArrayDB: A Geospatial Array DBMS in Your Web Browser PROCEEDINGS OF THE VLDB ENDOWMENT
Тернер Томас   Москва 2022 Early adopters of new transportation technologies: Attitudes of Russia's population towards car sharing, the electric car and autonomous driving Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Терников Андрей Александрович Санкт-Петербург  2022 Soft and hard skills identification: Insights from IT job advertisements in the CIS region PeerJ Computer Science
Тиморин Владлен Анатольевич  Москва 2021 Location of Siegel capture polynomials in parameter spaces Nonlinearity
Тиморин Владлен Анатольевич   2022 SLICES OF THE PARAMETER SPACE OF CUBIC POLYNOMIALS Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
Тимофеев Алексей Владимирович  Москва 2021 Nonhomogeneity of phase state in a dusty plasma monolayer with nonreciprocal particle interactions Physics of Plasmas
Тимофеев Алексей Владимирович   2022 Self-sustained non-equilibrium co-existence of fluid and solid states in a strongly coupled complex plasma system Scientific Reports
Тимофеев Юрий Валерьевич  Москва 2022 Utilitarian or deontological models of moral behavior—What predicts morally questionable decisions? European Economic Review
Титкова Вера Викторовна  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Peer influence in adolescent drinking behavior: A meta-analysis of stochastic actor-based modeling studies PLoS ONE
Титов Илья Юрьевич   Москва 2021 Inhibition of SYK and cSrc kinases can protect bone and cartilage in preclinical models of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis Scientific Reports
Титов Илья Юрьевич   2021 Preliminary modelling as the first stage of targeted organic synthesis Успехи химии
Титов Илья Юрьевич   2022 Novel approach for the synthesis of chiral organometallic complexes-first series of lithium 2-amino-indenide ligands bearing pendant donor groups and New Journal of Chemistry
Тихомиров Александр Сергеевич  Москва 2021 New moduli components of rank 2 bundles on projective space Математический сборник
Тихомиров Александр Сергеевич   2022 An algebraic–geometric construction of ind-varieties of generalized flags Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata
Тихомиров Александр Сергеевич   2022 Irreducible components of the moduli space of rank 2 sheaves of odd determinant on projective space Advances in Mathematics
Тихонов Евгений Сергеевич  Москва 2021 Localization of helical edge states in the absence of external magnetic field Physical Review B
Токарев Дмитрий Викторович  Санкт-Петербург 2021 L’ingénieur Kirillov (Dostoïevski, Les Démons), nihiliste hégélien chez Alexandre Kojève et Albert Camus Revue des Etudes Slaves
Токмачев Михаил Геннадьевич  Москва 2021 Modeling the process of capacitive deionization of solutions at supposing complex structure of the pores of the electrodes Journal of Mathematical Chemistry
Толдова Светлана Юрьевна  Москва 2022 Non-finite constructions in Khanty: Their unity and diversity Folia Linguistica
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич  Москва 2021 9-ING-41, a Small Molecule Inhibitor of GSK-3β, Potentiates the Effects of Chemotherapy on Colorectal Cancer Cells Frontiers in Pharmacology
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич   2021 ECM–Receptor Regulatory Network and Its Prognostic Role in Colorectal Cancer Frontiers in Genetics
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич   2021 An integrative proteomics method identifies a regulator of translation during stem cell maintenance and differentiation Nature Communications
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич   2021 Endocytosis and Transcytosis of SARS-CoV-2 Across the Intestinal Epithelium and Other Tissue Barriers Frontiers in Immunology
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич   2021 Extracellular miRNAs and Cell–Cell Communication: Problems and Prospects Trends in Biochemical Sciences
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич   2021 Effect of the Expression of ELOVL5 and IGFBP6 Genes on the Metastatic Potential of Breast Cancer Cells Frontiers in Genetics
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич   2021 Hypoxia-Induced miR-148a Downregulation Contributes to Poor Survival in Colorectal Cancer Frontiers in Genetics
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич   2021 miRGTF-net: Integrative miRNA-gene-TF network analysis reveals key drivers of breast cancer recurrence PLoS ONE
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич   2021 Association of HLA Class I Genotypes With Severity of Coronavirus Disease-19 Frontiers in Immunology
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич   2021 HIF Prolyl Hydroxylase Inhibitors for COVID-19 Treatment: Pros and Cons Frontiers in Pharmacology
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич   2021 Fra-2 overexpression upregulates pro-metastatic cell-adhesion molecules, promotes pulmonary metastasis, and reduces survival in a spontaneous xenograf Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич   2021 Hairpin sequence and structure is associated with features of isomiR biogenesis RNA Biology
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич   2022 A novel approach for a joint analysis of isomiR and mRNA expression data reveals features of isomiR targeting in breast cancer Frontiers in Genetics
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич   2022 ADGRL1 haploinsufficiency causes a variable spectrum of neurodevelopmental disorders in humans and alters synaptic activity and behavior in a mouse mo American Journal of Human Genetics
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич   2022 Immunogenic epitope panel for accurate detection of non-cross-reactive T cell response to SARS-CoV-2 JCI insight
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич   2022 ExhauFS: exhaustive search-based feature selection for classification and survival regression PeerJ
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич   2022 Specificity of viscumin revised. As probed with a printed glycan array Biochimie
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич   2022 T-CoV: A comprehensive portal of HLA-peptide interactions affected by SARS-CoV-2 mutations Nucleic Acids Research
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич   2022 Alterations in SARS-CoV-2 Omicron and Delta peptides presentation by HLA molecules PeerJ
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич   2022 Low expression of CD24 is associated with poor survival in colorectal cancer Biochimie
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич   2022 isomiRTar: a comprehensive portal of pan-cancer 5<sup>0</sup>-isomiR targeting PeerJ
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич   2022 On the peptide binding affinity changes in population-specific HLA repertoires to the SARS-CoV-2 variants Delta and Omicron Journal of Autoimmunity
Топоркова Анна Станиславовна  Москва 2021 Coordinated global and private job-flow scheduling in grid virtual organizations Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory
Тоукач Филипп Владимирович  Москва 2021 CSDB/SNFG Structure Editor: An Online Glycan Builder with 2D and 3D Structure Visualization Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
Тоукач Филипп Владимирович   2022 Examining the diversity of structural motifs in fungal glycome Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal
Тоукач Филипп Владимирович   2022 Prospective bacterial and fungal sources of hyaluronic acid: A review Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal
Трефилов Евгений Николаевич Москва  2022 За царя или за Отечество? Отношение участников восстаний Петровской эпохи к стране и ее жителям Cahiers du Monde Russe
Туровский Ростислав Феликсович  Москва 2022 Subnational State Capacity in Russia: The Implementation of the 2012 Presidential “May Decrees” Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization
Туровский Ростислав Феликсович   2022 Vote Mobilization, Economic Performance and Gubernatorial Appointments in Russia Russian Politics
Туровский Ростислав Феликсович   2022 Electoral Reforms in Russia's Regions: An Equilibrium between Disproportionality and Legitimacy Russian Politics
Тюменева Юлия Алексеевна  Москва 2021 Transitivity Violations Undermine Rating Scales in Motivation Research Frontiers in Psychology
Тюменева Юлия Алексеевна   2022 Ordering motivation and Likert scale ratings: When a numeric scale is not necessarily better Frontiers in Psychology
Тютнев Андрей Павлович  Москва 2021 Radiation-induced conductivity in polyethyleneterephthalate and polyimide: Trap distribution effects Results in Physics
Тютнев Андрей Павлович   2021 Radiation-induced conductivity in polystyrene, a common insulating polymer with a hopping conduction Journal of Applied Physics
Тютнев Андрей Павлович   2022 Numerical analysis of the radiation-induced conductivity in polymers in a large-signal regime Journal of Applied Physics
Тютнев Андрей Павлович   2022 Radiation-induced conductivity in polystyrene at extremely low (79 K) temperature Journal of Applied Physics
Тяпкин Даниил Николаевич  Москва 2021 Improved Complexity Bounds in Wasserstein Barycenter Problem Proceedings of Machine Learning Research
Тяпкин Даниил Николаевич   2022 Primal-Dual Stochastic Mirror Descent for MDPs International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 28-30 March 2022, A Virtual Conference
Тяпкин Даниил Николаевич   2022 From Dirichlet to Rubin: Optimistic Exploration in RL without Bonuses Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning
Тяпкин Даниил Николаевич   2022 Optimistic Posterior Sampling for Reinforcement Learning with Few Samples and Tight Guarantees Thirty-Sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems : NeurIPS 2022
Тяпкин Даниил Николаевич   2022 Stochastic saddle-point optimization for the Wasserstein barycenter problem Optimization Letters
Угланова Ирина Львовна  Москва 2021 Model Criticism of Bayesian Networks in Educational Assessment: A Systematic Review Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation
Удалова Наталья Михайловна  Нижний Новгород 2021 Intellectual Property in Russia Intellectual Property in Russia
Успенский Павел Федорович  Москва 2021 Каламбуры Бориса Пастернака в сборнике «второе рождение» Revue des Etudes Slaves
Успенский Павел Федорович   2021 Nature, Hares, and Nikolay Nekrasov: The Poetics and Economics of Russian Ecocriticism Russian Review
Успенский Павел Федорович   2021 The status of proverbs in the first third of the 19th century and the nature of E. A. Boratynskij’s ideas: Analyzing the poem Staratel’no my nabljudae Russian Linguistics
Успенский Павел Федорович   2021 First Love Is Exactly Like Revolution: Intimacy as Political Allegory in Ivan Turgenev's Novella Spring Torrents Slavic Review
Успенский Павел Федорович   2022 “С черной мыслью белый волос”. Этюд о стихотворении Баратынского "Были бури, непогоды..." Studi Slavistici
Устинов Алексей Владимирович  Москва 2022 Шашки Фейнмана: к алгоритмической квантовой теории Успехи математических наук
Устюжанин Вадим Витальевич  Москва 2022 Machine Learning for Ranking Factors of Global and Regional Protest Destabilization with a Special Focus on Afrasian Instability Macrozone Comparative Sociology
Утесов Олег Игоревич  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Bench tests for microscopic theory of Raman scattering in powders of disordered nonpolar crystals: Nanodiamonds and beyond Journal of Raman Spectroscopy
Утесов Олег Игоревич   2021 Effects of Bond Disorder and Surface Amorphization on Optical Phonon Lifetimes and Raman Peak Shape in Crystalline Nanoparticles Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Утесов Олег Игоревич   2021 Thermodynamically stable skyrmion lattice in a tetragonal frustrated antiferromagnet with dipolar interaction Physical Review B
Утесов Олег Игоревич   2022 Small-angle neutron scattering in the fully polarized phase of noncollinear magnets with interfacial-like Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction Physical Review B
Утесов Олег Игоревич   2022 Magnetodipolar interaction and quasiparticles delocalization in disordered quantum magnets Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Утесов Олег Игоревич   2022 Mean-field description of skyrmion lattice in hexagonal frustrated antiferromagnets Physical Review B
Утесов Олег Игоревич   2022 Transition from spiral to ferromagnetic structure in Fe<sub>1−x</sub>Co<sub>x</sub>Si compounds: Small-angle neutron scattering study Annals of Physics
Уткина Валерия Владимировна  Москва 2021 Public Personnel Job Satisfaction and Retention: The Effects of Perceived Image and Prestige of Government Jobs International Journal of Public Administration
Фам Анна Хунговна  Москва 2022 How you choose is as important as what you choose: Subjective quality of choice predicts well-being and academic performance Current Psychology
Фаткулин Артемий Ренатович Москва  2022 Enhancing the efficiency of the ruthenium catalysts in the reductive amination without an external hydrogen source Journal of Catalysis
Федоренко Сергей Валентинович  Санкт-Петербург 2021 Efficient Algorithm for Finding Roots of Error-Locator Polynomials IEEE Access
Федоренко Сергей Валентинович   2022 A Spectral Algorithm for Decoding Systematic BCH Codes IEEE Access
Федорова Елена Анатольевна  Москва 2021 Strength of words: Donald Trump's tweets, sanctions and Russia's ruble Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
Федорова Елена Анатольевна   2022 Economic policy uncertainty and bankruptcy filings International Review of Financial Analysis
Федченко Анна Сергеевна  Москва 2022 On properties of aggregated regularized systems of equations for a homogeneous multicomponent gas mixture Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
Федюнина Анна Андреевна   Санкт-Петербург 2022 GVC spillovers on total factor productivity of local firms: evidence from the Russian Federation Transnational Corporations
Федюнина Анна Андреевна   2022 The relationship between R&D, innovation and productivity in emerging economies: CDM model and alternatives Economic Systems
Фейгин Евгений Борисович  Москва 2021 Beilinson-drinfeld schubert varieties and global Demazure modules Forum of Mathematics, Sigma
Фейгин Евгений Борисович   2022 Koszul algebras and Donaldson–Thomas invariants Letters in Mathematical Physics
Ферштат Леонид Леонидович  Москва 2021 Five-Membered Hetarene N -Oxides: Recent Advances in Synthesis and Reactivity Synthesis
Ферштат Леонид Леонидович   2021 Ring Distortion Diversity-Oriented Approach to Fully Substituted Furoxans and Isoxazoles Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry
Ферштат Леонид Леонидович   2022 Renaissance of dinitroazetidine: novel hybrid energetic boosters and oxidizers Dalton Transactions
Ферштат Леонид Леонидович   2022 Renaissance of dinitroazetidine: novel hybrid energetic boosters and oxidizers Dalton Transactions
Финкельберг Михаил Владленович  Москва 2021 Line bundles on Coulomb branches Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
Финкельберг Михаил Владленович   2021 Mirabolic Satake equivalence and supergroups Compositio Mathematica
Финкельберг Михаил Владленович   2021 Beilinson-drinfeld schubert varieties and global Demazure modules Forum of Mathematics, Sigma
Финкельберг Михаил Владленович   2022 Lusztig conjectures on S-cells in affine Weyl groups Israel Journal of Mathematics
Финкельберг Михаил Владленович   2022 Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture via zastava spaces Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik
Финкельберг Михаил Владленович   2022 Orthosymplectic Satake equivalence Communications in Number Theory and Physics
Фоминов Яков Викторович  Москва 2021 Superconducting phases and the second Josephson harmonic in tunnel junctions between diffusive superconductors Physical Review B
Фоминов Яков Викторович   2022 Asymmetric higher-harmonic SQUID as a Josephson diode Physical Review B
Фроленков Дмитрий Андреевич  Москва 2021 Moments of $L$-functions and the Liouville–Green method Journal of the European Mathematical Society
Хабибуллина Алина Ришатовна  Санкт-Петербург 2022 First population norms for the EQ-5D-3L in the Russian Federation PLoS ONE
Хабирова Елена Евгеньевна  Москва 2021 Big data augmentated business trend identification: the case of mobile commerce Scientometrics
Хакина Екатерина Александровна Москва 2022  Cationic [TiCl6]+2 and anionic [TiCl6-xLx]-(2-x) titanium complexes with crown ether as pre-catalyst for ethylene polymerization European Polymer Journal
Хасанов Булат Фаридович  Москва 2021 Long oak tree-ring chronologies from Central Russia and their potential for dating Tree-Ring Research
Хасанов Булат Фаридович   2022 Tree-ring data set for dendroclimatic reconstructions and dendrochronological dating in European Russia Scientific data
Хачатурова Милана Радионовна  Москва 2022 Measurement Invariance of the Short Home Attachment Scale: A Cross-Cultural Study Frontiers in Psychology
Хачатурян Любовь Валерьевна   2022 “And Everything is so Craftily and Simply Done…”: The Album ‘zzZudo’ by Alexey Kruchenykh[“И все так хитро и просто сделано…”: Альбом ‘ззЗудо’ Алексея Russian Literature
Хачатурян Любовь Валерьевна   2022 A Place in the Menagerie: Mayakovsky's Manuscript Notebook Drafts 1921 – 1922[Место в зверинце: Автографы Маяковского в записной книжке 1921 – 1922 г. Russian Literature
Хлевнюк Олег Витальевич Москва  2021 Archives of the Terror: Developments in the Historiography of Stalin’s Purges Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History
Хлевнюк Олег Витальевич   2022 Кто и сколько. Масштабы и структура государственного насилия в сталинской системе Cahiers du Monde Russe
Хлевнюк Олег Витальевич   2022 Stalin and the Generals: Reconstructing Trust during World War II Europe-Asia Studies
Хоров Евгений Михайлович  Москва 2021 Experimental Study of Smoothing Modifications of the MUSIC Algorithm for Direction of Arrival Estimation in Indoor Environments IEEE Access
Хоров Евгений Михайлович   2021 Enhanced Collision Resolution Methods with Mini-Slot Support for 5G NR-U IEEE Access
Хоров Евгений Михайлович   2022 Study of Multi-Link Channel Access Without Simultaneous Transmit and Receive in IEEE 802.11be Networks IEEE Access
Хоров Евгений Михайлович   2022 CR-LBT: Listen-Before-Talk with Collision Resolution for 5G NR-U Networks IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
Хорошкин Антон Сергеевич  Москва 2022 Gröbner bases for coloured operads Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata
Хорошкин Антон Сергеевич   2022 PBW Property for Associative Universal Enveloping Algebras over an Operad International Mathematics Research Notices
Храпай Вадим Сергеевич  Москва 2021 Thermal conductance and nonequilibrium superconductivity in a diffusive NSN wire probed by shot noise Physical Review B
Храпай Вадим Сергеевич   2021 Thermal Relaxation in Metal Films Limited by Diffuson Lattice Excitations of Amorphous Substrates Physical Review Applied
Худякова Мария Викторовна  Нижний Новгород 2021 The Russian Aphasia Test: The first comprehensive, quantitative, standardized, and computerized aphasia language battery in Russian PLoS ONE
Худякова Мария Викторовна   2022 Linguistic mechanisms of coherence in aphasic and non-aphasic discourse Aphasiology
Цветкова Анна Николаевна  Москва 2022 Do Productivity Laggards Ever Catch Up With Leaders?† Review of Income and Wealth
Чадов Алексей Леонидович  Пермь 2021 Does video games’ popularity affect unemployment rate? Evidence from macro-level analysis Journal of Economic Studies
Чадов Алексей Леонидович   2022 Team vs. individual tournament: An organizer's dilemma Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
Челноков Григорий Ривенович  Москва 2022 ON THE COVERINGS OF HANTZSCHE-WENDT MANIFOLD Tohoku Mathematical Journal
Чепурин Кирилл Валериевич  Москва 2021 Romantic Bliss—or, Romanticism Is Not an Optimism European Romantic Review
Чернокульский Александр Владимирович   Москва 2021 A link between surface air temperature and extreme precipitation over Russia from station and reanalysis data Environmental Research Letters
Чернышов Александр Александрович  Москва 2022 Small-Scale Irregularities Within Polarization Jet/SAID During Geomagnetic Activity Geophysical Research Letters
Чичканов Николай Юрьевич   Москва 2021 The role of client knowledge absorptive capacity for innovation in KIBS Journal of Knowledge Management
Чичканов Николай Юрьевич   2021 Drivers for innovation in KIBS: evidence from Russia Service Industries Journal
Чумакова Мария Алексеевна   Москва 2022 Executive functions as self-reported on the BRIEF scales in adolescents and adults with and without a history of institutionalized rearing in Russia Cognitive Development
Чунихин Кирилл Александрович  Санкт-Петербург 2022 Risk and Respirators: The Hazardous Trajectories of Soviet Occupational Safety, 1940s–80s Technology and Culture
Чунихин Кирилл Александрович   2022 Establishing Eye Contact with One Historical Photograph Technology and Culture
Чунихин Кирилл Александрович   2022 Art and Irreconciliation, or Cubist Ruptures of Soviet Postwar Aesthetics Russian Review
Чурилова Елена Владимировна  Москва 2021 Long-term trends in blood pressure and hypertension in Russia: an analysis of data from 14 health surveys conducted in 1975–2017 BMC Public Health
Чурилова Елена Владимировна   2022 Partnership Context of First Births in Russia: The Enduring Significance of Marriage European Journal of Population
Чусов Денис Александрович  Москва 2021 Phosphine ligands in the ruthenium-catalyzed reductive amination without an external hydrogen source Journal of Organometallic Chemistry
Чусов Денис Александрович   2021 Symmetrical Tertiary Amines: Applications and Synthetic Approaches European Journal of Organic Chemistry
Чусов Денис Александрович   2022 Fluoride Additive as a Simple Tool to Qualitatively Improve Performance of Nickel-Catalyzed Asymmetric Michael Addition of Malonates to Nitroolefins Journal of Organic Chemistry
Чусов Денис Александрович   2022 Borrowing Hydrogen Amination Reactions: A Complex Analysis of Trends and Correlations of the Various Reaction Parameters ACS Catalysis
Чусов Денис Александрович   2022 Syngas Instead of Hydrogen Gas as a Reducing Agent─A Strategy To Improve the Selectivity and Efficiency of Organometallic Catalysts ACS Catalysis
Чусов Денис Александрович   2022 Enhancing the efficiency of the ruthenium catalysts in the reductive amination without an external hydrogen source Journal of Catalysis
Шабанов Дмитрий Александрович  Москва 2021 Random hypergraphs and property B European Journal of Combinatorics
Шабанов Дмитрий Александрович   2022 Number of A+B≠C solutions in abelian groups and application to counting independent sets in hypergraphs European Journal of Combinatorics
Шадрина Елена Витальевна  Пермь 2022 Implicit incentives in green public procurement: Good intentions versus rigid regulations Ecological Economics
Шалилех Соруш  Москва 2021 Least-squares community extraction in feature-rich networks using similarity data PLoS ONE
Шаненко Аркадий Аркадьевич  Москва 2021 Robust Superconductivity in Quasi-one-dimensional Multiband Materials Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
Шаненко Аркадий Аркадьевич   2021 Vortex interactions and clustering in thin superconductors Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
Шаненко Аркадий Аркадьевич   2022 Suppression of fluctuations in a two-band superconductor with a quasi-one-dimensional band Physical Review B
Шаненко Аркадий Аркадьевич   2022 Current-induced self-organisation of mixed superconducting states Superconductor Science and Technology
Шаненко Аркадий Аркадьевич   2022 Synthesis of Perovskite-Type BiScO<sub>3</sub> Ceramics and their Dielectric and Infrared Characterization Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
Шаненко Аркадий Аркадьевич   2022 Multiband Superconductors: Two Characteristic Lengths for Each Contributing Condensate Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
Шаповалов Сергей Сергеевич  Москва 2021 Nanoscale catalyst based on a heterometallic carboxylate complex of platinum and iron for hydrogen-air fuel cells Materials Chemistry and Physics
Шапошников Владимир Евгеньевич  Нижний Новгород 2021 Origin of the zebra structure in the Jovian decameter radio emission Astronomy and Astrophysics
Шапошников Владимир Евгеньевич   2022 Plasma maser in the plasmasphere of HD 189733b Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Шапошников Станислав Валерьевич  Москва 2021 On uniqueness of probability solutions of the Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equation Математический сборник
Шапошников Станислав Валерьевич   2021 On the Ambrosio–Figalli–Trevisan Superposition Principle for Probability Solutions to Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov Equations Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations
Шартова Наталья Витальевна  Москва 2022 Spatial patterns of West Nile virus distribution in the Volgograd region of Russia, a territory with long-existing foci PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
Шафаревич Антон Андреевич  Москва 2021 Additive Actions on Toric Projective Hypersurfaces Results in Mathematics
Шашнов Сергей Анатольевич  Москва 2021 From BRICS to BRICS plus: selecting promising areas of S&T Cooperation with developing countries Scientometrics
Швыдун Сергей Владимирович  Москва 2022 New Centrality Measures in Networks: How to Take into Account the Parameters of the Nodes and Group Influence of Nodes to Nodes New Centrality Measures in Networks: How to Take into Account the Parameters of the Nodes and Group Influence of Nodes to Nodes
Шевлюга Владимир Михайлович Москва 2022  Vacancy diffusion on a brominated Si(100) surface: Critical effect of the dangling bond charge state Journal of Chemical Physics
Шевчук Андрей Вячеславович  Москва 2021 Always on across time zones: Invisible schedules in the online gig economy New Technology, Work and Employment
Шейман Игорь Михайлович  Москва 2021 Using Targets to Reduce Waiting Times for Elective Care: What Can We Learn from the Russian Experience? Health systems and reform
Шейман Игорь Михайлович   2022 What next for the polyclinic? New models of primary health care are required in many former Soviet Union countries BMC Primary Care (ранее - BMC Family Practice)
Шейман Игорь Михайлович   2022 Structural changes in the Russian health care system: do they match European trends? Health Economics Review
Шейман Игорь Михайлович   2022 Vertical program of screenings and check-ups in the Russian Federation: design, implementation and lessons learnt Archives of Public Health
Шейман Игорь Михайлович   2022 Health workforce policy in the Russian Federation: How to overcome a shortage of physicians? Frontiers in Public Health
Шелунцова Мария Александровна  Москва 2021 Evaluation of changes in alcohol consumption: evidence from Russia Journal of Economic Studies
Шенкман Евгения Андреевна  Пермь 2022 Team vs. individual tournament: An organizer's dilemma Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
Шестакова Анна Николаевна  Москва 2021 MEG signatures of long-term effects of agreement and disagreement with the majority Scientific Reports
Шестакова Анна Николаевна   2021 Feasibility and Challenges of Performing Magnetoencephalography Experiments in Children With Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita Frontiers in Pediatrics
Шестакова Анна Николаевна   2022 Do sparse brain activity patterns underlie human cognition? NeuroImage
Шестакова Анна Николаевна   2022 “Expert persuasion” can decrease willingness to pay for sugar-containing food FRONTIERS IN NUTRITION
Шестакова Анна Николаевна   2022 N400 correlate of brand associations Journal of Economic Psychology
Шестакова Анна Николаевна   2022 Impact of Induced Moods, Sensation Seeking, and Emotional Contagion on Economic Decisions Under Risk Frontiers in Psychology
Шибанова Екатерина Юрьевна  Москва 2021 Varieties of state commitment to higher education since 1945: toward a comparative-historical social science of postsecondary expansion European Journal of Higher Education
Шибанова Екатерина Юрьевна   2021 Higher education in Soviet and Russian welfare states: hybridization, continuity and change European Journal of Higher Education
Шибанова Екатерина Юрьевна   2022 The causal impact of performance-based funding on university performance: quasi-experimental evidence from a policy in Russian higher education Oxford Economic Papers
Шибанова Екатерина Юрьевна   2022 Actual Autonomy, Efficiency and Performance of Universities: Insights from the Russian Case International Journal of Public Administration
Шилин Иван Сергеевич  Москва 2021 Attractors of Direct Products Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems
Шилина Полина Васильевна Москва  2021 Nanophotonic structures with optical surface modes for tunable spin current generation Nanoscale
Шилина Полина Васильевна   2022 Birefringence-Mediated Enhancement of the Magneto-Optical Activity in Anisotropic Magnetic Crystals ACS Photonics
Шилина Полина Васильевна   2022 Valley polarization of trions in monolayer MoSe<sub>2</sub>interfaced with bismuth iron garnet 2D Materials
Широков Дмитрий Сергеевич  Москва 2021 A note on the hyperbolic singular value decomposition without hyperexchange matrices Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Широков Дмитрий Сергеевич   2021 On computing the determinant, other characteristic polynomial coefficients, and inverse in Clifford algebras of arbitrary dimension Computational and Applied Mathematics
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Киселев Артем Витальевич


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