Список работников НИУ ВШЭ, получателей надбавки за публикацию в журнале из Списка А (и приравненном к нему научном издании) (надбавка уровня А) на 2024-2025 гг.
Автор |
Кампус |
Год публикации |
Публикация |
Источник |
Абрамешин Андрей Евгеньевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Radiation-induced conductivity in polystyrene at extremely low (79 K) temperature |
Journal of Applied Physics |
Абрамов Роман Николаевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Exploring the ethics of political PR professionals using moral foundations theory |
Абрашкин Анатолий Александрович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Волны Герстнера и их обобщения в гидродинамике и геофизике |
Успехи физических наук |
Абрашкин Анатолий Александрович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Gouyon waves in water of finite depth |
Monatshefte für Mathematik |
Абрашкин Анатолий Александрович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Unsteady edge waves generated by time-harmonic pressure: exact solutions |
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical |
Абрашкин Анатолий Александрович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
A steady azimuthal stratified flow modelling the Antarctic Circumpolar Current |
Journal of Differential Equations |
Авдашева Светлана Борисовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Does judicial effort matter for quality? Evidence from antitrust proceedings in Russian commercial courts |
European Journal of Law and Economics |
Авилов Артем Алексеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Бирациональная жесткость трехмерных многообразий дель Пеццо степени 2 |
Математический сборник |
Азарнерт Леонид Викторович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Population sorting and human capital accumulation |
Oxford Economic Papers |
Аладышкин Алексей Юрьевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Field-Emission Resonances in Thin Metallic Films: Nonexponential Decrease of the Tunneling Current as a Function of the Sample-to-Tip Distance |
Journal of Physical Chemistry C |
Аланов Айбек |
Москва |
2 022 |
HyperDomainNet: Universal Domain Adaptation for Generative Adversarial Networks |
Thirty-Sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems : NeurIPS 2022 |
Аланов Айбек |
Москва |
2 023 |
Star-Shaped Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models |
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36 (NeurIPS 2023) |
Аланов Айбек |
Москва |
2 023 |
StyleDomain: Efficient and Lightweight Parameterizations of StyleGAN for One-shot and Few-shot Domain Adaptation |
2023 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) |
Александров Борис Евгеньевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Journal Asiatique |
Александров Даниил Александрович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
School structure, bullying by teachers, moral disengagement, and students’ aggression: A mediation model |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Александров Николай Леонидович |
Москва |
2 022 |
The influence of humidity on positive streamer propagation in long air gap |
Plasma Sources Science and Technology |
Александров Николай Леонидович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Analysis of the efficiency of MHD cycle supported by nanosecond pulsed discharge pre-ionization |
Plasma Sources Science and Technology |
Алексеева Татьяна Анатольевна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
Классы Гёльдера в L^p-норме на chord-arc кривой в R^3 |
Алгебра и анализ |
Алексеева Татьяна Анатольевна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Forecasting and stabilizing chaotic regimes in two macroeconomic models via artificial intelligence technologies and control methods |
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals |
Аленина Евгения Алексеевна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
No evidence of a positive effect of learning Chinese language as an L2 on spatial ability |
Scientific Reports |
Алескеров Фуад Таги оглы |
Москва |
2 022 |
New Centrality Measures in Networks: How to Take into Account the Parameters of the Nodes and Group Influence of Nodes to Nodes |
New Centrality Measures in Networks: How to Take into Account the Parameters of the Nodes and Group Influence of Nodes to Nodes |
Алиева Ольга Валерьевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Clotho’ Spindle: Xenocrates’ Doctrine of Indivisibles |
Archiv fur Geschichte der Philosophie |
Алмакаева Анна Михайловна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Is “Regional Culture” a Meaningful Concept? Cultural Differences Across 60 Russian Regions |
Cross Cultural and Strategic Management |
Ананьев Иван Вячеславович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Renaissance of dinitroazetidine: novel hybrid energetic boosters and oxidizers |
Dalton Transactions |
Ананьев Иван Вячеславович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Impact of regiochemistry in energetic materials science: a case of (nitratomethyl-1,2,3-triazolyl)furazans |
Dalton Transactions |
Ананьев Иван Вячеславович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Linear furoxan assemblies incorporating nitrobifuroxan scaffold: En route to new high-performance energetic materials |
Chemical Engineering Journal |
Андреев Кирилл Владимирович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Energy Efficiency of Unsourced Random Access over the Binary-Input Gaussian Channel |
IEEE Communications Letters |
Андрюшечкин Борис Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Adsorption of molecular iodine on the Ag(111) surface: Phase transitions, silver reconstruction, and iodide growth |
Journal of Chemical Physics |
Аникеева Василиса Евгеньевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Terahertz Kerr effect in a methylammonium lead bromide perovskite crystal |
Physical Review B |
Аникин Василий Александрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Public Demand for State Support in the Post-Communist Welfare State: The Case of Russia |
Sociological Research Online |
Анисимов Алексей Альбертович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Impact of regiochemistry in energetic materials science: a case of (nitratomethyl-1,2,3-triazolyl)furazans |
Dalton Transactions |
Анисимов Алексей Альбертович |
Москва |
2 023 |
On the relationship between the strength of bonding between topological atoms and the exchange-correlation energy |
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry |
Анисимов Алексей Альбертович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Electron density-based protocol to recover the interacting quantum atoms components of intermolecular binding energy |
Journal of Chemical Physics |
Антонов Владимир Евгеньевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Lattice dynamics of high-pressure hydrides studied by inelastic neutron scattering |
Journal of Alloys and Compounds |
Антонов Владимир Евгеньевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Solid metal-hydrogen solutions with a symmetric miscibility gap |
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy |
Антонов Владимир Евгеньевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Isotopic dependence of the frequency of optical vibrations in molybdenum monohydride |
Journal of Alloys and Compounds |
Антонова Виктория Константиновна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Communicating the Social Responsibility of Big Business in Russia: Assessing How Large Companies Report Their Engagement in Social Welfare for People |
Europe-Asia Studies |
Апостолов Станислав Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Chirality inversion and radius blowup of a Néel-type skyrmion by a Pearl vortex |
Physical Review B |
Аржанцев Иван Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Эквивариантные пополнения аффинных пространств |
Успехи математических наук |
Аржанцев Иван Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Tits-type Alternative for Groups Acting on Toric Affine Varieties |
International Mathematics Research Notices |
Аржанцев Иван Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Root subgroups on affine spherical varieties |
Selecta Mathematica, New Series |
Аржанцев Иван Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Some finiteness results on triangular automorphisms |
Results in Mathematics |
Аржанцев Иван Владимирович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Automorphisms of algebraic varieties and infinite transitivity |
Алгебра и анализ |
Аржанцев Иван Владимирович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Tits-type alternative for certain groups acting on algebraic surfaces |
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society |
Аржанцев Иван Владимирович |
Москва |
2 023 |
On images of affine spaces |
Indagationes Mathematicae |
Аронин Александр Семенович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Structure of AlNiGd nanocomposites with enhanced ductility produced by high pressure torsion processing |
Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing |
Аронин Александр Семенович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Correlation between phase transformation and surface morphology under severe plastic deformation of theAl87Ni8La5 amorphous alloy |
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids |
Артамошина Полина Сергеевна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2023 |
ADHD symptoms of CEOs and business model innovation in the SME context |
Technovation |
Афанасьев Антон Евгеньевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Single-layer atom chip for continuous operation: Design, fabrication and performance |
Optics and Laser Technology |
Ахметьев Петр Михайлович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Topological meaning of the slope of the Kolmogorov spectrum of magnetic turbulence: M5-invariant of magnetic lines and its combinatorial formula |
Journal of Geometry and Physics |
Ахметьев Петр Михайлович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Об арф-инвариантах в коразмерности 1 в группе Уолла диэдральной группы |
Математический сборник |
Ахунова Ольга Леонидовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Cheeks, Jaws, Effort and Auletics |
Mnemosyne |
Бабаев Евгений Вениаминович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Criteria for a Structure to be Mesoionic |
Match |
Бабкин Эдуард Александрович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Ontology-Based Evolution of Domain-Oriented Languages: Models, Methods and Tools for User Interface Design in General-Purpose Software Systems |
Ontology-Based Evolution of Domain-Oriented Languages: Models, Methods and Tools for User Interface Design in General-Purpose Software Systems |
Бабкова Галина Олеговна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Уложенные комиссии в России в 1720-е - начале 1750-х гг. К постановке проблемы |
Cahiers du Monde Russe |
Багаутдинова Эльмира Рафиковна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Discovering dynamical features of Hodgkin–Huxley-type model of physiological neuron using artificial neural network |
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals |
Багирокова Ирина Гаруновна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Eye movement corpora in Adyghe and Russian: an eye-tracking study of sentence reading in bilinguals |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Баева Эльмира Миталиповна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Evidence of the disorder-independent electron-phonon scattering time in thin NbN films |
Physical Review B |
Баженов Глеб Владимирович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Evaluating Robustness and Uncertainty of Graph Models Under Structural Distributional Shifts |
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) |
Баженов Сергей Владимирович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Ferritin self-assembly, structure, function, and biotechnological applications |
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules |
Бажина Дарья Борисовна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
A probabilistic approach to information management of order fulfilment reliability with the help of perfect-order analytics |
International Journal of Information Management |
Балаева Ольга Николаевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Public procurement transaction costs: a country-level assessment |
Public Money and Management |
Балаева Ольга Николаевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Public Procurement Efficiency as Perceived by Market Participants: The Case of Russia |
International Journal of Public Administration |
Балаева Ольга Николаевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Tourism industry in a ‘new reality’ and regional development opportunities: the case of Russia |
Area Development and Policy |
Балюкин Игорь Игоревич |
Москва |
2 022 |
On the Energization of Pickup Ions Downstream of the Heliospheric Termination Shock by Comparing 0.52-55 keV Observed Energetic Neutral Atom Spectra t |
Astrophysical Journal Letters |
Балюкин Игорь Игоревич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Interstellar Neutrals, Pickup Ions, and Energetic Neutral Atoms Throughout the Heliosphere: Present Theory and Modeling Overview |
Space Science Reviews |
Балюкин Игорь Игоревич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Energetic pickup proton population downstream of the termination shock as revealed by IBEX-Hi data |
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society |
Балюкин Игорь Игоревич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Interplanetary Hydrogen Properties Observed From Mars |
Балюкин Игорь Игоревич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Adiabatic energy change in the inner heliosheath: how does it affect the distribution of pickup protons and energetic neutral atom fluxes? |
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society |
Банков Дмитрий Викторович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Analytical Model of 5G V2X Mode 2 for Sporadic Traffic |
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters |
Баранчиков Александр Евгеньевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Biocompatible ligands modulate nanozyme activity of CeO2 nanoparticles |
New Journal of Chemistry |
Барсукова Светлана Юрьевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Double Standards as Modus Operandi: Mixing Business and Politics in Russia |
Europe-Asia Studies |
Барсукова Светлана Юрьевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
“Lots of Money, Few Restrictions, and a Lot of Creativity:” The Changing Role of Political Strategists in Russia |
Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization |
Белан Сергей Александрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Universal performance bounds of restart |
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics |
Белан Сергей Александрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Crumpled Polymer with Loops Recapitulates Key Features of Chromosome Organization |
Physical Review X |
Белова Мария Владимировна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Meromorphic solutions of autonomous ordinary differential equations without the finiteness property |
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications |
Белова Мария Владимировна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Puiseux Integrability of Differential Equations |
Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems |
Белова Мария Владимировна |
Москва |
2 022 |
The method of Puiseux series and invariant algebraic curves |
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics |
Белова Мария Владимировна |
Москва |
2 023 |
On the integrability of the vocal fold model |
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena |
Белова Мария Владимировна |
Москва |
2 023 |
The Darboux Polynomials and Integrability of Polynomial Levinson–Smith Differential Equations |
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering |
Белова Мария Владимировна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Integrability and solvability of polynomial Liénard differential systems |
Studies in Applied Mathematics |
Белова Наталья Сергеевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Sequential analysis in Fourier probabilistic neural networks |
Expert Systems with Applications |
Белозёрова Анастасия Владимировна |
Москва |
2 023 |
A “wild man” from the island of Soqotra: a new text in its comparative setting |
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies |
Белоусов Юрий Александрович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Novel pyrazole-based carboxylate ligand as a building block for assembling lanthanides in luminescent 2D and 3D MOFs |
Inorganica Chimica Acta |
Бельдиев Иван Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Gorenstein Algebras and Uniqueness of Additive Actions |
Results in Mathematics |
Белянин Алексей Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Sanctions and international interaction improve cooperation to avert climate change |
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences |
Бергельсон Мира Борисовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Register switching involving lexical-semantic processing in Russian: An ERP study |
Journal of Neurolinguistics |
Беспалов Петр Алексеевич |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Hausdorf dimension of electromagnetic chorus emissions in their excitation region according to Van Allen probe data |
Results in Physics |
Беспалов Петр Алексеевич |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Quasi-periodic ELF/VLF emissions with atypical time structure inside the plasmasphere |
Results in Physics |
Бессонова Евгения Владимировна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Do Productivity Laggards Ever Catch Up With Leaders?† |
Review of Income and Wealth |
Бессонова Евгения Владимировна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Firms’ efficiency, exits and government procurement contracts |
European Journal of Political Economy |
Бесстремянная Галина Евгеньевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Measuring heterogeneity in hospital productivity: a quantile regression approach |
Journal of Productivity Analysis |
Бирин Кирилл Петрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Stationary concentration of 1O2 over 1O2 quantum yield: Next level of photoactivity analysis |
Dyes and Pigments |
Бирюкова Ольга Владимировна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Joint Initiative on Services Domestic Regulation in the WTO: The Case of Russia |
Global Policy |
Бланк Михаил Львович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Invariant measures of torus piecewise isometries |
Advances in Mathematics |
Бланк Михаил Львович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Average shadowing and gluing property |
Mathematika |
Боброва Ангелина Сергеевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Modular vs. diagrammatic reasoning: The pragmatist side of human understanding |
Pragmatics and Cognition |
Бобровский Максим Викторович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Wood decomposition, carbon, nitrogen, and pH values in logs of 8 tree species 14 and 15 years after a catastrophic windthrow in a mesic broad-leaved f |
Forest Ecology and Management |
Бобылева Ксения Владимировна |
Москва |
2 022 |
The Contribution of Intangible Assets to the Growth of the Russian Economy |
Review of Income and Wealth |
Богачев Владимир Игоревич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Задача Канторовича оптимальной транспортировки мер: новые направления исследований |
Успехи математических наук |
Богачев Владимир Игоревич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Sobolev–Kantorovich inequalities under CD(0,∞) condition |
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics |
Богачев Владимир Игоревич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis |
Богачев Владимир Игоревич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Zvonkin’s transform and the regularity of solutions to double divergence form elliptic equations |
Communications in Partial Differential Equations |
Богачев Владимир Игоревич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Уравнение Фоккера–Планка–Колмогорова с нелинейными членами локального и нелокального вида |
Алгебра и анализ |
Богачев Владимир Игоревич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Regularity of Solutions to Kolmogorov Equations with Perturbed Drifts |
Potential Analysis |
Боклан Дарья Сергеевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Not Just Sea Turtles, Let's Protect Women Too: Invoking Public Morality Exception or Negotiating a New Gender Exception in Trade Agreements? |
European Journal of International Law |
Боклан Дарья Сергеевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Joint Statement Initiatives: A Legitimate End to ‘Until Everything Is Agreed’? |
Journal of World Trade |
Болбачан Василий Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Chow dilogarithm and strong Suslin reciprocity law |
Journal of Algebraic Geometry |
Болдырева Мария Александровна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Grain-Based Dietary Background Impairs Restoration of Blood Flow and Skeletal Muscle During Hindlimb Ischemia in Comparison With Low-Fat and High-Fat |
Больгина Татьяна Александровна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Greater volumes of a callosal sub-region terminating in posterior language-related areas predict a stronger degree of language lateralization: A tract |
Больгина Татьяна Александровна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation modulates action naming over the left but not right inferior frontal gyrus |
Brain Structure and Function |
Большаков Никита Викторович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Deaf Youth in Contemporary Russia: Barriers to Inclusion in Education and the Labour Market |
Europe-Asia Studies |
Боос Виктория Олеговна |
Москва |
2 022 |
How different patterns of urbanization affect regional innovation? Evidence from Russia |
International Journal of Urban Sciences |
Бордачев Тимофей Вячеславович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Europe, Russia and the Liberal World Order: International Relations after the Cold War |
Europe, Russia and the Liberal World Order: International Relations after the Cold War |
Бочавер Александра Алексеевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
School Climate Questionnaire: A New Tool for Assessing the School Environment |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Бочавер Александра Алексеевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
School bullying as destructive communal coping of the school community |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Бочавер Александра Алексеевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Initial psychometric properties of the Parental Stress Scale examined using a sample of Russian mothers |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Бочарников Владимир Олегович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Observation of the B+→Jψη′K+ decay |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
Бочарова Александра Павловна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Trends in the Development of US–China Relations After the 2020 Presidential Election in the Context of the Information and Political Discourse of Amer |
China Report |
Брандышев Петр Евгеньевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Theory of self-coacervation in semi-dilute and concentrated zwitterionic polymer solutions |
Soft Matter |
Брандышев Петр Евгеньевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Noether’s second theorem and covariant field theory of mechanical stresses in inhomogeneous ionic liquids |
Journal of Chemical Physics |
Брандышев Петр Евгеньевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Variational field theory of macroscopic forces in coulomb fluids |
Journal of Chemical Physics |
Брандышев Петр Евгеньевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Statistical field theory of mechanical stresses in Coulomb fluids: general covariant approach vs Noether’s theorem |
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment |
Буденная Евгения Владимировна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Non-standard forms of saints’ names in Old East Slavic |
Russian Linguistics |
Бурмистров Игорь Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Disorder-driven transition to tubular phase in anisotropic two-dimensional materials |
Physical Review B |
Бурмистров Игорь Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Emergent Continuous Symmetry in Anisotropic Flexible Two-Dimensional Materials |
Physical Review Letters |
Бурмистров Игорь Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Chirality inversion and radius blowup of a Néel-type skyrmion by a Pearl vortex |
Physical Review B |
Бурмистров Игорь Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Reaction-diffusive dynamics of number-conserving dissipative quantum state preparation |
Physical Review B |
Бурмистров Игорь Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Local density of states fluctuations in a two-dimensional superconductor as a probe of quantum diffusion |
Physical Review B |
Бурмистров Игорь Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Interplay of superconductivity and localization near a two-dimensional ferromagnetic quantum critical point |
Physical Review B |
Бурмистров Игорь Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Boundary multifractality in the spin quantum Hall symmetry class with interaction |
Physical Review B |
Буров Александр Анатольевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Peaks, notches, and lowlands of comet (67P) Churyumov–Gerasimenko |
Acta Astronautica |
Бутов Олег Владиславович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Strength properties of femtosecond-induced defects and weak Bragg gratings for distributed optical fiber sensors |
Optics and Laser Technology |
Бутов Олег Владиславович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Selective fiber optic TFBG-assisted biosensors featuring functional coatings |
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical |
Бутов Олег Владиславович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Experiment-based model of an Er/Yb gain medium for fiber amplifiers and lasers |
Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics |
Бутовская Марина Львовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Facial cues to physical strength increase attractiveness but decrease aggressiveness assessments in male Maasai of Northern Tanzania |
Evolution and Human Behavior |
Бутовская Марина Львовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Variations in limited resources allocation towards friends and strangers in children and adolescents from seven economically and culturally diverse so |
Scientific Reports |
Бутовская Марина Львовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Sex differences in emotional perception: Evidence from population of Tuvans (Southern Siberia) |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Бутовская Марина Львовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Factors Associated With Highest Symptoms of Anxiety During COVID-19: Cross-Cultural Study of 23 Countries |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Бутовская Марина Львовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Direct and radiographic digit ratio (2D:4D) measurements of Tuvan children and adolescents from Southern Siberia: Sex differences and skeletal maturat |
Early Human Development |
Бутовская Марина Львовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Perception of strength, attractiveness and aggressiveness of Maasai male faces calibrated to handgrip strength: Evidence from a European sample |
American Journal of Human Biology |
Бушина Екатерина Валерьевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Mating Performance and Singlehood Across 14 Nations |
Evolutionary Psychology |
Бушина Екатерина Валерьевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
On the Relationship Between Valence and Arousal in Samples Across the Globe |
Emotion |
Бушуева Ирина Сергеевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Late-Holocene advances of the Greater Azau Glacier (Elbrus area, Northern Caucasus) revealed by <sup>14</sup>C dating of paleosols |
Holocene |
Быков Андрей Вячеславович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Weighing the moral worth of altruistic actions: A discrepancy between moral evaluations and prescriptive judgments |
Philosophical Psychology |
Ваньков Александр Борисович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Quantum Hall spin textures far beyond the skyrmion limit |
Physical Review B |
Варенцов Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Optimal spectral index and threshold applied to Sentinel-2 data for extracting impervious surface: Verification across latitudes, growing seasons, app |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation |
Васильев Глеб Альбертович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Prove them wrong: Do professional athletes perform better when facing their former clubs? |
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics |
Васильев Павел Андреевич |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
Children's morbidity and mortality in 19th century Western Siberia: review of historical medical records |
Archives of Disease in Childhood |
Васильева Виктория Александровна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Theory of electrolyte solutions in a slit charged pore: Effects of structural interactions and specific adsorption of ions |
Journal of Chemical Physics |
Вдовин Алексей Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Opaque Mind, Muteness, and Melodrama: Dmitry Grigorovich’s Invention of Peasant Subjectivity in The Village (1846) |
Slavic and East European Journal |
Вдовин Алексей Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Экономическое воображаемое в русской литературе XIX века (обзор исследований) |
Russian Literature |
Вергелес Сергей Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Structure function of velocity in a geostrophic vortex under strong rotation |
Physics of Fluids |
Вершинин Игнат Николаевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
The Role of Discursive Practices in Public Diplomacy and International Relations: The Case of Russia–Japan Relations |
Europe-Asia Studies |
Веселова Анна Сергеевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Integrating closed-loop principles in supply chains in emerging markets: The case of the Russian waste management industry |
European Management Review |
Веселова Юлия Александровна |
Москва |
2 023 |
On the safety of group manipulation |
Social Choice and Welfare |
Вилкова Ксения Александровна |
Москва |
2 022 |
If I ignore it, maybe it will go away: how Russian engineering students perceive the gender inequality issue |
European Journal of Engineering Education |
Вилкова Ксения Александровна |
Москва |
2 022 |
The Promises and Pitfalls of Self-regulated Learning Interventions in MOOCs |
Technology, Knowledge and Learning |
Владимирова Юлия Викторовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Квантовая оптика единичных квантовых излучателей в ближнем поле наночастицы |
Успехи физических наук |
Власов Василий Викторович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Global, Regional, and National Burden of Diseases and Injuries for Adults 70 Years and Older: Systematic Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease 201 |
The BMJ |
Власов Василий Викторович |
Москва |
2 022 |
The global burden of cancer attributable to risk factors, 2010-19: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 |
The Lancet |
Власов Василий Викторович |
Москва |
2 022 |
The global burden of adolescent and young adult cancer in 2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 |
The Lancet Oncology |
Власов Василий Викторович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Estimation of the global prevalence of dementia in 2019 and forecasted prevalence in 2050: an analysis for the Global Burden of Disease 2019 |
The Lancet Public Health |
Власов Василий Викторович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Measuring the availability of human resources for health and its relationship to universal health coverage for 204 countries and territories from 1990 |
The Lancet |
Власов Василий Викторович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Adolescent transport and unintentional injuries: a systematic analysis using the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 |
The Lancet Public Health |
Власов Василий Викторович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Assessing performance of the Healthcare Access and Quality Index, overall and by select age groups, for 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a sy |
The Lancet Global Health |
Власов Василий Викторович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Cancer Incidence, Mortality, Years of Life Lost, Years Lived With Disability, and Disability-Adjusted Life Years for 29 Cancer Groups From 2010 to 201 |
JAMA oncology |
Власов Василий Викторович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Structural changes in the Russian health care system: do they match European trends? |
Health Economics Review |
Власов Василий Викторович |
Москва |
2 022 |
The burden of injury in Central, Eastern, and Western European sub-region: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease 2019 Study |
Archives of Public Health |
Власов Василий Викторович |
Москва |
2 022 |
First population norms for the EQ-5D-3L in the Russian Federation |
Власов Василий Викторович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Global investments in pandemic preparedness and COVID-19: development assistance and domestic spending on health between 1990 and 2026 |
The Lancet Global Health |
Власов Василий Викторович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Global, regional, and national burden of low back pain, 1990–2020, its attributable risk factors, and projections to 2050: a systematic analysis of th |
The Lancet Rheumatology |
Влахов Андриан Викторович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Changing Svalbard: Tracing interrelated socio-economic and environmental change in remote Arctic settlements |
Polar Record |
Влахов Андриан Викторович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Barentsburg and Longyearbyen in times of socioeconomic transition: Residents' perceptions of community viability |
Polar Record |
Волков Денис Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Bringing Democracy into Iran: A Russian Project for the Separation of Azerbaijan |
Middle Eastern Studies |
Волкова Ирина Олеговна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Application of electromagnetic continuous variable transmission in hydraulic turbines to increase stability of an off-grid power system |
Renewable Energy |
Волкова Ирина Олеговна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Development of an algorithm for identifying single-phase ground fault conditions in cable and overhead lines in the networks with isolated neutral |
Energy Reports |
Волкова Наталья Владимировна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Modelling Innovation competence profiles: the empowering roles of self-monitoring and resilience |
BMC Psychology |
Волкова Наталья Владимировна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Commitment of key internal stakeholders during internationalization: challenges of an emerging market culture |
Journal of Marketing for Higher Education |
Воскобойников Илья Борисович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Sources of productivity growth in Eastern Europe and Russia before the global financial crisis |
Journal of Productivity Analysis |
Востриков Александр Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Development of accelerated methods for calculating the pattern of current spreading over the surface of spacecraft |
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate |
Вульфсон Александр Наумович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Local Similarity Theory of Convective Turbulent Layer Using “Spectral” Prandtl Mixing Length and Second Moment of Vertical Velocity |
Journals of the Atmospheric Sciences |
Вялый Михаил Николаевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Shifting paths to avoidable ones |
Journal of Graph Theory |
Гаврилов Кирилл Андреевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Who is to blame for the terrorist attack? Comparison of content analysis and survey data as sources of responsibility ascriptions |
Journal of Risk Research |
Гаврилов Сергей Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Spin oscillations of a single-mode polariton system driven by a plane wave |
Physical Review B |
Гаврилов Сергей Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Ultrafast All-Optical Polarization Switch Controlled by Optically Excited Picosecond Acoustic Perturbation of Exciton Resonance in Planar Microcavitie |
Physical Review Applied |
Гайворонский Юрий Олегович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Strategic Coordination in the 2021 Russian Legislative Election: Effects and Counterbalances |
Russian Politics |
Гайдуков Роман Константинович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Double–deck structure in the fluid flow induced by a uniformly rotating disk with small symmetric irregularities on its surface |
European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids |
Галеев Антон Владиславович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Yuli Zhukovsky’s contribution to Russian debates on economic development of the 1860s–70s |
European Journal of the History of Economic Thought |
Галяпина Виктория Николаевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
How shall we all live together?: Meta-analytical review of the Mutual Intercultural Relations in Plural Societies project |
Applied Psychology |
Герман Олег Николаевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
On the transference principle and Nesterenko's linear independence criterion |
Известия РАН. Серия математическая |
Гершман Михаил Анатольевич |
Москва |
2023 |
Policy challenges and recommendations in support of Moscow’s creative industries – viewpoints of practitioners |
Creative Industries Journal |
Гиппиус Алексей Алексеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Глаголический амулет из Варны в свете древненовгородских параллелей и vice versa |
Studi Slavistici |
Глазков Василий Николаевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
K2Mn3O(OH)(VO4)(V2O7) with Sawtooth Chains of Multivalent Manganese Triangular Trimer Units: Magnetic Susceptibility Shrouding a Long-Range Antiferrom |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Глазов Михаил Михайлович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
Exciton fine structure splitting and linearly polarized emission in strained transition-metal dichalcogenide monolayers |
Physical Review B |
Глазов Михаил Михайлович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
High-lying valley-polarized trions in 2D semiconductors |
Nature Communications |
Гласер Марина Алексеевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
The concept of “Greater Eurasia”: The Russian “turn to the East” and its consequences for the European Union from the geopolitical angle of analysis |
Journal of Eurasian Studies |
Глуцюк Алексей Антонович |
Москва |
2 022 |
On curves with the Poritsky property |
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications |
Голованова Светлана Викторовна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Multisided platform analysis and competition law enforcement practice in BRICS countries |
Journal of Competition Law and Economics |
Голованова Светлана Викторовна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Does judicial effort matter for quality? Evidence from antitrust proceedings in Russian commercial courts |
European Journal of Law and Economics |
Голота Алексей Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Свойство Жордана для групп бимероморфных автоморфизмов компактных кэлеровых пространств размерности 3 |
Математический сборник |
Голота Алексей Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Toward classification of codimension 1 foliations on threefolds of general type |
Mathematische Nachrichten |
Голубин Алексей Юрьевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Optimal Investment Policy in a Multi-stage Problem with Bankruptcy and Stage-by-stage Probability Constraints |
Optimization: A Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research |
Голубин Алексей Юрьевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Optimal insurance strategy in a risk process under a safety level imposed on the increments of the process |
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal |
Гольцман Григорий Наумович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Low power reconfigurable multilevel nanophotonic devices based on Sn-doped Ge<sub>2</sub>Sb<sub>2</sub>Te<sub>5</sub> thin films |
Acta Materialia |
Гольцман Григорий Наумович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Single-particle states spectroscopy in individual carbon nanotubes with an aid of tunneling contacts |
Applied Physics Letters |
Гольцман Григорий Наумович |
Москва |
2 022 |
In Situ Monitoring of Layer-by-Layer Assembly Surface Modification of Nanophotonic-Microfluidic Sensor |
Analytical Chemistry |
Гольцман Григорий Наумович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Phase randomness in a semiconductor laser: Issue of quantum random-number generation |
Physical Review A |
Гольцман Григорий Наумович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Empirical blockage characterization and detection in indoor sub-THz communications |
Computer Communications |
Гольцман Григорий Наумович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Ge-Sb-Te based metasurface with angle-tunable switchable response in the telecom bands |
Physical Review B |
Гольцман Григорий Наумович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Evidence of the disorder-independent electron-phonon scattering time in thin NbN films |
Physical Review B |
Гольцман Григорий Наумович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Real-time surface functionalization of a nanophotonic sensor for liquid biopsy |
Applied Physics Letters |
Гольцман Григорий Наумович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Dynamic Blockage in Indoor Reflection-Aided Sub-Terahertz Wireless Communications |
IEEE Access |
Гонченко Сергей Владимирович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Conjoined Lorenz twins – a new pseudohyperbolic attractor in three-dimensional maps and flows |
Chaos |
Гонченко Сергей Владимирович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Antisymmetric Diffeomorphisms and Bifurcations of a Double Conservative Hénon Map |
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics |
Гонченко Сергей Владимирович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Complex dynamics of the simplest neuron model: Singular chaotic Shilnikov attractor as specific oscillatory neuron activity |
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals |
Гонченко Сергей Владимирович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
On discrete Lorenz-like attractors in three-dimensional maps with axial symmetry |
Chaos |
Горбунов Игорь Анатольевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
On independent axiomatizability of quasi-normal modal logics |
Studia Logica |
Горбунова Анна Юрьевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Direct instruction, worked examples and problem solving: The impact of instructional strategies on cognitive load |
Innovations in Education and Teaching International |
Горбунова Анна Юрьевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
The relationship between instructional scaffolding strategies and maintained situational interest |
Interactive Learning Environments |
Горбунова Анна Юрьевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Are Inductive Teaching Methods Compatible with Cognitive Load Theory? |
Educational Psychology Review |
Гордин Владимир Александрович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Inhomogeneous Anisotropic Analysis of the Available Water Content of the Upper Soil Layer According to Ground-Based and Remote Sensing on the Territor |
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing |
Гохберг Леонид Маркович |
Москва |
2 023 |
From the Soviet Union to the Russian Federation: Publication Activity Dynamics along the Evolution of National Science Policies |
Scientometrics |
Гохберг Леонид Маркович |
Москва |
2 023 |
What semantic analysis can tell us about long term trends in the global STI policy agenda |
Journal of Technology Transfer |
Грачева Дарья Александровна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Computer-based performance approach for critical thinking assessment in children |
British Journal of Educational Psychology |
Грибанов Дмитрий Владимирович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
On lattice point counting in Δ-modular polyhedra |
Optimization Letters |
Гриценко Елена Сергеевна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
English in Russian musical reviews |
World Englishes |
Грищенко Александр Игоревич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Лингвотекстологические маркеры в позднесредневековых славянских библейских переводах с еврейских оригиналов |
Studi Slavistici |
Грищенко Михаил Юрьевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Spatial patterns of West Nile virus distribution in the Volgograd region of Russia, a territory with long-existing foci |
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases |
Грищенко Михаил Юрьевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Spatial disparities of street walkability in Moscow in the context of healthy urban environment |
Cities |
Громов Василий Александрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Generalized relational tensors for chaotic time series |
PeerJ Computer Science |
Громов Василий Александрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Semantic and sentiment trajectories of literary masterpieces |
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals |
Громов Василий Александрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Prediction after a Horizon of Predictability: Nonpredictable Points and Partial Multistep Prediction for Chaotic Time Series |
Complexity |
Гронская Наталья Эдуардовна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
‘Moderate global aphasia’: A generalized decline of language processing caused by glioma surgery but not stroke |
Brain and Language |
Гуревич Елена Яковлевна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Топологическая классификация потоков без гетероклинических траекторий на связной сумме многообразий Sn−1 × S1 |
Успехи математических наук |
Гуревич Елена Яковлевна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
О классификации потоков Морса–Смейла на проективно-подобных многообразиях |
Известия РАН. Серия математическая |
Гуревич Елена Яковлевна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Комбинаторный инвариант градиентно-подобных потоков на связной сумме S^n−1×S^1 |
Математический сборник |
Гуреев Максим Александрович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Allosteric Inhibitors of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF) Interfere with Apoptosis-Inducing Factor (AIF) Co-Localization to Prevent Partha |
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry |
Гуринов Артем Леонидович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Geomorphology of the Central Kamchatka Depression, the Kamchatka Peninsula, NE Pacific |
Journal of Maps |
Гурков Игорь Борисович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Total expenses for managerial remuneration in foreign manufacturing subsidiaries during the COVID-19 pandemic: A pilot exploration of applied policies |
Employee Relations |
Гурков Игорь Борисович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Shaping the attitudes of Russian managers in ethical issues – personal attributes and environmental pressure |
International Journal of Emerging Markets |
Гурков Игорь Борисович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Sailing through the storm–performance of Russian manufacturing subsidiaries of multinational corporations in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic |
Post-Communist Economies |
Гуров Сергей Вячеславович |
Москва |
2 022 |
New evidence on the impact of implicit trading costs on asset prices in the Russian stock market |
Applied Economics |
Гусейн-Заде Сабир Меджидович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Mirror symmetry on levels of non-abelian Landau–Ginzburg orbifolds |
Journal of Geometry and Physics |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Observation of an exotic narrow doubly charmed tetraquark |
Nature Physics |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Analysis of Neutral B-Meson Decays into Two Muons |
Physical Review Letters |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Measurement of the lifetimes of promptly produced Omega(0)(c) and Xi(9)(c) baryons |
Science Bulletin |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Study of the doubly charmed tetraquark Tcc+ |
Nature Communications |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
First Measurement of the Z →μ+μ- Angular Coefficients in the Forward Region of pp Collisions at s =13 TeV |
Physical Review Letters |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Angular Analysis of D0 ?p+p-µ+µ- and D0 ?k+K-µ+µ- Decays and Search for CP Violation |
Physical Review Letters |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Study of coherent J/ψ production in lead-lead collisions at √sNN = 5 TeV |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Constraints on the CKM angle γ from B ± → Dh ±s decays using D → h ± h′∓ π 0 final states |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Observation of the Decay Λb0 → Λc+ τ- ν ¯ τ |
Physical Review Letters |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Search for massive long-lived particles decaying semileptonically at √s=13TeV |
European Physical Journal C |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Observation of the doubly charmed baryon decay Ξcc++→Ξc′+π+ |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Tests of Lepton Universality Using B0 ? KS0 â„“+â„“- and B+ ?k*+â„“+â„“- Decays |
Physical Review Letters |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Measurement of the charm mixing parameter yCP- yCPKπ using two-body D0 meson decays |
Physical Review D |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Observation of Two New Excited Ξb0 States Decaying to Λb0 K-π+ |
Physical Review Letters |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Measurement of the Nuclear Modification Factor and Prompt Charged Particle Production in p-Pb and pp Collisions at sNN =5 TeV |
Physical Review Letters |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Measurement of the photon polarization in Λb0 → Λγ decays |
Physical Review D |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Test of lepton universality in beauty-quark decays |
Nature Physics |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Observation of the B0 → D ¯ ∗0K+π- and Bs0 → D ¯ ∗0K-π+ decays |
Physical Review D |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
J/ψ photoproduction in Pb-Pb peripheral collisions at sNN =5 TeV |
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Searches for rare Bs0 and B0 decays into four muons |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Study of Z Bosons Produced in Association with Charm in the Forward Region |
Physical Review Letters |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Evidence for a New Structure in the J/ψp and J/ψ(anti-)p Systems in B0s→J/ψp(anti-)p Decays |
Physical Review Letters |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Measurement of χc1(3872) production in proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 and 13 TeV |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Measurement of prompt charged-particle production in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Study of Bc+ decays to charmonia and three light hadrons |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Measurement of the Bs0 →μ+μ- decay properties and search for the B0 →μ+μ- and Bs0 →μ+μ-γ decays |
Physical Review D |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Search for the radiative Ξb− → Ξ<sup> −</sup> γ decay |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Measurement of the W boson mass |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Precise determination of the Bs0 – B¯s0 oscillation frequency |
Nature Physics |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Observation of Λb0 → D +pπ− π− and Λb0 → D*+ pπ− π− decays |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Stokes inversion techniques with neural networks: analysis of uncertainty in parameter estimation |
Solar Physics |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Observation of the B+→Jψη′K+ decay |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Latent Stochastic Differential Equations for Change Point Detection |
IEEE Access |
Гущин Михаил Иванович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Understanding of the properties of neural network approaches for transient light curve approximations |
Astronomy and Astrophysics |
Давий Анна Олеговна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Does the regional environment matter in ERP system adoption? Evidence from Russia |
Journal of Enterprise Information Management |
Давыдов Сергей Геннадьевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Journalistic Role Performance in the Russian Press: A Post-Soviet Model for the Third Decade, 2012-2022 |
Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization |
Давыдов Сергей Геннадьевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Culturalizing the Nation: A Quantitative Approach to the Russkii/Rossiiskii Semantic Space in Russia's Political Discourse |
Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization |
Давыдов Сергей Геннадьевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Comparing Journalistic Role Performance Across Thematic Beats: A 37-Country Study |
Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly |
Давыдов Сергей Геннадьевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Journalistic Role Performance in Times of COVID |
Journalism Studies |
Дагаев Дмитрий Александрович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Round-Robin Tournaments with Limited Resources |
Social Choice and Welfare |
Дадыкина Маргарита Михайловна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Практики снабжения и потребления в монастырском хозяйстве русского севера в середине – второй половине XVII в. |
Cahiers du Monde Russe |
Дадыкина Маргарита Михайловна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Локальная экономика раннего нового времени в условиях системного кризиса (по материалам приходных и расходных книг Кирилло-Белозерского монастыря 1620 |
Cahiers du Monde Russe |
Дадыкина Маргарита Михайловна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Economic history of early modern Russia (Introduction) |
Cahiers du Monde Russe |
Девятко Инна Феликсовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Weighing the moral worth of altruistic actions: A discrepancy between moral evaluations and prescriptive judgments |
Philosophical Psychology |
Девятко Инна Феликсовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Different Path to Happiness: The Role of Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction in Benefiting Close and Distant Others |
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships |
Дегтерев Денис Андреевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Development of the Blue Economy concept in Eastern Africa: strategic frameworks and a simmering conflict |
Review of African Political Economy |
Делицын Андрей Леонидович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Resonance scattering in a waveguide with identical thick perforated barriers |
Applied Mathematics and Computation |
Деминцева Екатерина Борисовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Ethnicity in Schools: Perceptions of Migrant Children from Central Asia in the Multicultural Environment of Russian Cities |
Nationalities Papers |
Демишев Сергей Васильевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Suppression of Kondo spin-fluctuations as the origin of metamagnetic transition in the new ternary intermetallic Ce3Pd2Ge7 |
Journal of Alloys and Compounds |
Демишев Сергей Васильевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Novel ternary germanide with high palladium content CePd12Ge2 |
Intermetallics |
Денисенко Михаил Борисович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Six Ways Population Change Will Affect the Global Economy |
Population and Development Review |
Джанашиа Кристина Малхазовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Low complexity template-based watermarking with neural networks and various embedding templates |
Computers and Electrical Engineering |
Джанашиа Кристина Малхазовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Watermarking Schemes for Digital Images: Robustness Overview |
Signal Processing: Image Communication |
Диденкулова Екатерина Геннадьевна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Mixed turbulence of breathers and narrowband irregular waves: mKdV framework |
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena |
Диденкулова Екатерина Геннадьевна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Freak wave events in 2005–2021: statistics and analysis of favourable wave and wind conditions |
Natural Hazards and Earth System Science |
Диденкулова Екатерина Геннадьевна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Investigating overtaking collisions of solitary waves in the Schamel equation |
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals |
Дмитриев Андрей Викторович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Early Warning Signals for Critical Transitions in Sandpile Cellular Automata |
Frontiers in Physics |
Дмитриев Андрей Викторович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Multifractal Early Warning Signals about Sudden Changes in the Stock Exchange States |
Complexity |
Дмитриев Андрей Викторович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Effective precursors for self-organization of complex systems into a critical state based on dynamic series data |
Frontiers in Physics |
Дмитриев Андрей Викторович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Twitter Self-Organization to the Edge of a Phase Transition: Discrete-Time Model and Effective Early Warning Signals in Phase Space |
Complexity |
Долганов Павел Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Quasi-two-dimensional coalescence of nematic and isotropic droplets and Rayleigh-Plateau instability in flat optical cells |
Soft Matter |
Долгих Андрей Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Soil microbial community of urban green infrastructures in a polar city |
Urban Ecosystems |
Долматов Илья Алексеевич |
Москва |
2023 |
Which factors influence the decisions of renewable energy investors? Empirical evidence from OECD and BRICS countries |
Environmental Science and Pollution Research |
Долуденко Илья Михайлович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Electrical properties arrays of intersecting of nanowires obtained in the pores of track membranes |
Materials Chemistry and Physics |
Дорофеева Светлана Валентиновна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Cognitive Requirements of the Phonological Tests Affect Their Ability to Discriminate Children With and Without Developmental Dyslexia |
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research |
Драгой Ольга Викторовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Greater volumes of a callosal sub-region terminating in posterior language-related areas predict a stronger degree of language lateralization: A tract |
Драгой Ольга Викторовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Language Abilities of Russian Primary-School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Evidence from Comprehensive Assessment |
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders |
Драгой Ольга Викторовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Sentence comprehension in heritage language: Isomorphism, word order, and language transfer |
Second Language Research |
Драгой Ольга Викторовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Global reading processes in children with high risk of dyslexia: a scanpath analysis |
Annals of Dyslexia |
Драгой Ольга Викторовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
A New Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Localizer for Preoperative Language Mapping Using a Sentence Completion Task: Validity, Choice of Baseline |
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience |
Драгой Ольга Викторовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation modulates action naming over the left but not right inferior frontal gyrus |
Brain Structure and Function |
Драгой Ольга Викторовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
The age-related changes in 40 Hz Auditory Steady-State Response and sustained Event-Related Fields to the same amplitude-modulated tones in typically |
Human Brain Mapping |
Драгой Ольга Викторовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
‘Moderate global aphasia’: A generalized decline of language processing caused by glioma surgery but not stroke |
Brain and Language |
Драгой Ольга Викторовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Cognitive Requirements of the Phonological Tests Affect Their Ability to Discriminate Children With and Without Developmental Dyslexia |
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research |
Драгой Ольга Викторовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Epileptogenic high-frequency oscillations present larger amplitude both in mesial temporal and neocortical regions |
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience |
Драгой Ольга Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Corpus callosum organization and its implication to core and co-occurring symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder |
Brain Structure and Function |
Драгой Ольга Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Reduced grey matter volume of amygdala and hippocampus is associated with the severity of autistic symptoms and language abilities in school-aged chil |
Brain Structure and Function |
Драгой Ольга Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Structural brain abnormalities and their association with language impairment in school-aged children with Autism Spectrum Disorder |
Scientific Reports |
Драгой Ольга Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Neuromagnetic 40 Hz Auditory Steady-State Response in the left auditory cortex is related to language comprehension in children with Autism Spectrum D |
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry |
Драгой Ольга Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Disruptions in modular structure and network integration of language-related network predict language performance in temporal lobe epilepsy: Evidence |
Epilepsy and Behavior |
Драгой Ольга Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Eye movement corpora in Adyghe and Russian: an eye-tracking study of sentence reading in bilinguals |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Драгой Ольга Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Identifying dyslexia in school pupils from eye movement and demographic data using artificial intelligence |
Драгой Ольга Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Switching attention deficits in post-stroke individuals with different aphasia types |
Aphasiology |
Драгой Ольга Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Register switching involving lexical-semantic processing in Russian: An ERP study |
Journal of Neurolinguistics |
Дрегуло Андрей Михайлович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Reaction engineering during biomass gasification and conversion to energy |
Energy |
Дубров Дмитрий Игоревич |
Москва |
2 022 |
A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
Дубров Дмитрий Игоревич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Examining the generalizability of research findings from archival data |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
Дубров Дмитрий Игоревич |
Москва |
2 022 |
COVIDiSTRESS diverse dataset on psychological and behavioural outcomes one year into the COVID-19 pandemic |
Scientific data |
Дубров Дмитрий Игоревич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Predictors of enhancing human physical attractiveness: Data from 93 countries |
Evolution and Human Behavior |
Дубров Дмитрий Игоревич |
Москва |
2 022 |
More Similarity if Different, More Difference if Similar: Assimilation, Colorblindness, Multiculturalism, Polyculturalism, and Generalized and Specifi |
Europe's Journal of Psychology |
Дубров Дмитрий Игоревич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Contextual factors predicting compliance behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic: A machine learning analysis on survey data from 16 countries |
Дубров Дмитрий Игоревич |
Москва |
2 023 |
The Psychological Science Accelerator’s COVID-19 rapid-response dataset |
Scientific data |
Дубров Дмитрий Игоревич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Raising the value of research studies in psychological science by increasing the credibility of research reports: the transparent Psi project |
Royal Society Open Science |
Дубров Дмитрий Игоревич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Mediation Analysis of Conspiratorial Thinking and Anti-Expert Sentiments on Vaccine Willingness |
Health Psychology |
Дыбо Анна Владимировна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Proto-Samoyedic and Proto-Manchu-Tungusic Dwelling Names: An Attempt at Semantic Reconstruction |
Anthropos |
Дымов Андрей Викторович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Уточнение теоремы Хис-Брауна о квадратичных формах |
Математический сборник |
Дьяченко Александр Иванович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Free Surface in two-dimensional Potential Flow: Singularities, Invariants and Virtual Fluid |
Journal of Fluid Mechanics |
Евтушенко Нина Владимировна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Homing Sequence Derivation with Quantified Boolean Satisfiability |
IEEE Transactions on Computers |
Епанова Юлия Валентиновна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Developing craft business in Russia: capitals and tactics of young cultural entrepreneurs |
Cultural Trends |
Ерицян Ксения Юрьевна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
It is not a big deal: a qualitative study of clinical biobank donation experience and motives |
BMC Medical Ethics |
Ерицян Ксения Юрьевна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
Costs and impact on HIV transmission of a switch from a criminalisation to a public health approach to injecting drug use in eastern Europe and centra |
The Lancet HIV |
Ерицян Ксения Юрьевна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
COVID-19 in social networks: unravelling its impact on youth risk perception, motivations and protective behaviours during the initial stages of the p |
International Journal of Adolescence and Youth |
Ерицян Ксения Юрьевна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Dynamics of university students' experiences with COVID-19 in the first year of pandemic in Russia: dataset |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Ермолин Илья Васильевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Stakeholder consensus suggests strategies to promote sustainability in an artisanal fishery with high rates of poaching and marine mammal bycatch |
People and Nature |
Ермолин Илья Васильевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Demographic effects of deportation: seeking the causes of high fertility rates in the North Caucasus, Russia |
Central Asian Survey |
Ермолова Мария Вадимовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
К хронологии утраты действительным причастием прошедшего времени предикативности в истории русского языка |
Russian Linguistics |
Ерофеева Виктория Георгиевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Measurement Invariance of the Short Home Attachment Scale: A Cross-Cultural Study |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Ершова Нина Владимировна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Tourism industry in a ‘new reality’ and regional development opportunities: the case of Russia |
Area Development and Policy |
Ефанов Александр Александрович |
Москва |
2 022 |
The Significance of Protest Mood in Forming a Developed Civil Society in Russia |
Russian Politics |
Ефремов Роман Гербертович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Small Amphiphilic Peptides: Activity Against Broad Range of Drug-Resistant Bacteria and Structural Insight into Membranolytic Properties |
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry |
Ефремов Роман Гербертович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Structure-based rational design of an enhanced fluorogen-activating protein for fluorogens based on GFP chromophore |
Communications Biology |
Ефремов Роман Гербертович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Structure-Based Rational Design of Small α-Helical Peptides with Broad-Spectrum Activity Against Multidrug-Resistant Pathogens |
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry |
Ефремов Роман Гербертович |
Москва |
2 023 |
On a mechanistic impact of transmembrane tetramerization in the pathological activation of RTKs |
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal |
Ефремова Мария Викторовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Psychological patterns of poverty in Russia: Relationships among socioeconomic conditions, motivation, self-regulation and well-being |
International Journal of Psychology |
Ефремова Мария Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Need for approval from others and face concerns as predictors of interpersonal conflict outcome in 29 cultural groups |
International Journal of Psychology |
Жаркая Варвара Юрьевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
A generic experiment of Ioannes Phokas: imaginary guide and dialogical appropriation of Palestine in the Brief ekphrasis of the Holy Land |
Byzantinische Zeitschrift |
Жуков Алексей Евгеньевич |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
Improvement of thermal resistance in InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs microdisk lasers bonded onto silicon |
Semiconductor Science and Technology |
Жуков Алексей Евгеньевич |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
Directional Single-Mode Emission from InGaAs/GaAs Quantum-Dot Half-Disk Microlasers |
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters |
Жуков Алексей Евгеньевич |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Time-resolved temperature-dependent photoluminescence spectroscopy of InGaAs/GaAs quantum well-dots |
Journal of Luminescence |
Жуков Алексей Евгеньевич |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Optical Loss in Microdisk Lasers with Dense Quantum Dot Arrays |
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics |
Жуков Алексей Евгеньевич |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Two-state lasing in a quantum dot racetrack microlaser |
Optics Letters |
Жуков Алексей Евгеньевич |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
III–V microdisk lasers coupled to planar waveguides |
Journal of Applied Physics |
Забродин Антон Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Field analogue of the Ruijsenaars-Schneider model |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
Забродин Антон Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Dyson gas on a curved contour |
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical |
Забродин Антон Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Constrained Toda hierarchy and turning points of the Ruijsenaars–Schneider model |
Letters in Mathematical Physics |
Забродин Антон Владимирович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Toda lattice with constraint of type B |
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena |
Забродин Антон Владимирович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Elliptic Solutions of the Toda Lattice with Constraint of Type B and Deformed Ruijsenaars–Schneider System |
Mathematical Physics Analysis and Geometry |
Забродин Антон Владимирович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Об интегрируемости деформированной системы Руйсенарса–Шнайдера |
Успехи математических наук |
Завертяева Марина Александровна |
Пермь |
2 023 |
Board social capital in an emerging market: Do directors’ connections affect corporate risk-taking? |
Borsa Istanbul Review |
Завертяева Марина Александровна |
Пермь |
2 023 |
Do CEO characteristics matter for corporate risk taking? Evidence from Russia |
Corporate Governance (Bingley) |
Завертяева Марина Александровна |
Пермь |
2 023 |
Team Masculinity and Performance: Evidence from Major League Soccer |
International Journal of Sport Finance |
Завертяева Марина Александровна |
Пермь |
2 023 |
The impact of influential shareholders on corporate dividend policy: Evidence from Russia |
Journal of Economic Studies |
Заворотная Ульяна Максимовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Quantum Protons in One-Dimensional Water |
Journal of Physical Chemistry C |
Заворотная Ульяна Максимовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Humidity effect on temperature behavior of proton diffusion coefficient in sulfonated co-polynaphthoyleneimide membranes measured by 1H NMR diffusomet |
Ionics |
Задков Виктор Николаевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Квантовая оптика единичных квантовых излучателей в ближнем поле наночастицы |
Успехи физических наук |
Задков Виктор Николаевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Observation of nonlinearity-controlled switching of topological edge states |
Nanophotonics |
Задков Виктор Николаевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Observation of Edge Solitons in Topological Trimer Arrays |
Physical Review Letters |
Задков Виктор Николаевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Observation of Linear and Nonlinear Light Localization at the Edges of Moiré Arrays |
Physical Review Letters |
Задков Виктор Николаевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Observation of Rotation-Induced Light Localization in Waveguide Arrays |
ACS Photonics |
Зайцев Александр Владимирович |
Москва |
2023 |
Формы поверхностей дель Пеццо степеней 5 и 6 |
Математический сборник |
Зайцева Инна Андреевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Moneyball in offensive versus defensive actions in football |
Applied Economics |
Зайцева Юлия Ивановна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Эквивариантные пополнения аффинных пространств |
Успехи математических наук |
Зайцев-Зотов Сергей Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Scanning tunneling microscopy of Bi2Te3 films prepared by pulsed laser deposition: from nanocrystalline structures to van der Waals epitaxy |
Surfaces and Interfaces |
Зайцев-Зотов Сергей Владимирович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Magnetic field induced activated and quantum creep of charge density waves in o- TaS3 |
Physical Review B |
Зарипова Юлия Олеговна |
Пермь |
2 023 |
Measuring effects of packaging on willingness-to-pay for chocolate: Evidence from an EEG experiment |
Food Quality and Preference |
Захаров Андрей Борисович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Diminishing Marginal Returns to Computer-Assisted Learning |
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management |
Захаров Денис Геннадьевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Multistability and evolution of chimera states in a network of type II Morris-Lecar neurons with asymmetrical nonlocal inhibitory connections |
Chaos |
Звездин Константин Анатольевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Two-Dimensional Terahertz Spectroscopy of Nonlinear Phononics in the Topological Insulator MnBi2Te4 |
Physical Review Letters |
Здорова Нина Станиславовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Global reading processes in children with high risk of dyslexia: a scanpath analysis |
Annals of Dyslexia |
Здорова Нина Станиславовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Do we rely on good-enough processing in reading under auditory and visual noise? |
Здорова Нина Станиславовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Eye movement corpora in Adyghe and Russian: an eye-tracking study of sentence reading in bilinguals |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Зеленков Юрий Александрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic using a compartmental model with time-varying parameters fitted by a genetic algorithm |
Expert Systems with Applications |
Зеленков Юрий Александрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Does information and communication technology really affect human development? An empirical analysis |
Information Technology for Development |
Зеленская Елена Михайловна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
Brand artification beyond luxury: Evidence from Russian brand-and-artist collaborations |
Creativity and Innovation Management |
Зеленская Елена Михайловна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
The Efficiency of the Performing Arts: Evidence from Data Envelopment Analysis for Russian Theaters |
Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society |
Зеленская Елена Михайловна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Revisiting museums of contemporary art: what factors affect visitors with low and high levels of revisit intention intensity? |
Museum Management and Curatorship |
Золотухин Всеволод Валерьевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Theology of religious feeling and experience as the methodological basis of science of religion[Gefühls- und Erfahrungstheologie als methodologische B |
Neue Zeitschrift fur Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie |
Зорина-Тихонова Екатерина Николаевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Design and synthesis of copper(II) malonates with N,N′-containing linkers |
CrystEngComm |
Зотова Мария Владимировна |
Москва |
2 023 |
The ‘Pivot to the East‘ and China in Russian Discourse |
Geopolitics |
Зудина Анна Алексеевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
What makes youth become NEET? Evidence from Russia |
Journal of Youth Studies |
Зыбин Кирилл Петрович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Long-term properties of finite-correlation-time isotropic stochastic systems |
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics |
Зыбин Кирилл Петрович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Non-Gaussian Generalization of the Kazantsev-Kraichnan Model for a Turbulent Dynamo |
Astrophysical Journal |
Зыбин Кирилл Петрович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Magnetic energy spectrum produced by turbulent dynamo: effect of time irreversibility |
Physics of Fluids |
Зыбин Кирилл Петрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Material surfaces in stochastic flows: Integrals of motion and intermittency |
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics |
Иванов Владимир Константинович |
Москва |
2 022 |
High-Entropy Layered Rare Earth Hydroxides |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Иванов Владимир Константинович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Biocompatible ligands modulate nanozyme activity of CeO2 nanoparticles |
New Journal of Chemistry |
Иванов Владимир Константинович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Albumin Retains Its Transport Function after Interaction with Cerium Dioxide Nanoparticles |
ACS Biomaterial Science and Engineering |
Иванов Иван Юрьевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Transformation of extracurricular education in post-Soviet countries: from universal access to inequality |
Children and Youth Services Review |
Иванов Федор Ильич |
Москва |
2 023 |
New Code-Based Cryptosystems via the IKKR Framework |
Journal of Information Security and Applications |
Иванов Федор Ильич |
Москва |
2 023 |
On the improvements of successive cancellation Creeper decoding for polar codes |
Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal |
Иванова Алина Евгеньевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Academic Achievement of First Graders with Inattentiveness and Hyperactivity in Classes with Various Academic Compositions |
Elementary School Journal |
Иванчик Аскольд Игоревич |
Москва |
2 022 |
A New Decree of Byzantium in Honour of a Judge from Dionysopolis |
Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik |
Ивашковская Ирина Васильевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Are blockchain-based digital transformation and ecosystem-based business models mutually reinforcing? The principal-agent conflict perspective |
Eurasian Business Review |
Игнатов Дмитрий Игоревич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Automated defect identification for cell phones using language context, linguistic and smoke-word models |
Expert Systems with Applications |
Игнатов Дмитрий Игоревич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Synthesis of multilevel knowledge graphs: Methods and technologies for dynamic networks |
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence |
Измоденов Владислав Валерьевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Shock-wave heating mechanism of the distant solar wind: Explanation of Voyager-2 data |
Astronomy and Astrophysics |
Измоденов Владислав Валерьевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Stabilization of the astropause by periodic fluctuations of the stellar wind |
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society |
Илларионов Андрей Анатольевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Вычисление гиперэллиптических систем последовательностей ранга 4 |
Известия РАН. Серия математическая |
Ильвовский Дмитрий Алексеевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Batch-Softmax Contrastive Loss for Pairwise Sentence Scoring Tasks |
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL |
Ильин Алексей Игоревич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Spectra of Bethe subalgebras of Y(gl_n) in tame representations |
Letters in Mathematical Physics |
Ильин Антон Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Long-term properties of finite-correlation-time isotropic stochastic systems |
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics |
Ильин Антон Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Non-Gaussian Generalization of the Kazantsev-Kraichnan Model for a Turbulent Dynamo |
Astrophysical Journal |
Ильин Антон Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Magnetic energy spectrum produced by turbulent dynamo: effect of time irreversibility |
Physics of Fluids |
Ильин Антон Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Material surfaces in stochastic flows: Integrals of motion and intermittency |
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics |
Ионов Андрей Михайлович |
Москва |
2 022 |
High-Quality Graphene Using Boudouard Reaction |
Advanced Science |
Исаев Леонид Маркович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Perceptions of Russia’s ‘return’ to Africa: Views from West Africa |
South African Journal of International Affairs |
Исаев Леонид Маркович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Dynastic Sacredness: Islam and the Arab Spring in Morocco |
Middle East Policy |
Исаев Леонид Маркович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Russia and the Middle East: From “Honest Broker” to “Status-Keeper” |
Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization |
Истомин Сергей Яковлевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
AMn2O4 spinels (A - Li, Mg, Mn, Cd) as ORR catalysts: The role of Mn coordination and oxidation state in the catalytic activity and their propensity t |
Electrochimica Acta |
Ищенко Анна Романовна |
Москва | 2023 | On an integrable family of oscillators with linear and quadratic damping | Chaos, Solitons and Fractals |
Кабалина Вера Ивановна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Mind the gap: Intended versus perceived human resource practices and knowledge sharing of line managers and employees |
European Management Review |
Казаков Алексей Олегович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
On 1:3 Resonance Under Reversible Perturbations of Conservative Cubic Hénon Maps |
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics |
Казаков Алексей Олегович |
Нижний Новгород |
2022 |
Conjoined Lorenz twins – a new pseudohyperbolic attractor in three-dimensional maps and flows | Chaos |
Казаков Алексей Олегович |
Нижний Новгород |
2022 |
On the origin of chaotic attractors with two zero Lyapunov exponents in a system of five biharmonically coupled phase oscillators | Chaos |
Казаков Алексей Олегович |
Нижний Новгород |
2023 |
Attractor–repeller collision and the heterodimensional dynamics | Chaos |
Казаков Алексей Олегович |
Нижний Новгород |
2023 |
Scenarios for the creation of hyperchaotic attractors in 3D maps | Nonlinearity |
Казарцев Евгений Вячеславович |
Москва |
2 022 |
О происхождении и природе украинских ямбов в сравнении с русским стихом |
Russian Literature |
Казарцев Евгений Вячеславович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Становление и эволюция белорусского 4-стопного ямба |
Russian Literature |
Казарян Максим Эдуардович |
Москва |
2023 |
Generalised Ordinary vs Fully Simple Duality for n-Point Functions and a Proof of the Borot–Garcia-Failde Conjecture |
Communications in Mathematical Physics |
Калмынин Александр Борисович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Longer Gaps Between Values of Binary Quadratic Forms |
International Mathematics Research Notices |
Калябин Дмитрий Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Parity-Time Symmetry in Planar Coupled Magnonic Heterostructures |
Physical Review Applied |
Калябин Дмитрий Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Hypersonic magnetoelastic waves in inhomogeneous structures |
Ultrasonics |
Калябин Дмитрий Владимирович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Gap electroacoustic waves in PT-symmetric piezoelectric heterostructure near the exceptional point |
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter |
Калягин Валерий Александрович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Spectral problem for the vector Stieltjes string |
Успехи математических наук |
Калягин Валерий Александрович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Reliability of maximum spanning tree identification in correlation-based market networks |
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications |
Капуза Анастасия Васильевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Women in gig economy work less in the evenings |
Scientific Reports |
Капуза Анастасия Васильевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
A time to gather stones – barriers to use technologies before the COVID-19 school closures |
International Journal of Educational Management |
Капуза Анастасия Васильевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Diminishing Marginal Returns to Computer-Assisted Learning |
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management |
Карабасов Тайржан |
Москва |
2 022 |
Density of states in the presence of spin-dependent scattering in SF bilayers: a numerical and analytical approach |
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology |
Карабасов Тайржан |
Москва |
2 022 |
Hybrid helical state and superconducting diode effect in superconductor/ferromagnet/topological insulator heterostructures |
Physical Review B |
Карабасов Тайржан |
Москва |
2 023 |
Electrical Discharge in a Cavitating Liquid under an Ultrasound Field |
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters |
Карабекян Даниел Самвелович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Vote’n’Rank: Revision of Benchmarking with Social Choice Theory |
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics |
Каратецкая Ефросиния Юрьевна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Conjoined Lorenz twins – a new pseudohyperbolic attractor in three-dimensional maps and flows |
Chaos |
Каратецкая Ефросиния Юрьевна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Scenarios for the creation of hyperchaotic attractors in 3D maps |
Nonlinearity |
Карминский Александр Маркович |
Москва |
2022 |
When central bank research meets Google search: A sentiment index of global financial stress |
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. |
Карпич Юлия Владимировна |
Москва |
2 023 |
“Conservative” voting in Russia: the religiosity and the political choice of orthodox believers |
East European Politics |
Карпов Александр Викторович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Structure of single-peaked preferences |
Journal of Mathematical Psychology |
Карпов Александр Викторович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Constructing large peak-pit Condorcet domains |
Theory and Decision |
Карпычев Виктор Викторович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Greater volumes of a callosal sub-region terminating in posterior language-related areas predict a stronger degree of language lateralization: A tract |
Карпычев Виктор Викторович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Epileptogenic high-frequency oscillations present larger amplitude both in mesial temporal and neocortical regions |
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience |
Карпычев Виктор Викторович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Disruptions in modular structure and network integration of language-related network predict language performance in temporal lobe epilepsy: Evidence |
Epilepsy and Behavior |
Кашин Дмитрий Викторович |
Пермь |
2 022 |
Implicit Incentives in Green Public Procurement: Good Intentions versus Rigid Regulations |
Ecological Economics |
Кашыкчы Мехмет Волкан |
Москва |
2022 |
Living under Stalin’s Rule in Kazakhstan |
Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History |
Кащеев Николай Иванович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Field Distribution Features of Linearly Polarized Field of Plane Aperture |
IEEE Access |
Кетков Сергей Сергеевич |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
On the Multistage Shortest Path Problem Under Distributional Uncertainty |
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications |
Кетков Сергей Сергеевич |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Planning of life-depleting preventive maintenance activities with replacements |
Annals of Operations Research |
Кириченко Валентина Алексеевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Push–pull operators on convex polytopes |
International Mathematics Research Notices |
Кирпищиков Дмитрий Андреевич |
Пермь |
2 023 |
Board social capital in an emerging market: Do directors’ connections affect corporate risk-taking? |
Borsa Istanbul Review |
Кирпищиков Дмитрий Андреевич |
Пермь |
2 023 |
Team Masculinity and Performance: Evidence from Major League Soccer |
International Journal of Sport Finance |
Кирпищиков Дмитрий Андреевич |
Пермь |
2 023 |
The impact of influential shareholders on corporate dividend policy: Evidence from Russia |
Journal of Economic Studies |
Киселев Артём Витальевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
A competetive way to low-viscosity PAO base stocks via heterocene-catalyzed oligomerization of dec-1-ene |
Molecular Catalysis |
Киселев Артём Витальевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Synthesis, molecular structure and catalytic performance of heterocycle-fused cyclopentadienyl-amido CGC of Ti (IV) in ethylene (co)polymerization: Th |
European Polymer Journal |
Киселев Артём Витальевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Heterocene Catalysts and Reaction Temperature Gradient in Dec-1-ene Oligomerization for the Production of Low Viscosity PAO Base Stocks |
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research |
Клепиков Владимир Павлович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Trends in capacity changes in oil refining in the European energy sector |
Energy Reports |
Клепиков Владимир Павлович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Oil tank farm emission trends of Russian refineries |
Energy Reports |
Клепиков Владимир Павлович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Communication system between Russian energy companies and the Indigenous peoples of the North |
Energy Reports |
Клепиков Владимир Павлович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Distribution of fugitive emissions in the energy complex of Russia during the supply of oil to refineries |
Energy Reports |
Клименко Алексей Владимирович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Convergence of spherical averages for actions of Fuchsian groups |
Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici |
Клиньшов Владимир Викторович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Shot noise in next-generation neural mass models for finite-size networks |
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics |
Клиньшов Владимир Викторович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Noise-induced switching in an oscillator with pulse delayed feedback: A discrete stochastic modeling approach |
Chaos |
Клиньшов Владимир Викторович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Constructive role of shot noise in the collective dynamics of neural networks |
Chaos |
Клочко Ольга Александровна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Currency risk and the dynamics of German investors entry and exit in Russia |
Emerging Markets Review |
Клюев Федор Станиславовоич |
Москва |
2023 |
Reductive coupling of nitroarenes with carboxylic acids – a direct route to amide synthesis |
Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry |
Ключарёв Василий Андреевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex plays causal role in probability weighting during risky choice |
Scientific Reports |
Ключарёв Василий Андреевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Do sparse brain activity patterns underlie human cognition? |
NeuroImage |
Ключарёв Василий Андреевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Mine or Ours? Neural Basis of the Exploitation of Common-Pool Resources |
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience |
Ключарёв Василий Андреевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
"Expert persuasion" can decrease Willingness to Pay for sugar-containing food |
Ключарёв Василий Андреевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
N400 correlate of brand associations |
Journal of Economic Psychology |
Ключарёв Василий Андреевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Visual processing of green zones in shared courtyards during renting decisions: An eye-tracking study |
Urban Forestry and Urban Greening |
Ключарёв Василий Андреевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Impact of Induced Moods, Sensation Seeking, and Emotional Contagion on Economic Decisions Under Risk |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Ключарёв Василий Андреевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Neural mechanisms of expert persuasion on willingness to pay for sugar |
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience |
Ключарёв Василий Андреевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
The prediction of market-level food choices by the neural valuation signal |
Ключарёв Василий Андреевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Neurochronometry of choice-induced preference changes: when do preferences actually change? |
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience |
Ключарёв Василий Андреевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
(Non)-experiencing the intention to move: On the comparisons between the Readiness Potential onset and Libet's W-time |
Neuropsychologia |
Ключарёв Василий Андреевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Neuromodulation of choice-induced preference changes: the tDCS study of cognitive dissonance |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Кнатько Дмитрий Михайлович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Integrating closed-loop principles in supply chains in emerging markets: The case of the Russian waste management industry |
European Management Review |
Князев Михаил Юрьевич |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
SAY-complementizers and indexical shift in Poshkart Chuvash With emphasis on communicative reception reports |
Studies in Language |
Князев Михаил Юрьевич |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
Spanning complement-taking verbs and spanning complementizers: On the realization of presuppositional clauses |
Journal of Linguistics |
Князев Михаил Юрьевич |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
The role of case and presuppositionality in the distribution of to čto-clauses in colloquial Russian: an experimental study |
Russian Linguistics |
Ковалева Маргарита Алексеевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Self-sustained vibrations in the system of a bi-harmonically driven pendulum |
Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics |
Ковалева Маргарита Алексеевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Stationary and nonstationary nonlinear dynamics of the finite sine-lattice |
Nonlinear Dynamics |
Ковалёнок Анастасия Юрьевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
N400 correlate of brand associations |
Journal of Economic Psychology |
Ковалюк Вадим Викторович |
Москва |
2 022 |
In Situ Monitoring of Layer-by-Layer Assembly Surface Modification of Nanophotonic-Microfluidic Sensor |
Analytical Chemistry |
Ковалюк Вадим Викторович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Phase randomness in a semiconductor laser: Issue of quantum random-number generation |
Physical Review A |
Ковалюк Вадим Викторович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Ge-Sb-Te based metasurface with angle-tunable switchable response in the telecom bands |
Physical Review B |
Ковалюк Вадим Викторович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Real-time surface functionalization of a nanophotonic sensor for liquid biopsy |
Applied Physics Letters |
Козлова Мария Андреевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
The regulatory power of social expectations: developing a measurement scale |
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy |
Козлова Мария Андреевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Multicultural Ideology in the Hidden Curriculum of Schoolbooks for Migrant Children |
Europe-Asia Studies |
Колачев Никита Игоревич |
Москва |
2 023 |
General intelligence in middle school students from different Russian regions: Results of PISA-like tests |
Intelligence |
Колданов Александр Петрович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Reliability of maximum spanning tree identification in correlation-based market networks |
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications |
Колданов Александр Петрович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
A robustness comparison of two market network models |
IMA Journal Management Mathematics |
Колданов Александр Петрович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Confidence bounds for threshold similarity graph in random variable network |
Statistical Analysis and Data Mining |
Колданов Петр Александрович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Reliability of maximum spanning tree identification in correlation-based market networks |
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications |
Колданов Петр Александрович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
A robustness comparison of two market network models |
IMA Journal Management Mathematics |
Колданов Петр Александрович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Confidence bounds for threshold similarity graph in random variable network |
Statistical Analysis and Data Mining |
Колоколов Игорь Валентинович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Coherent vortex versus chaotic state in two-dimensional turbulence |
Annals of Physics |
Колосницына Марина Григорьевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Unhealthy lifestyles and regional differences in life expectancy in Russia |
Public Health |
Колотова Лада Николаевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Formation of metastable aluminum silicide as intermediate stage of Al-Si alloy crystallization |
Scripta Materialia |
Колотова Лада Николаевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Atomistic simulation of Si-Al nanosponge structure features produced by laser printing method |
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids |
Кольцов Сергей Николаевич |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
STTM: an efficient approach to estimating news impact on stock movement direction |
PeerJ Computer Science |
Комаров Михаил Михайлович |
Москва |
2 022 |
The voice of Twitter: observable subjective well-being inferred from tweets in Russian |
PeerJ Computer Science |
Комаров Михаил Михайлович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Misclassification Bias in Computational Social Science: A Simulation Approach for Assessing the Impact of Classification Errors on Social Indicators R |
IEEE Access |
Комаров Михаил Михайлович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Dynamic Blockage in Indoor Reflection-Aided Sub-Terahertz Wireless Communications |
IEEE Access |
Комаров Никита Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Chlorine Adsorption on the Ag(110) Surface: STM and DFT Study |
Journal of Physical Chemistry C |
Комиссаров Дмитрий Алексеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Why was Bodhisattva Born in a Park? Dohada as a Possible Explanation from Buddha's Biographies |
Journal Asiatique |
Кон Илья Александрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Magnetic field induced activated and quantum creep of charge density waves in o- TaS3 |
Physical Review B |
Кондратюк Николай Дмитриевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Molecular dynamics study of sucrose aqueous solutions: From solution structure to transport coefficients |
Journal of Molecular Liquids |
Кондратюк Николай Дмитриевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Pair entropy and universal viscosity scaling for molecular systems via molecular dynamics simulations |
Journal of Molecular Liquids |
Кондратюк Николай Дмитриевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Теоретические и вычислительные подходы к предсказанию вязкости жидкостей |
Успехи физических наук |
Кондратюк Николай Дмитриевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
First-principles calculations of the viscosity in multicomponent metallic melts: Al-Cu-Ni as a test case |
Journal of Molecular Liquids |
Конча Валерия |
Москва |
2 023 |
The effects of multilingual and multicultural practices on divergent thinking. Implications for plurilingual creativity paradigm |
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition |
Корнеев Александр Александрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Micrometer-Wide NbN Strips for Photon-Number-Resolving Detection |
Physical Review Applied |
Корнеев Олег Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
‘Home-grown’ vs. ‘imported’ regionalism? Overlapping dynamics of regional migration governance in post-Soviet Eurasia |
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies |
Корнеев Олег Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
EU–Central Asian interactions: perceptions, interests and practices |
Central Asian Survey |
Корнеев Олег Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Securitising HIV/AIDS in Tajikistan: Framings, Policies and Practices |
Europe-Asia Studies |
Корнеев Олег Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Learning in, about and from the field? Symbolic functions of EU knowledge production on Central Asia |
Central Asian Survey |
Корнеев Олег Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Engaging with Labour Migrants: Emigration Policy in Tajikistan |
Asian Studies Review |
Корнилов Василий Вячеславович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Early Warning Signals for Critical Transitions in Sandpile Cellular Automata |
Frontiers in Physics |
Корнилов Василий Вячеславович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Self-Organization in Network Sociotechnical Systems |
Complexity |
Корнилов Василий Вячеславович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Multifractal Early Warning Signals about Sudden Changes in the Stock Exchange States |
Complexity |
Корнилов Василий Вячеславович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Effective precursors for self-organization of complex systems into a critical state based on dynamic series data |
Frontiers in Physics |
Корнилов Василий Вячеславович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Twitter Self-Organization to the Edge of a Phase Transition: Discrete-Time Model and Effective Early Warning Signals in Phase Space |
Complexity |
Корнилов Матвей Викторович |
Москва |
2 023 |
The SNAD Viewer: Everything You Want to Know about Your Favorite ZTF Object |
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific |
Корнилов Матвей Викторович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Supernova search with active learning in ZTF DR3 |
Astronomy and Astrophysics |
Корнилов Матвей Викторович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Reduction of supernova light curves by vector Gaussian processes |
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society |
Королев Денис Александрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Russian Arctic Vegetation Archive—A new database of plant community composition and environmental conditions |
Global Ecology and Biogeography |
Королева Ирина Павловна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Effects of nonlinearity and a new nonlinear resonance in two-path phonon transmittance in lattices with two-dimensional arrays of atomic defects |
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics |
Королева Юлия Олеговна |
Москва |
2 023 |
On a flow of liquid crystal in the axisymmetric boundary layer |
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics |
Корольков Сергей Дмитриевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Shock-wave heating mechanism of the distant solar wind: Explanation of Voyager-2 data |
Astronomy and Astrophysics |
Корольков Сергей Дмитриевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Stabilization of the astropause by periodic fluctuations of the stellar wind |
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society |
Коротаев Андрей Витальевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Urbanization, the Youth, and Protest: A Cross-National Analysis |
Cross-Cultural Research |
Коротаев Андрей Витальевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Formal Education and Contentious Politics: The Case of Violent and Non-Violent Protest |
Political Studies Review |
Коротаев Андрей Витальевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Internet, Political Regime and Terrorism: A Quantitative Analysis |
Cross-Cultural Research |
Коротаев Андрей Витальевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Global Systems for Sociopolitical Instability Forecasting and Their Efficiency A Comparative Analysis |
Comparative Sociology |
Коротаев Андрей Витальевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Machine Learning for Ranking Factors of Global and Regional Protest Destabilization with a Special Focus on Afrasian Instability Macrozone |
Comparative Sociology |
Коротаев Андрей Витальевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Revolutions and Democracy. Can Democracies Prevent Revolutionary Armed Violence? |
Comparative Sociology |
Коротаев Андрей Витальевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Education and Revolutions: Why do Revolutionary Uprisings Take Violent or Nonviolent Forms? |
Cross-Cultural Research |
Коротаев Андрей Витальевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
The roots of the Turkish-Qatari-Ikhwani alliance and its activities in North Africa and the Middle East |
South African Journal of International Affairs |
Коротаев Андрей Витальевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Love, Marriage, Family Organization and the Puzzle of Neolocality in Non-Industrial Societies: A Cross-Cultural Study |
Cross-Cultural Research |
Коротаев Андрей Витальевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Students and protests: A quantitative cross-national analysis |
International Journal of Comparative Sociology |
Коротяев Евгений Леонидович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis |
Коротяев Евгений Леонидович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
Trace formulas for Schrödinger operators on periodic graphs |
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications |
Коротяев Евгений Леонидович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Discretization of inverse scattering on a half line |
Mathematische Nachrichten |
Коротяев Евгений Леонидович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Trace formulas for magnetic Schrodinger operators on periodic graphs and their applications |
Linear Algebra and Its Applications |
Корсунова Виолетта Игоревна |
Москва |
2 023 |
O tempora! O mores! Cultural modernisation and nudity depiction in European cinema |
Poetics |
Коршунов Илья Алексеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Problem Solving and Formal, Nonformal, and Informal Learning of Russian Employees (Based on PIAAC Data) |
Adult Education Quarterly |
Косевич Екатерина Юрьевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Russia's Relations with the Countries of Latin America at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Four Levels of Interstate Interaction |
Russian Politics |
Косевич Екатерина Юрьевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Russia-Venezuela Relations (and US Interests): A Fully-Fledged and Long-Term Strategic Partnership? |
Russian Politics |
Косевич Екатерина Юрьевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Russian Foreign Policy in Latin America and the Caribbean in the Twenty-first Century |
Latin American Perspectives |
Космарский Артем Анатольевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Evading Transparency, Doubting Democracy, Dreaming Big: Grassroots Perspectives on Science Governance in Russia |
Problems of Post-Communism |
Космарский Артем Анатольевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Imagineering a new way of governing: the blockchain and res publica |
Journal of Information Technology and Politics |
Косоногов Владимир Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
A Russian Adaptation of the Emotional Contagion Scale |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Косоногов Владимир Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
"Expert persuasion" can decrease Willingness to Pay for sugar-containing food |
Косоногов Владимир Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Is emotion regulation impacted by executive functions? An experimental study |
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology |
Косоногов Владимир Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
N400 correlate of brand associations |
Journal of Economic Psychology |
Косоногов Владимир Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Impact of Induced Moods, Sensation Seeking, and Emotional Contagion on Economic Decisions Under Risk |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Косоногов Владимир Владимирович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Perspective taking in the human brain: complementary evidence from neuroimaging studies with media-based naturalistic stimuli and artificial controlle |
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience |
Косоногов Владимир Владимирович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Neural mechanisms of expert persuasion on willingness to pay for sugar |
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience |
Косоногов Владимир Владимирович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Neurochronometry of choice-induced preference changes: when do preferences actually change? |
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience |
Косоногов Владимир Владимирович |
Москва |
2 023 |
EEG and peripheral markers of viewer ratings: a study of short films |
Frontiers in Neuroscience |
Косоногов Владимир Владимирович |
Москва |
2 023 |
How Emotions Induce Charitable Giving. A Psychophysiological Study |
Social Psychology |
Котов Алексей Александрович |
Москва |
2 022 |
The Explanatory Effect of a Label: Its Influence on a Category Persists Even If We Forget the Label |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Котов Виталий Юрьевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Unusual isostructural Br/I substitution effect on the crystal structure and optical properties of hybrid halobismuthates |
New Journal of Chemistry |
Котырло Елена Станиславовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Impact of the compulsory military service reform of 2007–2008 on the demand for higher education |
Economics of Transition and Institutional Change |
Котырло Елена Станиславовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
The effects of India's bilateral investment treaties termination on foreign direct investment inflows |
Economics of Transition and Institutional Change |
Котырло Елена Станиславовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Back to parents: earnings of young adults and informal care |
Applied Economics |
Кракович Виктор Валерьевич |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Research-teaching nexus: The new answer to the old question |
Higher Education Quarterly |
Красняк Ольга Александровна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Science diplomacy from a nation-state’s perspective: a general framing and its application to Global South countries |
Science and Public Policy |
Крестьянников Евгений Адольфович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Good Intentions Gone Wrong: Russian Historical Scholarship and the Proliferation Effect |
Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History |
Крестьянников Евгений Адольфович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Политические сигналы женской адвокатуры в поздней Российской империи |
Cahiers du Monde Russe |
Креховец Екатерина Владимировна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Association between sleep patterns, somatization, and depressive symptoms among Russian university students |
Chronobiology International |
Кривохиж Светлана Валентиновна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
The EU and China: how do they fit in Central Asia? |
Central Asian Survey |
Кривохиж Светлана Валентиновна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Explaining anti-Asian xenophobia to Chinese audience: coverage of hate incidents during the COVID-19 pandemic in the PRC press |
China Report |
Крупец Яна Николаевна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Developing craft business in Russia: capitals and tactics of young cultural entrepreneurs |
Cultural Trends |
Крыжановская Наталья Владимировна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
Molecular-Beam Epitaxy Growth and Properties of AlGaAs Nanowires with InGaAs Nanostructures |
Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters |
Крыжановская Наталья Владимировна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
Improvement of thermal resistance in InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs microdisk lasers bonded onto silicon |
Semiconductor Science and Technology |
Крыжановская Наталья Владимировна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
Radiation outcoupling from microdisk lasers via dielectric resonant nanoantennas |
Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications |
Крыжановская Наталья Владимировна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Time-resolved temperature-dependent photoluminescence spectroscopy of InGaAs/GaAs quantum well-dots |
Journal of Luminescence |
Крыжановская Наталья Владимировна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Optical Loss in Microdisk Lasers with Dense Quantum Dot Arrays |
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics |
Крыжановская Наталья Владимировна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Two-state lasing in a quantum dot racetrack microlaser |
Optics Letters |
Крыжановская Наталья Владимировна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Single-Mode High-Speed 1550 nm Wafer Fused VCSELs for Narrow WDM Systems |
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters |
Крыжановская Наталья Владимировна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
III–V microdisk lasers coupled to planar waveguides |
Journal of Applied Physics |
Кугель Климент Ильич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Interplay of the Jahn-Teller effect and spin-orbit coupling: The case of trigonal vibrations |
Physical Review B |
Кугель Климент Ильич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Quantum magnetoresistance of Weyl semimetals with strong Coulomb disorder |
Physical Review B |
Кугель Климент Ильич |
Москва |
2 023 |
The resistance of quantum entanglement to temperature in the Kugel-Khomskii model |
Кугель Климент Ильич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Multiorbital exchange Hamiltonians: Derivation and examples |
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials |
Кугель Климент Ильич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Effects of anisotropy on the high-field magnetoresistance of Weyl semimetals |
Physical Review B |
Кузин Алексей Юрьевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Hybrid nanophotonic–microfluidic sensor for highly sensitive liquid and gas analyses |
Optics Letters |
Кузнецов Сергей Олегович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Introducing the closure structure and the GDPM algorithm for mining and understanding a tabular dataset |
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning |
Кузнецов Сергей Олегович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Mint: MDL-based approach for Mining INTeresting Numerical Pattern Sets |
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery |
Кузнецов Сергей Олегович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Human knowledge models: Learning applied knowledge from the data |
Кузнецов Степан Львович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Non-associative, Non-commutative Multi-modal Linear Logic |
Automated Reasoning: 11th International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2022, Haifa, Israel, August 8–10, 2022, Proceedings |
Кузнецов Степан Львович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Commutative action logic |
Journal of Logic and Computation |
Кузютин Денис Вячеславович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
A dynamic multicriteria game of renewable resource extraction with environmentally concerned players |
Economics Letters |
Кулаковский Владимир Дмитриевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Plasmonic grating for circularly polarized outcoupling of waveguide-enhanced spontaneous emission |
Applied Physics Letters |
Куликова Софья Петровна |
Пермь |
2 023 |
Measuring effects of packaging on willingness-to-pay for chocolate: Evidence from an EEG experiment |
Food Quality and Preference |
Куликова Софья Петровна |
Пермь |
2 023 |
The psychotomimetic ketamine disrupts the transfer of late sensory information in the corticothalamic network |
European Journal of Neuroscience |
Кунцевич Александр Юрьевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
3D Hypersound Microscopy of van der Waals Heterostructures |
Nano Letters |
Курбатова Юлия Александровна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Interannual variability of the ecosystem CO2 fluxes at paludified spruce forest and ombrotrophic bog in southern taiga |
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics |
Куценко Евгений Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
How different patterns of urbanization affect regional innovation? Evidence from Russia |
International Journal of Urban Sciences |
Кучерявый Евгений Андреевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Statistical Analysis and Modeling of User Micromobility for THz Cellular Communications |
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology |
Кучерявый Евгений Андреевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
A Tutorial on Mathematical Modeling of 5G/6G Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Cellular Systems |
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials |
Кучерявый Евгений Андреевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Packet Level Performance of 5G NR System Under Blockage and Micromobility Impairments |
IEEE Access |
Кучерявый Евгений Андреевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Performance of Offloading Strategies in Collocated Deployments of Millimeter Wave NR-U Technology |
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology |
Кучерявый Евгений Андреевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Dynamic Blockage in Indoor Reflection-Aided Sub-Terahertz Wireless Communications |
IEEE Access |
Ландер Юрий Александрович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Description and determination in Tanti Dargwa NPs |
Linguistics |
Ларин Александр Александрович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Novel family of nitrogen-rich energetic (1,2,4-triazolyl) furoxan salts with balanced performance |
Frontiers in Chemistry |
Ларин Александр Александрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Linear furoxan assemblies incorporating nitrobifuroxan scaffold: En route to new high-performance energetic materials |
Chemical Engineering Journal |
Лебедев Владимир Валентинович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Coherent vortex versus chaotic state in two-dimensional turbulence |
Annals of Physics |
Лебедев Владимир Валентинович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Long-range interactions between membrane inclusions: Electric field induced giant amplification of the pairwise potential |
Annals of Physics |
Левицкий Илья Александрович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Study of Multi-Link Channel Access Without Simultaneous Transmit and Receive in IEEE 802.11be Networks |
IEEE Access |
Ледяев Валерий Георгиевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Heads of Small Russian Towns: Power and Leadership |
Russian Politics |
Леевик Юлия Сергеевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Quantum phase transition in CeCoIn5: Experimental facts and theory |
Europhysics Letters |
Лепшокова Зарина Хизировна |
Москва |
2 022 |
How shall we all live together?: Meta-analytical review of the Mutual Intercultural Relations in Plural Societies project |
Applied Psychology |
Лепшокова Зарина Хизировна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Basic values as a motivational framework relating individual values with acculturation strategies among Arab immigrants and refugees across different |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Лерман Лев Михайлович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
On periodically modulated rolls in the generalized Swift–Hohenberg equation: Galerkin’ approximations |
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena |
Летучий Александр Борисович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Конкуренция дательного падежа и предлога для при глаголах и предикативах в русском языке: семантика и синтаксис |
Russian Linguistics |
Лисюткин Михаил Андреевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Declining Public Universities: Patterns and Lessons for Public Policy and Administration: A Russian Case Study |
International Journal of Public Administration |
Лифшиц Александр Львович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Khlestakov's other people's words |
Scando-Slavica |
Логинов Дмитрий Александрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Tandem C–H Annulation Reaction of Benzaldehydes and Aminobenzoic Acids with Two Equivalents of Alkyne toward Isocoumarin-Conjugated Isoquinolinium Sal |
Journal of Organic Chemistry |
Лола Инна Сергеевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
What determines the differentiation in the e-commerce adoption by consumers: evidence from Russia |
Electronic Commerce Research |
Ломазова Ирина Александровна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Soundness-preserving composition of synchronously and asynchronously interacting workflow net components |
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing |
Ломазова Ирина Александровна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Discovering architecture-aware and sound process models of multi-agent systems: a compositional approach |
Software and Systems Modeling |
Ломоносов Тимофей Александрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
On a doubly reduced model for dynamics of heterogeneous mixtures of stiffened gases, its regularizations and their implementations |
Chaos |
Лубашевский Игорь Алексеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Evolutionary Approach for Detecting Significant Edges in Social and Communication Networks |
IEEE Access |
Лукинский Валерий Сергеевич |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
A probabilistic approach to information management of order fulfilment reliability with the help of perfect-order analytics |
International Journal of Information Management |
Лукинский Владислав Валерьевич |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
A probabilistic approach to information management of order fulfilment reliability with the help of perfect-order analytics |
International Journal of Information Management |
Лукьянов Михаил Николаевич |
Пермь |
2 023 |
Toward a Constitutional Monarchy or a Dictatorship? The Progressive Nationalists, the Far Right, and the Monarchy, July 1914–February 1917 |
Revolutionary Russia |
Луховицкий Лев Всеволодович |
Москва |
2 023 |
A generic experiment of Ioannes Phokas: imaginary guide and dialogical appropriation of Palestine in the Brief ekphrasis of the Holy Land |
Byzantinische Zeitschrift |
Лысенко Константин Александрович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Merging the AuCu3- and BaAl4-based structure motifs: flux-assisted synthesis, crystal, and electronic structure of Ca2Pt7XP4−δ phosphide platinides (X |
Dalton Transactions |
Лысенко Константин Александрович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Stages of Kitaigorodsky Aufbau Principle Detached in the Cocrystals of Cp2MX2 (M = Ti, Zr; X = Cl, Br, I) with σ- And π-Hole Donors |
Crystal Growth & Design |
Лысенко Константин Александрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
CaPt4P6, first calcium-containing representative of the ternary pyrite-derived pnictides of the BaPt4As6 type: Synthesis, crystal, and electronic stru |
Journal of Solid State Chemistry |
Лысенко Константин Александрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
A new family of rare earth – strontium tellurite chlorides, SrLn4(TeO3)4Cl6 (Ln = Ce, Nd, Sm): Synthesis, crystal structures, possible polytypism, and |
Journal of Solid State Chemistry |
Лысков Николай Викторович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Study of Nd2±xHf2±xO7±δ system: the ionic and thermal transport properties |
Materials Research Bulletin |
Лысков Николай Викторович |
Москва |
2 022 |
High-temperature annealing of porous anodic aluminium oxide prepared in selenic acid electrolyte |
Surface and Coatings Technology |
Лысков Николай Викторович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Study of oxygen-ion conductivity and luminescence in the ZrO2 – Nd2O3 system: Impact of local heterogeneity |
Electrochimica Acta |
Лысков Николай Викторович |
Москва |
2 023 |
The fluorite-like LiSm4Mo3O15F ceramics: Synthesis and conductivity |
Journal of Solid State Chemistry |
Лысков Николай Викторович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Proton/oxygen ion conductivity ratio of Nd containing La10W2O21/γ-La6W2O15 tungstates |
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy |
Лысков Николай Викторович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Comprehensive study of conductivity in the series of monoclinic oxymolybdates: Ln2MoO6 (Ln = Sm, Gd, Dy) |
Solid State Ionics |
Лысков Николай Викторович |
Москва |
2 023 |
The fluorite-like Ln5Mo3O16+δ family extension: LiLn4Mo3O15F (Eu, Gd, Dy) ceramics |
New Journal of Chemistry |
Лысков Николай Викторович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Structural Features and Physical Properties of Tetragonal Ln2MoO6(Ln = La, Pr) Oxymolybdates Doped with Cadmium Atoms |
Crystal Growth & Design |
Львов Борис Глебович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Density of states in the presence of spin-dependent scattering in SF bilayers: a numerical and analytical approach |
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology |
Люсин Дмитрий Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Is emotion regulation impacted by executive functions? An experimental study |
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology |
Магид Евгений Аркадьевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
An Admittance-Controlled Amplified Force Tracking Scheme for Collaborative Lumbar Puncture Surgical Robot System |
International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery |
Магид Евгений Аркадьевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Neurointerface with oscillator motifs for inhibitory effect over antagonist muscles |
Frontiers in Neuroscience |
Майснер Дирк |
Москва |
2 022 |
Recalibrating, reconfiguring, and appropriating innovation: a semantic network analysis of China’s mass innovation and mass entrepreneurship (MIME) in |
Journal of Technology Transfer |
Майснер Дирк |
Москва |
2 022 |
Applying digital technologies in technology roadmapping to overcome individual biased assessments |
Technovation |
Майснер Дирк |
Москва |
2 022 |
Chain upgrading, technology transfer, and legitimacy: The Schumpeterian character of China in the information and communication technology sector in S |
Technological Forecasting and Social Change |
Майснер Дирк |
Москва |
2 022 |
Spatial features of entrepreneurial ecosystems |
Journal of Business Research |
Майснер Дирк |
Москва |
2 022 |
A multilayered perspective on entrepreneurial universities: looking into the dynamics of joint university-industry labs |
Technological Forecasting and Social Change |
Майснер Дирк |
Москва |
2 022 |
To act or to react? The role of responsiveness in corporate social performance disclosure in preventing plastic pollution in the travel and tourism se |
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management |
Майснер Дирк |
Москва |
2 023 |
More than one way to get there: a configurational view on performance drivers in knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship |
Journal of Knowledge Management |
Майснер Дирк |
Москва |
2 023 |
Exploring corporate venture capital investments in clean energy—a focus on the Asia-Pacific region |
Applied Energy |
Майснер Дирк |
Москва |
2 023 |
The roots of “volunteer” employees’ engagement: The silent role of intellectual capital in knowledge-sharing intentions |
Journal of Intellectual Capital |
Майснер Дирк |
Москва |
2 023 |
What semantic analysis can tell us about long term trends in the global STI policy agenda |
Journal of Technology Transfer |
Макаров Игорь Алексеевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Greenhouse gas Emissions Regulation in Fossil Fuels Exporting Countries: Opportunities and Challenges for Russia |
Post-Communist Economies |
Макаров Игорь Алексеевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Does resource abundance require special approaches to climate policies? The case of Russia |
Climatic Change |
Макаров Игорь Алексеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Climate Change and Challenges to Sustainable Development in the Russian Arctic |
Climatic Change |
Макаров Илья Андреевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Temporal network embedding framework with causal anonymous walks representations |
PeerJ Computer Science |
Макаров Илья Андреевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Self-supervised recurrent depth estimation with attention mechanisms |
PeerJ Computer Science |
Макаров Илья Андреевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Dealing With Sparse Rewards Using Graph Neural Networks |
IEEE Access |
Макаров Илья Андреевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Fast Search of Face Recognition Model for a Mobile Device Based on Neural Architecture Comparator |
IEEE Access |
Макаров Илья Андреевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Interaction models for remaining useful lifetime estimation |
Journal of Industrial Information Integration |
Макаров Илья Андреевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Robust Manga Page Colorization via Coloring Latent Space |
IEEE Access |
Макаров Илья Андреевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
SensorSCAN: Self-supervised learning and deep clustering for fault diagnosis in chemical processes |
Artificial Intelligence |
Макарова Юлия Алексеевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Low expression of CD24 is associated with poor survival in colorectal cancer |
Biochimie |
Макарова Юлия Алексеевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Challenges in Characterization of Transcriptomes of Extracellular Vesicles and Non-Vesicular Extracellular RNA Carriers |
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences |
Макарчук Илья Владимирович |
Москва |
2022 |
SOV in Russian: a corpus study |
Journal of Slavic Linguistics |
Макласова Екатерина Владимировна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Climato-Economic Context of Regional Crime and Corruption Across the Russian Federation |
Environment and Behavior |
Максаев Артем Максимович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Pairs of maps preserving singularity on subsets of matrix algebras |
Linear Algebra and Its Applications |
Максаев Артем Максимович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Automorphisms of the total digraph for the ring of square matrices over a field |
Linear Algebra and Its Applications |
Максименко Александр Александрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Psychological time of green entrepreneurs: a mixed methods study of SMEs |
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research |
Максименкова Марина Сергеевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Between Hard and Soft Power: British and Russian Youth on National Pride |
Nationalities Papers |
Максимов Андрей Геннадьевич |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Dynamics in a phase model of half-center oscillator: Two neurons with excitatory coupling |
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation |
Малошонок Наталья Геннадьевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
If I ignore it, maybe it will go away: how Russian engineering students perceive the gender inequality issue |
European Journal of Engineering Education |
Малошонок Наталья Геннадьевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Harm not only females: math-gender stereotypes and engagement of engineering students at Russian universities |
European Journal of Engineering Education |
Малошонок Наталья Геннадьевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
The quality of admission to Russian doctoral programs during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Innovations in Education and Teaching International |
Малошонок Наталья Геннадьевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Undergraduates' orientations towards student–university relationships: Measurement and associations with student characteristics and engagement |
Higher Education Quarterly |
Малошонок Наталья Геннадьевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Do the effects of student engagement on the development of generic skills differ across nations? |
European Journal of Higher Education |
Малошонок Наталья Геннадьевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Criticism and justification of undergraduate academic dishonesty: development and validation of the domestic, market and industrial orders of worth sc |
European Journal of Higher Education |
Мальцева Светлана Валентиновна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Self-Organization in Network Sociotechnical Systems |
Complexity |
Манита Лариса Анатольевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B |
Мареева Светлана Владимировна |
Москва |
2 023 |
A Society of Unstable Well-Being: Income Mobility and Immobility in Russia |
Europe-Asia Studies |
Мареева Светлана Владимировна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Public Demand for State Support in the Post-Communist Welfare State: The Case of Russia |
Sociological Research Online |
Мартынова Ольга Владимировна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Frequency Effects on Spelling Error Recognition: An ERP Study |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Мартынова Ольга Владимировна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Implicit auditory perception of local and global irregularities in passive listening condition |
Neuropsychologia |
Марычев Павел Михайлович |
Москва |
2 023 |
The Type-II/Type-I Crossover in Dirty Ferromagnetic Superconductors |
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters |
Матасов Виктор Михайлович |
Москва |
2 023 |
COVID-19 pandemic changes the recreational use of Moscow parks in space and time: Outcomes from crowd-sourcing and machine learning |
Urban Forestry and Urban Greening |
Матвеева Наталия Николаевна |
Москва |
2022 |
International scientific collaboration of post-Soviet countries: a bibliometric analysis |
Scientometrics |
Матвеева Наталия Николаевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Scientific collaboration of post-Soviet countries: the effects of different network normalizations |
Scientometrics |
Матусова Екатерина Дмитриевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Intertextuality and Ideology in Pseudo-Hecataeus |
Journal for the Study of Judaism |
Махов Иван Сергеевич |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
Improvement of thermal resistance in InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs microdisk lasers bonded onto silicon |
Semiconductor Science and Technology |
Махов Иван Сергеевич |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Optical Loss in Microdisk Lasers with Dense Quantum Dot Arrays |
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics |
Махов Иван Сергеевич |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Two-state lasing in a quantum dot racetrack microlaser |
Optics Letters |
Махов Иван Сергеевич |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
III–V microdisk lasers coupled to planar waveguides |
Journal of Applied Physics |
Медведев Владимир Олегович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Degenerating sequences of conformal classes and the conformal Steklov spectrum |
Canadian Journal of Mathematics |
Медведев Владимир Олегович |
Москва |
2023 |
On the Index of the Critical Möbius Band in 𝔹4 |
Journal of Geometric Analysis |
Медведев Михаил Геннадьевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Comment on “Pushing the frontiers of density functionals by solving the fractional electron problem” |
Science |
Медведев Михаил Геннадьевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Two-Component versus Three-Component Condensations in the Race between Hydrazide, Triketone, and Hydrogen Peroxide-How do All Six Reactive Centers Coo |
Journal of Organic Chemistry |
Мельман Анна Сергеевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Comparative study of metaheuristic optimization algorithms for image steganography based on discrete Fourier transform domain |
Applied Soft Computing Journal |
Мельман Анна Сергеевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Image data hiding schemes based on metaheuristic optimization: a review |
Artificial Intelligence Review |
Мещеряков Михаил Владимирович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Upper estimates of the Morse numbers for the matrix elements of real linear irreducible representations of compact connected simple Lie groups |
Алгебра и анализ |
Микова Евгения Сергеевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Black-Litterman model with copula-based views in mean-CVaR portfolio optimization framework with weight constraints |
Economic Change and Restructuring |
Милаева Елена Рудольфовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Cytotoxic activity of organotin compounds containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs |
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry |
Минаев Владимир Леонидович |
Москва |
2 023 |
A high precision VIS/NIR dynamic goniometer-spectrometer |
Metrologia |
Минаев Владимир Леонидович |
Москва |
2 023 |
The modified minimum deviation method for measuring the refractive index |
Optik |
Миняев Михаил Евгеньевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Synthesis of N,N′-Unsymmetrical 9-Amino-5,7-dimethyl-bispidines |
Journal of Organic Chemistry |
Михайлова Анастасия Алексеевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Estimating the timing of multiple admixture events using 3-locus linkage disequilibrium |
PLoS Genetics |
Михайлова Оксана Рудольфовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Folk Devils or Moral Entrepreneurs? Gap Bridging in the Social Studies of Pro-ana Communities |
Deviant Behavior |
Михайлова Оксана Рудольфовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Measuring judiciarization of people with mental illnesses |
Crime, Law and Social Change |
Михайлова Оксана Рудольфовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Anorexia and Young Womens’ Personal Networks: Size, Structure, and Kinship |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Михайлова Оксана Рудольфовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Exploring the ethics of political PR professionals using moral foundations theory |
Михайлова Оксана Рудольфовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Depression representations on the most popular Russian-language YouTube channels |
Convergence-The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies |
Михайлова Оксана Рудольфовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Association between sleep patterns, somatization, and depressive symptoms among Russian university students |
Chronobiology International |
Михайлова Оксана Рудольфовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Child Self-Care Autonomy in Health (Scale for Parents): Development, Internal Structure, and Sex/Age Correlates |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Михайлова Оксана Рудольфовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Mother blaming and anorexia: How ideological state apparatuses have informed my perception of my mother's role in the formation of my eating disorder |
Feminism and Psychology |
Мишура Анна Владимировна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
Financialisation and the authoritarian state: the case of Russia |
Cambridge Journal of Economics |
Моисеев Эдуард Ильмирович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
Improvement of thermal resistance in InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs microdisk lasers bonded onto silicon |
Semiconductor Science and Technology |
Моисеев Эдуард Ильмирович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
Directional Single-Mode Emission from InGaAs/GaAs Quantum-Dot Half-Disk Microlasers |
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters |
Моисеев Эдуард Ильмирович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Optical Loss in Microdisk Lasers with Dense Quantum Dot Arrays |
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics |
Моисеев Эдуард Ильмирович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Two-state lasing in a quantum dot racetrack microlaser |
Optics Letters |
Моисеев Эдуард Ильмирович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Elastic Gallium Phosphide Nanowire Optical Waveguides—Versatile Subwavelength Platform for Integrated Photonics |
Small |
Моисеев Эдуард Ильмирович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
III–V microdisk lasers coupled to planar waveguides |
Journal of Applied Physics |
Мордвинцева Валентина Ивановна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Roman Figured Aequipondia from Eklizi-Burun Sanctuary (Mountain Crimea) |
Revue Archeologique |
Морозова Екатерина Алексеевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Modelling the Bitcoin prices and media attention to Bitcoin via the jump-type processes |
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry |
Муравьев Кирилл Федорович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Evaluation of Topological Mapping Methods in Indoor Environments |
IEEE Access |
Мухин Михаил Сергеевич |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
Elastic single-walled carbon nanotubes pixel matrix electrodes for flexible optoelectronics |
Applied Physics Letters |
Надточий Алексей Михайлович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
Improvement of thermal resistance in InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs microdisk lasers bonded onto silicon |
Semiconductor Science and Technology |
Надточий Алексей Михайлович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Time-resolved temperature-dependent photoluminescence spectroscopy of InGaAs/GaAs quantum well-dots |
Journal of Luminescence |
Надточий Алексей Михайлович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Optical Loss in Microdisk Lasers with Dense Quantum Dot Arrays |
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics |
Назаров Алексей Анатольевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Proteomics-based scoring of cellular response to stimuli for improved characterization of signaling pathway activity |
Proteomics |
Найденова Юлия Николаевна |
Пермь |
2 022 |
Economic policy uncertainty and company's human capital |
Journal of Economic Studies |
Найденова Юлия Николаевна |
Пермь |
2 022 |
Shadow prices for intangible resources |
Journal of Intellectual Capital |
Найденова Юлия Николаевна |
Пермь |
2 022 |
Air Pollution and Individual Productivity: Evidence from the Ironman Triathlon Results |
Economics and Human Biology |
Найденова Юлия Николаевна |
Пермь |
2 022 |
Obesity and individual performance: the case of eSports |
International Journal of Obesity |
Найденова Юлия Николаевна |
Пермь |
2 023 |
Do LGBTQ-Supportive Corporate Policies Affect Consumer Behavior? Evidence from the Video Game Industry |
Journal of Business Ethics |
Нартова Надежда Андреевна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Not apologising for a community: Young people’s responses to misrecognition and stigma |
Journal of Youth Studies |
Нартова Надежда Андреевна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
When visibility becomes political: visibility and stigmatisation of young people |
Journal of Youth Studies |
Настина Екатерина Александровна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Is “Regional Culture” a Meaningful Concept? Cultural Differences Across 60 Russian Regions |
Cross Cultural and Strategic Management |
Настина Екатерина Александровна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Different Path to Happiness: The Role of Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction in Benefiting Close and Distant Others |
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships |
Нестеров Роман Александрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Soundness-preserving composition of synchronously and asynchronously interacting workflow net components |
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing |
Нестеров Роман Александрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Discovering architecture-aware and sound process models of multi-agent systems: a compositional approach |
Software and Systems Modeling |
Нефедов Константин Сергеевич |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
The belt and road initiative: a systematic literature review and future research agenda |
Eurasian Geography and Economics |
Никогосян Каринэ Сергеевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Visual processing of green zones in shared courtyards during renting decisions: An eye-tracking study |
Urban Forestry and Urban Greening |
Никонов Василий Иванович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Peaks, notches, and lowlands of comet (67P) Churyumov–Gerasimenko |
Acta Astronautica |
Никулин Сергей Вячеславович |
Москва |
2 023 |
ELOVL5 and IGFBP6 genes modulate sensitivity of breast cancer cells to ferroptosis |
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences |
Нифантьев Илья Эдуардович |
Москва |
2 022 |
A competetive way to low-viscosity PAO base stocks via heterocene-catalyzed oligomerization of dec-1-ene |
Molecular Catalysis |
Нифантьев Илья Эдуардович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Synthesis, molecular structure and catalytic performance of heterocycle-fused cyclopentadienyl-amido CGC of Ti (IV) in ethylene (co)polymerization: Th |
European Polymer Journal |
Нифантьев Илья Эдуардович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Cyclopentadienyl lanthanide borohydrides derived from the unsubstituted cyclopentadienyl ligand. Unprecedented structural diversity and ε-caprolactone |
Inorganica Chimica Acta |
Нифантьев Илья Эдуардович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Heterocene Catalysts and Reaction Temperature Gradient in Dec-1-ene Oligomerization for the Production of Low Viscosity PAO Base Stocks |
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research |
Новенко Елена Юрьевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Late-Holocene vegetation and fire history in Western Putorana Plateau (subarctic Siberia, Russia) |
Holocene |
Новенко Елена Юрьевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Evidence that modern fires may be unprecedented during the last 3400 years in permafrost zone of Central Siberia, Russia |
Environmental Research Letters |
Новенко Елена Юрьевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
A 1300-year multi-proxy palaeoecological record from the northwest Putorana Plateau (Russian Subarctic): environmental changes, vegetation dynamics an |
Holocene |
Новиков Федор Николаевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Quantum Mechanical-Cluster Approach to Solve the Bioisosteric Replacement Problem in Drug Design |
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling |
Новикова Елена Михайловна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Coherent Schwartz distributions of the Heisenberg algebra and inverted oscillator |
Journal of Mathematical Physics |
Ноздринова Елена Вячеславовна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
О бифуркациях, меняющих гомотопический тип замыкания инвариантного седлового многообразия диффеоморфизма поверхности |
Математический сборник |
Ноздринова Елена Вячеславовна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Components of Stable Isotopy Connectedness of Morse – Smale Diffeomorphisms |
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics |
Ноздринова Елена Вячеславовна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Circular Fleitas scheme for gradient-like flows on the surface |
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics |
Носков Федор Андреевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Nonparametric Uncertainty Quantification for Single Deterministic Neural Network |
Thirty-Sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems : NeurIPS 2022 |
Овчарова Лилия Николаевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
The association of osteoporosis and geriatric syndromes in the elderly: data from the Russian epidemiological study EVKALIPT |
Archives of Osteoporosis |
Огородников Леон Леонтьевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Structure function of velocity in a geostrophic vortex under strong rotation |
Physics of Fluids |
Оджо Колаволе Шола |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Modelling Innovation competence profiles: the empowering roles of self-monitoring and resilience |
BMC Psychology |
Окулова Ольга Игоревна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
Is there value in international accreditation beyond quality? An empirical analysis of the AACSB accredited schools |
Higher Education Quarterly |
Окулова Ольга Игоревна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Of Performance and Impact: How AACSB Accreditation Contributes to Research in Business Schools |
Higher Education Policy |
Ольшанский Григорий Иосифович |
Москва |
2 022 |
A hierarchy of Palm measures for determinantal point processes with gamma kernels |
Studia Mathematica |
Ольшанский Григорий Иосифович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Infinite-dimensional groups over finite fields and Hall-Littlewood symmetric functions |
Advances in Mathematics |
Ольшанский Григорий Иосифович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Характеры классических групп, функции типа Шура и дискретные сплайны |
Математический сборник |
Омельченко Елена Леонидовна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Public Perceptions of Russia’s Gulag Memory Museums |
Problems of Post-Communism |
Омельченко Елена Леонидовна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
‘Pro-moral order’ activism: a study of diversity within youth communities of struggle in St Petersburg |
Journal of Youth Studies |
Орлов Александр Викторович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Pragmatic mechanisms of manipulation in Russian online media: How clickbait works (or does not) |
Journal of Pragmatics |
Орлова Галина Анатольевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
DE-MOBILIZED ATOMS AS BOUNDARY OBJECTS The short lives of isotopes in the USSR |
Cahiers du Monde Russe |
Осипов Павел Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Self-similar Hessian and conformally Kähler manifolds |
Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry |
Осипов Павел Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Selfsimilar Hessian manifolds |
Journal of Geometry and Physics |
Осипов Павел Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Locally conformally Hessian and statistical manifolds |
Journal of Geometry and Physics |
Павленко Екатерина Сергеевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
‘Choosing the lesser of evils’: cultural narrative and career decision-making in post-Soviet Russia |
Journal of Youth Studies |
Павлов Александр Александрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Synthesis, X-ray structure and magnetic properties of the apically functionalized monocapped cobalt(ii) tris-pyridineoximates possessing SMM behaviour |
Dalton Transactions |
Павлова Татьяна Витальевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Dangling bonds on the Cl- and Br-terminated Si(100) surfaces |
Applied Surface Science |
Павлова Татьяна Витальевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
PBr3 Adsorption and Dissociation on the Si(100) Surface |
Journal of Physical Chemistry C |
Павлова Татьяна Витальевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Enhancing the reactivity of Si(100)-Cl toward PBr<sub>3</sub> by charging Si dangling bonds |
Journal of Chemical Physics |
Павловский Валерий Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Scanning tunneling microscopy of Bi2Te3 films prepared by pulsed laser deposition: from nanocrystalline structures to van der Waals epitaxy |
Surfaces and Interfaces |
Паниди Ксения Андреевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex plays causal role in probability weighting during risky choice |
Scientific Reports |
Паниди Ксения Андреевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
"Expert persuasion" can decrease Willingness to Pay for sugar-containing food |
Паниди Ксения Андреевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Impact of Induced Moods, Sensation Seeking, and Emotional Contagion on Economic Decisions Under Risk |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Паниди Ксения Андреевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Motor Decision-Making as a Common Denominator in Motor Pathology and a Possible Rehabilitation Target |
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair |
Панов Тарас Евгеньевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Минимально неголодовы кольца граней и произведения Масси |
Успехи математических наук |
Панов Тарас Евгеньевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Double cohomology of moment-angle complexes |
Advances in Mathematics |
Панов Тарас Евгеньевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
SU-линейные операции в комплексных кобордизмах и теория c1-сферических бордизмов |
Известия РАН. Серия математическая |
Панова Анна Алексеевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
The adaptation of academics to the Covid-19 crisis in terms of work time allocation |
Панова Анна Алексеевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Global visibility of nationally published research output: the case of the post-Soviet region |
Scientometrics |
Панова Анна Алексеевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Universities vs. research institutes? Overcoming the Soviet legacy of higher education and research |
Scientometrics |
Парфенов Максим Вячеславович |
Москва |
2022 |
Disorder-driven transition to tubular phase in anisotropic two-dimensional materials |
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics |
Парфеньев Владимир Михайлович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Profile of a two-dimensional vortex condensate beyond the universal limit |
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics |
Парфеньев Владимир Михайлович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Generation of stripe-like vortex flow by noncollinear waves on the water surface |
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena |
Парфеньев Владимир Михайлович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Sum-of-squares bounds on correlation functions in a minimal model of turbulence |
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics |
Пахлов Павел Николаевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
A new method for the measurement of the Michel parameters that describe the daughter muon polarization in the tau(-) -> mu(-) (nu)over-bar(mu) nu(tau) |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
Пахлов Павел Николаевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
On direct observation of millicharged particles at c-τ factories and other e+e−colliders |
Physics Letters B |
Пащенко Тарас Валерьевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Critical thinking in the context of adult learning through PBL and e-learning: A course framework |
Thinking Skills and Creativity |
Пелиновский Ефим Наумович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Волны Герстнера и их обобщения в гидродинамике и геофизике |
Успехи физических наук |
Пелиновский Ефим Наумович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Stability of KdV solitons with respect to transverse perturbation: Absolute and convective instabilities |
Physica Scripta |
Пелиновский Ефим Наумович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Gompertz model in COVID-19 spreading simulation |
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals |
Пелиновский Ефим Наумович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Soliton interactions with an external forcing: The modified Korteweg–de Vries framework |
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals |
Пелиновский Ефим Наумович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Quasi-parallel propagating solitons in magnetised relativistic electron–positron plasmas |
Journal of Plasma Physics |
Пелиновский Ефим Наумович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Морские волны-убийцы: наблюдения, физика и математика |
Успехи физических наук |
Пелиновский Ефим Наумович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Investigating overtaking collisions of solitary waves in the Schamel equation |
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals |
Пелиновский Ефим Наумович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Interactions of solitons with an external force field: Exploring the Schamel equation framework |
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals |
Пелиновский Ефим Наумович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Nonlinear waves, modulations and rogue waves in the modular Korteweg–de Vries equation |
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation |
Пенская Елена Наумовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
“Chief of Autographs”. Semantics of the Album Corpus by A.E. Kruchenykh[“Начальник автографов”. Семантика альбомного корпуса А.Е. Крученых] |
Russian Literature |
Пенская Елена Наумовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
“Прокол в вечность”. Андрей Белый и трансформация пьесы Сухово-Кобылина Дело в постановке Бориса Сушкевича (МХАТ II, 1928) |
Russian Literature |
Перекалин Дмитрий Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Synthesis of Ruthenium Catalysts with a Chiral Arene Ligand Derived from Natural Camphor |
Synthesis |
Перекалин Дмитрий Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Noble Metal versus Abundant Metal Catalysts in Fine Organic Synthesis: Cost Comparison of C–H Activation Methods |
Organometallics |
Перекалин Дмитрий Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Catalytic Utilization of Converter Gas – An industrial Waste for the Synthesis of Pharmaceuticals |
Chemical Science |
Перекалин Дмитрий Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Rhodium complexes with planar-chiral cyclopentadienyl ligands: synthesis from tert-butylacetylene and catalytic performance in C-H activation of arylh |
Dalton Transactions |
Пересецкий Анатолий Абрамович |
Москва |
2 022 |
A Statistical Explanation of the Dunning–Kruger Effect |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Пилкина Марина Васильевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Gender disparities in Russian academia: a bibliometric analysis |
Scientometrics |
Пимонова Светлана Александровна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
What Makes Agile Software Development Agile? |
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering |
Пионтковский Дмитрий Игоревич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Entropy of monomial algebras and derived categories |
International Mathematics Research Notices |
Пирковский Алексей Юльевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Topological amenability and Köthe co-echelon algebras |
Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis |
Пирковский Алексей Юльевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Dense quasi-free subalgebras of the Toeplitz algebra |
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society |
Платонова Дарья Павловна |
Москва |
2 022 |
The transformations of higher education in 15 post-Soviet countries: the state, the market and institutional diversification |
Higher Education Policy |
Платонова Дарья Павловна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Perception of strategies by university middle managers: is there any relationship with actual universities’ operations? |
Tertiary Education and Management |
Плахотник Мария Сергеевна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
Co-authoring with undergraduate students: An emerging process from the semi-periphery of the world of science |
Learned Publishing |
Плахотник Мария Сергеевна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
Differentiating Between Conceptual and Theory Articles: Focus, Goals, and Approaches |
Human Resource Development Review |
Плахотник Мария Сергеевна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
How attractive are internship advertisements to prospective applicants? A mixed-method examination through the lens of employer branding |
Education and Training |
Плахотник Мария Сергеевна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Commitment of key internal stakeholders during internationalization: challenges of an emerging market culture |
Journal of Marketing for Higher Education |
Плахотник Мария Сергеевна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Conducting and Writing a Structured Literature Review in Human Resource Development |
Human Resource Development Review |
Поволоцкий Александр Маркович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Watermelons on the half-plane |
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment |
Поволоцкий Александр Маркович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Exact densities of loops in O(1) dense loop model and of clusters in critical percolation on a cylinder: II. Rotated lattice |
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment |
Поддьяков Александр Николаевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Creativity of Creativity Researchers: Invention of Problems and Experimental Objects to Study Thinking |
Integrative psychological & behavioral science |
Подкопаев Олег Борисович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
On the functional equation f(αx+β)=f(x) |
Aequationes Mathematicae |
Подольский Андрей Ильич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Understanding self-regulated learning through the lens of motivation: Motivational regulation strategies vary with students’ motives |
International Journal of Educational Research |
Подъячева Евгения Сергеевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Borrowing Hydrogen Amination Reactions: A Complex Analysis of Trends and Correlations of the Various Reaction Parameters |
ACS Catalysis |
Подъячева Евгения Сергеевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Syngas Instead of Hydrogen Gas as a Reducing Agent─A Strategy To Improve the Selectivity and Efficiency of Organometallic Catalysts |
ACS Catalysis |
Подъячева Евгения Сергеевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Syngas as a synergistic reducing agent for selective reductive amination—a mild route to bioactive amines |
New Journal of Chemistry |
Подъячева Евгения Сергеевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Sodium hypophosphite mediated reductive amination of carbonyl compounds with N,N-dialkylformamides |
New Journal of Chemistry |
Подъячева Евгения Сергеевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Rhodium complexes with planar-chiral cyclopentadienyl ligands: synthesis from tert-butylacetylene and catalytic performance in C-H activation of arylh |
Dalton Transactions |
Подъячева Евгения Сергеевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Planar Chiral Rhodium Complex Based on the Tetrahydrofluorenyl Core for Enantioselective Catalysis |
Organic Letters |
Позаненко Алексей Степанович |
Москва |
2 022 |
The Peculiar Short-duration GRB 200826A and Its Supernova |
Astrophysical Journal |
Позаненко Алексей Степанович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Probing into emission mechanisms of GRB 190530A using time-resolved spectra and polarization studies: Synchrotron Origin? |
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society |
Позаненко Алексей Степанович |
Москва |
2 022 |
GRB 110213A: A Study of Afterglow Electromagnetic Cascade Radiation |
Astrophysical Journal |
Позаненко Алексей Степанович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Calibrating SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL for gamma-ray bursts and re-estimating energetics of GRB/GW 190425 in gamma-ray range |
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society |
Полькин Артём Владиславович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Multiple Andreev reflections in diffusive SINIS and SIFIS junctions |
Понарин Эдуард Дмитриевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
The Child-Rearing Scale as a Measure of Authoritarianism in a Non-Western Context: Evidence from Mass and Elite Surveys in Russia |
International Journal of Public Opinion Research |
Понарин Эдуард Дмитриевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Is “Regional Culture” a Meaningful Concept? Cultural Differences Across 60 Russian Regions |
Cross Cultural and Strategic Management |
Пономарев Александр Александрович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Kinetics of charged species in non-equilibrium plasma in water vapor- and hydrocarbon-containing gaseous mixtures |
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics |
Пономарев Александр Александрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Monte Carlo simulation of ion kinetics in nitrogen and oxygen plasmas under non-uniform electric field conditions |
Physics of Plasmas |
Попель Сергей Игоревич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Dust and dusty plasma effects in Schumann resonances on Mars: Comparison with Earth |
Icarus |
Попель Сергей Игоревич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Dust dynamics in the lunar dusty plasmas: Effects of magnetic fields and dust charge variations |
Physics of Plasmas |
Попель Сергей Игоревич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Dusty plasmas above the sunlit surface of Mercury |
Physics of Plasmas |
Попов Виктор Юрьевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Equilibrium Configurations of Super-Thin Current Sheets in Space Plasma: Characteristic Scaling of Multilayer Structures |
Попов Виктор Юрьевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Migrating Dynamo Waves and Consequences for Stellar Current Sheets |
Solar Physics |
Попов Виктор Юрьевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Fuzzy Sampled-Data Stabilization of Hidden Oscillations in a Memristor-Based Dynamical System |
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering |
Попов Владимир Леонидович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Group varieties and group structures |
Известия РАН. Серия математическая |
Попов Владимир Леонидович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Группа Пикара связной аффинной алгебраической группы |
Успехи математических наук |
Попцова Мария Сергеевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Z-RNA and the Flipside of the SARS Nsp13 Helicase: Is There a Role for Flipons in Coronavirus-Induced Pathology? |
Frontiers in Immunology |
Попцова Мария Сергеевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
ADAR1 masks the cancer immunotherapeutic promise of ZBP1-driven necroptosis |
Nature |
Попцова Мария Сергеевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Z-flipon variants reveal the many roles of Z-DNA and Z-RNA in health and disease |
Life Science Alliance |
Порозов Юрий Борисович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Emergence of an Auxin Sensing Domain in Plant-Associated Bacteria |
mBio |
Поспелов Евгений Викторович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Reductive Denitrogenation of Six-membered Cyclic Nitronates to Densely Substituted Dihydrofurans with Raney® Nickel/AcOH System |
Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis |
Потапчик Елена Георгиевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Structural changes in the Russian health care system: do they match European trends? |
Health Economics Review |
Поцелуев Всеволод Алексеевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Non-finite constructions in Khanty: Their unity and diversity |
Folia Linguistica |
Починка Ольга Витальевна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
О бифуркациях, меняющих гомотопический тип замыкания инвариантного седлового многообразия диффеоморфизма поверхности |
Математический сборник |
Починка Ольга Витальевна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Non-singular Morse–Smale flows on n-manifolds with attractor–repeller dynamics |
Nonlinearity |
Починка Ольга Витальевна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Components of Stable Isotopy Connectedness of Morse – Smale Diffeomorphisms |
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics |
Починка Ольга Витальевна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
There are No Structural Stable Axiom A 3-Diffeomorphisms with Dynamics “One-dimensional Surfaced Attractor-repeller” |
Results in Mathematics |
Починка Ольга Витальевна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Bifurcation of a disappearance of a non-compact heteroclinic curve |
Selecta Mathematica, New Series |
Починка Ольга Витальевна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Determination of the Homotopy Type of a Morse-Smale Diffeomorphism on an Orientable Surface by a Heteroclinic Intersection |
Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems |
Починка Ольга Витальевна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Узел как полный инвариант 3-диффеоморфизмов Морса–Смейла с четырьмя неподвижными точками |
Математический сборник |
Починка Ольга Витальевна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Circular Fleitas scheme for gradient-like flows on the surface |
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics |
Предводителева Марина Дмитриевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Tourism industry in a ‘new reality’ and regional development opportunities: the case of Russia |
Area Development and Policy |
Преображенская Анастасия Александровна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Here, I have measured with my span the Heaven and the Earth". Some Comments on the Pilgrimage of the Hegumen Daniil (12th Century) |
Studi Slavistici |
Присяжнюк Дарья Игоревна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Active Ageing and Social Services: The Paradox of Empowerment in Russia |
Europe-Asia Studies |
Присяжнюк Дарья Игоревна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Cracking the Nest Egg: Comparing Pension Politics in Post-Communist Russia and Hungary |
Social Policy and Society |
Прокофьева Екатерина Николаевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Development of accelerated methods for calculating the pattern of current spreading over the surface of spacecraft |
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate |
Промыслов Валентин Валерьевич |
Москва |
2022 |
Pairs of maps preserving singularity on subsets of matrix algebras |
Linear Algebra and its Applications |
Промыслов Валентин Валерьевич |
Москва |
2023 |
Automorphisms of the total digraph for the ring of square matrices over a field |
Linear Algebra and its Applications |
Прусова Ирина Сергеевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
Пугач Наталия Григорьевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Switchable spiral Josephson junction: A superconducting spin-valve proposal |
Superconductor Science and Technology |
Пугач Наталия Григорьевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Superconducting Spin Valves Based on a Single Spiral Magnetic Layer |
Physical Review Applied |
Пугач Наталия Григорьевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Spin dynamics in superconductor/ferromagnetic insulator hybrid structures with precessing magnetization |
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology |
Пугач Наталия Григорьевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Engineering low-temperature proximity effect in clean metals by spectral singularities |
New Journal of Physics |
Пудалов Владимир Моисеевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Новый магнитный сверхпроводник стехиометрического состава EuRbFe4As4 |
Успехи физических наук |
Пудалов Владимир Моисеевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Высокотемпературная сверхпроводимость в гидридах |
Успехи физических наук |
Пудалов Владимир Моисеевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Magnetic resonances in EuSn2As2 single crystal |
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials |
Пудалов Владимир Моисеевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Antiferromagnetic resonances in twinned EuFe2As2 single crystals |
Physical Review B |
Пудалов Владимир Моисеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Vortex Phase Dynamics in Yttrium Superhydride YH<sub>6</sub> at Megabar Pressures |
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters |
Пушкарев Евгений Александрович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
States of idiosyncratic idealized cognitive models in acts of pragmatic meaning |
Language Sciences |
Рабинович Александр Соломонович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Nonlinear Field Theories and Unexplained Phenomena in Nature |
Nonlinear Field Theories and Unexplained Phenomena in Nature |
Радомский Артем Олегович |
Москва |
2 023 |
О теореме Романова |
Известия РАН. Серия математическая |
Рахилина Екатерина Владимировна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Russian literature of the nineteenth century. Towards a linguistic commentary: The case of a hero of our time By Mikhail Lermontov[Русская классика XI |
Russian Literature |
Рахилина Екатерина Владимировна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Linguistic mechanisms of colour term evolution: A diachronic investigation of “Russian browns” buryj and koričnevyj |
Diachronica |
Резник Александр Валерьевич |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
The Genesis of the Cult of Trotsky in the Russian Civil War |
History |
Ремизов Иван Дмитриевич |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Chernoff approximations of Feller semigroups in Riemannian manifolds |
Mathematische Nachrichten |
Ровинский Марат Зефирович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Замечание о 0-циклах как модулях над алгебрами конечных соответствий |
Математический сборник |
Родина Виктория Алексеевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Volatility spillovers and frequency dependence between oil price shocks and green stock markets |
Resources Policy |
Рожков Максим Игоревич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Adapting supply chain operations in anticipation of and during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Omega |
Розмаинский Иван Вадимович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
The non-financial private firms’ sector of Spain in 2011 – 2017: the financial fragility hypothesis-based analysis |
International Review of Applied Economics |
Ройтерштейн Дмитрий Михайлович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Luminescence sensitization of the Nd3+ ion in diphenyl(9-antnracenyl)cyclopentadienyl complexes containing antenna-ligand with extended π-system |
Inorganica Chimica Acta |
Ройтерштейн Дмитрий Михайлович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Cyclopentadienyl lanthanide borohydrides derived from the unsubstituted cyclopentadienyl ligand. Unprecedented structural diversity and ε-caprolactone |
Inorganica Chimica Acta |
Романов Александр Юрьевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Driving an innovation contest into crisis |
Communications of the ACM |
Романов Александр Юрьевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Routing Algorithms in Optimal Degree Four Circulant Networks Based on Relative Addressing: Comparative Analysis for Networks-on-Chip |
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering |
Романова Марина Олеговна |
Москва |
2 022 |
A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
Романова Татьяна Алексеевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
A choice between neoliberal engagement and strategic autonomy? The impossibility of EU’s green cooperation with Russia between 2019 and 2021 |
Energy Policy |
Романюк Кирилл Андреевич |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
Are CDS spreads predictable during the Covid-19 pandemic? Forecasting based on SVM, GMDH, LSTM and Markov switching autoregression |
Expert Systems with Applications |
Романюк Кирилл Андреевич |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Dynamics in the Predictability of Credit Default Swap Spreads of EU Companies |
Complexity |
Ротмистров Алексей Николаевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
How to choose an approach to handling missing categorical data: (un)expected findings from a simulated statistical experiment |
Quality and Quantity |
Рощин Дмитрий Евгеньевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Mixing inside droplet co-flowing with Newtonian and shear-thinning fluids in microchannel |
International Journal of Multiphase Flow |
Рощин Сергей Юрьевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Determinants of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and resistance in Russia |
Vaccine |
Рощин Сергей Юрьевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Horizontal job-education mismatches and earnings of university graduates in Russia |
Journal of Education and Work |
Рощин Сергей Юрьевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Do non-cognitive skills matter for alcohol consumption? Evidence from Russia |
Journal of Comparative Economics |
Рощин Сергей Юрьевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Between nudges and mandates: the drivers of COVID-19 vaccination intentions and subsequent uptake in Russia |
Vaccine |
Рубачёв Иван Викторович |
Москва |
2 022 |
On Embeddings for Numerical Features in Tabular Deep Learning |
Thirty-Sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems : NeurIPS 2022 |
Рубачёв Иван Викторович |
Москва |
2 023 |
TabDDPM: Modelling Tabular Data with Diffusion Models |
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 28-30 March 2022, A Virtual Conference |
Руденко Дмитрий Юрьевич |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
The determinants of energy intensity in Indonesia |
International Journal of Emerging Markets |
Руднев Павел Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Multifunctionality and syncretism in non-finite forms: An introduction |
Folia Linguistica |
Рыбаков Михаил Николаевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Undecidability of the Logic of Partial Quasiary Predicates |
Logic Journal of the IGPL |
Рыбаков Михаил Николаевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Complexity function and complexity of validity of modal and superintuitionistic propositional logics |
Journal of Logic and Computation |
Рыбина Елена Петровна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Neuromodulation of choice-induced preference changes: the tDCS study of cognitive dissonance |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Рыбченко Оксана Геннадьевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Fe ion valence states and oxygen vacancies in the La<sub>0.5</sub>Sr<sub>0.5</sub>FeO<sub>3-γ</sub> ferrite under vacuum annealing |
Ceramics International |
Рындык Мария Павловна |
Москва |
2023 |
Crystalline Micro-Sized Carbonated Apatites: Chemical Anisotropy of the Crystallite Surfaces, Biocompatibility, Osteoconductivity, and Osteoinductive Effect Enhanced by Poly(ethylene phosphoric acid) |
ACS Applied Bio Materials |
Рябинин Максим Константинович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Distributed Methods with Compressed Communication for Solving Variational Inequalities, with Theoretical Guarantees |
Thirty-Sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems : NeurIPS 2022 |
Рябинин Максим Константинович |
Москва |
2 022 |
RuCoLA: Russian Corpus of Linguistic Acceptability |
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing |
Рябинин Максим Константинович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Secure Distributed Training at Scale |
Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning |
Рябинин Максим Константинович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Is This Loss Informative? Faster Text-to-Image Customization by Tracking Objective Dynamics |
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36 (NeurIPS 2023) |
Рябиченко Татьяна Анатольевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
How shall we all live together?: Meta-analytical review of the Mutual Intercultural Relations in Plural Societies project |
Applied Psychology |
Рябиченко Татьяна Анатольевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Multicultural Ideology in the Hidden Curriculum of Schoolbooks for Migrant Children |
Europe-Asia Studies |
Саакян Сергей Арамович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Photoionization cross section of first excited state of lithium |
Spectrochimica Acta - Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy |
Саакян Сергей Арамович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Spectral profiles of strongly saturated resonance transitions in high-density rb vapor |
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer |
Савченко Андрей Владимирович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Gain-optimized spectral distortions for pronunciation training |
Optimization Letters |
Савченко Андрей Владимирович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Sequential analysis in Fourier probabilistic neural networks |
Expert Systems with Applications |
Савченко Андрей Владимирович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Classifying emotions and engagement in online learning based on a single facial expression recognition neural network |
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing |
Савченко Андрей Владимирович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Temporal network embedding framework with causal anonymous walks representations |
PeerJ Computer Science |
Савченко Андрей Владимирович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Preference prediction based on a photo gallery analysis with scene recognition and object detection |
Pattern Recognition |
Савченко Андрей Владимирович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Three-way classification for sequences of observations |
Information Sciences |
Савченко Андрей Владимирович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Fast Search of Face Recognition Model for a Mobile Device Based on Neural Architecture Comparator |
IEEE Access |
Савченко Людмила Васильевна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Gain-optimized spectral distortions for pronunciation training |
Optimization Letters |
Савченко Людмила Васильевна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Classifying emotions and engagement in online learning based on a single facial expression recognition neural network |
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing |
Савченко Людмила Васильевна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Three-way classification for sequences of observations |
Information Sciences |
Савченко Людмила Васильевна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Fast Search of Face Recognition Model for a Mobile Device Based on Neural Architecture Comparator |
IEEE Access |
Саликов Ринат Фаритович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Superphotoacidic properties and pH-switched Stokes shifts in electron-deficient 5-hydroxyisoquinolone derivatives |
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry |
Сальникова Дарья Вячеславовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Healthcare in Russia and Latvia: Revealing Public Attitudes and Institutional Prerequisites |
Europe-Asia Studies |
Саматов Михаил Рустамович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Site-specific photolabile roadblocks for the study of transcription elongation in biologically complex systems |
Communications Biology |
Самойленко Иван Александрович | Москва | 2022 | Vector centrality in hypergraphs | Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. |
Самылина Евгения Александровна |
Нижний Новгород |
2022 |
On 1:3 Resonance Under Reversible Perturbations of Conservative Cubic Hénon Maps |
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics |
Сапонов Павел Алексеевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Quantum doubles of Fock type and bosonization |
Journal of Geometry and Physics |
Сапонов Павел Алексеевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Matrix Capelli identities related to Reflection Equation algebra |
Journal of Geometry and Physics |
Сапонов Павел Алексеевич |
Москва |
2023 |
Noncommutative geometry on central extension of U(u(2)) |
Journal of Mathematical Physics |
Сапонов Павел Алексеевич |
Москва |
2023 |
О симметризаторах в квантовых матричных алгебрах |
Успехи математических наук |
Сапронов Фрол Алексеевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
The Role of Emotional Information in Banner Blindness |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Сариева Ирена Ремаевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
Сатанин Аркадий Михайлович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Управление состояниями в сверхпроводниковых квантовых процессорах |
Успехи физических наук |
Сатанин Аркадий Михайлович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Fano-type Effect in Hydrogen-Terminated Pure Nanodiamond |
Nano Letters |
Сатанин Аркадий Михайлович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Sub-nanosecond operations on superconducting quantum register based on Ramsey patterns |
Superconductor Science and Technology |
Сатанин Аркадий Михайлович |
Москва |
2 022 |
A superconducting adiabatic neuron in a quantum regime |
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology |
Сатанин Аркадий Михайлович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Speeding up qubit control with bipolar single-flux-quantum pulse sequences |
Сатанин Аркадий Михайлович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Raman fingerprints of ultrasmall nanodiamonds produced from adamantane |
Diamond and Related Materials |
Сауткина Елена Владимировна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Political values, patriotism, institutional trust and connectedness to nature predict environmental attitudes and pro-environmental behaviour |
Psyecology |
Сафин Ансар Ризаевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Modelling of coupled magnetoelastic waves in structure containing thin antiferromagnetic films on an elastic substrate |
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics |
Сафонов Клим Андреевич |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Antisymmetric Diffeomorphisms and Bifurcations of a Double Conservative Hénon Map |
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics |
Селезнёв Михаил Георгиевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Πόλις ασεδεκ in Isaiah 19:18: A Translator's Wordplay or the Actual Jewish Name for 'Leontopolis'? |
Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies (JSCS) |
Селезнёв Михаил Георгиевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Νόμος/νόμοι in the Septuagint and the Letter to the Hebrews |
Novum Testamentum |
Селезнева Елена Владимировна |
Москва |
2 023 |
The association of osteoporosis and geriatric syndromes in the elderly: data from the Russian epidemiological study EVKALIPT |
Archives of Osteoporosis |
Семенов Андрей Георгиевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Superconducting quantum fluctuations in one dimension |
Успехи физических наук |
Семенов Андрей Георгиевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Nonlinear microwave response of clean superconducting films |
Physical Review B |
Семенов Андрей Георгиевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Transition between metastable equilibria: Applications to binary-choice games |
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics |
Семенов Дмитрий Павлович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
A robustness comparison of two market network models |
IMA Journal Management Mathematics |
Семенов Дмитрий Павлович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Confidence bounds for threshold similarity graph in random variable network |
Statistical Analysis and Data Mining |
Семенова Дарья Владимировна |
Пермь |
2 023 |
Measuring effects of packaging on willingness-to-pay for chocolate: Evidence from an EEG experiment |
Food Quality and Preference |
Семенов-Тян-Шанский Кирилл Михайлович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
Backward timelike Compton scattering to decipher the photon content of the nucleon |
European Physical Journal C |
Серебренников Павел Николаевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Measuring the efficiency of universities: what is inside the black box? |
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management |
Серебренников Павел Николаевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Universities’ efficiency and the socioeconomic characteristics of their environment — Evidence from an empirical analysis |
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences |
Сиваев Игорь Борисович |
Москва |
2 023 |
How substituents at boron atoms affect the CH-acidity and the electron-withdrawing effect of the ortho-carborane cage: A close look on the 1H NMR spec |
Inorganica Chimica Acta |
Сиваев Игорь Борисович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Interligand Interactions in Half-Sandwich Nickelacarboranes with Phosphine Ligands: Away from Skeletal Rearrangements |
Organometallics |
Силаева Марина Владиславовна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Second-order imaginary differential operator for effective absorption in the numerical solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation |
Physical Review A |
Синицын Виталий Витальевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Quantum Protons in One-Dimensional Water |
Journal of Physical Chemistry C |
Синицын Виталий Витальевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Humidity effect on temperature behavior of proton diffusion coefficient in sulfonated co-polynaphthoyleneimide membranes measured by 1H NMR diffusomet |
Ionics |
Синицын Виталий Витальевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Transport Mechanism in Nafion Revealed by Detailed Comparison of 1H and 17O Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Diffusion Coefficients |
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters |
Сироткина Надежда Геннадьевна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Electronic Public Procurement: Case of Russia |
International Journal of Public Administration |
Скулкин Сергей Павлович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Field Distribution Features of Linearly Polarized Field of Plane Aperture |
IEEE Access |
Славнов Сергей Андреевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
On embedding Lambek calculus into commutative categorial grammars |
Journal of Logic and Computation |
Слободенюк Екатерина Дмитриевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
A Society of Unstable Well-Being: Income Mobility and Immobility in Russia |
Europe-Asia Studies |
Слободенюк Екатерина Дмитриевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Public Demand for State Support in the Post-Communist Welfare State: The Case of Russia |
Sociological Research Online |
Слюняев Алексей Викторович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Modulation property of flexural-gravity waves on a water surface covered by a compressed ice sheet |
Physics of Fluids |
Слюняев Алексей Викторович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Nonlinear dynamic pressure beneath waves in water of intermediate depth: Theory and experiment |
European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids |
Слюняев Алексей Викторович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Experimental evidence of nonlinear focusing in standing water waves |
Physical Review Letters |
Слюняев Алексей Викторович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Statistical properties of extreme soliton collisions |
Chaos |
Слюняев Алексей Викторович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Морские волны-убийцы: наблюдения, физика и математика |
Успехи физических наук |
Слюняев Алексей Викторович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Properties of synchronous collisions of solitons in the Korteweg–de Vries equation |
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation |
Слюняев Алексей Викторович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Nonlinear waves, modulations and rogue waves in the modular Korteweg–de Vries equation |
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation |
Смирнов Григорий Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Partial proton ordering during phase transition in Friedel's salt |
Applied Clay Science |
Смирнов Евгений Юрьевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Pipe dreams for Schubert polynomials of the classical groups |
European Journal of Combinatorics |
Смирнова Елизавета Александровна |
Пермь |
2 022 |
Clean room, uncomfortable bed A corpus analysis of evaluation devices in hotel reviews |
Pragmatics and Society |
Смирнова Елизавета Александровна |
Пермь |
2 023 |
How complex is professional academic writing? A corpus-based analysis of research articles in ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ disciplines |
VIAL - Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics |
Смирнова Надежда Владимировна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
A dynamic multicriteria game of renewable resource extraction with environmentally concerned players |
Economics Letters |
Смирных Лариса Ивановна |
Москва |
2 023 |
The human capital and income of immigrants: evidence from Russia |
Applied Economics |
Смоловик Елизавета Владимировна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Climate Change and Challenges to Sustainable Development in the Russian Arctic |
Climatic Change |
Соболева Елена Дмитриевна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
The EU and China: how do they fit in Central Asia? |
Central Asian Survey |
Соболева Елена Дмитриевна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Explaining anti-Asian xenophobia to Chinese audience: coverage of hate incidents during the COVID-19 pandemic in the PRC press |
China Report |
Соболева Елена Дмитриевна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
China’s and Japan’s winding path to the Refugee Convention: State identity transformations and the evolving international refugee regime |
Modern Asian Studies |
Соболева Наталья Эдуардовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
The determinants of the link between life satisfaction and job satisfaction across Europe |
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy |
Соболева Наталья Эдуардовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Perceptions of Emotional Functionality: Similarities and Differences Among Dignity, Face, and Honor Cultures |
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology |
Соколик Алексей Алексеевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Superfluid drag between excitonic polaritons and superconducting electron gas |
Соколик Алексей Алексеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Coupled system of electrons and exciton-polaritons: Screening, dynamical effects, and superconductivity |
Physical Review B |
Соколик Алексей Алексеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Superconductor-polariton nondissipative drag in optical microcavity |
Physical Review B |
Соколов Борис Олегович |
Москва |
2 022 |
The Big Five and Big Two personality factors in Mongolia |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Соколов Борис Олегович |
Москва |
2 023 |
A Transposition of the Minkov-Hofstede Model of Culture to the Individual Level of Analysis: Evidence from Mongolia |
Cross-Cultural Research |
Соколов Борис Олегович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Is “Regional Culture” a Meaningful Concept? Cultural Differences Across 60 Russian Regions |
Cross Cultural and Strategic Management |
Соколова Татьяна Владимировна |
Москва |
2 022 |
A retail investor in a cobweb of social networks |
Соколова Татьяна Владимировна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Astonishing insights: emerging market debt spreads throughout the pandemic |
Applied Economics |
Соколова Татьяна Владимировна |
Москва |
2 022 |
The Multifaceted Sustainable Development and Export Intensity of Emerging Market Firms under Financial Constraints: The Role of ESG and Innovative Act |
Complexity |
Соколова Татьяна Владимировна |
Москва |
2 022 |
ASEAN-5 forex rates and crude oil: Markov regime-switching analysis |
Applied Economics |
Соколова Татьяна Владимировна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Complex Interplay of Eastern Bloc SMEs Trade Credit Determinants: Changes due to the Global Financial Crisis |
Complexity |
Соколова Татьяна Владимировна |
Москва |
2 023 |
For whom does it pay to be a moral capitalist? Sustainability of corporate financial performance of ESG investment |
Соколова Татьяна Владимировна |
Москва |
2 023 |
The connectedness of oil shocks, green bonds, sukuks and conventional bonds |
Energy Economics |
Соколова Татьяна Владимировна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Revealing stock liquidity determinants by means of explainable AI: The role of ESG before and during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Resources Policy |
Соколова Татьяна Владимировна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Assessing the impact of media sentiment on the returns of sukuks during the Covid-19 crisis |
Applied Economics |
Сокольщик Лев Маркович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Why U.S. – Russia Relations Failed: An Analysis of Competing National Security Narratives |
Russian Politics |
Соломина Ольга Николаевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Tree-ring data set for dendroclimatic reconstructions and dendrochronological dating in European Russia |
Scientific data |
Соломина Ольга Николаевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Contrasting climate signals across a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) tree-ring network in the Middle Volga (European Russia) |
Dendrochronologia |
Соломина Ольга Николаевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Late-Holocene advances of the Greater Azau Glacier (Elbrus area, Northern Caucasus) revealed by 14C dating of paleosols |
Holocene |
Соломина Ольга Николаевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Climate signal strength in tree-ring width of spruce growing in the Solovetsky Islands (Russia) |
Dendrochronologia |
Солоухина Ольга Андреевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
‘Moderate global aphasia’: A generalized decline of language processing caused by glioma surgery but not stroke |
Brain and Language |
Спиридонов Вячеслав Павлович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Complex hypergeometric functions and integrable many-body problems |
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical |
Спиридонов Вячеслав Павлович |
Москва |
2 023 |
A parafermionic hypergeometric function and supersymmetric 6j-symbols |
Nuclear Physics B |
Спиридонов Вячеслав Павлович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Solitons and normal random matrices |
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment |
Спиридонов Вячеслав Павлович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Бесконечные эллиптические гипергеометрические ряды: сходимость и разностные уравнения |
Математический сборник |
Станкевич Наталия Владимировна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Dynamical Taxonomy: Some Taxonomic Ranks to Systematically Classify Every Chaotic Attractor |
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering |
Станкевич Наталия Владимировна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Coupled systems with quasi-periodic and chaotic dynamics |
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals |
Станкевич Наталия Владимировна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Discovering dynamical features of Hodgkin–Huxley-type model of physiological neuron using artificial neural network |
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals |
Станкевич Наталия Владимировна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Complex dynamics of the simplest neuron model: Singular chaotic Shilnikov attractor as specific oscillatory neuron activity |
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals |
Станкевич Наталия Владимировна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Scenarios for the creation of hyperchaotic attractors in 3D maps |
Nonlinearity |
Станкевич Наталия Владимировна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Emergence and evolution of unusual inhomogeneous limit cycles displacing hyperchaos in three quorum-sensing coupled identical ring oscillators |
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena |
Станкевич Наталия Владимировна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Discrete Rössler Oscillators: Maps and Their Ensembles |
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering |
Староверова Владислава Николаевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Global reading processes in children with high risk of dyslexia: a scanpath analysis |
Annals of Dyslexia |
Старченко Алексей Миронович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Non-finite constructions in Khanty: Their unity and diversity |
Folia Linguistica |
Старшинова Ольга Сергеевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Joint Statement Initiatives: A Legitimate End to ‘Until Everything Is Agreed’? |
Journal of World Trade |
Стасенко Роман Олегович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Короткие SL2-структуры на простых алгебрах Ли |
Математический сборник |
Стегайлов Владимир Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Molecular dynamics analysis of elastic properties and new phase formation during amorphous ices transformations |
Scientific Reports |
Стегайлов Владимир Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Frenkel pair formation energy for cubic Fe3O4 in DFT + U calculations |
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter |
Стегайлов Владимир Владимирович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Exciton Nature of Plasma Phase Transition in Warm Dense Fluid Hydrogen: ROKS Simulation |
ChemPhysChem |
Стегайлов Владимир Владимирович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Atomistic model of an oxide film in contact with a liquid metal coolant: Defects concentrations and chemical potentials of dissolved Fe–O |
Computational Materials Science |
Стегайлов Владимир Владимирович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Helium bubbles diffusion in aluminum: Influence of gas pressure |
Journal of Nuclear Materials |
Стегайлов Владимир Владимирович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Point Defect Model for the kinetics of oxide film growth on the surface of T91 steel in contact with lead–bismuth eutectic |
Corrosion Science |
Стенина Ирина Александровна |
Москва |
2 023 |
An anionic porphyrinylphosphonate-based hydrogen-bonded organic framework: optimization of proton conductivity through the exchange of counterions |
Dalton Transactions |
Степанова Анастасия Николаевна |
Москва |
2023 |
The influence of ownership structure and board independence on the cost of debt in BRIC countries |
Economic Systems |
Стоянов Роман Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Comparing individuals buried in flexed and extended positions at the Greek colony of Chersonesos (Crimea) using cranial metric, dental metric, and den |
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology |
Стремоухов Денис Александрович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
When governors go abroad: Incentives for paradiplomacy in recentralised Russia |
Regional and Federal Studies |
Стримовская Анна Викторовна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Algorithmic framework for enhancement of information control in integrated transportation systems |
Journal of Industrial Information Integration |
Стримовская Анна Викторовна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
A multidimensional approach to the resource allocation problem (RAP) through the prism of industrial information integration (III) |
Journal of Industrial Information Integration |
Судоргина Юлия Владимировна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Ordering motivation and Likert scale ratings: When a numeric scale is not necessarily better |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Судоргина Юлия Владимировна |
Москва |
2 022 |
The Explanatory Effect of a Label: Its Influence on a Category Persists Even If We Forget the Label |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Сухова Марина Сергеевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization |
Сухова Марина Сергеевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
The COVID-19 Pandemic as a Test of Russia’s Subnational State Capacity |
Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization |
Сысоева Ольга Владимировна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Lower loss rate of serotonergically modulated neuronal accumulator for time in patients with major depressive disorder |
Journal of Psychiatric Research |
Таламбуца Алексей Леонидович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Growth Rates of Coxeter Groups and Perron Numbers |
International Mathematics Research Notices |
Таламбуца Алексей Леонидович |
Москва |
2 022 |
On free semigroups of affine maps on the real line |
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society |
Талецкий Дмитрий Сергеевич |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
О количестве независимых и k-доминирующих множеств в графах со средней степенью вершин не более k |
Математический сборник |
Талецкий Дмитрий Сергеевич |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
On the number of independent and k-dominating sets in graphs with average vertex degree at most k |
Математический сборник |
Тамеев Алексей Раисович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Ion-Sensitive Three-Terminal Device as a Universal Hybrid Platform With TiO2 Nanowires on the Channel |
IEEE Sensors Journal |
Танис Кристина Александровна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Восприятие американских фильмов в СССР: на примере одного письма к Дине Дурбин |
Cahiers du Monde Russe |
Тарарушкин Евгений Викторович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Intercalation of carbamide to globular glauconite by chemical processing for the creation of slow-release nanocomposites |
Applied Clay Science |
Тарасов Борис Петрович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Metal hydride – Graphene composites for hydrogen based energy storage |
Journal of Alloys and Compounds |
Тарасова Ксения Вадимовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Computer-based performance approach for critical thinking assessment in children |
British Journal of Educational Psychology |
Текич Желько |
Москва |
2 022 |
Evolution of project studies through the lens of engaged scholarship: A longitudinal bibliometric analysis |
International Journal of Project Management |
Текич Желько |
Москва |
2 022 |
How AI revolutionizes innovation management – Perceptions and implementation preferences of AI-based innovators |
Technological Forecasting and Social Change |
Текич Желько |
Москва |
2 023 |
Managing innovation in the era of AI |
Technology in Society |
Тельнова Наталья Олеговна |
Москва |
2 023 |
A Semiempirical Approach for Decomposition of Remotely Sensed Leaf Area Index Into Overstory and Understory Components Over Russian Forests |
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing |
Темерева Елена Николаевна |
Москва |
2023 |
Nuchal organs in the trochophore of Siboglinum fiordicum (Annelida, Siboglinidae) |
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
A retail investor in a cobweb of social networks |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Network connectedness of environmental attention—Green and dirty assets |
Finance Research Letters |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
The Return and Volatility Connectedness of NFT Segments and Media Coverage: Fresh Evidence Based on News About the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Finance Research Letters |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
The impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on the connectedness of financial markets |
Finance Research Letters |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Does geopolitical risk matter for global asset returns? Evidence from quantile-on-quantile regression |
Finance Research Letters |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Covid-19 impact on NFTs and major asset classes interrelations: Insights from the wavelet coherence analysis |
Finance Research Letters |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
A robust credibility DEA model with fuzzy perturbation degree: An application to hospitals performance |
Expert Systems with Applications |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
The Multifaceted Sustainable Development and Export Intensity of Emerging Market Firms under Financial Constraints: The Role of ESG and Innovative Act |
Complexity |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
New evidence on the impact of implicit trading costs on asset prices in the Russian stock market |
Applied Economics |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Complex Interplay of Eastern Bloc SMEs Trade Credit Determinants: Changes due to the Global Financial Crisis |
Complexity |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
The impact of COVID-19 on gold seasonality |
Applied Economics |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Dynamic connectedness between non-fungible tokens, decentralized finance, and conventional financial assets in a time-frequency framework |
Pacific Basin Finance Journal |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Do Local and World COVID-19 Media Coverage Drive Stock Markets? Time-Frequency Analysis of BRICS |
Complexity |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
COVID-19 and the quantile connectedness between energy and metal markets |
Energy Economics |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Impacts of COVID-19 on dynamic return and volatility spillovers between rare earth metals and renewable energy stock markets |
Resources Policy |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
A robust DEA model under discrete scenarios for assessing bank branches |
Expert Systems with Applications |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Connectedness of non-fungible tokens and conventional cryptocurrencies with metals |
North American Journal of Economics and Finance |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Stablecoins as the cornerstone in the linkage between the digital and conventional financial markets |
North American Journal of Economics and Finance |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Dynamic connectedness between global commodity sectors, news sentiment, and sub-Saharan African equities |
Emerging Markets Review |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Network connectedness of the term structure of yield curve and global Sukuks |
Pacific Basin Finance Journal |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Volatility spillovers and frequency dependence between oil price shocks and green stock markets |
Resources Policy |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
The impact of the US yield curve on sub-Saharan African equities |
Finance Research Letters |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
EU sectoral stocks amid geopolitical risk, market sentiment, and crude oil implied volatility: An asymmetric analysis of the Russia-Ukraine tensions |
Resources Policy |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Spillover and connectedness among G7 Real Estate Investment Trusts: The effects of Investor Sentiment and global factors |
North American Journal of Economics and Finance |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
A mixed-integer network DEA with shared inputs and undesirable outputs for performance evaluation: Efficiency measurement of bank branches |
Journal of the Operational Research Society |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Combination of Top-down and Bottom-up DEA models using PCA: A Two-Stage Network DEA with Shared Input and Undesirable Output for Evaluation of the Roa |
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Revealing stock liquidity determinants by means of explainable AI: The role of ESG before and during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Resources Policy |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Energy transition metals and global sentiment: Evidence from extreme quantiles |
Resources Policy |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Asymmetric effects of market uncertainties on agricultural commodities |
Energy Economics |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Black-Litterman model with copula-based views in mean-CVaR portfolio optimization framework with weight constraints |
Economic Change and Restructuring |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Flights-to-quality from EM Bonds to safe-haven US Treasury Securities: A time-frequency Analysis |
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade |
Теплова Тамара Викторовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
The relationship between global risk aversion and returns from safe-haven assets |
Finance Research Letters |
Терентьев Евгений Андреевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
The quality of admission to Russian doctoral programs during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Innovations in Education and Teaching International |
Терентьев Евгений Андреевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Criticism and justification of undergraduate academic dishonesty: development and validation of the domestic, market and industrial orders of worth sc |
European Journal of Higher Education |
Терентьев Евгений Андреевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Departmental academic support for doctoral students in Russia: Categorisation and effects |
Higher Education Quarterly |
Терлыч Никита Андреевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
WebArrayDB: A Geospatial Array DBMS in Your Web Browser |
Тиморин Владлен Анатольевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Slices of the Parameter Space of Cubic Polynomials |
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society |
Тиморин Владлен Анатольевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
On critical renormalization of complex polynomials |
Advances in Mathematics |
Тимофеев Алексей Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Self-sustained non-equilibrium co-existence of fluid and solid states in a strongly coupled complex plasma system |
Scientific Reports |
Тимофеев Алексей Владимирович |
Москва |
2 023 |
OpenDust: A fast GPU-accelerated code for the calculation of forces acting on microparticles in a plasma flow |
Computer Physics Communications |
Тимофеев Алексей Владимирович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Spatial localization of high-frequency particle oscillations in a complex plasma monolayer |
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics |
Тимофеев Алексей Владимирович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Point Defect Model for the kinetics of oxide film growth on the surface of T91 steel in contact with lead–bismuth eutectic |
Corrosion Science |
Ткачева Татьяна Юрьевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Electoral Success of Independents under Authoritarianism: Evidence from Russia’s Local Elections, 2014–2018 |
Problems of Post-Communism |
Толдова Светлана Юрьевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Non-finite constructions in Khanty: Their unity and diversity |
Folia Linguistica |
Томащук Корней Кириллович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Generalized relational tensors for chaotic time series |
PeerJ Computer Science |
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
A novel approach for a joint analysis of isomiR and mRNA expression data reveals features of isomiR targeting in breast cancer |
Frontiers in Genetics |
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
ADGRL1 haploinsufficiency causes a variable spectrum of neurodevelopmental disorders in humans and alters synaptic activity and behavior in a mouse mo |
American Journal of Human Genetics |
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Immunogenic epitope panel for accurate detection of non-cross-reactive T cell response to SARS-CoV-2 |
JCI insight |
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
ExhauFS: exhaustive search-based feature selection for classification and survival regression |
PeerJ |
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Specificity of viscumin revised. As probed with a printed glycan array |
Biochimie |
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
T-CoV: a comprehensive portal of HLA-peptide interactions affected by SARS-CoV-2 mutations |
Nucleic Acids Research |
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Alterations in SARS-CoV-2 Omicron and Delta peptides presentation by HLA molecules |
PeerJ |
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Low expression of CD24 is associated with poor survival in colorectal cancer |
Biochimie |
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
isomiRTar: a comprehensive portal of pan-cancer 5′-isomiR targeting |
PeerJ |
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
On the peptide binding affinity changes in population-specific HLA repertoires to the SARS-CoV-2 variants Delta and Omicron |
Journal of Autoimmunity |
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
ELOVL5 and IGFBP6 genes modulate sensitivity of breast cancer cells to ferroptosis |
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences |
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
HLA-A*01:01 allele diminishing in COVID-19 patients population associated with non-structural epitope abundance in CD8+ T-cell repertoire |
PeerJ |
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Development of a novel mathematical model that explains SARS-CoV-2 infection dynamics in Caco-2 cells |
PeerJ |
Тоневицкий Александр Григорьевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
RNA-binding proteins regulating the CD44 alternative splicing |
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences |
Тоукач Филипп Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Examining the diversity of structural motifs in fungal glycome |
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal |
Тоукач Филипп Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Prospective bacterial and fungal sources of hyaluronic acid: A review |
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal |
Трефилов Евгений Николаевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
For the tsar or for the homeland? How participants to Petrine revolts felt towards the country and its inhabitants |
Cahiers du Monde Russe |
Трушин Антон Николаевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
On the automorphism group of a toral variety |
Mathematical Communications |
Туровский Ростислав Феликсович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization |
Туровский Ростислав Феликсович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Vote Mobilization, Economic Performance and Gubernatorial Appointments in Russia |
Russian Politics |
Туровский Ростислав Феликсович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Electoral Reforms in Russia's Regions: An Equilibrium between Disproportionality and Legitimacy |
Russian Politics |
Туровский Ростислав Феликсович |
Москва |
2 023 |
The COVID-19 Pandemic as a Test of Russia’s Subnational State Capacity |
Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization |
Тютнев Андрей Павлович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Numerical analysis of the radiation-induced conductivity in polymers in a large-signal regime |
Journal of Applied Physics |
Тютнев Андрей Павлович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Radiation-induced conductivity in polystyrene at extremely low (79 K) temperature |
Journal of Applied Physics |
Тютнев Андрей Павлович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Theoretical analysis of the charge carrier transport in thin layers of disordered materials with exponential band tail states |
Computational Materials Science |
Тютнев Андрей Павлович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Experimental and theoretical investigations of the radiation-induced conductivity in spacecraft polymers at extremely low temperatures |
Journal of Applied Physics |
Улитин Борис Игоревич |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Ontology-Based Evolution of Domain-Oriented Languages: Models, Methods and Tools for User Interface Design in General-Purpose Software Systems |
Ontology-Based Evolution of Domain-Oriented Languages: Models, Methods and Tools for User Interface Design in General-Purpose Software Systems |
Ульянов Владимир Васильевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Inference via randomized test statistics |
Annales de l'institut Henri Poincare (B) Probability and Statistics |
Устюжанин Вадим Витальевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Machine Learning for Ranking Factors of Global and Regional Protest Destabilization with a Special Focus on Afrasian Instability Macrozone |
Comparative Sociology |
Устюжанин Вадим Витальевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Revolutions and Democracy. Can Democracies Prevent Revolutionary Armed Violence? |
Comparative Sociology |
Устюжанин Вадим Витальевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Education and Revolutions: Why do Revolutionary Uprisings Take Violent or Nonviolent Forms? |
Cross-Cultural Research |
Устюжанин Вадим Витальевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Love, Marriage, Family Organization and the Puzzle of Neolocality in Non-Industrial Societies: A Cross-Cultural Study |
Cross-Cultural Research |
Устюжанин Вадим Витальевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Students and protests: A quantitative cross-national analysis |
International Journal of Comparative Sociology |
Ушаков Павел Юрьевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Regio- and diastereoselective access to densely functionalized ketones via the Boekelheide rearrangement of isoxazoline N-oxides |
Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry |
Федоров Илья Дмитриевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Exciton Nature of Plasma Phase Transition in Warm Dense Fluid Hydrogen: ROKS Simulation |
ChemPhysChem |
Федоров Михаил Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Spontaneous parametric down-conversion: Revisiting the parameters of transverse entanglement outside the near zone |
Physical Review A |
Федорова Елена Анатольевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Economic policy uncertainty and bankruptcy filings |
International Review of Financial Analysis |
Федорова Елена Анатольевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Governmental anti-pandemic policies, vaccination, population mobility, Twitter narratives, and the spread of COVID-19: Evidence from the European Unio |
Risk Analysis |
Федотов Николай Игоревич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Scanning tunneling microscopy of Bi2Te3 films prepared by pulsed laser deposition: from nanocrystalline structures to van der Waals epitaxy |
Surfaces and Interfaces |
Федченко Анна Сергеевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
On properties of aggregated regularized systems of equations for a homogeneous multicomponent gas mixture |
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences |
Федюнина Анна Андреевна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
GVC spillovers on total factor productivity of local firms: evidence from the Russian Federation |
Transnational Corporations |
Федюнина Анна Андреевна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
The relationship between R&D, innovation and productivity in emerging economies: CDM model and alternatives |
Economic Systems |
Федянин Иван Владимирович |
Москва |
2 023 |
What are the prospects of [1,2,5]oxadiazolo[3,4-c]cinnoline 5-oxides, 1,5-dioxides and their nitro derivatives as high-energy-density materials? Synth |
CrystEngComm |
Ферштат Леонид Леонидович |
Москва |
2 022 |
(2-Vinyltetrazolyl)furoxans as New Potential Energetic Monomers |
ChemPlusChem |
Ферштат Леонид Леонидович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Renaissance of dinitroazetidine: novel hybrid energetic boosters and oxidizers |
Dalton Transactions |
Ферштат Леонид Леонидович |
Москва |
2 023 |
First Example of 1,2,5-Oxadiazole-Based Hypergolic Ionic Liquids: A New Class of Potential Energetic Fuels |
Chemistry - A European Journal |
Ферштат Леонид Леонидович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Substituted tetrazoles with N-oxide moiety: critical assessment of thermochemical properties |
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics |
Филимонов Дмитрий Андреевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Ping-pong partitions and locally discrete groups of real-analytic circle diffeomorphisms, II: Applications |
Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici |
Финкельберг Михаил Владленович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Lusztig conjectures on S-cells in affine Weyl groups |
Israel Journal of Mathematics |
Финкельберг Михаил Владленович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Kazhdan–Lusztig conjecture via zastava spaces |
Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik |
Финкельберг Михаил Владленович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Orthosymplectic Satake equivalence |
Communications in Number Theory and Physics |
Финкельберг Михаил Владленович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Elliptic zastava |
Journal of Algebraic Geometry |
Фоминов Яков Викторович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Asymmetric higher-harmonic SQUID as a Josephson diode |
Physical Review B |
Фоминов Яков Викторович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Peculiarities of the density of states in SN junctions |
Annals of Physics |
Фроленков Дмитрий Андреевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
An explicit formula for the second moment of Maass form symmetric square L-functions |
Publicacions Matematiques |
Фролов Алексей Андреевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Energy Efficiency of Unsourced Random Access over the Binary-Input Gaussian Channel |
IEEE Communications Letters |
Фролов Евгений Петрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Tensor-Based Sequential Learning via Hankel Matrix Representation for Next Item Recommendations |
IEEE Access |
Хабибуллина Алина Ришатовна |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
First population norms for the EQ-5D-3L in the Russian Federation |
Хакина Екатерина Александровна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Selective Pathway toward Heteroleptic Spin-Crossover Iron(II) Complexes with Pyridine-Based N-Donor Ligands |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Хакина Екатерина Александровна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Facile Synthesis of Amino Acid Decorated Water-Soluble Fullerene Derivatives with Anti-influenza Activity<sup>†</sup> |
Chinese Journal of Chemistry |
Хакина Екатерина Александровна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Molecular structure - intrinsic photostability relationships for diketopyrrolopyrrole-based conjugated polymers |
Journal of Materials Chemistry A |
Хасанов Булат Фаридович |
Москва |
2 022 |
The beginning and early years of radiocarbon dating in Russia: laboratories and personalities |
Radiocarbon |
Хасанов Булат Фаридович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Tree-ring data set for dendroclimatic reconstructions and dendrochronological dating in European Russia |
Scientific data |
Хатанзейская Елизавета Владимировна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Научно-техническая интеллигенция в объективе карательной политики ОГПУ-НКВД, 1929-1939 гг. (на материалах Северного края) |
Cahiers du Monde Russe |
Хачатурова Милана Радионовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Measurement Invariance of the Short Home Attachment Scale: A Cross-Cultural Study |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Хачатурян Любовь Валерьевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
«И ВСЕ ТАК ХИТРО И ПРОСТО СДЕЛАНО…»: АЛЬБОМ «ЗЗЗУДО» АЛЕКСЕЯ КРУЧЕНЫХ. Вступительная статья, комментарий и подготовка текста Л.В. Хачатурян |
Russian Literature |
Хачатурян Любовь Валерьевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Место в зверинце: Автографы Маяковского в записной книжке 1921 – 1922 г. |
Russian Literature |
Хачатурян Любовь Валерьевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
“Nav’ and Iav’” (the Spirit World and the Waking World) in Alexei Remizov's Diary of Reflections. January–February 1953[«Навь и явь» в «Дневнике мысле |
Russian Literature |
Хоров Евгений Михайлович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Study of Multi-Link Channel Access Without Simultaneous Transmit and Receive in IEEE 802.11be Networks |
IEEE Access |
Хоров Евгений Михайлович |
Москва |
2 022 |
CR-LBT: Listen-before-Talk with Collision Resolution for 5G NR-U Networks |
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing |
Хоров Евгений Михайлович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Boosting TCP & QUIC Performance in mmWave, Terahertz, and Lightwave Wireless Networks: A Survey |
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials |
Хоров Евгений Михайлович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Analytical Model of 5G V2X Mode 2 for Sporadic Traffic |
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters |
Хоров Евгений Михайлович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Adaptive Parameters Selection for Uplink Grant-Free URLLC Transmission in 5G Systems |
Computer Networks |
Хоров Евгений Михайлович |
Москва |
2 023 |
QRIS: a QuaDRiGa-Based Simulation Platform for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces |
IEEE Access |
Хорошкин Антон Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Grobner bases for coloured operads |
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata |
Хорошкин Антон Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
PBW Property for Associative Universal Enveloping Algebras over an Operad |
International Mathematics Research Notices |
Хорошкин Сергей Михайлович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Wave Function for GL(n, ℝ) Hyperbolic Sutherland Model |
International Mathematics Research Notices |
Хорошкин Сергей Михайлович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Wave Function for GL(n,R) Hyperbolic Sutherland Model II. Dual Hamiltonians |
International Mathematics Research Notices |
Храбров Александр Игоревич |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 023 |
Неравенства между смешанными средними |
Алгебра и анализ |
Храпай Вадим Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Quantum Hall Bogoliubov interferometer |
Physical Review B |
Хританков Антон Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Positive feedback loops lead to concept drift in machine learning systems |
Applied Intelligence |
Худякова Мария Викторовна |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Linguistic mechanisms of coherence in aphasic and non-aphasic discourse |
Aphasiology |
Челноков Григорий Ривенович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Tohoku Mathematical Journal |
Чернышов Александр Александрович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Small-Scale Irregularities Within Polarization Jet/SAID During Geomagnetic Activity |
Geophysical Research Letters |
Чернышов Александр Александрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Stratified Subauroral Ion Drift (SSAID) |
Четыркина Маргарита Руслановна |
Москва |
2 022 |
In vitro toxicity of carbon nanotubes: a systematic review |
RSC Advances |
Чумакова Мария Алексеевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Executive functions as self-reported on the BRIEF scales in adolescents and adults with and without a history of institutionalized rearing in Russia |
Cognitive Development |
Чурилова Елена Владимировна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Partnership Context of First Births in Russia: The Enduring Significance of Marriage |
European Journal of Population |
Чусов Денис Александрович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Fluoride Additive as a Simple Tool to Qualitatively Improve Performance of Nickel-Catalyzed Asymmetric Michael Addition of Malonates to Nitroolefins |
Journal of Organic Chemistry |
Чусов Денис Александрович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Borrowing Hydrogen Amination Reactions: A Complex Analysis of Trends and Correlations of the Various Reaction Parameters |
ACS Catalysis |
Чусов Денис Александрович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Syngas Instead of Hydrogen Gas as a Reducing Agent─A Strategy To Improve the Selectivity and Efficiency of Organometallic Catalysts |
ACS Catalysis |
Чусов Денис Александрович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Enhancing the efficiency of the ruthenium catalysts in the reductive amination without an external hydrogen source |
Journal of Catalysis |
Чусов Денис Александрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Syngas as a synergistic reducing agent for selective reductive amination—a mild route to bioactive amines |
New Journal of Chemistry |
Чусов Денис Александрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Peculiarities of fluoride activation of porphyrin and phthalocyanine catalysts by the example of zirconium and hafnium in the production of cyclic car |
Molecular Catalysis |
Чусов Денис Александрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Catalytic Utilization of Converter Gas – An industrial Waste for the Synthesis of Pharmaceuticals |
Chemical Science |
Чусов Денис Александрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Sodium hypophosphite mediated reductive amination of carbonyl compounds with N,N-dialkylformamides |
New Journal of Chemistry |
Чусов Денис Александрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Reductive coupling of nitroarenes with carboxylic acids - a direct route to amide synthesis |
Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry |
Шабанов Дмитрий Александрович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Number of A+B≠C solutions in abelian groups and application to counting independent sets in hypergraphs |
European Journal of Combinatorics |
Шабанов Дмитрий Александрович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Дробные раскраски случайных гиперграфов |
Успехи математических наук |
Шадрина Елена Витальевна |
Пермь |
2 022 |
Implicit Incentives in Green Public Procurement: Good Intentions versus Rigid Regulations |
Ecological Economics |
Шалилех Соруш |
Москва |
2 022 |
Community Detection in Feature-Rich Networks Using Data Recovery Approach |
Journal of Classification |
Шалилех Соруш |
Москва |
2 023 |
Identifying dyslexia in school pupils from eye movement and demographic data using artificial intelligence |
Шапошников Владимир Евгеньевич |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Plasma maser in the plasmasphere of HD 189733b |
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society |
Шапошников Станислав Валерьевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Zvonkin’s transform and the regularity of solutions to double divergence form elliptic equations |
Communications in Partial Differential Equations |
Шапошников Станислав Валерьевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Уравнение Фоккера–Планка–Колмогорова с нелинейными членами локального и нелокального вида |
Алгебра и анализ |
Шафаревич Антон Андреевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
On the automorphism group of a toral variety |
Mathematical Communications |
Шафаревич Антон Андреевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Euler-symmetric projective toric varieties and additive actions |
Indagationes Mathematicae |
Шахматов Кирилл Вениаминович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Some finiteness results on triangular automorphisms |
Results in Mathematics |
Шейман Игорь Михайлович |
Москва |
2 022 |
What next for the polyclinic? New models of primary health care are required in many former Soviet Union countries |
BMC Primary Care (ранее - BMC Family Practice) |
Шейман Игорь Михайлович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Structural changes in the Russian health care system: do they match European trends? |
Health Economics Review |
Шейман Игорь Михайлович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Vertical program of screenings and check‑ups in the Russian Federation: design, implementation and lessons learnt |
Archives of Public Health |
Шейман Игорь Михайлович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Health workforce policy in the Russian Federation: How to overcome a shortage of physicians? |
Frontiers in Public Health |
Шейман Игорь Михайлович |
Москва |
2 023 |
The hard way from the Beveridge to the Bismarck model of health finance: Expectations and reality in Russia |
Frontiers in Public Health |
Шепеленко Анна Юрьевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
How Emotions Induce Charitable Giving. A Psychophysiological Study |
Social Psychology |
Шерстюков Сергей Андреевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
The Responses of Muslims in Weimar Germany to the Abolition of the Caliphate |
Journal of Modern European History |
Шестакова Анна Николаевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Developmental differences in the perception of naturalistic human movements |
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience |
Шестакова Анна Николаевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Do sparse brain activity patterns underlie human cognition? |
NeuroImage |
Шестакова Анна Николаевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
"Expert persuasion" can decrease Willingness to Pay for sugar-containing food |
Шестакова Анна Николаевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
N400 correlate of brand associations |
Journal of Economic Psychology |
Шестакова Анна Николаевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Impact of Induced Moods, Sensation Seeking, and Emotional Contagion on Economic Decisions Under Risk |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Шестакова Анна Николаевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Neural mechanisms of expert persuasion on willingness to pay for sugar |
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience |
Шестакова Анна Николаевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
The prediction of market-level food choices by the neural valuation signal |
Шестакова Анна Николаевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Neurochronometry of choice-induced preference changes: when do preferences actually change? |
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience |
Шестакова Анна Николаевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
How Emotions Induce Charitable Giving. A Psychophysiological Study |
Social Psychology |
Шестакова Анна Николаевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Neuromodulation of choice-induced preference changes: the tDCS study of cognitive dissonance |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Шестакова Анна Николаевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Altered evoked responses for motor-related words in children with upper limb motor impairments |
Clinical Neurophysiology |
Шехтман Валентин Борисович |
Москва |
2 023 |
On Kripke completeness of modal predicate logics around quantified K5 |
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic |
Шибанова Екатерина Юрьевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
The causal impact of performance-based funding on university performance: quasi-experimental evidence from a policy in Russian higher education |
Oxford Economic Papers |
Шибанова Екатерина Юрьевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Actual Autonomy, Efficiency and Performance of Universities: Insights from the Russian Case |
International Journal of Public Administration |
Шибанова Екатерина Юрьевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Higher education in welfare regimes: Three worlds of post-Soviet transition |
Journal of European Social Policy |
Шилина Полина Васильевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Birefringence-mediated enhancement of the magneto-optical activity in anisotropic magnetic crystals |
ACS Photonics |
Шилина Полина Васильевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Valley polarization of trions in monolayer MoSe2 interfaced with bismuth iron garnet |
2D Materials |
Широков Дмитрий Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Classification of all constant solutions of SU(2) Yang–Mills equations with arbitrary current in pseudo-Euclidean space R^{p,q} |
Modern Physics Letters A |
Широков Николай Алексеевич |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
Классы Гёльдера в L^p-норме на chord-arc кривой в R^3 |
Алгебра и анализ |
Шишкин Сергей Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Structural changes in the Russian health care system: do they match European trends? |
Health Economics Review |
Шишкин Сергей Владимирович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Vertical program of screenings and check‑ups in the Russian Federation: design, implementation and lessons learnt |
Archives of Public Health |
Шишкин Сергей Владимирович |
Москва |
2 023 |
The hard way from the Beveridge to the Bismarck model of health finance: Expectations and reality in Russia |
Frontiers in Public Health |
Шмелева Евгения Дмитриевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
How collaboration influences the effect of note-taking on writing performance and recall of contents |
Interactive Learning Environments |
Шмелева Евгения Дмитриевна |
Москва |
2 023 |
The relationship between instructional scaffolding strategies and maintained situational interest |
Interactive Learning Environments |
Шомова Светлана Андреевна |
Москва |
2 022 |
“Hieroglyphs of Protest”: Internet Memes and the Protest Movement in Russia |
Problems of Post-Communism |
Шпильман Алексей Александрович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
SimVec: predicting polypharmacy side effects for new drugs |
Journal of Cheminformatics |
Шпильман Алексей Александрович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
Scalable Multi-Agent Model-Based Reinforcement Learning |
AAMAS '22: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems |
Штейнер Евгений Семенович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Love’s Labour’s Lost, or A Russian Priest, Esperantist and Utopist in the Early 20 c. Japan |
Scando-Slavica |
Штыковский Андрей Евгеньевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
X-ray polarimetry of the accreting pulsar GX 301-2 |
Astronomy and Astrophysics |
Шубин Данила Денисович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 022 |
Non-singular Morse–Smale flows on n-manifolds with attractor–repeller dynamics |
Nonlinearity |
Шубин Данила Денисович |
Нижний Новгород |
2 023 |
Узел как полный инвариант 3-диффеоморфизмов Морса–Смейла с четырьмя неподвижными точками |
Математический сборник |
Щепелева Мария Александровна |
Москва |
2 022 |
What drives the expansion of research on banking crises? Cross-country evidence |
Applied Economics |
Щепелева Мария Александровна |
Москва |
2 022 |
When central bank research meets Google search: A sentiment index of global financial stress |
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money |
Щепелева Мария Александровна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Sentiment-based indicators of real estate market stress and systemic risk: international evidence |
Annals of Finance |
Щепелева Мария Александровна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Carbon footprints of lending and bank performance: international evidence from panel data |
Environmental Science and Pollution Research |
Щепетильников Антон Вячеславович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Spin-Orbit Interaction in Ga N / Alx Ga1−x N Heterojunctions Probed by Electron Spin Resonance |
Physical Review Applied |
Щур Владимир Львович |
Москва |
2 022 |
VGsim: Scalable viral genealogy simulator for global pandemic |
PLoS Computational Biology |
Щур Владимир Львович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Estimating the timing of multiple admixture events using 3-locus linkage disequilibrium |
PLoS Genetics |
Щур Владимир Львович |
Москва |
2 022 |
The rise and spread of the SARS-CoV-2 AY.122 lineage in Russia |
Virus Evolution |
Щур Лев Николаевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Finite-size analysis in neural network classification of critical phenomena |
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics |
Юдсон Владимир Исаакович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Protection of edge transport in quantum spin Hall samples: Spin-symmetry based general approach and examples |
New Journal of Physics |
Юдсон Владимир Исаакович |
Москва |
2 023 |
Superfluid transition in quasi-two-dimensional disordered dipolar Fermi gases |
Comptes Rendus Physique |
Юнг Алексей Викторович |
Санкт-Петербург |
2 022 |
NS three-form flux deformation for the critical non-Abelian vortex string |
Physical Review D |
Юрин Александр Игоревич |
Москва |
2 023 |
A high precision VIS/NIR dynamic goniometer-spectrometer |
Metrologia |
Юрин Александр Игоревич |
Москва |
2 023 |
The modified minimum deviation method for measuring the refractive index |
Optik |
Яковлев Константин Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 022 |
Multi-agent Pathfinding With Continuous Time |
Artificial Intelligence |
Яковлев Константин Сергеевич |
Москва |
2 023 |
Evaluation of Topological Mapping Methods in Indoor Environments |
IEEE Access |
Янович Юрий Александрович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Black-Box for Blockchain Parameters Adjustment |
IEEE Access |
Ярославцев Андрей Борисович |
Москва |
2 022 |
Nafion/ZrO2 hybrid membranes solvated by organic carbonates. Transport and mechanical properties |
Solid State Ionics |
Ярская-Смирнова Елена Ростиславовна |
Москва |
2 022 |
Inclusive Education in Today’s Russia: Room for Manoeuvre |
Europe-Asia Studies |
Ярская-Смирнова Елена Ростиславовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Trying to Reverse Demographic Decline: Pro-Natalist and Family Policies in Russia, Poland and Hungary |
Social Policy and Society |
Ярская-Смирнова Елена Ростиславовна |
Москва |
2 023 |
Welfare Reforms in Post-Soviet States: Current Issues and Research Highlights |
Europe-Asia Studies |
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