Новые серии
Серии, одобренные издательством:
- Societies and Political Orders in Transition (отв. Чепуренко А.Ю., achepurenko@hse.ru)
Series Editors:
- Chepurenko Alexander, Professor, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia
- Larsen Stein, Professor Emeritus, University of Bergen, Norway
- Reisinger Williams, Professor, University of Iowa, USA
Managing Editors:
- Arbatli Ekim, Asst. Professor, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia
- Balalaeva Dina, Asst. Professor,National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia
- Mavletova Aigul, Senior lecturer, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia
International Advisory Board:
- Bluhm Katharina, Professor, Free University Berlin, Germany
- Buckley Cynthia, Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Sociological Research, USA
- Cox Terry, Professor, Central and East European Studies, University of Glasgow, UK
- Fish Steve, Professor, Berkeley University, USA
- Ilyin Michail, Professor, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia
- Larsen Stein, Professor Emeritus, University of Bergen, Norway
- Melville Andrei, Professor, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia
- Radaev Vadim, Professor, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia
- Reisinger William, Professor, University of Iowa, USA
Short description of the aims and scope of the series, including relevant subfields that could be part of it
After more than 25 years of the so-called systemic transition, there are still some significant differences in political orders, socio-economic models, and societal norms between established market economies and societies of Central and Eastern Europe and especially the CIS. Moreover, in spite of many similarities at the beginning of the systemic transition, now the former Socialist societies show important differences in political orders, in particular, in its linkage with the dynamics of political regimes, in the level and tempo of economic development, social structure, role of state institutions in establishing and supporting formal rules etc.
It seems that after 25 years the academicians tend to imply that several differences between the established markets and well-functioning democracies and post-Socialist societies may have a prolonged effect; moreover, the ‘variety of transitions’ become more evident although less investigated. The aim of the series is to highlight different issues and problems of the change and continuity of societies and political orders in transition. The series will explore the role and specifics of informality in these societies, the specifics of entrepreneurship and its impact on the economic development and social structure, as well as the process of urbanization and de-urbanization in societies under transition. The series will also explore factors influencing the change and continuity of political orders, including state capacity and neoarchaic forms of social structuration, such as neopatrimonialism; and the outcomes of different strategies of maintaining social orders. Disruption and degradation of old political and social orders as well as the making of new ones are also in the scope of the series. In addition, the series will also cocver the specificity of political cultures, political elites, political behavior patterns, and emotional atmosphere of societies under transition.
- Advanced Studies in Emerging Markets Finance (отв. Ивашковская И.В., iivashkovskaja@hse.ru)
Editorial Board:
- Ivashkovskaya Irina, Full Professor in Finance, Head of Corporate Finance Research Center, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Russia)
- Agliardi Elettra, Full Professor in Economics, University of Bologna (Italy)
- Von Eije Henk, Associate Professor, University of Groningen (Netherlands)
- McCahery Joseph, Professor, Duisenberg school of finance (Netherlands)
- Nivorozhkin Eugene, Doctor of Philosophy, University College London (UK)
- Rajesh Chakrabarti, Professor, the Indian School of Business, (India)
- Luiz Flavio Autran Monteiro Gomes, professor titular, Ibmec/RJ, (Brasilia)
- Xianhua Wei, Professor, School of Economics and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, (China)
Associate editors:
- Berzon Nickolai, Professor, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Russia);
- TeplovaTamara, Professor, Head of Financial market’s Analysis Center National Research University Higher School of Economics (Russia)
Short description of the aims and scope of the series, including relevant subfields that could be part of it
The proposed new series includes research monographs on empirical studies of the broad range of finance concepts applied to the specific business environment in emerging capital markets. The majority of research will be focused on the largest emerging economies, namely BRICS. The monographs present the products of empirical studies of research centers in the National Research University - Higher School of Economics (Russia) (NRU HSE) with the involvement of its foreign partners from different countries. Typically the books are the research results on comparative studies within BRICS, between BRICS and developed economies, or demonstrate new approaches in interdisciplinary field of research activity or presentations of a new angle in a more classical field.The series also aims at collecting respective works from other universities and research centers on finance in emerging capital markets.
Серии, находящиеся на рассмотрении:
- Legal Issues in the Digital Era - отв. Богдановская И. Ю., ibogdanovskaya@hse.ru
- Ensuring the Sustainability of Road Transport Systems - отв. Дорофеев А. Н., adorofeev@hse.ru
- World-systems Evolution and Global Futures - отв. Коротаев А.В., akorotaev@hse.ru (договор подписан)
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