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Доклад Томмасо Пиффера "The Western Allies, the Soviets and the Competition for the European Resistance during World War II"

В четверг 16 апреля в рамках научного семинара состоялся доклад научного сотрудника Международного центра истории и социологии Второй мировой войны Томмасо Пиффера

The presentation discussed Allied policy towards resistance groups during World War II and its impact on post-war political and ideological divisions. The research is linked with a number of crucial historical problems, such as the Allies’ balance of political and military considerations during World War II; the Anglo-American cooperation and competition in the field of intelligence; the use of special operations as an instrument of foreign policy, especially in regard to countries where the development of resistance movements had a strong impact on post-war settlement (e.g. Yugoslavia, Greece and Poland); the politics of communist movements between war and revolution in Central and Eastern Europe; the relationship between the Western Allies and the Soviet Union during the course of the war.