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Ценообразование на инновационную химическую продукцию, используемую в нефтесервисе: основные факторы и закономерности

ФИО студента: Гиренко Максим Сергеевич

Руководитель: Проскурякова Лилиана Николаевна

Кампус/факультет: Институт статистических исследований и экономики знаний

Программа: Управление в сфере науки, технологий и инноваций (Магистратура)

Год защиты: 2018

Depletion of conventional oil & gas deposits and existing technology gap in Russia has forced oilfield service companies to develop new more effective and technically advanced chemical reagents for drilling fluids. Today, the cost share of chemical reagents in an oil field service project values up to 80% and given this situation sourcing function became the backbone of oil & gas industry sustainability. Three of innovative reagents have been reviewed in this paper – Hydrolyzed polyacrylonitrile, Modified starch and Shale inhibitor. Their supply chains are not clear, and suppliers may impose unjustified high price and/or volatility. So, the research problem fostered this study is a need of buying entity to understand reasonableness of price for innovative chemical products, find the potential for cost reduction, establish better planning and supply chain management. Research question - is to understand price formation for innovative chemical products. To address this goal, used a combination of methods: literature review; questionnaire; interview; quantitative case study and market analysis. The findings obtained considered in the light of practical usefulness and potential benefit it could bring to an oil field company and then crystallized in the form of strategies the company may utilize in order to effectively manage its supply chain and reduce costs. In particular: initiatives on consignment inventory, reduction of logistics costs, solutions to oligopolistic market management, suggested ways to avoid pricing discrimination; set of indicators for price forecasting and list of alternative suppliers.

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