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Исследование технологий чистой электроэнергетики и их вклада в достижение энергетической справедливости в Индонезии

ФИО студента: Варонг Мария Марлейн -

Руководитель: Проскурякова Лилиана Николаевна

Кампус/факультет: Институт статистических исследований и экономики знаний

Программа: Управление в сфере науки, технологий и инноваций (Магистратура)

Год защиты: 2024

A shift to renewable energy sources is becoming more and more necessary considering global realities, such as mitigating climate change and pursuing sustainable development. Particularly for developing nations such as Indonesia, situated in regions such as Southeast Asia, this transition holds profound significance. Not only does it offer a pathway to diversify energy resources, but it also promises to curtail dependence on imported fossil fuels while concurrently fostering environmental sustainability. Indonesia, which is endowed with abundant natural resources and considerable potential for renewable energy, epitomizes a nation that stands at the cusp of a transformative energy transition. However, despite its rich resource base, the country grapples with the underutilization of clean power technologies, beset by challenges such as geographical remoteness, inadequate infrastructure, and regulatory deficiencies. The research endeavor embarked upon herein seeks to unravel the complexities underlying Indonesia's tepid embrace of clean power alternatives, guided by a multifaceted set of objectives. The research employed a meticulous combination of quantitative and qualitative methodologies to analyze the economic intricacies of investments in clean power. They scrutinized their environmental impacts, particularly in terms of reducing carbon footprints, and compared clean power technologies with conventional fossil fuel systems. Additionally, this research provides nuanced policy recommendations aimed at strengthening an equitable and sustainable energy transition. The hypothesis suggests that clean power technologies can significantly enhance energy accessibility and sustainability in these underserved regions, positing that tailored policy interventions are essential for overcoming existing barriers to renewable energy adoption. Leveraging a Mixed Methods Approach, the research harnesses the analytical prowess of both quantitative and qualitative research paradigms. Employing sophisticated tools such as the HOMER Grid Software, the quantitative arm of the research explores a granular examination of solar GHI Resource Data, climatic parameters, and economic variables, with a keen focus on elucidating pivotal metrics such as net present cost (NPC), internal rate of return (IRR), and Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE). Complementing this quantitative rigor, the qualitative facet of the inquiry goes into the labyrinthine realm of policy documents and government reports, endeavoring to decipher the contours of Indonesia's renewable energy policy landscape and the attendant challenges therein. The findings emanating from this comprehensive inquiry provide a panoramic view into the feasibility and desirability of clean power technologies within the Indonesian context. Noteworthy is the elucidation of various system architectures proposed for the integration of clean power technologies, each offering a distinctive tapestry of economic viability and environmental dividends. For instance, in locales such as Natuna, the "Solar PV with grid connection" paradigm emerges as a beacon of promise, boasting a capital expenditure (CAPEX) of US$28.1 million, coupled with operational costs yielding substantial annual savings and an enticing LCOE of US$0.037/kWh. Similarly, evaluations undertaken in Puncak Jaya and Malaka confirm the financial and environmental viability of clean energy alternatives compared with traditional power systems, resulting in substantial decreases in carbon emissions in all geographic areas. On the environmental front, this research unfurls a tableau of pronounced benefits accruing from diminished carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxide emissions, underpinning the pivotal role of clean technologies in combatting both local air pollution and global climatic perturbations. Economically, the research furnishes compelling evidence attesting to the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of clean power technologies, thereby debunking erstwhile notions of their fiscal impracticality. The thesis concludes that while clean power technologies are pivotal for achieving energy justice in Indonesia, their success largely depends on comprehensive policy reform and infrastructure development. This research suggests that Indonesia must enhance its regulatory frameworks to encourage investment in renewable energy and streamline implementation processes. It also highlights the need for community engagement and capacity building to ensure that the transition to renewable energy is inclusive and beneficial to all stakeholders. The limitations of this research include the scope of data collection and generalizability of the findings across all regions of Indonesia, pointing to areas for further research.

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