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Маркетинг знаменитостей в Южной Корее

ФИО студента: Белл Ортиз Джанкарло -

Руководитель: Литтрелл Роми Фредерик

Кампус/факультет: Санкт-Петербургская школа экономики и менеджмента

Программа: Международный бизнес (Магистратура)

Год защиты: 2024

In the dynamic landscape of South Korea's marketing industry, the strategic use of celebrity endorsements has emerged as a pervasive phenomenon, influencing consumer behavior and shaping brand perceptions. This paper undertakes an in-depth exploration of celebrity marketing in South Korea, aiming to unravel its multifaceted dimensions and discern its profound implications for contemporary marketing practices. Through a comprehensive analysis, this research endeavor seeks to elucidate the complex interplay between celebrity endorsements and consumer behavior, shedding light on the factors that influence consumer perceptions, preferences, and purchasing decisions in the South Korean market. The introductory section sets the stage by articulating the overarching goal and specific objectives of the study, emphasizing the significance of investigating celebrity marketing within the unique socio-cultural and commercial context of South Korea. By providing a detailed outline of the research's distinctive features and delineating the structure of the dissertation, this section offers readers a comprehensive understanding of the scope and direction of the study. The literature review section serves as the foundation of this dissertation, critically synthesizing existing scholarship on celebrity marketing and consumer behavior. Drawing upon seminal theories such as social identity theory, congruity theory, and the elaboration likelihood model, this section delves into the underlying mechanisms driving consumer responses to celebrity endorsements. Furthermore, it examines the evolving role of social media platforms in shaping consumer perceptions and explores the cultural nuances that influence the effectiveness of celebrity marketing strategies in the South Korean context. The methodological framework elucidates the rigorous research approach adopted in this study, highlighting the utilization of questionnaire surveys as the primary method of data collection. It provides a comprehensive overview of the research design, detailing the sampling strategy, questionnaire development process, and data collection procedures. Moreover, it underscores the ethical considerations inherent in conducting research on sensitive topics such as celebrity marketing, ensuring the protection of participants' rights, privacy, and confidentiality. The results and discussion section presents a meticulous analysis of the data gathered through questionnaire surveys, offering valuable insights into consumer perceptions of celebrity endorsements across diverse industries in South Korea. Through statistical analyses and qualitative interpretations, this section uncovers the varying efficacy of celebrity endorsements, the influence of demographic characteristics on consumer attitudes, and the evolving role of social media platforms in shaping consumer behavior patterns. The conclusion synthesizes the key findings of the dissertation, highlighting its contributions to the existing body of knowledge on celebrity marketing in South Korea. It delineates the practical implications of the research findings for marketers and offers recommendations for future research endeavors aimed at furthering our understanding of this dynamic and evolving field. Keywords: Celebrity Marketing, South Korea, Consumer Behavior, Marketing Strategies, Social Media Influence, Cultural Nuances.

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