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Лингвистические особенности академического текста, созданного при помощи искусственного интеллекта

ФИО студента: Азим Улла - -

Руководитель: Габриелова Елена Валерьевна

Кампус/факультет: Школа иностранных языков

Программа: Иностранные языки и межкультурная коммуникация (Магистратура)

Год защиты: 2024

This study includes comparison of linguistic characteristics of text produced by artificial intelligence with those of human-written essays and indicates the similarities, differences, and consequences between them.The Acknowledgement of the language abilities of AI systems is now a key factor.This is the reason why this skill turns out to be increasingly critical owing to the fast progress of AI in natural language understanding. (NLP). Consequently, the overall purpose of this research is to provide a report on the linguistic components that are key in. the ones that humans write and texts that AI writers produce. It Emphasizes the words variety, intricate grammar, unity, coherence and appropriateness in context. Comparative Comparative (analysis) is achieved through a collection of sources that are written and are authored. while other students can copy from books, academic periodicals and online resources as well as texts produced by AI.Employing computational linguistics and corpus analysis are among the set of techniques that are used for investigating and comparing linguistic characteristics.For instance, for scientific publications,conversational writing, and interpersonal communications besides that. the ideas on the way of changing AI in terms of linguistic characteristics. This study is a part of the bigger quest for the understanding of AI's linguistic capabilities and its use in various fields and assisting in AI-related future development and its application. Keyword-;Lexical Richness-;Sociolinguistics-; Notions of Syntactic Complexity-; Contextual Appropriate

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