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Master 2019/2020

Project Team Management

Type: Elective course (Project Management: Project Analysis, Investments, and ImplementationTechnologies)
Area of studies: Management
Delivered by: Department of Project Management
When: 1 year, 3, 4 module
Mode of studies: offline
Master’s programme: Project Management: Project Analysis, Investments, Implementation Technology
Language: English
ECTS credits: 4
Contact hours: 36

Course Syllabus


The influence of project manager’s skills in team management on the performance of employees is particularly acute when the product is the result of combining the individual efforts of all participants in the collaborative work. Project Manager should be able to organize effective communication and resolve conflicts. The course focuses on selected topics which are important to modern teamwork as well as on the seminal works focusing on the factors underpinning the team management and develops students’ ability to work in teams that requires certain competencies to organize their activities in small groups and benefit from the project-based learning.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • To introduce students to classic and modern theories pertinent to project team management
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Define main concepts pertinent to the project team management
  • Demonstrate communication skills
  • Analyze the information from appropriate sources for academic activities
  • Distinguish between different team roles
  • Identify stages of team development
  • Distinguish between different types of leadership styles
  • Identify components of team resilience
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Trait Theory and Team Composition
    Trait Theory. Leader's and Followers' Traits. Psychological individual differences. Big5 Model. HEXACO Model. Corporate Psychopaths. Dark Triad. Destructive Leadership. Leadership Derailment.
  • Teamwork and Team Management
    Teaming. Allocation of Roles and Responsibilities. Team roles. Stages of team development. Team resilience. Diversity. Social Psychology. Groupthink. Project Leadership. Multifactor Leadership Theory. Transactional Leadership. Transformational Leadership. Types of Leadership Styles.
  • Influence and Conflict Management
    Conformity and Obedience. Group Influence. Reciprocation. Commitment. Social Proof. Liking. Authority. Scarcity. Compliance tactics. Readiness for change. Overcoming Resistance to Change. Collective Mindfulness. Social Capital. Conflict Management. Causes of conflict. Cognitive Dissonance. Types of Conflicts. Conflict Resolution.
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Cases
  • blocking Exam
    This is the only blocking form of testing within the course. The course does not provide for examination exemption for students. Examination format: The exam is taken written (multiple choice questions) with asynchronous proctoring. Asynchronous proctoring means that all the student's actions during the exam will be “watched” by the computer. The exam process is recorded and analyzed by artificial intelligence and a human (proctor). Please be careful and follow the instructions clearly! The platform: The exam is conducted on the StartExam platform. StartExam is an online platform for conducting test tasks of various levels of complexity. The link to pass the exam task will be available to the student in the RUZ. Students are required to join a session 15 minutes before the beginning. The computers must meet the following technical requirements: https://eduhseru-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/vsukhomlinov_hse_ru/EUhZkYaRxQRLh9bSkXKptkUBjy7gGBj39W_pwqgqqNo_aA?e=fn0t9N A student is supposed to follow the requirements below: Prepare identification documents (а passport on a page with name and photo) for identification before the beginning of the examination task; Check your microphone, speakers or headphones, webcam, Internet connection (we recommend connecting your computer to the network with a cable, if possible); Prepare the necessary writing equipment, such as pens, pencils, pieces of paper, and others. Disable applications on the computer's task other than the browser that will be used to log in to the StartExam program. If one of the necessary requirements for participation in the exam cannot be met, a student is obliged to inform a professor and a manager of a program 2 weeks before the exam date to decide on the student's participation in the exams. Students are not allowed to: Turn off the video camera; Use notes, textbooks, and other educational materials; Leave the place where the exam task is taken (go beyond the camera's viewing angle); Look away from your computer screen or desktop; Use smart gadgets (smartphone, tablet, etc.) Involve outsiders for help during the exam, talk to outsiders during the examination tasks; Read tasks out loud. Students are allowed to: Write on a piece of paper, use a pen for making notes and calculations; Use a calculator; Connection failures: A short-term communication failure during the exam is considered to be the loss of a student's network connection with the StartExam platform for no longer than 1 minute. A long-term communication failure during the exam is considered to be the loss of a student's network connection with the StartExam platform for longer than 1 minute. A long-term communication failure during the exam is the basis for the decision to terminate the exam and the rating “unsatisfactory” (0 on a ten-point scale). In case of long-term communication failure in the StartExam platform during the examination task, the student must notify the teacher, record the fact of loss of connection with the platform (screenshot, a response from the Internet provider). Then contact the manager of a program with an explanatory note about the incident to decide on retaking the exam.
  • non-blocking Seminars
  • non-blocking Presentation
    The topic of the presentation is chosen by the student (should be approved by the tutor) or offered by the tutor.
  • non-blocking Research Paper
    The topic of the research paper is chosen by the student (should be approved by the tutor) or offered by the tutor. Times new roman 12 point font, not less than 5 pages per student
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • Interim assessment (4 module)
    0.2 * Cases + 0.3 * Exam + 0.2 * Presentation + 0.2 * Research Paper + 0.1 * Seminars


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Cialdini, R. B. (2009). Influence : The Psychology of Persuasion. New York: HarperCollins. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=279852
  • Tuckman, B. W., & Jensen, M. A. C. (1977). Stages of Small-Group Development Revisited. Group & Organization Management, 2(4), 419–427. https://doi.org/10.1177/105960117700200404

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • De Mascia, S. (2011). Project Psychology : Using Psychological Models and Techniques to Create a Successful Project. Farnham: Routledge. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=408754