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Bachelor 2019/2020

Practical Course of the First Foreign Language: Grammar, Phonetics, Speech Practice (English)

Category 'Best Course for Career Development'
Category 'Best Course for Broadening Horizons and Diversity of Knowledge and Skills'
Area of studies: Linguistics
When: 2 year, 1-4 module
Mode of studies: offline
Instructors: Исакова Лия Рустамовна, Мартюшова Наталья Олеговна, Широкова Светлана Юрьевна, Иванова Юлия Владимировна, Eliza Aloyan, Svetlana Victorovna Bogolepova, Ksenia Chermoshentseva, Ekaterina Vladimirovna Chernetsova, Kamilla Chotсhaeva, Tatiana Ershova, Yulia Grevtseva, Maria Kirsanova, Olga A. Kolykhalova, Alla Krylova, Elena Kryukova, Victoria Kuznetsova, Elena Lutkova, Anna Martirosyan, Maria Polukhina, Sergey Ryabchun, Tatiana Sidelnikova, Elena Sidorkina, Elena Terekhova, Irina Terentieva, Mariia Tsygunova, Ksenia Vasilyuk, Tatiana Zelenova, Elena Zyrianova, Зубкова Виктория Александровна, Воронцова Татьяна Сергеевна, Зубкова Виктория Александровна
Language: English
ECTS credits: 14
Contact hours: 232

Course Syllabus


The course leads students towards the C1 level according to CEFR in all aspects and skills. The course covers a wide range of topics, and students are involved in a variety of activities that let them progress in both productive and receptive skills. Students will have the opportunity to engage with longer and denser texts of various genres and registers. They will be able to develop their social and academic competencies as the course implies group, pair and project work.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • The principle goal of is formation of universal and professional competencies (including instrumental and social and personal competencies), defined in the Education Standard of HSE in the field of study 45.03.02 “Linguistics”.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • - Correctly use perfect forms in speaking and writing
  • - Use topical vocabulary in speaking and writing
  • - Use cleft sentences in speaking
  • - Use vocabulary to speak about society and culture, household objects
  • - Use structures for generalisation in speaking
  • - Use active vocabulary and structures to produce written and spoken texts;
  • - Use C1 vocabulary and structures in speaking and writing;
  • - Use vocabulary to describe people and relationships
  • - Give impressions in speaking
  • - Speak at lengths (1.5-2 mins) on the topic given;
  • - Be able to support an opinion;
  • - Use linking devices for coherence and cohesion.
  • - Use noun phrases in speaking and writing
  • - Use vocabulary to describe books and films
  • - Participate in a dialogue using phrases for emphasis and reinforcement, agreement and disagreement, asking for information, expressing opinion, backtracking and correcting, etc.;
  • - Correctly use conditionals in speaking and writing
  • - Use metaphors in speech
  • - Use structures for defending and excusing
  • - Use passive structures in speaking and writing
  • - Express surprise and disbelief in speaking
  • - Correctly use auxiliaries in speaking and writing
  • - Be able to describe scenery;
  • - Be able to describe communication
  • - Use emphatic tags in speaking
  • - Correctly use continuous forms in speaking and writing
  • - Correctly use modals in speaking and writing
  • - Use vague language in speaking
  • - Correctly use linking words and phrases in speaking and writing
  • - Correctly use inversion in speaking and writing
  • - Be able to use similes in speech
  • - Use contextualised questions in speaking
  • - Use binomials, structures for emphasis, reinforcement and exemplification
  • - Listen to texts at C1 level for gist, for detail and for specific information;
  • - Read texts at C1 level for gist, for detail and for specific information;
  • - Apply learning strategies to support reading and listening;
  • - Make notes when reading authentic texts;
  • - Use would for different grammatical purposes
  • - Be able to comment on, write a review
  • - Use vocabulary to describe consequences
  • - Use structures for reinforcement and exemplification
  • - Structure and write a summary;
  • - Use wish/ if only for different grammatical purposes
  • - Plan, structure, create and edit a range of written products such as essays, reviews, magazine articles;
  • - Describe an experience;
  • - Be able to use word formation
  • - Be able to describe statistics
  • - Be able to write a report
  • - Take notes when listening to authentic texts;
  • - Use compound adjectives
  • - Use adverb-adjective collocations
  • - Use structures to make deductions
  • - Use nouns based on phrasal verbs
  • - Use structures for alliteration
  • - Describe personal histories and historical events
  • - Use vocabulary to describe recovery and change
  • - Write a newspaper article
  • - Use samples for writing and speaking;
  • - Plan and execute independent work;
  • - Write a summary of an article
  • - Use structures for argumentation
  • - Manage time and resources
  • - Use monolingual dictionaries, thesauruses, and dictionaries of collocations;
  • - Write a letter of application/ a covering letter
  • - Distinguish between the main idea and supporting details.
  • - Use assessment criteria when executing a task;
  • - Use self- and peer-assessment;
  • - Create irony and humour in speaking
  • - Use argumentation in a discursive essay
  • - Writing a letter of complaint
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • 2nd year. Practical Course of the First Foreign Language: Grammar, Phonetics, Speech Practice. Topic 1. Cities.
    The students will have developed the awareness of the problems cities face and possible solutions to these problems;
  • 2nd year. Practical Course of the First Foreign Language: Grammar, Phonetics, Speech Practice. Topic 2. Culture and identity-
    The students will have developed the awareness of the cultural and psychological roots of urban myths; the meaning of culture, cultural markers and cultural identity;
  • 2nd year. Practical Course of the First Foreign Language: Grammar, Phonetics, Speech Practice. Topic 3. Relationships.
    What influences relationships between people; culturally determined features of relationships;
  • 2nd year. Practical Course of the First Foreign Language: Grammar, Phonetics, Speech Practice. Topic 4. Entertainment.
    Peculiarities of cultural life in different countries;
  • 2nd year. Practical Course of the First Foreign Language: Grammar, Phonetics, Speech Practice. Topic 5. Politics
    Characteristic features of political systems; public attitude towards politics in different countries;
  • 2nd year. Practical Course of the First Foreign Language: Grammar, Phonetics, Speech Practice. Topic 6. Conflicts
    How people behave in emergency;
  • 2nd year. Practical Course of the First Foreign Language: Grammar, Phonetics, Speech Practice. Topic 7. Science and research
    Scientific achievements and the problems modern science faces;
  • 2nd year. Practical Course of the First Foreign Language: Grammar, Phonetics, Speech Practice. Topic 8. Nature
    Natural world and the issues it is facing;
  • 2nd year. Practical Course of the First Foreign Language: Grammar, Phonetics, Speech Practice. Topic 9. Work
    The world of work and its legal regulations; business and management in the modern world;
  • 2nd year. Practical Course of the First Foreign Language: Grammar, Phonetics, Speech Practice. Topic 10. Health and Illness
    Describe different medical and surgical procedures; describe medical conditions and their symptoms
  • 2nd year. Practical Course of the First Foreign Language: Grammar, Phonetics, Speech Practice. Topic 11. Play
    Various sports and their rules; explain how to play different games
  • 2nd year. Practical Course of the First Foreign Language: Grammar, Phonetics, Speech Practice. Topic 12. History
    Some key historical events and personalities; describe key events in people's lifes
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Participation
    The teacher assesses the students’ work in class: participation in class discussions, role-plays, written tasks fulfillment, active vocabulary and grammar acquisition tasks, quizzes, etc. The teacher also assesses homework completion, self-study tasks completion, and classroom participation. The grades for these types of activities are recorded in the register (decimal system: 0-10), and the mean is calculated at the end of the year – O aud .Оaud = Ʃ Оaudl i /n
  • non-blocking Oral
    The students deliver a monologue and present a dialogue (the teacher may choose to do one dialogue per two or three units) at the end of each unit. All these marks are added up, the average is calculated and rounded: Оoral = Ʃ Оoral i /n
  • non-blocking Test
    The grade for ongoing assessment is calculated as the mean of the 4 tests, one at the end of each module: Оtest = Ʃ Оtest i /n (n=4).
  • non-blocking Self-study
    Students complete extended listening and reading tasks after covering each unit on a self-study basis. The mean of the marks is calculated at the end of the year: Оself-study = Ʃ Оself-study i /n.
  • non-blocking Exam
    The examination is a written test. The demo version are in Appendix 1. The marks are rounded down from 0.5 and up from 0.6. 80 points – maximum Оwritten exam = Оnumber of correct answers * 10 /80
  • non-blocking Grammar M1
    Grammar M1 element is comprised by the following aspects: О = 0,05*Оtests + 0,05*Оcontact work + 0,05*ОLMS + 0,1*Оfinal test
  • non-blocking Grammar M2
    Grammar M1 element is comprised by the following aspects: О = 0,2*Оtests + 0,2*Оcontact work + 0,1*ОLMS + 0,5*Оfinal test
  • non-blocking Exam
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • Interim assessment (2 module)
    0.5 * Exam + 0.25 * Grammar M1 + 0.25 * Grammar M2
  • Interim assessment (4 module)
    0.3 * Exam + 0.2 * Oral + 0.2 * Participation + 0.1 * Self-study + 0.2 * Test


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Грамматика современного английского языка : учебник для вузов, Крылова, И. П., 2017
  • Евсюкова Е. Н., Рутковская Г. Л., Тараненко О. И. - АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК. READING AND DISCUSSION 2-е изд., испр. и доп. Учебное пособие для вузов - М.:Издательство Юрайт - 2019 - 147с. - ISBN: 978-5-534-07996-8 - Текст электронный // ЭБС ЮРАЙТ - URL: https://urait.ru/book/angliyskiy-yazyk-reading-and-discussion-438983
  • Синтаксис английского языка : от слова к тексту : учеб. пособие, Сергеева, Ю. М., 2018

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Маньковская, З.В. Английский язык в ситуациях повседневного делового общения : учеб. пособие / З.В. Маньковская. — Москва : ИНФРА-М, 2019. — 223 с. — (Высшее образование: Бакалавриат). - ISBN 978-5-16-005065-2 (print); ISBN 978-5-16-105422-2 (online). - Текст : электронный. - URL: http://znanium.com/catalog/product/995410