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Bachelor 2019/2020

Foreign Language (Spanish)

Area of studies: International Relations
When: 3 year, 1-4 module
Mode of studies: offline
Instructors: Панченко Екатерина Юрьевна, Арабаджян Александра Завеновна, Панченко Екатерина Юрьевна, Yevgeny Bocharov, Svetlana V. Galina, Elena Garcia, Elena Vladimirovna Karpina, Irina Selivanova, Yulia Seliverstova, Irina Viktorovna Smirnova
Language: English
ECTS credits: 7
Contact hours: 224

Course Syllabus


The purpose of the course is to develop intercultural foreign language professionally oriented communicative competence (levels B1-B2 on the pan-European scale of levels of foreign language proficiency MCER). The program is aimed to teach Spanish for special purposes through the communicative approach, providing the development of necessary academic skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking). The course creates a high motivational level as it takes into account pragmatic, cognitive and communicative needs of the students.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • To master strategies of perception, analysis, creation of oral and written texts of different types
  • To master strategies for the use of situational models of interpersonal communication, taking into account the peculiarities of the culture of different countries
  • To master speech etiquette of communication in various situations of socio-cultural and everyday spheres
  • To master methods of independent work with language material (vocabulary, grammar, phonetics) using reference and educational literature
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • The student will be able to ask all types of questions, observing speech etiquette; to build coherent statements of reproductive and productive nature, including arguments and expression of their attitude to the information received; to make reports and reports in a foreign language on socio-cultural and professionally relevant topics; to summarize and comment on the content of a business conversation; to synthesize secondary texts of different nature.
  • In the area of reading and writing the student will be able to read and understand texts of different genres with different levels of penetration into the content; to write formal and informal letters; to make plans, summaries; to make abstracts, annotations; to present a reasoned opinion on the proposed issue; to conduct creative analysis of original written texts.
  • In the field of information and analytical work the student will be able to understand lectures in a foreign language; to understand factual information on radio and television; to extract factual information from the media and the Internet; to carry out analytical and synthetic processing of information received from oral, written and electronic sources.
  • The student will master strategies of perception, analysis, creation of oral and written texts of different types; strategies for the use of situational models of interpersonal communication, taking into account the peculiarities of the culture of different countries; speech etiquette of communication in various situations of socio-cultural and everyday spheres of activity; methods of independent work with language material (vocabulary, grammar, phonetics).
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Spanish for General purposes. General literary language. 1.Acquaintance. Life experience (study, work); 2. The role of mass media in the modern world; 3. Sport. Sports movement in Spain; 4. Healthy lifestyle; 5. Features of the Spanish language in different countries; 6. Internship abroad; 7. Social networks: influence and their role in the life of modern youth; 8. Social behaviour in Spain and some Latin American countries.
  • Spanish for General purposes. General literary language. 9. The phenomenon of emancipation among the youth of the XXI century; 10. Leisure and recreation. Alternative holidays; 11. Modern architecture of Spain; 12. Unexplained phenomena and mysteries in the modern world.
  • Spanish for General purposes. General literary language. 13. Literary traditions of Spain. Writers and poets of different eras, winners of prizes in the field of literature; 14. Spanish culture: musical traditions, trends and trends; 15. Spanish culture: film and television; 16. Tourism. Iconic tourist routes in Spain and Latin America.
  • Spanish for special purposes: Spanish and Latin American Studies. 1. Spanish-speaking world: countries, peoples, map. 2. Two capitals: Madrid and Toledo. Barcelona is a postmodern city. Andaluzia. 3. Cuba: challenges of our time. Fidel Castro, Ernesto Che Guevara. 4. Costa Rica is the pearl of Central America. Features of social and political development. 5. Mexico. Antiquity and modernity. Mexico-city. Cultural identity of the country.
  • Spanish for special purposes: Spanish and Latin American Studies. 6. Peru. Legacy of the Incas. Modernity: the regime of Alberto Fujimori. Corruption. Left-wing movements and the fight against them of the Fujimori regime. Violation of civil liberties and rights. The prosecution of Fujimori. 7. Argentina. Nature, iconic cultural phenomena. 8. Three cultures of medieval Spain 9. Cultures of pre-Columbian America. 10. Latin America: war of independence.
  • Spanish for special purposes: Spanish and Latin American Studies. 11. The struggle for democracy in Latin America. The twentieth century is a period of dictatorships and civil wars. Military coup in Chile. The Dictatorship of Pinochet. Charges against Pinochet. Populism. Left turn on the continent in the twentieth century. 12. American Indian movement leaders, and politicians. 13. Fight against the threat of terrorism. Spain-ETA: origin, methods of struggle, support and condemnation in society.
  • Spanish for special purposes: Spanish and Latin American Studies. 14. Ecology. The main environmental problems of Spain and Latin America. 15. Spain in Europe. Political history of the present (Spain). Media, the fourth power. The situation of women in Spain (before and after the Spanish Transition period) and in Latin America. 16. Spain: non-governmental organizations and volunteer movements. Spain: emigration yesterday and today, immigration, permanent problems.
  • Spanish for special purposes: Spanish and Latin American Studies. 17. Education in Spain. Religion. Family law. 18. Languages of the peoples of Spain. Spanish language in the world. The Phenomenon of Spanglish. 19. Cultural phenomena of Spain and Latin America (overview).
  • Spanish and Latin American Studies
    1. Spanish-speaking world: countries, peoples, map. 2. Two capitals: Madrid and Toledo. Barcelona is a postmodern city. Andaluzia. 3. Cuba: challenges of our time. Fidel Castro, Ernesto Che Guevara. 4. Costa Rica is the pearl of Central America. Features of social and political development. 5. Mexico. Antiquity and modernity. Mexico-city. Cultural identity of the country.
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Oral control, written control, attestation, independent work, winter/summer exam
    The final exam consists of two parts: written and oral. The written test is performed in Socrative (https://b.socrative.com/login/student/ ) and Zoom simultaneously. The oral part is in Zoom. You must connect to the exam 15 minutes in advance. Requirements for the User’s PC : 1) A PC or a laptop (mobile devices are not supported); 2) Windows operating system (Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 8.1,Windows 10) or 3) Mas OS X Yosemite (version 10.10, or a newer version); 4) You should have the latest version of the Yandex.Browser or the Google Chrome web browser (at the moment when you take the test) installed (for the latest updates of the web browser, please see chrome://help/); 5) Your computer (or laptop) must be equipped with a functioning external or built-in web cam; 6) You need to make sure that the mic is functioning and has been switched on (including built-in mics); 7) You should have a steady Internet connection with a speed no slower than 5 Mbps per second.
  • non-blocking Exam
    The final exam consists of two parts: written and oral. The written test is performed in Socrative and Zoom simultaneously, the oral part is held in Zoom. The student is required to have a stable Internet connection and a working webcam. The student must connect to the exam 15 minutes in advance. Requirements for the User’s PC : 1) A PC or a laptop (mobile devices are not supported); 2) Windows operating system (Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 8.1,Windows 10) or 3) Mas OS X Yosemite (version 10.10, or a newer version); 4) You should have the latest version of the Yandex.Browser or the Google Chrome web browser (at the moment when you take the test) installed (for the latest updates of the web browser, please see chrome://help/); 5) Your computer (or laptop) must be equipped with a functioning external or built-in web cam; 6) You need to make sure that the mic is functioning and has been switched on (including built-in mics); 7) You should have a steady Internet connection with a speed no slower than 5 Mbps per second.
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • Interim assessment (2 module)
    O interim = 0.2*o.c.e. + 0.2*w.c.e. + 0.1*att. + 0.1*ind.work + 0.4w.ex.
  • Interim assessment (4 module)
    O final = 0.2*o.c.e. + 0.2*w.c.e. + 0.1*att. + 0.1*ind.work + 0.4w.ex.


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Estudio de léxico disponible para la selección de vocabulario meta del español en enseñanza universitaria. (2019). Spain, Europe: Octaedro. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsbas&AN=edsbas.FE1CA4FE
  • Нуждин Г. А., Комарова А. И. - ИСПАНСКИЙ ЯЗЫК. УСТНЫЕ ТЕМЫ (A1-A2) 2-е изд., пер. и доп. Учебное пособие для СПО - М.:Издательство Юрайт - 2019 - 187с. - ISBN: 978-5-534-06903-7 - Текст электронный // ЭБС ЮРАЙТ - URL: https://urait.ru/book/ispanskiy-yazyk-ustnye-temy-a1-a2-441897

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Español y Catalán para Extranjeros, nivel A1-A2 ; Espanyol i Català per a Estrangers, nivell A1-A2. (2019). Spain, Europe: Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsbas&AN=edsbas.FA416292
  • Peyton, J. K., Lewelling, V. W., & Winke, P. M. (2001). Spanish for Spanish speakers [electronic resource] : developing dual language proficiency / Joy Kreeft Peyton, Vickie W. Lewelling, Paula Winke. Washington, DC : ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics, 2001. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsgpr&AN=edsgpr.ocm54489971