
Research Seminar “Culture and Inequality”
Elective course (Sociology and Social Informatics)
Area of studies:
Delivered by:
Department of Sociology
4 year, 1-3 module
Mode of studies:
Open to:
students of all HSE University campuses
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
This seminar is created for students interested in studies of cultural production, consumption and reproduction with special emphasis on art and fashion worlds, creative labor and networks, contemporary art institutions and status reproduction through parenting practices. We will discuss (1) classical works on social history of art, on art worlds and fields of fashion and of cultural production, (2) contemporary empirical papers on art institutions and art participation, (3) empirical papers with various types of research design (surveys, network analysis, historical sociology, participant observation, organizational analysis etc.). The seminar is intended for students who have previously attended research seminars of the BA in Sociology and Social Informatics in the previous years.
Learning Objectives
- In addition, students will be able to explain culture preferences through social stratification perspective, understand the link between cultural production cultural consumption, generate research hypothesis, develop academic skills in reading, writing, and presentation.
- be able to explain culture preferences through social stratification perspective
- be able to understand the link between cultural production cultural consumptio
- be able to understand the link between cultural production cultural consumption
- be able to generate research hypothesis
- be able to develop academic skills in reading, writing, and presentation.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- be able to understand and discuss topics related to culture and inequality and improve skills in developing research design in the framework of culture and inequality studies
Course Contents
- Culture and Inequality (Course introduction)
- Taste cultures
- Art as a profession
- Cultural production and urban milieus
- Сultural production as labour
- Art-world structure: producers, consumers, prosumers
- Networks and creativity
- Class cultures and inequality reproduction
- Artistic careers and prestige
- Migration, ethnicity and cultural capital
Assessment Elements
- Class participation
- Homework assignments
- Exam
- Homework
- In-class Participation
- ExamThe exam will be organized as oral presentation (5 minutes with slides) of a project proposal for 3 year course paper. Please join the conference ( ) by scheduled time and turn on your camera.
- Group presentation of research proposalStudent prepares and presents the project proposal in group. This proposal is based on the material covered during seminar discussions. The approximate content of this proposal: research problem/question(s), definition of object of study & units of analysis, hypotheses (driven from the literature), sampling strategy, type of data, methods of data gathering & analysis.
- Homework assignmentsStudent prepares and presents projects during the course. Based on the group grades each student has the average grade for homework assignments
- ExamStudent prepares and presents the project proposal (individual project and presentation). 2nd year students present research proposal, 3rd and 4th year students present their term papers. In case if the student could not prepare the homework assignment with group and missed the seminar because of the valid excuse there is a possibility to perform group task and send it to the teacher no later than a week before the exam. In case if the student prepared homework assignment with group but could not present it because of the valid excuse this seminar will not be included in the calculation of the average grade. In case if the student could not prepare research proposal in group because of valid excuse there is a possibility to perform this task and send it to the teacher in form of 500 words essay no later than a week before the exam. This essay should contain the critical evaluation of the group research proposal
- Homework
- In-class Participation
- ExamThe exam will be organized as oral presentation (5 minutes with slides) of a project proposal for 3 year course paper. Please join the conference ( ) by scheduled time and turn on your camera.
Interim Assessment
- 2019/2020 4th module0.4 * In-class Participation + 0.2 * Exam + 0.4 * Homework
- 2020/2021 4th module0.4 * Homework assignments + 0.2 * Exam + 0.4 * Class participation
- 2021/2022 3rd module0.2 * Exam + 0.2 * Group presentation of research proposal + 0.6 * Homework assignments
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Alexander, V. D., & Bowler, A. E. (2014). Art at the Crossroads: The Arts in Society and the Sociology of Art. Retrieved from
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Tanner, J. (2003). Sociology of Art : A Reader. London: Routledge. Retrieved from