
Theory of the First Foreign Language - 3 (Phonetics and Lexicology)
Elective course (Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication)
Area of studies:
Delivered by:
School of Foreign Languages
School of Foreign Languages
3 year, 1-4 module
Mode of studies:
Широкова Светлана Юрьевна,
Листопадова Мария Владимировна,
Патрикеева Ирина Сергеевна,
Первезенцева Оксана Анатольевна,
Широкова Светлана Юрьевна,
Листопадова Мария Владимировна,
Alexey Bakulev,
Natalia Mironenko,
Ksenia Vasilyuk,
Аксенова Анна Алексеевна
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
The main objective of the course is to introduce students to the fundamentals of English Phonetics and Lexicology so that they obtain theoretical knowledge of the fields and put the knowledge into practice. The course is designed for linguists of different specialisations. The section "English Lexicology" focuses on a number of areas from foundational concepts like the definition of the word through semasiology and onomasiology to lexical features of varieties of English. The principal objectives of the course "Theoretical Phonetics" are to provide students with basic theoretical knowledge in the field of English phonetics and phonology; to develop students' foreign language communicative competencies, including linguistic, sociolinguistic and phonetic competencies; to teach students to comment on research articles related to the issues of theoretical phonetics.
Learning Objectives
- To provide students with basic theoretical knowledge in the field of English phonetics and phonology
- To develop students' foreign language communicative competencies, including linguistic, sociolinguistic and phonetic competencies
- To teach students to comment on research articles related to the issues of theoretical phonetics and to put their knowledge into practice
- To inform students with the research view of the English vocabulary as a system, both synchronically and diachronically
Expected Learning Outcomes
- To know about Phonetics as a branch of Linguistics, its subject matter, methods of analysis, its divisions.
- To know the definition of a phoneme and its three aspects
- To know methods of phonological analysis and can apply them
- To know the basic principles of English consonants and vowels classifications
- Can distinguish between phonetic and phonological mistakes
- Can comment and critically assess a research article on the topic "The Conception of the Phoneme in our country and Abroad"
- To Know about the syllabic structure of English words, its functions
- Can comment and critically assess a research article on the topic "The Syllabic Structure of English Words"
- To know about types and degrees of word stress, its functions
- Can comment and critically assess a research article on the topic "Word Stress, its Types and Functions"
- To know about the system of English intonation, its components and functions, its relationship with lexical and grammatical units and non-verbal means of communication
- Can define English rhythm, describe its functions
- Can comment and critically assess a research article on the topic "The System of Intonation of the English Language"
- To know about the subject of Phonostylistics
- Can describe extralinguistic factors, determining the stylistic variations of speech
- To know the basic principles of the classification of phonetic styles
- Can comment and critically assess a research article on the topic "Phonostylistic Variations of English Pronunciation"
- To know about the English language status in modern world, the role of phonetic means in intercultural communication
- To know main tendencies in English pronunciation
- To know basic pronunciation peculiarities of English dialects
- Can comment and critically assess a research article on the topic "Social Varieties of English Pronunciation"
- To know basic information on the subject of English Lexicology, the two basic approaches (synchronic and diachronic), connections with other branches of linguistics
- To know basic information on the basic and main unit of English Lexicology – word, its major features, semantic unity, indivisibility and positional mobility
- To know basic information on the meaning and its types, the three main approaches to the meaning, “inner form” of the word
- To know basic information on polysemy, its types and roots, lexico-semantic variants, homonymy, its classification, paronyms, the sources of polysemy and homonymy
- To know basic information on synonyms, their classification, antonyms, their classification, he relations on which they are based
- To know basic information on the morpheme as the major unit of the word-structure, different way of word formation
- To know basic information on words groups, their different types and classifications, the difference between free, semi-free word groups and idioms
- To know basic information on the origins of English vocabulary, the difference between native words and loan words, the levels of assimilation and the contents of modern English vocabulary
- To know basic information on various variants of the English language, how to compare them and contrast in terms of word stock
- To know basic information on methods of research into vocabulary, types of vocabulary, criteria for creating a vocabulary
Course Contents
- Phonetics as a Branch of LinguisticsPhonetics as a branch of Linguistics, its subject matter, methods of analysis, its divisions.
- Segmental Phonemes of the English LanguagePhoneme and its three aspects; methods of phonological analysis; basic principles of English consonants and vowels classifications; phonetic and phonological mistakes.
- The Syllabic Structure of English WordsSyllabic structure of English words, its functions.
- Word StressTypes and degrees of word stress, its functions.
- The System of Intonation of the English LanguageSystem of English intonation, its components and functions, its relationship with lexical and grammatical units and non-verbal means of communication; English rhythm, describe its functions.
- Phonostylistics as a Branch of PhoneticsSubject of Phonostylistics, extralinguistic factors, determining the stylistic variations of speech; basic principles of the classification of phonetic styles.
- Social Varieties of English PronunciationThe English language status in modern world, the role of phonetic means in intercultural communication; main tendencies in English pronunciation, basic pronunciation peculiarities of English dialects.
- Topic 1. Lexicology as a branch of linguisticsEnglish lexicology: what does it study? Main and subordinate aims of English lexicology. Theoretical and practical value of lexicology. Links between lexicology with other branches of linguistics and domains of knowledge outside the field of linguistics.
- Topic 2. Word as one of the basic units of languagesWord as one of the basic units of languages. Theories of the word. Defining the word. Features of the word as a two-facet unit: semantic unity; formal unity / indivisibility; positional mobility.
- Topic 3. Semasiology, or semanticsApproaches to word meaning. Referential approach. Functional approach. Operational approach. Motivation and “inner form” of the word. Types of motivation.
- Topic 4. PolysemLexico-semantic variants of polysemantic words. Homonymy. Classifications of homonyms. Paronyms. Polysemy vs homonymy. Sources of polysemy and homonymy.
- Topic 5. Semantic relations within the English vocabulary. SynonymsSemantic relations within the English vocabulary. Synonyms. Classification of synonyms. Antonyms. Classification of antonyms
- Topic 6. Word-structureMorpheme as the basic unit of the word structure. Word-structure and word formation. Ways of word formation: affixation; conversion; compounding; shortening; back formation; stress interchange; sound interchange; sound imitation.
- Topic 7. Word groupsFree and semi-free word groups. Idioms. Classifications of idioms. Proverbs, sayings, and familiar quotations.
- Topic 8. Etymological survey of the English word stockNative words vs loan words. International words.
- Topic 9. Varieties of EnglishVarieties of English. Comparison and contrast of the British English and American English word stocks
- Topic 10. LexicographyMethods of research into vocabulary. Lexicography. Types of vocabularies. Criteria for creating a vocabulary.
Assessment Elements
- Seminar activity
- Practical tasks (unsupervised work)
- Group mini-projectsTime limit: 15 minutes. Maximal number of students participating: 5. Each student has a chance to participate in one group mini-project (max 20 points).
- Commenting on a research article
- Final ExaminationAll the assessment tasks are supposed to be done in class, none of them can be retaken. Only examination can be retaken. If a student has the arithmetic average final grade 8, 9 or 10 for all the 4 types of assessment tasks (excluding the exam) the course instructor can give him/her an automatical grade for the course.
- Continuous assessmentThe student is given up to 10 minutes to write several definitions for the terms on the given topic. Also the student can be asked questions on the theoretical material on the given topic/
- Tests
- In-class activitiesClasswork features pair- and groupwork, valid contributions to problem solving activities and discussions, and writing quizzes.
- Final ExamFinal Exam is held in the oral form (anwswer to a theoretical question). The retake precedure is the same as of the Final Exam. If a student has the arithmetic average final grade 8, 9 or 10 for all the 3 types of assessment tasks (excluding the exam) the course instructor can give him/her an automatical grade for the course. The final decision on giving an automatical grade or not belongs to the seminar instructor.
Interim Assessment
- Interim assessment (2 module)0.2 * Commenting on a research article + 0.2 * Final Examination + 0.2 * Group mini-projects + 0.2 * Practical tasks (unsupervised work) + 0.2 * Seminar activity
- Interim assessment (4 module)0.2 * Commenting on a research article + 0.1 * Group mini-projects + 0.5 * Interim assessment (2 module) + 0.1 * Practical tasks (unsupervised work) + 0.1 * Seminar activity
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Гвишиани Н. Б. - СОВРЕМЕННЫЙ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК: ЛЕКСИКОЛОГИЯ 3-е изд., пер. и доп. Учебник для бакалавров - М.:Издательство Юрайт - 2019 - 273с. - ISBN: 978-5-9916-2497-8 - Текст электронный // ЭБС ЮРАЙТ - URL:
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Минаева Л. В. - ЛЕКСИКОЛОГИЯ И ЛЕКСИКОГРАФИЯ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА. ENGLISH LEXICOLOGY AND LEXICOGRAPHY 2-е изд., испр. и доп. Учебное пособие для бакалавриата и магистратуры - М.:Издательство Юрайт - 2019 - 202с. - ISBN: 978-5-534-07766-7 - Текст электронный // ЭБС ЮРАЙТ - URL: