
Foreign Language (French)
Category 'Best Course for Career Development'
Category 'Best Course for Broadening Horizons and Diversity of Knowledge and Skills'
Category 'Best Course for New Knowledge and Skills'
Elective course (HSE University and University of London Parallel Degree Programme in International Relations)
Area of studies:
International Relations
Delivered by:
Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs
3 year, 1-4 module
Mode of studies:
Open to:
students of one campus
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
The course "French language" is intended for students of the 3rd course of International Relations as part of the HSE and University of London's International Relations Parallel Degree Program. By the end of the 3rd year, students are expected to develop a set of competencies for students corresponding to the B1 + / B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
Learning Objectives
- teach students to work with authentic texts of a significant amount of socio-cultural, socio-political and economic topics (understand the general / detailed content, isolate the requested information, highlight significant and secondary information, analyze the logical structure of the text, etc.).
- o form skills of adequate perception (to understand the general / detailed content, to extract the requested information, to isolate emotionally rich information) of oral authentic texts of a significant amount of various types (monologue, dialogue, etc.), economic / socio-political / socio-cultural topics.
- to develop skills for transmitting the content of sounding text using the compte-rendu (abstracting) or résumé (annotating) techniques in oral and written form.
- to develop and improve the skills of producing oral texts in accordance with the communicative task.
- to get acquainted students with the basic principles and rules for translating professionally oriented text from Russian into French and from French into Russian.
- to form skills of productive use of basic lexical units, grammatical forms and constructions (within the framework of the topics being studied) in the implementation of two-way translation of professionally oriented texts.
- to develop research competence: the ability to analyze / synthesize information, the skills of public speaking in the form of a computer presentation.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- recognizes the main content of authentic sounding texts on the studied subjects, pronounced at a natural pace, isolates the requested information; - adequately perceives the main content and details of authentic written texts on the studied topic
- within the framework of the studied subjects and in accordance with the stage of training - transfers the content of the sounding text using the compte-rendu / résumé technique (abstracting / annotation); - produces monologue speech, demonstrating the ability to productively use the basic lexical units, grammatical forms and constructions within the framework of the topic under study; - participates in the dialogue in accordance with the communicative task; - participates in the discussion
- translates text rus. lang ↔ fr.
- composes a letter / article
- within the framework of the studied subjects and in accordance with the stage of training - transfers the content of the sounding text using the compte-rendu / résumé technique (abstracting / annotation); - produces monologue speech, demonstrating the ability to productively use the basic lexical units, grammatical forms and constructions within the framework of the topic under study; - participates in the dialogue in accordance with the communicative task; - participates in the discussion.
Course Contents
- Man in a consumer society Current trends in the distribution of the family budget of French households. Factors affecting family expenses. The composition of the consumer basket. The standard of living and policies of local authorities.
- Man and his work Unemployment: The most vulnerable social categories. Employment: job search, hiring and dismissal, organization of working time. Job interview.
- Enterprise (economic aspect) The principles of classification of enterprises. Small and medium-sized businesses in France: strengths and weaknesses. Areas of activity and features of the functioning of large enterprises. An effective multinational enterprise strategy. French enterprises in the context of globalization.
- Enterprise (social aspect) Enterprise committee: tasks and functions. Paid vacation: the procedure for providing, calculation of days, payment.
- Man and his income The minimum wage. Factors affecting the size of salaries. Differences in wage levels. Types of income. Illegal work and illegal income. Types of savings. Household propert
Assessment Elements
- examIn case of online learning, the oral and written French language exam is organised without the use of proctoring on the platforms ZOOM and Google-forms. Participating in the examination procedure is regulated by the exact timetable sent by the instructor to the corporate students` email before the exam. Students join the exam 10 minutes before its beginning. Students` computers should follow the requirements with respect to the presence of a web camera and microphone. To take the exam students must be present at the beginning regulated by the timetable, while answering switch on the camera and microphone. During the exam it is prohibited to switch of the camera, to use notes and other aids, to discuss something with people in the room or via social networks. A short connection break during the exam is less than 5 minutes. In case a break is longer than 5 minutes, students are prevented from further participation. The reexam procedure has the same format as the exam.
- written testIn case of online learning, skills`assessment is conducted on the platforms ZOOM and Google-forms.
- Oral test(retelling / abstracting / annotation of text, audio-video document)In case of online learning, skills`assessment is conducted on the platform ZOOM.
- presentation
- Written test for general / detailed understanding of the sounding textIn case of online learning, skills`assessment is conducted on the platform Google-forms.
- Written test for a general / detailed understanding of the written textIn case of online learning, skills`assessment is conducted on the platform Google-forms.
- Written text production according to communicative taskIn case of online learning, skills`assessment is conducted on the platform Google-forms.
- examIn case of the online learning, the oral and written French language exam is organised without the use of proctoring on the platforms ZOOM and Google-forms. Participating in the examination procedure is regulated by the exact timetable sent by the instructor to the corporate students` email before the exam. Students join the exam 10 minutes before its beginning. Students` computers should follow the requirements with respect to the presence of a web camera and microphone. To take the exam students must be present at the beginning regulated by the timetable, while answering switch on the camera and microphone. During the exam it is prohibited to switch of the camera, to use notes and other aids, to discuss something with people in the room or via social networks. A short connection break during the exam is less than 5 minutes. In case a break is longer than 5 minutes, students are prevented from further participation. The reexam procedure has the same format as the exam.
- written testIn case of online learning, skills`assessment is conducted on the platforms ZOOM and Google-forms.
- Oral test(retelling / abstracting / annotation of text, audio-video document)In case of online learning, skills`assessment is conducted on the platform ZOOM.
- presentation
- Written test for general / detailed understanding of the sounding textIn case of online learning, skills`assessment is conducted on the platform Google-forms.
- Written test for a general / detailed understanding of the written textIn case of online learning, skills`assessment is conducted on the platform Google-forms.
- Written text production according to communicative taskIn case of online learning, skills`assessment is conducted on the platform Google-forms.
Interim Assessment
- Interim assessment (2 module)0.4 * exam + 0.1 * Oral test(retelling / abstracting / annotation of text, audio-video document) + 0.1 * presentation + 0.2 * written test + 0.1 * Written test for a general / detailed understanding of the written text + 0.1 * Written test for general / detailed understanding of the sounding text
- Interim assessment (4 module)0.4 * exam + 0.1 * Oral test(retelling / abstracting / annotation of text, audio-video document) + 0.1 * presentation + 0.2 * written test + 0.1 * Written test for a general / detailed understanding of the written text + 0.1 * Written test for general / detailed understanding of the sounding text
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Diallo, I. (2018). Geopolitics of French in Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa : Attitudes, Language Use, and Identities. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Retrieved from
- Phillips, D. (2013). Recent English financial terms in French-language, Dutch-language and German-language financial publications: borrowing versus translating. Retrieved from
- St. Martin, G. (1995). Preparation for International Business: A Cultural Immersion Model in French. Retrieved from
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Alberta Dept. of Education, E. L. S. B. (1992). French as a Second Language Program of Studies: Intermediate Level. Year 4 to Year 12 = Francais langue seconde programme d’etudes: niveau Intermediaire de la 4e a la 12e annee. Retrieved from
- Dincă Violeta Mihaela, Bogdan Anca, Zottu-Z Monica, & Floricel Teodora. (2018). The economic impact of the French language. Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence, (1), 324.