
Foreign Language (Italian)
Category 'Best Course for Career Development'
Category 'Best Course for Broadening Horizons and Diversity of Knowledge and Skills'
Category 'Best Course for New Knowledge and Skills'
Elective course (HSE University and University of London Parallel Degree Programme in International Relations)
Area of studies:
International Relations
Delivered by:
Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs
4 year, 1-3 module
Mode of studies:
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
The course has been designed for the students of the “HSE and University of London Double Degree Programme in Economics”. The main goal of this course is to prepare students to use Italian in their further academic studies or/and in their future carrier, which means to develop their communicative skills in Italian at the С1 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) in multiple contexts such as reading and listening comprehension, written and oral expression, communicative interaction. At the same time, the course is aimed at promoting autonomous learning, self-assessment, peer-correction and critical thinking.
Learning Objectives
- Develop general cultural competencies
- Formation and development of intercultural foreign-language professionally-oriented communicative competence. Foreign-language professional-communicative competence is the willingness and ability to communicate in a foreign language in the context of intercultural professional communication (level С1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in CEFR).
- The achievement of communicative competence in the range of these levels lies at the heart of the implementation of the principle of academic mobility in the global educational space, provides the opportunity to master any educational programs and educational disciplines in a foreign language, both within the framework of direct full-time interaction with teachers and with the use of distance technologies.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- identify and being able to explain the core qualification at working place which are in high demand in modern days
- Identify core instruments of leadership, including its role and place in management (providing examples of businessmen and their type of leadership)
- understand the place of marketing in a modern market economy/ being able to express and explain the notion of 4P in marketing and how the marketing mix works nowadays
- identify the key aspects of digital marketing/ provide examples of tools which exist within the digital marketing/ critically access the effectiveness if digital marketing at current times
- Explore the restaurants marketing and its specifics/ provide examples of high-level food assessment and study techniques of Italian and Russian restaurants in increasing the demand on their cuisine
- explore the impact of sphere of media on a modern world and people's perception of the reality including the actuality of conventional advertisement and its "life expectancy"
- Study the specifics of business communication, explore the specifics of the business vocabulary and format of communication. Exercise in writing the business letter , being subject to different topics and issues. Scientific sphere and communication over the intellectual aspect .
- Explore the notion of Made in Italy and its meaning for italians and the country as a whole. Provide the explanation for "fuga dei chervelli' in modern days and disappearance of the impact of historical "made in Italy". Critically access various examples of business which are originally italian and their current role and place.
- Study the notion of Industry 4.0/ provide empirics and critically access the actuality of the Industry 4.0 at current times
- critically access the gender inequality issues in Italy and the impact of european integration/ provide empirics of the effect the gender inequality aspect has raised in modernity/ gender aspect at working place
- Study the notion of Corporate social responsibility at the workplace in modern times. Critically access the actuality of CSR in terms of the modern business environment including the empirics and particular case studies.
- Role and place of International organization in Italian domestic and foreign policy/ access the actuality and profitability of being a member of an international organization/ porvide empirical examples
Course Contents
- Marketing. 4P, 7P. Marketing Mix
- Digital Marketing
- Restaurant marketing. Famous Italian and Russian Chefs
- Media, PR, Advertisement. History and Transformation of Italian TV Advertisement
- Communication style. Business Communication. Writing a Business Letter. Intercultural Communication
- Made in Italy. F&A. Case study
- Industrial districts in Italy. Story and Impact. Industry 4.0
- Gender Issues in Italian Business
- CSR in Italian Companies
- Italy as Member of International Organizations
- Professional Qualifications
- Management and Leadership. Famous businessmen and business leaders
Assessment Elements
- Online participation and attendance
- Written assignments
- Midterm test
- Final exam (online)
- In-class participation and attendance
- Written assignments
- Midterm text
- Final exam
Interim Assessment
- Interim assessment (2 module)0.4 * Final exam + 0.2 * In-class participation and attendance + 0.2 * Midterm text + 0.2 * Written assignments
- Interim assessment (3 module)0.4 * Final exam + 0.2 * In-class participation and attendance + 0.2 * Midterm text + 0.2 * Written assignments
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Итальянский для старших курсов, Грейзбард, Л. И., 2004
- Итальянский язык : второй этап обучения, Лидина, Л., 2004
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- О политике по-итальянски : язык итальянских средств массовой коммуникации: учеб. пособие, Прокопович, С. С., 2013
- Учимся читать и переводить итальянскую прессу : пособие по работе над газетными и журнальными текстами на итальянском языке, Прокопович, С. С., 2005