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Bachelor 2020/2021

Journalism in International Relations

Category 'Best Course for Broadening Horizons and Diversity of Knowledge and Skills'
Area of studies: International Relations
When: 3 year, 1 module
Mode of studies: distance learning
Instructors: Tina Berezhnaya
Language: English
ECTS credits: 3
Contact hours: 28

Course Syllabus


The course is aimed at developing basic journalistic skills and creating “the journalist mindset” that allows to see and tell stories in an independent and unbiased manner. During the course we’ll look into the role of journalism in modern media environment and the global mass media landscape, discuss the internationally recognized codes of ethics of journalists, learn the basics of working with sources, information verification tools, basic newswriting and journalistic storytelling. The course will focus on the learning-by-doing approach and cover the core principles of main journalistic genres and their toolkits. The course is designed for both native and non-native English speakers.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • To form the general understanding of media system and the role of the journalism within it;
  • To provide some practical aspects of the journalistic job;
  • To form the theoretical understanding of the main approaches and theories about the media and policy (including the foreign policy).
  • To form the general understanding of the international journalism as a soft power.
  • To provide practical and methodological skills to analyze the journalistic work in international context
  • To get training in journalistic skills and toolkits universal for international news environments
  • To learn the principles of due impartiality in reporting, source verification, estimating newsworthiness of events
  • To develop stories, to lead investigations, following journalistic leads.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Orient within main fields of journalism as profession
  • Understand professional division of labor in journalism and role of journalists in the society
  • Understand the place of media within international relations
  • To be able to analyze media coverage and media outlets
  • to create quality journalistic product for any culture and market
  • critically assess other journalistic works
  • develop an eye for news and stories
  • able to create quality journalistic product for any culture and market
  • create quality journalistic product for any culture and market
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • o What is journalism?
    The role of journalism in society. The product of journalism and how is it different from blogging product. Development of journalism from basic forms to action journalism of today.
  • o The ethics of journalism
    Journalistic sources. Legal and ethical issues with journalism, sources, source protection. Types of sources, their verification, trusting and delivering.
  • o Agenda and angle.
    Journalism and public opinion. Gatekeeping theory. News worthiness. Objectivity and impartiality in journalism. Independent journalism – is it a reality?
  • o International news scene.
    Mainstream media and alternative media. National specifics of journalistic work. Reporting as the key journalistic skill.
  • o Verification of information.
    Misinformation, disinformation, malinformation. The subtle difference between “not a lie” and “the truth”.
  • o Basic newswriting
    The structure of a news piece, the core concepts of newsworthiness and angle applied to factual reporting. Reporting as opposed to “he said – she said” journalism.
  • o Explanatory journalism and its “natural habitats”.
    Why explanatory journalism is so widespread. Universal tricks for creating high quality explanatory pieces.
  • o Interview.
    Interviewing skills and types of interviews. Interview ethics. Post-production and quoting.
  • o Opinions in journalism.
    Columns and opinion pieces. Publishing ethics and code of writing for opinion pieces.
  • o Human stories as a definitive journalistic genre
    Ethics and tools of crafting a story. Researching human stories and follow-ups.
  • o Investigative journalism.
    Human trail, paper trail, data trail. The tools of investigative reporting.
  • o Data journalism.
    Telling stories with data and visuals. Quality data reporting and typical mistakes in data storytelling.
  • Methods to analyse journalistic production
    Content analysis of the media as the main method of content studies. Discourse studies and nar-rative methods of studying content. Methods of studying the structure of communication and political economy approach. Studying the concentration of media outlets and their power relationships. Methods of studying the audience. Qualitative methods of interviews and ethnographic methods. Theirs functions. Quantitative methods of surveys and their functions.
  • Fake news, propaganda and hybrid wars: the role of the journalism.
    The notion of propaganda. Propaganda as top- down concept. Military and civil propaganda. Propaganda as political technology. Propaganda and public opinion formation. Main methods of propaganda: filtering, fact distortion, manipulation, non- spreading out of the content. Disinformation and falsification of facts. Changing media landscape in the digital age. UGC and UDC via social networks. Fake news as false news actively spread out via new UDC model. The rise of the fake news and information literacy as a counterbalancing concept.
  • Journalism as soft power in international relations
    Theories of soft power. The “communicative” (public oriented) function of international policy institutions and journalism as necessary mediating function ensuring their public visibility. Direct forms of public communication in digital world: blogs, social media, self- production of content by the politicians and challenges of it for professional journalists. Main actors of international re-lations and their relationship with journalists: national governments, global regulation organisa-tions, global corporations. National and global journalists and their coverage of international rela-tions. Journalism in the times of war.
  • Theories of global media and their critique
    Positivist theories of media modernization. Global media and global media dominance as a path to democratic development of underdeveloped societies. Theories of Ithiel de Sola Pool and Daniel Lerner. The concept of free flow of information doctrine. Studies of cultural domination (Unesco works and Nordenstreng/Varis research). Idea of cultural imperialism and cultural domi- nation. Critical theories of Armand Mattelart and Herbert Schiller. Model of pluricultural recep-tion of Katz. Positivistic theories about the role of new technologies. Theory of information society by Cas-tells. Network power model. Theories of “deliberative democracy” and “online democracy”. Cri-tique of positivistic theories from the side of political economy of media. Critique of positivistic theories from the side of political action theories.
  • Interrelations of journalism and political sphere
    Political parallelism of news outlets and its evolution. Journalism and political parties. Journalism and political propaganda model. Journalism and political technologies role. Journalism in different political regimes and orders. Journalism in oligarchic orders and journalism in polyarchic orders. Critique of the perfect democratic model. Two different views on the role of political reporting. The “decision based model of needs” and the “entertainment based model of needs”. Political market model against “manipulative model”. Public sphere model of Haberms and its critique. Public opinion theories. Model of Lippman.
  • History of political journalism in the societies
    First systems of mass communications in Greek polis and ancient world. Journalistic functions before the newspapers. Systems of personal information exchange. Systems of “flying literature”: pamphlets and other forms. First newspapers in Europe. Their commercial functions. Political newspapers under control of ruling groups in monarchic states of the Europe. Press under Napoleon. News press and bour- geois revolutions: the French and British cases. Principles of the regulation of periodical press. First commercial press and mass press in XIX century. History of radio and television broadcast and their commercialization. Regulation of the audiovisual field in complexified world. System of frequencies. Role of the television in political field. Main political scandals and media in XX century (Watergate, McCarthy’s coverage, Vietnam war coverage). Global media era, international broadcast and system of global broadcasting on platforms. Main journalistic challenges. Internet and networks media era: participation culture, user generated distribution and evolution of the global media order.
  • Journalism as profession
    Newsroom as a journalistic production unit. Functions inside the newsroom: editors and journalists, their relationship. Journalism as creativity and journalism as a production. Evolution of the division of labour inside the newsrooms. News as a main content of journalists. Main principles of news production: newness, relevance, public importance and interest, few point of views, fact checking. System of journalistic genres. Information genres, analysis genres and publicist genres.Production chain in print media. Production chain in audiovisual production. Production chain in online media and agencies. Role of the journalists inside them.
  • Media system and journalism in the society
    Mediating and communicating functions in the society, their roles. The structure of media sys- tem: communicators, channels, gatekeepers and audiences. Different professions within media system and the place of the journalism among them. Functions of the journalism in the society. Normative theories of the journalism. Journalism as social responsibility profession. Media business and media firms, their functions. Models for commercial media. Dual model of the European media. Journalistic content within other kind of media content.
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Attendance
  • non-blocking Involvement in lectures
  • non-blocking Seminar tasks
  • non-blocking Final work
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • Interim assessment (1 module)
    0.05 * Attendance + 0.35 * Final work + 0.15 * Involvement in lectures + 0.45 * Seminar tasks


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • A journalism reader, , 1997
  • Castells, Manuel. The Power of Identity : The Information Age - Economy, Society, and Culture, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2009. ProQuest Ebook Central, https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/hselibrary-ebooks/detail.action?docID=470449.
  • Lie, J. (2013). South Korean Literature in the Age of the Korean Wave: Soft Power, Literary Value, and Cultural Policy in South Korea. Korea Observer, 44(4), 647–668. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=poh&AN=94280503
  • Smith, Bruce Lannes, and Harold D. Lasswell. Propaganda, Communication and Public Opinion, Princeton University Press, 2015. ProQuest Ebook Central, https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/hselibrary-ebooks/detail.action?docID=4071105.

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • GILBOA, E. (2005). The CNN Effect: The Search for a Communication Theory of International Relations. Political Communication, 22(1), 27–44. https://doi.org/10.1080/10584600590908429