
News and Information Management
Category 'Best Course for Career Development'
Category 'Best Course for Broadening Horizons and Diversity of Knowledge and Skills'
Category 'Best Course for New Knowledge and Skills'
Elective course (HSE University and University of London Parallel Degree Programme in International Relations)
Area of studies:
International Relations
Delivered by:
Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs
4 year, 1, 2 module
Mode of studies:
Oleg Dmitriev
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
Television, radio and online news are conversational media. The international news has changed greatly for the past 20 years. With the help of the latest technological innovations news can be transmitted on various platforms with a great speed. The course teaches students the latest trends in the production and management of international news. Besides, the students will try their skills in a conversational news writing that would be attractive to a worldwide audience. Besides, the students will also grasp basic ideas about 21-st century principles of journalism. In addition they will learn more about key principles of story planning for various platforms
Learning Objectives
- The students are expected to broaden their knowledge about international news media and test news writing skills which would give the students the idea about the activities at international newsrooms.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- The students will be able to analyze international media, news content, produce media text suitable for various media in proper English with full understanding of the way the text is perceived in different media and platforms
- They also should know basic ideas about various international news platforms, including social networks.
Course Contents
- Unit 1. News consumers: How they perceive news and whom they trustWhat do we know about modern media consumer. How we can reach him with the story. How to tell the real story from the fake. How to cope with information overload. How to determine reliable sources of information, their strengths and weaknesses.
- Unit 2. What is a short news item?Conversational principles in news writing. Pros and cons of traditional news writing. Structure of the story for the news agency. What is a top line and how we can find it. News writing for various international media.
- Unit 3: Planning the news coverageHow to find a unique idea for a dull news story. What is an angle. How to plan a news for various news platforms
- Unit 4. Breaking newsHow to plan breaking stories. Fact checking tools in the breaking mode. Key things to avoid during the coverage of breaking news. Case studies of breaking news at international media.
- Unit 5. Codes of Ethics an Editorial PolicyAnalysis of the Codes of Ethics. Key principles for editorial guidelines. Case studies on how international; news media stick to the course.
- Unit 6. Radio and PodcastsTransformation of International Radio. Blending with the Internet. Role of radio aggregators. “Rundowns” and “Wheels”. Role of Foreign Languages Broadcasting. Podcast as Modern Raio Extension
- Unit 7: Television Landscape in the Digital AgeRole of Modern Television. Web portals and mobile platforms. Youtube as a source for news content. Online promotion for online visual products.
- Unit 8. News onlineThe role of convergence in the transformation of traditional mediaproducts. Online and mobile apps with the news conten
- Unit 9. Data journalism as modern extensionUse of data journalism. Case studies in the use of data journalism for the coverage of international affairs
- Unit 10. Alternative mediaDevelopment of Alternative Media at the beginning pf 21-st century. Web 2.0 as driving force of Alternative Media. Types of Alternative media
Assessment Elements
- Individual tasks
- Work during seminars and attendance
- Final tests
- Individual tasks
- Work during seminars and attendance
- Final tests
Interim Assessment
- Interim assessment (2 module)0.5 * Final tests + 0.3 * Individual tasks + 0.2 * Work during seminars and attendance
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Anand, V. E., & Jayanthi, K. (2018). A Handbook of Journalism : Media in the Information Age. New Delhi, India: Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd. Retrieved from
- Hemmingway, E. (2008). Into the Newsroom : Exploring the Digital Production of Regional Television News. London: Routledge. Retrieved from
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Eide, M., Sjøvaag, H., & Larsne, L. O. (2016). Journalism Re-examined:Digital Challenges and Professional Reorientations : Digital Challenges and Professional Reorientations. Bristol: Intellect. Retrieved from
- Ермолаева, О. Я. (2017). Mytton G., Diem P., van Dam P.H. “Media audience research. A guide for professionals” (book review) ; Как исследовать аудиторию медиа в современных условиях? (рецензия на книгу Mytton G., Diem P., van Dam P.H. ’Media audience research. A guide for professionals’). Retrieved from