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Bachelor 2020/2021

Foreign Language (Spanish)

Category 'Best Course for Career Development'
Category 'Best Course for Broadening Horizons and Diversity of Knowledge and Skills'
Category 'Best Course for New Knowledge and Skills'
Area of studies: International Relations
When: 2 year, 1-4 module
Mode of studies: offline
Open to: students of one campus
Instructors: Арабаджян Александра Завеновна, Панченко Екатерина Юрьевна, Арабаджян Александра Завеновна, Yevgeny Bocharov, Svetlana V. Galina, Elena Garcia, Irina Selivanova, Irina Viktorovna Smirnova, Vera Petrovna Voronova
Language: English
ECTS credits: 7
Contact hours: 232

Course Syllabus


The course objective at the initial stage is to develop the social-cultural and profession-oriented communication competences. The language profession-oriented competence is the ability and readiness to interact in a foreign language during the intercultural professional communication (A1-B2). The course provides an opportunity to master any educational program and discipline in a foreign language, both within the framework of direct face-to-face interaction with teachers, and with the use of digital technologies. Teaching a foreign language is aimed at the complex development of communicative, cognitive, informational, socio-cultural, professional and general cultural competences of students. The course includes oral and written communication practice in Spanish. The interdisciplinary approach is used in order to provide an integration of different topics. Within the course the following aspects are combined, reflecting the generally accepted models of language use: EG (Español General or Spanish for General purposes (General literary language); EFE (Español con Fines Específicos or Spanish for special purposes). The combination of these models in the structure of training of future specialists creates a high motivational level associated with the pragmatics of professional, cognitive and communicative needs of students.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • to develop of communicative skills in four main types of speech activity (speaking, listening, reading, writing) within the selected subject content and communication situations
  • to familiarize students with the culture, traditions and realities of the Hispanic world
  • to understand the rules of speech behavior (speech etiquette) in the conditions of professional intercultural communication
  • to acquire sufficient vocabulary in order to solve social and communicative tasks in various fields of everyday life
  • to read authentic materiales and analyze them
  • to develop universal and special educational skills
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • conduct a conversation on a given topic
  • maintain an informal discussion, taking into account features of national culture of the interlocutor
  • to understand sentences and frequently used spoken expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (basic personal and family information, shopping, employment, leisure activities, preferences, etc.)
  • to interact in a simple way with native and non-native speakers of Spanish
  • to ask and exchange information about other people including their names, ages, physical and personal characteristics, professions, preferences, etc
  • to describe different situations of everyday life
  • to introduce him/herself and be able to ask and answer questions about personal details
  • write informal letters and e-mails
  • to work with information: to find, evaluate and use information from various sources
  • to collect and analyze the collected data
  • to communicate, express thoughts orally and in writing, lead a simple discussion in a foreign language
  • pick up speaking skills which can allow students to use general language, to explain ideas and express opinions regarding different topics in a simple way
  • make short reports in a foreign language
  • summarize and comment adapted texts
  • to understand emotionally charged information in direct communication with a native speaker
  • to be able to describe different people
  • to read and understand texts of different genres with different levels of penetration into the content
  • to have a good command of Spanish grammar and vocabulary (at the A2 level)
  • to make short reports in a foreign language
  • to summarize and comment adapted texts
  • to pick up speaking skills which can allow them to use general language, to explain ideas and express opinions regarding different topics in a simple way
  • to conduct a conversation with native and non-native speakers
  • to learn more about Spain's customs and traditions
  • to learn the map of Spain
  • to possess reading skills which can enable students to skim the text for main idea, to scan the text for specific information, and to deduce meanings from the context
  • to understand and process the main content of oral mono-logical texts received from various sources of information (including the media)
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Acquaintance. The interview when applying for a job.
  • Leisure time. Journeys. Life experience.
  • Personal diary. Blog. The recent experience. Types of families in modern society.
  • Childhood memory. The “Movida madrileña”.
  • Biographies of famous people. Personal biography. Drawing up a summary.
  • Technological progress and gadgets. Weddings and other traditions in different countries.
  • Fairy tales and fairy-tale characters. The character and appearance of a person.
  • Environmental problems. Recycling and other methods of improving the environment.
  • Visit to the doctor, description of a disease’s symptoms. The health care system in Spain and Latin America.
  • Household chores and responsibilities. Healthy habits and lifestyle.
  • Economy of Spain
    1. Socio-economic problems of modern Spain 2. The current economic situation in Spain 3. Challenges of the present: modernization of the Spanish economy 4. Tourism as one of the main sources of income of the state
  • The mass media: Internet, radio, television, and press. Stories from celebrities’ lives.
  • Sports and sporting achievements. Non-governmental organizations.
  • Spanish area studies: introduction
    1. Geographical location and climate of Spain 2. Administrative division of Spain: regions and their features 3. Traditions and customs 4. Everyday life of Spaniards 5. The institution of family and marriage in Spanish society
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Essay, tests
  • non-blocking Exam
    The final exam consists of two parts: written and oral. The written test is performed in Socrative and Zoom simultaneously, the oral part is held in Zoom. The student is required to have a stable Internet connection and a working webcam.
  • non-blocking Essay, tests
  • non-blocking Exam
    The final exam consists of two parts: written and oral. The written test is performed in Socrative and Zoom simultaneously, the oral part is held in Zoom. The student is required to have a stable Internet connection and a working webcam.
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • Interim assessment (2 module)
    O final = 0.2*o.c.e. + 0.2*w.c.e. + 0.1*att. + 0.1*ind.work + 0.4*w.ex.
  • Interim assessment (4 module)
    O final = 0.2*o.c.e. + 0.2*w.c.e. + 0.1*att. + 0.1*ind.work + 0.4*w.ex.


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Carlos Hugo Soria Cáceres. (2011). Las plataformas tecnológicas en Europa y España. Una iniciativa para la transferencia de conocimiento aplicado a la economía y el territorio. Revista de Estudios Andaluces, (2011). https://doi.org/10.12795/rea.2011.i28.04

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Puentes Cociña, B. (2018). ¿España Circular 2030? Comentario al borrador de la estrategia española de economía circular. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsrac&AN=edsrac.348634
  • Santi Cantarero Sanz, Miguel González-Loureiro, & Francisco Puig Blanco. (2016). Territorio y creación de empresas de economía social. Estudio a nivel de las Comunidades Autónomas de España. Pampa: Revista Interuniversitaria de Estudios Territoriales, (13), 97. https://doi.org/10.14409/pampa.v0i13.5908