
Applied System Analysis
Compulsory course (System and Software Engineering)
Area of studies:
Software Engineering
Delivered by:
School of Software Engineering
Faculty of Computer Science
1 year, 1-4 module
Mode of studies:
Konstantin Y. Degtyarev
Master’s programme:
Software and Systems Engineering
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
The course 'Applied System Analysis' is offered to students of the Master's degree Program 'System and Software Engineering' (area code 09.04.04) in the School of Software Engineering, Faculty of Computer Science of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. The course is a part of MS curriculum pool of compulsory courses (1st year, Base Clause – General Scientific disciplines of the academic year’s curriculum, M.1 – General Courses of Specialization). It is a four-module course (semester A quartile 1 thru semester B quartile 4). In general, system analysis (SA) can be considered as a set of approaches, methods and techniques aimed at understanding peculiarities of the problematic situation faced by its owner(s), and the development of improving interventions into the problem (its control) based on the options (alternatives) generated. As a rule, the causes of the problem are subjective, and they are related to one person or group of persons, his/her (their) perception of reality. Therefore, Applied System Analysis (ASA), i.e. the application of SA as universal approach to solving problems in different fields of human activity (engineering, management, economics, to name a few), is based on the concepts of the problem, system, model, alternatives and monitoring. Classification of problems as well-defined (not so often arising in practice), weakly defined and ill-defined ones (more realistic and often occurring) requires the use of different models (approaches) in a each particular situation. This fact has led to the formation of so-called 'hard' and 'soft' system methodologies (SSM) based on formal and informal approaches within the framework of system analysis, respectively.
Learning Objectives
- The main objective of the course 'Applied System Analysis' is to present, examine and discuss with students fundamentals and principles of both System Analysis and Systems Thinking that emerged in response to (1) a steadily growing complexity of problems arising in various areas of day-to-day and professional human activity, (2) a necessity to structure problems and to present (viz. to develop mental or formal model(s)) and to assess emerged situations complemented with a search for acceptable solutions (problem solving). In particular, the vast field of software engineering (SE) is concerned with such problems and their solutions that cannot always be fully understood and explained clearly, but nevertheless we can claim that software engineers deal with systems, real physical products.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- To know the origins of systems analysis (SA) and history of SA emergence, basic concepts SA is grounded on.
- To know different definitions of the system; to understand the importance of systems thinking in solving engineering problems (and not only).
- To understand the importance of a systemic approach applied to complex problems arising within various human activities and to engineered systems, classification of problems (well-structured, unstructured and ill-structured).
- To understand the layered approach to systems thinking, the need to gradually move from the level of observed events to the identification of patterns and to further understanding of the system’s (problem’s) structure.
- To know the specifics of causal loop diagrams (CLD as models), their use in systems studying; to be able to identify in CLD balancing (B) and reinforcing (R) loops that determine the dynamics of systems (problems).
- To understand peculiarities of hard and soft approaches (methodologies) in systems modelling.
- To understand heuristic approaches to problem solving (means-ends analysis, hill climbing, approach by analogies); to be able to apply them in solving problems.
- To understand problem structuring approaches and to know how to improve insight (to make progress in analysis) into ill-structured problems.
- To understand the purpose and relevance of a stakeholder analysis; to know the ways to perform a stakeholder analysis.
- To know basic definitions related to Q-analysis (polyhedral dynamics) procedure.
- To understand the details and to carry out steps relating to the calculation of the structural vector of complex К (system’s model) and eccentricities of simplices.
- To understand how to draw conclusions concerning the peculiarities of system’s structure on the basis of analysis’ results obtained.
- To understand the particulars of working with experts, using Delphi method.
- To understand the details of multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) approaches covered in the course and apply them while solving the learning tasks.
- To formulate clearly potential role, attractive aspects / disputable points of SA approach use when solving problems arising in the present professional activity; to demonstrate the competence to credibly defend viewpoint(s).
Course Contents
- Introduction and overview of the course (in particular, comments concerning grading policy applied and course-related control activities).
- Origins of systems analysis (SA). Notions of system, core definitions of a system (G.Klir, M.Mesarovic, et al.), systems thinking, problem-solving, and systems engineering. Stages of SA. System approach and system paradigm. Problem and system – is there any relationship between them? What is a system in problem-solving?
- Classification of systems (problems); systems, problems, and mental models, and problem-solving. SPE-pyramid (approach to grasp system’s structure), cognitive maps (B.Kosko, C.Eden), causal schemes (Causal Loop Diagrams / CLD), definition, and basic features – how to construct CLD, and what can we “see” in CLD (our perception)?
- Systems and complexity. The role of models (modeling) in SA. Models of systems. The problematic situation, problem as a system, its analysis, and modeling.
- Systems thinking. Hard and soft methodologies in the analysis of systems. Operations research, optimization problems (hard models in System Analysis / SA)
- Structural analysis in systems studying, basics of Q-analysis (polyhedral dynamics) – notions of simplex and complex, structural vector, structural complexity, eccentricities of simplices. SA as a methodology of problem-solving, thinking in «big picture» terms while analyzing the problem.
Assessment Elements
- Final Course Examination (FE)Oral presentation of the work (HW) done + questions/answers session… The overall grade is obtained according to the formula that considers all assessments of passed (completed) control elements; there is no separate exam, an online session (in MS Teams) or offline sessioon (everything depends upon the epidemiological situation) to discuss the final results
- Homework (HW)Students are free to choose a problem for consideration based on their own interests and preferences – after approval by the instructor, the work can be started (appr. second part of December 2020). Written report (paper) following IEEE, Elsevier or Springer LNCS publ. template (offered to choose from). HW covers the task that is related to field of IT, Computer or Software Engineering – we should not deviate from the program’s focus.
- Course Examination (CE)Computer-based test or written test (duration – 65 to 75 min.). If a student misses CE because of some valid reason (only this case is covered by the document!), situation has to be discussed with representatives (managers) of the Departmental (Program’s) Office of Studies.
- Written Quiz (WQ1)NOTE: The form and content of the Quizzes may vary depending on the peculiarities of their implementation and the type of questions to be included.
- Written Quiz (WQ2)NOTE: The form and content of the Quizzes may vary depending on the peculiarities of their implementation and the type of questions to be included.
- Written Quiz (WQ3)NOTE: The form and content of the Quizzes may vary depending on the peculiarities of their implementation and the type of questions to be included.
Interim Assessment
- Interim assessment (2 module)Progress (interim) and resultant grades are made up of the following components: Course Examination (CE) – end of Module 2 (Semester A Quartile 2), and calculation of the interim result. CE implies the arrangement of (option 1) computer-based testing + written test (not offered this year), or (option 2) written test only for all students enrolled (the decision is made by the course instructor at a closer time to the exam’s date; all students are informed about this decision in advance). Subject area covered by tests embraces those course’ topics that are discussed during both lectures and seminars up to the date announced. The computer-based test may contain both single-choice and multiple-choice questions; in that case the grade for the test is specified by the test program automatically (short comments to answers given must be provided). As a second option, written test includes 1-2 questions to consider (not offered this year). If student misses CE because of some valid reason (only this case is covered by the document!), situation has to be discussed with representatives (managers) of the Departmental (Program’s) Office of Studies. The course examination (CE) is assessed on the ten-point scale (usual rounding takes place after weighted sum’s calculation is completed). The interim assessment is cumulative, i.e. it takes into account all grades obtained by the end of Module 2 (examination week period). Please, pay attention to the fact that the missed quiz (WQ1), as well as CE, are eligible for retaking during the re-examination period (January-February 2021). Thus, the interim grade is calculated as a weighted sum of individual components, i.e. O(IAMod_2) = 0.7*O(CE) + 0.3*O(WQ1), no blocking. - Homework assignment (HW) – 2nd-3rd modules (Sem. A Quartile 2 – Sem. B Quartile 3) is prepared by students individually (x1) or in groups by two (x2, at most), herewith a group prepares single electronic (PDF format solely) report, which is of the form of a scientific paper (5 to 8 pages in x1 case, and 8 to 11 pages in x2 case) in IEEE or other well-established formats (following IEEE, Elsevier or Springer LNCS publ. format template – selected links will be provided at course’ webpages in LMS / in MS Teams); see also Students are free to choose a problem to consider based on their own interests and preferences (linked to fields of Computer or Software Engineering) – after approval by the instructor, the work can be started (appr. second part of December 2020 - January 2021). HW covers the task that is related to field of IT, Computer or Software Engineering – we should not deviate from the program’s focus. All reports must be submitted in the electronic form to the instructor through HSE Learning Management System (LMS) / OneDrive storage for consideration before the date day_x, which is set (last decade of March 2021 - very beginning of April 2021 as a rough estimate) and announced in the beginning of Module 3. All reports are checked and graded by the instructor on ten-point scale by the end of the 4th Module as the latest, and O(HW_Report) gives the assessment for the 4th Module of the course. Important NOTE: Please, be informed in advance that failure to comply with specified deadline day_x for submission of the report leads automatically to the reduction of O(HW_Report) by 0.3 points for each delayed day. The conditions for all students should be the same, regardless of the subsequent date of HW presentation. Finally, the overall course grade on ten-point scale is obtained as O(Total) = 0.045*O(WQ1) + 0.105*O(CE) + 0.15*O(WQ2) + 0.15*O(WQ3) + 0.35*O(HW_Report) + 0.2*O(FE) (usual rounding takes place after calculations are done, no blocking), where O(HW_Report) is a grade for a text (written presentation) of the HW report (paper) as such subject to reduction, if any – see Important NOTE above, O(WQ1), O(WQ2), and O(WQ3) are grades for quizzes #1, #2 and #3, correspondingly, whereas O(FE) is a grade obtained for the presentation (of the HW) done – questions related to topics covered by the course and submitted HW report can be asked to students. The resultant grade O(Total) >= 4 (after rounding) means successful completion of the course (grade "Pass"), while grade of 3 or lower means unsuccessful result (grade "Fail"). Student has a chance to obtain “automatic” grade (final course grade that can be only at the “excellent” level, i.e. 8, 9 or 10) without passing through FE (presentation) provided that the following is satisfied, i.e. (1) all written quizzes (WQ1, WQ2 and WQ3) are graded as “very good”, “almost excellent” or above (7 or above on ten-point scale), (2) the result of O(CE) is 8 or above, and (3) homework assignment (HW report / O(HW_Report)) is graded at 8 or above (on ten-point scale). Even in these circumstances, it is strongly recommended to all students, without exceptions, to make presentations of their works (HW).
- Interim assessment (4 module)Progress (interim) and resultant grades are made up of the following components: Course Examination (CE) – end of Module 2 (Semester A Quartile 2), and calculation of the interim result. CE implies the arrangement of (option 1) computer-based testing + written test (not offered this year), or (option 2) written test only for all students enrolled (the decision is made by the course instructor at a closer time to the exam’s date; all students are informed about this decision in advance). Subject area covered by tests embraces those course’ topics that are discussed during both lectures and seminars up to the date announced. The computer-based test may contain both single-choice and multiple-choice questions; in that case the grade for the test is specified by the test program automatically (short comments to answers given must be provided). As a second option, written test includes 1-2 questions to consider (not offered this year). If student misses CE because of some valid reason (only this case is covered by the document!), situation has to be discussed with representatives (managers) of the Departmental (Program’s) Office of Studies. The course examination (CE) is assessed on the ten-point scale (usual rounding takes place after weighted sum’s calculation is completed). The interim assessment is cumulative, i.e. it takes into account all grades obtained by the end of Module 2 (examination week period). Please, pay attention to the fact that the missed quiz (WQ1), as well as CE, are eligible for retaking during the re-examination period (January-February 2021). Thus, the interim grade is calculated as a weighted sum of individual components, i.e. O(IAMod_2) = 0.7*O(CE) + 0.3*O(WQ1), no blocking. - Homework assignment (HW) – 2nd-3rd modules (Sem. A Quartile 2 – Sem. B Quartile 3) is prepared by students individually (x1) or in groups by two (x2, at most), herewith a group prepares single electronic (PDF format solely) report, which is of the form of a scientific paper (5 to 8 pages in x1 case, and 8 to 11 pages in x2 case) in IEEE or other well-established formats (following IEEE, Elsevier or Springer LNCS publ. format template – selected links will be provided at course’ webpages in LMS / in MS Teams); see also Students are free to choose a problem to consider based on their own interests and preferences (linked to fields of Computer or Software Engineering) – after approval by the instructor, the work can be started (appr. second part of December 2020 - January 2021). HW covers the task that is related to field of IT, Computer or Software Engineering – we should not deviate from the program’s focus. All reports must be submitted in the electronic form to the instructor through HSE Learning Management System (LMS) / OneDrive storage for consideration before the date day_x, which is set (last decade of March 2021 - very beginning of April 2021 as a rough estimate) and announced in the beginning of Module 3. All reports are checked and graded by the instructor on ten-point scale by the end of the 4th Module as the latest, and O(HW_Report) gives the assessment for the 4th Module of the course. Important NOTE: Please, be informed in advance that failure to comply with specified deadline day_x for submission of the report leads automatically to the reduction of O(HW_Report) by 0.3 points for each delayed day. The conditions for all students should be the same, regardless of the subsequent date of HW presentation. Finally, the overall course grade on ten-point scale is obtained as O(Total) = 0.045*O(WQ1) + 0.105*O(CE) + 0.15*O(WQ2) + 0.15*O(WQ3) + 0.35*O(HW_Report) + 0.2*O(FE) (usual rounding takes place after calculations are done, no blocking), where O(HW_Report) is a grade for a text (written presentation) of the HW report (paper) as such subject to reduction, if any – see Important NOTE above, O(WQ1), O(WQ2), and O(WQ3) are grades for quizzes #1, #2 and #3, correspondingly, whereas O(FE) is a grade obtained for the presentation (of the HW) done – questions related to topics covered by the course and submitted HW report can be asked to students. The resultant grade O(Total) >= 4 (after rounding) means successful completion of the course (grade "Pass"), while grade of 3 or lower means unsuccessful result (grade "Fail"). Student has a chance to obtain “automatic” grade (final course grade that can be only at the “excellent” level, i.e. 8, 9 or 10) without passing through FE (presentation) provided that the following is satisfied, i.e. (1) all written quizzes (WQ1, WQ2 and WQ3) are graded as “very good”, “almost excellent” or above (7 or above on ten-point scale), (2) the result of O(CE) is 8 or above, and (3) homework assignment (HW report / O(HW_Report)) is graded at 8 or above (on a ten-point scale). Even in these circumstances, it is strongly recommended to all students, without exceptions, to make presentations of their works (HW).
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Gorod, A., Gandhi, S. J., Sauser, B., White, B. E., & Ireland, V. (2014). Case Studies in System of Systems, Enterprise Systems, and Complex Systems Engineering. Boca Raton: CRC Press. Retrieved from
- Jaap Schaveling, & Bill Bryan. (2018). Making Better Decisions Using Systems Thinking. Springer. Retrieved from
- Системный анализ, оптимизация и принятие решений : учеб. пособие для вузов, Козлов, В. Н., 2010
- Теория и методы принятия решений, а также Хроника событий в Волшебных Странах : учебник для вузов, Ларичев, О. И., 2002
- Теория систем и системный анализ : учебник для вузов, Волкова, В. Н., 2010
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Системный анализ : учебник для вузов, Антонов, А. В., 2006