Research Seminar "The International Regulation of the Protection of Intellectual and Information Assets"
Category 'Best Course for Career Development'
Category 'Best Course for Broadening Horizons and Diversity of Knowledge and Skills'
Compulsory course (Law of International Trade, Finance and Economic Integration)
Area of studies:
Delivered by:
School of International Law
Faculty of Law
1 year, 3 module
Mode of studies:
Vladislav Starzhenetsky
Master’s programme:
Law of International Trade, Finance and Economic Integration
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
Information and Intellectual property play a huge role in the modern economy in the current information age. It is one of the key ingredients of the sustained economic growth, promotion of innovation and technologies. Each country has its own IT-security, data protection and Intellectual property protection system including such main types of intellectual property rights as Utility Models and Patents, Trademarks, Industrial Designs, Trade Secrets and Copyright and Related or Neighboring Rights. However, the development of a more and more internationally oriented flow of technology and the increase of international trade require international regulation of IT and IP in order to provide uniform standards of protection and harmonization of laws worldwide.
Learning Objectives
- The aim of the course is to provide students with a theoretical and practical understanding of the international regulatory framework of the global IT/IP protection system, covering data protection, copyright, related rights, patents, trademarks, confidential information (know-how), enforcement of IP rights and international commercial transactions. A special emphasis is put on the World Intellectual Property Organization, World Trade Organization standards, and recent developments in EU and EEU law.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- – Skills and abilities: • to use specific terms and sources of the global IP/IT Law and Regulation; • practical abilities of research, analysis of WIPO, WTO, EU and EEU legal documentation and scientific works; • skills to analyze and solve cases, building up of the legal position and composition of procedural documents on cases in the sphere of International IP/IT Law and Regulation.
- – Students must gain knowledge on: • general standards of IP/IT protection under WIPO, WTO, EU and EEU Law; • enforcement of IP/IT rights in global prospective; • drafting international commercial transactions with IP/IT component.
- – Students should gain the following competences: • ability to work with information (search, evaluate, use information, necessary for fulfilment of academic and professional tasks, from various sources, including application of the systematic approach); • ability to carry out professional activities in the international environment; • ability to search, analyse, and work with legally relevant information by using the juridical, comparative and other specific methods,
Course Contents
- Subject-matter, basic principles and sources of International IP Law and RegulationRole of IP rights in modern information society. Innovation, technologies, economic growth and intellectual property. System of IP rights. IP rights as property rights v. sui generis “exclusive” rights. Basic principles of International IP Law and Regulation: territoriality principle, principle of national treatment, first sale exhaustion principle and others. IP and human rights (freedom of expression, protection of personal data). Sources of IP Law and Regulation: national legislation, universal and regional international treaties. Regulatory role of the World Intellectual Property Organization, the World Trade Organization, the European Union, the Eurasian Economic Union and other international organizations.
- International copyright lawThe process of internationalization of copyright law. The norms of the International copyright law. Berne, Universal copyright conventions, WIPO copyright treaty, TRIPS Agreement. Regional systems of copyright protection: EU and EAEU. Subject matter of copyright: international standards. Authorship and Ownership. Term of protection. Economic and Moral rights. Exemptions and limitations of copyrights.
- International copyright lawThe process of internationalization of copyright law. The norms of the International copyright law. Berne, Universal copyright conventions, WIPO copyright treaty, TRIPS Agreement. Regional systems of copyright protection: EU and EAEU. Subject matter of copyright: international standards. Authorship and Ownership. Term of protection. Economic and Moral rights. Exemptions and limitations of copyrights.
- International regulation of industrial propertyScope and sources of international industrial property protection. Paris Convention, Madrid Agreement, Patent cooperation treaty, Eurasian Patent convention, European patent convention, TRIPS Agreement. International patent law. International registration of patents, patentability requirements, scope of patent protection, compulsory licenses, limitations of patent rights. International trademark law. International registration of trademarks, regional trademarks, international trademark classification, first sale exhaustion rules and parallel imports, well-known trademarks. International protection of trade secrets.
- Regulation of intellectual property protection in InternetInternet functioning, internet players and debates on internet regulation. Challenges for IP protection in cyber space. WIPO internet treaties, EU Directive on the harmonization of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society, Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), Russian Anti-Piracy regulations. Private International Law issues: applicable law and jurisdiction. Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy and WIPO center for arbitration and mediation. Intermediary liability for copyright infringements.
- International commercial transactions with intellectual property rightsAcquisitions and divestitures of IP and technology assets: Private International Law issues International joint ventures and joint development arrangements. Licensing and technology transactions, research and development agreements: applicable law and dispute resolution. IP due diligence in international perspective.
- Enforcement of Intellectual Property in global perspectiveInternational system of IP enforcement. Fair and Equitable Procedures. Civil law remedies: injunctions, statutory damages, damages, evidence, right of information, indemnification of the defendant. Administrative measures: customs control measures, administrative procedures and penalties. Criminal law sanctions: criminal procedures and penalties, criminal remedies (imprisonment, monetary fines, seizure, forfeiture and destruction of the infringing goods). Provisional measures under TRIPS Agreement.
- International IT-Security and Data Protection LawTechnical and political background of IT-security regulation European and national IT-security laws European and national data protection laws Implementation of data protection and IT security rules International and comparative aspects
Assessment Elements
- Attendance, active participation and in-class discussion. Online.
- Essay 1, online
- Essay 2, online
Interim Assessment
- Interim assessment (3 module)0.2 * Attendance, active participation and in-class discussion. Online. + 0.4 * Essay 1, online + 0.4 * Essay 2, online
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Henning Grosse Ruse-Khan. (2016). The Protection of Intellectual Property in International Law. Oxford: OUP Oxford. Retrieved from
- Pila, J. (2017). The Subject Matter of Intellectual Property. Oxford: OUP Oxford. Retrieved from
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Caso, R., & Giovanella, F. (2015). Balancing Copyright Law in the Digital Age: Comparative Perspectives.