
Global Political Economy
Elective course (Political Analysis and Public Policy)
Area of studies:
Political Science
Delivered by:
Public Policy Department
Faculty of Social Sciences
1 year, 3, 4 module
Mode of studies:
Alexandra Alexandrovna Moskovskaya
Master’s programme:
Political Analysis and Public Policy
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
This course is based on the following knowledge and competences: •Basic economic concepts like supply and demand, equilibrium analysis, market failure The course is a fine balance between traditional International Relations courses that focus on security and foreign policies and courses that are often titled Politics of International Economic Relations that focus on trade and monetary policies. In that, it discusses theories, research methods, globalization and its impact on national public policy substance and processes, evolving relations between states and markets, and among states. Basic political science concepts like various political theories and types of power in politics General knowledge of and interest in global affairs and how do they affect nations Students are strongly encouraged to watch the following three documentaries: “Commanding Heights” (3 episodes of 2 hour each, available at Following disciplines make the core of this course International Relations and Political Economy • International Development Policy • International Energy and Climate Policy • International Trade and Finance • Theory of International Policy Process
Learning Objectives
- To examine at an advanced level with the contemporary issues in global political economy, theoretical frameworks and research approaches to analyze the issues of global political economy.
- To comprehend -The key issue around which the course develops its subject matter is international cooperation in various policy areas
- - To understand the role of international institutions in facilitating global governance of global issues such as trade, finance, development, climate change, and other social and macroeconomic policies.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Be able to discuss and reproduce these concepts and theories, be able to find links between them and analyze them
- Be able to recognize important human rights problems, analyze them and suggest possible ways of solving them
- Compare issues with human rights in different regions and countries -Competently define priorities in analysis of human rights policy
- Work with primary data sources and literature on the unfolding dynamics of the Global political economy.
- Analyzing the various trends in the international economic debate
- Developing the critical perspective and have advanced level of theoretical and academic discussion on the Global Political Economic challenges
Course Contents
- Introduction to Global Political Economy- foreign and domestic economic policies of countries in the Developed and Developing Countries. Historical sociology and global transformation
- New odysseys in global political economy-Fundamentalist contention and economic conflict
- The Meta-geographical moments-geo-historical interpretation and globalization
- Creating global hegemony- Culture and the market
- Global interests: race, gender, and culture in our postcolonial order
- Mergers, stagflation, and the logic of globalization
- Globalization as global history Introducing a dialectical analysis
- “New” trade theory, and a Keynesian reformist project
- Structuring the political arena: public goods, states & governance in a globalizing world
- From National Development to World Development: The Underdevelopment of Development
- Globalization and theories of regulation
- Balance between Soft and Hard Geopolitics, Democratic wars and International law within fragmented capitalism
- GLOBALIZING DEMOCRACY IN The productive economy- material-based to information-based production
- Rewriting the reproductive economy- Non-waged labour and informalization
- Technologies – shaping dematerialization and deterritorialization, The informational economy
- Two worlds apart? Davos’ World Economic Forum and Porto Alegre’s World Social Forum
- Labour and business on a global scale
- In the making of global consumer policy- consumer participation and engagement in the Global Political Economy
- Global public policy – the new policy arrangements of business and countervailing groups Global dreams and local anger- From structural to acute violence in a globalizing world
- Exploitation and solidarity Putting the political back into GPE
Interim Assessment
- Interim assessment (4 module)0.1 * Active participation + 0.4 * Final paper + 0.3 * Midterm paper + 0.2 * Presentation
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Cutler, A. C. (1999). Location “Authority” in the Global Political Economy. Retrieved from
- New regionalisms in the global political economy : [theories and cases] / ed. by Shaun Breslin . (2002). London [u.a.]: Routledge. Retrieved from
- Peterson, V. S. (2003). A Critical Rewriting of Global Political Economy : Integrating Reproductive, Productive and Virtual Economies. London: Routledge. Retrieved from
- Ten Brink, T., & Bale, J. (2014). Global Political Economy and the Modern State System. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. Retrieved from
- Underhill, G. R. D. (2000). State, market, and global political economy: genealogy of an (inter-?) discipline. International Affairs, 76(4).
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Gnangnon, S. K. (2019). Trade Policy Space, Economic Growth, and Transitional Convergence in terms of Economic Development. Journal of Economic Integration, (1), 1. Retrieved from