
Methods and Models of Strategic Development of the Organization
Elective course (Management)
Area of studies:
Delivered by:
Department of General and Strategic Management (Nizhny Novgorod)
4 year, 1, 2 module
Mode of studies:
Lyubov Danilova
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
The purpose of mastering the discipline "Methods and models of strategic development of the organization" is the formation of professional skills and abilities in the field of strategic development of the organization, development of a systemic view of business, obtaining knowledge of classical and modern models of the organization's strategic development. Training is based primarily on interactive methods. Within the discipline, the following sections are studied: - Recognizing and Shaping Opportunities - Sustaining Competitive Advantage - Directions for Strategic Development: Competing Globally - Attracting Talent and Building Ecosystems; Managing marketing system; Operations strategy; - Executing Strategic Development. Recommended prerequisite: Management Fundamentals, Strategic Management Within the discipline, current and final control is carried out. The current control assesses the work of students at the seminar sessions (the degree of preparedness and activity of participation in group discussions of theoretical materials and practical cases), and five tests are provided. Final control is carried out by means of a group case aimed at accumulating all the knowledge and approaches obtained in theoretical and practical exercises.
Learning Objectives
- The purpose of mastering the discipline "Methods and models of strategic development of the organization" is the formation of professional skills and abilities in the field of strategic development of the organization, development of a systemic view of business, obtaining knowledge of classical and modern models of the organization's strategic development.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- The student reproduce the essence of the concept of competitive advantage, can implement the models and approaches of identifying competitive advantage and make it sustainable.
- The student formulate the basic strategies of acting in a global market, can analyze different companies' activities used in the context of global competition
- The student analyze the processes of attracting talent and teaming in a compay, can assess the ecosystem of a company
- The student reproduce the framework of executing strategy and assess the executing strategy process in a company
- The student can formulate the concept of business opportunity, can create a business idea, can analyze the models and approaches of recognizing and shaping opportunities.
- The student can evaluate a marketing ecosystem of a company and to formulate and to suggest customer-centric decisions implemented in general strategy
- The student can assess internal organizational systems and suggest decisions in building operations strategy
Course Contents
- Recognizing and Shaping OpportunitiesDifference between business idea and business opportunity, defining business/entrepreneurial opportunity. 3 steps in opportunity recognition and shaping. Iterations vs sequence and the concept of MVP. Value creation and stakeholders. Types of thinking in recognizing market opportunities. The concept of “creativity” in business and discovery skills. Shaping opportunity through crafting appropriate business model, business model (BM) definition. Sample frameworks for analyzing areas of strategy decision. Revenue sources, cost drivers, investment size, critical success factors. Strategic growth options. Identifying required resources and capabilities. Sample frameworks for assessing one’s resources and capabilities in different areas of business. Forecasting cash flow. Fishbone diagram.
- Sustaining Competitive AdvantageAnalysis of the competitive environment. Competing in new/emerging industries, mature industries, declining industries. Hyper competition, changes in returns over time. Sources of differentiation and sustainability; taste-based loyalty, uninformed consumers, switching costs, network effects, learning, economies of scale, intellectual property rights. Reverse positioning. Threats to sustainability (within and beyond the market). Heterogeneity of customers (vertical and horizontal differences across customers).
- The directions for strategic development: Competing GloballyThe scope of the firm. Competing Globally. Global competitive landscape. Global value creation and capture, global strategies, and relevant frameworks. Strategic options (deployment, development, deepening, DDD framework), their advantages and constraints. AAA triangle framework. CAGE distance framework. Tactics after selecting the strategy, the costs of separating activities in the value chain across geographic markets. Forms of ownership. Outsourcing and offshoring activities. Strategic choice of new locations. Dimensions of location strategy. Timing of expansion to new geographic areas and the corresponding framework, determinants of time of entry. Hedging risk with mode of entry. Framework of allocating activities across locations impact analysis. BM replication outside home country. Adaptation of macro-level theory to micro-level practices. Global organizational structures (global product design, global area design, global functional design, global matrix design). Sustaining a global strategy. Firm diversification. Vertical integration. Restructuring the business portfolio.
- Attracting Talent, Leading Teams and Building EcosystemsEffective teams. Building the founding team, attracting key employees, establishing the Board of Directors and Advisers. Team design, launch, and process management. Key leadership roles. Relationships, roles and rewards. Self-organizing teams and organizations.
- Operations StrategyThe operations strategy framework: resource-based orientations strategy framework, the operations strategy matrix, assessing the operations strategy
- Managing Marketing systemAnalysis underlying marketing strategy formation: customers, company, collaborators, competitors, context. Understanding customers: assessing needs and values, measuring customer satisfaction and gathering feedback. Building a customer-centric culture, developing a customer-centric strategy, customer-centric marketing tactics.
- Executing StrategyTurning strategic plans into organizational action (metrics, rewards, organizational structure). Assessing strategy: suitability, feasibility, acceptability. Reasons for failed strategy. Communicating the strategic development plans. Corporate governance (internal and external mechanisms of management control). Execution requisites (organizational ambidexterity, dynamic capabilities). Systemic approach. The congruence model, congruence building blocks. Deploying talent. Organizational culture. 8 critical success factors for strategy execution. Programs, budgets, procedures, updates in the measurement system. Revisiting the strategic development plans. The people factor. Leadership and execution. 3 business horizons. Administrative support systems. Evaluation and control, monitoring performance.
Interim Assessment
- Interim assessment (2 module)0.3 * Class Activity + 0.3 * Control Work + 0.4 * Exam
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Ермолаева, Л. Д. Fundamentals of Management. Основы менеджмента (Электронный ресурс]: учебное пособие/Л. Д. Ермолаева. — 5-е изд., стере. — Москва : ФЛИНТА, 2019.- 8бс. – ISBN 978-5-9765-0654-1. – Режим доступа:
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Cross-Cultural Business Behavior : A Guide for Global Management Richard R. Gesteland Samfundslitteratur 2007
- International Marketing (RLE International Business) : Strategy and Management Gilligan, Colin; Hird, Martin Routledge 2012 ISBN: ISBN number:9780415641135, ISBN number:9781135133870 SERIES: Routledge Library Editions: International Business Ser.
- Kuster, J., Huber, E., Lippmann, R., Schmid, A., Schneider, E., Witschi, U., Wüst, R.. Project management handbook.: Heidelberg, Springer, 2015 - 449 - 978-3-662-45373-5: Текст электронный //
- Lyandau Y.V. и др. - BUSINESS ARCHITECT: Business management systems modeling. Guidebook on Process Cost Engineering Technologies. Part I Business management systems design - Русайнс - 2016 - 146с. - ISBN: 978-5-4365-1122-1 - Текст электронный // ЭБС BOOKRU - URL: