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Master 2020/2021

Fundamentals of Russian Law

Area of studies: Law
Delivered by: Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure
When: 1 year, 3, 4 module
Mode of studies: offline
Instructors: Evgeniia Shliagina
Master’s programme: Legal Support and Business Protection
Language: English
ECTS credits: 5
Contact hours: 60

Course Syllabus


The course includes overview of the main sources of Russian law and their hierarchy, basic principles of Russian constitutional, civil, criminal, administrative law and law of civil, administrative and criminal procedure, and etc.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • The aim of mastering the discipline is to obtain introductory knowledge and basic skills in the area of Russian law and legal system.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Has an understanding of the basics of Constitutional Law in Russia.
  • Has an understanding of the basics of Civil Law in Russia.
  • Has an understanding of the basics of Criminal law in Russia.
  • Has an understanding of the basics of Administrative Law in Russia.
  • Has an understanding of the basics of Family Law in Russia.
  • Has an understanding of the basics of Civil Procedural Law in Russia.
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Fundamentals of State Theory
    Theories of the origin of the state. The concept of the state and its definition. The main features of the state: public authority, territorial organization of the population, sovereignty and other features of the state. Forms of the state. Features of state forms and their types. Forms of government. Features of the forms of government of modern states. Forms of government. The concept and types of state regimes. Constitutional state.
  • Fundamentals of the Theory of Law
    The main features and principles of law. The concept and role of the principles of law. Law and other social norms. Law and morality. System of law, system of legislation. The rules of law and their features. The main types of law. The concept, content and features of legal relations. Legal facts: concept, types. Lawmaking: basic forms and principles of lawmaking. The concept and forms of the implementation of law. Interpretation of law: concept, techniques, types. Lawful conduct, offenses and legal liability.
  • Fundamentals of Сonstitutional Law
    The concept, subject and method of constitutional law. Sources of Russian constitutional law. Constitutional legal relations: concept, subjects. Constitution of the Russian Federation. Characteristic features and features of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation. Constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens. The form of government of modern Russia. The form of government of Russia. The electoral system of modern Russia. Legislative power and the mechanism of its implementation in Russia. Federal Assembly. The legislative process: concept, main stages. President of the Russian Federation. Executive power and the mechanism of its implementation in modern Russia. The Government of the Russian Federation is the highest executive body: the legal basis, composition, structure. Judicial power and the mechanism of its implementation in modern Russia. Constitutional Court. Courts of general jurisdiction. Arbitration courts. Local government in the Russian Federation.
  • Fundamentals of Civil Law
    The concept of civil law and its place in the general system of Russian law. The subject of civil law. The method of civil law. The concept and types of principles of civil law. Sources of civil law and their types. The concept, content and features of civil law relations. Subjects of civil law relations. Individuals Legal entities as participants in civil relations. Objects of civil legal relations. Ownership and other property rights. Law of obligations.
  • Fundamentals of Criminal Law
    The concept, subject and method of criminal law. Tasks and principles of criminal law. Sources of criminal law. The concept and types of crimes. Corpus delicti. The concept and types of punishments. Sentencing. Exemption from criminal liability. Exemption from punishment. Certain types of crimes. Crimes against the individual. Crimes in the field of economics. Crimes against public safety and public order. Crimes against state power and other types of crimes.
  • Fundamentals of Administrative Law
    The subject of administrative law. Administrative relationship. Features of administrative relations. The grounds for the emergence, change and termination of administrative legal relations and their types. The subjects of administrative legal relations. Individuals as subjects of administrative legal relations. Executive authorities and local governments as subjects of administrative legal relations. Public associations and their administrative status. Administrative Law Responsibility.
  • Fundamentals of Family Law
    The concept and subject of family law. Sources of family law. The principles of family law. Personal rights and obligations of spouses. Property relations of spouses. Rights and obligations of parents and children. The grounds for the occurrence of legal relations between parents and children. The rights of minor children. Rights and obligations of parents. Alimony obligations of family members.
  • Fundamentals of Civil Procedural Law
    The concept, subject and method of civil procedural law. Sources of civil procedural law. The principles of civil procedural law. Civil proceedings and its types. Claim proceedings are the main type of civil proceedings.
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Classroom work
  • non-blocking Exam
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • Interim assessment (4 module)
    0.5 * Classroom work + 0.5 * Exam


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Elena Lukyanova. (2015). On the Rule of Law in the Context of Russian Foreign Policy. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsbas&AN=edsbas.C236B131

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Legal Path of Russia - Режим доступа: http://znanium.com/catalog/product/1042125