
Intercultural Business Communication
Category 'Best Course for Broadening Horizons and Diversity of Knowledge and Skills'
Elective course (Fundamental and Applied Linguistics)
Area of studies:
Fundamental and Applied Linguistics
Delivered by:
School of Literature and Intercultural Communication
4 year, 1, 2 module
Mode of studies:
distance learning
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
Курс нацелен на теоретическую и практическую подготовку, позволяющую понять основные принципы взаимодействия с представителями иных культур и выработать эффективные навыки такого взаимодействия. Слушатели получат возможность познакомиться с наиболее значительными концепциями межкультурной коммуникации как науки в нашей стране и за рубежом, а также глубоко изучить межкультурные различия в ходе решения задач по кросс-культурному взаимодействию, рассмотрения кейсов межкультурного непонимания, компаративного анализа прецедентных текстов различных национальных культур.
Learning Objectives
- The main goals of the course are: • to give the students knowledge of major theories in the field of intercultural communication studies; • to help students master competencies, which will allow them to be successful in their interpersonal and professional cross-cultural interactions.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- the student knows: - the major theories of Intercultural Communication; - the basic issues of intercultural interaction in business and everyday contexts;
- able: - to understand cross-cultural differences; - to apply their knowledge of cross-cultural differences in everyday communication; - to work in an intercultural team; - to solve cases in the Intercultural communication sphere
- able to analyze ‘kontzept’ as a main cell of culture in the mental world of an individual; to carry out a contrastive analysis of ‘kontzepty’ belonging to different cultures.
- knows the major theories of Intercultural Communication; the basic issues of intercultural interaction in business and everyday contexts able to analyze ‘kontzept’ as a main cell of culture in the mental world of an individual; - to carry out a contrastive analysis of ‘kontzepty’ belonging to different cultures.
Course Contents
- The history of the field of study’s appearance. Edward T. Hall as the “founding farther” of intercultural communication.Definitions of intercultural communications. The history of the field of study’s appearance. Edward T. Hall as the “founding farther” of intercultural communication. His major works. The theory of Proxemics. Hall’s cultural parameters: collectivistic – individualistic, polychronic – monochronic, High context – low context cultures. Discussion: what type of culture (singled out by Hall) you think Russian / British / American / French /Austrian / Italian etc. culture belongs to.
- Cultural cooperation and cultural management. Geert Hofstede’s theories.Cultural cooperation and cultural management. Geert Hofstede’s theories. Culture 1 and culture 2. Cultural dimensions. Discussion: Russia in terms of Hofsetede 5 dimensional model as compared to British / American / French /Austrian / Italian and other cultures.
- Lewis’ cross cultural communication model.Lewis’ cross cultural communication model. linear-active cultures, multi-active cultures, reactive cultures Discussion: The places of Russia / British / American / French /Austrian / Italian in the model and their consequences.
- Business etiquette and business dress code.Business etiquette and business dress coden cross-culturally. Case studies: cases of intercultural misunderstanding in business setting.
- "Kontzept" as the main cell of culture in the mental world of an individual;Russian approaches to Intercultural studies. "Kontzept" as as a main cell of culture in the mental world of an individual; Juri Stepanov's theory. V.Zinchenko. V. Zusman, Zoya Kirnoze's theory.
- Characteristic features of business cultures of different countries (students’ projects)Characteristic features of the Russian, American, Italian, French, Austrian, Algerian, British etc. business cultures
Interim Assessment
- Interim assessment (2 module)0.3 * Презентация + 0.2 * Семинарские занятия + 0.5 * Тест, состоящий из 10 вопросов
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Training Intercultural Competence for Business (Case Study Aproach) : учеб. пособие / О.А. Данько, Д.В. Еныгин, В.О. Мидова, М.А. Пономарев, Джеймс Ши. — М. : ИНФРА-М, 2019. — 70 с. - Режим доступа:
- Еныгин Д.В., Фоминых Н.Д., Бубенчикова А.В., Афанасьев М.А. - Practice book in intercultural tolerance and empathy - Русайнс - 2018 - 61с. - ISBN: 978-5-4365-3150-2 - Текст электронный // ЭБС BOOKRU - URL:
- Основы кросс-культурной коммуникации и менеджмента: практический курс=Essentials of Cross-cultural Commun..: A Practical Course: Учеб. пос. / Л.М.Гальчук - М.: Вузов. учеб.: НИЦ ИНФРА-М, 2015 - 240с.: 60x90 1/16. (п) ISBN 978-5-9558-0387-6 - Режим доступа:
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Cross-Cultural Business Behavior : A Guide for Global Management Richard R. Gesteland Samfundslitteratur 2007
- Hofstede, G.J. Exploring Culture: Exercises, Stories and Synthetic Cultures / Gert Jan Hofstede, Paul B. Pedersen, Geert H. Hofstede. – Yarmouth: Intercultural Press Inc, 2002. – 234 p. – ISBN 9781877864902. - Текст: электронный // DB Books 24x7 [сайт]. – URL:
- Lewis, R.D. When Teams Collide: Managing the International Team Successfully / Richard D. Lewis. – London; Boston: Nicolas Brealey Publishing, 2012. – 321 p. – ISBN 9781904838357. - Текст: электронный // DB Books 24x7 [сайт]. – URL:
- Зинченко В.Г., Зусман В.Г., Кирнозе З.И. - Межкультурная коммуникация. От системного подхода к синергетической парадигме - Издательство "ФЛИНТА" - 2016 - 223с. - ISBN: 978-5-89349-472-3 - Текст электронный // ЭБС ЛАНЬ - URL: