
Corporate Risk Management
Elective course (Strategic Corporate Finance)
Area of studies:
Finance and Credit
Delivered by:
School of Finance
Faculty of Economic Sciences
1 year, 4 module
Mode of studies:
distance learning
Yury Dranev
Master’s programme:
Strategic Corporate Finance
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
The course is designed for master students and represents an upper level course. This course discusses risk management from the perspective of non-financial corporations. The course examines various types of risks (market risks, credit risks and operational risks) and risk-management procedures in the context of the general framework of enterprise-wide risk management (ERM). The emphasis of the course is on theoretical approach of creating value with implementation of ERM rather than on the technical details of statistical measurement and pricing of derivatives. The course considers issues of risk measurement, risk aggregation, performance evaluation, capital allocation and strategic decision making. The course does not require extensive knowledge of mathematics and statistics. Ссылка на онлайн-программу:
Learning Objectives
- Know main features of firm-wide risk management
- Know key risk-management procedures applicable to market, operational and credit risks
- Know how and when to use risk management procedures
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Be able to classify risks
- Be able to Evaluate risk exposure
- Be able to Describe the process of risk measurement, risk aggregation, performance evaluation, capital allocation and strategic decision making
Course Contents
- Topic 1.The Role of Risk Management.The evolution of risk management. Creating value with risk management (reducing distress costs, funding disruptions, taxes, stakeholder costs, managerial incentives, large shareholders, planning costs).The firm wide risk management: the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) approach. Risk monitoring versus managing risk. The building blocks of ERM. Identification of risk. Sources and types of risk (market, credit and operational).Risk mapping.
- Topic 2.Measuring Market Risks.Exposure measurement. Expected and unexpected loss. Value-at-Risk (VaR).Volatility and correlations. Delta‐normal valuation. Riskmetrics™ approach. Historical simulation. Monte Carlo simulation methods. Implementation and model risk. Back testing of VaR. Derivatives and VaR. VaR and fat tails. Expected shortfall and other tail risk measures. VaR in the presence of liquidity risks. Applications of VaR and other risk measures to non-financial corporations. EaR and CFaR. Corporatemetrics™. Stress testing and scenario analysis.
- Topic 3. Managing Market Risks.Managing currency risk. Measuring interest rate risks. Duration and convexity. Duration VaR. Managing commodity risk. Currency and interest rate derivatives. Swaps, caps and floors. Exotic structures and hybrid securities.
- Topic 4. Measuring and Managing Credit Risk.Probability of default, loss given default and recovery rates. Credit scoring. Credit spreads. Contingent claim approach (Merton’s model) and the KMV Model. CreditMetrics™ and CreditRisk+. Default and default‐time correlations. Risk mitigation techniques (including netting, rating triggers, and collateral). Credit derivatives, credit default swaps (CDS) and credit-linked notes.
- Topic 5. Operational Risk Measurement.Financial risks besides market and credit risk. Risks due to deficiencies or mistakes from information systems and technologies, internal procedures, personnel, external events. Operational internal (incompetency /fraud, model/transaction risk, info systems, software, data bases) and external (environmental factors, change in political and regulatory regime).Specifics of operating risks. The top-down approach. The bottom-up approach. Key indicators. P&L volatility and distribution unexplained by market and credit risks. Measure losses using conditional probabilities. Management of operation risks. Internal control system (general policy by top management, assessment of risks, control procedures, current monitoring).
- Topic 6. Firm‐wide Risk Management Framework.Cost of bearing and reducing risk across the firm (marginal and optimal).Definition of risk capital. Using a risk measure to set the optimal amount of capital. Risk aggregation. Estimating a firm-wide loss distribution. Correlations across market, credit, and operational risk. Allocation of risk capital across the firm. RAROC models. Applications of RAROC to evaluation of efficiency of work (backward-looking), optimal capital distribution (forward-looking), information for the stakeholders, managerial compensation. Risk measures and investment policy. Evaluating the performance of risk management systems. Risk measures and compensation. Strategic decisions. Evaluating strategic risks. Reallocating price risk to facilitate strategic acquisitions. Sources of value creation. Real options and their applications in corporate risk management. Failures in risk management. Future trends in corporate risk management.
Assessment Elements
- Case studies (team work)Уведомить студентов о технических требованиях к дистанционному формату и особенностях проведения экзамена.
- Final examThe final exam on Corporate risk management will be on Zoom platform. The link is below: The conditions of the exam are the same as I explained before (4 questions about projects, cameras on, no materials allowed, send me the photo of your written work after the exam).