Core management concepts
Compulsory course (Business Informatics)
Area of studies:
Business Informatics
Delivered by:
Department of General and Strategic Management (Nizhny Novgorod)
2 year, 1, 2 module
Mode of studies:
Olga Gaponova
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
The course "Management in IT" includes such highly specialized sections as: ensuring the efficient use of information processing tools; using of both special information technologies and software, and information systems in general. The course also includes traditional sections, at the same time, devoted to the study of theoretical and practical problems of management in a specific area of management - IT, such as: concept, essence and content of management; basic approaches to the study of management history; main management functions; binding processes; basics of communication theory; organizational culture; organizational change management; social responsibility and ethics of business organization.
Learning Objectives
- The objectives of mastering the “Management in IT” discipline are to form an integral systemic idea of management theory and practice for students for the subsequent successful management of organizations.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Knowledge of the basic conceptual apparatus and basic terminology of the course.
- Knowledge of the nature and tasks of managing an organization, classifies types of organizational structures and their specific features.
- Knowledge of the essence and objectives of leadership theory, compares the various approaches to power and leadership.
- Knowledge of types, forms and channels of communication in organizations, classifies types of communication networks.
- Knowledge of the basic concepts of information processing and management.
- Knowledge of legislation in the field of information security, methods of ensuring information security.
Course Contents
- Management as science and profession.The purpose and objectives of the course. Place discipline among other disciplines. Managerial skills: conceptual, human and technical skills. Object and subject of management. Leader roles. Modern approaches to management.
- The concept of organization.The concept of organization. Formal and informal organizations. The main functions of management in organization. Types of joint activities in the organization. Elements of organizational structure. Types of organizational structures.
- Leadership: Power and Personal Influence.The concept of power and leadership. Types of power: coercive, reward, legitimate, reference, expert. Personal and organizational basis of power. Fundamentals of leadership theory. Leadership concepts. Leadership styles.
- Communication in organizations.Characteristics of information. Communication in the organization. Configurations of communication links. Channel of informal communication. Verbal and non-verbal communication.
- Basic Information Processing and Management.Computer science and cybernetics. The structure of computer science and information technology. Information, data, knowledge. Information Management.
- Information Security.The concept of information security. Legislation in the field of information security. Modeling threats and breaches of information security. Technical and organizational methods to ensure information security. Information security policies.
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Agrawal, N.K. Principles of management accounting [Электронный ресурс] / N.K.Agrawal; БД Ebrary. - Asian BNooks PVT LTD, 2010. – 467 р. - Print ISBN 9788184121131
- R.L. Daft, Dr. Ir. M. Aksit, & Ir. B. Tekinerdogan. (2002). Management. Retrieved from
- Менеджмент: учебник/ О. С. Гапонова, Л.С.Данилова, Ю.Ю. Чи-липенок. - М. : РИОР : ИНФРА-М, 2019. - 480 с. - (Высшее образование). - DOI: - Режим доступа:
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Kirillov A.V. et al. - Issues of concern in the development of personnel management technologies in Russian practice and ways to resolve them - Русайнс - 2016 - 250с. - ISBN: 978-5-4365-0774-3 - Текст электронный // ЭБС BOOKRU - URL:
- Lyandau Y.V. и др. - BUSINESS ARCHITECT: Business management systems modeling. Guidebook on Process Cost Engineering Technologies. Part I Business management systems design - Русайнс - 2016 - 146с. - ISBN: 978-5-4365-1122-1 - Текст электронный // ЭБС BOOKRU - URL: