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Bachelor 2021/2022

Japanese Language: Basic Course

Category 'Best Course for Career Development'
Category 'Best Course for Broadening Horizons and Diversity of Knowledge and Skills'
Category 'Best Course for New Knowledge and Skills'
Area of studies: Foreign Regional Studies
When: 2 year, 1-4 module
Mode of studies: offline
Open to: students of one campus
Language: English
ECTS credits: 22
Contact hours: 648

Course Syllabus


This course is designed to provide practical skills and knowledge in Japanese language at intermediate level to the students that have passed “Basic Japanese I". Through the duration of the course students develop sufficient competency in Japanese to achieve numerous communicative objectives. The course will help students to build their proficiency in intermediate Japanese across all four skill areas —— listening, speaking, reading, and writing —— while also providing them with a deeper understanding of Japan and its culture. It is expected that by the end of the course students will reach B1 level according to CEFR and N3 level according to JLPT. Pre-requisites As the course is taught in Russian, the knowledge of Russian language (Intermediate level and upper) is a formal pre-requisite for HSE students wishing to enroll the course. “Japanese Language Basic Course II” continues “Japanese Language Basic Course I” so HSE students wishing to enroll the course are required to pass the final exam on Japanese Language Basic Course I.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • The course aims at providing well-balanced development of the four language skills—reading, writing, speaking, and listening in the Japanese language.
  • communicative competence – developing communicative skills through speaking, listening, reading and writing in communicative scenarios and topics chosen for the course
  • language competence – learning new language units (orthographic, phonetic, lexical, grammar) related to communicative scenarios and topics of the course; learning about language phenomena in the foreign language, about various ways of expressing ideas using the native and foreign languages
  • · Reading: Read articles and reports about common topics; recognize rhetorical patterns, determine the author’s purpose; summarize and paraphrase information in the text.
  • socio-cultural competence – introducing students to the culture, traditions, and realia of the country whose language they are learning; developing skills of presenting their country and its culture when communicating with foreigners
  • ·Speaking: Discuss familiar topics in detail; describe experiences, events, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans; plan and deliver short oral presentations; show the improved pronunciation skills, including stress, intonation, and reductions.
  • cognitive competence – developing general and special academic skills; familiarizing students with available ways of autonomous learning of a foreign language and culture, ICT included
  • ·Writing: Write clearly and in detail about a wide range of subjects; write an essay or report, which are clearly focused, fully developed, and logically organized; write letters about events and personal experiences.
  • ·Listening - Listen and comprehend coherent conversations in everyday situations, spoken at near-natural speed; understand long speech and lectures and follow complex arguments if the topic is reasonably familiar; make inference and predictions about spoken discourse.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • . Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary of Unit 20,21. 2. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the grammatical constructions of Units 20,21 and use it accurately 3. Students will be able to talk on the following topics: Mary’s Shopping,Burglar. 4. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of hieroglyphs from Units 29,30
  • 1. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary of Unit 12,13. 2. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the grammatical constructions of Units 12,13 and use it accurately. 3. Students will be able to talk on the following topics: Feeling Ill, Looking for a Part-time Job. 4. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of hieroglyphs from Units 17,18,19
  • Students will demonstrate the knowledge of Japanese kana and will be able to write and read words in hiragana and katakana. 2. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of basic etiquette phrases
  • Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary of Unit 1, 2 2. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the grammatical constructions of Units 1, 2 and use it accurately 3. Students will be able to talk on the following topics: New Friends , Shopping 4. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of hieroglyphs from Units 1,2,3
  • Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary of Unit 10,11. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the grammatical constructions of Units 10,11 and use it accurately 3. Students will be able to talk on the following topics: Winter Vacation Plans, After the Vacation. 4. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of hieroglyphs from Units 14,15,16
  • Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary of Unit 14,15. 2. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the grammatical constructions of Units 14,15 and use it accurately 3. Students will be able to talk on the following topics: Valentine’s Day, A Trip to Nagano. 4. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of hieroglyphs from Units 20,21,22
  • Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary of Unit 16,17. 2. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the grammatical constructions of Units 16,17 and use it accurately 3. Students will be able to talk on the following topics: Lost and Found, Grumble and Gossip. 4. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of hieroglyphs from Units 23,24,25
  • Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary of Unit 18,19. 2. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the grammatical constructions of Units 18,19 and use it accurately 3. Students will be able to talk on the following topics: Johns Part-time Job, Meeting the Boss. 4. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of hieroglyphs from Units 26,27,28
  • Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary of Unit 22,23. 2. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the grammatical constructions of Units 22,23 and use it accurately 3. Students will be able to talk on the following topics: Education in Japan , Goodbye. 4. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of hieroglyphs from Units 31,32
  • Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary of Unit 3,4. 2. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the grammatical constructions of Units 3, 4 and use it accurately 3. Students will be able to talk on the following topics: Making A Date , The First Date. 4. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of hieroglyphs from Units 4,5.
  • Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary of Unit 4,5. 2. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the grammatical constructions of Units 4, 5 and use it accurately 3. Students will be able to talk on the following topics: The First Date , A Trip To Okinawa. 4. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of hieroglyphs from Units 6,7
  • Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary of Unit 6,7. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the grammatical constructions of Units 6,7 and use it accurately 3. Students will be able to talk on the following topics: A Day In Roberts Life, Family Picture. 4. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of hieroglyphs from Units 8,9,10
  • Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary of Unit 8,9. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the grammatical constructions of Units 8,9 and use it accurately 3. Students will be able to talk on the following topics: Barbecue, Kabuki. 4. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of hieroglyphs from Units 11,12,13
  • Students will pass the Final Examination
  • Students demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary, kanji and grammar of Unit 1 and use them accurately. Students can hold a polite or a casual conversation when meeting someone for the first time.
  • Students demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary, kanji and grammar of Unit 10 and use them accurately. Students can answer questions at a job interview.
  • Students demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary, kanji and grammar of Unit 2 and use them accurately. Students can hold a polite conversation with a teacher.
  • Students demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary, kanji and grammar of Unit 21 and use them accurately. Students can talk on the topic of “A Bad Experience”
  • Students demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary, kanji and grammar of Unit 22 and use them accurately. Students can talk on the topic of “Educational Experience”
  • Students demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary, kanji and grammar of Unit 23 and use them accurately. Students can talk on the topic of “Intercultural differences”
  • Students demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary, kanji and grammar of Unit 3 and use them accurately. Students are able to make and change reservations at the restaurant, make orders at the restaurant, etc.
  • Students demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary, kanji and grammar of Unit 4 and use them accurately. Students are able to ask for help when facing a problem in daily life, and offer solutions when asked for help.
  • Students demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary, kanji and grammar of Unit 5 and use them accurately. Students are able to set a date for a meeting with a friend or an acquaintance, ask directions when lost.
  • Students demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary, kanji and grammar of Unit 6 and use them accurately. Students can hold a polite conversation when dealing with a problematic roommate.
  • Students demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary, kanji and grammar of Unit 7 and use them accurately. Students are able to politely ask someone to stop doing something/ Students are able to express their point of view during a discussion.
  • Students demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary, kanji and grammar of Unit 8 and use them accurately. Students can hold a conversation with an official regarding lost items.
  • Students demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary, kanji and grammar of Unit 9 and use them accurately. Students are able to offer their help when they see someone facing a problem.
  • Students demonstrate the knowledge of the active vocabulary, kanji and grammar of units covered in Basic course 1
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • 1. WEEK 1-2 Japanese Kana & Pronunciation
  • Revision. Warming up.
  • WEEKS 3-5. Unit 1 NEW FRIENDS. Unit 2. SHOPPING
  • Unit 21: Burglar
  • WEEKS 6-8. Unit 3. MAKING A DATE. Unit 4. THE FIRST DATE
  • Unit 22: Education in Japan
  • Unit 23: Goodbye
  • WEEK 12-15. Unit 7. FAMILY PICTURE. Unit 8. BARBECUE. Grammar & Kanji review
  • Revision and assessment
  • WEEK 16-18. Unit 9. KABUKI. Unit 10. WINTER VACATION PLANS.
  • Unit 1
  • WEEK 19-21. Unit 11. AFTER THE VACATION. Unit 12. FILLING ILL
  • Unit 2
  • Unit 3
  • Revision and examination
  • Unit 4
  • WEEK 31-33. Unit 19. MEETING THE BOSS. Unit 20. MARY’S SHOPPING.
  • Unit 5
  • WEEK 34-36. Unit 21. BURGLAR.
  • Unit 6
  • Week 36. Grammar & Kanji review. Examination
  • Unit 7
  • Unit 8
  • Unit 9
  • Unit 10
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking In-Class Control (speaking - 0.4/quiz - 0.1/grammar test - 0.3/test kanji - 0.2)
    Thе Cumulative Semester Grade is calculated according to the following formulae: Gcumulative = 0, 4 *(0,4 *Goral+ 0,6 *Goral test ) + 0,6 * (0,4 *Gwritten + 0,6 *Gwritten test ) Gwritten - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in written assignments. Gwritten test - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in written tests. Goral - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in oral assignments. Goral test - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in oral tests.
  • non-blocking examination
  • non-blocking In-Class Control (speaking - 0.4/quiz - 0.1/grammar test - 0.3/test kanji - 0.2)
    Thе Cumulative Semester Grade is calculated according to the following formulae: Gcumulative = 0, 4 *(0,4 *Goral+ 0,6 *Goral test ) + 0,6 * (0,4 *Gwritten + 0,6 *Gwritten test ) Gwritten - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in written assignments. Gwritten test - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in written tests. Goral - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in oral assignments. Goral test - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in oral tests.
  • non-blocking Examination
    The exam is conducted in 2 parts: in writing and in oral forms (upon the course materials). The exam is held on the Zoom platform (https://www.zoom.us/). The written part is held for all students of the group at the same time. Students must connect to the exam according to the schedule sent by the teacher to their corporate e-mails on the day before the exam. The oral part is carried out on another day. Students need to connect to the oral part of the exam according to the schedule sent by the teacher to their corporate e-mails on the day before the exam. The student's computer must meet the requirements: the presence of a working camera and microphone, support for Zoom. In order to participate in the exam, students are obliged: to put their photo on the avatars, to appear for the exam according to the exact schedule, turn on camera and microphone during the examination. Students are forbidden to: turn off the camera, use notes and tips. A short-term communication disruption during the exam is considered a communication disruption of less than a minute. Long-term communication disruption during the exam is considered a violation of a minute or more. In case of a long-term communication disruption, students cannot continue to participate in the exam. The retake procedure involves the use of more complicated tasks.
  • non-blocking Unit tests (1st module and 2nd module)
  • non-blocking Classwork for Reading and Grammar (1st module and 2nd module)
  • non-blocking Classwork for Speaking and Writing (1st module and 2nd module)
  • non-blocking Classwork for Listening (1st module and 2nd module)
  • non-blocking Examination (2nd module)
  • non-blocking Unit tests (3rd module and 4th module)
  • non-blocking Classwork for Reading and Grammar (3rd module and 4th module)
  • non-blocking Classwork for Speaking and Writing (3rd module and 4th module)
  • non-blocking Classwork for Listening (3rd module and 4th module)
  • non-blocking Examination (4th module)
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2020/2021 2nd module
    Thе Cumulative Semester Grade is calculated according to the following formulae: Gcumulative = 0, 4 *(0,4 *Goral+ 0,6 *Goral test ) + 0,6 * (0,4 *Gwritten + 0,6 *Gwritten test ) Gwritten - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in written assignments. Gwritten test - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in written tests. Goral - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in oral assignments. Goral test - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in oral tests.
  • 2020/2021 4th module
    Thе Cumulative Semester Grade is calculated according to the following formulae: Gcumulative = 0, 4 *(0,4 *Goral+ 0,6 *Goral test ) + 0,6 * (0,4 *Gwritten + 0,6 *Gwritten test ) Gwritten - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in written assignments. Gwritten test - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in written tests. Goral - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in oral assignments. Goral test - is the average of all the grades received by the student for participation in oral tests.
  • 2021/2022 2nd module
    0.3 * Examination (4th module) + 0.2 * Classwork for Speaking and Writing (3rd module and 4th module) + 0.1 * Classwork for Listening (3rd module and 4th module) + 0.15 * Classwork for Reading and Grammar (3rd module and 4th module) + 0.25 * Unit tests (3rd module and 4th module)
  • 2021/2022 4th module
    0.1 * Classwork for Listening (1st module and 2nd module) + 0.2 * Classwork for Speaking and Writing (1st module and 2nd module) + 0.15 * Classwork for Reading and Grammar (1st module and 2nd module) + 0.25 * Unit tests (1st module and 2nd module) + 0.3 * Examination (2nd module)


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Eguchi, S., Okamoto, K., Park, J., Nazikian, F., & Nittono, M. (2011). Hiyaku: An Intermediate Japanese Course. London: Routledge. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1013866
  • GENKI 1: an integrated course in elementary Japanese, Banno, E., 2013
  • GENKI 2: an integrated course in elementary Japanese, Banno, E., 2013
  • Kenneth G. Henshall, & Tetsuo Takagaki. (2013). Learning Japanese Hiragana and Katakana : Workbook and Practice Sheets. [N.p.]: Tuttle Publishing. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1567872

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Cook, H. M., & Shibamoto-Smith, J. S. (2018). Japanese at Work : Politeness, Power, and Personae in Japanese Workplace Discourse. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1780982
  • Everyday listening in 50 days. Vol.1: ., Sachie, M., 2009
  • Hamano, S., & Tsujioka, T. (2014). Basic Japanese : A Grammar and Workbook. London: Routledge. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=797728
  • Kornfeld, M. (2006). japanese FOR BEGINNERS. Vegetarian Times, (340), 65. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=f5h&AN=20242276
  • Richard S. Keirstead. (2016). Japanese Hiragana and Katakana Practice Pad : Learn the Two Japanese Alphabets Quickly & Easily with This Japanese Language Learning Tool. [N.p.]: Tuttle Publishing. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1568900
  • Timothy G. Stout. (2013). Japanese Hiragana & Katakana for Beginners : First Steps to Mastering the Japanese Writing System [Downloadable Content Included]. [N.p.]: Tuttle Publishing. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1567871
  • Timothy G. Stout. (2014). Japanese Katakana for Beginners : First Steps to Mastering the Japanese Writing System. [N.p.]: Tuttle Publishing. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1567907
  • Toyozato, S. (2008). Japanese for Beginners : Learning Conversational Japanese - Second Edition (Includes Downloadable Audio). North Clarendon, Vt: Tuttle Publishing. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1569009
