
Foreign language (Russian)
Category 'Best Course for Career Development'
Category 'Best Course for Broadening Horizons and Diversity of Knowledge and Skills'
Category 'Best Course for New Knowledge and Skills'
Elective course
Area of studies:
International Relations
Delivered by:
Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs
2 year, 1-4 module
Mode of studies:
Open to:
students of one campus
Marina Korshak
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
A goal of the course is to improve the students` knowledge of the Russian language while reading texts, doing grammar and lexical exercises, pair and group in-class speaking practice, basing on their knowledge that, at the start of the course, should not be less than of A1 level. The course material is organized by topics of every-day life however learnt with more vocabulary and grammar peculiarities.
Learning Objectives
- To form basic abilities and skills in the main types of speech activity (reading, writing, listening, speaking) at the level A2
- improving oral communication skills in specific life situations;
- To develop conversational skills: initiating and maintaining small talks, discussing texts on different subjects of everyday life, giving and understanding advice, orders and instructions
- further students overcoming the psychological language barrier,
- To introduce students to the sociocultural pecularities of language behaviour in Russian and differences between it and their native language
- the acquisition of vocabulary necessary for communication within the framework of the topic under study.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Владеет русским языком на базовом уровне (А2)
- Владеет русским языком на уровне близком ТРКИ-1 (общее владение)
- Владеет русским языком на уровне не ниже ТРКИ-1
- Владеют русским языком на элементарном уровне (А1)
- Students can understand the difference between different types of verbs of motion and use it talking about their everyday life.
- Students can understand the difference between Perfective and Imperfective verbs and talk about their life using these forms.
- Students can use and understand phrases with comparative and superlative degree
- Students know hot to use Genitive case and to talk about their family and belongings
- Students know how and when to use different cases
- Students know how to form and understand complex phrases both in written and oral language.
- Students know how to use Accusative case and can talk about their travel routine in everyday life
- Students know how to use Dative case and how to talk about holidays and presents. Students can read, understan, produce oral and written texts on this topic.
- Students know how to use Instrumental case and can talk about their food preferences, can order food in the restaurant etc
- Students know how to use Prepositional case in oral and written language
Course Contents
- Раздел 1. Русский язык: элементарный уровень
- Раздел 2. Русский язык: базовый уровень
- Раздел 3. Русский язык: первый сертификационный уровень (общее владение)
- Раздел 4. Русский язык: первый сертификационный уровень (общее владение с элементами научного стиля речи)
Assessment Elements
- Written Homework
- Oral and written exam
- Small tests on the topics of the class
- Activity during classes
- Midterm test
- class attendance
- seminar activity
- home tasks
- test
- final testExam will be held online via Zoom. Links and further details will be send via email by the professor.
Interim Assessment
- 2020/2021 2nd module0.2 * Written Homework + 0.2 * Small tests on the topics of the class + 0.2 * Activity during classes + 0.4 * Midterm test
- 2020/2021 4th module0.2 * Activity during classes + 0.1 * Written Homework + 0.1 * Small tests on the topics of the class + 0.2 * Midterm test + 0.4 * Oral and written exam
- 2021/2022 2nd module0.2 * home tasks + 0.2 * final test + 0.25 * seminar activity + 0.2 * test + 0.15 * class attendance
- 2021/2022 4th module0.15 * class attendance + 0.2 * test + 0.25 * seminar activity + 0.2 * home tasks + 0.2 * final test
- 2022/2023 2nd module
- 2022/2023 4th module
- 2023/2024 2nd module
- 2023/2024 3rd module
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Дорога в Россию. 1: (Элементарный уровень), Антонова, В. Е., 2016
- Дорога в Россию. 2: (Базовый уровень), , 2016
- Дорога в Россию. 3, 1: (Первый уровень - 1), , 2016
- Русский язык : первые шаги. Ч.1: ., Беликова, Л. Г., 2019
- Русский язык : первые шаги. Ч.2: ., Беликова, Л. Г., 2018
- Русский язык : первые шаги. Ч.3: ., Беликова, Л. Г., 2019
- Русский язык в упражнениях : учеб. пособие для вузов, Хавронина, С. А., 2016
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Мои друзья падежи. Грамматика в диалогах, Булгакова, Л. Н., 2014
- Мои друзья падежи. Рабочая тетрадь, Булгакова, Л. Н., 2016
- Обсуждаем глобальные проблемы, повторяем русскую грамматику : учеб. пособие по рус. яз. для иностр. учащихся, Баско, Н. В., 2016