
Global Political Economy and Interaction between Business and Politics
Elective course
Area of studies:
Delivered by:
Магистерская программа "Международный бизнес", направление подготовки "Менеджмент"
School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
1 year, 4 module
Mode of studies:
Open to:
students of one campus
Maxim Bratersky
Master’s programme:
International Business
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
After several years of having international security dominating the political discourse, international political economy has returned with vengeance. This course will introduce students to the broad questions motivating the academic field of international political economy: Whose interests are served by the liberalization of trade and finance? What impact can multilateral organizations like the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and World Trade Organization have on the economic policies of member states and the functioning of the global economy? What determines the policies or rules promoted by these organizations? What motivates foreign aid policies? What is “globalization”? How can we assess its impacts on different countries and populations? Pre-requisites: World Economy, International Relations, International Business Research
Learning Objectives
- provide a general introduction to central issues treated by IPE
- survey existing interpretations of social, political and economic developments in the world with a focus on Russia’s interests and participation
- examine these developments within the framework of the contemporary literature in international political economy
Expected Learning Outcomes
- have advanced knowledge of International Relations and politics as approached in a different academic environment and from a different intellectual tradition
- know and understand historical and theoretical issues at the forefront of the discipline of international political economy, together with familiarity with appropriate bibliographical sources; the epistemological and methodological principles in their application to the study of IPE;
- know and understand key ontological, theoretical, and methodological problems of IPE
- know current challenges to international order, cooperation, identity, social formations, and global issues, and possible strategies to address them
- know how to carry out an independent research project and write in a scholarly manner demonstrating familiarity with academic conventions deal with complex issues both systematically and creatively, make sound judgments in the absence of complete data, and communicate their conclusions clearly;
- understand the changing role of the state in the context of globalization and regional integration and the implications for international peace and security
Course Contents
- International Political Economy
- Research Agenda of IPE: 1970 – 2010. IPE in Russia
- International Trade. Political regulation of International Trade. Russia’s Accession to WTO
- World Financial System. Origins of International Currencies and International Financial Systems. Imbalances accumulating in the Current International Financial System
- Prospect for the Reform of International Financial Institutions. Russia’s interests in the International Financial System
- Globalization, Regionalization. Criticism of Globalization
- Growth, Inequality, Development, Aid, Debt and Development
- Political Management of International Investment: Keeping the Gates of Domestic Financial Market
- Trade and Economic Sanctions: their efficiency in the Modern World. Economic War
- Multinational Corporations and the Internationalization of Production. Political and Market Strategy of the Company. Policy of Social Responsibility
- Globalization and Current Problems in International Political Economy
- Russia’s interests in the world political-economic system
- Concluding Seminar: The Future of the World Political, Economic and Financial Order
- Research Project
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Aliber, R. Z., & Kindleberger, C. P. (2015). Manias, Panics, and Crashes : A History of Financial Crises, Seventh Edition (Vol. Seventh edition). New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Retrieved from
- Barry Eichengreen. (1987). Hegemonic Stability Theories of the International Monetary System. NBER Working Papers. Retrieved from
- Benjamin J. Cohen. (2008). Introduction to International Political Economy: An Intellectual History. Introductory Chapters. Retrieved from
- Eichengreen, B. (2002). Financial Crises and What to Do About Them. Oxford University Press. Retrieved from
- Gore, C. (2000). The Rise and Fall of the Washington Consensus as a Paradigm for Developing Countries. World Development, (5), 789. Retrieved from
- Krasner, S. D. (2001). SOVEREIGNTY. Foreign Policy, (122), 20.
- Michael D. Bordo. (2008). An Historical Perspective on the Crisis of 2007-2008. NBER Working Papers. Retrieved from
- Stanley Fischer. (1999). On the Need for an International Lender of Last Resort. Retrieved from
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- International Political Economy : Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth Frieden, Jeffry A.; Lake, David A. Routledge 2002 ISBN: ISBN number:9780415222792, ISBN number:9780203518588