
Political Philosophy
Compulsory course (Philosophy)
Area of studies:
Delivered by:
School of Philosophy and Cultural Studies
Faculty of Humanities
4 year, 3 module
Mode of studies:
distance learning
Online hours:
Open to:
students of one campus
Alexei Gloukhov
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
Given the partisanship of the contemporary schools of political theory, the course focuses on fundamental philosophical problems rather than specific theories and names. Political philosophy is understood as the only fundamentally meaningful way to change human reality. The two following ways of change are contrasted throughout the course: the radical way of change with purpose of creating a new form of life, which is typical for the “continental” political philosophy, and the incremental way of change with purpose of consistent and sustainable improvement of an existing political community, which is typical for “analytic” or “normative” political philosophy. Neither way has priority by default, the choice of change being dependent on the purpose of change. Therefore, the first task of political philosophy is a meaningful basic orientation within the political reality. Starting from the basics, such as meaningful usage of human speech and agency, the course proceeds through analysis of such concepts as the good, justice, freedom, law, community, friendship, citizenship, democracy, power, to discussions of actual real-life issues of the contemporary political landscapes.
Learning Objectives
- Students will learn the contemporary political philosophy, with purpose of getting meaningful philosophical orientation within the political reality.
- Development of the independent moral and political judgement, as well as engagement with visual and textual sources will be emphasized.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- To develop logical skills allowing to discuss and to solve moral dilemmas and political problems.
- To master the key ideas, concepts and methods of the contemporary political philosophy.
- To use the introduced concepts and methods to present a solution in a written essay.
Course Contents
- Introduction. What is political philosophy?
- Two competing tendencies in the Modern political philosophy
- Advanced topics in the Normative Political Philosophy
- Basics of the Continental political philosophy
- Basics of the Normative Political Philosophy
- Comparison 1: Freedom (liberty)
- Advanced topics in the Continental Political Philosophy
- Comparison 4: Power
- Comparison 3: What is democracy?
- Comparison 2: Justice
- Inside Normative Political Philosophy
- Current political issues and problems
- Course conclusion
- Inside Continental Political Philosophy
Assessment Elements
- Seminar activityAttendance is graded with respect to formal leave of absence. Activity is graded solely on the basis of in-class participation (answers, comments etc.).
- Essay
- Final ExamThis is an oral exam, including three questions to answer from a given list. See attachment for sample questions.
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Arendt, H. (1973). The Origins of Totalitarianism. [Place of publication not identified]: Mariner Books. Retrieved from
- Aristotle. (2013). Politics. New York: Sheba Blake Publishing. Retrieved from
- Bell, D. (2014). The Oxford Handbook of Political Philosophy The Oxford Handbook of the History of Political Philosophy. Political Studies Review, 12(1), 94–95.
- Berlin, I., & Hardy, H. (2014). Freedom and Its Betrayal : Six Enemies of Human Liberty - Updated Edition (Vol. Second edition). Princeton: Princeton University Press. Retrieved from
- Bogumil Terminski. (2012). George Klosko (ed.), The Oxford Hanbook of the History of Political Philosophy, Oxford University Press, Oxford-New York, 2011, 864 pp. Revista Europea de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas y de Las Instituciones Públicas, (3). Retrieved from
- Duncan Bell. (2014). The Oxford Handbook of Political Philosophy by David Estlund (ed.). Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2012 . 446pp., £95.00, ISBN 9780195376692 The Oxford Handbook of the History of Political Philosophy by George Klosko (ed.). Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2012 . 840pp., £85.00, ISBN 9780199238804. Political Studies Review, (1), 94.
- M. F. (2011). The Oxford Handbook of the History of Political Philosophy. Contemporary Review, 293(1703), 537. Retrieved from
- Mouffe, C. (2012). Deliberative democracy or agonistic pluralism. Retrieved from
- Nozick, R. (2013). Anarchy, State, and Utopia. New York: Basic Books. Retrieved from
- Pettit, P. (2015). On the People’s Terms. Australia, Australia/Oceania: Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from
- Pettit, P. (2015). The instability of freedom as noninterference: The case of isaiah berlin. Retrieved from
- Plato, & Hiperlink (Firm). (2014). The Republic Plato. İstanbul: Hiperlink. Retrieved from
- Rawls, J. (DE-588)118598678, (DE-576)209078766. (1999). A theory of justice / John Rawls. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press. Retrieved from
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Mascaretti, G., & Foucault, M. (2018). The Analytic Philosophy of Politics. Retrieved from
- Pettit, P. (2019). Neo-Liberalism and Neo-Republicanism. Korea Observer, 50(2), 191–206.
- Philip Pettit. (2016). A Brief History of Liberty—And Its Lessons. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, (1), 5.
- Philip Pettit. (2016). The Globalized Republican Ideal. Global Justice: Theory, Practice, Rhetoric, (1).