Discourse Analysis
Elective course (Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication)
Area of studies:
Delivered by:
School of Foreign Languages
School of Foreign Languages
4 year, 1, 2 module
Mode of studies:
Open to:
students of all HSE University campuses
Листопадова Мария Владимировна,
Патрикеева Ирина Сергеевна,
Листопадова Мария Владимировна,
Anna Sebryuk
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
This course provides an introduction to discourse analysis, the study of language in use. It offers an overview of some of the major approaches to studying oral and written texts. Students will have the opportunity to try out different methods for the analysis of discourse using different theoretical perspectives and methodologies. We will examine and practice various analytic perspectives, including conversation analysis, critical discourse analysis, narrative, pragmatics/speech act theory, sociocultural theory, and interactional sociolinguistics. We will also work with theoretical and empirical literature on discourse analysis through required readings (and through preparing and leading a presentation based on the chosen literature). Finally, we will develop and propose projects using discourse analytic methods which will, in its turn, contribute to the theses and\or suit the academic interests of students.
Learning Objectives
- to acquaint students with approaches to and research in discourse analysis
- to familiarize students with modern and classic academic literature on discourse analysis
- to develop skills in analyzing both spoken and written discourse
- to provide students opportunities to apply discourse analytic methods in their own research
- to acquaint students with basic theoretical information and modern development in the field of discourse analysis and its features
- to develop basic skills for the implementation of discourse-analytical procedures on texts of different genres
Course Contents
- What is discourse analysis? Introduction & Course Overview. Different views of discourse analysis.
- Discourse and society. Discourse communities. Language as social and local practice. Discourse and gender. Discourse and identity. Discourse and ideology.
- Discourse and pragmatics. Language, context and discourse. Speech acts and discourse. Cross-cultural pragmatics and discourse.
- Genres and registers; spoken and written discourse. Applications of genre analysis.
- Discourse and conversation. Discourse transcription. Transcription conventions.
- Discourse grammar. The texture of a text. Patterns of cohesion. Grammatical differences between spoken and written discourse.
- Corpus approaches to Discourse analysis. Kinds of corpora. Corpus studies of the social nature of discourse.
- Multimodal discourse analysis.
- Critical Discourse Analysis.
- Doing Discourse Analysis.
Assessment Elements
- PortfolioAn assessment portfolio is a systematic collection of student work that represents student activities, accomplishments, and achievements over the entire course (home assignments; presentations; essays, responses).
- Group ProjectStudents will work in groups of 2 to 3 students to prepare a discourse analysis paper (following the guidelines). Discourse Analysis Paper (1000-1500 words) that links the student’s research interests with the topics and issues raised in class. Students will prepare a 5-7-minute presentation introducing their group project (discourse analysis paper).
- Group Project PresentationStudents will prepare a 5-7-minute presentation introducing their group project (discourse analysis paper).
- Participation
Interim Assessment
- 2021/2022 2nd module0.3 * Portfolio + 0.25 * Group Project + 0.25 * Group Project Presentation + 0.2 * Participation
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Discourse analysis : an introduction, Paltridge, B., 2013
- Discourse analysis as theory and method, Jorgensen, M., 2014
- The discourse reader, , 2002
- The Routledge handbook of discourse analysis, , 2014
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Discourse analysis : a resource book for students, Jones, R. H., 2012
- Methods of text and discourse analysis, Titscher, S., 2007