
Category 'Best Course for Broadening Horizons and Diversity of Knowledge and Skills'
Category 'Best Course for New Knowledge and Skills'
Elective course (Politics. Economics. Philosophy)
Area of studies:
Political Science
Delivered by:
School of Politics and Governance
Faculty of Social Sciences
2 year, 1, 2 module
Mode of studies:
Костелянец Сергей Валерьянович
Master’s programme:
Политика. Экономика. Философия
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
The aim of this course is to make students familiar with the major concepts, theories, and debates in Ethnoconflictology – the study of conflictive situations and the appropriate cultural methods of resolving them from an anthropological perspective. Conflict may perhaps be viewed as one of the most intriguing and complex cultural events there exist. It is believed that ethnic conflict is the oldest form of social conflict, and that in fact other types of conflict play only a secondary role. The present course covers the main theoretical concepts of Ethnoconflictology, discusses sources and dynamics of ethnic conflicts, their typology, strategies of conflict reduction and resolution, and ways to heal the society in the post-conflict period. It exposes students to contemporary advanced theoretical approaches to ethnic identity, conflict, and conciliation in a number of specific situations in the contemporary world. The central theme throughout the course is the role of identity in conflict processes and structures The course is intended for students wishing to pursue the study of the processes and consequences of ethnic conflict and violence, and of peacemaking and conciliation in the contemporary world. It will be of interest to those with experience in, or considering a career in conflict prevention and resolution, humanitarian relief and conciliation, as well as to those concerned with general representation of conflict and responses to it.
Learning Objectives
- to make students familiar with the major concepts, theories, and debates in Ethnoconflictology;
- to develop and/or foster the ability to critically review published research outcomes, which are based on contemporary research and global best practices in Ethnoconflictology;
- to cultivate students' ability to prepare reports in the proper academic form on topics related to ongoing research activities.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Ability to analyze, verify and assess information, synthesize any lacking details and work in uncertain conditions
- Ability to learn new research methods and approaches on his/her own, to evolve professionally
- Ability to carry out research and other professional activities in an international environment
- Ability to freely use foreign languages for professional communication
- Ability to communicate effectively with different audiences, to deliver her/his message clearly and to tailor it depending on the audience’s age, education, attitude to the speaker, etc.
- Ability to report the work results and present them according to required standards
- Ability to analyze acquired research methods and interpret the results of the research
Course Contents
- IntroductionEthnoconflictology as a subfield of Anthropology. Ethnoconflictology and Conflictology (Conflict Resolution). Evolution of Ethnoconflictology. Subject and object of Ethnoconflictology. Structure of the discipline.
- Main Theoretical Concepts of Ethnoconflictology. Ethnic Identity, Culture, and ConflictEthnicity, ethnic group and nation. Problems of definition and relevant theories. Interethnic relations. Culture and conflict. Theoretical concepts of Ethnoconflictology.
- Ethnic Conflicts: Genesis and DynamicsSocio-cultural, political, economic root causes and contexts. Specifics of ethnic conflict. Functions, forms and mechanisms of ethnic conflict. Stages of development. Ethnic conflicts in the modern world
- Classification of Ethnic ConflictsProblems of classification. Ethnic conflicts and other types of conflict. Cultural and ethnic factors in non-ethnic conflicts. Genocide and ethnic cleansing. Specifics of secessionist conflicts.
- Approaches to Ethnic Conflict AnalysisTheories of conflict analysis from various disciplines. An anthropological perspective and synthesis. Key criteria and indicators.
- Regulation of Ethnic Conflict: Strategies and MethodsProblems of conflict management. Principles of conflict management. Conflict prevention. Promotion of tolerance
- Conflict Resolution MechanismsDe-escalation, peacemaking and peacekeeping. Coercion, consensus, violence, power sharing schemes. Integrated approaches. Negotiations. Tracks of diplomacy. Arbitration and mediation
- Post-conflict ConciliationSustainability of peace. Aims and priorities of post-conflict political, economic, social reconstruction
Interim Assessment
- Interim assessment (2 module)0.2 * Essay + 0.1 * Essay (literature review) + 0.3 * Final exam + 0.2 * Homework + 0.2 * Presentation
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Anderson, B. R. O. (2006). Imagined Communities : Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. London: Verso. Retrieved from
- Cultural contestation in ethnic conflict, Ross, M. H., 2007
- Ethnic groups in conflict : with a new preface, Horowitz, D. L., 2000
- Imagined communities : reflections on the origin and spread of nationalism, Anderson, B., 1991
- Ross, M. H. (2007). Cultural Contestation in Ethnic Conflict. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Genocide : a comprehensive introduction, Jones, A., 2006
- Horowitz, S. (2006). Ethnic Conflict and Rebel Group Governance. Conference Papers —— American Political Science Association, 1–41. Retrieved from
- Jones, A. (2016). Genocide : A Comprehensive Introduction (Vol. Third edition). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Retrieved from