
Innovative Business Models
Elective course (Business Administration)
Area of studies:
Delivered by:
Department of Marketing
Faculty of Management
4 year, 1 module
Mode of studies:
Open to:
students of all HSE University campuses
Andrei Starkov
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
This course introduces students to the concept and practical application of the business model as a strategic and managerial tool. It delves deep into its analytical uses (assessing existing businesses) and design uses (creating new businesses). Central to both is the role of marketing. Strategic marketing bridges the perspectives of customers, competitors, and the company, offering vital insights into the business modeling process. Students will master the business model framework to holistically analyze organizations, with an emphasis on refining their value propositions, positioning, and market-entry strategies. They'll also cultivate the skills needed to thrive as both entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs. Our teaching approach combines theory-rich lectures peppered with illustrative case studies and hands-on group sessions centered on case method teaching, enabling students to apply learned concepts and tools through collaborative and individual tasks.
Learning Objectives
- To familiarise students with a notion of business model as a concept and as a managerial tool which can be used for both analytical (analysis of existing business) and design (development of a new business) purposes.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Understands a concept of a business model, knows main theoretical research streams in business models studies and can list main building blocks of a business model.
- Knows examples of typical business models patterns, can list advantages and disadvantages of each pattern, can determine which business model pattern to choose under various contextual circumstances.
- Knows business models innovation strategies, can apply the such strategies in designing business models from scratch, can apply such strategies to amend existing business models
- Can use the following business models frameworks as analytical and design tools: Business Model Canvas (A. Osterwalder). Business model navigator (O. Gassmann). 4W approach (Girotra K.)
Course Contents
- Theoretical foundations of business models
- Frameworks for business model analysis and design
- Classifications of business model patterns
- Overview of business model patterns
- Managing business models
Assessment Elements
- Exam
- Collaborative work on Perusall
- Tests
- Group Presentation- There is no rigid structure for your presentation. However, certain topics are required to be covered. - Please give an overview of the BM pattern, any history behind it’s popularity and development over time. You can mention companies or brands which pioneered the pattern and developed it to the next level. - Provide some analysis on the BM pattern — pros and cons, when to employ etc. - Illustrate the pattern with the help of examples. If possible use your own examples. Also would be great if you coould look at russian companies. Here you might want to employ the Business model canvas (BMC) to demonstrate the interdependancies within the BM blocks on the example of a specific company. Some BM patterns can be easily analysed with the help of BMC, some are more challenging to think about using that framework. So use your best judgement. - BM patterns as they are conceptualised by Gassmann et al. are essentially approaches to do business so don’t expect that you would be able to talk about all 9 blocks of BMC presenting your pattern. Some BM patterns are focused on ways how companies obtain revenue, some are about ways to design and position yourself in freames of the value chain, some are about innovative ways to define value proposition, and some offer avenues to grow the business. - The main goal for your presntation is to familiarise your groupmates with the BM pattern and prepare the materials which will be used by the group in prepartion for the exam. So please make your slides content rich or provide links to the sources.
- Extra assignments
Interim Assessment
- 2022/2023 1st module"Exam" (max 100) * 0,4 + "Collaborative work on Perusal" (max 100) * 0,2 + "Tests" * 0,2 + "Group presentation" (max 100) * 0,2 + "Extra assignments" (max 10)
Recommended Core Bibliography
- A business model for entrepreneurship, Verstraete, T., 2011
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Business model generation : a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers, Osterwalder, A., 2010
- Evolving business models : how CEOs transform traditional companies, , 2017