
English for Specific Purposes. Public Administration - 2
Category 'Best Course for Broadening Horizons and Diversity of Knowledge and Skills'
Optional course
Delivered by:
School of Foreign Languages
3, 4 module
Open to:
students of one campus
Viktor Makarenko
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
The discipline refers to the variable educational tracks offered to students of the curricula for bachelor's and master's degree at choice while mastering the optional course of English in accordance with the Concept of developing English-speaking communicative competence of students of Higher School of Economics — National Research University https://www.hse.ru/docs/381549301.html The academic discipline “English language for specific purposes. Public Administration - 2” is aimed at the formation of students’ foreign language communicative competence at B2-C1 levels, as well as the formation of academic skills necessary for the use of English in educational, scientific and professional activities, further training in given educational and professional fields. The discipline is designed for the 1st year students, provides for the development of the English language skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking as well as lexical and grammatical efficiency, aimed at effective communication. The program integrates the following aspects: General English, English for Academic Purposes, and English for Specific Purposes, with special emphasis on the latter aspect. All integrated aspects present adequate extent of the English Language depending on the specifics of the training area of the education program. Students, successfully completed the program, will be prepared to take exams.
Learning Objectives
- . Formation of academic and professional communication competencies necessary for the use of the English language in educational, scientific, and professional activities. 2. Complex formation of communicative skills in the range of the set levels of communicative competence. 3. Development of information culture: searching for and systematize the necessary information, determining its reliability, referencing and using to create own texts of various directions; working with large amounts of information in a foreign language. 4. Integrated development of cognitive and research skills using resources in a foreign language during classroom and independent work. 5. Development of students' foreign language communicative competence in the range of B2-C1 levels according to the European scale CEFR levels.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- To use basic listening techniques (predicting, understanding main ideas and details)
- to take part in discussions and give logically structured talks on various professionally oriented issues, providing reasons for their opinions, and expressing themselves fluently and spontaneously without obvious searching for expressions B2+
- to use language flexibly and effectively for academic and professional purposes
- to develop skills in writing essays
- to develop understanding of specialised complex longer texts*/articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems (CEFR)
- to understand lectures, dialogues and polylogues on both familiar and unfamiliar topics
- analyse advantages and disadvantages of a situation; produce a well-structured essay on a wide range of subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors, and cohesive devices; develop an argument with relevant supporting detail
- develop skills of note - taking
- give a structured talk (monologue): descriptive/informative/reasoning
- to participate in discussions on various topics (active listening, questioning, responding to questions, emphasizing);
- to understand a wide range of texts, including technical discussions in the field of International Relations and Business; identify key information in a linguistically complex text; quickly scan long, complex texts for specific information B2+; understand differences and similarities between points of view B2+;
- use basic reading techniques, skimming & scanning (predicting, understanding main ideas, understanding details)
Course Contents
- 1. Why public services matter:
- 2. The nature of administrative culture:
- 3. Recruitment of public personnel:
- 4. Methods of recruitment:
- 5. Ethnic representatives in the public services:
- 6. The politics of administrative accountability:
- 7. The politics of public management:
Assessment Elements
- FINAL ASSESSMENTThe interim exam lasts 70 minutes. The exam is written paper-and-pen test and is aimed at checking whether the student can demonstrate the acquisition of the learning objectives set. The exam consists of two parts, i.e. Reading and Writing that weigh 40% and 60% respectively in the total mark for the exam. The actual scores for Reading are turned into percentages which are tuned into a final mark out of 10 points. Grading scale: 10 =100 - 96%, 9=95 - 91%, 8=90 - 86%, 7 = 85 - 78%, 6 =77 - 71%, 5= 70 - 61%, 4 = 60 - 51%, 3 = 50 - 36%, 2 = 35 - 21%, 1 = 20 - 1 %, 0 = 0%. Writing is assessed against criteria. Period of FA: 10 days prior to the fourth module’s session. The release of examination papers: during the session. Time limit: 70 minutes online/offline. 1. Reading (R) Max. 10 points. Students have no more than 20 minutes to complete the Reading part. Read the text. Possible reading tasks: • Correct option for each task (multiple choice). • Fill in the gaps (gap-filling). • Decide whether the statement is True, False or Not Given. 2. Writing (W) Write an essay on one of the topics given. Max. 10 points. Students should write a 250-word essay. Students have 50 minutes to complete the Writing part. Grading formula: R* 0.4 + W*0.6 = 10.
- Oral AssessmentStudents are expected to participate in in class discussion and reveal knowledge of the subject and terminology. Students should use appropriate language (ESP)
- Written AssessmentWritten assessment may include: 1 listening/reading test, 1-2 vocabulary tests/quizes, 1-2 written works (summary/essay).
- Independent workIndependent work may include activities that students do at home(preparation), in class (presentation) and online work(LMS). The elements of independent work cannot be retaken. LMS activity assessment- Band scale = % of work fully completed: 10 =95-100%; 9= 88-94% 8 = 81-87% 7 = 74-80% 6 = 66-73% 5 = 58-65% 4 = 50-57% 3 = 41-49% 2 = 31-40% 1 = 1%-30% 0 =plagiarism; or no work handed in or the student was absent. A fully completed task means that an assigned task meets the deadline and all the requirements.
Interim Assessment
- 2022/2023 4th moduleThe final grade is composed of the following parts: 25% Written Assessment (WA) +20% Oral Assessment (OA) + 25% student Independent Work Assessment /online (IWA) + 30% Final Assessment (FA).
Recommended Core Bibliography
- English for management studies in higher education studies : course book, Corballis, T., 2009
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Management and marketing with mini-dictionary, MacKenzie, I., 1997
- Management and marketing with mini-dictionary, MacKenzie, I., 2001