
Digital Economy
Elective course (International Relations)
Area of studies:
International Relations
Delivered by:
School of World Economy
3 year, 3, 4 module
Mode of studies:
distance learning
Online hours:
Open to:
students of one campus
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
The objective of the course is to introduce students to key trends of the global economy of the past 4 decades, driven by fast change in information and communication technologies (ICT), with the emphasis on the particularly fast pace of change of the past decade, and its impact on organizations. The course will focus on economic, social, managerial and human aspects of digitalization and its positive and negative impact on society, corporate strategy, on opportunities and risks it brings to young professionals. Ethical issues, unintended negative costs and externalities of IT will be addressed, helping students to develop critical thinking and approach. The aim of the program is to help students define key objectives for their personal development, career paths and hurdles, provide them with the understanding of main global players’ strategies across industries, familiarize themselves with the main actors of the digital stage, learn the basic terminology for an informed discussion, search for analytics and help integrate their newly-acquired knowledge into their future jobs, directly related or unrelated to IT function in their organizations. Digital economy is an ever-changing stage set of various technologies, actors, concepts, countries, hopes and phobias. It is not easy to base the course on an established body of knowledge or academic research. Hence, a lot of emphasis will be put on individual research, including going beyond the recommended sources, by doing a lot of group work and interacting with active professionals in the digitalization space. One of the challenges of such course is the ability to reach out to a class often comprised of students with very different degrees of knowledge, skills and personal involvement into IT, stemming from their previous academic experience, hobbies or professional careers. It is expected that the more ‘IT-advanced’ part of the class will help to contribute to the learning trajectory by providing their contributions on more ‘hard’ topics as well as playing the roles of IT professions in group discussions, while students with ‘soft’ skills will focus on more societal and managerial aspects of digitalization. The first part of the course will be devoted to key concepts (and buzzwords), players, technologies and success stories, providing a basis for understanding of how the IT and digitalization space came to exist in its current form and shape. The course starts with the introduction to the key concepts of digitalization as it is defined today, showing its relationship to the previous waves of IT and key enabling technologies and technology players. The concepts of the Cloud, Networks, Software, Data, AI will be addressed. A short introduction to the key global players in technologies and their strategies (Cisco, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, Huawei, Samsung…) will be part of the class discussion, as well as the role of system integrators and mobile operators, particularly as potential employers for the class. 5G challenge and opportunities it offers will be discussed too, along with such hot topics as the blockchain (as a standalone phenomenon and enabler for data security). Data security and its challenges will also be addressed. We will also delve in more detail into the current landscape of the giants of the new economy, trying to assess their business models and understand the success factors explaining their current roles on the global or regional level. The importance of their ‘founding fathers’ in their success will be a topic of discussion. We will examine how trade, environmental policies, social trends, domestic and foreign policy considerations and government regulations are shaping the future of IT, what are the main risks of the rise of the tech giants and new disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence. In the second part of the course we will take a closer look at how digitalization impacts various industries. For each of the markets we will identify the main market trends and enabling technologies. We will zoom on banking, transportation, public sector, retail, industry and agriculture. Industry-specific trends will be addressed, as well as their impact on the future of each industry. The course suggests active self-study and students’ individual work. Some of the assignments are individual assignments and others will be group assignments.
Learning Objectives
- getting to know the terminology and key trends of digitization, main concepts and players
- acquiring the understanding of the ways digitalization affects global macro-economic trends, economies, corporations and governments, be able to assess digital transformation in the context of economic history
- getting the basic knowledge of the enablers and value created by digitalization and how various players can benefit from it
- determining the role of Russian and other regional players on the global stage
- dealing with digitalization initiatives in various sectors
- learning to identify sources of information, finding ways to acquire knowledge and skills on their own, work through long reading assignments, prepare posters and presentations, improve public speaking and time management skills and skills for effective team work
Expected Learning Outcomes
- self-organization for solving professional objectives in the area of digital
- communicate on various aspects of digital taking into account aims and situation of the discussion
- create analytical reports based on Russian and foreign sources of information
- do research, including analysis of the problems, setting tasks, finding subject and object of the research, choosing methods of the research and evaluating its quality
- evaluate resource needs and plan them
- gather, analyze and work with statistical data, information, scientific and research reports, needed for solving economic tasks
- organize the work of a small teammates created for realizing a concrete economic project
- present results of analytical and research activity
- set scientific and research tasks
- work with the information: use different sources for solving scientific and professional problems (including those needed for system approach)
- study, obtain new knowledge and get new skills, including those different from the professional field
- discuss and present ones thought orally and in written form both in Russian and English
- get scientific essence of the problems in professional field
- solve problems in professional field using analysis and synthesis
Course Contents
- Introduction to the course
- Enablers of digitalization: key technologies and technology players.
- Key global players in digitalization space: FANG, FAANG, GAFAM.
- Global competition in digitalization space: semiconductors, software, cybersecurity
- Sector impact and strategies. Transportation and travel.
- Sector impact and strategies. Public sector, education and healthcare.
- Sector impact and strategies. Industry and agriculture.
- Digitalization of a traditional company, performance metrics and tools
- Sector impact and strategies. Ecosystem, banking.
Interim Assessment
- 2023/2024 4th module0.4 * Activity in seminars + 0.2 * Attendance + 0.4 * Individual course projects
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Copeland, T. E., Weston, J. F., & Shastri, K. (2014). Financial Theory and Corporate Policy: Pearson New International Edition (Vol. 4th ed). Harlow, Essex: Pearson. Retrieved from
- V. G. Khalin, & G. V. Chernova. (2018). Digitalization and Its Impact on the Russian Economy and Society: Advantages, Challenges, Threats and Risks.
- Демистификация ИТ : что на самом деле информационные технологии дают бизнесу, Ермошкин, Н., 2006
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Преодоление пропасти : как вывести технологический продукт на массовый рынок, Мур, Дж. А., 2013