
Mathematical Methods for Distributed Ledger Systems
Category 'Best Course for Broadening Horizons and Diversity of Knowledge and Skills'
Category 'Best Course for New Knowledge and Skills'
Elective course (Software Engineering)
Area of studies:
Software Engineering
Delivered by:
School of Software Engineering
Faculty of Computer Science
4 year, 1-3 module
Mode of studies:
Open to:
students of all HSE University campuses
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
Mathematical Methods for Distributed Ledger Systems: Distributed ledger technology (blockchain) was introduced in 2008 as a basis for the Bitcoin cryptocurrency and has found application in many areas: state registries, supply chain, financial sector, and others by the moment. The blockchain is based on beautiful mathematical approaches from cryptography, data structures and distributed algorithms, such as public-key cryptography, Merkle trees and consensus protocols, and challenges researchers with new ones. The course will tell you what a distributed ledger is, about its underlying theoretical principles and what current trends are in it. Mastering the material requires only standard computer science student skills, namely: • to be familiar with at least one high-level programming language and not be afraid of meeting new ones; • do not be afraid of power over a given field either on paper or in a computer; • draw pictures and display text in Jupyter notebook; • understand what an algorithm is.
Learning Objectives
- study of distributed ledger (blockchain) technology with an emphasis on its mathematical foundations, as well as technical and applied aspects
Expected Learning Outcomes
- The ability to simulate cryptographic primitives and simplest blockchains in the Jupiter laptop web application.
- Ability to design a blockchain application from the formulation of an application problem to a technical description.
- Ability to simulate cryptographic primitives and simplest blockchains in the Jupiter laptop web application.
- Ability to design a blockchain application from the formulation of an application problem to technical description.
- Be able to program and run simple smart contracts in Solidity language.
- Be able to program and run simple smart contracts on the Hyperledger platform
Course Contents
- Blockchain basics
- Cryptography basics
- Smart contracts
- Deeper into blockchain
- Private blockchains
Assessment Elements
- Blockchain Basics
- Smart Contracts Basics
- Cryptography Basics
- Smart contracts
- Bitcoin
- Blockchain data mining
Interim Assessment
- 2023/2024 учебный год 1 модуль=round(max(Intermediate * I(Intermediate >=6), 0.6 * Exam + 0.4 * Intermediate, Exam)), where * Intermediate = 0.5 * ([Blockchain Basics] + [Smart Contracts Basics]) * I(A) = 1, if an event A is true; and I(A) = 0, if A is false.
- 2023/2024 учебный год 3 модуль= I(Final exam > 0) * round(0.6 * Final exam + 0.4 * Intermediate) + I(Final exam == 0) * (Intermediate>= 6) * Intermediate, where * Intermediate = 1/3 * Term 1 grade + 1/6 * ([Bitcoin] + [Blockchain data mining] + [Cryptography Basics] + [Smart contracts])
Recommended Core Bibliography
- 9780128123003 - David LEE Kuo Chuen; Robert H. Deng - Handbook of Blockchain, Digital Finance, and Inclusion : Cryptocurrency, FinTech, InsurTech, Regulation, ChinaTech, Mobile Security, and Distributed Ledger. 2 Volume Set - 2017 - Elsevier Science - - nlebk - 1348391
- Handbook of blockchain, digital finance, and inclusion. Vol.1: Cryptocurrency, FinTech, InsurTech, and regulation, , 2018
- Introduction to cryptography, Buchmann, J., 2004
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Handbook of blockchain, digital finance, and inclusion. Vol.2: China Tech, mobile security, and distributer ledger, , 2018
- Introduction to cryptography and network security, Forouzan, B. A., 2008