Postgraduate course

Modern research in corporate finance
Elective course
Area of studies:
Postgraduate Studies
Delivered by:
School of Finance
2 year, 1 semester
Mode of studies:
Open to:
students of one campus
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
The course is absolutely necessary for developing the analytical skills in the area of corporate financial decisions and understanding their relevance to the empirical evidence in developed and emerging markets. It covers the extensions for the key concepts in corporate finance explaining hurdle rates and cost of equity analysis in the integrated and segmented capital markets, the financing and payout decisions and the empirical research in the field of developed and emerging markets data, and the corporate control and governance issues with the emphasis on financial architecture of the modern firm. The course is thought to become a core theoretical background to the related financial courses for advanced studies.
Learning Objectives
- The purpose of the methodological scientific seminar is the formation of professional research, analytical and consulting competencies for writing high-level scientific papers in the field of corporate finance, financial markets and financial institutions (including investment funds), banking, risk management, insurance, as well as accounting and analysis corporate financial reporting.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- A student compares research design
- Able to learn anthropological perspective on house as a method.
- A student knows the main approaches in the field and can use the main methods in political science
- Affective mechanisms of decision-making
- Able to think critically and interpret the experience (personal and of other persons), relate to professional and social activities
- Able to solve professional problems based on synthesis and analysis
- A student can critically evaluate and rethink the accumulated experience (one's own and another's), think about professional and social activities.
- Formation understanding of the main problems of the research topic and the methodology for their solution, the formation of skills for searching for empirical data, setting and solving scientific problems, replenishing knowledge of the main sources of scientific literature on the topic. Formation of analytical skills on the example of the Russian financial market.
- the ability to choose a relevant topic for research; structure your research, including for the purpose of further publication;
- the ability to identify and determine the scientific novelty of the research;
- • formation of the ability to compile a qualitative literature review, systematization and critical analysis of scientific literature;
- developing the skills of building research and formulating research hypotheses in specific areas of corporate financial policy of Russian companies and companies from other growing capital markets;
- • application of modern mathematical tools for solving financial and economic problems;
- use of modern software for solving problems of corporate finance;
- • formation of the ability to create a high-quality database for conducting computational and applied statistical experiments;
- • implementation of practical training tasks related to the search and primary analysis of data;
Course Contents
- 1. Scientific knowledge about modern portfolio management and mutual funds (6 academic hours)
- 2. Scientific theories: the state sector of the economy and its impact on the performance of companies (4 academic hours)
- 3. Scientific theories: investing pension savings and reserves (4 academic hours)
- 4. Scientific theories: factors of financial market development (4 academic hours)
- 5. Public offerings of shares: a scientific and practical view of Russian and international experience (4 academic hours)
- The main stages of writing a scientific work
- Literature search.
- Research Methodology
- Working with databases