The Psychology of Sustainability
Delivered by:
School of Psychology
4 module
Open to:
students of all HSE University campuses
Elena Sautkina
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
Global environmental change, e.g. environmental degradation, climate change, are among the most serious problems of our times due to direct threats for human health and wellbeing, safety and security, economy and politics, to mention but a few areas. Psychological science has an important role to play in helping to shape people’s awareness and action in order to transition towards an environmentally sustainable future. Since 1960s, Environmental Psychology has been contributing a great wealth of theory, methodology and evidence in the areas of environmental sustainability and pro-environmental action. The course will cover six broad themes: 1) Theory and Research Methods of Psychology of Sustainability, 2) Psychological Underpinnings of the Environmental and Climate Crisis, 3) Psychological Determinants of Pro-Environmental Action 4) Nature, Environmental Sustainability and Human Well-being, 5) Psychology of Sustainable Cities, 6) Practical Applications in Psychology of Sustainability. Interactive lectures and active learning seminars will enable the students to gain basic knowledge, competences and skills to pursue further academic and/or practical work in this area.